The Seaforth News, 1939-12-21, Page 5ii THURSDAY. DEC. 21, 1919 THE SEAFORTH 'NEWS d 41 5 1 ,, ( •g' ' ,1 , �f �'$ '1glkf J l ''i P M1 � 1l December 21 to Dec. 27' AYLMER 2s sqt PEACHES in Heavy Syrup ...,,,.. 2 tans 25c AYLMER PEAS, No. 4 sieve, 117 oz 2 tins 17c ORUN CIII'E SWEET PICKLES, 27 oz. jar....per jar 15c CHRIS TMAS SATIN MIXED CANDY 2 lbs. 25c GOLDEN MIRED NUTS, all new crop 2 lbs. 37c Happyvale MiNCE MEAT 2 lbs, 25c LARGE California GRAPES 1 lb. 1 Oc TEXAS SEEDLESS GRAPE FRUIT, good size doz. 40c Selected Specials for the Festive Season Tomato Juice, 20 oz. 3 tins 25c Crab Apple Jelly Zest, 32 oz, per jar 25c Lobsters -1/4s--21; ............ . . . . . ... . is 350 Marmalade, St. Williams Orange R. Grapefruit, 32 oz 23c Asparagus Tips, 12 oz, per tin 19c Tasty Cut Asparagus, 17 oz„ per tin 15c H. P. Sauce per btl. 29c Dole's Pineapple Juice, 12 oz 2 tins 25c Glacier Sardines per tin lac Aylmer Catsup, 12 oz. per btl 14c Tuna Fish, Solid Meat, Vas per tin 20c Aylmer Grape Juice, 10?z oz per btl. 10c Pimentos, 1/,ls per tin 12c Derby Cheese, spread or slices. 3,,ks per pkg. 15c Aylmer Spinach per tin 10c Pecans, Large Paper Shell per lb 25c Cocktail Fruits for Salad. 8 oz. -15c;...., .2s squat 25c Olives, CLUB House, 8 oz. Stuffed, 11 oz. Queen ... , per btl. 28c Chocolates, Bungalow, 1 lb, Fancy Boxes each 25c Chocolates, Moire, Fancy Box Pi lbs. 73c Crystal French Creams,,per Ib, 17c Chocolate Drops per lb. 17c, per ib. 19c Household Mixed Candy per Crab Meat per tin 35c Apple Jam, Cider, Ginger Ale, Fruit Juices, Candies, Nuts, Candy Ganes, Gen Veggettaablles '-".mosstt everything y� Sultana Raisins 2 lbs. 25c Cleaned Currants 2 lbs. 27c Bleached Seedless Raisins ver ib. 19c Serviettes per pkg, 15c Hillcrest Toilet Paper 3 rolls 25c n 10c Poultry Dressing, Sage, Savory. Thyme, Parsley, Mint per per t nn 1Oc Pumpkin Pie Spice Buy your Cigarettes, wrapped, Ross Miss -_— Cigars and Tobaccos, Christmas with your Groceries m Sproat PHONE NePryce PHONE 77 -- ..ate. PAGE FI WALKER'S FUNERAL HOME UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMLNds 1. R. WALKER, JR. Holder of Govern:nen`. dip: *_na and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone d" smemsneonneerimitimar AM. COMMENCEMENT (Continued from Page 1) awarded to Donald MacTavish. pre- sented by Miss Mabel Turnbull. Car- ter scholarship. value $60, awarded to Aldie Eckert. Directed by Miss Wood, an English country dance, "Picking Up Sticks," in two acts, was gracefully executed by Ruth Shinen, Clara Dolmage, Bar- bara Best, Alma Lawrence, Mildred Murphy, Carolyn Holmes, Teresa Mc- Iver, Gladys Earle. Frances Elgie, Doreen Regier, Edna Eckert, Maxine Baynes; pianist, Irene Workman. A recitation, "Maggie and Jiggs," by Roselle Burns, was well received. An amusing comedy, "The Boy Comes Home," directed by Miss Fennell, had the following cast, James Broadfoot, Ross- Coutts, Hazel Wilson. Mary Duncan, Wilma Hay. Directed. by Miss Fennell a Dutch tap dance by Ahyvonne Moore and Isabel McKel- lar in costume was pretty and pic- turesque. A quartette consisting of Alma Lawrence, soprano, Dorothy Gallop. contralto. James Broadfoot. tenor, Alastair Wigg. bass. under the direction of G. F. Brown. was much enjoyed, as was a one -act comedy. -Kidnapping Betty.'" directed by Mr. Brown and Mr. Weedntark, those in the cast being Francis Phillips, Car- man Whitmore, Tom Melvor, Doreen Regier, Dorothy Smith. Lois IVU Gavin, Betty Matthews, beought the program to a close_ FATHER OF SEAFORTH WAIN DIES - IN 'HOSPITAL