HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-12-14, Page 8P. EIGHT
G`l l i-allISM -a ZW�dreUQ. WY0 t Ubu
McTAVISI- 'S Brussels
Cl, istnxas Gifts that are practical
as, well as lovely $2.50
Ll:Eard made, of exquisite beauty.
Fr cm $3,50 to $7,50
Ail r"cxe3 for a perfect
gal _ .
Cellophan.e wrapped.. , 49c to 9dc
Fridge covers, moire
,$1,19. Suede 98c. silk
Hand Bags. new styles
-a useful gift. 98e to
Neckwear. Silk crepes,
mire silks, fine wools.
Any lady will appre-
elate these :..... $1.00
Satin Housecoats. she
t;.ille trim .. .... $5.95
Quilted collar a n d
sleeve style .... $4.95
Boxed or separ-
ate, at all prices.
Ties. Patterned or
plain. 29c-$1.00.
Gloves. Capeskin
$1.25, lined or tin
lined. Pigskin 2,95.
Socks, Boxed.
Fine wool 39c to
Kiddies will thrill at
the sight of these and
they are so warm.
Sizes 2, 4, 6 ....$2.95
1Nt ave a vast array of Toys that you wilt enjoy buy-
uyitig nee rerece from colored horns to electric trains.
Erect '•n the kiddies and watch their delight.
Mise l oel \Fc,rkman war confined
to her home durit:g the past week ow-
ing , illness.
Mr. and Mrs. W'rn. Hyde visited on
"mtay with Mr. and Mrs, Harvey
Tile many friends of Miss Glary
'Me:Gregor regret to hear she is ser-
iously 11I. Mrs. Bertha Bell is in at-
Mr. Ross MacKay has been confined
to hie hnme during the past -week
with ..n attack of influenza.
Mr. Casey Hudson of Listowel vis-
ited with his parents. Mr. and Mrs,
Geo. Hudson on 'Tuesday.
Arnold Circle Elects Officers. -
The regular meeting of the Arnold
f refs' was held at the home of Mrs.
N1.:eo1m nougat) on Tuesday evening
with a very geed attendance and op-
,ntR'd by alt's. Dougall playing the
ester of Bethlehem. Mrs. Roy Bell pre-
;i3eFl Miss Violet Hyde gave a story
pm1 i c'ripture readings was given by
Mss Beryl Pfaff. Miss Mabel \Vork-
tr.r led in prayer. The business was
dl.e u Fd and Mise HannahMurray
pro i, -d over the election of officers:
J' "s rtert. airs. Roy Bell: vice presi(d-
e•t. Miss Beryl Pfaff: supply sec..
Miss Myrtle Peart.: sec., Miss Marg -
wet tell: treas., Miss Helen Moir.
The Ladies' Aid met in Carmel
March Tuesday evening with Mrs.
Frank Farquhar presiding.
Cali Accepted -
'The eougr,-gation o; Carmel Pres -
h terian Church has extended a call
1:n Rev. Wm. Weir. B.A.. of Gaderich,
ferrnerly of Portage La Prairie, which
has been accepted. The induction will
l be place in the church on Jannar•y
The Senior Inetitnte held their reg-
ular meeting Wednesday evening at
the home of Mrs. Garnet Case with a
very good attendance. Miss Beryl
Pfaff gave the motto and Miss Irene
Douglas was the guest speaker. Mrs.
Claude Bdowes gave a demonstration
on "My Favorite Candy Recipe." The
music was in charge of Miss Mabel
Workman. Lunch in charge of Mrs.
Mlekle, Mrs. Smellie and Mrs, John
Relieving agent Nit'. W. C. Thomp-
son has temporarily taken charge of
the C.N.R. station while Mr. A. L.
'Case is on holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. David Kilpalrick of
Exeter are taking up residence in
the . Murdoch dwelling recently vac-
ated by Mr. and Mrs.. 'Harold Foster,
who have moved to Blyth.
A Christmas sale of home Booking
a:nd an afternoon tea was held in.
Carmel Presbyterian Church on Wed-
nesday afternoon under the auspices
of Mrs. Manson's group. The church
was beautifully decorated for the
occasion and there was a very good
Rev.R. A. Brookconducted serv-
ices . fir the United Church on Sun-
day. Bible Sunday was observed at
the morning service and the subject
was "The Benefit of Trial.
