The Seaforth News, 1939-12-14, Page 4PAGE FOTJi. THE SEAFORTH NEWS •••••••••••111101.11...mimiM 11=111.1. THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon Bre,. cee,e•—. WALTON Bethel Church S.S. Christmas tree will be held Dec. 21, in the Munch. Mrs. Joh n ROWlata 14th vonces• sion Hallett, met with a serious ac- cident on Thursday, lest. the clay of .the high wind, while lighting a tire 10 the stove: Her clothes were burned front -her body but she was able ,to get the fire out by using a pail of Water that was hi the house. She was alone at the time as other mem- bers of the family had just left The accident occurred about Mr o'clock hi the afternoon. She Was putting wood in the stove when her dress took tire. Site is still under the ear, of Dr. Kilpatrick of Blyth, and is in a very critical condition. Mies Lois Henderson of McKillop spent the week end With her grand- mother Mrs. Joe Love. iViessrs. John mid Fleury Sanderson front near i3lyth spent a day with their sister Mrs. NV. S. Forbes. Mrs. ledgat Hollinger spent Tuee. day in Hamilton, Mrs. Wm. Smalidon of Crattbrook visited her sister Mrs. J. Love on Monday. Miss Jean Bolger attended the fun- eral of the late Mrs. T. Allot:wk. which was held from the Walker funeral home at Brussels Friday. Rev. J. Gra - hem of Bayfield had charge OZ the sal-• viee to Brussels. The Dividends of Loveliness. You radiate charrn . . you are admired. Yon are weleomed! Look lovely always with a THERMIQUE HEATERLESS STEAM PERMANENT WAVE "Cool, Comfortable and Lasting" Priced from 57.50 AT SUTHERLAND'S BEAUTY SHOP PHONE 1.52 11,',., make appoin!-r- LONDESEORO Townsend spent sov• •rt; !ast, week at Oakville and -vols.:to, returning on Tuesday, Mrs. James Howatt at A.ubmn 15 ipeadiug part of. the winter at the home of her daughter, Mre, .1. P. Manning. 5everal caees of chicken nes: are in the vicinity anti seems b spre.ld- ing. The regular Meeting f the was held in the Community hall or Thursday. Dec. 7th. with a fair at. tett& ece. The president. Mrs. R. Ftirservice presided. Atter the open- ;n_z exercises the minutes 44'N's read by MN. B. Brunsden, also the corre,• nondence. Roll call was responded te by 26 members. The geestion vi.,• iting the County Home was discusse,' and arrangements were made for 0: - institute to visit the home 00 Mon. day, Dot. 1Sth. to treat the inmates to a shrrt program and some goodies. Committees: were appointed to make. arrnugements. All are asked to rave' at Mr. J. P. Manning's store at 7,31) o'clock on Monday evening. Dec. 111. This concluded the business period. Christmas carols were sung,' with Nrs. G. McVittio at the piano. Several Blyth ladies were present and Mrs. Cummings and INIrs. Taylor C011trib- uted 0 pleasing mouth organ selec- tion. accompanied by Miss I. Cum- mings at piano. Mrs. Oster, district president and delegate to area con- vention held at London in November gave a tun report of convention. As Mr,. George Moon was unable to be pl'o51111 no paper on historical re- :areh was given but may be given on a later date. Solo by Miss I. Cum- mings of Myth. Duet by Mrs. Cum- miegs and Mrs. Taylor and the members- joined in by singing "Pur on your old gray bonnett." Mrs. Fair- eerviee voiced her appreciation to Mrs. Oster for her trouble in making out her splendid report and for visit'. ing our Institute. A vote of thanks was extended to the. Blyth ladies lit providing program. and a hearty rot'? of thanks was given by the members. Meeting closed by Singing the ti0. tional anthem. A tasty lunch was served by the group in charge and social time. was spent over the tea Iminediataly following the Institute meeting the Lonieshor-, Red Crote. 