HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-11-16, Page 4PAGE FOUR
Snowdon urns., Publi-her+.
Miss Okla'Willianison of Seaforth
spent the week end with her par-
ents Nir. and Mrs, Thos. Williamson
of Walton.
Mission Band of Duff's ',hilted
Church met on Sunday morning at
the usual hour, Ronnie Bennett pre-
sided and the meeting was opened by
singing, "Jesus, Lover of my' soul."
The scripture lesson was read by
Mary McDonald and prayer offered
by the superintendent, followed by
the Lord's prayer in unison, Minutes
of last meeting were read and adopt-
ed. It was decided to get twenty cop-
ies of World Friends for the coming
year. Roll was called and 81 respond-
ed. A story was read entitled 'The
Christmas Tree that went walking."
After singing "Father. we thank
Thee." classes were formed for the
?tally period, at the elnse of which
-he Mizpah benediction was recited
i'.1 (11110on.
Miss Mary Bnchanctllhas returned
from visiting friends in Toronto.
Mr. P L. Ryan. son of the late Mr.
and Mrs, Pa trick Ryan of McKillop
Pe visiting vela
r 10 who hash n
t la
tires and friends for the past three
•seeks, Itas returned to his home in
askatoou. Sask.
Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanan halean and.
Miss Mary 'tie moving to Stratford
this weep where Mr. Blwhalnan Inas
.secured a position.
airs. Joe Hamilton visited Mrs. H
Fulton for a day.
Mrs. F. Yonng spout last Thursday
Irl M\alt011..
MissAnna hunts and Master ,leery
Pressen visited Toronto friends over
:he week end
The annual hamar and sapper of
St. George's Church was held ill
Walton community hall on SSednes-
Jay last, Owing to Inclement wed•
titer the crowd was not as large 00
usual. but at the sale time it was a
decided gticc ess. 'Tlhi. Mates in the
various booths were busy showing
the large display of aprons and fancy
:cork. The fish pond and candy
iaontlis slid a splendid trade with the
•'clildreo and the home-made halting
?•"ottl 00110 also well patronized. A
',rely wool r nshiol made by the
'fill. `t was drawn for and was won
,,,y Mr. Tran), Johnston. Guessing the
name of a lovely dressed doll Proved
:mother int lc sting (acture and this
won t- 1It 1k•nno Jackson. ksa n Sttpn-
Wedding Bells --
On Saturday. ;Nov. D. the wedding
of another of our Hariock boys took
place at the manse in Lonclesboro,
when Ernest Knox and Miss Beth
Shobbrook took on themselves the
responsibility of married life. We
wish the young couple many years of
health, happiness and prosperity. We
expect to have a write-up of the 01
easion when they return from their
wedding trip,
Mrs. Jennie Knox, Mr. and Mrs.
Ward Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Shobbrook and young son and Miss
Edith Beacom of this neighborhood
were. present at the wedding dinner
of the young couple above mentioned
at the Monte of the bride's parents:
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shobbrook of
Mr. Hepburn Must
Be Surprised.
Never Heard a Squawk Before
The provincial government's plan
to have municipal councils elected to
at least two years, with a further
year -by -year extension of this tern
for the duration or the war, has
aroused opposition in the press
throughout Ontario, -
Disapproval of the edict contains
In0re than a lint that it is feared a
mild form of dictatorship is being im-
posed upon the taxpayers, for these
phrases are frequently used, "borders
on dictatorship,' "suspension of civic'
election rights," another privilege
gone." "ft is plain autocrat ' "un-
warranted interference,'' "smacks of
do tltorship." "not a democratic pro-
posal, "dictatorship at hone is no
more tolerable than dictatorship in
Europe." "spending money like
drunken sailors."
Queens Park is vigorously urged to
revoke the order. Mr. Hepburn is 00-
C t war
e, n
iQ on the l e
) seizing P
se of nu d
Situation as an excuse to advance
pet scheme.
This 1,1.111(10111 mast come as a dis-
tinct shock to Mr. Hepburn. At tate
past mann' manifestations of his loan
hugs towards dictatorship have stet
with a certain tolerance, if not out-
right applause.
