HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-11-09, Page 4PAGE FOUR
8nowdoll :Bees., t,hh.h,'r< "I" regular met::ia of t''i,-
Euchre starts at 8.15 sharp
Musk by Kirkby & Watt
Lunch served. Admission 35c
Come early and bring along your
deelt of cards
On Tuesday r.venntg the R c mt-u'.
Mi.:donarg r100101 rety met in Duff's (tn-
ited Church. h. 1V'liss Sybil hil ('3133.3ue.
who has spent nearly thirty ns as
a missionary in Jnp.•n. told a Instate
atilk, story of the lit.. and pursuits of
thus nth, and race. The slides shown
;vete appreciated by till preeent. A
pleasing > 3t'Will there t any
stars in my crown- awn" \t .1 ung h) 'Fliss
Mildred Sellers.
The remitter 1)14'-311..' of 31,,`
K. O. will b, hold 4.n Nov. lrith at
the hone. of Mrs. Willtnt Turnbull.
Th topic. it is tum t bl s. 'd iu give
than Ir, receive" will 1 taloa, h)'
Miss Kill 111een 1,00111 . Th.- roil call
will h "My Happ1,•si. ('11ristmas"
The''' will also he a (feminist ration
of home-made (,ln'tstntas gill . so
bring along a bnnle"nlndr- gift and ex-
l-hange ideas. 1\'e specially request a
good attendance a, this will he Dor
01(431011 Or officers for 14111! and there
is ntttstt))u1it11; business to he dis-
Quite a number from this vicinity
attended the rec111111 1 tendered Mr.
and Aire,. George Powell in Blyth
Memorial hall out Monday evening.
:111 report a good time. •
Presentations -
At a dinner given in Alexandra
Meet, Toronto nn Saturday, Nov. 4,
Mrs. Moody Holland was presented
with a floor lamp by the memhers of
the staff of Williamson Read Public
School. Previous to her marriage
Mrs. Holland was a tettehem its Wil-
liamson Road School.
On '1'1n1reday. Nev. 2. Mr, surd Mrs.
Moody Holland wore entertained at a
rtanro eiv'•u in Heir honor sty the
r'€,tltununair of Walton Tinting the
evening they '"'1" presented with 'a
handsome e1e1erli,•ld chair. The ad-
dress was road by 1Ir. Art Bewley.
•'Dear Mr. and Mrs Holland. We,
your friends and neighbors, are very
pleltS"41 t0 be with you on this oc-
casion, which I think yeti will agree
I,. If not eventful at least mentor -
OAP. \1-e desire to offer you our
heartiest 1 ongratulatlnns and extend
to 70111 our gond wishes for your fut-
ure happiness together. You know
Moody. the Bible says, "It is not good
for man to be alone." We, your
friends. had nearly given ftp hope
that you believed this. Now that you
have proven to us that you believe, It
has made us very happy Indeed. Mrs.
Holland, we are very pleased to ex-
tend to you our voice of welcome to
Walton and trust our associations to-
gether will be mutually profitable,
kind, happy and sincere. We feel too.
that this occasion presents a special
opportunity of expressing our sincere
appreciation of your worth as friends
to the community as a whole. In or-
der that we may convey to you our
thoughts and feelings in more than
words we are glad at this time to
present to you this gift, which we
trust will prove a tangible reminder
of the good will and appreciation in
our hearts. May this, the beginning
of your wedded life, be but a prelude
to many wonderful years that lie be-
fore you and may God bless you and
surround you with His choicest gifts.
Signed on behalf of friends and
neighbors, "The Football Club."
Rev. Mr, Watts of London is sup-
plying in St, John's Church, Brussels,
and St. George's Church, Walton.
Misses Helen and Noma Steiss of
Kitchener spent Sunday with their
mother Mrs. Steles.
Miss Margaret Kelley of the 8th
line, Morris, and Mrs. (Rev.) W. J.
