HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-11-09, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Have you decided your
Present Coat isn't going
\ i4 to last another -winter?
Or if it does, are you go-
ing to feel well dressed'
in it? Don't wear a
shabby coat. It isn't fair
to yourself.
This is newe.• in the face of
rising prices we are offering
('oats at bargain prices. BUT
they are not old coats or
cheap Materials, They are
newest lu style and of lovely
$11.95 to $19.95
Sizes 14 to 44.
Warm wool Coate. All sizes
and esthete, $6.95.- A real bay
Coats Leggings Helmets
By Fashion Craft
A new range Of
samples that will
meet with y o
hearty approval.
Guaranteed to fit to
your satisfaction.
New Fall and Win-
ter hats. Smart snap
brims, homburgs and
other popular styles.
, I
Dozens of newest Style Coats have just arrived. You
will be amazed at the prices when you see the quality.
Seaforth Brussels
Young People Visit
The County Home -
The Young People's Union of the
Sinited Church motored to Clinton on
Monday evening and presented a
very splendid program at the county
bome. The opening hymn, "Abide
W ith Me." was sung and ROY. J.
Richardson led in prayer. This was
followed by a sing song led. by Rev.
R. A. Brook. Miss Goldie Cross gave
e very interesting readingwhich was
followed by a dance by Doris Huth-
• aeeompanied by aline Greta
ammie. Misses Kay Drysdale and
Frances Noakes played a guitar eel-
-et -ion, and Patsy Mac -Dollen sang
dan,pd. accompanied by Bob
Hee, A coral duet. "When Paw Was
-Swirling Mane" was eung by Ruth
Hess and Rose Kennedy. Selections
front the Hyde orchestra were very
much enjoyed. A reading was given
Mrs. fhorge Hess, followed by a
'pan, by Gpi Midnight Serenaders.
esnsly Misses Gracile Cross, Ruth
oolt. Mary Goodwin. Gladys Pass
and Elva McQueen. A ',meal
*I Love Yon." was sung by
1.1.-liel Fairliern. and a piano instru-
a. ma; ltv Mis-s Gladys Luker. Messrs.
, tale Blowes and Carey Jnynt sang
▪ very humorous vocal duet. "No, No.
A Thousand Times No". All the num-
'let's were very well received and en-
-oval. After singing God Save The
N.-7:TM, the inmates were given trouts
=iy the young people.
Miss McGowan Addresses
Mission Circle -
The -Mission rirelc held their regu-
-oz meeting in the Cnit,et chinch on
r-iday evening when the members
mained their mothers to supper
n rn. The guest speaker was
Miss Metlowan, presbyterial aeeret-
ary of mission cireles, of Blyth, who
ZaT,, a very interesting address on
lantern slides and
many articles aim brought home from
Miss McGowan spent four
▪ ale in china. A worship period fol.
mwed presided over by Miss Mary
Parke. Thr Seripture was read by
Miss Mary Goodwin and Miss Elva
MoQuern led in prayer. A beautiful
-Matto solo WaS played by Miss Kay
Drysdale. followed by singing a hymn
<lid the Lord's prayer in unison.
Celebrates Eightieth Birthday. -
One of Thensall's highly respected
•'1,125.115. Mrs. Helen Dow, celebrated
her eightieth birthday at her home
here on Saturday, Nov. 4th. Mrs. Dow
has been a resident of this village for
the past three years, moving here
with her husband, the late Mr. Wm.
Dow, from their farm on Highway
No. 4, near firacefleld, and has en-
deared herself to many friends here
through her personality. We wish
Mrs. Dow many more happy birth-
The Toll Brothers will present
their travelogue and lantern slides in
the United Church on Friday even-
ing, Nov. 10th at 8 p.m.
• Mr, and Mrs. Roy MacLaren and
Mr, and 'Mrs, Glenn Bell and family
visited on Sunday with Mr. and M111.