A case in point are the service
clubs, Since Mr. Hepburn came into
power the did was taken off the wide-
spread sale of tickets for draws stag-
ed by these service chubs It has got
so that scarcely it day goes by all
summer without at least one ticket
salesman making the rounds, often
strangers, sometimes from towns fif-
ty and a hundred miles away,
Has Mr. Hepburn done anything to
regulate these people. And more im-
portant, has the public even so much
as asked him to do anything?
The point is, these .service clubs
are collecting an undisclosed amount
from the citizens of Ontario to do
work that is virtually a government
work. In fact it. is understood the
taxpayers through the government
actually pay two-thirds of the cost of
t "stain of this wort( that the chubs
take full credit for doing.
These clubs have never published
how 111nc'h their gross proceeds are -
or their expenses hi connection with
raising funds. nor have they given
more than the merest hint of the ne-
inrc of their charitable work. Take
for example the slogan "Assisting
crippled children." What does it
meth? Ask any member of the local
Lions Club how many operations, if
any. the local club has ever paid for:
what percentage of hospitalization is
paid by the governmcut.
We make no critic•isnt of the work
the club cines, but merely point out
that the public has never been given
the information. Nor has the public
ever asked for these facts. It seems
they have trusted the clubs implicitly.
Nn one ever' claimed that the mem-
hers of these clubs who are entrusted
in this fashion are elected in a
democratic manner. There has never
been any cry about losing civic rights
when clubs were allowed to handle
thls virtually government work with-
out their members being elected by
the people,
Go the contrary, one of the import-
ant qualifications of the local Lions
Club is the sending of nearly two
hundred dollars annually to the
"International" at Chicago. They are
therefore responsible to Chicago, not
to Toronto,
Again, we make no criticism, but
merely point out that there has never
been any public worry about dictator-
ship, in this case.
Therefore night not Mr, Hepburn
be hugely surprised by the uproar
caused by his latest move, to merely
postpone elections for a year or two.
He might well say that the public
that tolerates and applauds the ger-
vire clubs, not -elective bodies, who
'handle sums annually as large or
larger than the controllable expendi-
tures of the municipal councils, have
a poo' case to complain against trust-
ing their own elected representatives
Inc merely two years or so, instead of
nue year.
"Is there any reason to believe."
Mr. Hepburn night ask, "why your
elected councillors cannot be trusted?
You have been trusting non -elective
club': win) never face the ratepayers
,and ('enatance (barge, atter w'hic'h at nomination meetings and. give 111
sun; Christian stewardship. Mrs. B. the Moose Lodge again took charge, 101111• accounting of their steward
Stephenson; Press eeretary, MPs. C, The flower -bearers and the pallbear•
Dexter; corresponding secretary, rs were friends oI the Moose Lodge.
Mrs.. Robt. Lawson; flower eomnlit- \Se. Wish 10 ('xtend .sympathy to the WINTHROP
i.t Mrs. Geo. Addison: organist. lit ire family. The amoral c0' 0(4(1 of the Helping
Hiss Edith Britton, assistant organ- Mr. and AA's. 1sahe Ricpsou hi emit- Hand tnission band of Caren Church
1st, 811'o, Elia Corbett. The Women's pt;ny with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gib w -as held Friday evening. Nov. lit.
Axsr0iat.ion then took charge. ling.'. also 11t•. and airs. Albert leap- ,1 1,Isr the leadership of Mrs. E. Toll.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dexter visited eon and family attended the funeral
at the Thome of Mr. and MTre. Thos. c.f the above mentioned at Michelle:*
Oliver of Clinton on Sunday. 011 Monday.
Miss Jean Anderson of London vis- Nurse Beacom is at present in
ited at her home over the week end. charge at the home of. Mr, and Mrs.
The Young People's Society will Andrew Snell, where the latter has
hold their regular meeting in the been very Tow for a few days,
school room of the church this Friday _
evening, Nov, 17th, A gond program
is being provided and Iunrh `Will be
Mr. and Mrs. George Connell of
Varna and sons Roy and Cecil at-
tended the funeral of Mr, Phillip
Connell in Owen Sound, which was
held on Monday. Deceased was a bra- placed wreaths and maroons The lars-
ther of Mr. George Connell, and had e,t crowd in a nn -1,' -c: tear= ST -
been ill Inc some time. tended.