Hendry and Ruth were in London on
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hollinger and
-:011 Charles spent the week end at
We are glad to report that Rev. W.
J. TTeudryy is improving in health.
Mrs. Robert Dougherty of Monktnn
spent last Thursday with Mrs. Hugh
:4Tr. and Mrs. Thos. Watson of Lon-
don holidayed with hPr brothers. Cla-
rence and Roy Bennet last wi'c'k.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Farquharson
and (lughter Ruth spent the week
end at her father's. John .Tann,','.
Sorry to say Mrs. ,I, Johnston is
confined to ked at her daughter's.
Mrs. Colin l'ingland, with a heart
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thornton are
spending the week in Kitchener with
the latter's parents, brothers and
A large crowd of friends and rela-
tives gathered at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Peter McLaughlin on Mon-
day night in honour of their tenth
anniversary. Mr, William Boyd read
the address and they were presented
with a studio couch. Both Mr. and
Mrs. McLaughlin thanked their
friends and )lancing continued until
the small hours of the morning.
Mr. incl Mrs. George Dundas and
Evelyn spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. William Leeming.
Mrs. Earl Mills entertained the
school girls. of 'No. 9. McKillop, to a
Hallowe'en supper last week.
Mrs. Alex Munn of Stratford spent
Sunday with her daughter Mrs. Ed
Miss Velma Royce of Monktnn is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boyce,
The ladies' association of Bethel
Church ' met at the home of Mrs.
George Dundas last Thursday.
Mr, and Mrs. Leonard . Leeming
and family spent Saturday evening
with Mr, and Mrs, Bob Hulley.,
u 11 11 In Community
n.n nit)
tall n llntr.da) Nov. .2 1.(1. with
o tt:, nd.uleo. The pros del,, lir
1 iir.•otu e opened the meeting
and lite opening ode and 0 Canada
was sung,followed by the Lord's
prayer Iter in unison. 1)urru;' the business,
session it was decided to have oar
di trust president as our December
meeting' .to (give a report of the area
convention held at London an Novem-
ber. 0 was also decided to donate $25
the Red Cross, also a free will off-
ering to he hell Ib\ the members of
the InstituteThis concluded the busi-
nt for the dry. \lr.. K. \lc\ ittie
'gave a 'paper on 'C anadianiz etiou, The
meeting was then (landed over tt
\les. 4D1) Thompson. Clinton press
dent ei the Clinton Red Cross, Sit
on the Red Cne,s work anc
,r Cher committees 'were' added am.
r;, itltr,1 for difforcut duties. Knit
committee. duties to...fit,. o,t
, heel, retain! of -an;c: \1.1';, 1-
11,,11, converter, \I:: R. Iowh,v,rl
N>tt ('titin, n4 utr'e
.r e•ner, \lrs. it 1... 11l. nttr, \Ir'.
Vl r.. 'ti. Ale \ tlit 3eto.in..
munittev. convener. Mr. . t I\\t-on
\i \\'. t rtul,b., \111-, 1. Miller. \l1
\\ r,nvie . I'1 gra: commit'e^e
\L i3. Allen, Mr- 1. P. \1 n the
\Ir.. ( Aeustronc Rusin r+nnuit
t Mrs. S {.'art r, \lr,. \7. Ro,
\I. B. f eon don \,a-. R. •1' to
11 , I t tl ramons : e oitlelrawe a
r,:'nrcir. ..nd \}n:. 1 '. i.,u0011r,1 u•.
r(. its,o-hatr3 a.:rrl.tmc•r. \leltimis are
�qc 11011 :very tn'u LA 003.I.s. Next
meeting .tell •:)r N ,.. loth at 2 'ern,
.\t this nit -cline the 3.).d for ut:.tk.ne
seeks 'tilt he ,l3'. (1 ,,fined. Atoe'ing
l �)� 'inging- Clad Saco lire King.
e delicious hutch gee, served by the
;f, ee in charge.