The choir sang two delightful an-
thems. "My heart is Glad" and "Walk-
ing With God," Miss Florence Welsh
Mrs. Garfield Stubitz of Detroit
called on her mother Mrs. Wnt.
Mints recently.
Rev. John Mustard of Toronto
peached both services in ('ai'nrel
Presbyterian (Muth on Sunday. The
choir sang two anthems, "Praise Ye
The Lord," obligato solos taken by
Miss Nene Hoggarth and Mrs. W, A.
Maclaren, and "All Hail The Power
of Jesus! Name." Next Sunday Mr.
George Lamont. of Knox College will
emidnet services.
The United Church will present a
pageant in the church on Sunday ev-
ening. Dec. 24th, entitled "Good Tid-
ings of Great Joy."
The Public. school will present two
operettas. "Molly 13e Jolly." and
"What's The Matter Ivith Sally," in
the town hall on Monday evening. De-
cember 18th.
Young People's Hold
Christmas Meeting -
The Young People's Society of C'.itr-
mel Church held a very sur cessfttl
Christmas meeting in the church ore
Monday evening with Miss Ironer
Hoggarth presiding, After singing
"While Shepherds Watched Their
Flocks by Night" and "It Came upon
1a Midnight ("dear," Miss Jean Mc-
Queen led in prayer. The scripture
was read by Miss Violet Hyde rmd
the nffering received. Mrs. W. A,
M u Laren favored with a solo,
"Christ Was Born in Bethlehem," ac-
companied by Miss Irene Hoggarth
on the Mann. The minutes of the pre-
vious meeting were read and adopted
and the toll called. After the business
period the Young People presented
their Christmas donatione of gifts
for the Sick Children's Hospital in
London. The hymn, "Holy Night, Sil-
ent Night," was sung and Mr. Allen
Davidson gave the topic on "The
Spirit of Christmas," which was very
interesting. Mies Margaret Dougall
and Mr. Harry Dougall played ,i1
musical selection on the violin and
mouth organ accompanied by their
mother Mrs. Andrew Dougall on the
piano. The meeting closed by singing
"0 Come All Ye Faithful" and the
national anthem and benediction.
Games were then played, after which
dainty refreshments were served.
Young Peopie's Union -
The Young People's Union held
their regulslr' missionary meeting h
the basement of the church on Mon-
day evening with Miss Elva Mc-
Queen presiding , and opened by
singing "It came upon a Midnight.
Clear," followed by prayer by Miss
Norma Cook. Miss Ruth Brook read
the scripture and the minutes of the
previous meeting were read and
adopted, and the roll caller! Miss
Kay Drysdale gave a very interest-
ing address on "Our Missionaries on
the Sea." liras Ruth- Hess sang a
solo. "The World is Waiting for the
Sunrise", and the meeting closed
with "Rescue the Perishing," and the
1VIizpah benediction.
\cid iaienal FTensall on Page '.rw•o
Want and "ror Sale ads, 1 week; 2,5c
Mr. Lloyd Workman of Oshawa,"
visited .during the week with his
mother, Mrs, Susan Workman.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Workman. of
Flint, Mich., spent the week end with
Mr, and M'r's. Wm. Workman. `
Mrs. Priscilla Deitz passed away
early Tuesday morning after a brief
illness. The funeral will be held
Thursday afternoon, Interment at
Baird's 'cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred H. Flolgarfh, of
i xeter, Ont. announce the engage -
Med of Thein- yaualgest clau(glteer, E'va.
are, 4o Hulbert John .\toNtd,togfiton,
tounlgist son of ?1r, and lirs, John
\ I r NinAuq:h to n, cif Klippen, Ont., bh p
marriage So take 'place quietly ;the tat-
ter part of December.