Rohert Lentmon. a former 1.sideat of Logan township, passed away in Victoria hospital, L1.mion. on Satur- day afternoon. For the past twenty two years he had made his Thome itt London .with this daughter, •Dins. Hugh Dunn. On Dec. lDth he suffered a stroke. He lovas (born in England and carne to this country as a ,child, bn kis 46th year, and predeceased by his wife. formerly Mary Young, -ah years ago, he is snrv'ived Iby three sons, Leonard df Arran, Sask.: William of Hensa l and David of Seaforth. Two sons and three 'daughters ,prededeased him. Interment .was made in 'the Ang- lican ,cetnetery at Mitchell. BORN Phillips.—In .Cleveland. Ohio, on Thursday, Dec. 14th, 1939, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Phillips (nee Beth Goven- lock). a son (Ronald Newman), def* 0 Wishing all our Customers and Friends A MERRY CHRISTMAS J. GAiLLOP'S GARAGE SEAFORTH Come to this store, you last minute shoppers, where you're assured of large assortments, newest merchandise, at best prices.—Our stock is very complete, in all departments, so you're sure to find the color, size, and price you want in any line. * Additional sales staff will give you quicker service.—And remember—every article is boxed. ere h A Co Choose Fr l densed List Of Best Christmas Sellersm-- m These They're Sure T . Please Fine Shirts 11.00 Pyjamas 1,39 Fine Hose 25c Neckwear 50c Gloves 1,25 Scarves 1,00 -H:andkerchiefs 5c Braces & Garter Sets 11.00 Men's Jewelry . 50c Bath Robes 2.95 to to to to to to to to to to 2,50 3.50 1.00 1,00 2.95 2.95 1.00 1.50 1.50 7.50 Silk Hosiery ......,.,,.. 79c to 1.25 Gift Lingerie 49c to 11.50 Nighties and Pyjamas 59c to 4.95 Rayon or Satin Slips......, ....... 59c to 2.95 Handkerchiefs 5c to 75c Gloves 59c to 2.50 Purses 1.00 to 3.95 Towels 35c to 1.50 Sweaters 1.25 to 2.95 Lunch Cloths 11.25 to 4.95 Housecoats, Bathrobes 2.95 to 7.50 lacy HUNDREDS OF LOVELY GIFTS FOR BOYS) GIRLS AND INFANTS . -J l,l n911,1,t11 Leh„, 11111".1,,,111,111,1,,,111.111111U,„,..,91n,1,1,11...,..1111„„.......„n111,11111„ 1111n111,1,111,1111111111111,111111, 1...11l.111111,t11n,l,tlnu1111111,1111,11.1.111A"nl,nnn,11111111u„11111”1,”1,tv01....In,llNn2n99 li91.1119911"O. STEWA ROS., Seaforth 's a TOWN TOPICS Mrs. Margaret Mulligan of Grand Forks, N.D., is expected here this week and will be a guest at the Queen's and will attend the first High Mass celebrated by Rev, Father McQuaid in St. Columban Church on Sunday. Mr. James Scott of Boston arrives Saturday- to spend the holidays with his mother, Mrs. H. R. Scott. bit+. W. Brine is speeding a few days in Toronto this week. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Westaway of Hamilton spent Sunday with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mont- gomery Patrick, Tuckersmith. Miss Margaret Patrick of the Tor- onto teaching staff and Mr. and Mrs, Wtn. Patrick, Toronto, will Donee on Friday tor the holiday at the parental home with Mr. and biro. Montgomery Patrick. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. MacKenzie were itt Hamilton and Toronto this week. Mr. Thos. Gillespie. ICemptviile. is a holiday visitor with his parents. Mr. kind bet's. Neil Gillespie. MRS. JANE HART The death of Jane Noble widow of the Fare Corporal William Hart took place .n Goderich on Monday :n:tt'n- 1::0 as the home of her daughter. Mrs. Harrold gurney, The deceased, who was a highly esteemed resident of Seaforth. had been in failing health for some time but always kept a cheery disposition throughout her long illness. Mrs. Hart was