HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-11-09, Page 2PAGE TWO JOIN THE "SA STAMP CLUB O For ten cents and the label end showing the teapot trade- mark, from any packet of SALADA TEA we will send you a Beginner's Outfit of : 1-64 page Stamp Album. 2-100 all -different stamps. 3—Big' list of thousands of stamps offered Free in exchange for SALAD^ labels. SALADA STAMP CLUB - 451 King St. W., Toronto HURON NEWS Businesss Changes at Godet•ich— na details hacing \i,. E. Ire:in..n iiit t tr `;pia to±.tn;r.i . ..1. 1):' r. Atwood Sank =zzies Out— old-up THE SEAFQRTH NEWS NARCISSE CANTIN HAD IDEAS FOR CENTRE AT ST. JOSEPH By W. H. Johnston in the London Free Press). Many towns and cities have be - (tome great because of the natural advantages of their position, stmt as the confluence of two rivers. a cum- lmodious harbor, a centrale position in I a large fertile plain, the terminus of a railroad, proximity to a large water- fall, etc. Few have had their foundations laid where no natural advantages I ;were to be found. except in the ter- tale imaginations of an ordinary man without money or power. There is Ione such dream town in the County of Huron, known in her boom days as ,I. Joseph. situated on the shore of Lake Huron about four miles west of Zurich.. I The train w•3.a seriously burned on, Hae had beenestablished a settle- : the eft hand ueeessaiy. physicians said. Theled i juret man was working on a transo r e • en a pole at rte Nelson 'tIa i t..: rl when the Power w s Turned o the line unaware to hitt. Lennard Wagner. r rt h electrician.acv et Lill hitt ),• is rt en ler i . pole. Wagner said the injured t d or, T . 3 t i ampuiaTiaa may beingota nf French-Canadians. the t i,--, current ..7.1.0 tea. a. Property Transfer— Mr. Nelson .tan -:r, wL' ,zt.:' ,_,_t • from M o . .-n::fir iouli.ing rht t crit, a le.•-ated. r int ,._ t,,, r. qu. ter=. The 0:her day the Village _,A.1 ;p•'-.. hal. at eine.-„ It had all the t- !Ilanat h.. , _,.: t- . I- .. t. , LanamasK Te. !3'ssonea-- ;:t;. int Ezefer i - disappear. The. t,... ea -ate t. - t the rd V ,:, , y werits ••- :d by bort;.• . , - --- :. :of town. Ti' .e ,.i.., g will :*e ,t._.. and ..he hini'oer • f_r other purposes_ 1r is vizi wilt' They were not wealthy to begin vo::13 but were honest ,-,Od industrious peaple. such as -we might tiud almost anywhere So or )O years ago- Today it o roaIly presperons farming coni- : :hat is expanding rapidly. purcha.sing farms at.d more farms In adjoining areas. The growiftg t.f i tats e, t„: ilntt, t tar ge'_y to this pt< itis get with our .try if the trdin g of St. Joseph We must turn t -t a young -wan who stood out promi- nently as altogether 'different from fellows. With t his lie actuated by dreamearea: accomplishment and shomet for the attainment of 1:1,, purposes -s he proved that he nigh have heen a wonderful success. •' he had possessed a good education -. i had been associated with and by alt out tanding reliable r: in an industrial centre. Such was this young Huronite. Nar• eisse Cantle, by ;tame, who dreamed ,1 building a large and prosperous temp at this point. because it was his native place. Manu stories are told of - his ability as a salesman of various commodities in widely separated cities. Possibly his wonderful euece_s along these lines led him to believe he could ex- eomnlish the impossible, of building A. new city to such an unsuitable loca- tion. 0t a fine pereouality. with a ilu• of speech. and- an array of what seemed lin : logical theories.. he went at, i or i w to l•r( 'tt THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1934 U.S. LIFTS ARMS EMBARGO The House of Representatives at Washington last Thursday voted to repeal the United States embargo on arms shipments to the belligerents. approving as did