On Wednesday afternoon the Kip -
pen East W.I. met at the . hone of
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Slavin with a
good attendance of members and sev-
ev-eral visitors. The meeting was open-
ed by the singing of several Christ-
mas carols. The story of the Slavin
farm was read by Mrs: Glen McLean
and the secretary reported the min-
utes of the last regular meeting. Miss
Eihel ,Tackson sang a solo which the
audience enjoyed very ouch. Miss
Margaret McKay gave a short and
very appropriate talk on C'hr'istmas
Thoughts" The roll call "What My
Household dikes best about the
Christmas' season." brought a re-
sponse from every member. The mot-
to, "The proof of the pudding is in
the eating" was ,given by Mrs, Archie
Hoggarth, Mrs, W. McLean gave a
paper nn "Pointers In Making Christ-
mas Calre" and treated ns to a sample
of her cake. Mr. Benson • Stoneman.
sang two very fine solos, There was a
generous donation of books and toys
to be sent to the Salvation Army
headquarters for distribution among
the needy children. Santa Claus ap-
peared Dred unloaded the tree, each
member receiving a gift and there
were bags of candy and nuts for all
the children. A splendid lunch was
served and a social time was spent.
\\'e are now organized under the War
charities act and are prepared to do
sewing and knitting for the soldier's,
and would ask for the hearty co-
operation of all in the vicinity, either
ds organizations, or as individuals, in
this work. The eommittee in charge
art Mrs. W, Cole, Mrs. W. Doig, Mrs.
L. Clark, Mrs. Wm. Workman with
Mrs. Geo. Glenn and Mrs. Jas. Smillie
as see.-treas. This week we have
shipped to headquarters in Toronto
the following supplies. 10 hospital
gowns. 12 bandages, 20 slings, 6 pairs
of pillow covers, 14 pairs of socks.
Mi. Erie Switzer entertained a
number Of bis friends to a progress-
ive euchre recently, which was very
ninth enjoyed by a11. The prizes were
given to, ladies, first, iltiss Gilltinson:
gents. first NU'. Alex Mclleath; ladies,
consolation. Mrs. 13i11 McLaughlin;
genie, consolation, Mr, 13i11 McLaugh-
lin. .after the prizes were given Dec
invited Itis guests to the dining room
where a most selieious lunch was
served. After lunch eon tests were
given. then every one departed thank-
ing Eris for the splendid evening,
Cnu. or tile largest receptions ever
held in the hall was tendered Mr,
and Nit's, Stewart Reattle Tuesday
night. Mr. McInnis read the address
and Mr. Harvey Clutter presented the
newlyweds with a well filled purse.
Mr. Beattie, on behalf of Mrs. Beatty
and himself, made a fitting reply. A
very pleasant event was spent.
Mr. and Mr's. Beattie have moved
into Mr. F. Weekes' hone. We wish
the young couple bon voyage through
life and welcome them to our com-
The many friends of Mrs. John
Smith will be pleased (o know she
returned from the hospital,
Miss Mary Reid of Hayfield called
on Mr. Geo. Beatty Sr, Monday.
Take notice that after the pet
year the stores in Varna will be
closed 7 p.m. each night, except Wed-
nesday and Saturday.
Mrs. W. A. Bothwell, who has
spent the summer with Mrs. M. Reid.
has gone to spend the winter with
her granddaughter in Windsor.
Mr. Ernest Mills of South Dakota
FLASH /}� H !
E �L'L�i •
There has been a great
scarcity of battery radio sets
but we are fortunate in hav-
ing a splendid assortment of
these sets -popular priced set
Ford Dealer & Radio Service
Be Attractive 4
Be Popular
7,00 Wave $5.00
6.00 Wave $4.00
With or Without Machine
5.00 Wave $2,75
3.00 Wave $2,25
2.25 Wave $1.95
End Curl ...,.$1.50 to $3,00
Pay less and enjoy the best
Phone 50 or 18 Seaforth
Brown --In loving memory of Janres
Samuel Brower; who died on Decem-
ber 14, 1038.
I have lost my soul's companion,
A life linked with my own,
And clay by clay I miss him more,
As I walk through life alone.
-Sadly missed by *115', daughter
and grandchildren,
In loving memory of our clear bro-
ther James 5, Brown, who passed
away Dec. 14th, 1989,
Even death has it wonderful mission
Though it robs us of those we love,
It lifts our hearts from otu' surround-
To long for that meeting above.
No matter how heavy the burden.
No mutter how great the despair,
Doesn't Heaven seem nearer and
know that 005 loved ones are
• ..Lovingly remembered by Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Williams,
was renewing acquaintances in this
vicinity. Mr, Mills is the youngest
son of the late Thos. Mills, an old
resident of Stanley.
