HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-11-23, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon Bens., Puhli+her:: DON'T MISS IT'. "The Alley Daffodil" A Comedy in 3 Acts Will be presented in the WALTON HALL FRIDAY, DEC. 1ST By the Walton Y,P.U. Admission 25c and 15c. Curtain 8 P.M. WALTON Mr. 'John McDonald 1f \\ and or ,called on old friends in the village 00 Monday. • Mies Setefn th11h1 hospitalie whereheton ie at lundert in went an opclaton on Sunday and is loin(.; as well as can be expected. Mr. Moody Holland 1 - ettirna his new 'Lome wired .and decorated tide week 'hefore moving 1n. - Mr. and Mrs. R. .clerks returned last v eele aecompanied by Pero- .Schrader er.y•chrtder an 1 l 00 'Kirkby kby with five deer ,til .,f a good quality. after epee ling the past t1. 0seke iii N,'r- tltern Ontario. Mi and Mr. Geierg a Clark, Ham- ilton, spent the week end in the latrecalling on old friends, as they Were e.itizens of Walton forincrly. The IT.F.W.O. met at the home o Mrs. W. Turnbull 00 Thursday after noon, Nov. 1fi. Mrs. Kirkby presided and after the opening exercises th minutes of last meeting were rea and adopted. Anil eall was answere. 1iy "My Happiest Christmas." Busin ees of the (lay was the election o officers, Mrs. A, Turnbull was ap pointed as chairman for the election Oftlri'rs for 1940 are. Pres., Mrs. L Leeming; vile pees., Ni.sW. Turn bull sec. treas.. Mrs. A. Coutts pians t, hiss Bessie Davidson; meat bership com., Mrs. L. Oliver. Mrs. W Dundas and Mrs. A. Turnbull; pro gram Om.. Mrs. le Marshall. Mrs. A McCall and Mrs. W. Leeming: Pres. sec.. Mrs. Harvey Johnston; auditors Mrs. J. Smith and Mrs. A. Turubujl Delegates to the it.F.O. ennveutiol at Toronto, Mrs. W. Turnbull an Mee. A. (`putts. The treasurer report ed el4. e on hand. A paper watt man by Helen Turnbull. "It le more bles • d to give than to re eive," and Mr. H, Johnstoll road an article entitle "That Club of Yours." There was demonstration of hemp made Chris mas gifts and the meeting - wa brought to 0 close by singing the 111 h we • lunch anthem. A dainty1 u tinnal served by the hostess. There will n be a Decenwher meeting. and th January meeting will be held at th home of Mrs. H. 13. Kirkby in tit village, Mrs, William Smith. whose maids name was aate MCKibbin, taught of the late Tom McKibhiu, of \\'altos died 00 Nov. llth at her rr'sldence i Unionville. She leaves to 01(0110 h loss a daughter Mre. Karl Heisey an three grandsons of Toronto, also tw sisters. Mrs. Hugh Campbell of Hu lett. and Miss 1. R. McKihbin of To onto. The W.M.S. of Duff';. United Chart met on Nov. 14 with Miss Knox pc siding. Hymn 148 was followed b prayer by Miss Smillie. Sixteen Hien bers responded to the roll call. A ba valued at 953.00 was forwarded latel The delegates read reports of t • Clinton sectional meeting, A nomina ing committee was appointed to se ect the officers for 1940. All secre arses and group leaders conte wit reports for next meeting. The Bib reading was given by Mrs. McCa um. The study chapter on "lintouc aides" in India was presented by t 9th of Morris group. These don trodden people are distinguished fro other classes by nothing else so mu as by the cruelties inflicted upo them. The most able leader of the u touchabies is Dr. Amhedkar, a powe ful force in the political life of t nation. Miss Ada Searle of Calgary is vi iting her sisters and brother in Mo ris Township. Mrs. Killough of Dungannon spe the past week with her (taught( Mrs. \ism, Kelley. Mrs. 11. Hoy visited her daught in Loudon for a day last week. Me. Rollinson Hamilton. who h seemed s position with the hy(h =.le(trie (nal., Toronto. left last we. 'for the city. Mi s A1011.1. 