HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-12-28, Page 8?AGrE EIGHT Si;.,(tram t SJkiet r� Herds Wishing You the Happiest ot Alt New Year'''s • MCFAVISITS KENSALL Aliss Arty Lanuuie, df \\'indsi,r, spent the Christmas holidays with her mtather. -\Lrs, leanl:utic, and ,sister. Al iss (.freta I.amntie. \1r. and Mrs, eche Dnngadl and fa- mily of Aylmer are spending the 'hod .ideys ,with relatives near Hene.all. Mr. and Mrs. Get, Walker and .on Donald visited over the holiday with relatives and friends in 'Toronto, :sir. Fred Peer, who has rbern cons fitted to \VL.tnttlt ter H > petal: Lon- klt9n, for the past six ,weeks suffering With a fractured )e,g, -returned haute • on Friday to spend Christmas with his wife.aud!ftmntily. Mrs. Rob. Maclaren, who has iicen •visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Ed, • Glenn, neat Chinon, has returned 'to .11ensall. 'Phe Ladies' Association of Cannel Vitarch are having :the manse redecor- ated this wrack the work being done by Ale s,rs, R.- L. Siha'dedielk and Ed- Ward 1.tttle. Mies:Margaret Dick of St. Thomas -yietteeretieer the holiday season with -Ater parents, \'l.r, and Mrs. Cleo. Dick .and inenrbers of LIw tfantily, Misse Mary Hemphill of London is 1)ongall and Mrs, W. A. AyLaeLaren, accompanied Ibv Airs A. Dnng,al] on the piano, .\ ntitsical selection by the Mustard orchestra was ,n,nch enjoyed. The c tairmran, Rev. D. C. Hill, then save a. very 'hmmorous speech which erased hilarious laughter. A niton duet by Aire. •\lalcohn Dougall and 'Miss M.tegaret Dougall was fallowid by a reading, "The 'Night After -Chris rias," Mrs. Roy Bell. •Miss line 'Alerdock :favored ,with a piano solo, yolk teed by a musical selection rbv the \I'u card orchestra. A piano solo lby Mrs. Malcolm Deegan concluded •the lir, gr.uu after which Santa Clans ar- rived and distributed gifts from the Cltri.tunas tree. Alas:' Irene Haskins of 'Toronto spent the holidays with relatives here. 21r. and Mrs. Perils Catttelon :incl amndy .,f Stltomberg :spent the holi- day with the former'. -mother, Aire, Katt e or:e•1nn, Mr. have Patterson of Toronto is eeenrhing the holiday with his nar- terson, Mr. \Nilson Berry and Mr. anti People, e, .te fisted by the choir. After Mrs. Ed Berry of Toronto •spent the noes :anal charas, Rev. Mr' Christmas with theformer's mother, 1 lirok , gave a chert address. 'fisc• Mrs. np Ann Berry. ri,eent int laded a star exercise by Misses .Violet S'ehwaien of 't. -the .creel beginners. a song, "Sing for -visiting with her +parents, ,Mr, and 'Thome and Margaret Schwalm �nf Joy'"• by nine primary -girls. an cove - Urs. A. W. E. Hemphill.Mr, Lorne Elder of Kingston visit- ed recently with his parrnts,..Mr. turd • Mrs. John Eider. Mr. and Mrs.\\'•1n, (;•ram and dant- -family nlf I'ort Dover spent the 'g'a'ls two and three part !songs and so- ,ghtcr ani Mr, ami Mrs. Percy Grant week end with relatives and friends 'los and choruses concluded the pag- ed l.arisitig spent: the holiday Withhere. • cant. The stage decorations, costumes 'their tparents..Mr. anti \6rs. Geo, Ale and Airs, A. L. Case spent 'and •heautifinl ligdhtintt; effect' added Grant. • Christmas with relatives in Deneend, Much -to the i4rtprt' eivtntss of the Mr, Clare Zuelle of 1 ietowel is %srpending the holidays with his grand - ,parent. Mr. and \Irs..John Zuefle. Air. and Mrs, Harold Shepherd of enc Mr, and Mrs, R. J, Pat THE SEAFORTH NEWS 'Betielethetli Star." 