1. With Mrs R. Fairseeviee preeid- ie.,: Minutes were cad 57,Troye.1 M•-, C, Crawford, "reasoner, renoet.e. :51.44.,+, had been Mr, F Hai:. cen 'W,a•013,--10Q,WfraWaViQi.10010fAKP,,i, ILLYS 1940 Selav r.1 De, gavo us 200 miles 00 :1 ,411101- at a cost ot .$1.35. W. also drove over the :same route .mother pepulJr selling car un led, gal. gas at a cost of $2.84, Total saving in tet Willys 51:47 Can YOU afford to go on throwing your money away over a per Lod of years in this manner. ' Before making any deal, chive a 1940 WilIya. P,$,—See us now as prices are subject to advance any minute J. E. HUGILL & SONS 3 miles west of Seaforth on Highway 8 AGENTS wAsFQ,wa...*TreoQ.o.t.o-Aficx NOW OPEN With almost a complete line of Groceries and a General stock. Including the Post Office, second house west of the United Church. A portion of our original stock was saved from the fire and we are clearing these lines out at from 25(r, TO 50f; LOWER We invite you to cotne and see for yourself the savings you may receive on your Christmas shopping and other lines. This offer lasts only while our stock on hand lasts. JAS. . McCOOL LONDESBO RO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1935 VENNNIO•••••11•Madliiii: venor of the knitting committee, re- -.toiled that wool for sweaters and sox was now obtainable and that 5 pairs of sox had been completed, The cutting convener, Mrs. R. Yungblutt. reported 12 pairs of pajamas were cut out rad for sewing. 'Thiscon- cluded the business and meeting was adjourned HARLOCK Some of the young people In this neighborhood attended the presenta ion to bit, and Mrs. Stewart Beattie in Varna. Hall Tuesday night of lost wt and report a good time. A Alec gathering of neighborand rieivis of Me. and Mrs. Ernest Knox rue- at Lotd5?bOr0 community hall W*044e.-107102tVra'AOW:OD:OZOF:t!ZOW-10'f:04.0;410-atOW-&. Lp 1E • .1& 1 S1..)‘ 1 • , 43DIA FOR HIM Initial and Signet Rings. Military Sets, Pen aro Pencil, Pipes and Smoking Accessories \1' DIAMOND RINGS FOR THE HOME Chime Clocks, Silverwa7a, Lamps. China Glassware Here Anti oae J. A. WESTCOTT JEWELLER - SEA,=GRT.— Open Phor.e Christmas CAeas 3 stone Diamond Rings in Newest Natural Gold $1,S.0R) up FOR HER Diamond Ring, Bulova Watch Lockets, Necklets. Dresser Sets, Pen, and Pencil Sets (Waterman and Parker) 11 r'24 last Thursday evening to present the route people with a wedding remem- brance and spend a pleasant erening Tegethn. The following address was read by Mr, Nelson Lear and the gifts, a mantel lamp and mantle lan- tern. also some money, was present- ed by Mr. Norman Shepherd and Mr. Reece Ferris. Ernest made a short but suitable reply. The evening was pleasantly spent in dancing. The ad- dress: "Dear Beth and, Ernest. Since you hare set sail on the sea of matri- mony and are now set on your course on the good ship Home, your friends and neighbors have gathered tonight to wish you the best of everything. Lite is a channel through which alt must sail and we wish you smooth sailing. Although it's Londesboro's loss. we are pleased to welcome Beth back 7.0 our community agaia. In ex- tending, our