born itt Scotland sixty years ago and came to Canada in 1908. Her husband. Cor- poral William Hart, was killed in ac- tion in September of 1918. She was a member of St. Thomas Anglican Church, also the W.A. and the Guild, and of the order of the Eastern Star. Left to mourn their loss are three daughters and three sons: Mrs, George Carter, Clinton, Mrs. Harold Murney and Miss Patricia Hart, Gode- rich, James of Kirkland Lake, Wil- liam, Seaforth, and Joseph, Clinton; also five grandchildren, Billie, Ronnie, Jack and Jimmie Carter of Clinton, and Patsy Murney, Goderich. A priv- ate funeral was held on Wednesday morning from the home of her son Mr. William Hart, Coleman street, Seaforth, interment in the Maitland Bank Cemetery. Rev. Dr. Hurford of St. Thomas Church officiated. The pallbearers were Messrs. R. G. Parke, R. J. Sproat, Fred Johnston, A. W Dick, T. Jackson, Robert Grieve. INSTITUTE HOLDS BOX SOCIAL The Junior Women's Institute held a very successful evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Scott on Wednesday. Dec. 15. Euchre was enjoyed for the first part of the evening. First prize for ladies or gents, Gordan Papple; lone hand prize for ladies or gents. Wilfred Coleman. Consolation for lady or gent, Shirley Oldfield. Lunch was served in the form of a box social. a good program was enjoyed after lunch. The proceeds 02 the evening will be used for Christmas relies. VARNA The township council held their e - nal meeting tor 1989 in the hall 16th Mrs. John McBride of Blake visited last week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chuter. Several from this community at- tended the funeral of the late Mr. Horner on Saturday, which was held from his late home in Zurich. Mr. Jas. Broadfoot, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. S. Broadfoot and Mrs. B. McAllister of Parr line were guests at the home of Mr. George Beatty, Sr., Wednesday. Mrs. Walter McBride and children spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chuter, and her, sister-in-law Mrs. Stewart Beattie, The beef ringers held their annual dance in the hall Wednesday night. The Varna Red Cross Society will hold their next meeting in the town- ship hall on Wed„ Jan. 3, 194+). from 1 to 5 p.m. Everybody welcome. The December meeting of the W.A. of Varna Gaited Church was held at the home of birs, Roy Doweon on Thura,. Dec, 4, et 2 i0 p.m.. with DAN'CIN'G Dublin XMAS NIGHT—Ernie Brown, THURSDAY, DEC. 28— 1 slei s Tipping. Maroon BOO. votai itt NEW YEA !R"S NIGHT NOVELTY FROLIC—Don Hoskins ',d,nissiol, S .:c. . Kippen East W., I. EUCHRE AND DANCE in Watson's Hall K PPEN WED., DEC. 27TH Proceeds For War Work Cards at 8 P.M. Murdoch's Orchestra All ladies provide lunch General Admission 25c EOJCHR!E AND DANCE OLD AND NEW TIME St. Collunnb,a., n WED., ,r, EC. 27TH • Cards 9 P.M. Sharp Agar and Collins Orchestra twelve ladle; present. Following the devotional part of the meeting, the animal reports were given by those in charge. This was followed by an election of officers for 1940 with Mrs. Peters in charge, The following of. firers were elected; Honorary- Presi- dent, Mrs. Alf, Ings; President, Mrs. Roy Dowson: 1st Vice President. Mrs. W. J. Johnston; 2nd Vice Presi- dent. Mrs. D. Stephenson; Secretary, Mrs. Stewart Beatty; Treasurer, Mrs. Alex, McConnell; Press Secretary. Mrs: Stewart Beatty; • Organists. Mrs. Win. Reid, Mr:•. Lee McConnell; Devotional come Mrs. Geo. Clark. Mrs. Wnt, Reid, Mie. Peters; Flower con„ Mrs, E. Foster. Mrs. Fred Reid; Visiting come Mrs. Peters. Mrs. E. Foster; Member -ship corn.. Mrs. Har- old Connell, Mrs, Alt Inge; Work come birs. Orrin Dawson (convener), Mrs. Wilfred Chuter, Mrs. Lee Mc- Connell. bits. Geo Clark. Mrs. A. Ings. Mrs. • 1,Vn. Stephenson, Mrs. Alt. Johnsten. HARLOCK- Littre Jessie ii'a r retn:•ze,..,me from Seaforth ho-pr•ai Wednesday ,tf last week and is getting alene nicely. Mrs. Robert Watson has been cit fined to bed for the last fes tans but at time of writing iti :z a pp) e a to be. improving. \t ,l,p .i will 7.0 Ste tram.