HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-12-28, Page 4PAGE FOU R
Snowdon tiros. Yubtt.h:'r•
the home of Mr. Joseph. Wheatley in
.1r. and Mrs. Jack Mckwing and
daughter spent Tuesday for (bristivaa
at the home of Ahs. McEwhig's pat-
ents in Morris, Tuesday was also
Jack's birthday, We wish pini nanny
happy returns of the day,
Mrs: Jennie Knox, Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Knox celebrated Christmas at
their home with most of the Knox'
and Shobbrook-families present and a
very enjoyable day was spent.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Neilans and
Janes :spent Christmas tor supper
and evening at the hone of Mn and
Mrs, Bert Allen.
Mr, James Hamilton aud Miss Mary
Watt of Blyth were among the guests
at the home of Mr. Robert and the
Misses Jean and Agnes Hamilton on
Miss Joan MCDoaeld. who is teach-
ing near • Wroxeter, is spending the
holidays with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs, John McDonald, 16th of Grey
Mr.' Win, Bolton and Dorothy of Re-
Chester were visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Humphries.
Mr, and Mrs, Jas: Bolger of Tor-
onto are spending the, holidays with
relatives around Walton.
Misses Helen and Norma Steles of
Kitchener spent the • holidays with
their mother Mrs. Steles,
Mr, Edward Stoat and Mr, Battiest
Marquis of Detroit were visiting the
latex's aunt, Miss R, Coleman.
Mr. ' Cosby 'Ennis and Mr. Wm.
Molls from near Granton spent the
holidays. with the fornrer's parents;
Mr, and Mrs. P. EnnIs.
Miss Amy Lave of Toronto spent
the holidays with her mother Mrs. J.
Rev. Mr. Gallagher of Winghan had
charge of the service at St. George's
Church on Sunday.
Mrs. Sumter of Brantford is visit
hug at Rev. Mr. Gilbert's.
Word has been received here by
relatives of the. sudden passing of
Mrs: F. W. Simpson at Bridgetown
MS. She was the eldest daughter of
Mrs, Campbell and the late Robert
A. Campbell, of Vancouver, B.C. She
was born at Walton, going with her
parents to Manitoba, then moving to
Vancouver, where she married Mr. F.
W. Simpson, later moving to Bridge-
town, N,S., to live on Mr. Simpson's
old home. She leaves to mourn her
sudden passing her husband, Mr. F
W. Simpson and two children, also
her mother, two sisters and one bro-
ther, of Vancouver, 13.C, She was in
her early forties.
Pleased to state Miss A. Johnston
was able to enjoy Christmas after her
operation recently,
Mr. and Mrs, H. Last, Windsor,
spent the week end with her sister
Mrs. R. W. Hoy.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kirkby and
sons. St. Marys, spent the week end
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Kirkby and Mr. and Mrs. A. Murray.
Mrs. Isabel Bateman of Hamilton
spent the week end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hoy,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Farquharson
and Beth spent the week end at
Stratford with her father, Mr. J.
Mr, Cliff Hoy spent the Christmas
season with his father Mr. Robert
Hoy, Port Albert.
Mr. W. Strathern with his parents
do Mornington for Christmas.
.ad Mrs, rs
' n James Stott and chil-
dren have returned to ,Behr home in
Toronto after spending Sunday and
Christmas at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Sinton McVittie and other
Mr. and Mrs. Sinton McVittie held
Christmas at their home with all the
family present. also Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Ruddeli and James Ruddell.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lear and
family spent Christmas for supper
and evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Albert Taylor in Blyth,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shepherd and
family, also Mr. Wm. Shepherd, who
bas been holidaying there, spent
Christmas at the home of Mr, and
Airs. Eddy Farquhar near Clinton.
Mr. Edward Reid held Christmas
on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Nor-
man Shepherd and family. Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Marshall and family and
their mother, Mrs. Janet Reid, who is
at present staying with her daughter
Mrs, and Mrs. Frank Marshall.