the Senate the week before, the Roosevelt administration's policy of "cash and carry" sales. The vote was 248 to 181. The result was to open the United States' vast supplies to the nations engaged in war. On dozens of eastern seaboard doetts. good classed as in- struments of war and particularly air- planes wanted by the allies. have been stacked up for days awaiting shipment. Since the bill also forbids loans or credits of any character to the governments at war, it also re attires that they pay cash. Moreover, it requires the purchasers to furnish non -American ships for the danger- ous process of transporting their purehases across the submarine -in- fested North Athletic. It forbids Un- ited States ships to enter belligerent ports in the European area, or to sail through "combat areas." Under it too. United States citizens are for- bidden oli* dden to travel on belligerent ves- sels, HON. HUGH GUTHRiE DIES Hot. Hugh Guthrie. chairman of the Board of Transport Commission- ers. and former Minister of Justice. thea at Ottawa on Friday. He was 73 years of age. A native of Guelph. Mr. Guthrie was the dean of the Rause of Commons when he retired from active political life in 1935. First elected in 1900 he served al- t.,o. t • 5 years continuously as' mem- her for Wellington South. During his parliamentary career he served in various eabinet posts under three prime ministers and for a time was acting leader of the Conservative party. He was elected in 190a as a Liberal but during the last war join- ed the Inion Government formed by Sir Robert Bordeu. He was one of rte few survivors of the unionist cab- inet. others- being Sir Thomas White of Toronto and Senator Arthur Mel- gheu and Senator C. C. Ballantyne. Ells ie,,d, eared eatis from a farmer and en- -nr .. xr - Tin. e. -A v ta'F t i his " tt run a :machine that turned i ."111'u<_,r� +•crier: or crimpers ti -Stem — 1'. t .n' k tt that he had pat- fcover t.ottudiuid or ns?ful a:=i ie- fir: tisa way he pro- �. 0s -ti to build up a profitable menu- '- _ e,r i dug plant. His factory was a i uiidit g but as he kept out in- ..'17- r,"-,1:"!,, at air of mystery .... .. - '. ..._ __ •. - 2rtmn�a his enterprise and people 'wondered. -, t He ,,,adv much of the possibilities ,f his enterprise and when some ob- . ▪ ... .. _. �, ;i , "Tl to his scheme beesuee it wag PIONEER OF CROMARTY Here's How to RInHeve RECALLS EARLIER DAYS A. D. dcKellar, !better known, as "Sandy" in this ,part ai the .country, who lives just :west of the .village on the eleventh concession of Hibbert re :fleeted in an interview that the farm homes certainly haven't got the num- ber of children at in the days 'when he was a young man says the Stratford Beacon Herald. withu ot an outlet by water he toldo -rltet..,i, ear near :.. .n?lar.- ,. •_.* •- anion to build what he called an in - .001 n ' s>e his z to d w1 r R d duck: With farrowed moor. for :re ong, Nat frolic t t l,ep h..: z. -77.7..,.R:` --... a ,. .t, 'List; he covenanted to pat interest on the bans door and glen, Le a' t ae:e-;:'r•e, . at the rate of 25 per cent per annum, •:•cr, ,...mediately in front. A f_, •sr -r -••_.. __ , este += Pen transed a bush let and a gang ,.P men transformed the trees, of all minntes later he backed his i'trifle, Miss Aar:_^e:;. a --,r"): of Nis- Sizes and varieties. into piles. These around the corner sa that he would' -. • t - :'' Er: -,,r, • over: to line the excavation to be be in a better position for hie ,b- K _.,-. __2r_ t•, :i -rade into a haven for ships. A great ii:aiithe collection of these piles, sharpened Ouse acetas the war snaking a duet, • :o a : - Mop, a few minutes later she cam :" ti e -•• N ra r ni 1 tet ,care o lar ;but agai". The masa er of the bank .. - •--... . 1 i- ... Tl• rdt: .t,ev +. e e tui tip for g �" is -.sea ,rr. 