HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-11-16, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Have you deckled your
present Coat isn't going
to last another winter?
Or if it does, are you go-
ing to feel 'well dressed'
in , it? Don't wear a
shabby coat, It isn't fair
to yourself.
This is dews, In the face of
rising prices we are offering
Coats at bargain prices. BLIT
they are not old coats or
cheap materials. They are
newest in style and of lovely
$11.95 to $19.95
Sizes It to 44
Warm wool Coats: All sizE's
COlOrS, $6,95.:>,. real buy
Coats Leggings Helmets
By Fashion Craft
A new range of
samples that will
• tent with your
hearty at ty approval,
t rt anteed to tit to
sour eatisfaetion.
New Fall and Win-
ter hats. Smart snap
brims, homburgs and
other popular styles.
Dozens of newest Style Coats have just arrived, You
will be atrazed at the prices when you see the quality.
Seaforth Brussels
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. \uh ;,on of
6V1ngnain anoutpanicd by Mr-. Robt.
N:chi n a£ Beleravc were visitors
with Miss Emma Johnston nston \rmi.' cies
Mr_ Harry- :\bray and children of
London have been visiting far the
Vast week with the form is parents.
Mr. and Mre. C'. Hudson.
\lis; Mary MacGregor, who has
hen ill for sunt time is somewhat
improved in health. Miss Moore of
T-.'ndc,nis attending 'Miss Ma,Gretur.
'Nies. Fenner ,tf \lontre al, who hes
ween upending the past number ,cf
months with leer brother and -ister,Tn-
l.:w, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Taylor,
lett :or her Mune on Sunday and will
visit on her .wear with Rev. W. .-\.
r:=,1 \ir Young in Fergus.
Mr. ani Mrs. Lloyd Hudson cf St.
Marys were -week end visitors here.
Miss Hannah Murray retnrned
!:.outs after 0 .very inlea.ant wish with
relatives in l)rtr.,it.
Mr..T. C. 1• vvat and. (f new
and Donald-, .isi-ted on Sunday with
Joyet, in
17- St. Pat .\n;_li•tn
'Church urs 'tit not holding - t
chur.'L ,r.llhiestlicy.
\F \Inrraw
ti . .'.t ler ...islet-.
Accepts Government Position in
Dentist ry.--
t r.
?.I io ut, tarn .,t has
t - ,i-,. ,•t . F -!, ells „n i
•L iacnuc his
many roes'.- ai•.h him
' \flee, dive t. ear .d
r Me. tail \l r. '.. _'iv R,rtt-
e n -t it, ear
:n St. 6r.-sr•l its. Hospital.
,r.r. t. :e.r: much rano 4 :r1-1
`.ae l to return home.
The T..11 Brothers ],resented their
iii:tentimins and interesting tr;tvel-
r:t.. T-Tik'n, Thrr,itg:t South .-anter-
see" lc the Church on Friday
;rig to a very large crowd.
\Ir. attrl Mrs. Chas. Stiller of the
Tha-me Road visited un Sunday with
Mr. and 'Ir,. Jas. Patterson;
The Rod Cross knitting cnminittce
•till be at the town. ball on Monday,
November 28th 'from 3 to. :5 n.nt. and
will he glad to sec a17 the ladies who.
are knitting},; or are inters ter\, also
ancone who -world like to learn.
Mie Helen Moir visited over the
week end ,with cher brother and sister
in -lolls, Mr. and sir:. Melvin Moir,
Red Cross Appoint Canvassers.—
At 0 stetting Of the 1,ublicity and
:inane.: committee of the Red Cross
held in the town hall no 'Monday ev-
e -dug. the following canvassers were
appointed in the town: :\fes rs, (;co.
Hess E. L. Muckle. 'Joe Hagan, t •n.
Fcllick,'W.m. Foster, G. M. Drysdale,
;Tae 1' iy nn; \\%nt. Fee. H. W. Horton
and W. 13. Cross. A large nmtiber of
aural canvassers were also named and
meanhers nI the committee Will inter-
view then: •
Rev. R. A. 'Drank Conducted sir -
vices in the United -Church on .Sun-
day and the ehoir sang wo beautiful
anthem., '.Sing 1.7nto 'rhe d,ord," and
'How lieautiunl d'pe,n the Monne
tain s."