'Nexe. Sunday Me. Andrejy •Alclieezie of Knee. Calle(ge, '1'oron'to will eonduet the service:. kits Robe Passmore of Toronto is spendi,)g else holidays ,with leis. par- ents, Mr. 'and 'Mrs: 'joke. Passmore, and, d-ur.iitg elle 'Chtieentae -season as- sisted' at diet poet office. 'Ale.. ansi Airs. Harry Cook of Tor- onto Visftecl on'Christmas with the toupee's parents,' Abe. and 'Mea. Corn chits 'Cook. \'Ir. Harold Sihernitt of Dundas Arts nen vistUng•'dewing the holidays with el r. and IMIrs. T..'J. Sherribt, . Mt, end ait(rs, Ken rHicles end Itamn- ily spent •Ohrr tntav w'itlh :Mrs. Ht'cks' another, Alt,. 'Nicholson, .at 1 at•kltvll. Miss Edith Parkins of Exeter, Mr Murray Petkine Of Zurich and Mr. and Mrs. Cline .Flynn, London, spent the week end et the rh:oatre of their parents, Mr, and .Mane. rJamree Parkins, Fkl:is Elsie Rotbibins, who has 'been employed for the Christmas season with :Airs Hfctks et the five cent to a dollar :store, Mas returned to the home of .her mother, Mrs, Stinnin:d' at Wha- len, Me. Howard Hemphill of Toronto spent 'the 'holiday with rhes :parent:, \Ir. and Mrs A. \V. F.. Hemrphill.. Mr. and Mrs, Gen Fen;guson and Alis Violet Hyde speet Christmas with Mt -and Mfrs, idtos, Ferguson .and batt• hoer Edith in Seaferth. Nies, Hannah Workman and 'Miss Airs. J, Brenkhi,lt and son Harolul', of Kitchener, A',ir, :Milton 'Ontwein and 'on Lloyd of Loudon, Mt, and Mee, la., Paterson anti :bit. and Airs, G. \i, Drysdale and -family of Hensall. ;41r, and Ares. Milne Rennie anti rfa- tuily. Sea'Eortth, and Die R, P. I. iJ'au- >,all and -family of Petrolia spent Christmas -with •lir, and Airs. Wm. Deega2I. elise Mary Pesehanati, R.N., of Nia- gara Fans, 211 Mangaret Buchanan of Pott ll gran and Air, and Mire. John Buchanan of Landon spent C hristmes with their Brother, Airs. Alex, Buch- anan. Dr, 21', T. ,lcynt of Brockville, Dr; Barry Joynt of Byron and ;Mr, and Mr.. Laird '1aynt and Larry :of Tot - meta :.pent Christmas with their mo- ther, Mrs, Alice ioynt. \dr, and 'Mts. Harry MacMillan .spent tine week end ,witlli relatives in New Ilaanbut-g .and Kitchener. Air. and Mrs. Lawrence Bttynieam and family orf Exeter visited over the holiday with Mr. anti Ales. Peter Moir CROMARTY Alt•, and Mrs David flrttee and Mr. and Airs. Frank Bruce attended the rfntcral elf William Gains in Dunnville on 'Wed -nes -day afternoon. It w^as with deep regret that the NI aird \finrl:man .pent l.hrista5ta community I -earned of -the aleatlt of t, 11 r. andMrs.Herb Britton and \1r; Malcolm I.antmond at her home nh as Dublin. in London, She woes a member for 11i lice Dottga'1l df Toronto is ,ear, t'f the C'rnntarty Pre.tbp- h.vlidaying with her parents. Mr. and terian Church, \Irs, \\'ln Dungall. Mfrs \\•, 1i. l utiord of Toronto is To Observe Golden Wedding,- penalhts the holidays at her home Air. and Mrs. J. \V. Ortw'ein cele here. 'treats their golden wedding anni'ver- Air. lames ,S.eott was in Toronto on try on Mondays January 1. 19-i hvsine last week. Mur - Fifty ye u. ,ego, t1 r. J, \\ 'Orrivedn, Mr. and Mrs. John Fulton and Mur - then Heiner in l.i towel, was married ray McGill of Mitchell visited at the in Zmtrich, 'Ont., to Elizabeth Wagner, home of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Meltel- dauglhter of ,the late Mr. and Mrs. lair- l'onranf 1\r,,ncr, of tttrich by Rev. N)'. and Mrs, John Kemp and ram- i, Limbach. They resided in Ldetrnvcl ily of Munro were guests at the hone for a fens years and then moved to of Mr. and Mrs, William Houghton. tiolrlen Lake, Renfrew c.tuuty. 