congratulations. we wish yoe bosh a happy and prosperous married life. As a token of apprecia- tior. and goodwill we ask you to ac- eept this gift from. Your Neighbors and Fled" We are sorry to hear of the death ‘: Mr. Wm. Kelly, whose home was a little durance from Saskatoon iu the West. The late air . Kelly was raised in this neighborhood and well known in these parts as a young man and was married to Miss Margaret Ross and shortly after left these parts. We wish to extend sincere sympathy to his widow and only dau- ghter and to 00 the friends. The late Mr. Kelly was a e011Strt to Mt'. Simon MOVittie. Mr, aud Mrs. Wm. Pepper and Bert spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. blawing. Ake Mr. and Mrs. Albert Knox of Mack- lin. Sask.. arrived in Londesboro the latter parr. of last week and will be holidaying in these parts for some • tint?. Mr. Albert lin.ox spent Sunday at the home of his brOther. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Knox. and ort Monday af zernt:on Thonta4 and Albert -visited in BrusseL4je . Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shepherd Wilma and Phyllis. enjoyed a fow dinner at the home of. Mr. and Mrs a Eddy Farquhar near Clinton 0 Thur' iay evening bin and Mrs. Bert Allen and Mr and Mrs. Edward Reid .and Murra :SS,: Friday evening at It 0-• home- z.t bit and bit Frank Mar shall near Blyth Mr and Mr- ...7:ee Nei: and :it Murra sr,er- Ferndsty ae the bora FOR 11 EVERY EVERY PERSON FOR EVERY PURSE! FOR EVERY PURPOSE .4' Slippers for the entire family. Thi, that has the unique comibination of belt-, both practical and luxurious. The gt that always brings a warm "thank vou." The gift that sheathes her feet in fla-tte-y —his in comfort.. See our selection. KIDDIE SLIPPERS 39c to 93: LADIES' SLIPPERS 59c to $2.4.5 MEN'S SLIPPERS 19c to .13.0C BOYS' SLIPPERS . 69c to 33: •Tei E BAGGAGE SotHARACTE-Ile' BAGGAGE. Setkt. Cases.. Cluio Bags. Gladstones, Shoppmg- Bags, .Gve,-1*ignt Cases. Aeropaoks wqle Jress •,-1.*.gei-s, a c:rnolete showilg LADIES' WHITE LEATHER &Ka— $.27.7S- Boots 3.tn Skates, BOYS' SKATING SET $3,75 MEN'S SKATiN3 SET $5.00 SMITH'S SHOE STORE SEAFORTH THE FOOTWEAR GIFT SHOP OPPOSITE POST oFFing ane :.:es Le Fzeet:"-e. :.:ROMARTY Mt-- Ma-: Hatee.--r. eeee.f.r. 1, tovene. --e,yznart , .-liturch has eectereded a tall :0 R;'. Peter Jarnies;on of Dont forget the Christrnae e000 ta be held in the church no FriUy December Mlle& Santa Clanwill b there 7C, greet she children Me -4r. Alen McKellar and Archi Luxton attended tete f'ntcra ot th iu.t.e. John Ewan of Brussels in Sa urda: Mr Ken NicKellar ne- returne from a tree ti Chtcaat horse FI10,r. i••••17- - - ' -• • -1to .14 " • 7-er...1,. 7- :!•7; 7. f .,7 Jolt 0.itfl1ib, i R 1 v. . fel:y The meetirt,- nnten.ted ey an exctel ent report 'ST the seeretar:e. Mt -5 Rs' REGENT THEATRE Seaforth NOW SHOWING NEXT THURS,, rm., SAT. Gene Autry Smiley Burnette "ROVING TUMBLEWEEDS" Mon., Tues., Wed. ALEXANDER ROAD* • Il1cONvAlto4BARS REIJASE0,11410 UNI110,,A1115t) VOIONEMIseilir COMINO—GOta Jean in "THE UNDER PUP" rz,,,tey Clabe Geozge yr • TREV'un UcliVERSAL eIC Mug ANNOUNCEMENT We have just finished building a neW and completely equipped shop where auto body and fender repairs, painting and wash-. Mg jobs will be done. An expert in these lines of work is in charge — prices reasonable. Let Daly's do that job for you! J. F. DALY 1 FORD -MERCURY DEALER SEAFORTH 1 ttlieseZiot5OCatt-141-107a5rQWA5-0ke.