Alfred Hunkin, Thames Road,
Miss Olive Walker, R.N., returned
to New York, on Sunday after attend-
ing her mother, Mrs. Geo. Walker,
who recently underwent an opera-
W.M.S. Entertains Baby Band. -
'1 the regular meeting oif the
W.11.S. of the United Church on
Thursday afternoon .the btobies and
their mother, of the Baby Band were
entertained and six ineuthers .graditat-
ed from the Baby Band into the Mis-
sion Bawl, The platform was !beauti-
fully decorated with yellow and -cleap
rose minus, and the tables were dec-
orated whit pink and white minus and
strips of pink and bine crinkled crepe
paper with balloon strung over the
taltles, which made a very pretty set-
ting. The izitests were received -hy
Mrs. E. L. Nlickle, Mrs. N. E. Cook
and Sire, Geo. lb -s. Mrs. Carrie Bal-
la:dyne presided over the 'following
pr,atratii. which opened 'hy singing a
hymn. followed .by the Lord's prayer
lit unison. .N -very hearty welcome was
can -11.1(.4 to tha- griests hy Mrs. Ball-
antyne. and the husinesis period fol-
lowed. Mrs. 1 Dr.1 Smillie gave a very
inn -re -110-g Milt` box story entitled
"St,plien Lee." The i,fferitin was re-
ceived and recitations were i...siven ,Iiy
tlie following children: Jeer] McAllis-
ter, Lloyd Buchanan, Cecil Pepper.
Ronald Passmore. and Orion Steph-
an. A very beautiful duet entitled, "Ail
the Children if the 11'orld," was ren-
dered by Miss Floret -ea' ,\Velsh and
Mrs. lioe. lies,. Folio aing thia recit-
ations -vier," given hy 1-flaine Boer,
Billy Carlile and Corinne Smale, Miss
Jeimie Nliirray then 'nave a very int
re:sting. address entitled 'Birds"
1 ;rail:lathal exercises -followed and six
namely, 1.loyd Buchanan,
lierr, Itio.id Ingrain, jean M
.111-ster, Billy Ciirlile and Orion Si
7.1c,111, grailuated. Se tin children
marolied around Gin -mall the
.ivlilte gate. Mi,- Elorenee NVelsh
played and sang: "See the little chil-
dren Passing Ihniugh the nate, They
re grail:lathe: Front -their baby state:
Tho:. are marelling onward To the
Mi,si 0: Band And 11.1 best of wishes
out from all en hand." They
wen presented with their diplomas lir
11r -i. E. r.. Stickle and received into
the Nlission BMA by Miss Kay Drys
dale. -\ -very dainty lunch was served
it the close :nal hearty y me of 'thanks
extended Mrs. Mickle for the way in
Mild" die Program was arra:I:red.
Reit Cross isnot :for ilistriblition 1,
naw iin hand. PICa.,, apply at til,.
Hensall library on Tuesday and Sot -
inlay afternoons and evenings. l'iny-
sme unable to apply in person call
Nirs. W. O. Goodwin, convener of the
knitting conitnittee and a supply
wet,! will 'he delivered.
•\1rs. Wm. retarned home
after a very pleasant visit with Mr.
and 1Irs, Ime fiiifsem in Gralerieli.
1Ir, Jack 1-Iorner of London visited
t Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Chas,
Beauty Salon
1'*o7..113;37 1:;;;-.7Better
Phone 50 or 18, Seaforth
:\Irs. H. O. Dayman and Mrs. Lon
Simpson left this week for \rizeia
where they will spend the winter.
Mr. Robt. Mac1ltirtirt underweni an
operation in the T.orolon :hospital this
"Miss Ruth Whitmore of Zurich has
mken a position ,with Mrs. Alex, Ru- were read, _Tones and Shepherd -that
Lhthe minutes be adopted as Teed. Car-
ainealvi. .R. A. Brook .condueted sere- stied. J. W. lOrtwein appeared as a dei-
ces in the United Church en Sunday. egate from the United Church regard -
He baptised the [children of Mr. and ing the rent of the Church sthtd, also
Mrs. Frank Lostell, ' Mr, ans. 'Ars. suggested the tCouncil place fire incur
Feria. MacLean and Mr, and Mrs, ance on the shed to the extent of $1,-
lohn Pepper at the 'morning service. 030.00. Miss Clarriea ap-
The choir sang two delightful anth- ,peared stating she was heing over -
erns, "Cl How Beautiful ,LTipon the ohaeged for insulin, Fred Beer appear -
Mountains," and "In Glad Thanks- ed regarding the .Canadian Legion
wreath for remembrance day, same
Rev. R. 1.7. MacLean, ISA., of Bin- to be ordered as usual also asked
brook conducted services in Carmel about the holding,of the bolides; Nov-
Preebyterian Church on Sunday. The ember Illith.