'Lt Aire. Russell Scott and family vis - 1;495 tiles• proved to Zurich where Mr. tted at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Ortwein cndneted a mercantile :bnsi- Barbour, Staffs, nt ss and later proved to Heti:still Mr. and Mrs, James Scott and baby ,c4u're they neaw reside. Atom ;twenty of Brodhagen, were Christmas visit - nee years ago Air. Ort'wein ;became a ore at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tho. representative. for the county of lin- mas Scott, run for the Dominion Life Assurance Mf, and Mrs. James Scott and son enemy and is ,till active in the Thomas Scott and James Laing v]s- usincss. Mr. and Mrs. 'Ortwein are ited at the home of Mr and Mrs. Neil. ntenthere of the liensall derided Gillespie, $eafortb, Cherish and 'Mr. Ot:mein is prantin_ A large family gathering was held en't in Sltnday Sebool work. They at the hone of Mr, Alexander Me - have a ,family of four danehters and Kellar. • two. eons living. Mrs. I. lirtnkholt, of Mr. and Mrs. Burton MacDonald Kitchener, -Stirs. R. Lehr. ref Boswell, and family and Garvin Twaddle visit. 1'a., Mrs. Jas, Petersen and lira, s;, ed with relatives of the former in \i. Drysdale, Hensail, Alonzo. of De- Brussels. trait, .Aiicrh.;.anti Milton of London, Ale. tend Mrs. Steve Stackhouse of One daughter, 'Lin, died in II1937. Mr. - - London spent the holiday with the and Mrs. 'Ortwein will the pleased toNOM'INATiONS latter'tt parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. receive their 'friends and neighbors at Bell. the harps of Mr, and Mrs. G. \I. Dry- Stephen Township dale dram 3 to 5 in the afternoon and For reeve, (!pester Mawhiney, Ed - LIMESTONE front 7 to 9 in the evening on Jan. let. ward Lamport, Alonzo McCann. which constdttt c; •'dm United Church Services.- For deputy reeve -Edward Lamt a ut Iter. R.:A. Brook delivered ' a stirr• part, Roy Rate, Thomas Love, am, 87 per rent of the Canadian .stone pro - THURSDAY, OEC. 27, :lege: '. BUY IN' EGMONDVILLE New Life Hog Concentrate, per cwt, • 3:.10 New Life Poultry Concentrate, per cwt,' 3,50 New Life Laying Mash, per cwt 2:40 Royal Purple Hog Concentrate, per cwt. 3,75 Royal Purple Poultry Concentrate, per cwt. , , 3,75 Royal Purple Laying Mash, per, ewt. 2.50 Royal Purple Calf 1Vleal, 25 lit. for $1.00 Haul Wheat Bread Flour, per 98 ib bag 2.85 Choice Creamery Butter, 2 lb for , 59c Whyte's Pure Lard, 2 1b for 19c Baker's Cocoa, 1 lb. tin 29c ammaxessantels. Wo HULLETT teemed residents of Hullett, nelebrat. Mr. and Mrs, Simon AleVittie, es -I ed with the Christmas season their 45th wadding anniversary. They were married at the hone of the bride's parents, the late rip'. and Mrs. John art, of Gres township. The minister nd c1 Qt ry,; N E L L n HAYS was Rev. Mt Forester of the Walton iii t„li'l� F4,tj Presbyterian Church. All of their anuric -d life Inas been Spent in Hallett. The fame they are living on is the one where NIt, McVittie was born. Sines; 11110 Mr, MoVittie has been tax collectr for Hallett and in this t'ap- :tcity has become well known through- out the township. Five children, two boys and three girls were boric to this union, font of whop aa•e living,' Airs. Leo Watt (Jessie), of FJullett; Mrs, Nelson Lear (Olive), Hallett; Mrs. James Scott (Janet), of. Tome. tie and Kellend, of Hullett, ELMER D. BELL. B.A. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario KIPPEN.__ Mr. John C. Doig, L,L,B., of De- troit, visited over the Christmas hol- iday with bis mother and sister Miss Janet, before - leaving for Chatta- nooga. Tennessee, to attend the frat- ernity convention which is being held in that city, \'hss Isabel]. .Moir of Heimall spent the week end at the house of Mr. and :Mrs. J. D. Stewart, Miss Winnie re• turning with her: for a few holidays, Mrs. Hugh McGregor at present is not enjoying het' usual good health but a speedy recovery is hoped for. ing ('hristma.:message tit large con- mend Shapton. duction, surpa si•s any other rock in. g'regation ie the United. c'hurc'h nn For council - Ray Ratz. Nelson the - number anddiem ity of it; use. Schenk, Thomas Love, Edmond Sham and in the quantity consented for in - inn, Arthur ,T. Aany, Herman Powe, u• duatriai nl..u's, lr is marketed in a Harnld tVahter. 1 1 variety of forms raneing from large squared Meeks of dintenelou stmte, 'for nae in one:traction, to extremely fine dna, used thief -1y a. a luincil{1 FOR SALE filler. The hulk of -the output i. crush- 1 cant oil ]aw,iter. and 1 dtild"s cr111 1 will1 thattl'r'ss for Sale, Pllotte 8471.14, eel and screened $or use a; road metal, nwtt'ot•th, concrete aggregate, railroad ballast and as flux in metallurgical plants. Large quantities are also marketed in the crude or broken state for use in chemical and ntetal'htrstieal industries. lit the rock wool industry ethe new- est of the limestone indn•tries-silice- otts attd arainacenne dolomitic lime.. stone, or calcium limestone, is con- verted into a light tihrors insulating material, known as "rock wool," which is being widely need as a ther- mal and sound insolation, and as an aeconsticad material. :1 '?ire of lime- stone that is capable of enormous development is in agriculture, I I Sunday mm nine. he tihttir an.g two hetntifui anthems, "Good Tidings," and "Blessed tNigllt," A mixed gear - tette. \liss Florence \Welele Airs. Geo. Usborne Township I Ales, \!t, ON. 0. Good.ain and \I T. For reeve---Pet•ey Passmore (tech) ;11. W. 1-Ialrton, scrag "The Clrietntas For couneil, Ihigh Berry, Clark Story."' At the evening service a Fisher, Bruce Cooper, John Hodgert. noire B t C4tri,tma. pageant, "Good Brussels Tidings of Great joy." ,was presented For reeve, le, a. Bowman weal For council --S. Semis, H. Cthant- pfoe, H. Bowler, W. Cameron. (all by acclamation). P.D.C.-W. Rose. School trustees, Dr. W. E, S. Jmm ieson, B. A. Rain, Albert Wood. Exeter For reeve --William D. Sanders, Benson W, Tuckey, Thomas Pryde. For council, Sylvester Taylor, Ed- ward M. Dignan, Clarence Snell, J. Wellington Hern, Herbert 0. South- cott, J. Goldie Cochran, Benson W. Tuckey, Cyril Tanton, W. S. Abbott, J. Albert Teatime., James T. Bowey,, Birtle M. Francis. For P,U,C,---Birtle M. Francis, Win. Ward, Thomas Pryde. For board of education, William T. Smith, Dr. Harvey Cowan, John N. •( ler stines m9trh 'AMss Greta L.ammde Willis, William H. Dearing, Edward Domino spent Christmas with ril•t •+.,itutg over the hohdty at. the C. Lindettseld, Cyril Tanton, Franklin :fives and friends in and around Alen N. R station awing to the. .arhsence and lire. Lantntie. Delhrtdge. all. „1 \L. Donald ;Walker, -who visited Presentation. Crediton Al r. 1n1 Aire. Colin Hodson and in'Tnrontcrrn Cltri.tnlas, 211on1 faleeit relapses 'gathered at