The United, Church h 31,3 their auni-
ter,ary sereee. rn Smolav last, Nov.
al, schen large +'road. gathered and
nrled 1111 chnr;'h t t' rtl vnlg lone
:"efnre tate 11011.' , . ,ort ice. The wea-
ther •e a. veru' Etvorahle for stall an
,..erasion. Ree. T. 11'. Nell, D.D., nt
1'crroatlo was .the guest .pea ker. ,3113
delivered in.'piriu„-.erhr.ne., both
nh,rning and evening and uta listen-
ed to colic great attention He else
of hi, treat pleasure at tieing
1 : rixlerl tcith the c'hnrch auniver-
ri. at rneet.n4' with old friends of
,'u lou_ .1412 tltie beiii lin, home
meal. n. '1'!., 11r'ir rendered .p1,1, 141
sarvicv =remit... to the
=..e>s ,.t flu ,Lit. rhes) •111 :.tn
-,s.nifnl a1111'.'=21', 'both morniva and
r.hin,. x:13 0101 .t rrc a , oil '111
\lr, 1 'ttylimer, , \\''ux lam, who sere
a <:t-ttiitil .d„ at the mornie ser -
i : Alit. I). Little of .0;0;1'1110ron-
i'rit,at a .o1,' '11 11, rtettinl=er,1,'3
\ c els .ket of flowars wasttlateM
a. The a}tar hal memort f I lit, late
111n1;1 Crawford br \ir. r-rwforl,
The €rrr tui11 thallknhrri,. for the
day was nearly $31(1.
\ir.. it. \oun,illat 'had as her
meet- Beer the week 011+1:- her daugh-
ters. r-, \ties Helen \ "its:(Mutt of Lon-
on-l n1, :out 'nm1 friend•.
1'isitor. with Mr. Griffiths were
\h. and 'Mrs. Cecil Griffith., Mr.
t hro'cler, Guelph: Mr. W. Preen.
\Ls. j. Ellis. Firth, 211,3 \irs. W.
t cry, visited with firs, M. Afannin;g
on Sunday,
Mr. and \lr., \V. Lyon had a,
nests, Dr. T. \V. Neal, Ur. and ale".
Anderson. Exeter, I)r. Arthur Lyon,
Many other vi.itors were in town
over Sunday.
We are pleased to know that Mrs,
George Watt, having undergone au
operation for appendicitis one day
last week in Seaforth Hospital, is get-
ting along nicely.
The November meetings of the La-
dies' Aid and W.M,S,. which was held
last Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. 'Wm. Bell, was
very well attended and a very pleas-
ant afternoon was spent in quilting.
Mrs. Rev. Menzies invited them to
hold the December meetings at her
home in Londesboro.
Miss Laidlaw is looking after the
work for Mrs. Watt during her ab-
Mrs. Isaac Rapson spent a few days
last week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Gibbins near Clinton.
Mr Sisson MoVittie was on the line
giving out fax slips the latter part of
last week.
Mrs. Simon MrVittie spent Monday
,afternoon visiting friends in Lbudes-
Little- ,lean and Donna \IeVitti.'
spent Tuesday- at the home of then
mut and uncle. `Its, and Mr. Leo
:Fir. Leu Watt has been dot g sone
(natom plowing with iter tr11ctor.
11)'. Dad bars t`Iifioi'd Shobhrook
and little Bert spent the afternoon at
the 11411110 Or 11r and MIs Audrey
Hiss Alma Leitch spent a few days
et the home of iter• cousin Mrs. and
i4Irs, Arthur Colson.
Bridal Shower -
On Friday evening. Nov. 11, about 717
neighbors and friends gathered at the
hone of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mac-
Donald, Tuelcersmith, to honortheir
daughter. Edna, a bride -elect of this
week. Cards and dancing were en -
toyed throughout the evening. After
lunch an address was read by Mr.
