HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-11-09, Page 1I wish I were upon the hills Where
scarlet maples flame,
To catch as once I caught their leaves
when drifting down they came,
So bright and gay they show!
3 wish. I saw their crimson, saffron
blending into gold, '
At day's dawu or at sunset, rising,
rolling, fold on fold —
Oh, the dear hills, the far hills,
where starlet maples glow.
The fallen leaves are rustling where
those hills of dream arise,
, , . .. .
Is it their boutiree, ]hen, sweet
smoke that tingles in my eyes?)
Though I in exile stay.
In dirt and death and danger. and
what muchof us defiles,
My thoughts are flying homeward,
and across the weary miles
I see the maples' torches lighting
autumn 011 her way,
In Canada, my Canada, so far, so
far away;
Oh, so far, 50 far away:
Phone 114
$1 a year.
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Cooking Figs 2 lbs, 130
Jelly Powders, 6 pkg 250
Our Own Baking Powder, with
Two Jelly- Powders, for.— .;25c
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Bottle „ ..... 150
SODA BISCUITS. -2 lbs. . , . ...25c
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COMFORT LYE. -3 tins 25c
CASTILE SOAP, -12 cakes ,,,,., 25c
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MINERAL MIX.—For all kinds of
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WATCH for your coupon giving you
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Phone 166
*`Mile coat
Northside United Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister.
10 a.m. Sunday School,
11 a.m., Remembrance Day Mes-
7 p.nl. "Peacemakers."
7.45 p.m., Thurs., Prayer•meeting.
St. Thomas Church
:Rector; Rev. Dr. Hurford,
11 a.ni. "Hannah's Song."
7 p.nr. "The Parables of the Hid
Treasure and the Pearl."
Sunday School at 10 a.m.
First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister
Sunday School at 10 o'clock,
11 a.m. "Stones of Remembrance."
7 p.m, "Patriottsnl or Nationalism,"
Midweek meeting Thursday at S
Golden Wedding of
Mr. and Mrs. G« Hell
Seaforth Cotapie Honored by
FamIiy on Fiftieth Annni-
A very pretty event was held on
Saturday, November 4th, at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Houston,
Tuckersmith, in the form of a Golden
Wedding given for Mrs. Houston's
mother and father, Mr. and Mrs.
George Bell of Seaforth, who were
married 50 years ago, November 6th.
The table was very beautifully dec-
orated with gold and white paper.
gold candles centred by a gorgeous
cake decorated with gold leaves and
yellow roses. At 6 o'clock all the
guests had arrived and a lovely
buffet supper enjoyed by all who at-
tended. Some very pretty and useful
gifts were presented to Mr. and Mrs.
Bell. The evening was spent in danc-
ing and singing.
Those who attended from a dist-
ance were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bell
and daughters Ethel and Alice, Mr,
William Bell, Mr, and Mrs. George
Greenwood, Mrs. Lorena Weir and
son Howard, Mr. and Mrs, Fred
Smeathers and son Freddie, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Alm and Mr, and Mrs.
Lorne Greenwood and sons Lorne Jr,
and Richard Frank, all of Detroit;
Mr. Garnet Bell of Chicago, Mr. and
Mrs, John Cole, Mr, Fred Cole, Mrs.
John Bell of Exeter, Sir. and Mrs.
Thomas Bell, Mr, Harold Bell of Elim-
viile, Miss Alice Hackney, and
Messrs. Thos. and Wni. Hackney of
On leaving the party every one had
to admit they had had a most enjoy-
able evening.
Mr. and Mire. Bell were married on
Nov. otic, 11308), at the Exeter Presby-
terian maw. 'hy the late Rev. 'W. J.
\lartin. They settled in •Usrborne ttv'p,
and dater in Hibbert. Ie 1.9014 they
moved to the 6th concession of Ttrck-
ersnti,th, on the IK.ppen road, 3't
utiles south of Seaferth. They retired
to Seaforth nn Nov, 6th. 1929, ten
years ago. Before her marriage Mrs.