Bride -Elect Honored.-
:\ very pleasant evening was :pent
on Friday at the home of. and\Ir Robt, Maclean •when their eld-
est daughter, Mande, bride -elect o£
this week, war presented with a kit-
chen .homer by a number tri her ;girl
friends. rbc evening was spent in
playing tong Chine e checkers and dainty
re'freshment.s evere served. Tile ,bride
ova• the recipient of many useful gifts.
Y.P.S. Hold Missionary Meeting,—
The Young People's Union of the
hand Cherel . held their regular
meeting „n Mcttday evening in thanete
of the \lissimt n'y conte n rs and pre-
sided over by Mrs. Walter Speueer.
:Niter singing the opening hymn -":\
Better Day Is Coming," the Lard'.
prayer was repeated in tnti.an. The
tllilt,tte -
Of tit .previ.-ms meeting were
real and adapted and the roll called.
.after the •letsinees was transacted the
offering :was received.. Misses Cinitlie
Cross and Ruth Brook. favored with
0 duet "Peng i itth• Old Cathedral its
the 1'i ti-. tecompanied icy their
eitai bftet ini.tng "M'e'te a Story
To Tell" Miss Barbara Shepherd led
in prayer. yer. 'I-tt serine lr. reading. ,.as
n 1:1' Mks lune Sl.rtldereoek and
Mrs. Rt.—ninth H3 ks :gave the bed,- '01
ltd a Vt'lli !, .was very interesing.
Miscellaneous Shower.—
.1 ti intinher .1 neighbors and
;,tit tel at the me of ?Ir.
<n :1 Mrs ft,,lrt. \iar'L,:an .,n \i .url:ty
hr n vn n l {r .t it1 ,1 their oldest
cm. i.t, r Mamie, itrith e I,: rt, with a
rtti ibotenn. -hower, A •vrr hue
a, pre1,111Vd tinfl _he
tt„ns cont and „nts were ''i--
l:n.rl. k,•ir.-lnnent- were served.
The Ihride was the recipient „f mangy
nze tt'ntl and 'rr£nl /sifts.
Y.P. Hear Interesting Address,--
"i ht: ]'.gust!'ariek'- Society ,f
Carmel t-inrr !i held their regular de-
votional meeting in the church on
a ay evening; with a large .etten-
dan e The president Miss Tt.•tte
11 rho 1 re ided over the opening
exercises. Aster 4iu ting hymn "Crone
1.et I Sing of a R\'onrlerlul Lot'e:”
Ntise Margaret Bel! led in prayer.
The devotional address ,was very ably
given I,y Miss Hannah :Murray.. The
minutes orf the nret•ions meeting wore
read and adopted and the roll called.
The nnsines w is dealt wilth and Jack
Bell and Blob C ,mcrmf were iapp.:,int-
41 1' !! all captains. Following the
iteg,ci of the theme song, Miss 'Mar-
:natet Bell gave a very interestmg're-
pert of the 1 \ 1 .S. convention ,which
she attended as a delegate in New St.
James' Preahtcrian,Church, 'London,
in October, Miss Mabel 'Workman.
worship cnttvener, presided ower the
remainder of the program The tr>pc'
on 'Hymens We T.ove,' was very a'blt•
leen shy Miss Margaret Grieve and
was very interesting. A, poem !lay Miss:
Isabel Graham 114ippety }Top," was
Given by 'James Campbell.:\ musical
naunher eves led 'hy Mrs. Malcolm
Dntngall in which .parts of hymns
were played our quoted and solved rbv
the members present,• and were fol-
lowed. by singing a wserse ,rrf each
See the Finest Car That Overland Ever Built
We offer a Willys DeLuxe 1939 Sedan, driven under 2000
miles, with factory guarantee attached.
Also a 1936 Willys Coupe in o.k. shape.