Police village trustees, Lloyd Hey, son Harvey 'Apron Christmas with Air, Mervyn Brown and his mother the home of Mn. and .Airs. ;1. W. Ort- aid 7wicker, Emery Fainter, t y Joseph Woodall, Edd MOrlock. by the Sunday School and l.,nng London •visited -over the holiday with 'else 4)2- air juniors in Japa nesse roe - their parents. Mn. and Mos. Peter fume and alt exercise ;by six intenne- Schwalml and nn'emhers of the 'fancily, irate t irl;, Readnn,;s 'were given 'by Airs and Airs. Harald ScSermonand Alis Ellis .and -Miss •Kay Drysdale, 1)r, and bin, letl. Steer and Pat- 'pa •-t-nnt, 'The church was tilled to ca Hein spent the avne'k end with relatives ipacity, in London. Mr. and Nies. Ray La runts and Mr. Douglas Sangster has been 'Alt. ' blardha I-Itutter of Exeter ;neat Ahrs. H: :Abray and Airs. E. KUeading Alis. Lrown are htrhdayntg ;it the in London. home. of NIT. aril Alia. \\'ilson in Continuation School Concert,- Stratford, lilts llensall Cttntin nation School i)r. and Mrs. S,ntith anti children of .held their Chris:roar. ,' nrcert on Fr- Wit. Mary, -spent the bench -se with sbee afternoon. Dec. Dori with Jelin Beer acting as chairman and opened ,with C-hn tntas earols, Jnllnwcd by a indeed thonae by a number of pupils. Grade None have a tli,1 ,.,.c entitled, Mrs. Smith's .parents, Mn,•end Mee. ;tante 1', Petty. Alis Nfavis Spencer of Toronto ?pent the holiday ';cith her parent., Air. and Mrs. \lhart Spencer. The Sw e rt sin er " .en excellent Niles Leen. Lore, who is employed Play esets pre-entcd tb•v -T 1*ocr school en tlu teaching taff- at 'Toronto, is ;raue• If 1 en tilled " ere itir3t In'tirlavtr.O with her parents, Mr. and Shaer.' \ r selo wi Played In \Ire \\nn. L,yt Miss l.tualic IIo,-kin. \Gnttnlagtne. \Ir \Larg Anhalt of Exeter s-ts- w e rc ttired .by H'OWard Dive, Ger- ald Pas nt„re and Miss Roma Chand- ler, A pi an , solo"Smith of .the Bor- der," wa:e played ,by Norman iT:olly An 'rntut ting tlrattla played by Bob Hess, Alts Dorothy -Chandler and Ross Kennedy cote -Meted the pro, - ram. Games and contests were given rbv the pttitvl, after which can lwichts and ice cream and candy were served. The arrival of Santa Claus with gifts to s istribtite formed t'he. clinax. Carmel S.S. Entertainment.- -Cermet Sunday School 'held Heir annvtal entenlainmen.t on Friday even- ing in the school roan •nf the elle-rich with Rev. 1). C, Htll cif Exeter acting ati sitairivan in his usual 'nleitsmg manner. 'lite progra c', 01t 1 re -sI by the singing of Christie; carols, 'fol- lowed by recitations thy Billy 'Carpo. hill and Dena's( U Kiittion Norma Sangster and -Elaine Hoskins sang a ,tine( entitled, "Wishing." hints..' which wt, ;followed ht a -duet lit AAnly and \\ it harp 1)eieseall entitled "Daisy Farm." A musical sele-rtton by dean and 11 - ice Love was much enjoyed, .\ read- ing, "This Christmas," sees :given by Mildred i nerdy, followed by a I rio }nits and Marion Al -eel -aro; and June Murdock Miss H leu Dick fevered 'pilin a piano auhnutentel, .A -nlo .was sung by Paula Hanson. A chores eves sem( eix tgirls Mt.='s Helen Dick, Maxine Purely. Marian anrt Tint •A.fae \tarso, June'Murdock and Margaret TPnarirell A vocal duet, "Come d0 the wail sting by Mee, Malcolm esem on Christmas -clay the necasbon ix rn d'ht• ti(]th birthday +nt Mn. (lrt- ,wtm..