-4Q•50,%16,414 Give a Portrait of Yourself for Christmas PRICED FROM FIFTY CENTS UP Any size roll of film developed free, 8 pictures (doubleweight if you prefer) and a big enlargement made from the best negative -25c, return postage paid. Christmas Calendars or Greeting Cards made from your own negative. Calendars 35c. Cards 1.00 a dozen THE JACKSON STUDIO SEAFORTH WaPV,72-0e17:LO-DZAVe't*t_02a...0a14C.en-2,074,4n.:141.Qn sell i-cott. of tat yeaft, ,work, also tilt treeserer'e temorttry Mrs. James His was encoeraging 05 the contrihnt!ore, had iner,ased during last Fear Mrs. %Vim Hamilton aave a fine crane ,,,titi,,,d •-chri...-. Iti:,,,,k,,,,- allich t‘ &,.'A t:: reeeit ed. Mrs' -ja.mes' MI Iv" v.""e'l il' chairman :or the eiection 0' officers, whic-11 ,are as fo'.lows. Mrs. Wu:. Hanli:t011, 2 t.t.in.lent: Mrs. Thomas Oliver. lot rite -president. and Mrs. Roy NieCalloeh. 2hil vice ,oresident, and al the other ,...ificers acre re -age - 3, ,inze,L This ..._le,,ittj and, harm.. oni-as meetina tt:osed. site Hymn '0; and the N'a-fonal 6tuthem a; -I ' ' - '- prayer by NIrs. Wrd. Hattritto,... ,,,Ki The Lord's Prayer in unison, Tim bastes,. Mrs. Thomas Scott, assisted Mrs. John Hamilton. served as abundant and delicious lunch, and a . _ . ; . ,,..... ,.....„,_ _,...., p,easant $0C.nal ,..tne Want anA For Sale Ads, 3 weeks .50.t. n W4 ?-0.5-rjr*.4 504 lin Vii'i ,W-pqgit'igt.; ..q„0.X.40',0; c* FAMOUS FIREco RANGE FREE DEMONSTRATION If you hare an C.Jebt, make tee ealculation yourself: 1. Perfection in ell construction '2. A...t, absohn , air tight top sena sealed :',. No more danger of e -caping gas or smoke 4, The are travel is longer than any other range on the market 0 Longer due, lees ,stat escapes up chimney 4. A domintott 0 )vernment zes" proved any variety of soft coal an ideal fuel . 7 A eareful 51d enl-eaeeet ea:evlation of kitchen ranges proves the ' tellowing: A Savtng 1 c't of fuel it:ere-tees value of range by $41). :,E. 5.);•:,g, :•.,-- 9. ...eel: 1.,!,..,--, value of rauge by See. Christmas Specials - • '..-i-, - -.! - ;:. u .,,ty 11,-i'i,- '.,-,t ,..,.1.4;- '-.-.*,, a -g.•-• _, ,0 Only 5'3.eS - 7 "• . - -.e.'y t,e.e.i.e . e ..1', n ni-.‘ 522.50 whe Late, re.. et, e - ee- .—":"..., 'tele- Reeee ..,.T. •:I.. =,,Z.ig.ty* 7",e.e. S.3.7.95 L.:L°.F.I-:......L. ;....L.L. ,WAN_.7t.: ,.:.'N 1'i4/-..;:'1 r )7,,:: ;7.:.\7:. , A. Zimmerman Seaforth .1.'3,--_r.- 3i-.:1)-:,na1d's Bakery ' .:-.--.-bW4W-il-tin:--elaelln/17,?atitetX.0-;:0-4ZAZZ .........M.MOMM. 1...M..............0.EMMIN....., p•reHtiazard1 • lire I .. Your attention is called to the danger to life and pro- perty from Christmas decorations, such as draperies. scenery. cotton to represent snow. etc. Displays of this nature and the lighting arrangements in connection there- - with add greatly to the ordinary risks of fire. .See that intiammable material is clear of and not hung over righting devices. steam pipes. stove pipes, elec- tric light bliiles..er.,.. S' Pe that the electric circuits are prop- erty ftzsed and. not .5verloaded. Have all temporary decora- tions removed 5, -e.lor. as they have served their purpose. .Rerke:illter. :1“`hilli t-8.11 render these displays abso- lut-ely -e--afe, and that if accidents are not to mar the festive teea.;,.:--)n.. ce,nstant vigilance and care must be exercised. A. W. DICK, Fire Chief , 1 1 •