Mr, and Mrs. Laytht'm and little A "hard time" 1 01 1h n : r
son of 111 'on, in company with Miss tit a t tie,Red Cra + >r'
Beatty, spent Sunday with the latter's r' 1 a\ ti 1 l ee allot _,11 a ars.
mother, Mrs. Beatty and daughter .; , .1 cr + i ass l a1. t the King was sung and lunch served.
9ditU: Sir. and d1 v\ 1 1 , en- ler- Tli wit's and woodwork articles
Private 0. V. Raymond and Private `nrd•o 1 ',. r r 1,: re tb"•• 'tet by the band were well done
R, wilkies of R.C,O.C. and Mrs. Ray-, tend sh nail a-. t :etc"- n,1 everything'soli. The hand has
Passing of Mr, James Wells—
flet Tuesday-. Nov, 7 there passed
away another of the old residents n
111 r1•is towliship, and formerly o
I-Iullett, in the person of James Wells
in his 71)th year. ftntil Sunday. Nov.
•th, he had been in his usual tate of
health, when he was suddenly smit-
ten with an illness from 001111.11 he did
•,ot rally. but Passed peact'fnity away
.. nnliu
A quiet, unassuming
at his home itu
man of admirable personal qualities.
he was much est,:'enied in the -com-
munity in which he lived. and was re-
p , 11 by alt who knew hint. .He
w a life long member of Myth Pres-
by t Tian Church and a Liberal in
notifies. The late Mr. -Wells was born
i.t the Tp. of I3lansltat'd. Perth coun-
ty, S years ago. and when 11 years
of age Moved to lot 9, con. 14. Hut -
inti Tp„ with his father. 2 brothers
and four sisters, all Of whom have
predeceased him. excepting two sis-
is•to s. At eighteen years of age he
started blacksmithing with the late
R m Sims of Blyth. staying with him
7 years. after which- he returned to
the farm. Fifty-two years ago hs was
1111(101x•(1 t0 Elizabeth Fraser, buying
tarot lot S. con. 1.4.Hullett. on which
he resided until 19 years ago when
ice moved to h.is home in Morris TP
where he; passed away.. His wife pre
d a,0,lsed hint 28 years ago. He leaves
to mnln'n hisloss six children name-
ly. Alex. William and Mrs George
Myron 1 Bessie 1 of Londesbor o; Mr's.
Simpson McCall (Mary) of Morris
'two.: Me:. Imbert Moffatt I Marg
1i „f Luc1now. and John at home
Also 10011 sisters. Me.:. Aix Heid. Hui
1 tt. and MIrs. David Maim nt \Nai-
t was :ae reed froth 4 .o'nhx 1 of t m Tho • fine -nil took pl ars on
wards awl attracted quite a.. large Tlua ells\'. Nor. 9. Service was eon -
somber. Groat credit is. title theof•
,yrs a cul Inen111(i'4 1f the Guild and
W.A. lora vary snccesfnl bazaar
• and thanks extended t0 1111 others
who helped.
Mr. Kenneth Jaclt: Ott • of Cayuga.
Haddimaud 1'nnnty. Inas pnrchased
the farm of 121 1. W. Mills of Blyth.
eontalning ill' acres of land situated
on the boundary line between Illyth
and Walton, At one time this farm
sada rated as one of the hest proper-
ties in Hullett Township. We extend
to Mr. and Airs. Jaeksou a hearty
welcome and also wish them every
success in their new home.
Mr. Mills else has disposed of hie
farm situateal on the 8th concession
of McKillop township. enntainingg 150
acres of land, to Mr, Howe of Saskat-
ollewan. 11r. Howe has been very for-
tunate in securing such a fine prop-
erty. We bespeak for him every sue•
cess and welcome him to Ontario.
The United Church Young Peoples
society have a number of Christnlas-
cards for sale at very reasonable
prices. Please help the society by
buying your cards from them.