ohoir sang two anthems, "All Hail T•he 'Council requests -the stores
the Power of Jesus' Name," and "God and -places of bosiness to be closed at
Ile the Glory." ;Seise Irene 1-loggarth least during the services. Lee Hedden
soloist. Next Sunday Rev, tWleir of reported. regarding the repairs to side-
Portege I.a Prairie will preach. .walka also some holes in the streets
Red Cross Society Meet.-• needing filling also stated W,Alex-
.t Red Cross meeting of the direc- ander as being willing to 'supply wal-
tors and conveners •Df the various or- nuts to plant in the Park same to be
ganizations ,WaS held' on Friday night gratefully accepted. 'The treasurer re-
in the town hall at 8 pm. with Rev. • ported $3,705.00 as ;being ,paid on 1939
R. A. Brook presiding. Reports front taxes to .date amt. of a total Tax Roll
of $112,280.26 also reported regarding
the School of Municipal Officers held
at London as being very tbenefkial
Correspondence read from R. Duch -
arum and others, same dealt -with and
filed, Bills and Accounts -B erry
Brothers Inc. •paint hall, $18.75;
tCcittinty of Huron spraying road oil,
$40,32; A. Spencer and Son -material
streets, $140; Bonthron and Drysdale
:material hall, 81.14:55; Bank of Mon-
treal intereet..$83.05; Lee Hedden sal-
ary, $95.00; j. A. Patterson l(stelectl-
hag jurors 1t50 expense at London
wo(1) v1:50; R. E, Sthaddiek, sel-
ecting jurere, $1.50; R. J. Patterson
selecting jurors, $1:50; 'County of
Huron Hospitalization Funds, $71.7-5;
Alf. nark tsupplies streets. $12.25;
Geo. Hese printing, $111115; Hensel!
Hydro 'hydro hall, $5.3,11; United
Church rent of -shed, $5.00: H. O.
Day -man relief tgroceries, $115.00'; Oli-
ver Rottfoliefe relief milk, $1.00; Total
1$3615.23. Horton and Shepherd that
thine and accounts as read be paid.
Carried. _Tones and Horton, that by-
law 11 nomination and ,election he
given first .and second reading. car-
ried.. Shepherd and Horton that by
law 111 be given third and. final read-
ing and -finally (linseed . Carried. Jones
and Shepherd that we adjourn to
sneet e;ov. Male Carried. J. A. Patter-
son, clerk.
Quite a number 'from here attended
the ,wedding reception in IWlatson's
Hill Kippen on Monday erening in
honor Of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Block
af Zurich, 'The young couple were
presented .with a e,tteciio •couch.
Stirs. Thos. Parlmer, who has been
confined to her room for the past
week suffering a heart attack, is
very much improved at date of 'writ-
Mr. Herb Haddam who has been
confined to Scott Memorial Hospital,
Seaforth, wth an infection in his
hand, was able to return to his home
on Sunday.
Mrs, Robt, Higgins of Exeter visit-
ed with relatives and friends in town
on Wednesday.
Rev, and Mrs. J. H. Olmstead of
Ailsa Craig visited last week . with
Mr, and Mrs. James Parkinson and
(Inc various committees were read. A
dkeussion re the purchase Of needles.