Bell was Mass Mary' Ann Hackney, of
Hih'bert daughter of the late Mr, and
Mrs. John Hackney. Mr. Bell was
born on the fourth cotrceeeion of Us -
borne, sen of the date Mr. and Mrs.
Rceht, Bell, They 'hada fainily of
nine; Mrs. G. Creenevood (Vannie
May), Leslie Bell, William Belt, Mrs.
Fred Sntcathers (Madeline), Mrs.
Fred Alm Mrs. John Weir ,(Lorena),
all of Detroit;'Garnet Bell, of Chicago
and Mrs, Andrew HOttston (Myrtle)
of Tuckersmith; also nine grandchil-
dren and two (great grandchildren. A
datughter, Miss Margaret 13e41, died
six year, ago.
Egmondville United Church
Rev, A. W. Gardiner, B.A.,B.D.
1ST assn., Sunday School.
11 a.nt., "The Invoke a to Pray."
7 p.m., "Lodging 'to Athlete." '
McKillop Charge
Bethel, 10 a.m.
Duff's 11.15.
Cavell Churci1, Winthrop, 2.30 p.m.
Holy communion at Bethel. and
Duff's. Preparatory service at Duff's
on Friday evening at 8 o'clock.
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
Egmondvllle manse nu Wednesday.
Nov. 8. when Rev. A. W. Gardiner
muted in marriage Edna. Viola, dau-
ghter of Mr. and M'es. Alex Mac-
Donald 'of Tnokersmith to Wilfrid
Henry Tr, emeer, son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Trenteer, also of Tuckersmith.
The bride was dressed in teal bine
with navy acc'essor'ies and wore a
corsage of sweetheart roses. Immedi-
ately after the ceremony the young
couple left for Toronto, Niagara. Falls
and an extended trip through north-
ern Ontario. On their return they will
reside on the groom's farm on the
llth concession of Tuckersmith.
A very enjoyable evening ,was spent
at the Seaforth Separate school hall
un 'Tihu clay evening, Nov.2nd. when
a large gat'he.rin;g of the friends and
neighbors !from both tit. Columba]]
and Seaforth met to 'honor the newly
wedded 'couple, 'Mfr. and MLrs, Frank
Maloney, .when they were .presented
with a beautiful -china dinner ,set of 08
pieces, also a set of 418 ,pieces of fine
gold -!banded (glassware to match, be-
sides many other miseellaneotis gifts.
A ,dainty iluncheo•n wife served and the
evening was :spent in dancing ,1.1'11 the
small 'hours of Mee morning when all
,despersed wishing P'ran'k and his
beide many happy years of wedded
The address ,was read by Mr. Con
Eckart Jr. of Seaforth and the pres-
entation was ,made by Miss Mary
'Walsh of St. Celni'mihen, Frank replied
briefly with a few well-chosen wiord:O.
The address was as .follows:
"Dear Frank and Doris,—Wel your
'Mentes and neighbors of St. Cotten -
ban .and ,Seaforth want to take this
(Continued On Page Four,)
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Whitmore
wish to announce the engagement of
their elder (laughter Sarah Anne
Melissa to William John Gordon.
elder son of Mr. Lorne Elliott and
the late Mrs. Elliott of McKillop, the
wedding to take place quietly the
middle of November.
The pupils of the Rhythm Band at
St. Joseph's School of Music held a
drawing Saturday afternoon to buy a
new dram. Jean Hurford was the
lucky whiner of the beautiful "Baby
Tootsie" doll.
John Robert MacKenzie, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert MacKenzie, won the
siiver medal in the boys' class under
10 years of age in vocal, at the Can-
adian Musical Festival at London,
The Seaforth l a:(lrs and Brownies
Association will meet on Tuesday
evening, Nov. 14th at i+. p.nt. in the
.counrtl -chamber v)f the town 'hall All
members are requested to he present.