Miss Agnes Leiper of Toronto was
home for a few days,
Mrs. Robert Watson, who Inas been
bedfast is improving, We hope she
will soon be all better. Mrs. Lorne
Badley of Blyth has been in chrage
and little Kenneth is with her. Mr.
Badley also spent the week end with
Mr, and Mrs. Frank McGregor, also
Mrs. Jennie Knox and Air. and Mrs.
Isaac Rapson attended the school en-
tertainment at No. -o school under the
management of the teacher Miss
Helen McGregor. The program con-
sisted of a polka dance by 4 boys and
four girls. Tap dance by Betty
Brunsdon. plays, drills. singing and
recitations, all put on by the child-
ren, all doing their parts well. In one
of the plays Mrs. Santa was very
anxious to fool Santa out of his trip
and go herself but with the assist-
ance of Jimmie Snell. Santa got
away. Rev. Mr. Menzies was chairman
for the evening and immediately af-
ter the program Santa appeared and
was given some assuring letters to
read which had been sent to him,
after which with the help of some of
the young people of the section the
tree was unloaded. Among the gifts
was a Christmas gift from the sec-
tion to the teaches' Miss Helen Mc-
Gregor. who deserves credit for the
way she had the children trained
and for the school decorations. The
section was well represented and a
goodly number of visitors present.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGregor,
Helen and Gordon, spent Christmas
at the home of their mother Mrs.
Myers, in Clinton.
A tunny reunion was held on
Christmas Day .at the home of Mr.
Reece Ferris.
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Knox held
Christmas with all the family home
Inc dinner. also Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Knox, who are home from the West
.tor supper and evening. Miss Levine
returned to Toronto on Tuesday.
Mr. aud Mrs. A, W. McF)wing held
Christmas with all the family pre-
sent, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lloyd
and children of Kincardine staying
for a. few days. after which they win
go to Clinton before returning to
Mr, and Aire, Isaac Rapson, also
Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Gibbings spent
Christmas at the home of Mr, and
Mrs,' Warren Gibbings, Mr. John T.
Knox and Eileen of Wingham were
also there for "supper and Mrs. John
T. Knox and Gordon Wheatley for
the evening. Mr, and Mrs. Knox and
Eileen spent Christmas for dinner at
The January meeting •nf the
will be held in Cuntnnutity Hall on
Thursday, watt, -Nth. Topic. Education
Mrs, R. Fairservice: roll call, "A tea-
cher iwhu has had greatest influence
in niy education.""What t Rduca-
ion," ripen 'forum Hostesses, Mrs, T,
Millar, Miss M. \lelville Mrs. B,
Snell, Mrs. Geo, Brown, Mt . Pringle.
.lit. and Mrs. W. Lyon were taken
to Leamington un Wednesday liast•,by
their son. Dr. Kink Lyon, where they
remain for the winter.
and tins. F. Hall are aho.
speeding the winter mouths with
their tion Charles, at :\mirerstburg.
and daughter.a't Toronto
-Mrs. j, Taylor epent last week at
the hone of ,Me, Win. Creighton, of
\hiss Mary'Jamieson of "Toronto is
spending, , Ctri.stm t holidays with her
;,anent,, Ht and Mrs. A. janiiesun,
Miss Helen l'oun,,hlutt of Lotndon
spent Christmas at her 'hone here.
'andlira. John Finglaud are
leaving all their fancily a•deit them in
•Cuistmas week. •
lits Bina Kirk spent a few days
last week and Christmas with Dr.
Kirk and• Mrs. loon, Leamington.
Mr. anti Ars T, P. Manning and
Phyllis spent 'Christmas with Toronto
Mr, and \lrt. Chas. Trctope of Chi-
cago are spending Christmas ,week
with 'Miss E. Mains.
The annual Christmas concert of
the ['nited Chore Sunday School
was held 'on Dec.31,st. in Contnninity.