The meeting of W. A, and W.M.S.
was held in the basement of the
church Thursday afternoon, Nov. 9th,
Mrs. P. Lindsay presiding for the
W.M.S. Opened by use of hymn 78:5,
"There is work to do for Jesus."
Prayer was offered by Mrs. Robert
Lawson and Mrs. Lindsay. Minutes
of the previous meeting were read
and adopted and business transacted.
Rev, A. E. Menzies then took the
chair for the election of officers for
the t•oming year, which were as fol-
lows: President. Mrs. P. Lindsay:
1st vice president, Mrs, James Hug -
ill; Ind vice pees. Mrs. Geo. Addi-
-on; ,',rd vice pres., Mrs, Orville
Daae soeretary, Mrs, Charles Dex-
ter; ttoasnl•er, Mrs. Bert Stephenson;
literature and missionary monthly
sec 1 c tart', Mrs. Earl Lawson; temp-
erance secretary. Mrs. B. Snell;
:trangers' seel'otary. Mrs. G. Leitch;
mite box secretary, Mls Lorne Law-
dliei,1 at the 1101115 by Rev. Boyle.
talator et Blyth Presbyterian Chn0011,
followed by interment in the inion
l n rt ry. Flower bearers were four
ar allows, Harvey Wells. Edward
Reid, David Watson and Earl Wat-
son. Pali-luao'els were Rohert McDon-
ald. Havey Brown. John Laidlaw.
Alfred Itaggitt. ,lames Sins and
James Watt, We wish to extend sin-
e re sympathy t0 all the fancily and
James J. Rapson Passes
in Kitchener—
Mr. James Rapson Was born on
lot 5, con. 10, Hullett in the year 1875
and lived there till the year 1902
when he started farming fur himself
on lot 8, con. 12. farming there for a
number of years. after which he
11100ed to Blyth. and ran a boot and
shoe store for a few years, later
moving to Guelph and from there to
Kitchene' where he lived till he
nassed away on Nov, 11. Mr. Rapson
has been an employee of the Buffalo
Blower and Forge factory for the
past twenty years, seldom missing a
day 1111 the last few months, although
he had been in poor health for the
past two years. He leaves to mourn
the loss of a kind father, one son and
two daughters, namely, Mrs. James
Hopper (Ruth) of Penetangueshene;
Mrs. Thos. McAllister (Lottie) of
Mimico, and Wm, of Guelph; also
two brothers and 2 sisters, Eva and
Nellie of Toronto; Albert and the
homestead, and Isaac on Con. 12, Lot
10, Hullett, One brother and a sister
died a number of years ago. The fun -
oral was held on Monday from a
funeral home in Kitchener where
there was a short service at 1 o'clock
aft"r which the Moose Lodge. of
which ile was a member, took
charge, holding a short service. He
was laid to rest in Constance Ce1110-
tery on Monday at 4 p.m., where the
casket was opened for a kind gather-
ing of friends and his neighbor:,
when on the fame. Service was con -
filleted at the cemetery by Rev. Mr.
MI -nzie' of the 1.sunksbo•o, Burns
THURSDAY, NOV. 16, 1939
A. very pretty wedding was solemn-
ized at the United Church parsonage
on Saturday when Susan Elizabeth
(Beth) oitly daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Shobrook, of Londesbol'o, was
united in marriage to Ernest Melvin
Knox, 5011 of Mfrs. Knox and the late
George Knox, The bride was becom-
ingly attired in a rust brown velvet
dress with corsage of roses and
brown accessories. The groom was
supported by the bride's brother, Mr.
Lenard Shobrook. The bridesmaid
was Mrs, Graydon Neal, After the
ceretblony the bridal couple, attend-
ants, relatives and friends partook
of a very dainty lunch served by
Misses Beacom and Caldwell of
Blyth. The guests were received by
the bride's mother, Mrs. Fred Shob-
rook, dressed in black crepe trimmed
with sequins. After the lunch was
served the happy couple left on a
motor trip. The bride's going away
costume was a brown crepe dress
with gold trimming, brown coat, hat
and accessories.