12121)115 has returned a lel 11'tPii111, a week in Toronto. Mises Norma and Meet' Steiss e. Kitchener spent Sunday. with the mother. • M'. and Mrs. Wm. Kelley and Jin rine have moved into the house eta ttcd by Mr. Buchanan. Mrs. II. Fulton visited a couple day:, with Mrs. John Brute in Gro Township. Mr. and Mrs. Errol Hahkirk 051 ieated their 85th wedding annive sary on the lath of 'November quiet at. home. Among the gifts they r ceiveu was a beautiful 92 piece ca net of silver from their family. Mies Mary Shortreed, R.N., of B ron Sanatorium. London, spent t Week end with her mother Mrs. W. 5hortreed. The electricians from Blyth a busy wiring the house recently pu chased by Mr. and Mrs. M. Hotta from the Smith estate and Mr. a Mrs. Holland will be taldng pose cion shortly. Miss Reta Campbell of Goderi spent. Sunday with her cousin, M W. J. Htumphries. The many friends of Lester Bolt will be pleased to hear he is impr ing and was able to come home fro the hospital on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Buchanan a Miss Mary have moved to Stratfo where Mr. Buchanan has a posit with the G. IJ. Griffith company. Mr. and Mrs; J. H. Humphries Walkerville spent the week end wi the farmer's brother and sister, W. ITnmphi ies and Mrs, H. Shannon, Mr. and Mrs, H. Shannon who ha spent the past mouth in Vancouv 13,C., have returned home. THE SEAFORTH NEWS neater fiNili f • d oe er e7, le lie 11• he ct he fitpr, el' as lY bie he re fid fid es" rs• nn ov' r � t #k� Monday, Nov. 27 to Saturday, Dec. 2 Children's All Wool Black Hose, all sizes HALF Price Children's Cotton 'Bloomers, per pair 10e Children's 'Pull -on 'Rubbers, per pair 25c Children's Blue and Rose Strap Bedroom Slippers, pair ...... , .. ,49c Children's High Shoes, pair 59c Baby 'Rubber Pants 9c <'. Girls' Bloomers, Vests and Goloshes ......,.,.20 PER CENT. OFF Ladies' 95c IH:ouse Dresses 2 for 95c Ladies' Patent Slippers and .Oxfords $1.49 Ladies' High Felt Shoes, reg. $2,95 for $1,89' Curtains and Curtain Material 25 Per Cent, OFF Crochet Cotton Spools, reg. 10c, for - 5c each 5 yards 35" Black Satin. reg. $2.25 per yard. Sale price. yd. 99c REMNANTS of Flannel, Print and Oil Cloth Canvas Hooked Rug Patterns HALF PRICE Men's Fine Shirts, values up to $3.00, for 990 Men's Fine Socks, pair 10c Men's Ties 39c ,. Men's Long Rubber Boots $1.98 up Men's Smocks $1.00 up Men's and Boys' Underwear, 2 -piece, fleece lined 20 Per Cent Off I Used Alberta Heater, good condition $6.00 A host Of other Goods too numerous to mention. i l: TERMS CASH. Grain, No. 1 Potatoes or Poultry taken as cash, JAMES F. CARLIN BEECHWOOD 7H f . rr - i x zR, Mr. tend Mrs. G. Clark of tori spent. Sunday with friends L. village. Mi'. and Mrs, Menne Jackson Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 11. f non. Mrs. Bowes of Blyth spent ' with Mr. and Mrs. C. Fingland. • Mr. lee J. Humphries and Mr. • don Murray spent Sunday in Burling- in the spent Shan- Sunday Gor• London. at Harry W.I. is banquet the lits 1.111, Mrs. D Glenn Over which the eye loan tortes King'• and Canada.' to "Ourlarge , +:earth haiigilet dislle in the side put (1f a from very taking Mr, 31r- \\ . W. Otbtr. a Slavin, a solo: Loreen Mrs. W. calored of the The 01 a few chosen lfre. W. as cap- fol -lid to helped the ev the of Mr ate relative - 11.001 P •1lsidla lees - a fes "e•cen'ly of steel.. Cooper this to care. in hope for visited is other the held school with Adams, Mrs. by The meeting while business. chosen and the co. her term president. chair for result- being Ernest Britton; secretary, Ml's. George Edith Britton Group leaders, Austin Mrs. Benj. verses of the meeting Among Mr. and day were and family sister, Mrs. N• Ontario. Ilse I ndesboro day night, Wells' ears.,e ttt10' in alt arm , a Heel sled and be almost (rind was flames. equipment Clinton. :notes were Barr they ltd to so rapidly in tlamee brick burning eater 1t ,,round nhicll'was alinost 00111501 Tim ;tore rose the was saved. to ,be going .rveral the rear ,ped away sore way considerably 'water. Mr. McCooi's Eng in the ,west Bert Brunsdon owned Fairservice's on fire men with out the whole village buildings Wells' ,abed, and garage, Ewan's .tore and imated insurance. unknown. Mrs. !ties smelt) )t her ` i has . ,ins better. Mr. , ..e se.