Hall. Os\tng to .the very 'stormy niirltt
the gathering was not so lange. A
.t lendid :urogram .was given and the
Christmas tree was loaded with many
silts, which w-ae of moth 'interest .10
'he y;,nn,ger. ones as well as the older
very impressive - Christmas ser-
iir 'e is 'hell in the d nited Church
on Sunday morning. The pastor. Rev.
\. Menzies, took for his text. Isaiah
h. rl, term 6, 'For unto you a child
'mitt, 1111t0 \tilt a .'ole is given.".
in:tomo hvinOe were suns. l'hr
choir .endcrecdvery efficiently a beau-
ittl anthem also a solo by Mrs. Men-
ib- and a gnartttte •hy Mrs. Menzies,
Mrs, 'Townsend, :\dr. J. Snell '1n,i Mr.
E. Hcsk.
Christmas carol- were stem by .the
choir ou Sunday- eveniftg to the sick
and shut-ins.
Mrs. Fred Shabhrook had the mis-
fortune to fall from a chair upon
,which lie was etau dine and 'break a
;.muile of ribs last week.
1 se rte' ' Chatham
Mr. Joseph Carpenter > n t of
at the hoose of his parents, Air. and
\irs. Joseph Carpenter.
Mr. and Mrs' Gar Smith with Ham-
ilton friends.
Mr. and Mrs . Frank Smith • and
Miss Florence Smith . and Mr, and
Mrs. Wm, Smith spent Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. Harper in Carl-
Mr. Joseph McGrath Is visiting his
(laughter toi' the holiday in Detroit.
A former resident of Hibbert, Mrs,
George Kirby, formerly Miss Mary.
Vipond, a sister of George Vipond,
diad recently at Harriston.
The dance in Looby Hall on Christ-
mas night was a grand success.
The annual meeting of police wdl-
lige df Dublin and step ryers was
held on Friday pursuant to statute.
'Pl,ntnas J. \Munphv 'presided as 'chair-
man of the meeting. A'very satlsfae-
tory financial statement rias SLAM
sed which shows a simplus miter con-
struction of a new sicfeiwarlk on'Main
trees Despite the additional ex -
,pease ;for Incuniprovelllertts, - the taxes
hare been lowered, The Hydra sys-
tem is also in vplenditl condition ,fin-
fin-anciall . The results of the nomina-
tions .for b940 etre acclamation lior
the present trustees. Mrs, A. i\f.
Looby, .John Darling, Dan ,Costello.
A very successful Christmas tree
and concert was 'held at the public
school on Friday afternoon `under the
leadership of \fi,'Collin•s, the popular
teacher, and Santa Claus acted his
tart wonderfully for the chikisen.
Mr. J. F. Prueter of London spent
Cinristmas at his home,
Mr. and Mrs. Jobe G. Diegel and
Ralph of North Bay spent Christmas
with relatives,
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bauer and
children of Glencoe with Mr. and Mrs.
John Jacob.
Miss Doris Melville of Monlcton
with Miss Claires Diegel,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Young of Strat-
ford with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Diegel.
Mr. and Mrs, Elwood Stuart of
Windsor with Mr, and Mr's. J. L. Ben-
Air. and Mrs. ,Toho A, Arbuckle.
Misses Dorothy and Adedia Queren-
gesser of Toronto and Mr. Don
Stanek of Kitchener with Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Querengesser:
Mr. and Mr's. Jack Hillebrerht of
Seaforth with Mrs. Henry Hine,
fin ech t.
Mr. Albert Smith of Durham with
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith.
Mr. Frank Scherbarth turd Doris or.
Fenton With Mr. and Mrs. Aug Scher -
Mr, and Airs. Manuel Betterments
and children Spent C'hristntas Dar
WW1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eisler In Sem
Mr. and Mrs Chas Flintier of Strat-
ford with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mogk.
On Christmas Eve the Sunday
gr'hoof of St. Peters Lutheran Church
held their annual Christmas concert.
the ehurcdi being filled to capacity.
The numerous recitations and Christ-
mas carols were very touch enjoyed.
