HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-12-07, Page 5THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1939 1 0 December 7 to Dec. 13 ST. WILLIAMS RASPBERRY JAM, 32 oz. per jar 24c PURE LARD, 1 lb. pkgs. 2 lbs. 1'7c GOLDEN ' MIXED NUTS, all new ..., .... 2 lbs. 37c Chocolate Mallo ":ISCUITS ....per lb. 17c CHOICE New Sultana RAISINS 2 lbs. 25c Mixed CUT PEEL .... per lb. 23c Kellogg's All Wheat with Glass Creams and Sugars 2 pkgs. 25c Salads Tea, Fresh Stock Brown Label, new stock / lb. 39c Old stock Y. lb. 35c P. & G. White iNaptha Soap 6 bars 25c ,Oxydol, small....1Oe large 24c Giant 65c Hawe's Floor Wax, rs, with 15c bot. Lemon 0i1 All for 45c Old Dutch Cleanser, new price 11c, Our price 10c Handy Ammonia, new price 6c. Our price 05c Sani. Flush per tin 27c Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour per pkg. 17c S.O.S. Scouring Pads. Small 14c large 23c Quaker Health 'Bran ................ _.. ...,......,...•.,.2 pkg. 25c Shirriff's Lushus Jelly Powder 1 3 pkgs. 25c Derby Cheese, Vis Aylmer Pork and Beans, 21 oz Asparagus Tips, 12 oz. per pkg. 15c per tin 10c per tin 190 Aylmer Catsup, 12 oz. per bt, 14c Maple Syrup, small quart per be.. 45c !Para Sani Waxed Paper, 100 ft, green box per box 25c 1Ginger Snaps per lb. 10c New Smyrna Cooking Figs 2 lbs, 23c Currants, cleaned, new 2 lbs. 27c Glace Pineapple Rings r/4lb. 15c Glace Cherries 34 lb. 12c Bleached ,Sultanas, fancy per lb. 19c White Hand Picked Beans 3 lbs. 15c Choice Breakfast Bacon per lb. 29c Pure Black Pepper 34 lb. 15c Moir's Christmas Box Chocolates, 3 lb. Box per box 73c Crystal French Creams per 1b. 17c Chocolate Drops r/ lb. 10c Aylmer Grape Juice, 10 oz. tins each 10c Satin Mixed Candy 2 lbs. 25c Special Prices For Schools, Churches, Socials, on Candies, Oranges, Nuts. Our Christmas goods axe selected with great care ia,�.p-�,�. 02. -all new and bristling frees,sllyy��,yy1 '-sa-al•1�"-a KliO- 'tea • o�-0;00.00f�-a '-ai'.4 Ross J. SPHONE 8 • Miss NPrycee PHONE 77 WALKER'S FUNERAL HOME UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING J. R. WALKER, JR. Holder of Government diploma and license. . Flowers Furnished Night or day phone 67 Best Way to take Cod Liver Oil Contains Vitamins A and 0 3¢ and 930 R. R. McKINDSEY, PHM B. Druggist THE NYAL STORE PHONE 111, SEAFORTH HULLETT Death. of Mrs. Andrew Snell - Death claimed one of the esteemed residents of Hallett Twp. on Friday morning in the person of Anne Eliza- beth Wheatley, beloved wife of An- drew Snell, in her 75th year, She was the eldest daughter of the late George Wheatley and Emma Dyke, being born in Tuckersmith Twp„ later mov- ing to Hullett Twp, Mrs. Snell had not been enjoying good health for the last few months and had been confined to bed for eight weeks. She was twice married. Her first husband the late Chas. Lowrie died eleven years ago. Three daughters survive, Mrs. Wm. Leiper and Mrs. Austin Dolmage of Hullett and Mrs. Sydney Dolmage, of Seaforth. A son William died 27 years ago. Two sisters and two brothers survive: Mrs. Miller Adams, of McKillop, Mrs. Robert Rogerson of Hullett., Thomas Wheat- ley of McKillop, and Joseph Wheat- ley of Clinton. A brother George Wheatley died four years ago. Fif- teen grandchildreu survive. The funeral was held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from her late residence. conducted by Rev. R. W. Craw of raven United Church. li'iuthrop, of which she was a valued member. The pall -bearers were sit grandsons, by - her request. namely, Roy Dolmage, Harvey Dolmage, Reginald Dolmage, AIlen Dolmage, Ross Leiper and Wm. Dolmage, Interment was made in the Clinton cemetery. Send tts the names of your visitors. " DECEMBER SPECIALS IN PERMANENT WAVING. DECEMBER 8 TO DECEMBER 16 AT THE INA GRAY BEAUTY SHOPPE S'.' N C7 'Gavrieleen and Naturelle and Eugene Waves SReg. 7.50 Oji ,0,.50 Oil of Tulip Wave, reg. 5.01) NO11. 4.50 Kalor Machineless, reg 10.00 NOW 6.00 SI A REGULAR 3.95 NOW 3,65r NOW 1,95. A REGULAR 2,50 ........ Please nroti're cha'rg, io teleplo,ne trn i,,.,•;;. ahcpr. 229:. Holtse '305.1 MAKE APPOINTMENTS EARLY Inaicll'! �f Gray l h t e Seaforth Dominion Bank Building - Upsiairs. 