Announcement was made this
week that Mary C, Thompson, of Clin-
ton Collegiate, has won the $100 first
prize Carter scholarship in Huron
county. Aldie J. Eckart, of Seaforth
Collegiate, is winner of the $60 sec-
ond Carter scholarship. No award
was made for the third scholarship.
The Carter scholarships provide
ettsh prizes for three students having
the highest standing on ten upper
school papers. of which two must he
mathematics and two must be Eng-
lish. They are given in each of 24
Ontario counties and Toronto.
The November meeting of the Wo•
men's Inetitttte was held at the
home of Mrs. Mae Scott wtih a tine
attendance. The vice president Mrs.
Go"dan Papple took the (hair for the
business period. The roll call was
answered by a poen for armistice
day. It was decided to have a box so-
cial at the December meeting to
raise money for Christmas ,'herr.
Mrs, Ithion Kerr took charge of the
program on community activities,
Mrs. Paul Doig gave some original
thoughts on the motto, "A recipe for
better citizens." An interesting hist-
ory of the farm home was given by
the hostess, This was followed by a
poem, "Women and War." read by
Mrs. James F. Scott.
The meeting was fortunate in hav-
ing Reeve J. H. Scott as guest
speaker. 'IIe gave some very interest-
ing facts regarding the relief prob-
lems, mothers' allowances and pen-
sions. He stressed the fact that the
prosperity or the country as a whole
depended largely on the prosperity
of the farm.
Mrs. Thomas Govenlock gave a de-
monstration on carving a fowl. A
hearty vote of thanks to speaker and
hostess was moved by Mrs. Frank
Tiling. The meeting closed with the
national anthem and lunch was serv-
The annual memorial service ,will
he held nn Saturday morning com-
mencing at 1110301 o'clock. under the
auspices of the Seaforth .branch of the
Canadian Legion. In case of wet
weather the service will he •held in the
Regent theatre, All ex -service men
are asked to turn out. The (hand will
he itt attendance. The order of service
Invocation, Rev. H. V. Workman:
hymn,'Onward Christian Soldiers";
Scripture reading, Rev. Dr, Herford:
address, Rev, Capt. T. P. Hnssey:
Last Post, E, H. Close; two-mlinote
silence; Reveille, E. H. eCtnse; placing
of wreaths; 'God Save the King; Ben-
ediction, Rev. Hugh Jack.
Family Gather for
55th Anniversary
Mr. and. Mrs. J, M. Govenlock
of Town, Honored With
Mre and firs. J, M. Govenleel , higli-
le- esteemed residents of Seaforth,
observed -the lath anntvorsary 1'
their marriage quietly at their- home•
on Sunday with n faulily dinner at
which 1s members of theft' inunedi-
ate family- and awe guests. Mrs.
,buil es 1isMicn atol. who acta=d as
bridesmaid at then wedding and
Mrs.Robert ilovenlo cd . were present.
The family presented the bride and
groom with t purse.
The table was --deco aged with pink
chrysanthenntms. and centred with a
wedding cake. AA'. ,and Aire. (Pion-J.-
;nvetrlock (formerly Miss Nellie twat
Hayes, daughter of the late lir. and
Mrs, Thomas Hays of Meleillnpe
were married in 1884 at Ilnxbm'n by
the Iate Rcev. A. D. McDonald of Sea -
forth, and settled on the late Itobet't
Govoulock's farm 23,(; miles north of
Seaforth. After a period of seven
years they moved to a farm ht the
vicinity of Walton and later to Win-
throp where Mr. Govenlock operated
a tile yard fun"a number of years. -
Fourteen year's ago they retired to
Seaforth where they now reside. Mr.
Govenlock represented Centre Huron
in the provincial legislature from
1919 to 1923. He was also reeve 00
Mciiillop township for twelve years
-and warden in 1915 and a member of
the board of 'management of First
Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. Of a
family of nine, six survive: Mrs, Nor-
man Ireland, Climax, Seek„ Mrs:
Mae Doi.'rance, Seaforth; Nelsen) Gov-
ovenlock, Waterford; Mr's. J. K. B.