Mi'. and Airs, Harold Spring and
Eleanor were guests at the home of
Mr. Fred Wagner on Sunday.
Miss Margaret Yulagblut of Clinton
with tier tale
e k end tikl
spent the
wee 1
Ie '
Mrs. Jack Sinclair and little (lau-
ghter Elizabeth Ann, of Kippen, spent
a few days last week with Mrs. Site
c'lair's mother, Dirs. C. Watson.
Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong and
family were guests at the home of
Mr. Charles Sodden.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Yungblutt vis-
ited at the home of Mr. Win. Arch-
anlbault on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lawson and
Mr, Harry • Harper of Lnckuow and
Nit'. 0. Lawson of Auburn were
guests at the home of Mr. Willis
Mountain on Sunday.
Mr. Albert Mao visited at the home
of iris sister, Mrs. Wm. Bromley, on
Mr, Harold Wilson of Toronto is
visiting at the home of Mr. Orval
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Adams. Mr.
Clifford Adams and Miss Edith Ste-
wart were guests at the home of Mr.
J. Yuugblutt on Sunday.
Mr. Dunn of Ridgetown is visiting
at the home of Mr, Robt. Gibbs.
ss .; sas-aesares'easasealitas;..141;:.
(1,1it1_ Weather condition the
Armistice Day services here were
conc'a."tad in the Presbyterian 4.711.1rch
and Rev. J. Graham :and Rev. Gordon
Peddie were in ehar.;c ai' the service.
The veteran, and eh,*oi children then
marched to the cairn cc here trhev
Tuesday evening of last week the
neighbors gathered at the home of
Air. and Mrs. Harvey Rohner and
presented the young couple with two
chairs and other gifts; an address
was read and the groom made a suit-
able reply. After the presentation
the evening was spent in various
grimes. A lunch was then served and
the guests departed. wdslling the
young couple bon voyage on the sea
of life.
An iutt'resting event took place on
Thursday last at Zurich, when Miss
Seleda Shantz became the bride of
Mr. Dan Steckle. On their return
from their honeymoon they will re-
side on the groom's farm on the
Bronson line.
assisted by Mrs. Craw, Mfr-. Mac•
Farlone and Olive Pryee Mrs. 1'('1100
a,•tivl as chairman. The children put
011 an excellent programme consisting
of songs, duets, solos, dialogues and
recitations. A pageant, "Little
Lights." by the junior group was a
challenge to us in a Christian land to
help those who are still in the dark.
The juniors staged a very fitting
peace exercise, showing very clearIy
that all countries should dwell to
gether in unity. The presentation of
the unite boxes by the juniors was
nicely done, A manger with the baby
Jesus in it. and Mary and Joseph
seated beside it, made an appropriate
stage setting. The cradle song by
the little tots in pyjamas. carrying
candles. looked very pretty, The sen-
ior group shred with Ei •tewardship
11001et, `Such as I Have." God save
mond, 1111 of London, agent. Smttlay at Mr. and \1r-. O. m krt
the hone of Mt'. Geo. Beatty. Sr. Saturday for Fl,rtda Where t`4' - ,
Mrs. Wm, McDonald of Wroxeter toad spending the wmtr.
has returned home after spending a "013',. lsllaMcKay and \tr.. basi-
week with relatives in .and around cit were in See , l tl 5c, nayas-
Sarna, I tending the R'ri' 1 s -'r'i'ot ear. .e: I -
Mr, Cecil Wiley was renewing an -.sling
qualntanees in our village last week.' Miss 1 Manson'who 111' been 1Iw
Wedding bells are ringing. "Please log in the Elliott.apartments, was
don't be late for School." ,called to London lazt tveck owing to
A meeting was held in the hall on the illness of .her cousin, ?vire. 'Kelly
Monday night in the interests of the and Sfiss Manson expects to spend
Red Cross.. the winter in London,
had a rent sn'054511a yea'.
Mr_ and Mis. James Carter and sol
luck. of Hurons Road went. and Miss
Aaeltt Pryro, of Seaforth, spent Sun-
un•')v with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pryce.
The weather is all that could be
desired at time of writing. We hope
it ('0ntillnea.
