HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-11-02, Page 8?AGE EIGHT Nellellnilledleillitiff WOMMIESOMMINIIINEINNEMENiannater cTAV1SH'S 03.1.1%01.3.10[11916•800.161:101.101660Ht. 16401.02521111111,...111991.1316.0.B. WE CARRY EVERYTHING YOU WISH FOR LADIES' WEAR AND MEN'S WEAR For The Kiddies ti r kteeds Warm Fleece Underwear . 39c Soft Cosy Mason Knit Combs. 79c For those wishing part wool or ail wool, see our prices on Stanfield's and Turnbull's Underwear. STOCKINGS These are always a big problem, but we have solved it for you. ALL WOOL WORSTED HOSE All sizes 51-2 to 10. A real C buy. Pair FINE WOOL CASHMERE Neat fitting, fine ribbed.0 All thzes 5ere to 10. only.. GOLF SOX Golf Sox. knee length, all wool 39c At present we have on hand a shipment of heavy warm mc Schc•ol hose. subs., for .. For Ladies Fall and winter are the social sea- sons. You simply must enjoy the matchless quality and sheer beauty of CIRCLE -BAR Hose. Chiffon .75 Crepe $1.00 FOR WARMTH Silk and Wool 39c pr. Fine Cashmere 59e pr. Full Fashioned Wool .......51.10 Finest Silk and. Wool 51.35 SPECIALS In subs. Silk and Wool 19c Rib -Top S. and Wool 29c WARM WOOL UNDIES Those wishing the smartness of silk lingerie combined with the warmth of wool, must see Turn - bull's new Ceetee Underwear. A wool garznent for your every need. STAPLES & HOUSE FURNISHINGS SPECIALS THIS WEEK -END on Things You Really Want Men's and Boys' Men's Fleece Combs. $1.19 Boys' Fleece Combs, Shies and Drawers, each 69c Shirts and Drawers, Penman's Combs. 52.49 Shirts and Drawers. each $1,49 Stanfield's Shirts and Drawers, each.. ..$1.98 A Heavy Wool Sweater Coat in all sizes $2.98 Pullovers $1.98 A few dozen Wool Sox, 3 lb. eight. same price as last year, 35c pr., or 3 prs. $1.00 WORK CLOTHES of all kinds to meet your every need. suit 75c each 39c Corduroy Breeks $1.98 Heavy Wool Breeks $1.50 LONG TROUSERS Size 6 years to 14 years $1.50 PULLOVERS Plain or fancy patterns $1.98 BBABENSFORISIMirt, Ma/ A FEW HEAVY WOOL COATS in Guard, Hollywood, Wraparound'. and Raglan Models $14.95 McTAVISII'S Seaforth Brussels 1 HENSALL Miss Enna Saundcrcock, e -ho re- cently underwent an operation for.ap- perediciti in Scott Memorial Hospital, eaiorth, is sufficiently recovered to return to her home 'here. Mr. Harry Arnold, who has been irite ill, is somewhat improved at cafe_ o. -writing. Mr. and Mrs. `las. Parkins visited a,irlt a number of old friends and ac- ouamntances in Denfield on Sunday. Vv. W. A. Young and Mre. Young of Fergus visited with friend. round town nn Tihorsday. Res.. R. A. Brook • conducted ser - n the United Church on Sunday choir 'ane two anthems, the Cal: Rin,giog and 'Bless- ed is tie Lord •Clnr God." Miss Ruth t•rs, k and Mr. Carey j, -Int took the dee:. Red Cross Committee Meets.— Tee finance and publicity cennInit- iee the; Red Cross Society met in :: the crunch chamber ~nn Friday even - Ice 27th. with -a gond rc•prc -en-. tat -.l members present. Mr. W. R. ta. ten. chairman. declared the •eeetenv.. open for business. Mewed by George Hess, seconded by Mr. Har • Lawrence that Mx W. A. Mee - lege, ,c appointed secretary. Carried. Moved ,v Mr. E. L. Mickle, seconded the 1P-- \. E. Consitt. that the name .of Miss P;. Johnson be added to the •renkhership of this comanittee, name- ly mr once and pnnlicity. Carried. ,Morel iny Mr. E. L. llickle, Seconded :by. lir. Dagg, that our objective be rt et hitt per month. commencing Sept Iso, 1939. Carried. Mowed by fire. 