Robert Archibald and the presenta-
tion was made by Messrs. ,Tohn Old-
field and Warden Haney, Many lovely
miscellaneous gifte were received by
Erina, showing the esteem in which
she is hell. Following is the address:
'Dear Edna. A party is usually a
time of rojo cng ntld this ra113' 1s no
,io.option bat I,c'lr•ath the hilitty
thoro is an ttl(ll''r l rn'1•etll of sadness
111. Anse all 1'rd,rtt(1' know that 3'
won't. be long nut 11 concession nn .1
which has claimed yen for its 03-11
for the greater part of your life will
=•,)a)1 have to yield pIr- -. to r. rue ssurn
no, 11, and concession ro. 17 rllrrl>
so awfully far imay, oven if it is only
atn'oss tate township. Btn we could
not let you: get away on urs without
giving you some token of our liking
and esteem. So we ask you to accept
this basket and its contents, along
with our very best wishes for your
lifelong happiness and prosperity.
Sighed on behalf of your friends and
Mr. and Mrs. Tobi utt visited with
friends in Blyth one clay last week.
Mrs, Myrtle Car'nochan of Detroit
and Mrs. H, J. May of Caro, Mich.;
spent tate week with relatives in this
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johns and
family visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Lawson of Constance on Sun-
Mr and Mrs. F. J. Coleman and
family of McKillop spent last Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oke.
W, A, Balkwell Passes in London
Died in London, on Monday, Nov.
1111, William A. Balkwell in his 68311
yell r. Mr. Balkwell lived in Bayfield
for several years on the p0i111, leaving
bought the farm of the late John
\Vliiddecl. In 11120 110 sold this 1)r01)-
erty to 81r. D. Dewar and moved to
London. In 1911 he married Miss
NoraFerguson- of Bayfield, who with
a family of 3 daughters and three
sons are left to Mourn his loss. The
i'utleral w:1s held ffnm his late resid-
ence, 174 Ring street. on Wednesday.
Those attending from Bayfield were
1Irs. J. A. Ferguson, Mrs. Jas: Fere,
neon and Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Ferguson.
The many- friends of Miss Maud
castle will be pleased to know site is
slowly wly f coverin from her recent ilM-
;less in Victoria Hospital in London.
Mrs. J. Toms. who hits 11ee11 in Vic.
toric, Hospital. in London, retorted
house on Sunday.
Mrs. (Rev,) .. Morley of Chatham
Is a guest of her parents, Rev-, R. M.
and Mrs. Gale.
Miss Maud Sterling spent the week
Pact with Goderich friends.
Mrs, R. Ti. F. Gardiner spent the
week end in London.
Word was received cm Monday e'
the death of Mrs. D. Harrison of God-
erich. Mrs. Harrison was 72 years r'
ego. She was a daugliter of the let(
.John King of Bayfield. Her husband.
who survives, was long foreman of
the Goderich planing mills, Surviving
.31150 .are a Bon Rose and a daughter
Mrs. McIlwaIn, both of Goderich. The
funeral was held. to Hayfield 00 Wed-
nesday, Nov. 8th.
Mrs, R, 'Watson and son Edwards
have returned home after a visit to
relatives in Kitchener and Waterloo.
Mr, and Mrs. doe Berry tend (11113'
ily and 3)', Norman Lcehon of Ham -
Men spent the week, end with Mr.
and Mrs. George Mogi: turd Mr. and
Mrs, Harrold Diegel.
Mr. Walter Bortfeld ref Tyron is
spending a few day's 31111) Rev, and
Mrs. Friedericksen.
Mr. and Mr. George Jacob and dau-
ghter Helen visited with Air. and
M. 1'. W. Leonhardt.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mikes of
Cranhrnok visited with Mr. and Mrs.
W. L. Querengesser on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Toni Mose of Milver-
ton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Sholdice on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs, George Toting Of
Stratford spent Sunday with her par-
ents, Mr. and Airs. George Dtegel.
