HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-12-21, Page 4PAGE POUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snow L,n n:-:>:;, P r .. , WAL'S'O N The McKillop Group of the Ai 13.5. met at the .hone of Misr Bessie Day - !dean on Thursday. The erection of officers was the business of the after- noon. The group has had a successful year sending in to the treasurer of the W.M.S. of Duff's Church the sum of $77.00. Mr. Robinson Hamilton, B.A., of Toronto is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Hamilton. The W. M. S. of the United Church held the Christmas meeting on Tues- day e, -day afternoon with Mrs, Bryans pre- siding. The Christmas service with candles was followed. Seventeen members responded to the roll call. Reports of the year's work were given by the secretaries. group lead- ers and treasurer. The nominating committee's report t was as follows: Hon president, nt, Mrs. McCallum, pre- sident, Miss Knox; 1st vice pres., Mrs. Gilbert; 2nd vice pres., Mrs. Turnbull; 3rd vice pres., Miss Rit- chie secretary, Mrs. McDonald; treasurer, Mrs. Davidson; supply sec.. Mrs. Kirkby: assistant supply. sec„ Mrs. Rutledge; community friendship sec., Mrs. Johnston; associate help ers' see.. Mrs. Leeming; temperance sec., Mrs. Bryans; miss. monthly sec., Mrs. Broadfnot; stewardship sec., Mrs. Marshall; literature sec.. Sire. Cummings; mission bead supt.. Mrs. McCall; assistant, Mrs. Broadfoot; baby band supt., Mrs. H. Johnston; auditors, Mrs. Reid and Mrs. McDon- ald; finance cont.. Mrs. Davidson. Mrs. Reid Mt e d and Mrs.This Marshall. a 1. t, report was accepted. WINTHROP A "Merry Christmas to All." The euchre and dance held in the hall last Friday night was well at- tended. The prize winners were, lad- ies, most .games. Miss Margaret Mont- gomerY, lone hands. Mrs. Battles; men, most games, Mr, William Mont- gomery, lone hands, Mr. Harry Eddi- cott. After lunch a few' hours were spent in dancing to Collins and Agar orchestra, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Eaton, Larry and Keith, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Loh Sperling. A large crowd attended the recep- tion held in the hall Monday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Elliott. They received many beautiful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCowan and Bobby spent Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eaton. Nomination will be held in the hall this Friday. mmev te sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. William Hart, after a lingering illness. The late Mrs. Hart lived east of the village a few years ago and was widely known. WP ex- tend our deepest sympathy 10 those that are left to mourn the loss .tf a loving mother. The "Helping Hand" mission baud of Cavite Chm'rh held their annual meeting Saturday. Dec•. 9. in the base- ment of the church with the leader Mrs. Toll presiding. The meeting opened by singing "0 Littre Town of Bethlehem" followed by the Lord's prayer in unison. The Christmas Bible reading from Luke 9:8ilo, was read by Maxine Dennison. The roll call was answered with a Christmas verse. The leader told a very interesting story called "The Christmas Tree that went walking." Business was discussed after which hymn "Away in a Manger" was sung. The installa- tion of officers followed: Leader, Mrs. E. Toll; assist, Mrs. G. Smith: pres., Isabel Gillies; sec„ Jean Hab- kirk; areas„ Maxine Dennison; pian- ist, Ruth McClure, The meeting clos- ed with the hymn, "Joy to the World," and a prayer of Thanksgiv- ing hanksgiving in unison. "CHRISTMAS GHOSTS"—A Delight- ful Short Story The well-known writer. Christine Jape -Slade, has written a fascinating tale --illustrated in color and to be found complete in The American Weekly with the December 24 issue of The Detroit Sunday Times --which relates romantic experiences of four ultra • modern young people who agreed to spend the Yuletide in the phantom -ridded entree- • . prove it wasn't haunted. n SUTHERLAND BEAUTY SHOP ' Takes this opportunity to thank you for the confidence reposed in us and for your spirit of co- operation. And now to one and all A Happy Christmas A Bright New Year D. R. SUTHERLAND THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, DEC, 2i; 39 A CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR' THE HOUSEWIFEE • A New Full Sized VACUUM CLEANER Regular L'alue $39750) FREE WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWINGNEW IEILECTRIC WASHIERs GILSON SNOWBIRD, trade iii Guelph,''Ont, MIS S SIMPLICITY, made in Piespeler, Ont. WESTINGHOUSE DE LUXE, made in Hamilton, Ont, Your old washer .as down payment, the balance on easy terms as desired. Only a limited number avaiiabls. Oniy one to a customer. JOHN ACH MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH ST. COLUMBAN On Sunday afternoon about thirty- five relatives and friends gathered ar the horse of Miss Anne Feeney, a popular bride of this month. to wish her joy and success. During the after- noon a mock wedding was Staged, the participants being. _Frances Delaney, as bride; Rose Feeney. as the groom a Ire s lid Mrs. Joseph Rowland as officiat- ing' 1 R d offlc at in clergyman. The bride was the recipient of many lovely and useful gifts, for which the bride thanked her many friends. After this a dainty lunch was served by the hostesses. Misses Evelyn Melady and Irene Sul- livan, assisted by their friends, The following is the address: "Dear Ann —Hearing of your approaching mar- riage we your friends felt we could not let this opportunity pass without showing in some small way the good wishes which accompany you and your husband with these gifts which we ask you to accept, You have been most unselfish In your profession as a nurse and your many little acts of kindness will not soon be forgotten, We hope to often have Ole pleasure of seeing you and your husband In Si. Caluntban and may your wedded life be nne of continual happiness. Mr. and Me. Joseph McQuaid attd family. Mr. and Eli's. V. J. Lane nad •r y Mis Mary ' • ey family. It .[at, Cawley and. Martin McQuaid attended the ordination to the priesthood of Rev. Father Thomas \le Qutiid which took place at St. t' iluntban on Sunday. Dec. 94th 1Lily m t is Miss Hiles of Toronto r, visit- ing mer parents here. iicraftsman Harry McIver of Trenton client the week end at his home ltet'e The 1',\\ I are holdtn a endue and italic•, in ChoParish hall an Wednesday evening. 1) 11 rh, STANLEY mkt Eloy seotchntet' .;l,ettt a few days last week in Toronto, Mrs. John Se*tchnt+'r is intpravIng nit''ly atter her recent ilhtto's. 11r. John Penitale is vl ltingfriends at Rt. Thomas. Mr. Robert Peultale and Mr. Charles Falcnner spent Sunday with Mr. Har- old Penhale. Mr. and Mrs. T. RI, Snowden visited friends in Seaforth one day recently. Mr. and firs. Geo. Anderson and family end Mrs. Henry Erratt spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lowden of Hamilton. The teacher and pupils of Goshen school held their Christmas enter- tainment and Christmas tree on Tues. day everting. Mr. and Mr's. Thos. Robinson are utoving thisweek from the farm on Goshen Line to Egmandville. 1Ir. and Mrs. Allam Armstrong are moving onto the farm they purchased from Thos. Robinson. HIBBERT • Council Meeting— The Hibbert Townehip ("etncil tttet in the t tana township hall Net.. lath. in t final session ion to finish tit busin- ess of they tit All nrenth+•t• present. The Re eve rra.ideri. Thte centred has deciikit to +•i•edlt. elle ;4nih,• village of Dublin with 1+:;: and lent;.' tins tax. The .followingaccounts were t i 11. C stetue supplies." :.i 1I t.�t cipa, VVnrlri.'applies. S7.41: A \V' Iii ,ti- t \t ii,1t . J+ r , t. et a tot. i Fr. ,.. 'i-i•rt.t-tittk x tan:, --Tit DUBLIN - aI t to t rr - rt-' t t n'1 H i til tot in t t r- r' M.'s. Tom M,lytteaua entertained several Of her friends t'+ i bridge parry. on Friday evening. - RIiss Mary O'Connell returned hone atter visiting. friends in London for the past week. Mr Jack McGrath i• speudittg a few days in .Toronto The Christmas service Will be held in St. Mary, Church on Sunday at 3 o'clock. The old Christmas hymns will he sung.--_— TUCKERSMITH ease Barbara Simpson had a very sue c seful school entertainment. The section preset,. r1 Mtss 'intp^'oa with :+ floor lamp Mt Helen tilt',, as re -1 .te'i Our `thrist s Greeting 0, TO YOU AND Yt)iRS J' 11' l ,`"�t'4LNi'F't MAY TI -U INDEED BE A CHRl'STY S HEARTY GOOD CHEER e'6 Christies' Meat Market PHONE 58 pq��, �yy�.