Don't forget the. euchre and dance
in the hall this Friday night.
Mrs. Sparling and Miss Hazel Spar -
ling of Wroxeter visited Mrs. Walter
Eaton on Wednesday.
Doug Fairbanks Jr. Basil Rathbone
"The Sun Never Sets"
Mon., Tues., Wed.
Next Thur. Fri. Sat. .
HOLL W, o0
N ce Das,
'MART 1115I11 • 1E0 PROUTY
ABM Century•Fon Mono
r U N11('EeRS�['�{G uY P� Coming: .
ex ll
Father Unexpected
A number from the vicinity at-
tended the funeral of Mr. Chris
Schrag at Zurich on Thursday.
NIr. and Mrs, Perce Johnston and
Mrs, Elmore Stephenson spent Sun-
day with Mr, and Mrs. Fraser Mc-
Farlane and family of Ailsa Craig.
Bruce McClinchey, Elmore Stoph-
enson and Jack Scotchmere are on a
deer -hunting trip to the Bruce pen-
insula this week.
Mr. Ed Lowden of Hamilton called
on friends in this vicinity Tuesday,
Mr. Wm. Palmer and daughter Miss
Roxie of Hamilton visited with W.
Reid and family of Varna a week ago.
Mr, and Mrs. Ben Keys and two
sons Harvey and Gordon, and Mr.
Amos Keys and son Lloyd and Mr,
and Mrs, Clifford Keys attended the
funeral of Mrs. Win, Rathwell at Lis-
towel on Saturday. Mrs, Rothwell,
whose maiden name was Margaret
Jane Keys, was in her 85tH year, and
was the eldest daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keys of Stanley
Township. Her husband predeceased
her over fourteen years ago. She
leaves to mourn her loss a family of
three sons and 3 daughters, Isaac of
Brussels, Curtis of Toronto, Earl of
Royal Oak, Mich.; Mrs, Coghlin of
Listowel, with whom she made her
home, and Mrs- Beattie and Mrs. Wil-
son of the West. Also two brothers,
Benj. and Amos Keys, of Stanley, and
four sisters, Mrs. W. J. Reid of Port.
Owing to honey being taken 0111 of
milk bottles, we request our cus-
tomers, whenever possible, to buy
milk tickets direct from the driver,
to avoid leaving cash in bottles.
Please gather up all empty bottles
around your homes and leave out, to
be returned to the Dairy.
Your co-operation will be appreciated. Thank you.
•f�tl� y K�IO�m�
Nies, John Gardiner and Bobbie of
Pictoli, are visiting Mrs, Gardiner's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Millian.
Private Kenneth Scott of Kingston
spent the week end with his parents.
Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Scott,
Nal Jim 'Houston of the Guelph
0.AC. visited over the week end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John 110115
Mr. Jack Weir of Toronto was 11
week end visitor with his father, Dr.
B. C. weir..
Mr. and Mrs. Harrold Kitchen of
Blenheim spent the week end with
the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. J
3. Robertson.
Miss Maty Asquith of Fergus visit-
ed over the week end with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Asquith.
Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Mcliwain quietly
celebrated their 35th wedding anniv-
nniv'ersary at their home on Thursday.
Dr. B. C. Weir and Josephine visit-
ed with friends in Stratford on Fri-
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Graveston and
Doris of Tavistock Visited with
friends in this district on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor and
Mr. Chas. Aaqulth were in Toront•
the Latter part of the week,
Immediate relatives held a surprise
birthparty party on Monday for Mr
Geo. Dawson. He was 74 years old on
that day.
Mr. and Mrs. David Hamilton were
visitors with Mrs, Stonewall Hawkins
of Toronto the latter part of the
The W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian
Church met Tuesday at the home of
Mrs. F. Ross with about twenty Pres-
ent. Mrs. E. Lawson opened the
meeting with prayer. The Scripture
was read responsively. Mrs. James
Howatt led in prayer. The minutes of
the last meeting were read and ad•
opted. Readings were given by Miss
Bertha Wagner, Mrs, Wm, McIlwain
and Mrs. Dawson. Miss Josephine
Weir and Mrs. C. A.. Howson favored
with a duet and Mrs. Wesley Brad -
nock sang a solo. Mrs, Lawson gave
Huron, Mrs. L. A. Anderson of Gode• a paper on "The Life of Ruth," Mrs.
rich Mrs. S. Hanna of Seaforth. and R. J. Phillips gave a piano selection.