The Canadian Government has placed an order with us
for a large fleet of half ton trucks, because they find Willys
cars and trucks are economical to buy and operate. This
should be to the interest of all CAR BUYERS.Before closing
any deal, phone 34-616 for demonstration,
,lyses. Alter singing "Dear Lord and
Father of Mankind," the meeting
closed by singing "God Save the
King" A Bible character tamest was
given and games were played. The
neat meeting will be its 'charge of Mr,
Harold Bonthron,
Tile Ladies' Association of Carmel
Church held their reenter meeting in
the church on Tuesday evening :with
Mrs. Frank Farquhar ,presiding. After
muni; a hymen, 31re. Farquhar led in
graver. The minutes of .the previous
needle); were read and adopted. The
t111incss was discussed and it was
decided to Sold a hone -cooking sale
cold ten cent tea on Saturday. Novrnt-
' er 25th at.3 p.m, in the church. The
treasurer. Mrs. Workman, -gave the
financial report. ,Hyann was sung, and
!Se Lord's prayer repeated to unison.
Nies Workman then ,presided and
Mi.: Helen Dick played' a beautiful
piano instrumental. A very interesting
demonstration and address on "Care
,f Clothing" was given by Mrs. ,las.
Patterson, Contests were ;given out
and refreshments served.
The C'ham'ber of Commerce are
holding a euchre and dance in the
town hall, Hensall, on Friday even-
ing. Proceeds' in aid" of community
Christmas tree. Good prizes, good
ne,tsic and lnnc•h;provided.
sirs. G. M. Drysdale is confined to
her roost owing to illness.
The ladies of Carmel Church are
holding a home -cooking sage and ten -
cent tea in the church .on Saturday,
\r.eetuher 25th, at 3 pm.
Ur. and Mrs. \V. R. Davidson visit-
ed vide relatives at Wingham Sunday.
Mr. and \lra, Roy Maclaren visit-
ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
Leslie Ratz in Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas.- Parkins visited
with friend. in Denfield recently.
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Hilliard of
Kingsville visited on Sunday 'with Mr.
and Mrs. E. L. .Vickie and family.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. 'McEwen and
Donna visited on Sunday with Mrs.
McEwen'. parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Sparrow at Paisley.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bell and family
I visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
INVm. Taylor at Zurich.
We are pleased to report that Mr.
(Geo. Sutherland is improving after
being confined to his room far the
past several weeks as the result of a
fractured knee when 'he ,fell on the
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford DewofRns-
selldale and Mr, and Mrs. Alfred
Hunkin of Thanes Road, were recent
visitor: with Mr. and Mrs. Roy
'Master Ronald Passmore 'entertain-
ed a number of ,his 'chums at a birth
day party on Monday.
\Ir, Ray Patterson and friend Of
Toronto visited " recently with the
fra'mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. 3.
:Wis.. Mae McNaughton returned to
Toronto on Sunday after attending
the funeral -of her father, the late\2r.
Daniel McNaugrhton,
Miss Helen Glenn of London spent
tate week end at the home of her
patents, Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Glenn.
Miss Eleanor Bell, R,N., of London
visited last week at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Wm. Hyde,
Mrs. Howard Harris of Detroit has
been spending the past week with her
mother, Mrs. E. Rennie, who is ill.
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Hilliard of
Kingsville spent the week end visit-
ing friends in town.
airs. Geo, Walker, who recently
underwent an operation in Clinton
hospital. has returned to her home.
Mrs. Geo, Gonlrl of Clinton, accompan-
ied her mother home and will spend
a few days with her.
Miss Maris Bell of London visited
over the week end at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Bell.
A number of loeal teachers attended
the public school teachers' convention
held in Zurich on Friday.
Miss Helen Munn, R.N., of London.
visited Inst week at the home of her
parrot t •, .lir. and Jars. Robt. Munn.
sir. Ferris Cantelon of Schomberg
spent the week end with his mother.
Mrs. Hate Cenielou.
Rev. Wm. Weir B.A, Preaches.—
Rev. Wm. Weir, B.A,, sort of the
late Mr. Fred Weir of Goderich, who
Lost his life on the Atltenia, Conduct•
ed services in Carmel Presbyterian
Church on Sunday. In the morning
the choir sang a beautiful anthem.
"Pralse the Lord," with Miss Irene
Hoggartb anel Mrs. W. A. Maclaren,
soloists. At the evening service Miss
Irene Hoggarth and Mr. Frank Bat-
tersby sang a duet. "Beyond the
Stars." Rev, B. 0, Andrews, B,A., will
conduct the services next Sunday.