A large Christmas tree with its odor.
fel lights decorated the church,
There was an excellent programme
given at the Sunday Sahrtni Christmas
concert last Friday night
Holiday visitors is ere Miss 'bliarg'aie-
et Aikenhead, London, at the home
of her parents, Mr. Hugh Aikenihead.
• The Misses Ina and Helen Mie
Scott, London, rwith their another.
Mrs. A. T. Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. Tisttn McIntosh anti
lcitt •and \lis. Hazel Haugh of Tor-
ori n '', at Mr. and Mrs.C. Tiatt h's
\Mr 5, Horton. "Por: h .with 1 is
-,,grim,, Mr, and Mrs. Jark-is Hort n.
\lr.am'. Mr, Webster AIci;;at r .
ton, \i ltit'bv. at rite home of Mr. and
Mrs. Johni;c'Nattghton. •
NIT. and Mr . T. Dunlop, Chats.
ALr. dtura T)itu' ,A.dkeit,n
rel Mr. li'hn i)t,t 1 roar,. at
t,,e home f Ah ,ano. Mrs. It-'' Scott.
Beth Elliott is visiting with
Masco in (iaktitk'
\Iri. Janet Ross left last v -1. ,with
ter 'hrarhe r, \Ir. 1:iugh (xtlu uv r, go
herr b.rothcrs in Sa'katchcwan.
;NIL. Jas.McNaughton attender! the
,sevtdmg > h - .brother, \i'r. Robert
McN'angh.ton in London on Saturday.
Waist and Far Sale. Ads, ,T' wie'k P5"e
THURSDAY, (DEC., 27, 19Hx
?,nnruau,umwuu ,11mu11,11u,,,,,i","u"11"11gqu"
Town Topics, Dec. ,Si, 1914..
Monday was the most extraordin-
ary day that we have had in about
three weeks as it was the only day in
that time that we did not have a
snowbtoriit sometime during the day.
—Mr. Gideon Miller, architect for the.
Salvation Army, was in town recent-
ly examining the new Citadel He
found everything in good order and
released. Mr. Keating from his con-
tract—Mr. Rufus Winter, of Nelson,
B.C„ is spending the holidays at his
home here Gerald Case, of Ottawa,
and Joe Cline, Percy Ralph, Hugh
Kyle, John 'Neely, and Nelson West-
coat; of London, spent a few days in
town during the s having
cured leave of absence from their
Poets on the Canadian Expeditionary
Forces.—Miss L. M5 McDonald, Toros
to; Miss Pearl Barnett, Toronto; Glen
and Charles Holmes, Toronto; Alex
Mui', Preston; E. McIntosh. Sarnia,:
and H. Johnston. Preston, were holi-
day visitors—Mr. and Mrs: Ed Law-
son, of Auburn. with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. Sclater.—Mr. Ralph Reid
of London, with his parents, lir, and
Mrs, J, F. Reid. --Mr, and Mrs. G. F.
Rogers, London, are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. T. Stephens at the Queen's
Hotel. — Others who are visiting
friends and relatives in town are: W.
Gillespie, Brussels; Douglas Sleeth,
Sarnia; A. Thiel. Preston; Arthur
Reid, Goderieh, Oscar Reid, Guelph;
Thos. Weeks, London; Miss Bessie
Musette, Luc know ; Alex McKenzie
and E. .Tones, Orillia; A. Stewart,
Hamilton; W. McKay, Toronto, —
Messrs. Will and George Bethune, of
the C. P. R., Port McNicoll, are home
for the winter: --Miss Bessie Kennedy,
'OTingham, is visiting with her
grandmother, Mrs. MacKay, Goderieh
street.—Mr. and Mrs, Be 'H, Archibald
of Dunnville are visiting with his par-
ents iir, town,—Mrs. C. W. Rutledge
of Markdale with Mr. and Mrs. ;Tames
Beattie.—Visitors inetu(led Mrs. P.