'C:,e excaralkett was ante ice the door, lacked up a. e- ode. law« and took a particular Roa a:' ---'— `--- ri a . rr 4.ildings weir Mae. Customers drifted into the banik, FLOSSY FRILLS"—INTRODUCING f e ,o an ;erre :a grow. A PEPPY, PERT, PRETTY FLOSSY t des it,n:?ter and a •b:ack- tut vane eastr out. Finally floe's; The first of a new aeries of fascia- _oo e a„rr raecessary. repairs friend came along and went in , r. Hr iitd ed a man named aline front cover;, de_cribing the gla- . e a b ck and ; e yard. bank. Tho manager drew fiat a .de 01o*ous adventures of a lovable girl. >. - ,a.i. i .ante m anis set and informed him that there was w, tr,; aids in life is to make oth ,d sta,p tt -s eRzeki fig eta ace >iug e e _ervatious. A woman sante cut o. a; -' r. a. .et re;; _. e rea.'.y to drive htro t're earth, Isere a R>•'' .t I l e r' and ave'. o ed er a ,Ii:te Factory to pray e ,::tee- prople happy in her awe sweet way, i,• to city ti:tel T"e over _h_ tank and :hey were expect- t t a oda^s dicI not prove to be will be found in The American Week . • r. :'rrty Tan e did :tot ove to'be �g a h:'id-up. On baoki z r n.ed that IF :hr November 19 issue of The De- thei spinous :woken roar rt :roit Sunday Times. Be sure to follow was waiting eor aim- were their ac red? Now Mae .r trying to decide' Fes is adventures. related in verse whether they are a sitpi-:ous lot ta;_bs Carolyn Wells. famous American .-. a::k tdhat- writer. and ilial=_rated fir. FULL way COLOR by Russ -di Pat__,eo . i -.?in. \L_ ides. ,t...: -I artist. Quarreled. With Hubby. Set Fire to His Store- ,:1., hat she had se: fire to TELEGRAPHERS WANTED 1 store alter having, .3a_I w• :. hint. Mrs, Mary Jane _._.ay. 7i -yea.: -o:-.1 residof Owen Sontul, steps— -. __:es office and a._ .. , .. p . :_ befowe . p. \leas: 4.-.__ ighbors had noticed fae. fire in. :he it:ore and Lad ;ed :ha .t.. department- dmueing; :he :lames wiri: "euckets o: ',;a. r tare firemen arrived. Their prompt: Action was all that kept the blaze' from engulfing :he. ; nu.se. of which the store is the front part. ---Hanover. Post, Morris Resident Passes— There passed away suddenly at his home on the 3rd concession of OIot vis township on Monday afternoon, Thos. W. Bone: in his 73rd year ' Death resulted from a hurt etteek Born near Bluevale. he had lived all his life in this cieinity. He was well- ltnown and highly respected. His -N Itv rInra May. Ceehrane. passed ,luny a year ago- He leaves to t)r,ur:r ti:-ir loss One tiatigh!et• Ruby. and on, son Cecil. The funeral was held on Thursday afternoon to Brussels •entetery.' - Zurich Man Burned— o • xt - ,a Tear ug -fisc: maks.;it'; . -fble t ,earn at home . i;v Fou can saws your c _ ::r this work. andI at the ant ,.r., t yourself for a practical career. ACT QUICKLY—sells) for free descriptive folder. Cassan Systems r Adelaide E.. LDept, 7,1 Toronto Edward Sehwartzeftriiot• Zu:-. loll, 24 -year-old electrician's assistant i, tart i was severely burned last week whet power was turned on as he was mak Mg connections to a new power line! on the 14th concession of Hay Twp., FREE SIR 1C OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD HORSES OR CANIS removed promptly and efficiently. Simply phone "COLLECT" fa WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED PHONE 219 MITCHELL frit : iu^:`ter and orck at hand, ..:2:aer.. ere: -....1 - d cel ed at rte e. -a •r persuaded to aifh ie.,. town. arentie- • argament i,. favor ..t,f:aepl• .vathat start -:it It 'liras in 1'8";9 and )1r, McKellar well remembered that in the one con- cestion there -were 77 people, while in the _ane mile and a quarter today the tpopt ae on ,s only -a3. That state- ment in itaelf _iter a fair idea of boil the 'pmralations in the rural districts have dropped. But, despite