.loved by Mr. 3, 'W. lOrtwein, second-
ed 'hy Rev. Chandler, that as mem-
bers of liensall Red Cross Branch we
commit ourselves to a share in the
raising of $3,000.000 and that (Inc mat-
ter he referred to a committee on fin-
ance for Suitable .argartizations and
eanvase. The ,president reported that
he had the charter framed, !for which
lie was tendered a vote of thanks. Mr,
Riess MacKay and Dr. Steer, that the
branch of the Red Cross request the
enmity council for as liberal a grant
as they deem possible. Moved that the
conveners and eome members of the
finance vommittee Meet the delegates
from Seaforth, Exeter and Zurich re
division of rural territory bar canvass
work in order to eliminate overlap-
ping. Reeves Shaddick of Hensall and
Armstrong .01 Hay volunteered to in-
terview the county council re ;grant.
'Zurich members asked information re
organizing it sub -branch. The benedic-
tion Was pronounced.
Senior Women's Institute -
The reel -ruler meeting of the Hensel]
Senior Wornea's Institute was timid at
the home of Mrs. D. G. Steer ik11
Wedneeday evening at 7.310 pin. with
'Miss Beryl Pfaff ps-esiding, and open-
ed the meeting by singing the Insti-
tute ,Ode hollowed by "0 Canada".
The hueiness was discussed and the
Roll Call answered toy the "name of a
British Colony" The tnotto "This is
any klacil Native Land" was very aibly
given by Miss Alabel IlArforkman, Rev.
R. A. Brook was the guest 'speaker
and International Relations." Misses
and ,gave a splendid talk Ott "Peace."
'CSoldie Cross and Ruth Brook favored
with a musical number on the gu-itar
?ins. R. J. 'Moore gave a very inter-
esting demonstration on "The British
Empire," After singing a hymn the
meeting closed with the Benediction.
Dainty refreshments .were served at
rhe dose,
The Hensel Exeter Branch Cana-
dian Legion 13. E. S. L. 11,67 held a
very successful Bin -go and Dance in
the Town Hall, Hensall on Wednes-
day evening. Fifteen ,prizes were giv-
en 'for Bingo and twelve geese raffled.
Maisie was furnished for the dance by
Murdoch Orchestra,
Armistice Day Service to be
Held in United Church -
The annual Armistice Day Service
is to he held in (Inc United Church on
Saturday Nov. lath 1,30 0. in. when
Rev. R. A. Brook will deliver the
special address. All places Of 'business
are requested to close doring the
Little Peggy Routcliffe ifive-year-
daughter of 11r, and 'Mrs. El -gin Roet-
eliffe is seriously 111 in the !hospital.
Mrs.Ted Taman of Listowel is visi-
ting at the home of her parents Mn,
and Mrs. Chas, Mic Donald.
Mrs, E. Rennie wim recently an-
der,vent an operation in Clinton Hos-
pital -snifered a severe heart attack
and is quite ill at date of writing. Her
.111ality friends hope for a "‘PeetlY f&c-
.\eCouncil Meeting -
The regnIar -meeting cif the village
A' a s held on Monday even -
Mg, Nov. P at fi p. us in the Conneil
tit:tether \shit it menthers present.
The minntes of the previons meeting
Master Donald Adams of Dash-
wood was holidaying hist week with
Master Ross Corbett.
Miss Elizabeth Slavin has returned
home after a very pleasant visit with
relatives near Chiselhurst.
Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell and son Keith
of Toronto visited over the week end
with relatives and friends here,
Miss Florence \Velsh was a guest
at a bridge party at the Highland
Golf Club. London. this week, in hon-
or of Miss Verna Morgan, bride -elect
of this week.
Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Baynaham
and son Bobby visited with Mrs. Bay.
naham's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Peter
Moir on Sunday.
Mr, Howard Hemphill of Toronto
:spent the week end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill,
Mrs, George Walker, who under-
went a very serious operation in Clin-
ton Hospital last week is very much
improved, and was able to be remov-
ed to the home of her daughter, Mrs.