\..pre rntation was made. In thein, the address 'being read fly \lr. Alonzo 0rhvein and the presentation War's Strangest Victim -Forlorn m edt by Airs. J. Brenkhcrlt, the two Pitcairn Island eidt.t children of the family, To Mr.' How one rude beacon on the is - Or e sin was given a beautiful cane I land in the Pacific Ocean is now .,vith a solid mold handle, to \1,, Ort- I shunned by passing ships that grow wein a handsome gold iaoneo locket fewer and fewer, it's food supplies 1111 which tnsrri;udtats were en!srave d ttlntOst, gone, its only voice to the out- 5','mntent.'ratin:; their golden wedding' Side world silenced...and the descend- onliyersa,ry which takes 01aet- en ants of the "Bounty's" mutineers Me - ‘.1 -w Fears day. :After the prc-enta-.ing extinction by nt war they clo not 'ion \1r. (1 rt01-i11 cert .the 1h rut tier' even 1C110W about, will be found de. birthday cake which diad ninety sc'rihrrl in a feature article in The candies. 2lentbcr., of the fan ti y ,\she Anterictt11 Weekly with the December mended est•re N.r. and Mrs. .Alonzo t'1 issue of The Detroit StmdaY Oi'tiwein of Detroit, Mich., Mr. and Times, iced over the w a ck old with her uta_ r thee. Mrs. \Ithai:„ and aunt, NI les Newell. \Tr, and Airs. Ted 'l'•anretn of Listo- wet visited over the holiday with the eeneeeses 1 ttter's ,parents, Nee and Mrs. Chas. \I cDon ell. The members of the Exeter -Hen- i sail branch mf the Canadian Legion played Santa Clime pts to several :families in the village on Saturday evening, Dec. vh•d, 21 i s Josvice Scrttttnt .of Toronto spent rhe holiday with her mother, Nies. Scrwton. ,l'fiss Mae M.cNan;ghit'oti ,of 'Toison - to vie -heti gvet the holiday with -Me. i erne' \fns, Peter Nt'N'attgtht'ott and Mr: and \fes, Lorne. McNaugth•ton of (his- , eilturst. NI r, Kettocrh Manns of • 7'oeon10! spent (itristmas with hie mother,' Mrs. Fred \Penns. 1)r. .,e ;most or :\ lcnnlal� ,conte e 1 e t to ted the (hrr;lnrae se-rvices Canmei r Presbyterian urian Clete -eh on Stretiay and the choir rt'uclered special -Chris ell a5 mush At fhc morning ervice the an- -them f Brine 'Went (imf.tl Things," was sung 'with \its. \faicolnt \Tons all nioi' t .A trip fey to the \Vorld ' was eeng by lies AI. Dougall, \fibs frenc fleig,garth .and Airs. W. ,A. \fac- Lttrcn. Airs. J. W. Bonthren papa, a beaatti-fu•l solo, Th• silks Be To (;ivl." At the cvening se recc the am1arent was 'Glory to God and a male goat- I tette uar- tette eomprisilt Alt ..yrs R. V. \lac - Laren Frank arik fatter-shv Jas. Pen- fnatuh gird '\\', A. Mac -Laren sane OTIC A��L . ��•{{ s S Owing to the prevalence of rabies in the surrounding districts, and in view of the fact that rabies is readily transl'liissable to hu= man beings, all citizens are requested to watch their clogs- and bets carefully, or• if they observe. any ,dogs acting suspiciously, to notify authorities. .JOHN 3. CLUF'F, \[ayO1' Barristers,'Ai 76 6,408156121ffielf Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D, McCnnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Oth'e in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Sealorth. Office hours: - Tuesday, ours:Tuesday 'Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.m. to 5 pen, Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m, to 9 p. en, CARD. OF THANKS Many thanks to our neighbors sand friends for the beautiful gifts receiv- er on the night of Dee, 15, and we wish yon all a very Happy New Year. Mr. and Hit's. J. W. Carter. IN MEMORIAM Jai.