the drop and every- thing,Mr. Nfclgaillar is hopeful of the future when more young men and women will stay on the farm, realiz- ing it is what the terms "the ideal life," Then to do a little checking alp he mentioned the tact that in that utile and a q carter where there were 77 peo:de, it didn't inclrhr' the hired men on the different farms. Mr. McKellar will mare his With 'birthday next Starch and was 'horn not many rail down :he concession from where he makes :his home. He sus a wt of rhe late Duncan Mc- Kellar. a tine Scottish settler. who pent the ;greater part of his dire in t.tie community. The land in the days when the MfcKeiiar family first start- ed clearing the hash near here was sold at 2::0 an acre. but "Sandy M-cKellar said his father and other relatives had great sections cleared When lie n -as even a young lad and within ten years after they took pos- session of the place great fields had been 'cleared of .bush and crops -were being grown. The •hardy pioneer has always worked hard all his life and believes Goes To Fort William— Mr. S. E. McDowell, who for the last four years has been science mas- ter at the Goderich collegiate insti- tute. will leave Goderich at. the end of the fall term to take a position on errrynne shtruld do his or her share the staff of the Fort William Veleta On the farm. He still doe- some of tit:: lith e, a ork around the place but Urinal School- Mr, McDowell's resign- ation has been accepted. Mr.1fcDow r t to tart to take ell will have charge of the industrial t' ''=' ea Speaking ofthe m;, Itrn i h's new na h t t which .ms finds on just chemistry depot tment u i. osition. a . ,t every -arta t the country now- mora than a -dollar a b .+nal before p @ads _ s1 -;y' \lc? cllar said, 'Ol'•, winter wase over owing the Boer Kleber-Hoegy— all at, but ft's mighty ex -pen- war.sire and t n • reed lots of money to to A wedding of much interest was keels ^ tt the food farm help solemnized in the Main street United ;,,,, ark 1 ,gess w,'ve Church parsonage at Mitchell on Oe ot to ',aye the it, .,i,niery:' tober 28, at 10 a.m. by Rev, Levi Like ,party ,.,ole of hi; time, Hussey, when Evelyn Jane, elder lir. McKellar qui: _chow', when he daughter of Mr. and Mite. Fred was thirteen or fourteen years old, Roam' of McKillop was united in and in later year; wished he had had marriage to Mr. Gordon Frederick Kieber, only son of Mr, and Mrs, Henry Iileber, McKillop. The bride, who was unattended, was dressed 1n blue taffeta silk trimmed with gold flowers and wearing a gold chain with cameo pendant, They left for a trip to Toronto, Callander and Nor- thern Ontario, the bride travelling in a green coat with black rersian !stn') collar and green felt hat. On their re- turn they -will reside on the groom s £arm in hic'Killop- Father Sullivan Resigns Charge.— Due to serious illness Father M. N 'priest at L,into:`. O`Sulican, purist for the past eleven years, has rrids:n: ? his charge. He is now is St Joseph', Hospital, London, and late- reports are that he is making satisfactory re- covery. It was s:Lh regret that ars reeianation was accep:ed for Father -,-a tee t a ;,,,:mlar priest. He d, d not-o:tnne activities t. ... olt'^. pa ih -n.y, 'rat \ae allays ready to assist in any venture :or the betterment of the community. Father -%rs s -ttn-'.i travel: t,. t'.1:.:: 1SERY of COWS Without ►'inuuo There's nothing to swallow. Massaged on throat, back, Vicks• Vapo- / v I'1 (tub acts two ways - F „ 1 at once to relieve misery of colds. FORs6: VapoRub acts on the skin, stimulates Like a warning poultice. SECOND: At the same time, VapoRub gives off soothing medicated vapours that are breathed direct into Irri- tated air passages. TIUS DIRECT, 2. W1 W ACTION loosens phlegm, clears air passages, checks tendency