-ere itr c,'eenti, ..a. \\e Tee t,1 ani m.. < tit".! ire. t:,,t :my A .t.eclbl .'.tae. bell tee ria i hoerio bell mi The institute te5 t;, The Tnstinte hall on Hi,toricai roll call. through convener. Mrs. R. M. Mr.. J. in the 50me of moved Some could nut the earlier everybody them. - The scorched nus the in -flames. of hinder part of lot. when burned. burned his inlni•ies Dave across bait it Mrs. John Ferguson; Leitch; pianists, and Mrs. Ella Carb Mrs. Orville Dale, Dexter, 'Mrs. Earl Law Snell, After .singing a hymn Mr. Menzies with prayer. the visitors at the lltorn Ml's. Ernest Adams Oil Mr. and Mrs. Clifford of Clinton and Mr, (Rev.) Cox. of Powis tie 1 eta L Lol M \' 110 time hard die, 5001 no fire by 1 5111 1 to E Irl tine fir. o Wil time The ca ip111 time 11 Me•C is fit 11 kilt is li brie .0 di, art it. Inst to . don of T 'M far ea Calci . re d to mi qtr. - ' KIPPEN eery pleasniit time ryas sprat' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell nile11 the I �ippen East held their annual' banquet on \Vedne. day evening'. A roll call contest carried ou very year and the (1,,te 1'11c 'nle-t with all litelnbere 1 11 ti. 1111 ..,r the .:Armee drill In 'ibe 'Petting 51 the program. v, the te'enin 1 team had he for captain al1 Mrs. 1 w. iapt:tin of tin 10.ine eine. d fifty .at clown to the table: a tlrt' very pleasing 'loth to t mill to the ,ants i the inner t ,luting the eupicr several 1. eerygiven, The fire:. '10 (inc 1.1 :igen by Mr,. t;, McLean. •.\n 11ti•I1R'd in .ill;gin-. the National tical One t, "Our Home •C',untry e end Empire. by Mr:. R. :slipson vas re refilled to :with "t.) Mr, 1,. Me tan gave a toast H 1 to e" and Mrs Archie II gave tete response, When the was all cleared away and the 1a. hell. the company .gathered lying room while the losing d ''11 a ehurt ,program c„n.ietii1g 1,3 pin v, "Tile Old Maids Convention, which if judged by the sounds 1- the audience must have been dntn0 htg and laughable. Those h the part of the old Maida were e- Jae. Smillie, Mrs. Jas. Wright. L. Clark.Mrs. IVC'.Doig, Mrs. Y Cell, Mr... A. M'cGregor. Mrs. 1• Martin and Mrs. A. Hoggarth. taking part were lir.. I. Upsltall. plant) instrumental, Mrs. Glen "A Recipe; Mrs. E. Butts, t' '\li-ses Grace Tretneer and 1' Martin. "Il ride and Groom;" t' Dining and Mrs. '31. Traquair, ecomedian Mrs. Glenn, captain side, and Mies Margaret Sinclair. second act was a sale of , bachelors, h' Mrs, L. Clark gave a good report the convention held in London n Wee 5,120. Sides mere again 11, 'for our roll call contest with Martin and Mrs. W. Dining 11 tains. A short 'btulne s discussion n' lowed and with a rote of thanks r- our hostess and to those who with the program a very- enjoyable evening was 'brought to a close. s" The Kippeu East \\ .I. were r'' ue. to ,f Zuricl, 'W.I. on Monday rl 0. fie 1pen R--1. Burn <hed ,,x111, 'r Mr. Jas. F. Reid and Mr. Balker Toronto visited on Sunday with Susan Workplan. Mr, and Mrs. Clifford \iats(m spending Thanksgiving with •O il. Detroit. It Fetzer Moussean has returned lamming trip in l iekoka. 1. We are eerie to hear Ml Di -1u is still confined to dear i[ Mr, 1\-1n. Alexander spell- it tier. on Manitoulin Island and returned with a shipmt'iit. 1' , lasie Inc winter feeding. c Mr. R. D Elgie and Mr. ,Tito Viral ed with friends in Kitettenet' 11 week, Y 11r. Arthur Ricker is (-omitted iris room nnoder the doctor's e- a serious condition. and all r• improvement soon. Miss Marguerite McDonald E'' with friends in Windsor recently-. Mrs. Nellie Detweller of Quebec visiting with her brothers and Y- friends in this vicinity. Mr, and Mrs. John Bell spent J. week end with friends in Kitchener.Mrs. Mr, Wm, Anderson is improving slowly after his recent illness. 