Mrs. Ings spent the weep end with
her parents in Zurich.
A meeting to r'eor'ganize the Chub
Of Progress for the wifYer months
was held Monday evening. Dec. 11,
The meeting was opened by the
chairman, Mr. A. R. Dodds. As the
sec'retar'y Miss J. Anderson was ab-
sent, the treasurer Miss E, 13111(011
gave the financial. report. Then fol-
lowed the election of officers: Pres..
Mr. 13. B. Stephenson; vice pees.,
Mr, \V' FralIek; secretary, Mr. W.
Jewitt, treasurer, Miss E. Britton;
Press sec., Mr. A R. Dodds program
committee, the school trustees for
1939: Mr's. L. Stephenson, Mr, R.
Jamieson and NIr, A. Dale. Editors for
the paper, Mr. R. McGregor', kir. W.
Fralick, Mr. W. Jewitt. The next
meeting is to be held Friday evening,
,Ian, 5, 1940, at 8 o'clock, Moved by
Mr, Wilbur Jewitt, seconded by NIr.
Wnt. Jewitt, that the meeting adjourn
The pupils of (.'onsta.nee school will
present a Christmas program In the
school !rouse on Tuesday evening,
Dec, 19, at 8 pen. At the close Santa
Claus will come with presents.
Mr. Lao Stephenson has bought the
property formerly owned by Mr.
Duncan Tudor and has batt the house
shingled and is busy repairing the in-
Miss Olive (i'imoldby of 1310Killop
spent the week end at her home here
Did- some elle say that wedding
bells were going to ring soon. Well,
they are, so get ready to welcome
the brine and ,groom.
Mr. Robert Grimoldhy and Mr•
Dave Millsnn spent an averring last
eek with Mr. Peter.Ecicar't of Br'od-
Mrs. Margaret Nrratt of lit neey
spent tate week end with icer sister
Mrs. Henry Edem f. and other relatives
Mr. and Mrs. Roht. E. Robinson
spent a few clays visiting with friends
at Toronto la,at week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hayter and
Mr. and Mrs. .Ta.ck Reid of Detroit
visited with friends in this vicinity.
The annual school' entertainment.
and Christmas tree will be held at
Goshen school on Tuesday evening,
Dee, 10th,
O\wing to the prevalence of rabies in the
surrounding districts, and in view of the fact
that rabies is readily translnissahle to hu-
man beings, all citizens are requested to
watch their dogs and pets carefully, or if
they observe any dogs acting suspiciously,
to notify authorities.
Sunkist Oranges--
ranges-dos, , 19c, 23c, 29c, 39c
New Mixed Nuts-
,2 lbs, for 35c
Mixed Candy, 2 lbs, for ,...25c
Cream Candy, 2 lbs, for ....29c
New Dates, 2 lbs: for 23c
Candied Cherries, pound ,25c
Rolled Wheat -
5 pound bag 19c
Purity Flour, 98 lb. bag ...2.94
Western Queen Flour
98 lb. • 2.79
Oyster Shell, 100. lbs. 1 05
in Trade only, for
First Grade Creamery Sutter
2 pounds for 59c
Community Sale at Dick's Hotel
Stables. Seaforth, every Friday, The
usual run of cots. feeder e•attle, and
young calves pigs. poultry, furniture
and vegetables, Bring in anything
you have to ell irate reasonable.
• Heftier Hanr. Manager. pn 1ne 226.12
Geo. H Elliott, 3ucno r er.
S.S. 1, Hullett, Wednesday evening.
Dec. 28. 4 Ii,m, Admission 150.
A Christmas Colleen will be held
at Duffs Church, McKillop, on Tues-
day evening, Dec.. 19th, s.dulte 25e,
children free. Come one. come all.
Lost or strayed from Lot 20, Con.
11, McKillop, about Dec. 1st, a white
sow. Phone 4 on 248. John Glanville.
Valtou, R.R.2.
A slightly usecd piano, good
Walker's Furniture Store.
s new.
A job as companion or honccl 's -p-
er. Apply at News Office. .
Three houses in Village of Dublin
and three houses in EgnrouclliiIs.