Little, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. 3,
Grieve, Detroit; Mr. R. Oke, Mr. H,
Aslan, Toronto; Mr. W. Morrow,
London, --Mrs. S. Boyd and Mrs. H,
J. Gibson spent Christmas with the
former's slaughter. Mrs. B, Williams,
of Stratford.—Miss Marion Watson
visited friends in Clinton this weep.
---lir. J. Anderson or the Seaforth
Milling Co., is ependiug New Year'
at his home at Listowel.—Mr, and
Airs. ,Tames Archibald attended the
wedding of their son Robert H. at
Guelph on Tuesday,—Mrs. W. W.
Meredith Inas been appointed teacher
of the fifth room at the Public School
as substitute for Miss Ada Sleeth
with has been granted leave of eb-
senee for six months on account of
ill health. Miss McGregor. of Hallett.
will acre as substitute for Miss Som-
erville ille inn room three who has also
been graisted leave of absence for
six mouths.—The hockey game an-
nounced last week to take place at
Mitchell on New Year's day has been
postponed until January,LOtln. The re-
turn game will he played here Jan. 28,
----Tune first choral concert will be
given in C'Cardno's Opera House on
Tuesday, January 19th.
Nonn.inkations—In Seaforth council
returned by acclamation, Mayor Ant-
ent, Reeve John A. Stewart; Council-
lors. H. Speare. H, Stewart, John J.
Cluff, John Grieve, Chas. Aberhart,
Geo. P. Cardno.—Tuckersmith bad an
acclamation, Reeve Herbert Crich,
Councillors R. D. Bell, James Canner -
on, Thomas Coleman, Robert Doig.—
Nominations in Blyth named Reeve
Dr. Milne; Councillors, J. Carter, J.
Cutt, B. Sloan, H. Homey, James
Sims.—In Clinton, for reeve, F. T.
Jackson. D. Cantelon; for reeve, .T.
Tailor, J. A. Ford.- Tis Exeter S. M.
Sanders is a new candidate for the
Commie—In Goderich, for mayor. are,
B. C. Cummings, Mayor C. A. Reid
and E. R. Wigle.—At Hensall, six
were nominated for reeve. Owen
Geiger. Thomas Hudson, G. C. Curley,
S. W. Sniallacoobe, J. W. Ortwein, R.
Bonthrou. David Nichol and James
Priest. The new town hall was open-
ed this week with a concert. The
building is one of the finest of its
kind and cost 38,06.—lominatious
in Bayfield were, Inc reeve. Geo,
Lindsay. A. E. Irwin, Jas. Thomson:
for council, Ed Sterner, M. Ward, C.
Pa Iter. A. Galbraith. G. Weston.
"A Happy and Prosperous New
Year to Ail."
The nomination was well attended
last Friday. it was decided not to
have a mtuiicipal election this year.
Don't forget the euchre and dance
to be held in the hall this Friday
night, Dec, 29, Cone with the crowd
and have a good time.
Mr. and Mrs, Foster Bennett, Billy
and Mona, of Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs,
Peter McCowan antl Bobby of Rox-
boro, Mr. Melvin Merriam and Mr.
Harry Eddicott spent Christmas with
Mr, and Mrs. George Eaton.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank. Johnston, Ir-
win. and Harry, spent Christmas with
Mr, and Mrs. John Bolger of Walton.
Misses 'Nellie and Annie Pryce anti
Air. Edward Pryce of Seaforth, Mr.
and Mrs. Arnold Jamieson, Huron
Read west, spent Christmas with
Air. and Mrs. Scott Bolton,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eaton, Larry
and Keith spent Christmas with Mr,
and Mrs. Lon. Sparlieg of Wroxeter,
Air. and Mrs. John Gillies, Iiruc•e and
Isobel. spent the holiday weep end
with Mr. and Mrs. Gillies of Colling-
wood. Mr. Gillies is hone for some
holidays after sailing the great lakes
since the spring 00 the Captain Se -
Mr. and Mrs. \\•in. Miller and fa-
mily, Mrs. R. Miller and Stuart. of
Brussels. Mr. and Air', \\'iir. Boyd.