Lea Fractured While Cranking Car—
Mr, Fred Beet', war veteran, met
with a painful accident while crat,lt-
ing his car In the garage on Wednes.
day evening, Unfortunately the car
was in gear and when Mr. Beer
cranked it, it jumped forward, crush-
ing him against the wall, with the
result of fracturing one leg and in
iuring•the other. He was attended by
Dr. D. G. Steer and removed to
Westminster Hoapital, London, for
The Late Daniel McNaughton,—
One of Hensall's oldestresidents
Missed away in Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, Seaforth, on Thursday morning
in the person of Mr. Daniel Mc-
Naughton, after an illness of seven
weeks, in his S7th year. The deceased
farmed for a number of years in Hilt.
bent township, coming to Hensall
about seventeen years ago. He was
predeceased by his wife, three years
ago and one slaughter Greta died
several years ago. Surviving is one
daughter. Mae, of Toronto and two
sons, Peter McNaughton, Hensall.
and Lorne on the homestead in Hib-
bert. township, The funeral service
was heli on Saturday at 1 p.m, from
the home of the song Mr, Peter Me -
Naughton. conducted by Rev. R. A.
Brook, and was largely attended. The
floral tributes were very beautiful.
Interment in Hensall Union Ceme-
tery. The pallbearers were Messrs,
Geo. T. Wren, John Sheppard, Geo.
Follicle, Frank Coleman, Thos. Kyle
and David Robinson, -
W.M.S. Meeting Held,—
The regular meeting of the W,M.S.
of Carmel Church was held on
Thursday afternoon with Mrs, Annie
Logan presiding and opened by sing-
ing a hymn followed by prayer by
Mrs. Peter Manson. The Scripture,
Psalm 46. was read by Mrs. Donald
Parke. The minutes of the previous
meeting were read and adopted and
the roll called. The business was dis-
cussed and a nominating committee
comprising Mrs. C. Hudson, Mrs. Jno.
Dallas and Miss Lillian Fulton were
appointed to select the officers for
the coming year. The offering was
received and hymn "Fight the Good
Fight," was sung.. Mrs, W. A. Mac -
Laren favored with a beautiful vocal
solo. The topic on "India," was given
by Mrs, C, Hudson and was very
interesting. A hymn was sung and
Mrs. Hannah Workman led in prayer.
Remembrance Day Service.—
Memorial services under the aus-
pices of the Hensall-Exeter branch
No. 167 of :the Canadian Legion B.E.
S.L. was held in the United Church
on Saturday at 2.30 p,m. The Legion
members marched to the church led
by the Hensall Citizens Band, where
Rev. E. F, Chandler presided, assisted
by Rev, R. A. Brook, Rev. M. A. Himt
and Rev. John Richardson. Following
the call to worship psalm, "O God of
Bethel" was sung. and the invocation
prayer by Rev, R. A. Brook. The
Scripture was read by Rev, M. A.
Hunt and Rev, John Richardson led
in prayer followed by the Lord's
prayer in unison, Miss Margaret
Dougall of Cermet Church sang a
beautiful solo, "Give Us Peace." The
last post was sounded by Bugler
Kyle followed by Reveille. An offering
for the relief fund of the Legion was
taken and dedicated by Rev. M. A.
I•Iunt. The united Church choir sang
a beautiful anthem. "Peace Be Still,'
by Hemmen Von Berge. The hymn,
"God of Our Fathers," was sung and
Rev. R. A. Brook delivered the epec-
ial memorial address which was very
interesting. after singing "-For All
Township of Hullett
Under and by virtue of the anthority conferred upon me by tate
animal Cnntagious Diseases Act, Chapter 75. a.g.O., 1027, and the
m-gnlations relating to rabies passed by Orders in Council dated Aug-
ust le, 19(15, and May 28. 1159, f do hereby declare that having had
reported to me the existence of rabies in certain portions of the Pro-
vince of Ontario, the hereinafter described territory is deelared to be
3111 .infected area:-- -
1, In the, County of Huron, the Townships of Tm'nberry, Howitt,
Morris, Grey, Wawanosh East. Wawanoslt West, Ashfield, Col-
borne, Hallett, McKillop, Goderich.