( rain. M... ._..it .. ...ti It.“. 's in oitaa•ge. Little Kenneth Ba,Vey i '^ hone of bit'. and Mr,. I; , , Wa t,n with his mother and 1. time .,t writing has the chicken.plx s .' thought to be getting a-wr tbe.... Alien 1sab' l - Brighamt- idea: home from school in Biyth•taii ':Ir with chicken -pox. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rogerson famib' spent Sunday AZ the ham? of. Mr, David and Miss Mary Reid. Mr. Fred Sprung of the West is+ visiting at the home his cousin Mrs. and Mr. Ernest Knox. The Sunday School entertainment is not going to be held in Burns' Church this week as was announced on Sunday on account of chicken pox. Nurse Beacom wito hiss been in charge with Dr. Evans of Clinton who has been very sick fit his home, ex- pects to return hone on Wednesday. Messrs. Harold and Bert Beacom and their mother bits A. W. Beacom attended the school concert on Mon- day evening in Wawanosh where Mies Edith lleaeoni is teacher. Little Miss Poi a n da Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Pliilarn who tvas operated on in C antra i-1 tsa it's.. we. understand is 1t. t itt TUCKERSMITH 'lir. end Mrs. 0. NI - Wednesday in Ta ole Mr. and Mrs. Russell c'oletnati .and Mrs. Thus. Coleman, Mr. S Whit- more and Mrsrefit 01µ attended the funeral of M.. W. J Hornier in Zurich last Saturday. Quite a number took in tate Witit:• mote -Elliott reception at Winthrop hall on Monday ,night. Egmondvilie United Church is hav- ing a bee Thursday cutting wood in Mr, David McLean's bush:; TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES ISSUED '?THIS WEEK Metre than 8.900 telephone director- ies were dropped in the post on Tnes day as the latest Issue for Seatortb and vicinity left the presses- Aaout 850 of these books are being delivered re Seaforth subscribers, according t., J. 11, McIntosh. manager of th s Ben Telephone Company for this dtsta'i, 1. To commemorate the visit of King George and Queen Elizabeth to Can oda, the royal coat of arms, printed 11, royal blue ink, replaces the Greek g,d Symbolic of the Spirit of Communict tion as the only decoration - en th.s covet' of the new directory. The new book contain over 3:700 new and revised Listings3.400i-t tis alphabetical section and :lee la the classified. In view of this taros' her of changes. the Dell z tat., g-: pressed the hLtpe that subsert'..n, would destroy the vld books and fully consult. the new eine, plaeing calls. Nut t1, - r_• sheefei .r. checked on menta pad.: persons most„ -11 l '2y s "This simple e.:t,d . tn'- 'wrong numbe7 in tile tr,orests Isho i t., NSW' Altg. — FOR A SPECIAL age.._ ,I Ukelele Bill AND HIS 8111,6, 31Lt,153 's'J "Little, • ONS -NIGH ONLY A'r KIPPEN Monday, Dec. 25th Christmas Nite Floor Show featuring "Miss Babe". General Admission 3.hc —Don't forget the usual Friday nit? Dance, with Clayton Steeper, eta. SCOTT'S EM tL I Wit® Best Way to take Cod Liver OE Contains Vitamins A and 530 and 98 -ft R. R. McKINDSE,Y, PH11.B, Druggist THE NYAL STOIRE PHONE 111, SEAFORT1-1