Lon tax• -s. For ale eheas, foat efosh
to close estates. Also -several Sea -
forth properties. Apply 10 2letonittll
& Hays, Solicit (we. Seaforth,
A canary, the tiny singer with a
big son or a baby budgie gnaran-
trcrl to talk. makes an ideal Christ-
mas gift. Mrs. Harry W. Hart, op-
posits Victoria Park. Seaforth. Phone
Township of Ttsckersmith
All arromits for the Township of
Tuekersnrith, espec'iully all weed a(' -
counts, are to be pref'ented to the
Council by Friday. Dec. 151.11.
D. F..MeGREGOR, Clerk,
A11 hooks mast he ret.urnsil to the
Public Library 011 or before Deceit),
her :33,- Greia Thompson, Librarian.
Notice To Creditors
In the Estate of Mary Byrne,
All persons having claims autaust the
Estme of Mary Byrne, late of the Village.
of Dublin in the County of Perth, widow,
deceased who diets on m' shout the 1751 day
of November, 19:10, are hereby notified to
..end In to the undersigned ore or before the
1811 day of December, 1970,. full particulars
of their dorms,
Immediately ,fie• the •aid last mentioned
date the assets of the said estate will he dis-
tributed =angst the panties entitled thereto,
having regard only to claims of which the
undersigned -shall .then have notice, to the
exclusion of all others, and the undersigned.
will not be liable 111 any person 51 whose
claim th. undo . t. t d .1,1,11 net then have
notice tor the assets on distributed or any
pant thereof.
Dated al Seaforth this tall day o, Dncrm-
her, lata.
McDONNl:L1, ,t HAYS. Seats 'Ib. tit,
Solicitor, for the Admiras,rater.
Notice To Creditors
In the Estate of Barbara Sproat,
:111 ,.,•mems having claims arainst the
Es,ate of Harb1u'a Sl,rnat, .late of the Town
of seam., h. in the ('unmy r If Huron. Mot-
tled Woman, deceased, ,rho diol n,1 or about
11•r all day of 'vin umber, 1950. ere hereby
n smiled in acnd 131 10 the n'Mrtsipi.,:d . a, or
h fore 111,- 30th flay of Dcember, 115:15, full
partiruha'. of their claims.
1mm dim ly after the ..aid last mentioned
late the assets of the sill eetate wall Ler
dlan N rel si am nf..t the ratios entitled
the'etn hro•ing s mord only t , claims of
which the and rsigned shall then have omt-
ice. to the exclusion of all others, and the
undersigned gill not. be liable to any person
of wlmse claim the undersigned shall not.
then have notice for the assets so distributed
or any part thereof.
Dated at Boa froth this 55th day of nevem-
bee. 11135.
M.('ONNEI.t, & HAYS, Seaforth, Ont.
Solicitors for the A,Imintstratriz,
Notice To Creditors
In the Estate of Mary Ellen Burns.
All persons havh,g claims against the 1;s -
tate of Ivrany Ellen Burns, Inctof the Vil-
lage nf Dublin, in the County of Perth, wid-
ow, deceased, who died nn or about the 22nd
day of October, 1931, are hereby notified to
':end h, to the undersigned on or before the
29th .day. of December, 1930., full pnrtieulnrs
of their claims,
immediately after the said lastmentioned
date the assets of the said estate will he
distributed amongst the parties entitled there-
to, having retard only to claims of which
the undersignedshall the, have notice, to the
exclusio, of Kill others, and the undersigned
ill not he liable to any person ofwhose
claim the undersigned shall not then have
notice for the aoset., v, distributed nr env
part thereof.
Dated -nt Beal n' il, this 5th day of Deeem-
he'. 1010.
McCONNIti.L , HAYS. Scafnrth, Ont.
Solicitors for the Administrator.
Successor to John H. Best
Seaforth, Ontario
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McCennel•l, H.' Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Wtize ,'r he Dominion Bank Build -
mg, `ea:c'rth. Office hour.,1-
fitt.tay, 'firers day and Saturday
1:30 1.m 5 ;.m, Saturday
e vening. O o. 0. to 9 p, m,
Hens.. swill -detached, 5 rooms,'
with use +,t bath room, situated 011
North Main street. Apply E. L. Box.