2. In the County of Bruce, the Townships of Huron, Kincardine,
Kinloss, Culross, Carrick, Brant, Greenock, Bruce.
In the County of Pertly, are Townships of 'Wallace, Elm, Logan.
1 do hereby order that all clogs within this area shall be kept tied
up, and not allowed to run at large unless effectively muzzled.
All clogs found at Iarge ummuzzled may be destroyed forthwith.
and the owner is rendered liable to prosecution under the Animal
Contagious Diseases Act. -
In view of the fact that rabies is readily transmissible to human
beings, the attention of all provincial and municipal officers is espec-
ially directed to this Order, and their co-operation in its enforcement
is earnestly requested,
Dated at Ottawa, this twenty-fifth clay of October, One thousand
nine hundred and thirty-nine,
Deputy Minister of Agriculture.
(Sgd.) H. Barton,
This is a Government Order and also passed by Hallett Township
council on Nov. 6, 1959, and is in force NOW.
THURSDAY, NOV. 16, 1939
Saturday Only
Granulated Sugar—
per bag $6.29
With a $2 cash groceryorder
Purity Flour— -
per I98 Ib. bag $2,98
Western Queen Flour—
per 98 pound bag :2.59
Wanted -- Eggs
"For Grade A Large in
trade only, we are paying
40 c per doz.
Stale or dirty eggs not
vv® 56 Fin
pound 55c
McMurtrie—In loving memory of a
clear wife and sister. Catharine Me -
Beath McMurtrie, who passed away
November 18th, 1988.
One year has passed since that sad
The one we loved was called away,
God took her home, it was his will,
But in our hearts, she liveth stlll,
—Ever remembered by husband,
brother and sisters.
Community Sale Sale at Dick's Hotel
Stables, Seaforth, - on Friday, Nov-
ember 17th.
Cattle -1 Jersey cow due Dec. 5;
20 head of mixed feeder cattle; 3
spring calves. Pigs -60 pigs from
suckers to 100 lbs,; 2 fat sows; 1 hog.
Number of new halters and shanks;
1 water tank, cap, 80 gals.; 1 small
grinder, 1 Fleury crusher; 1 feed
box, 1 walking plow (good as new),
1 Beatty washer and wringer - (like
new), 2 washers in good condition,
1 new two wheeler trailer, 1 Wing -
ham range, almost new; 1 oval din-
ing room table, 1 vaeuette, 1 small
walnut table, 1 good kitchen table,
1 rocking chair, a quantity of 2"
plank. Potatoes, cabbages and table
turnips. Numerous other articles.
Bring in anything you have to sell.
Reasonable rates,
Planter Hunt, Manager. .phone 228 12
Geo, H. Elliott, Auctioneer,
Roomers, orders for knitting, pupils
in shorthand. Save expense by study-
ing at home before going to business
college. Apply at The News office.
100 acres, all cleared, wheat in and
plowing done, good buildings, thrilled
well, 2 miles west of Seaforth on
highway For further particulars, ap-
ply on premises to Roy Lawson.
Lamb strayed on to the premises
of Joseph Maloney, Lot 8, Con. 4,
MeI{illop. Owner may have same by
proving property and paying ex-
A Pontiac car, 1929, in real good
condition. Apply at The News,
See the new Fireco Patented Bridge
Wall Range. A November special on
Quebec heaters, and Al used stoves,
A. Zimmerman, Main street,
The next meeting of Flurott County
Council will be Held in the Council
Chambers, Court House, Goderich,
commencing Monday, November 20th,
1989, at 2 P.M.
Ail accounts, notices of deputations,
applications and other business re-
quiring attention of Council should be
in the hands of the Clerk by Novem-
ber 11th.
J. M, ROBERTS, County Clerk,
Goderich, Ontario,
the Saints Who From Their Labors
Rest," the benediction was pronounc-
ed. The service was continued at the
monument at the town ]tali, directed
by the president, Mr. Samuel Dougall.
"Abide With Me," was played by
the band and Rev. E. F, Chandler led
in prayer. The sounding of the last
post and two minutes of silence was
followed by Reveille. The wreaths
were then placed by Mrs. Aida Sim-
mons, Mrs. Minnie Sangster and Mrs.