Miss Sara A. of Stanley. The roll call wag answered by a verse
or Scripture. The meeting was closed
by reheating the Lord's prayer after
whirls lunch w'as served by Mrs.
Russ, Mrs. 11'. T. Robiusnn and Miss
Josephine Weir.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moylan of
Kitchener spent Sunday with Mrs.
Miss Agnes O'Connor. R.N. is
spending the week with friends In
MIss Mary Murphy of Port Lamb -
ton spent tate week end with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. F. Murphy.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Porde of Walk- '
erton visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Darling.
NIr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Rourke have
moved to Mrs, Mary Rawley's home,
which they have recently bought, and
Mr, and Mrs, Tom Brown moved to
Mr. Wm. O'Rourke's on the highway.
Quite a number attended the St.
Columban dance on Monday night,
All reported a good time.
Mrs. Mike Nagle entertained to
three tables of five hundred. The
prize winners were Mrs. F. Smith
and Mrs. Alex Darling.
Miss Mary O'Dell of Petrolia is
visiting friends.
Sorry to report that James L.
Looby is tinder the doctor's care. His
many Mende wish him a speedy re
The many friends of Mr. Dan O'-
Connor of Hibbert will he sorry to
hear he suffered a light stroke,
Mr. Alex Kenedy of Los Angeles,
Calif., called on a number of his old
friends in the village during the
week. It is 45 years since Alex left,
here and he sees many changes in
that time.
0 visitors.
Air. and Mlrs. Wm. Gross and fam-
ily of near Auburn spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. MVI11iam Hoegy.
Mr. and. Ahs. Gordon Regele mei
Mrs. Dan Regele of Seaforth spent
one afternoon last week with Mr, and
Mrs. henry Koehler and Mr. and Mrs.
('itarlie Regele.
We had a very heavy rain last Fri-
day so that the ground Is very soft
now for getting the late turnips
housed. And now we have a hard
frost but we are still looking for Ind-
ian summer and hoping for the best.
With sorrow and regret it was
learned cu Saturday that Mt', Henry
Ritz on the 10th con. Logan had pass-
ed to the Great Beyond from whence
no one has returned yet. He was in
Mitchell on Friday when he did not
feel good. so he went to the doctor
and was told to go home and go to
bed. He died during the night. He
leaves his partner in life, who was
formerly Miss Hoppenroth, from con.
11, Logan, but no children, Besides
this wife, two brothers and a sister,
are surviving, all of Brodhagen.
Mr. Louis Bennewies Sr. is not as
well as his many friends would like
to see him. He stays with his son,
Louis, on the 10th con. of Logan.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Koehler spent
Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Beuermann.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dlegel.
Claires and Glen, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Miller at Blen-
Anna, Elizabeth and Ralph Dipole,
children of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dipple,
are convalescing after having their
tonsils removed at their home on
Wednesday morning.
We are glad to see Mr. Louie G.
Rock on the Job again after being
laid up for a week.
Miss Vera Rock of Enterprise is
visiting with her sister, Mrs. George
Ei e:meIr.
On Thursday evening the Young
People's Society of St. Peter's Luth-
w:u1 Church held a pie social. Vari-
ous games were played and pie and
ice cream served.
Mr. Patrick Ryan al Saskatoon,
formerly of Walton, is here visiting
his nephew and nieces. Mr. James
Sloan, Mrs. Joseph Jordan. and Mrs.
M. Feeney. It is twenty years since
lie was home, and he sees many
Want and For Sale Ads, 3 weeks SOc
Owing to the prevalence of rabies in the
surrounding districts, and in view of the fact
that rallies is readily transinissable to hu-
man beings. 1-0,11 Citizens are requested to
watch their dogs and pets carefully, or if
they observe any dogs acting Suspiciously,
to notify authorities.