1" LONDESBORO worst fire in the histor>- occurred here on Fire broke out lel lir, :Abruit six p.111., the 'intildiil'g at the hmne ;or :upper, It mush headway when at one time was though out, 'but a etron north 111, wing and it !watt As Londesboro has or water pressure. 1311th and \Vinghanr ,m1r1unue 1, but arrived and had hose the creek the fire had that three buildings and Mr. James McCc store and poet office and in spite of stream we. 000,1 !hurtled The home )f Mr. D. very Mose to the store hopeless but wee saved. garage, 'however, 11115 of Mr, e. Y. Manning corner from lir. M�cC, It was at one time and had caught places. The window. Irani( of the store had to :be to get at the fire which ,got inside. The store damaged by smoke The post office which store is for the the vacant dwelling hous end of the village. wh'ic'h recently 'vacated 'by 'Mr, McCool, 'Mr. 1barn and house also but the longe turnou ,pails succeeded in fire, It seemed at one would be 'burned. were burned including garage and service steam Mr. McCool's store formerly the old 'store garage and Mr. post office. The loss at B30,000 partly coverer The origin of the J. Taniblvn has returned the vast month a the brother, Mr. W. Huts, been quite Innerly but G. II. Rai w 1 is at the 310 Leslie he Bal' .offer t kt' on un 1' y morning 11 nes newhat it 15i1 her a eol:gpl(t.1 .fro' Red 1'i•,l-- met 101 \\ wine hal on r. sac e wta11 ,fir :,'1 .. '.1anl wag n`ee teen we're bite wli•. '.liar uta. ochre 1I1,' tem., r1 the .fuel i; v:.. decided roil ch,r.i p scent their- My Deario, in comms \\ ednesday evening.Nov rnas recently the Red Cross, regular .1 -numbly meeting will the held in •comm Thursdaly, Dec. 7th. Research. 'Mrs. 'Geo, same place made history. Christmas Mrs. I). 'Voddent Chaste Fairservice. 3sfrs, R. Ross, Mrs. IW, Hami S�haddick. LONDESSBORO FIRE (Continued front Page 1) store next day that appar the, smaller articles had right out never to also filched anything of the McCool store part of the fire, else was too busy side of Mr. Ewan's hous so brown that it is whole building did not Mr. Ewan lost a twine stored in the the garage at the rear the frame upper part Ho had his face and trying to save his house were not serious. Ewan has' a blacksmith the highway from his Wee not endangered. CONSTANCE The Woman's As nciation their annual meeting in the ce room of the church 011 Thursday, Nov. 9th. The meeting opened the president, Mrs, Ernest presiding. After singing a hymn Rogerson led in prayer', followed the Lord's prayer in unison. Yn minutes of the previous. were read and adopted. A short ed was spent in discussion 01 rd Mrs. Adams in a few well )1 words thanked the members executive of the W.A. for their 01 operation and help during th of almost three years as J. Mr. Menzies their took the the election of officers, which ve ed in the following officers ere elected: President, Mrs, Adams; vice pros.. Mrs. Win. gas. Miss ert. ill`s, Lawson, two sed e of 1 obb lib's an, Mr, Seek Adams, who lives a con. pie of milts south of Londesboro is wondering how the story started and persisted even the next day that he had severely injured his back when Ile fell from a roof. He spent a busy night working around the hotel `barn on Thomas Fairservice's corner put- ting out burning ember's and suffered a trifling mishap in a short drop. He was around the village the next day dispelling fears for his safety. The last serious fire in Londesbot•o was just a few Years ago when the hall was burned and has since been replaced by the present cotrnnunitY hall. About fifty years ago fire de- stroyed Part of the Brunsdon carri- age and wagon shop on the tame propertY now occupied by the 'W'ells brothers. A man living near Londes• born now in his sixties remembers be- ing shown the scorched side of a nearby