,pont Christmas with Mr. and Ates,
John Boyd.
\Ir. and Mrs. Bert Johnstone, of
Walton. spent Christmas with Mr.
and Airs, D. G. MacFarlane in Mc•
Miss Helen Chandler of Blenheim
is spending the holidays with her
parents. Rev. and Mrs. E. F. Chand-
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Wright of
Schumacher spent Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. Janes Wright.
Miss Hazel Thomson of Parry
Sound is visiting with her parents,
Mr. anil Mrs. Robt, Thomson,
Air. and Mrs. W. E. Butt and Thos.
Butt spent Christmas. with Mr. and
.Mrs. Wnn. Butt in Seaforth.
Miss Isabel Alexander of Maple is
home for the holidays with her par-
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Alexander.
Mr, and Mrs. John Witeombe of
Ingersoll spent Christmas with Mr.
Wm. Moore.
Dr. Gilbert Jarrott and Mrs, Jarrott
of Hamilton spent Christmas with
Mrs. Isaac Jarrott.
Mr. Rabe, Jarrott is visiting with
relatives in London and Hamilton.
Miss Emma Workman of Magnete-
wan is spending the holidays with
her parents. Mr. and Sirs. Win. Work -
Mr. and ;firs. Elston Doweon of
Varna spent Christmas with Air. \Vnt.
.lir. Clarence McLean of London
spent true week end with Mr. and
Mrs. Allen Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins of Chicago
•,re visiting with Mr. and Airs. Heels
l eMurtrie,
McNaughton -Hogarth—
,\ rnriet wedding was performed at
the Metropolitan Church manse, at
London, on Saturday, when, Eve
Jane, youngest daughter of Mr. and
Mr's. F. H. Hogarth, Exeter, was unit-
ed in marriage to Robert John AIc-
Nauginton, youngest son of Mr. and
Mrs. ,John McNaughton, of Ttippets.
The ceremony was performed by Dr.
McNiven, The couple were attended
by the bride's sister, Miss Muriel
Hogarth, of Windsor, and the bride-
groom's brother. Mr. ,Tames Mc-
Naughton, of Kippen. The bride was
smartfy gowned in sail blue crepe
with dubonnet accessories and wore
a corsage of gardenias. Her attendant
was dressed in gold crepe. Alter a
short honeymoon, Mr, and Mrs. Mc-
Naughton will reside on Wolfe.street.
Mr. Robe. McClinchey is visiting
this week with Mr. W. H. Stephenson
anti family of Marlette.
Mr. and Mrs. Robe. E. Robinson
and family spent Christmas with Mr.
Ante Mrs. J. Cleft of Kirkton.
Mr. anti Mrs. J. Bryan and son and
Mr. and Mrs. J. Collins and son of
London spent Clu'isttinac with the
ladies' mother, Mrs: Wilson Arm-
strong and family.
Mr. and Mrs, Mervyn Routvon of
Flint have spent: the past week with
the latter's, parents, Mr. aiid Mrs,
Harry Hayter. Goehen Line.
Mr, Allan Keys of Queen's Univer-
sity, Kingston, is spending the hold:
days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs
Ben Keys, Babylon. Line.
Bette Davis Errol Flynn Olivia de Flavilaid
The Liives of Elizabeth and Essex
Mon., Tues., Wed.
y"SAMUEI rt40t®WYY44�a�
5 15510 Tatty
� 9550 ARTS
Next Thur. Fri. Sat.
340111( Of
%RAN HALE •Frank McHugh • SRN ME* • elaMid
by LEWIS SicllEa. Pro tEnted by
The Rains Came
The Chrlstmae service head on Sun-
day morning was attended by a
large congregation. Rev. Male spoke
on the Christmas theme in a very
interesting way. The choir sang two
appropriate numbers.