'Middleton, seconded by Mr. .Gnu- Hess, that a delegation be ap- pointed fr'r .the purpose of meeting ar.L; soliciting donations from the f++l- 't w•ing coincils. Hay, 'rucker.miuh, n L shnrne and Hensall. The delegatee appointed to 'meet flay t t;, council are Messrs. Da; and E. n,npn, Tuckcrsmith t•w4)., :Messrs. A. Bell and Robt.Conner; • Stanley ronncil. Messrs. W. Davidson and Clarence - Parke; Ushorne council, Messrs. Samuel Dougall and E, Row- clifle. Hensall council, Messrs. E. L. Mickle and Geo. Hess. Moved by Mr. Deere.. seconded by Mr. W. R. Do-ta- iga:1, that we in.v'ite the Legion and eltaneber of Commerce to put on tuna°. euchre and dances under Their own auspices. The proceeds from carne •for Red Cross purposes. Car- ried. \loved by Mss A. Consitt, sec- onded iy Mrs. ,Middleton, that the ad- journ to meet Nov. 10th at '8 p.m. McCowan -Smith — A quiet wedding was solemnized on- Saturrlav evening at the home of Rev. Bremner Seaforth, When June Magdalena. eldest da•teghter of Mr. • ani• Mrs. Emerson Smith, 2nd con- eessien t.f -luvl.ersmi'th.. was united in ,carriage to Frank SlacDonadrl •Me- • C, -,wan, son of 11r. ami Mrs. Jolut Mt -Cowan, Brucehcdd. Tin ihride looked charming en a street length dress oI.emeradd ,velvet with matching ettecseories- and carried -a .bouquet of yellow tomos. The young couple were rnattnnded.. Immediately follo vine the ceremony they left on a.wedding trip, the bride travelling in. a little reen coat with matching accessories, Hgallowe'en Social.— The ocial.The young people of Carmel Pres- byterian -Church held a very delight- ful Hallowe'en social at the home of Mrs. R. J. Cameron on Monday ev- ening, with about fifty young people in attendance. The house was •beauti- eully decorated for time occasion and the program opened with a singsong led by Miss Mahe] Workman. The president, Miss Irene Hoggarth, pre- sided over the remainder of the pro- gram which opened by singing, "The Call of Christ,' followed Thy prayer by Miss Mabel Workman. :\ piano solo by Miss Helen •Dick ,was much enjoy- ed. i'he following conveners were then appointed \Vol' hip Miss Mahe/ Workman; Fellowship, lir. Allen 1Ja vidson; Service. Mr, Harold Bomb - rem; Social \lives Ilelen Moir anal Violet Hyde and Mr. Alvin Bell, B.A. Misses Enid and Edith Parking played two -elections, "Spring Time in the Rockies." and ".Someone Like Yon," on the 'guitar and violin which were very much enjoyed. Rer. D. C. Hill of Exeter was present and told a weird story, followed by games and contests. Dainty refreshments were .creed and a hearty vote of thanks extended to Mfrs. R. 'J. Cameron and Robbie by Miss •Irene i-logg'arth. Funeral of Late Mrs. Neelands.— A well known resident of this lage passed away in a London Hospi- tal Friday in the 'person of Mrs, Louise Neelands, wife of the late 11r. Thomas Neelands, both of whom were residents of this !village Inc a number of years. The funeral was held from the United Church on Monday at 2 rp,nm. conducted .by Rev. R. :4, Brook. interment in Hensall Union cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs. T. J. Sherritt, John Coulter. • Owen Geiger, •Gro. T Quick. J. W. Orttvein and John ,2ue:fic. Two sons, Roy of Chicago. Ill,, -and Doug- las,- of Cleveland. Ohio, and one dau- ghter, Edna Mrs. Arthur King of Chicago. 111., attended the funeral. The regular meeting of the Breth- ren ai 'the Masonic Ledge was hellion Monday evening :with a large • epre- sentatinn of members +present. Me. Ross MacKay gave a very =interesting address on "The Hebrew Race." Re- freshen .rats were served at 'the chose of the meting. • Dr. Ilarry Joynt and friend of By- ron spent the week end at the home of the for.mer's Mother, 'Wes: Alice 'lovnt. Mf ;.-Geo Walker underwent a very serious operation for removal • of a ,goitre in 'Clinton 'Hospital on •:onlay. \It, seri Thoiras Sherritt, Harold Sherritt, Thos Dontall, Ben Case and Milton Russell returned Iast week from a very ,pleasant holiday and feel- ing trip ee north, Mr, and Mrs. John:Passmore and family visited tvitdt Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Passmore and Mr. and lits. Albert Passmore of Delhi nn Sunday, 44r, and Mrs. 1fc-Aiidtael, Miss 'Beatrice lose t and mother Mrs. Jowitt and Miss' Patsy Porterfield of List- owel •1 visited on Sunday with lir. T. C foyul. Miss Evelyn Corbett was the guest THE SEAFORTH NEWS 'B' Beauty Salon LMBOX "ALWAYS AHEAD" �.._.,_.._..