Brown and Lester Govenlock, Tor-
onto, and Mrs, S. L. Phillips, Cleve-
land, Ohio, all of whom with the ex-
ception of Mrs. Phillips, were pres-
ent for the occasion. A daughter
Nellie Scott, and two sons, Robert W.
and Thomas Edward, died a number
of years ago. The latter, Thomas Ed-
ward, was killed in the Great War.
The officers of the Heron County
Junior Association of Toronto for the
ensuing year are as follows: Presid-
ent, Bob Leiper; 1st vice president,
Gordon Fowler; 2nd vice president,
Gerald Stewart; secretary, Jessie
Arehthald; ass't secretary, Doris
Hill; treasurer, Fred Elliott. The
Huron County Junior Association is
always glad to meet any new resid-
ents in Toronto from Huron County.
Any such person should get in con-
tact with the secretary, telephone
Midway 5693,
A very line leather hound edition
of the Hyman,- of the united Church
of Canada, for use in the pulpit of
Northside 'Church, was presented on
Sunday last by Dr. F. Harburn.
Tite.deat'h of •Mfrs. Robert- E. Jack-
son -occurred at her borne on North
'Main street tin Sunday and word of
her passing .came at severe shock. to
her .many friends. Though Mrs, Jack-
son had been ill for some time her
death ocourred unexpectedly about 9
o'clock Sunday 'morning, a few min-
utes after shoe had been speaking to
Mr. Jackson and ‘before the nurse in
attendance ,could uneaten him. ' -
Mfrs. Jackson was formerly Marion
Catherine (Minnie) Campbell, (dee'
daughter of the late Alexander Mur-
ray Campbell and Jane Hovack of
Seaforth. Followinrg her marriage
twenty-five years ago 'the was a resi-
dent of Calgary until they returned to
Sc tforth about fifteen tears ago. Sm. -
riving are her husband and three
ters, \irs. Nelson H_aye, New lurk;
Mr., J. MI. Canino and Miss H.
Campbell, Seaforth.
private funeral we. held rem stet
late residence, North Main Greet, rat
'roc' -Play afternoon, Nov.7th. Rev. Pr.
Iturfnrd of St, Thomas' Anglican
Church, and Rev. Hugh jack, of Fleet
l'reehyterimt ,Church, officiated. In-
terment took place in Maitl•td Bank
cemetery. 2k.inOng those attemlin, the
Enteral from a distance etre Mrs.
IN'lson idly., \etv Turk: -Mr. tn'etr>a
Ii:tstner aunt (Ian:Ater. Miss I' a tn'r,
Stratford: Mr. Tli. MI. leekeon. Tor-
onto; 1 Mr. \\ O. Jackson and Ur. 'Tu
der Jackson Ripley. \Ir. alt, \ire. Mf
i ha -letnn I n td.ut. The floral triltateS
itclnded: The 1:rcks n,. tint Cardtios,
Misses ryes:wren and Ralph Cress._
well. .lir. Geo. Kastner .1nd fami'}
Stratford: Mir. and Mre, 13..\. Miction
If there are graduates in Your
family, start Them off on the right
Peet... at the, right time
with an accurate, dependable
Bulove. Our convenient credit
plan gives you the chance of
a lifetime to buy the "Gift of
a Lifetime,"
i W f4le, le
Jeweller and Optometrist
Opposite Post Office, Seaforth
zie and family, Georgetown; Mrs. R.
N. Hays, New York; budge and \ire.
Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
Wallace, Lethbridge; 11n - 1 ,tvaek
and Evelyn, 'Toronto; Mlr. and Mrs.
J. 3, ,CIntf, !l. F. Daly and emelt:.
Kenneth and Norman 'MacLean, Fut
moudville; Mrs. 1.. C. Jackson and
family; the ladies ,of St, Thoma
Church; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Steav-
•trt, Mr, d \\'e;ley Beattie, Mr. and
\Ire. 11. G, Meir, the Masonic Order,
the Huron Old Boys of 'Ibronto.