• Township of Hullett
Under and by virtue of the authority conferred upon MO by the
Anitnal Contagious Diseases Act, Chapter 75. R.S.O.. 1027. and the
vegetations relating to rabies passed by Orders in Council dated Aug-
ust 10, 1105, and May 2, 1900, 1 clo hereby declare that having had
reported to me the existence of rabies in certain portions of the PM,-
VillOP of Ontario, the. hereinafter described territory is declared to be
an infected area: -
1. In the County of Huron. the Townships of Tnniberry, Howiek,
Morris, Grey, Wawanosh East. Wawanosh West, Ashfield, Col-
borne, Thillett, McKillop, Goderich,
2. In the County of Bruce, the Townships of Huron. Kincardine,
Kinloss; Culross, Carrick, Brant, Cre.enock, Bruce,
3, In the County of Perth. the Townships of Wallace, Elma, Logan,
T do hereby order that all dogs within this area shall he kept tied
up, and not allowed to run at large unless effectively muzzled.
All dogs found at large in:muzzled may he destroyed forthwith,
and the owner is rendered liable to prosecution under the _animal
Contagious Diseases Act.
In view of the fact that rabies is readily transmissible to human
beings, the attention of all provincial and municipal officers is espec-
ially directed to this Order, and their co.operatierf in ite enforcement
is earnestly requested.
Dated at Ottawa, this twenty-fifth clay of Octobee, One thousand
nine hunehted and thirty.nine,
Deputy Minister of Agriculture.
(Sgcl.) 11, Barton,
This is a Government Order and also passed by Hullett Township
Council on Nov. 6, 1939, and is In force NOW.
• 410011=11138=1.7.01MMIZIS.e0.08,1103,44., MatmiaMegensffilinatlraISUMMO.....IMMAGEOP9b,
Saturday Oray
Granulated Sugar -
per bag $6.29
With a $2 cash grocery order
Purity Flour -
per 98 Ib bag
Western Queen Flour -
per 98 pound bag ....2.59
• Wanted --- Eggs
For Grade A Large in
trade only, we are paying
40c per doz.
Stale or dirty eggs not
pound 55c
W. J. Finn' an
Clarke -In loving memory 01 Arch-
ibald Clarke, who passed away two
years ago. Nov. 10, 1937.
In a graVeyard quietly sleeping
Where the green grass gently wavea,
Lies the one we loved so dearly
Whom we loved, but could not gave.
To those who have e father,
Treasure him with care,
As you never know his value
'Til you see his vacant chair.
-Sadly missed by wife and family,
The next meeting of Huron County
Council will Inc held hi the Council
Chambers, Court House, Goderieh,
commencing Monday; November 20th,
1939. at 2 P.M.
All accounts, notices of deputations,
applications and other business re-
quiring attention of Council should be
in the hands of the Clerk by Novem-
ber ll(h.
J. TsL ROBERTS. County Clerk.
Goderich, Ontario,
Community Sale at Dick's Hotel
Stables, Seaforth, on Friday, Nov-
ember 17th,
Bring in anything you have to sell.
Reasonable rates.
Homer Hunt, Manager, phone 228.12
Geo. H, Elliott, Auctioneer,
Lambert Saleyard, Strathroy, Sat-
urday, Nov. llth.
'Usual run of Mixed Pigs and calves.
Those wishing to buy cattle priv-
ately can do so by seeing the under-
signed auteioneer anytime during the
Trucks to deliver. Terms cash.
A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer,
We are wrecking the Clark Groc-
ery building, Main street, this week.
The following rough lurnber is for
sale: Scantling, joists, window
frames, sash, lath, doors, feed box;
also house 20'x28' with good roof. Ap-
ply on premises, or to Walter Murray,
Seaforth. Also kindling wood,
Two pure bred Yorkshire sows, ten
weeks old, from registered stock.
Erie and Kenneth Doig, phone 14511.
House, semi-detathed, 5 rooms,
with use of bath room, situated on
North Main street. Apply E. L. Box,
Quebec heater. in first class condi-
tion, price $7, 11 A, Norris, Sperling
street. Seaforth.
05 Barred Rock pullets, ready to
lay, also York sows. for sale. It Me-
Llwain, phone 228 r 23, Seaforth cen-
Good used barrel churn wttnted.
Phone 251r4, Seaforth central.
Geo. Gould, this week.