� "AHEAD ALWAYS" y ~You Pay Less - Enjoy Bet€er'_ SPECIAL PRICES on all PERMANENTS amminnannangranranaggr Beginning NOv. 1st Phone 50 or 18, Seaforth of Miss A'udry Twitchell over the week -end Mr. and Mrs. Meson Hod art and daughters Li19ia'n and 'Jean of London epent Sunday at •the Thome of Mr. and Mrs. N.10, Dayntan. Miss Olive 'Walker R. N. of Albany Hoapftel, New York, is attending cher mother Mrs, Geo. Walker .who mecent- le underwent a serious olperation in Clinton Hospital. The ToII Brothers will ,present a Travelogue and pictures in the 'United Church on Friday Nov. Both. Mrs. Hannah Workman and. Miss Mabel Workman visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Herb Britton at Unb'linn, 'Vr, Geo, Sutherland, who has been confined to ,his room, euiffering from the e'f'fects of a fall is gradually im- proving. lir. Daniel McNdugbton avho has I1een confinedto :Scott Memorial II's- pdt111 Seaforth for several weales still continues quite ill. The Young People's Union .of 'Ube United Church .were every pleasantly entertained at a Hallowe'en social at James St. United Church, Exeter, on Monday evening. Next Monday even- ing they will visit the 1-Iouae ref Re- fuge, Clinton. Rev. le, C. 'MacLean B.A. will con- duct service iii Carmel .Church next Sunday, Annual meeting— ' During The year a ,branch Of Little Helpers was .organized in St. Pauls Anglican Church .with a 'menebership of eighteen. Miss Arany Reynolds is the secretary. Oe Thursday, 'Oct. 26th their annual meeting was held with their !mothers and tnensibers of the \Vomairs Auxiliary present. There 'vas a splendid attendance. After the opening hymmn the roll caves 'called and the ,children '('resented their 'rite lbox •offerings. Mrs. John Graham of Bayfield was the guest speaker. She 'gave a .very interesting a'dd'ress in ntih•ich she urged the mothers to Ibrintg their children to Sunday School and to church in order that impressions received in childhood .wou'ld remain with theta through life, Att the .olose of the meeting refreshments ;were served. Miss Sarah Fee, president of the Womans Auxiliary and Mrs. \daulkinson. vice-presid'en't poured tea 'front a table centred with mums and tall white tapers. Splendid donations of chilelrcim e clothing and toys were received Inc,'tire thole. Mrs. E. Rennie, who recently und- erwent an operation in Clinton Hosp- ital is gradually improving and eves able to return to the home of her sis- ter. Mrs. Kate Cantelon, last week. Miss Jean Bonthron and friend, Miss Mary Parke, of London, spent the week end at the home of the fnr- mer's parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. W, Bonthron• Mr, and Mrs. Alger Brown of Ox. ford. Mich., visited over the went end with Mr. end Mrs. Fred Corbett and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker, Quite a number from here attended the high school dance at Exeter on Friday night. Mies Gladys Luker, the very effic- ient boon keeper at Mr, T, C. Joynt's drygoods store, has been confined to her throat with a severe throat in- fection. Miss Luker has been employ- ed with Mr. .Toynt for about eleven years and this is the first time she has been detailed from the store through Illness. Miss Evelyn Heinlein of Thames Road visited last week with Mr. and Mrs- Roy MacLaren, Receives B.A. Degree,— Mr, Alvin Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, G. Bell received his Bachelor of Arts Degree at the graduation exer- cises at Western University on Fri- day evening. Congratulations to Mr. Bell. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Bell and Mrs. John McAIlister, at- tended the graduation, Rev. A. J. Gowland, B.A., of Toron- to conducted service in Carmel Pres- byterian Church on Sunday. The choir sang two anthems, "Come, Holy Comforter," and "Rise Up 0 Men of God." Mrs. W. A. MaeLaren, soloist. PULLETS FOR SALE 25 Barred Rock pullets for sale (Scott's breed), ready to lay. Apply to Frank Coleman, phone 2381-22, Sea - forth central, STRAYED From Lot 1, Con. 6, Tuckersmith, a yearling heifer. Phone 185r14,: Sea - forth central. Robert Doig. BULL FOR SALE One Shorthorn hull for sale, serv- iceable age, color red. Phone 4-141, Seaforth. Harry Norris, Kippen. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for the kindness shown during our recent bereavement, also to those who loaned ears _ and sent Mass cards.—The Burns Family AUCTION SALE Community Sales at Dick's Hotel stables, Seaforth, will commence on Friday, November 3rd. Cattle -10 head of 2 year old Dur- ham and Hereford steer's and heifers; 10 head of yearlings; 6 spring calves; I purebred Durham Trull calf, 3 mos. old, Pigs -75 pigs, suckers and chunks; 2 Yorkshire sows due 1n a month; 20 white Leghorn pullets and a number of cockerels, Walking plow, 1 steel tired top buggy, 1 pump jack, 1 small cutting box, 1 light wagon, 2 wooden beds, 1 heater, 1 coal or wood annex, 1 cream separator, 1 single barrel shot gun, numerous other articles, Bring in anything you have to sell. Reasonable rates, Romer Hunt, Manager, phone 228.12 Geo, H. Elliott, Auctioneer. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements at Lot 9, Con. 11, Stanley township, 434 miles north of Zurich, on Tuesday, November 7, at 1 o'clock sharp, con- sisting of: Horses—Good Clyde 3 years old filly (broken), general purpose mare 10 years old, aged work horse, Cattle—Grey cow 3 years old due to freshen March 14; red cow 6 years old due to freshen May 12; rad cow 5 years old due to freshen April 23; black cow 4 years old, milking; black cow due to freshen March 18; spot" ted cow due to freshen May 14, spot- ted cow dee to freshen May 29; white cow due to freshen May 2; red cow milking; 7 spring calves. Poultry -60 white legho'n hens. Implements—Massey Harris binder 7 ft. cut; Massey Harris drill 18 hoe; Massey Harris hay rape; Massey Harris bean puller; Massey Harris spring tooth cultivator; Deering mower, 6 ft. cut, 3 drum steel roller, National gang plow, walking plow, set of diamond barrows, wagon with box and shelving, wagon box with stock rack, hay rack, bob sleighs, cutter, buggy, tanning mill, set of team harness, almost new, set of plow harness, galvanized water tank, big rope and pulleys. set of sling ropes, ladders, grind stove, stone boat, whiffletrees, forks, shovels, Ren- frew cream separator nearly new, washing machine and wringer, kitch- en table, small table, stands, kitchen chairs, bed, springs, mattress, milk pails, sealers, lamps, Saskatchewan robe, quilts, and numerous other arti- cles. 900 bus. of oats and barley, 1 acre of corn in stook, Terms, cash. Everything to be sold as proprietor has sold his farm. Thomas Robinson, Proprietor. Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Of Choice Feeder Cattle. 70 Head, at Hick's I -louse Barn, Mitchell, on Tuesday, Nov. 7th, at 1.30 p.nn. 20 steers ranging from 800 to 000 pounds, 50 choice feeders from 500 to 600 pounds. Herefords. Will make choice baby beef. 1 pure bred Here- ford bull. These cattle are an exceptional tine tot. And are all consigned to be sold to the highest bidder, No reserve, "Trucks to deliver." McNeil & Nairn, Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE Lambert Saleyard, Strethroy, Sat- urday, Nov. 4th. 250 MIXED CATTLE Usual rein of Mixed Pigs and Cal. ves. Those wishing to buy cattle pri- vately Can do so by seeing the under- signed auctioneer anytime during the week. Trucks to deliver. Terms cash. A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. HEIFER ESTRAYED Year old heifer mime sometime in Juno to my place, Lot. 24, Con. 2, Hibbert. Owner may have same by proving property and paying ex- penses. Phone 8 nn 23, Dublin. Fred Eckert. LOST Tie clip, chain type, vicinity down- town, or Regent Theatre Saturday night. Finder please leave at News Office. Reward. PULLETS FOR SALE •. 100 white Leghorn pullets, laying. 