•t'ott-In loving memory of a dem. father, Wm. J. Jarrott, wbo passed away Deceinber 28th, 1988, Remembered just the scene to -clay As at the hour he passed away. Beautiful memories treasured ever, Of the happy days we spent together. •-Loving Daughter. AUCTION SALE Community Sale at Disk's Hotel Stables, Seaforth, every Friday. The nsmtl run of cows; feeder [tattle, and Young valves. pigs, poultry, furniture and vegetables. Bring in anything -', you have to sell. Rates reasonable. tar Cattle --20 feeder cattle, 60 pigs from sucker's to 100 itis.; .", Yorkshire sows, due in Jan.; 1 butcher sow; number of pure bred rock cockerels; 40 leglwt•n pullets, laying; 3 new wooden barrels; kitchen range, like new, tnatly other articles, FIomer IIunt, Manager, phone 228.12 Geo. H. Elliott, ;Auctioneer, He C'hapsodieally)-"I adore ev- erything htat is grand, exquisite, sum ereminent, 1 love the peerless. the LOST A red heifer, 9 year's old, last seen about Dec. 15. Please notify Mont- gomery Patrick, or phone 135r4l. Seaforth ventral. TO RENT House, semi-detached. 5 roomer with use of bath room, situated 011 North Main street. Apply E. L. Box. FOR SALE Comfortable 7 -root frame house of late Margaret Robison, well situated on Sperling Street, Seaforth, with good barn. Has to be sold to close estate. Apply McConnell & Hays, Solicitors, or John Arnold, Executor. FOR SALE OR RENT Frame house, with cellar, and lot of approximately one fifth acre, North Main at Cornet' of Cletttre Street. reni s, the perfect in life. Double wired. Seven rooms. Hard st She (blushing anyl-- "Oh, and soft water. For further Infot'ma. Cleorge, how Can I refuse you when tion apply William Morrison, Jarvis street, ;teafortlt. yon put it as, beautifltily?" PIANO FOR SALE Brown -"Do you give your wife a A slightly used piano, good as new. personal allowance " it'allter's Futvdture Store. Smith-- "We tried it but it didn't work." Brown- "How was that?" Smith ---"She always spent it be- fore I could borrow it back." Kinn .111r1 For Sale AId- 1 week 255 REDUCED J. A. BURKE FUNERAL SERVICE Dublin - Ont. Night or Day Calls Phone 43r10 RAIL FARES INSURANCE NEW YEAR'S FARE AND QUARTER FOR TH E ROUND TRIP 1,10 Good going Friday, Dec. 29111 until 2 p.m„ Monday, Jan. 1st, inclusive. Returning to leave destination mt later than midnight Tuesday,.. Jan. 2nd, 1940. FARE AND A THIRD FOR THE, ROUND TRIP Good Aping Tuesday,. Dec. 1911, until Monday, ,inn. i.ct, Inclusive. Return omit to leave destination not later thanmid- night Saturday, Jan. 6511, 1940. Peril information frons any agent. CANADIAN NATIONAL Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & gearantee bonds. Rates reasonable, All risks placed in nrst class companies. 1nforntatioe checrfnliy raven E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES ® Phone i.3¢ w ..Y STRATFORD - GODERICH COACH LINES Fall & Winter Time Table Leases Sen forth for Stratford: Daily. 8.40 a.m. and 9,29 p.m. Leaves Sca forth for Malarich, Daily except Sunday and hat., 1,29 p.m. and 5,.10 p.m, Sun. and bol., 1.25 p.m. and 10.20 pm. I; Connection o.t Stratford for Toronto, ,. )Sanilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, 'l'avIstock, Wend:400 t- Agents: Queen's, Commercial, Dick mouse stemenzammtmarmaameoevanaumosmzenrer DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS PROMPTLY etc, --Courteous Set'\'1('e EXeel, fe 235 (COLLECT) OF CANADA, LTD. REMO0VED Horses, Cattle, Hogs, PHONE-SEAFORTH 15 DARLING ee CO. _Le Is