to muscular tightnescough—also aindsoreness.relieves Because it's ex- ternal and safe, VapoRub can be used freely and as often as needed, for children and grown- ups. No wonder it's used In 1 out of 3V ICK'S Canadian homes, VAooRue •nnre erhreatian. •'A voting man. no ;natter .what he is going to do Aoudd'get just at good an education as he iptscibly can, even if he is going to stay an the 'farm," said Mr. McCellar, Toho has always taken a' keerl intt'rt-.;t in the 'Cromarty rhirh livid a unique reunion last s'tfnmer, Ile believes .the people 'of three ;core years aro were more sociable than they are now, with all their parties and good times without running around in fast automobiles. As far as Mr, NfeKellar knows it was back in ISM that his :grandpar• eats came to this country from Scot- land. Sir, 'McKellar talked about re- forestation and said that many farm• ers will some day realize the value of a good -piece of thushiand on their farm. Every farm should have a .b14h of at least twenty acres, said the pio• neer of Hibbert townsh U• Speaking of twar prices Sfr. Mc Keilai s mteniory turned back to the fall r 1194 when he hauled wheat to Hensall and sold it at 4b cents a bush- el tnerl the -ante ,sheat jumped to oat on sios, • interesting actourts of his trate'- The new priest comes to l , strnded. His . Father �- . lcDohaid, a native i St, Marys. for a Psis^ h:,,, of years t. .ire:: o' !Jilt- Lt v :. .-.. Ne... y- Brown-VaftEgmond,— Gaiet wedding was .).emnize3 t Ontario Street C.:arch .arsonate StIt •t"i Thursday` Oct. Zt. when Haze'.:. 'airs. Tames ., •• ,;' + only dang'i::er ..+f Mr and. - i l-Eadsoad. C.ra,-el Roao became a a the ':bride of Charles \\•. Bron. -eon t to.a. Kirk: : F a •.4 of e ate 'tiro e Br•,,on and Sirs. Dt , T.... ?a- T4 wed A 1' ln,ley, Toronto. The. 'tit`s re- • ' c _. • a. ' ..:r e i' r ,.t. a_i--ictoria seat. liincon_ Tinkler and Brown— ' -era r niet .--. e, e a▪ ' r • 1 ▪ e I and her ` ""'Mary --"Yes. They grow • up and a>a year, ago tell their little girls that they'll get Want and For Sale Ads, 1 week 25e' curly hair if they eat their spinach," A ten -year-old schoolboy was be- ing put through his home lessons by his father. who. as speIlfng was the subject. wanted to tin it thoroughly and make sure that the yaurest.-r understood the meaning of the words. Wher the boy heti sucv� f-t<:y n y, '...ia'•.r! La: wort "piag'i•• i,'- was a<k- sit' .'Si-1at isa tlagt' clad.' ` • r. ft ,. i-3inu.t A plagtie is just a _tlagtte." •i tfrn 015," said hit father. -you >h: iv;=,w That - a, al: .of plague i tat e ,.flu yes!" sa1r1 t,'-'- 1,,,y, krr, •-...:. -...:t Il .y. 1tt May, Sh-41,t act all the other':." Mother—"Do you know what hap- pens to little girls who tell lies?" T:< mast faro ra schid. 4< ,00kad” If you haven't you are missing something Your favourite dealer can get you a variety of Dried or Pickled Canadian Fish, the flavour of which is as tasty and as perfect as though you had caught them yourself and promptly popped them into the Pan. They can be served in various appetizing ways .. < Dried Fish such as Cod, Haddock. Hake, Cusk and Pollock, and Pickled Fish such as Herring, Mackerel and Alewives can be brought to your cable as new dishes .. that the family will like. Serve Canadian Fish more often, Make "Any Day A Fish Day". Your dealer can secure Dried or Pickled Fish for you no matter how far you live from ltpert water . . , with every bit of its goodness retained for you. And, by the way , , , you'll fund it pleasingly economical. DEPARTMENT OF F1SfiER1!S, OTTAWA. hi., WRiTE FOR FREE SOOKI.FT 0+' d. - r Department of Fisheries, Ottawi 3e3 Pease send me cot tree c rate Booklet "100 Tempting Fish Retires', <onct n,,, 1110 delighttui and etanomwa1 Fish Recipes Aidrem ANY DAY A. Cw.l9 FISH Y