▪ ..zeros with toilet and bath, over
`,t ledge etore. Apply to A. C. Rout-
t! l i '3" D9.ersinitl kuowrr
‘tui. N.1114e : t'rly 141 acres with
-1: :c( 5511 !bairn, henhouse and
erivesluel: tree ,cells, good orchard.
Comfortable I'00n1 frame house of
lata- !Margaret. Robison, well situated
cm Sperling Street, Seaforth, with
good Barn Has to be solei to close
r tete-. Apply Mc4'e111101 a, I-Iuys.
Solicitors. or John Arnold, Executor.
Fruit, house. with cellar, and lot
r:1 :,ppi'r, 5 i, i1 i} 0:10 111111 itere,
Korth 3h.:i t : ❑'1b'r' f,! (`pati 1 street.
ire nl la wir, n Seven rooms, Hard
end eeft sot, r. Fol sortie r informe-
den epply \1'dl1t,tni elorrissn, Jarvis
street- :ieatar'th.
Township of Tuckersmith
'fee eeriest meeting of the Tm n hip of
Tnokersmith for the nomination of condi.
ales for the 0515,,,, Iteece and (om dllur-
for the year lado will he held to Wal' -os'•
Rall, Klin ere, on Friday, December &al
1385, from 1 to 2 pan. If a_ poll- be necessary
such poll shall be opened on Monday. Jana-
ary 1st, 1040, between the hours of 9 :tan.
and 7 p.m. at the following places and li
the following officers: Poll No. 1--Finoigan's
vacant store, H, Stewhtt. D.R.O.. Harry
Chesney, clerk. Poll No, --School House No,
h, Edward Brown, D.R.O., Roy MtOnocl,,
Merl:. Pon No. 3 -School Rouse No, 1, Ros
11.11.0-• Fred Penner, clerk. Poll No.
4 Srhnnl House No, 3 Thos..' Chapman, D.
R.0., J W. MeIntnah, clerk. Poll No. 7
School Rouse No. 1. R. D. Bell, 0,11.0., 1,1.
Traryusir. ele'k. Poll No, h School House
No. 5, laugh McMillan, D.R.U.. W. 5. Mar-
tin, clerk.
D. F. McGregor, Returning Officer.
The ,roma! meeting of the Elector.. of
the Municipality of McKillop will be holt;
at Winthrop Hall on Friday, the 22n1 day
of December, 1tr..h. for the purpose of nom-
inating a Reese and four Councillors for the
Year 11540. Nommati011s will be ,Ceeivel he.
tweet, the hours of one and two o'clock p.m.
In the event of more persons beim nom-
inated than are required 1,, fill the severer:
r sic,.. ant election will he held on Mnnday•
the first dry of January, A.P. 11540.
Polls will be open from 9 a.m. until .
p.m. a: the following places:
Pail No. 1. lams ('a rlin's house. Lut 10,
Con. S Jam, Nolan. D.R.O. Wm. Mai-
"vey, P.C.
roll No. -. Mrs. Jos. HUM?, 11011,4'. Lot
Coo. 4. Ruas Mora.. D.R.O. 11r. Gro.
holm». P.C.
Poll N0. 3. Jos. Smith's house. Lot 155, Cion.
12. Henry Benaewies, 15.15,0. Elmer
Dennis, P.C.
Poll No. 4. Mrs. Driscoll's house, Lot 27,
Coo. 12. Wm. Somerville, D.R.O. Willi
Dundas. P,C,
3011N M'NAY, Clerk.
Life- Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid-
ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds.
Rates reasonable. All risks placed
in first class companies.
Information cheerfully •'iven
Ph. -,p. 334 w
Fall & Winter Time Table
Lea ,on Seaforth for :Stratford:
Daily 8.40 a.m, and 55.25 p.m.
Leaves Seaforth for Ooderieh:
Daily except Sunday and hn1., 1,23 5.10.
and 1.10 p.m.
S ure and hel., 1.23 p.m. and .10.20 p.m.
Connection of Stratford for Tat•onto,
Hamilton Bnftnlo, London, Detroit.
Tavistock, )V0(,1,1005
Agents: Queen's, Commercial', Dirk Ffotrse
Horses, Cattle, Hogs, etc. -Courteous Service