Mr, and Mrs. Henry Koeh of Strat-
tord spent Sunday with Mr. and
'Mrs. Ed Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. John Lantz, Mr, and
Mrs, Harold Neeb and family and
Ah', and Mrs. Simon Hammer of
North Easthop0 visited with Air, and
Mrs, Chas. Leonhardt.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Stender of De-
troit. Ml'. and Mrs, Norman Mikel,
of Ellice, visited Mr, and Mrs. Aug.
Mr, and Mrs. Emmanuel Walther
and Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Prueter of
Mitchell visited with Mrs. Henry
'Word was received of the passing
of George Meyer, of Didsbury, Alta.
He was a former resident of this vic-
inity. He passed away suddenly Sat-
urday morning in a hospital in Cal-
gary. The deceased, who had been
ailing for several weeks, was in his
sixtieth year. He had spent his earl-
ier years in Brodhagen, attending
school and church in this locality.
He leaves to mourn his wife, two
daughters Margaret and ,Frieda, and
two sons Carl and George, three sis-
ters. Mrs, W. Gerdis and Mrs. Gustav
Querengesser of Edmonton. Mrs.
John Brodhagen of Brodhagen. and
two brothers. Fred Meyer, of Alberta.
and Wm. Meyer of Logan, Funeral
services were held on November 6th..
The Hihhel't township 1onnell met
': the Staffa township hall on Nov. 4
toe their regular meeting. All ment-
he, present. sent, the Reeve presiding.
13y -law No. 478 providing for 111e ap-
nnilitnu'nt of deputy returning offic-
1:- and poll clerks, and fixing of poll
places was given its third aud fine'
reacting and signed by the Reeve awl
Clerk and affixed with the corpora.,.
sea I. By -lave No. 477, providing for the
changing of the scour of nominations
was given its third and final reading
and signed by Reeve and Clerk and
affixed with corporate seal. The fol•
lowing accts. were paid: The Munich.
nal World. supplies, $7,03; Leslie Har-
burn. grant to cemetery committee,
$25; direct relief: $24,69. Thos. D.
Wren. Clerk.
Mrs. Virt Miller of Palmerston is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Ben Will-
iams this week.
Mr: and Mrs: Hedley Unger of near
Winnipeg returned this week to their
tutee after spending several weeks
viating with relatives here.
Miss .Toy Whitlock of St. Thomas
',pent the week end at her home here,
Dickey -Ford-
:, quiet wedding was solemnized at
th" Mune of Rev. Win. Malt'. Thanes
Road, on Saturday afternoon at three
ocl,ck wh„tl Laura Evelyn Irene,
oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Harry Ford. ,,f 1?sborne, became the
',rid, of Lance Corporal W. H. Dickey
o (11.- rlh Regitnent (M.G.), son of
Mrs •\- ,1 Dickey and the late Mr,
Dickey. 1-t Terry, Ireland, The bride
wore a chess of rust crepe and car-
ried a bouquet of rust and white
chrysanthemums. They were attend-
ed by Miss Ina Ford, sister of the
bride, and Mr. John McE1rete of
Mr. Fred Ford, Mr, and Mrs. E.
Little and fancily of Goderich twp ,,
spent Sunday with Ma} and Mrs. Geo.
Connell of Varna,
Miss M, Reid of Bayfield was re-
newing acquaintances in the village
the forepart of the week,
Mrs, A. Galbraith entertained ,the
W.A, of St. Jobe& Church to a chick-
en slipper Tuesday night.
We are sorry to report Master John
McConnell is still confined to the
house but we hope sem to see him
out again.
Mr, and Mrs. F. Weekes spent a
few days in Listowel and Wroxeter,
Mrs. Wm. McDonald returning with
Members of the L,O.L, held their
annual fowl supper in the lodge room
Friday night and report a good supper.
Mrs. E. Kyle of Kippen and little
son spent Sunday with her n10311er_
Mrs. Meelinchey.
Mrs. Dodswarih and 5011 in comp,
any with friends, all of Lotlrlon, spent
Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs
Air. and Mrs, Jack Smith spent a
w•ereltwith friends at ,Tafnas(OW)1.