9:t THE SEAFORTH NEWS TOWN TOPICS Misses Blanche Peer• Iva McMullen and Doreen Ascough of Petrolia, spent Saturday and Sunday at North- side United Church parsonage. Mr. Herbert Whittaker of the Ham- ilton regiment spent the week end here. Mrs. R. Hill of Moorefield returned last week to spend the winter here with her granddaughter, Mrs. Herb- ert Whittaker. Mr. Ranald McKay, Toronto, spent the week end at his home. Miss Gertrude Appleyard was a guest of Mrs. J. H. Best. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Elliott of Mitch- ell were guests on Tuesday of their cousin, Mr. 3, M. Robertson, and vis- ited Miss Annie Johnston at the hospital. Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. J. Mc'Nairn were Mr. Jack McNairn of St. Thomas, Mr. Norman McNairn, Mrs. David McNairn, Mrs. S. Cam- eron and Larry, and Mrs. Harry Wright and Cary of .Mitchell. Mr. Harry W. Hart was in Toronto last week. Mrs. M. E. Van Egmond left on Wednesday to spend the winter in Stratford. Miss Dolly Carlin leaves next week to spend a few months hi Windsor. Mr, James Devereaux underwent. a serious operation in. Scott Memorial Hospital on Wednesday morning of this week. WEST BRODHAGEN Mrs, Charlie Eggert has returned home after spending a week in the Seaforth Hospital getting her tonsils removed and is now very ouch im- proved in health. Mrs. Wes Fisher from Carlingford spent the week end under the paren- tal roof of Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Reg- ele, and has returned home. r1� Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koehler have e. returned home after spending ten days in Stratford with their daughter Mr, and. Mrs, A, Steinacker and other frieuds. Messrs. Wm. Koehler, Martin Dietz and Les Beauermann bought some firewood in Grey Township and are busy cutting same up before the snow gets too deep. PAGE FIVE. e1�T d ,Oa STANLEY Mrs. Mary Madge celebrated her ninety-seventh birthday. Monday of this week. The many friends of Mr. W. J. 'Tough of Clinton, formerly of the Bronson Line, will be sorry to hear that he is seriously i11 at present. Mrs, Harold Peuhale visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Hodg- son of Wilton Grove, for a few days last week. Mr. Hodgson has been very ill for the past three weeks. Mrs. T. IDI. Snowden spent a few days at Egnnoudville with Mrs. G. H. Coleman, last week. Mr. Toni Seotchmer is spending a week with his sister. Mrs. James Black. near Seaforth XMAS CONCERT Including Short Play and Mixed Program under the auspices of the Northside Y. P. U. TUESDAY DEC. 12 AT 8 P.M. In Northside United Church Admission 15c and 10c OLD TYME DANCE AT KIPPEN FRIDAY, DEC. 8 WITH CLAYTON STEEPER AND HIS CANADIAN COWBOYS FLOOR SHOW Featuring Violet Arbuckle Tap and Acrobatic Dancer General Admission 85 cts. C. Watsec. Manan -r BY POPULAR REQUEST WILLIS TIPPING And His Grand Bend Casino Orchestra at Dublin on Thursday, Dec. 14th $2.00 Door Prize Awarded Admission 50 Cents EUCHRE AND SOCI OLD AND NEW TIME ST. COLUMBAN TUESDAY, :DEC, 12 Cards 9 o'clock PRIZES -ALSO DOOR PRIZE Agar and Collins Orchestra KEEP �{�^t �+ FF �..ley x iE . 29 FOR THIE DANCE at Dublin Under auspices of the Young Ladies' Sodality d 5)l e)'nT d J i! THE GREA A CHRIS' ° `c AS STORE Come to this Store for style, variety and values in lovely Christmas gifts - You can solve your gift problems for all the family right here. All ,merchandise was bought before the war and is at PRE - WAR. PRICES GIFTS FOR Father and Brother HOSIERY Fancy Rayon & Wool Mixtures.. 25c -35c All Wool reinforced Hose, Plain or fancy pattern ......... 50c -59c Exclusive designs, High quality gift hose 750-1.00 TIES Hundreds and hundreds of brand new Silk Ties in a myriad of smart patterns SHIRTS Collar attached or separate collar styles in print, woven shirtings and broadcloths, plain or fancy patterns PAJAMAS Flannelette or broadcloth Pajamas, all sizes 1,59, 2.00, 2,50 MUFFLERS Silks, crepes, tootals, wools and cashmeres. Plain, check and paisley patterns1.00, 1.95, 2.95 GIFT SETS Braces and garters Garters and armbands Tie and handkerchiefs Jewelery sets Gifts For Sonny Boys' Ties Boys' Hose 45c -59c Boys' Shirts 69c, 95c, 1,55 Boys' Pajamas 1.00, 1.35 50c 75c 1.00 1.55 2.00 2.50 510c Ito 1.50 25c Cher and Sister LINGERIE Silk Panties & Vests Satin Stripe Panties Satin Panties Gift Nightie's Gift Pajamas Slips 49c & 59c it 65c to 1.00 76c to 1..50 1.50 to 4.95 1.50 to 4..95 59e to 2.95 HOSIERY Sheer Chiffons 79c to 1.50 Service Weight Hose 85c to 1.25 1.00 Cashmere, Silk & Wool 75c to 1.35 GLOVES Woollen Gloves 35c to 1.00 Chatnoisette Gloves 59c to 1.00 c) Angora Gloves 2.00 Kid Gloves Crepe Hose 411 1,95 Lined Kid Gloves Ski Mitts ,..... 