�S,E��AFOpR��THHp�-, LP�aIA�a� �f'41tNitt'-o\i'r�alt/1�ali'.�t'aU/�aVFa P 9 hone after spending Inst week mea Brucefield" Jlrs, Montgomery Patrick is at pre- sent in the Seaforth Hospital, W hope for a .speedy' recovery', Bliss Anna Love spent last week end at her bonze in Tuckersntith, Miss Elsie Drover of S. S. No, 9 Tucket'smith, fled a very successful entertainment t e .airmen. ' Cuesctav afternoon. • a el lOOA. Miss Janet Handley entertained her young friends one evening recently. BRUCEFIELD The Wontattes Missionary Soviet held its regular meeting in tit schoolroom on Dec. 13th The presi ent Mrs. Haugh was in the chair, an after the usual routine of busine the following offluers were electe for the coming year; Hon president Mrs, N. McGregor, Mrs. A. Muster Mrs. W. Rattenbtu•y; President, Mr H. Aikenuead; 1st vice pees., Mr's, Allan; :ltd vice Mrs, J. B. Mostar 3rd vice, Mrs, T. Chapman; rec. se retail', Edith Bowey; treas„ Mrs. Brock; corr. sec'y, Miss M. Swat financial sec'y., Mrs. C. Haugh; e pense fund treasMs, A. T. Sc ot community friendship sec Mrs. N Moffatt; supply sec., Mrs. A. M Queen; literature sec., Mrs Barbe1 Thomson; miss. monthly sec., Mt• T. Carr; ; associate helpers' sec., Mr. W. Stevens; temperance sec.; Mrs. Horton; baby band sec, Mrs, Ro Scott; assistants, Mrs. T. B. Bair Sirs, S. Thomson and Mrs. T. Cha man; Press sec., Mrs. C. Haugh; pia ists, Mrs. R. Scott, assistant, Mrs. Hazelwood; mission band supt., Mi E. 3d. Bowey, assistant, Miss Ant Aikenhead. Mrs, J. B. Mustard co ducted the worship service with Mr A. McQueen reading the story, T Service of the Holy Fire, and Miss Bowey reading some short poem The temperance secretary gave talk on the temptations set hero our young people and 'Mrs. A, Mustat We for a current event told of the ope Ing of a new wing at St. Paul's Ho pital, Hearst, Tlta missionary pr grant from the study book was tak by Mrs, Brock, Mrs. J. Thomso Mrs, Moffatt and Mrs, R, Scott. Tl meeting closed with the Mizpah be ediction. A joint meeting of the farm me and women \vas held at the home Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh on Thnrsd afternoon, The women opened the meeting by singing "Hark Lite Hera Angels sing," followed by the cree After the minutes of previous niee ing were read and adopted the ro call was answered with Christnt suggestions. A letter from Me. H. I Hannam was read by the secretar The Bulletin questions were discus ed. The following officers were eiec ed Inc 1940: President, Mrs. A. Bucl anan; 1st vice pees., Mrs: W. Dou las; and vice pies„ Mre. W. Stec house; sec, treas., Mrs. C. Haugh an Mrs, J. Cairns; question box conve er, Mrs. A. McQueen; Press see., Mr, Haugh and Mrs. Douglas; flower col vener, Mrs. L. Eyre; pianists, Mrs. , Cairns and Miss M. McQueen; direr ors, Alts. M. Gibson, G bso con., Miss Wal von, Mrs. A. Wright, Miss Mark. Mr's. Nesbitt and Mrs. Caldwell. Afte an exchange of Christmas r g C t to as ifts t men joined the women to hear theyr ports of the provincial silver jubile convention. Mr. Stackhouse wa chairman. He first called upon Ide. Davidson for his report, who gave u part o the threes f addresses es given b P the guest speakers, Mr. H. S. Arkel Miss McPhail and Mr, 1. H. Hull, Mt 4 David, on alsogave vv a few items fro the past president Mr, W. Nicholson' address, Also told of the co-operativ shareholders' meeting. Mrs. Buchana in her report told of the women' session, also of the young people' meeting, and some remarks given b. some of the past presidents. She ale told of greetings being brought Iron the Women's Institute and the Prot incial Council of Women. A vote o thanks was given the delegates fo their excellent reports. During th discussion of the reports the followin poem was given by one of the mem bers; "Lives of great men all remin us, Honest men don't get a chance The more we work there'll grow be hind us, Bigger patches on our pants.' Mr, B. Waldron was appointed con vnner on co-operation and Mrs. Buch anan con, of peace and democracy The January meeting will be held a tate home of Miss E. Waldron. At tit close of the meeting' lunch was sery ed by the hostess and