building in that fire. The frame building lately used as a gar- age had previously been a wvoodwork• ing and blacksmith shop with a cone piste set of several forges, and up- stairs was a paint shop where it is ,said the paint drippings on a bench had accumulated to a depth of an even four inches: The wagon and car- riage shop was at one time a prosper- ous business employing much help. It started witb hand tools, doing the work from the standing tree to the finished wagon or carriage, It wet started by John Brunsdotl, lather of William Brunsdon, now operating an implement shop across the street from the Wells Bros, chopping mill and their now destroyed garage. John Brunsdon's father also lived in the village and is remembered by some Present day residents. Rebuilding plans had not been con- sidered by any of the owners early this week. Mr, McCool, who conduct• ed the post ofilee in part of his gem eral store, has moved the post office into a house et the west end of the village occupied by his mother prior to her demise a few' years ago, and which has been empty the past sou pie of years. Mr. McCool was at home eating his supper when the alarm was g1t'ell and was able to save the post office records and mail and books of Hallett Township of which he is Clerk. :int BAYFIELD '1n. Rev. R. M. Gale was able to take ane charge of the service in St. Andrew's as United Church on Sunday morning. not His many friends are glad to know ot'- that he is able to he about again. Mrs. A. McIntyre of 'Waterloo came Wednesday of last week to visit her parents, Rev. and Ml's. R. M. Gale. Miss Mary Widcombe returned on Saturday after having visited her sis- r, see, Mrs.in \Sindso • for .e Page • sill A.t tet s oral weeks, . Mrs Mary Cox who has spent the past throe months here the guest of her sister-in-law•, Mrs. C. Parker, left for her home in Enderline, N.D., on Sunday. Site was accompanied by her niece, Mrs. E. Featherstone as far as Shelby, Mich., where she will visit relatives. A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Andrew's United manse on Nov. 19111, 1939, at 2 p.nt. when Geo. McKinley Levis and Ka- thleen Leila Beacom were united in marriage by the Rev. R. M. Gale. Sohn Levis, brother of the g1•oom, acted as best man and Miss Leta Beacom, sister of the bride, as brides. maid. Mrs. R. 11, F. Gardiner left on Tuesday for a visit with her parents in Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. McLaren of Port El- gin L gin were week end guests of Miss Sterling. The annual meeting of the Bayfleld branch of the Bible Society was held In Knox Presbyterian Church on Sun- day evening. Rev. G. Peddle conduct. ed the service and the address was given by Rev. J. Graham, taking for his subject, "The Bible," which was a message important to every soul. He ended with an appeal for Bible study. Following the service the re- ports of the secretary and treasurer for 1939 were read and adopted. Rev. G. Peddle presided over an election of officers which resulted in Mr. A. E. Erwin, President, and Miss Lucy Woods, secretary -treasurer being re- turned to office. Rev. Mr. Peddie ex- pressed regret that Rev. R. M. Gale was not able to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Wright of. Edmonton Alta„ were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Talbot over the week end. Makin's Beauty Shoppe has added new equipment and made enlarge- ments this week. to 'net 1 in fire the bri- the inee read V'ere 1o1's was 1 ref the wan WAS His tr111. ac- o1's u.ght Int. "5 at Itop- had is and a in be- at Mr. and utas tight t of ting the Fine i.A tense ooll''s est - e Is nor- '1:ne iton, lone orale el a but rel - ery. soli' met- trd:- 1ve(i 1tete hart ?15t tnity x1 ated the Inity epie. ,nim, nous rols; sees, well, lton, ently been tune. they di 511114' stop. e is rRaul- up qua upper of•his WAS hands but Mr. shop house, EG