Mr. and 11's, Cline Flynn of Lon-
don spent the week end at time heme
of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jas, Parkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams of
Dashwood were recent visitors with
Mr. and Mrs, John Corbett.
Mr, Thomas Smith, underwent an
operation for appendicitis in Scott
Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, last
Mr. John Craig has been confined
to his room for the past week with an
agates of influenza.
Mies Viola Willis and friend of Mar-
lette. are visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Bonthron visit-
ed on Sunday with relatives in Han.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake and
airs. Walker visited nn Sunday at
Mrs, Ruth Paisley of Toronto was
in town on Sunday owing to the seri-
ous illness of her mother Mrs. F.
A number of theladies of CarmelChurchW.M.S.
Church W.M.S. attenided a meeting of
W.M.S. of Huron Presbyterial in
First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth
on Tuesday.
The chamber of commerce are spon-
soring a euchre and dance ia the
town hall, Hensall, on Friday even-
ing, Nov, 17, the proceeds in aid of
the community Christmas
The V.M.S.'of Carmel Church will
hold their regular meeting on Thurs-
day afternoon in the church,
Want and For- Sale Ads..3 -weeks 5dc
Successor to John H. Best
Seaforth, Ontario
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D, McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office 'hours:se
Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday
1:30 pm. to 5 p.m, Saturday
evening, 7:30 p. in. to 9 p. nir
Old live horses for fertilizer. High-
est cash price paid, J. Matthews,
phone collect, 23t'22,
3.11 accounts owing to the firm of
Walker's Furniture Store, Seaforth,
must be paid on or before Dec, 1,
1939.-J, R. WALKER, Manager.
Sprayed Spy apples. 50c and 75e
per bushel in your own containers.
Phone 481.12, Dublin central, Richard
Sillery, Staffa,
Dressmaking and alterations. Helen
M. Swan, Jarvis street, Seaforth.
Will operate Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday of each week dur-
ing October and November. Cider
mill located an the street leading to
the golf course, west ward, Mitchell.
Fred Helmick, proprietor. Terms cash.
House in Egmondville on Main St,
stable, hen house, garage, 14 acre of
land, plenty -of room, 3 rooms upstairs.
Hydro, cistern, hard and soft water,
low taxes, fruit trees. Apply at The
News Office.
Five room house, recently occupied
by Mr. Norman Dupee, on East Wil-
liam St. This house needs repairs,
and owner is ready to receive offers
of purchase. For inspection see E. L.
Spies, Baldwins, Tatman Sweets,
King, Greening, Russet, 50c-1,00 per
bus. Phone Clinton 622-24, Fred Itic-
Clymont, Varna.
An eight roomed brick house
with bathroom and new turnace, gar-
age on Property. Apply to E. C.
Rosco Steel Roofing, written 25 -
year guarantee, Rosco Portable Silos.
Eavestroughing, Galvanized Sheet
Iron, Metal Siding, Galvanized Water
Troughs, Tanks and Hog Troughs,
Granary Lining, Stove Pipes, Furn-
aee Pipes, Metal Ridge and Valley,
Roofing Paints, Aephalt Roofing, As-
phalt Brick Siding, Insul-Brick Sid-
ing, plastic cements, Building Paper,
Nails, &c. Phone 618 ring 12, Clinton.
Murray Tyndall, Brumfield.
Frame house, with cellar, and lot
of approximately one fifth acre,
North Main at corner of Centre street.
Double wired. Seven rooms. Hard
and soft water. FOr further informa-
tion apply William Morrison, Jarvis
street, Seaforth,
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid-
ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds.
Rates reasonable, All risks placed
in first class companies.
Information cheerfully given
Phone 334 w
Fall & Winter Time Table
Leaves Senforth far Stratford
Daily tl.40 a.m. and 5.25 p.m,
Lea yes Seaforth for Goderich
Daily except Sunday and hal., 1.25 p.m.
and 8,10 p.m.
Sun. and hot., 1.25 t.rs, and 10,25 p.m.
Connection at Stratford for Toronto.
Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit,
Tavistock, Woodstock
Agents: queen's, Commercial, Dick House
Horses, Cattle, Hogs, etc. -Courteous Service