friends. The concert given by the boys an girls of S.S. No, 3, Tuckev'smitlt an No. 10, Stanley, last Thursday nigh was a great success. The prograntm was good from first to last. A vote o thanks was given to the teachers Miss Simpson and Mr. Palmer, else to the music teacher Mr. Rennie. The annual Sunday School Christ mac concert and Christmas tree wil be held Friday evening, Dec. 22nd.. CROMARTY Messrs_ Edgar and Frank Allen at- tended the funeral of their emeriti Mr. Beit Allen at St. Marys on Sunday, Mrs. Ernie Ross and babe spent last week with Mr's. Ross's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alex McLaren, Bliss Wilhelmina Russel visited with Mrs. John Wallace last week. Several from here attended the funeral of the late Sandy Pardon at Exeter on Wednesday last,. We welcome Mr, and. Mrs. Wilbert Chapple t0 our oontmutvitY. Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace and Mr. ,and Mrs. Will Houghton spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Donald Wallace. Carlingford, BAYFIELD Miss Betty Gardnier of Toronto University is spending Christmas with her mother, Mrs, R. H, 33, Gard• it n re . :hiss Jessie Metcalf and the Misses miller are guests of Mrs. W. Metcalf for the holiday season. Friends of Mrs. Lar'eson are sorry to hear that she had the misfortune to break her arms and .her son was token suddenly i11 and operated on for appendicitis in Clutton Hospital, The h local fishermen have finished for the 1339 season and pulled their boats -^••--•-- WEST 'BRODHAGEN -Mir. Geo. Bierman lost a valuable horse on Satuvday night, rutting firewood is the order of the day at present and is a nice Job as there is no snow on the ground. Mr. Jerry Doerr has the job to cut 30 cords for Mn. Peter Eckert. Mrs. Geo. Bierman is not as well as her niftily friends would like to see het' and was taken to Seaforth Hospi- tal on Sunday afternoon. We hope Inc the best, Mr. Murray of near Walton is mak- ing his rounds with his grinding out• fit and does very good work. Christmas is near at hand, so the correspondent is wishing one and all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. BLAKE Merry Christmas to all. The scholars- alid theft* teacher in the ,Blake School are holding their Christmas entertainment Thursday evening, December 21, at 7.30 p.m. Mrs. .1, Allan of Hensall spent a few clays with Miss Mary Johnston. tilts. Lloyd Finnegan and Emily Bertha of Dnrham are spending a few days with her mother Mrs. Clarice, Mr. Gordon Manson and son of Denrlas were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Manson and family. Mr, Milton Johnston of Thornloe is 1' ndittg 4 few days n•itlt his par- a and .iter. Sir, and .Mrs. Thos. .4at'ti. rtnt and Marr. BRUCEFIELD Dalrymple Watt i -\\'r tt. tl,t , ter ti,.- \I^ \ x. rr Watt, William Henry 'rylit Ir V l r.tt t5 l:. •wa 11Ltilit• I tiirt ) t, Saturday atter- n, December Seth. at \\'e.1ev United Churn{t manse, Clintott. Rev. N. Lane, R.m., 1,.D., pastor vi ;'.tat church. affieiated. •I'he .bride ware' dress of teal bllue creipe with :wine ess tnic' and shoulder bouquet of', Dose Hill rases and fern. The l c se' .were Mi 'Mae Mitchell, Chin- on and 11;iss 'Grace Dalrymple, Bruce - field, 'Inunediately after the ceremony \Ir, and Mrs. Dalrymple left for a motor trip, the bride wearing a plink colt ,over her wedding :costtume.• They lit tit reside tet Brucefield. The 'bride was- well known lihroughout the coan- t throng) her connection with the D 1,•trtmcnt of Agriculture as steno - '_r tlt r -at the'Clinton 'iffice. She iwas the tardier.s m the primary 1de- ut lit 1 I\\ e. les Willis Stinday n 0110 her eft: was a p;ct. Crain that cctass- BRODHAGEN. til.♦ el' eel Mr Harry S . Melee e r lei. dill.. - Br..Le Pas- r.- '1 t'iit.nt. witt,. Isle. °ursi- Rit's. 