Rev. Mair showed some lantern
elides in this church last Wednesday
evening. They dealt with Christmas
subjects. Several vocal numbers were
given and recitations by younger
members of the Sunday School.
A. 11286 Cpl. Dickey, W. H. Perth
Reg. CM.G.) spent his Christmas
leave at his home here.
Miss Soy Whitlock of St. Thomas is
spending this week with her mother
Mrs. P. Whitlock and Mrs. R. Den-
Quite a number in this connnunity
are confined to their homes with bad
With all sincerity we greet you
with that grand old wish
A Happy New Year!
The Staff of
'learn r, hiss Peer, is spending
the. ht.,litlays uritis her ,parents .in Ful-
' r and Airs. •Fred Hcicart, Fig -
rt nu lv Ile, spent Christmas, w,itth his
daughter and ,stir -in -low,- itr. and
Mrs. 1 eniess ‘Horan. id e K• 11 ep.
Air. an'd '\ir. J„fin MMarraj and fa-
mr ily aril Mr. anti \fr-. IJ'antes- ,\fc-
;Quaid .and family and Mr. 'aud'Mrs.
Albert Cronin, all .of vI•cKhllop, spent
Christmas with 'A2ir. and Mrs. Fergus
Mr,'and Miss. John A. Eckert 'Vent:
Christmas with her parentts, M,r.• and
,Mrs, 'James Flanagan Of lLttgan. 1
Miss Bernice ,Manley of Lonndots
ap'ent C:hristiuias ,wraith her parents,
Mr. and ,Mrs. J. Manley.
Want and For Sale Ads, 3 weeks 510c
Holiday visitors in our community,
Mr: and Mrs. George Pilgrim of For-
est; Mr, and Mrs, W. Hankin and
family of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs, East
and sons or Aubatan; Mr. and firs.
East and.sou of Clinton; NIr, and
Mrs. Harold Barnes and little (laugh-
ter of Goderieh Township, all spent
Christmas with Mr, C. C. Pilgrim Sr,
and Mr. and Mrs. C. Pilgrim Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Laythem and little
son, and Miss G. Beatty, of London
with Mrs, L. Beatty and daughter.'
Misses Irene, Mary and Doris Chut-
er, Mr, and Mrs. T, Chuter and kid-
dies. and Air. Elliott Chutes', all of
London. Mr. and Mrs. 'Walter Mc-
Bride and kiddies, and Mr. and Airs,
John McBride of Blake, with their
parents, also NIr. Wilfred. Chuter and
Mr. and Mrs. tinkles of Goderieh
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Lamont and dau-
ghter of Zurich, at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. A. McConnell,
Messrs, Harold and Alvin Elliott of
Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson
and little son of Kingston with their
parents, Sir, and Mrs, Elliott.
Mr, T. Elliott and son. Toronto, iu
company with Mr;e. Rutherford and
children of Hamilton, Mrs, Welsh and
Miss Welsh of Ripley were Christmas
guests at the home of Air. and Mrs,
G. H, Beatty.
Mr, and Mrs. A, Ings spent Christ-
'htistmac with the latter's mother. Mrs.
Horner. or Zurich•
. �^
\M'is. Rine O'Reilly i; .spending
Christmas week with cher parents. Mr. •
and 'Mrs. fames O'Reilly.
Miss \tar arcs \\glia •cf Toronto
s visiting her parents, Mt-, and inns.
Jahn Walsh.
\Tr. Joseph \\'illians Of Detroit is
visiting mit,h ;friends here.
Miss •Margaret O'Reilly of Toran
is spending Christmas week with her
\lila Rose ilcQnaid. R.N., of To-
ronto. spent the weep ,e tii with hear
paren ts.
A Marge crowd attenders Rev. Fr.
Tho., AtciQuaid's !first. Solemn High -
Mass last Sunday._ r_
Jimmy had a new pup and the visitor
was interested.
"Is it a setter or a pointer?" she
"It's neither," replied Jimmy's me
titer. "It's an upsetter and a die
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