Mr. ,io111) Seeley in company with
14r, iuld Mrs. Warner' called Sunday
on the former's sister, Mrs. Austin
11)1)1 family.
Bois. Annie Keyes of Lucknow \'is.
ited Mrs. Nelson Reid recently.
Mrs. G. TT. Beatty attended the fun
oral our Monday of Iter brother-in-law
the foto. Dr. Hackett. of Detroit.
Billy Beatty of Goderich called in.
the village Saturday.
The council at th, 4)11to3er meeting
passed a bylaw- setting* nomination
meeting tilt. on Friday. Nov. 314th at one
o'clock in the afternoon cad if a poll
he demanded tdection on 11,in+tat,
Dec tuber Snit, ieaec
Mr. and Mrs. Elsner Webster spent
the week end with friends in Luck -
L.O.L. 1005 held their annual fowl
supper on Friday evening last,
Miss A. J. Keys of Lucknow is
spending a few clays visiting friends
Master John McConnell has been
on the sick list for the past two
weeks and his friends hope he will
soon be around again.
Mr. William Duncalfe and Mr. C.
Watson of .St. Thomas spent the
week end with lir. Harold Petihale,
Mrs. Frank Hobson of St. Thomas
spent the week end with Mrs, T. M.
Snowdon anti Airs. E. A, Westlake.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Snowden and
Allss Mary Snowden spent Sunday
with -lir, and Mrs. John Watson at
The friends of Miss Anna Scoteh-
mer are pleased to know she is home
again and hs recovering nicely.
air. Joe Carpenter of Chatham
spent the week end with his parents
Mr, and Mrs. Joe Carpenter,
Mrs: Joe Ryan returned home on
Sunday after spending a few days
visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Toedy of London,
Mr, Dan Williams made a business
trip to Pittsburgh on Tuesday.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm, O'Rourke are
busy moving into their new home,
the home of the late Mrs, P. Hawley,
Mr. Frank Donnelly returned home
from Buffalo on Sunday after visiting
his brother Gerry Donnelly, for three
The many friends of Mr. Edmund
Swartzentruber of the Bronson Line
were sorry to learn of his terrible ac-
cident while working at hydro ata the
home of Mr. Masse when he was sev-
erely burned about the hand, arm and
hip• At present he is holding his oven
in Clinton hospital.
Many attended the sale of Mr,
Thos, Robinson on the Goshen Line
on Tuesday
A pleasant time was spent at the
Kippen Hall on Monday evening when
a reception was held in honor of Mr,
and Mrs. Gordon Block of Zurich.
(nee Grace McBride). The young cou-
ple were presented with a beautiful
studio couch.
Mr. Stephen Murray wears a smile
since the third instant when his wife
presented him with a baby boy.
We are pleased to learn that Mrs,
John Murray is progressing nicely
since she is convalescing with her
daughter, Mrs. Frank Evans, Dublin.
The doctor says she will have to re -
Drain for three weeks more before site
('alt be moved hone.
Mr. Clens McKay has purchased a
new tractor from Mr. John Baelt, of
Seaforth. and is ready to do eustout
We congratulate Mr, Norman Iiia•
her who has joined the order of the
Benediets and is going to reside on
lot 4. eon. 13. McKillop. His many
friends wish the young couple a
smooth journey through life.
Mr. J. B. Forrest has returned
home after a pleasant visit with
friends in Marlette, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Finlay of
Blake visited recently with friends in
the community,
Miss Margaret Reichert visited for
a few days with Mrs. Albert Hess of
Master George Coleman, son of
Mr, and Mrs, Anson Coleman, was
badly bitten about the face while
playing with their dog. We hope for
no serious injuries.