'Sir lit+°e_ el., and Mrs. G. Ray Hart of Strut - read and Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Wheatley t r t tinily of McKillop with Mr. and NI I . ts. Rock. 1411 and Mrs. Ed Diegei ot RIittltel! with Mr. and Mrs, Otto Ritz. Mhs (attires Deigel spent Sunday with Hies Doris Melville in Moulton. CHISELHURST, The annual Christmas meeting of the' 1'.P.V. was held Tuesday esening hast. The meeting was in charge of social conveners Percy Wright and Ruby Dalrymple. Rev. R A. Brook tone rhat'ge of the business part of the meeting. The officers for the new year were notninated being much the same as last year PIPs.. Miss Jean Veneer; let vice pros.. Verna na etc - Lean: and vice prese Russell Fergu- son; sect., Erie Treffry; treas., Ben Stoneman; pianist, Ben Stoneman; assistant pianist, Rev. R. A. Brook. Miss Verna McLean took a chapter front the book, "Boys Who Made Well," which was very interesting. Rev. R. A. Brook sang a very beauti- ful solo which was much enjoyed by all, Ben Stoneman then. favored with a piano solo. The rest of the evening was spent in games and contest. There was an exchange of Christmas gifts. Lunch was served which brought the meeting to a close. MANLEY Mr. Fred Eckert was a visitor with his sister, Mrs. John Murray. last week. Many are taking advantage of the fine wiaatlter to get some of the sec- ond growth poplar out of the swamp for fuel fe,r another year. This waste land 'wOttltt be of great value of re- forested. which is now owned by RIs'. Knight of Grey Tp. and which was the Mat of the Canada Co. land owned by them. Ploughing is stilt the order of the illy. Solite man recall 111*' year 1575 when ploughing was dons on Christ- mas eve with the grouted as dry as In July: An early spring followed with a bumper crop that season- Eginondvitle Sunday School will KIPPEN hold their entertainment Oa Thursday The Kippen East W.I. are holding a evening at 8 o'clock. euchre and dance on Wednesday, ' ' Dec. 27th in aid of war work. Se tat:'y'. 1- d 8$ d S, d, a; C,Tues.,Wed. t. 5 - t; r c• le s s. s , n . . Is IR 11• e' E S. a• re ,a 0- s- 0- en Li, lie n- ,e of the l0 1. I' it as y s- k -J. n - R. sTo e- S. m y. g d t•. ofo - 1 George "I STOLE . T GEN NOW SHOWING Raft Claire Trevor A MILLION" , T , ,, RE A 0.L SeaA oTILh NEXT To-luns„ FAL, SAT, re tl SCREEN'S t' CROWNING ACHIEVEMENT! ACHiEVEMENT! ,' s i `f 1• L 6 R Ro r LY' ves:a . ° e ICI �r Ile �IRIr/Ull IA�eLI �`f ' ESS . TECHNICOLOR OLIVIA IDE HAVILLAND DONALD CRISP '• ALAN HALE • VINCENT PRICE • HENRY SrEPHENSON • Dfr ....I %.' Mth'.VI�Nuem.n*.MW"ss."tndan„°su � 0.,d on J„ SP. Re, b, N°a+dt,Nd°e.M, lYwluortiq ea faun. Out% 4r- • KAP 4.. arab eNipve ImrrMMNI • 9a�7'C1B'B.q *Watt *MIIII+� �O� NDS 1 *GLOM JEAN l / !®cd�%! �. /, . y,; \ 20001* n JrtFCroe 3*4- ®g S' itt•IN '°11.A.,. • _ "with Comin�gy'q*p "TIIIEY SHALL HAVE MUSIC" l�D•if3ciama '.1oI i G6BoxINGD99 At the request of Merchants and Businessmen, ( hereby proclaim • A PUBLIC HOLIDAY FOR THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1939 acid request the Citizens to duly observe the same "GOD SAVE THE KING" J. CLUFF, Mayor t S d�S 1 a e n 0 °' -I, SO",•.e"-®a"`?( Our Many Clients A � t ' SURA CIF GOOD WISHES FOR CHRISTMAS HAPPINESS WATSON & and Friends �1'a4" .lA �. I J i ,f�� elf' ., , i.E .J` t Y : D t ° s REE I D ' ,9a'a:SiP 4:ririlr'�:[ 'Qn f', e • 1 ' ! " a , •• .'". With all sincerity we greet you with that grand old wish A Merry Christmas „n The Staff of DAL :S GARAGE Seaforth ..,...i. 14',d 0W Give .,, Portrait of Yourself for Christ i. ias PRICED FROM FIFTY CENTS JP Any size roll of fiim developed free. 8 pictures (doubieweight 1 if you prefer) and a big enlargement made from the best" negative -2&c, return postage paid. Christmas Calendars or Greeting Cards made from your o negative,. Calendars 35c, Cards 1,00 a dozen EE JACKSON STUDIO SEAFORTH Your I; perty front scenery, � nature- and with add See that hung over tric light criy fused r tions remove Remember, lutely safe. mea0o1, constant ire attention is called Christmas cotton to represent the lighting greatly to the inflammable lighting devices;, bulbs, etc. See atl'li not overloaded. -1 as goon ::tithing and that if accidents vigilance azarr!!! to the danger to rife and pro - decorations, such as draperies, snow, etc. Displays of this arrangements in connection there- ordinary risks of fire. material is clear of' and not steal i pipes, stove pipes, elec- that the electric circuits are prop- Have all temporary decora- as they have served their purpose. :;an render these displays -abso- are not to mar the festive and care must be exercised. A, W. DICK, Fire Chief