The death of \l r.. John Sproat.
will known and highly respected res-
ident of Seaforth, occurred on 11on-
day morning, Nov, 11th. at her resid-
t•nce on'Victoria etreet. -Mir., Sproat
'tad been in failing 'health for -nate
time and rel a en ti} 1ht'rinle more .e•ri-
,ut,iy ill Her peeeine i. (lectlly felt
by a wide circle ni friend hy-whom
he was held in high regard. tihc had
lived in this vicinity practically all her
life and always leek an active inter-
est in the -community. She was a
member of Hatoorolville United
Chnrelt and a lilt member of the
\\ \I.S. Her• father, the late ,larnli
Idctit'e of 1 gnuott h ille, rtes .t ell
known as ,i r0iiter of verse and prose
alai she herself derived mush ideasnr:
front writing:.
Mr,. Sproat was in her ^,tri yiiar.
Formerly Barbara Ellen 1110, c, she
Was ldaughter hter I the late \Ir.east
\ r .ile
a \I otlee of i ul uloi'le.
elle las horn in t :il0,l.,n! anti whet,
win.. c
y01i ratite to I n :er:mirh
•0110e her parents resided on the. ;,res-
ent Mlee t i.. farm. con, , I t lr:
oriel, moil retiring to 1 not ttdville.
She was married to Mr. Joie, 13pnetet
r i
sixty-three years ago and resided un
I their i;uu
9n in T.9<ersnh s
titnail •eiir-
1 i t 113 year", ago to hi.ten adult a'rl
I et" in 1-,ttlrlil Sb • 1. ,inivivii,1 '
, :t,Y hit nada an 1 11,-e is 10,ttct s and
1 110 .rut \Ire. 01 1)eae e i' tf,n•tll
\lie. ld.0.n•ild Sykee. . 1 1 n, \\'z at
'dr 11. Al. \u1:r,. lir•. Tact. 111 1.
-or, \Irs. T1s; ,.trend 1;Iitisiic, :tad 11 r.
Ilm,, it 1nr.,at. nil of Detroit. A sou,
"e is.•ar : r.,,at, ,mrrdcccast'J her in
1'4:^ \1-.�+-'rci.itt.t is -1 sl -ter, \Ir-
,,nr- S •',r„e1, it_i,to101,111, : >.hr tris
iiiii-0; : i •sl 1110cc sisters and 1
',.1,•..1-0.,t, \lee. reel le, ed 1 tre•emew
dSeel 0 1 ye it \It's. Ht.n y 1, 1.
1.):/11::::k1111,11: Mr,. \\ ill Chest—Ivy, Y
Te '':le:mire.:old \1 r. 1Ili Met lee,
of Nor, Alhert.
I I ,. t t ti t ,,,11 ,three ,.n \\ edam
iay mltiitino,,11 in tli, h: ft„n,lcillii 1-11-
;1,1 Church, eoini tcie ti ,0"11 -ii. 111.1,
Rec. \. A\' tlardlner, Interment wit -
in 'Maitland
1itn'Maitlan,i ll,trl: Cemetery. The 1,1111
-••r rtrs n ore• 11..411 ":,coat 1 Detroit 1.
i1 ..rll 1.1,roa1, i, 1}tro'tt, Wm.
Ni. "'a-nat. I, K w -.tat cloneegattrit
anti (bin Dalt-. -
The above picture shows the members of the Govenlock family who gathered at the hone of Mr. and :Yrs, J.
M. Govenlock for their oath wedding anniversary on Sunday. From left to right are, Miss Joan Govenlock, Water-
ford; Mrs. Norman Ireland, Climax, Sask.; Mrs. Robert Govenlock, Seaforth, Miss Agues. Govenlock, Seafort 1, il•Ir,
J. K. B. Brown, Tordnto, Miss 'Lois Govenlock, Waterford, Mrs, James McMichael, Seaforth, Mr, J. L, Govenlotk, To-
ronto; Mr's. J. K. B. Brown, Toronto; Mrs. J. M. Govenlock, Seaforth, Mrs. H. McKenzie, Oshawa, Mr. J. Id Gov-
enlock, Seaforth, Mr. S. Di Dorrance, Seaforth, Mrs,, S. H. Dorrance, Seaforth, Mrs. Nelson Govenlock, :Mr. Nelson
Govenlock; Waterford, 'air. J, S. Dorrance, Seaforth.