THURSDAY, NOV. 23, 1939 NT EAT '411 E 4 Seaforth NOW SHOWING Alice Faye . Don Ameche "Hollywood Cavalcade" Mon., Tues., Wed. Next Thur. Fri. Sat. Gary Cooper Andrea Leeds "The Real Glory" with David Niven Reginald Owen Staggering thrills -- flaming drama as America builds a na- tion out of a jungle Coming: Four Feathers Dorothy Querengesser in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, ea Smith and Marg- aret. Mt'. and Mrs. Aug Hoppeprath and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kismet' at- tended the Koch -McCarthy wedding in Stratford on Saturday, WEST BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mr-. Henn Koehler left ''1 Wednesday to<t for an extended visit to Stratford to spend -.Vile time w 'li friend,: and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Eggert and candle' took a nil:.inese :trip to Strat- ford on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Regele and "on Harry spent_ Sunday- last 'with 'Mr, and Mrs. \10',n. Groes in Hulled near Auburn, - The late turnips are now all 'housed and the .piouighing is nearly all done .b tite 'farmers can now attend to -tock. A good thing we have ,dote of feed if the winter is not too bong. Mr. and Mrs. 'Norman Bode and Donald and Mr. Albert Hinz motored to North Bay and Kirkland Like, Quite a number from here attend- ed the fowl supper at Dublin on Wed- nesday evening. WINTHROP The euchre and dance held in the hall last Friday night was well at- tended. The prize winners were. lad- ies, most games, Miss Selman, lone hands, Mrs. Irwin Agar. Men, most games, lone hands, Mr. McNichol, lone hands, Mr. Robt. Dodds. After a grand lunch a few hours were spent in dancing to Agar Collins orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Me.('owan and son Bobby spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. George Eaton, We are sorry to learn of Mrs. Austin l)olmage being in Seafort.h hospital. We wish her a speedy re- covery, BRODHAGEN. Mrs. Norman Hoffineyer and child- ren are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Eli Rapien. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Querengesser spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Sohn. A. Arbuckle and Adele, and The New Jackson Studio Is Open For Business We now have one of the finest and best equipped Studios in the province, but f there will be no increase in prices for Pictures Please make appointments for Christmas Portraits as early as possible, in order to avoid delay. Beautifully. Mounted Portraits for as low as 50 cls, each THE JACKSON KSON STUDIO SEAFORTH 4/70't EATING a„dC00KING NOW is the time to order your supply of these delightful, tree -ripened Canadian apples !They're FRESH from Canada's orchards ... and they're at their best -they're tastiest -for eating and cooking! Serve Canadian apples often - for the whole family to enjoy - with meals and between meals. They're easy to cook . . simple to serve ... and mighty appetizing. Watch everyone ask for more! Order your Canadian apples today ... buy them by grade - with confidence! "No.1e Includes sound, handpicked apples of good colour for the variety, free from inse .t pests and practically free from disease and minae blemishes. The apples are sized according to variety. "DOMESTIC" Includes sound, handpicked apples of fair colour for the variety and practically free from disease and other injury. The apples are sized according to variety. Marketing Service DOMIINION DEPARTMENTOF AGRICULTURE,OTrAWA Honourable Jamas G. Gardiner, Minister. aDE ITH CONFIDENCE.. NOTICE o RABIES Owing to the prevalence of rabies in the surrounding districts, and in view of the fact that rabies is readily transmissable to hu- man beings. all citizens are requested to Watch their dogs and pets carefully, or if they observe any dogs acting suspiciously, to notify authorities. JOHN J. CTS'LJFF, Mayor