The first euchre and dance of the
season was held in the hall last Fri-
day night. The prize winters were,
ladles. most games, Miss Olive P1yce,
lone hands, Mrs. Joe Dolnmge. 11en.
most games, Mr. Robert Dodds, lone
hands, Mr. James Hogg. After a grand
lunch a few hours were spent in danc-
ing to the Agar orchestra, These eu-'
chres and dances will be held every
two weeks.
Itlooks as though old elan winter
is 013 his way.
The regular monthly meeting of
the W.1Vi,S. and W. A. Societies of
Caven Church was held on Wednes-
.: 4.+:.,.,.-11,
CtY 1,1,,Hi.•'P.",t.'1-
Gene At,ttry Smiley Burnette
"Colorado Sunset"
Mon., Tues., Wed. Next Thur. Fri. Sat.
0111' 'AAINVy kii $is
i�tl ItOttitigir tosterrmotller
l(¢, at 11felOa look at love
y' h�a3tllee1 thrill far, you! y„
E. E.
Deeded by CARSON KANIN. Produced by B, O.:
De 1(33A, Scraon Ploy by Norman 11,8,, dory by
Rola lackeon
"When To -Morrow
9a,,..: 310813 )1
,.,,d BASIL
r: t
day, Nov, 1st at the house of Mrs,
Robert MacFarlane. The president
opened the meeting with hymn 475,
followed by ]lraycr by Mts. Hugh
Alexander. The roll tall was answer.
ell. on peace, showing a good attend-
anee. The minutes of the previous
tweeting were approved and the bus-
iness discussed, Mrs. Hiram Blanch-
ard and Mrs, Wm. Church gave splen-
did reports of the centre section of
Huron Presbyterial which was held
on Oct. 13th at Clinton. Hymn 498
was then sung, Mrs. Patrick led in
Bible -eby '1.
prayer. A D r tiding ATt. C.
Millen, followed by prayer by Mrs: R.
MacFarlane, The first chapter of the
study book was taken by Mrs. H.
Alexander and the 2nd chapter by
Mrs. Allen Ross. Hymn 511 \vas sung,
followed by prayer by Mrs. Patrick.
God Save The King was sung and
Airs Craw closets the meeting with
The Helping Hand mission band
eolti'ert of Caren Church will be held
in the church, Friday evening, Nov-
ember 10, at 8.15.
Mrs. R. D. 'garrison has returned
(tome to Montreal after visiting her
sister. Mrs, E. elabkirk, McKillop•
The regular meeting of the Y.P.U.
was held on Tuesday evening. Nov.
7th. The president Mr. Sam Scott
opened the meettug with hymn 154,
"Onward Christian Soldiers," follow-
ed by the Lord's prayer repeated in
unison. The secretary Miss Jean
Smale read the minutes of the last
meeting, then gave the roll call, The
citizenship department had charge of
the meeting with Miss Luella Kahle
in the chair. Hymn 171 was then
sting, "Fight the Good Fight with All
Thy Might," Miss Maxine Lawrence
led in prayer. The scripture was read
by Miss Ethel Storey, Miss Dorothy
Gallop favored with a solo, "My Task"
accompanied on the piano by Miss
Ruth Thompson, which was very
much enjoyed by all. The topic was
given by Miss Myrtle Carter, "Peace
and Good Will," This was very well
taken and proved very interesting, A
discussion period followed. The main
question was "Should a Christian
Country Defend a weaker country
when invaded by a Stronger Power."
This was answered individually very
well, and we came to the conclusion
that Jesus gave us a wonderful ex-
ample, "The Good Samaritan," There-
fore we, a Christian country, did
right by taking up our arms to defeat
HitlerIsm and to defend our country,
Mr. Workman gave us his personal
feelings towards our present situa'
tion: See it through and do all we
can. Be loyal to our land which at
the present time is preparing a better
peace, and when it breaks we hope
Christianity will triumph, Miss Luella
Kaine closed with prayer, followed
by the Mizpah benediction.