Dublin Chorus Wins11rr
At London
Che S, aforth •incl District Minietel-
isl .insonation will meet in the
school -room of Northside United
Church 00 Mondry next, November
13th. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon
This will be a joint meeting with
the Clinton Association at which
Nev. Mr. Peddie of Clinton and Rev.
Dr. Hurford of Seaforth will eontre
bate papers, All Ministers of the
townvited. and district are cordially in -
School Choir From Dublin and
St. Columba!, Win at Com-
A rural school chorus of 27 child-
ren from St. Patrick's school, Dublin,
won 300 of three competitions at the
remedial] Musical Festival in London
Mother Maureen, director of music
env S q• No, 2, St. Patrick's, and S,S.
No. S, St. Columban, ]herded 56
youngsters aboard trucks for the 40 -
mile ride to London to see what they
could do in the rural school contests
at the festival.
In the class open to all rural school
choruses. the St. Patrick', group of
27 won gold medttl honors with 85. In
the class for public school choruses,
open to any seine]] in a eentre having
less than 1,S00 population. the St.
Patrick's children again won over
tin'ee contesting groups with a high
Of 811.
Then, to make it a triple win.
Mother Maureen's other group. the
Zit children from St. Colunibtin, was
awarded 86 in the uncontested ehal-
ienn'e tr pby class open to all rural
A quiet Autumn wedding took Place
in St. Luke's Evangelical Church,
Baguio, N.Y., at 1 p.m. on Oetoher ie
n nen Mary Irene. youngest daughter
of Mrs. ('lard' anti the late Noble Choi
of Seaforth, was uuiled in marriage
to Charles Frederick. son of Mrs.
Petrie and the lata. Christopher Petrie
of Buffalo, N.Y. The 'wide time a
velvet dress- of royal blue with mat..
thing aece'.sotlt s and a ytrsage of
Talisman rosea She was attended 1ty
Mrs. i'''etcr Mt>eela. R.N,, who wore -
a wine ec0p0 (11.1•,15 with niatdiiug ao-
ceosdries an11. t. eeriage of yellow tea
roses. Mr. Gu,'t' e Petrie, 11010 hro-
tltrr of the groom, was Item Man. Din -
was served lot' the. i11101ediato' -
famibes at thy ilntrl Letutx. .1ftr.1 a
short ttedrlit trip lir. :utd lire.
Petrie are nun residing 1i 21,3 Ptu'k-
dale Ave.,Buffalo N.Y
Mrs. Peter Me.Nt ola entertained at
a variety showt`r 011 Oa. 27, in her
home til 228 Pot oma+• Ave.. Buffalo,
in honor of the bride. who reeelvtoi
many beautiful and useful gifts. All
enjoyed a very pleasant. everting.
'141 firsts t1 ftvu(•N,nt to rite hold
1•Inv nvtt,i. ,{c,rnred Ilinrt,n 'Cnnatty
ilr,lstrin I;:m:tl-r'e 1'1116, will I1) a
toon day (ion, 011 Wedine>'1111',
November 1+8th at 1'.3'1 1+.ut. 01 Ole
\h:diettsie I-iott•l, Clinton.
\11 11 imiiilors and their
wives art car 1 atilt invited to. attend.
hr ltn firon call nc .1 full corrtrse
t tei11 titt111it .0.011 tnrley. The
-.nest tsocalser will he My. Rtis1ell T.
KeRy,Ttamilrau, null 'known after
dinner speaker at agricultural func-
tions. \ first class musical ipro;grans
ha;' also been arranged. It rwidd` be an
otitstatttlmg event and it 'is:.,thc Nolte
of the club officers That there will be
a, large Attendance at the iuncheen.