34'4 miles east of Seaforth on high- way, Apply to Mr's. George Powell. NOTICE Seaforth, Ontario, Oct. 7th, 1939 Mr. H. G. Moir, Barrister, Sealo•tlt, Ontario. Dear Sir,—In settling the contro- versy between Mr. Ernest Knoe and myself, i am glace to take this oppor- tunity of rectifying any wrong which I may have done to him. If any ie. - marks of 'nine have been interpreted as inferring that 1 have accused Mr. Knox of theft of a pulley, I ant very sorry, I have no such aecesation to make against Mr. Knox and i regret tory embarrassment or inconvenience I may have caused him. You may publish this letter if you so desire. Yours tinily, William Leiper, Lonlesho•o, Ontario. NOTICE All accounts owing to the firm of Walker's Furniture, Store, Seaforth, must be paid on or before Dec. 1, 1939.--J. R. WALKER, Manager. NOTICE We are authorized Agents for South Huron for Allis Chalmers Tractors and Combines, See us before buying. We can save you considerable, Ilyde Bros„ phone Hensel', 86x41, Also used tractors. WANTED Old live hoses for fertilizer. High- est cash price paid. 3. Matthews, phone collect., 20i'22, Dublin. APPLES FOR SALE Sprayed Spy apples. 50c and 75e per bushel in your own containers. Phone 48r12, Dublin central. Richard Sillery, Staffs. THURSOAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1939 smarms. CASH SPECIALS Saturday Only Granulated Sugar— per bag $6.29 With a $2 cash grocery order Purity Flour— per 98 Ib, bag 52.98 Western Queen Flour-- pee lour—per 98 pound bag ....2.59 Wanted ---Eggs For 0 -rade A Large in trade only, we are paying 40c per doz. Stale or dirty eggs not 'wanted RED ROSE TEA pound 550 Jo Fan NOVEMBER MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House,-Goderieh. commencing Monday, November 20th, 1939, at 2 P.M. All accounts, notices of deputations, applications and other business re- quiring attention of Council should be in the bands of the Clerk by Novem- ber 11th. J. 114, ROBERTS, County Clerk. Goderieb, Ontario. NOTICE County of Huron Applications for the position of Manager and Matron for the Huron County Home, Clinton, will be re- ceived up to and including November 10th, 1939. J. M. ROBERTS, County Clerk Goderieb, Ontario. FOR SALE 1---15-30 McCormick Deering Trac- tor. 1-3 furrow Fleury Tractor plow, practically new. 1 Percheron horse, 4 years old; 1 general purpose mare 6 years old. Geo, H. Beatty, Varna, Phone 626.2, Clinton. MEN WANTED You'll like being a Familex Man, Earn easy money in a district previ- ously covered, selling the best line of daily necessities on the market, For further information and FREE CATA- LOGUE: FAMILEX, 570 St. Clement, MONTREAL. FOR SALE One purebred Leicester ram. Apply Mervin Lane, phone 11.135, Seaforth, WANTED A. stick of timber 22 ft. long and 8 inches square. Phone 628-15, Clinton. WANTED Dressmaking and alterations. Helen M. Swan, Jarvis street, Seaforth. FARM FOR SALE 120 acres, mile east of Walton, Lots 4 and 5, 18th Concession Town- ship of Grey. Large bank barn, frame house, excellent gravel pit. Apply to lvlies Jean Turner, Seaforth. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres of choice land, Lot 5, Con. 6, i;nllett, bank barn, drilled well; frame house, well drained; Dever failing spring creek; twelve acres of fall wheat; fall plowing done. Apply to Ephraim Clarke, Seaforth R. R. 2. APPLE BUTTER, CIDER MILL Will operate Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday of each week dur- ing October and November. Cider aril/ located on the street leading to the golf course, west ward, Mitchell, Fred Henniek, proprietor. Terms Cash. TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List -- Voters' List, 1939, Municipality Of Tuckersmith, County of Huron. !Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of tate 'Voters List Act and that I have up in my office at Tuckersmfth on the 29111 day of October, 1939, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection and I hereby call upon all voters to' take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to la'w, the 'last day for appeal being the Beth day of Nov- ember, 1939. Dated the 2511 day of October, 1919 D. F.