Geo. Hudson. After singing God Save
tate King. Rev. M, A. Hunt pronounc-
ed the benediction,
Mrs, Stephen Murray has returned
hone from the Seaforth Hospital.
Miss Bernice Manley from London
spent the week end with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. W. Manley.
'airs.,Frank Evan's, accompanied by
her mother Mrs. John Murray, visited
iter home last week, la much improv-
ed after convalescing the past three
weeks with her daughter in Dublin.
bh'. Clem McKay is engaged to do
some ploughing for Mr. W. Kerr with
his new tractor,
Mr. Louis Forrest and sister Miss
Mary Forrest are visiting with friends
in Marlette, Mich.
Mr. Russel Consitt and Mr. Ralph
Turner Have purchased a new Farm,
all tractor.
Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Robinson vis-
ited over the week enol with friends
in London,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davidson were
visited over the week end by Mr, and
Mr's. Geo, Davidson and Mr. and Mrs.
David Davidson and baby Dalton of
Stratford and Miss Georrgena. Seiler
of Monkton,
Successor to John H, Best
Seaforth, Ontario
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Barak Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1:30 pan. to 5 9.01. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. m.
All accounts owing to the firm of
Walker's Furniture Store, Seaforth,
mast be paid on or before Dec, 1,
1939.---J, R. WALKER, Manager.
Sprayed Spy apples. 50c and 75c
per bushel in your own containers.
Phone 48r1S, Dublin central. Richard
Sillery, Staffa.
House, semi-dotached, :i rooms,
with nee of bath room, situated on
North Main street, Appiy E. L. Box.
Ten pullets, six year-olds. These
birds are . pure bred White Wyan-
dottes from the famous Williams
strain of Long Island, New York.
Apply to W. 0. Govenlock, Egmond-
ville, phone 5-146, Seaforth,
Silver fox strayed from our farts.
.Anyone seeing it kindly phone 134r5,
Seaforth, Jackson Bros, Reward. •
Will operate Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday of each week dur-
ing October and November. Cider
mill located on the street leading to
the golf course, west ward, Mitchell,
Fred Helmick, proprietor, Terms cash.
House in Egtnondvilde on Maiu St.,,
stable, hen hoose, garage, -4 acre of
land, plenty of room, 3 rooms upstairs.
Hydro, cistern, hard and soft water,
low taxes, fruit trees. Apply at The
News Office.
Spies, Baldwins, Tatman Sweets,
King, Greening, Russet, 50c-1,00 per
bus, Phone Clinton 622-24, Fred Mc-
Clymont, Varna.
An eight roomed brick house
with bathroom and new furnace, gar-
age on property. Apply to E. C.
Rosso Steel Roofing, written 25 -
year guarantee, Rosso Portable Silos,
Eavestroughing, Galvanized Sheet
Iron, Metal Siding, Galvanized Water
Troughs, Tanks and Hog Troughs,
Granary Lining, Stove Pipes, Fern -
ace Pipes, Metal Ridge and Valley,
Roofing Paints, Asphalt Roofing, As-
phalt Brick Siding, Insul-Brick Sid-
ing, plastic cements. Building Paper,
Nails, &c. Phone 618 ring 12, Clinton,
Murray Tyndall, Bruoefield.
Frain house, with cellar, anti lot
of approximately one fifth acre,
North Main at tanner of Centre Street.
Double wired. Seven rooms. Hard
and soft water. For further Informa-
tion apply William Morrison, Jamie
street, Seaforth.
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid-
ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds.
Rates reasonable. All risks placed
in first class companies,
information cheerfully given
Phone 334 w
Fall & Winter Time Table
Leaves Seaforth for Stratford:
Daily 8,40 aan. and 1,25 nom,,
Leaves Seaforth for Goderich:
Daily mem Sunday and hot., 1.25 p.m.
and 8,10 pan,,
Sun. and hole 1.25 p.m. and 10.20 min.
Connection at Stratford for. Toronto,
Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit,
Tavistock, Woodstock
Agents: Queen's, Commercial, Dick House '+
1lorses, Cattle, Hogs, etc.—Courteous Service