1.50 1.75 TOWELS Hand Towels pair, 1.00 to 2.50 Hand Painted Towels 2.39 to 3.25 Bath Towels 39c to 1.50 Bath Towel Sets ....... , 1.39 to 1.65 Bath Mat Sets 1.95 & 2.25 `l SUNDRY GIFTS Costume Jewelry 25c to 2.25 Bridge Covers 50c to 1.35 Madiera Pillow Cases 1.25 to 1.95 Purses 1.00 to 3.95 Scarfs 69c to 1.50 Moire Travel Cases 50c to 1.50 Bridge Sets ............ . 1.25 to 4.95 e�1r .14 * EVERY GIFT IS BEAUTIFULLY BOXED * STEWART B OS. SEAFORTH d' BRUCEFIELD Mrs. A. G. Broadfoot last week moved to Egmondville to the home formerly occupied by the late Mrs. Edward Boyce. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Fotheriugham have moved to the farm they purch- ased. from Mr. Cecil Oke on the 2nd of Tucker•snnith. Mr. Will Manson spent the week end at the home of his uncle, Mr. Wm, Douglas, Mr, Jas. McNaughton and sisters Miss Anne McNaughton and Mrs. W. Haugh, spent Saturday in London. Mrs. L. Forrest had her household effects moved to London on Monday. Mrs. Forrest will be greatly missed in the village. Mrs. Arthur McQueen spent a couple of days in London the first of this week. A joint meeting of the United Farm men and women will he hel at the home of Mr. and Mrs. t' Haugh on Thursday. Dec. lith at tw. o'clock. t. large attendance is quested a- the reports of the convec- tion at Toronto will be given. Tl:- women will have their exchange r•: gifts. Schee' Sections No i°t '`t tni':y. and No. 3, Tuckerstnith, will hold t concert in the school roomj tit church on Thursday evening. Det. 14th, in aid of the Red Cross. White gilts will be brought to the church. uu Sunday. Dec. 17th. The annual Sunday School Christ- mas tree and concert will be held on Friday evening. Dec. 22nd. KIPPEN Mr. and IDLs. Russell Geoghegan and sous Gordon and Bobby of Lon- don visited with Mr. and Mrs. James McClynnont on Sunday. Mr. Edward Taylor is in Stratford where he has secured a good position. Mr, Harvey McClymont of Hamil- ton visited during the week with his father. Mr. Jas. Meclymout, Mr, grid Mrs. Arthur Anderson. Miss Frances Anderson and Mrs. Grace Drake visited with relatives in Wingham. Mr. Roy Cousin. and Mr. Emmet, son Anderson. are spending a tin?' darethis week bit Goder ich ?,Tr. Arthur Ricker is -o crime 'rom his recent illnesn Re ars sorry to hear that Mrs. Rent. Dalrymple is seriously ill in,St. iJoseph -s hopital, at London Mrs. French of the tillage ie recov- ering •ecov- r r ,* nicely after her recent illness. ,here was a large reception in Watson's Hall thin week in honor of Mr: and Mrs. Broadfoot who were re• Gently married. Miss Marguerite McDonald has ac- cepted a position to Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyd ofAt, wood called on friends In late village over, the week end.. Mrs, Dietz 01 the village continues very low at time of writing. Owing to the continued mild wea- ther Mr. Wm. Ivison has occupied his cottage at the lake up until now. Mr. li'm. Dietz is confined to bis room with rheumatism. ST. COLUMBAN Miss Mary Gawley of Fort Erie is visiting at the home of her aunt. all, and Mrs. Joseph McQuaid. Miss Marion McIver of Chatham is borne for a mouth. Mrs. William McIver who under- went a serious operation in Seaforth Hospital, is getting along very well. Misses Mary and Rose O'Connor spent the week end with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. O'Connor. The C.W.L. are holding a euchre and dance In the Parish hall on Tues- day, December 12th. All are invited to attend, Just 15 /Shopping Days \N. until Christmas V?y Nothing you can give will please more than Jewelry, Watches. Let's get together on your shopping list. Diamond Rings Bull -ova & Westfield. Watehes Pen Sets, Clocks, etc, 4�A 1 A. Westc Westtt JEWELER c_ yPEN EV NlNG:i. Phone 21S A -,nail deposit holds any article until Christmas