Next week the meeting is in charge
of Mr. Jack Stevens. The topic is to
be given by Mrs. R. E. McKenzie on
1101' trip to Mexico. This we all know
will be very- interesting, so you try
and come:
(Continued front Page 31
op .vacuity of 11.313cong-rital%tiiIR t and
presenting -our. )e.I 31.113_ ''11 This 03-
eas1011 of your marriage. ),V•e are glad
that you are not leaving' the -vicinity.
especially so its bringing ging itch a
oharnling partner to our 01141st. We
offer a 311 In welcome: Everyone
knows that m0 true love runs smooth,
that you will have your trial; and.
Sorrows along life' 'path, ,hut .we :hope
they will be lightened as volt think
of the warm feeling of .friendship and
men 'wishing of these your friends
and neighbors. So to sthow you that
our hearts are in the right ,place, here
is a tittle spoeatl to prove .(1,
Frank and Doris as you paddle your
own reanoe,
Don't heed a quarrel or two;
And as you pass along life's ways.
Be kind and gentle it always pay.,.
OE course you i<nlow' every 'boat must
have its head,
And the wife must lend a helping
But remember Chiefly the marriage
vows just said,
I'f your craft is to plow its way ahead.
Be hrave 'paddle, he strong caner.
For we ,wi4h 'happiness to t'ilese two,
We want you, Frank, to reach the
And we know rot), Doris, will lend a
helping hand.
iKindly. accept these :gifts 11ot so
lnuch for their value 'hut for the feel-
ing that conies with them. Signed
with ,good \'idle; as numerous as 3330
ands of the sea, on (behalf of your
'friends and neighbors of Seaforth anti
St. 'Coln nnban."
On Monday evening, Nov, 6th, '7,3'r.
C. A. Barber and staff of the Seaforth
Creamery, of which Frank has 'beta
a member, gathered at the 'home of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney. Where
they were entertained to a 'favid sup-
per. given in honor Of the bride and
,groom ,by the )staff. An enjoyable es"
ening was spent, the staff also ;pres-
enting the newly-weds 'with a 'beauti-
ful walnut table.
The funeral of Mr. William C.
Cunningham took place on Saturday
afternoon frons his late residence,
North Main street. to the Blyth limon
cemetery, and was largely attended,
Rev, W. A, Workman of Northside
United Church and Rev. C. C. Keine
conducted the services, The pallbear-
ers were former neighbors, John
Craig, Peter Healey, Leo Kelly, Rob-
ert Craig, Leslie Biernes and a neph-
ew William White.
Among those from a distance at-
tending the funeral, besides the
members of the family, were Mrs,
John Nivins and Mr. and Mrs, John
Forster, all of Nile, and Mr, and Mrs.
Thomas McPhee of Auburn.
Mr, Cunningham's death occurred
after a lengthy illness and he had
been seriously ill since last Spring.
He was in his 71st year, Born in Mor-
ris Township, near Blyth, he was a
sou of the tate Mr. and Mrs. Matthew
Cunningham. Thirty-seven years ago
he was married to Miss Elizabeth
Nivins. daughter of Mrs. Nivins of
Nile, and the late John Nivins of
Blyth. After their marriage they re-
sided on the homestead farm in
Morris until retiring to Seaforth
three years ago, and since then had
lived in Mitchell and Goderiel, and
they returned to Seaforth a few
weeks ago. He is survived by his wife
and throe ons and three daughters,
Charles of Staffa, George of Thames -
ford, Harold of Newton: Mrs. Theo-
dore Robertson of Toronto, Mrs, Ed -
Armstrong of Brussels, and Mrs.
Frank Hunt of McKillop.
A sister and a brother also survive,
Mrs. James Purvis of Redvers, Sask,,
and Mr, Soho Cunningham of Riding
Mountain. Man.
Owing to the prevalence of rabies in the
surrounding districts, and in view of the fact
that rabies is readily transinissable to hu-
man beings, all citizens are requested to
watch their dogs and pets carefully, or if
they observe any dogs acting suspiciously.
to notify authorities.