\4cGREGOR, Township Clerk, Tuekersmith. Notice To Creditors AND OTHERS In the Estate of Bridget Matilda Coyne, Deceased. Allpersons having claims against the Estate of .Bridget Matilda Coyne, late of the Townahitt of Hibbert, SH the County of Perth. Widow, deceased. who died on or about the 1st day of September, 1988, are notified to send to the undermentioned execu- tors of the said Estate, on or before the 9th day of November, 1939, full particulars of their claims duly verified. After tlte said date the executors will distribute the assets of the s•,kl deceased, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice, and will not be •liableto any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Stratford this 12th day of (October, 1029. JOHN L. 00YNE, R. R. No. 1,Staffs, Ont. MICHAEL F. COYNE, R. R. No. 1, Stade, Ont. Eaeeutore. BY: - .1. MAURICE 'KING, 59 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ontario Their Saticitor• herein ELMER D. BELL, B.A. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT, Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, ours:Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. m. COURT OF REVISION Township of McKillop The Township Council of McKillop will meet as a Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll for the year 1940 at the Carnegie Hall, Seaforth, on Monday, the 6th day of November, 1939, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. Notices of appeal should be in the Clerk's hands on or beton Sept. 27th. JOHN McNAY, Clerk. HOUSE FOR SALE House in Egmondville on Main St, stable, hen house, garage, ee acre of land, plenty of room, 3 rooms upstairs. Hydro, cistern, hard and soft water, low taxes, fruit trees. Apply at The News Office. RUBBER GOODS, SUNDRIES, ETC" Mailed postpaid in plain, sealed wrap- per. S0%d less than retail. Write for mail-order catalogue. Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres of the best of land, Lot 17, Con. 8, Stanley. Apply to Mrs. George McClinchey, Varna. HOUSE FOR SALE Five room house, recently occupied by Mr. Norman Dupee, on East. Wil- liam St. This hoose needs repairs, and owner is ready to receive offers of purchase, For inspection see E. L, Box. SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE Spies, Baldwins, Talman Sweets, Ring, Greening, Russet, 50c-1,00 per bus. Phone Clinton 622-24, Fred Me- Clymont, Varna. FOR RENT An eight roomed brick house with bathroom and new furnace, gar- age on property. Apply to E. C. Chamberlain. FOR SALE Rosco Steel Roofing, written 25 - year guarantee, Rosco Portable Silos, Eavestroughing, Galvanized Sheet Iron, Metal Siding, Galvanized Water Troughs, Tanks and Hog Troughs, Granary Lining, Stove Pipes, Furn- ace Pipes, Metal Ridge and Valley, Roofing Paints, Asphalt Roofing, As- phalt Brick Siding, Insul-Erick Sid- ing, plastic cements, Building Paper, Nails, &c. Phone 618 ring 12, Clinton. Murray Tyndall, Brucefleld. FOR SALE OR RENT Frame house, with cellar, and lot of approximately one fifth acre, North Main at corner of Centre street. Double wired. Seven rooms. Hard and soft water. For further informa- tion apply William Morrison, Jarvis street, Seaforth. STRATFORD - GODERICH COACH LINES Fall & Winter Time Table Leaves Seaforth for Stratford: Daily 8.40 a.m. and 5.25 p.m. Leaves Seaforth for Goderich: Daily except Sunday and hal., 1.25 p.m. and 8.10 p.m. Sun. and hot., 1.25 p.m. and 10.20 P.m. Connection at Stratford for Toronto, Hamilton, Bulfato. London, Dotroit, Tavistock, Woodstock Agents: queen's, Commercial. Dick House INSURANC'E Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable, All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIEP Phone .334 w DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY Horses, Cattle, Hogs, etc. --Courteous Service PHONE—SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 (COLLECT) DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. t.