HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-11-02, Page 740
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The Serf(;s rth News
The following :letter by a former
pastor of 1Egniondvife Church was
ipulb:lished in a recent issue of the
(Aube and Mail; •
".The writer of this article has 'been
speeding a few months in the Middle
West States, and has interviewed a
great many representative men 00 the
European situation. The result. -)f
ttlese inquiries have -confirmed the
'various "palls" taken by "Gallup,"
"Fortune" and others.
The people of the United State' are
determined to stay nut of another
European war. The memory -of their
participation in the last war, and the
economic 'a'ftermat'h is not a particu-
larity 'happy one. Apparently they are
;cynically indifferent as ,to .what hap-
pened in Poland, or what aright take
place in Europe, Three thousand
miles of salty, misty ocean dulls their
sensibilities: As one man said: "God
bless 'the Atlantic Ocean, may she
never go dry." This anti -war fear,
however, is artificially stimulated or
induced by various champions of isol-
ation and neutrality who conte all the
Way from Detroit to Idaho, and induct
cd both "air pilots" and sky pilots."
A parody on the London Music
1-iall ditty, ''Phe Siegfried Line,"
would hardly the acceptable here,
However, it might he •written thus:
We're going 'to hang nut the 'washing
"on your own 'backyard Line."
Have you any dirty washing. moth-
• er dear?
The dry winds blow !from 'Idaho,
And eashing fay is here.
The Americans would not sina this,
,hecto e singing reaeitts dor') ion, the
deeps -1 sentiments anti loyalties of 'the
human heart, .ad they arc not really-
Tbe Americans Ins h eve denounced
Hitl:r and all his works. They are
completely at one in their :,m.lealtna-
tion of the -victor" ictar" of a rained War-
-saw. and a broken and bleeilin.* Pol-
and. They want Britain and France to
win, and 'for the most part want. the
"amts embargo" lifted One of my
friend said: "If the Great War shad
lasted only' for two years we would
no have been in it; therefore, let us
give the Allies all the munition, they
-w'an't. If they can't ',1a1 for it,give it
to them, .'toy way." 1 asked: 'Can I
quote this as a general opinion?" He
said Its" He added: "If this war is
not settled s000, well all be in it,"
The British ,people and their des-
eendaote constitute a minority of the
1130;000,000 of Americans. It, however.
•cannot he obscured or forgotten that.
although the majority of Americans
trace their racial origins to Continen-
tal Europe, they received their dem-
ocratic ideals and institutions from
the British ,people. Ln other words.
'Grea't Britain is their apiritua'1 hone.
\Vheu 'Great Britain and the Mother
of Parliaments go _clown, if this un-
likely thing should happen—Which
God 'forbid—the Maginot Line would
utw?ve to the American seaboard of'the
Atlantic Ocean.
If the 'hastinns of democracy 'fall in
At Ottawa this week federal Liber-
als and Conservatives alike viewed
the Liberal landslide in the Quebec
election as an emphatic vindication
of parliament's decision that Canada
should participate in the war against
Germany. Government supporters
were jubilant at the result, acclaim-
ed the defeat of. Premier Duplessis'e
Union Nationale government as a
victory for Canadian unity and show-
ered congratulations on their politic-
al doyen. of French-Canada—Justice
Minister Lapointe, who led the ted-
eral Liberal attack in Quebec.
Political opinion generally inter-
preted the Liberal wits as a personal
triumph far Mr, Lapointe and prob-
ably his greatest achievement in 35
years of public fife.
This week Liberals under Hon. Ad-
elarcl Godbout made ready to take
over the administration of Quebec's
affairs and to co-operate with the fed-
eral government in which foto• of the
province's native sons hold 'Mutat-
ries,: The will of the pr'ovince's vet
ers to go along with Gudbout in his
promised 'safe and sane administra-
tion' and to buck the stand of war
participation of its Federal ministers
was expressed in an avalanche 14
votes that sent 88 Liberals to th
Legislative Assembly in the ancient
Premier 1011011ce DUplesels fnnnd
his 'inion Nationale representatien' -
i1 when he called a general election
0 11011t11 ago— reduced to 15. 011n In-
'depzutient and one National candidate
maple ftp the total of 85 who were
counted in after the polls closed.
One constituency—Charlevoix-Saguen-
ay. votes Nov. 111,
Se"en cabinet minister were among
government party easuaities. Mr,
Duplessis personally succeeded in
winttfng his own constituency of
Three Rivers.
Europe, the :11nencan> will fight for
the liberties and 'freedom they Owlish
Liberty will not perish trr,tn the earth
o long a= the Stars and Stripes fly.
They are. therefore, vitally a led
in the outcome .,f the present
defeat for Britain .tntl 1.rance would
lie a defeat leer the Cnit d Stales, We
all hold the same ideas and ,diare the
same interods. Farther reflection will
stake this more evident, +tit 11 toy se'
it note, and sav it without he nati'n.!
Three tltoasattd year: 111 the hard
..hoot of human experience mach,-
et 1''hat is ;lo um nril.5 history; his -
1.,.y make,: us. \tan does not order or
fix his ons destiny: 11.: merely
watches things happen. Shan accepts
tete iuvitahle fate appointed hal:. •
The United States Govern men.
have no delusions. Their neutrality
lit armed neutrality. 1f LTnele 5•atit
does not say ''Nemo ane impart inc.
e it ' or "\\'ha da u' meddle 01'
that is what elle enemas, and Ire 'Means
it to apply to all the Americas 'men
e.),nehee to Cape Horn, and front Cape
Horn .to 'Ablaska that juts out like a
'haltering -rant into the Asia ..f the
World's dictators and disturbers.
Rev. A. W. Shepherd.
London, Ont.
He had bought a very old ear and
felt he owned the road. When an-
other driver, who he had kept be-
hind hint for a mile yelled; "Get yotu•
old iron horse out of the way!" he
was furious.
"Look here!" he cried. pulling up.
"I demand an apology!"
The other looked pityingly- at the
dilapidated car. "You've got £t1" he
New 1940 Ford V.8 and Mercury 8 Cars
14WANY improvements have been
incorporated in the Ford V-8, De-
luxe Ford and Mercury8 cars for.
1940. All of the cars have a neer
finger-tip gearshift, Sealed Beam
headlamps, controlled ventilation,
improved riding quality and ad-
vaneed exterior and interior styl-
ing.Pictured above (top) is the
Deluxe Ford V-8 Fordor sedan,
an ideal family ear with increased
interior roominess end distinctive-
ly modern exterior design. There
are three Ford V-8 models and five
Deluxe Ford body types. The Mer-
cury 8 town sedan (bottom) is a
four door car of striking beauty.
Both front and rear scats hold
three persons Comfortably. Five
Mercury 8 body types are avail-
able with a wide choice of colours.
On Saturday. Noi'enlber 11, Canadian dignitaries. me milers of tha Diplomatic Corps and (dawns w,fi gather
before the Peace Tower of the Parliament Buildings at Ottawa, to honor Remembrance Day. From Parliament
Hill, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation will bring to listeners of the National Network, a forty-five minute
broadcast of the ceremonies, beginning at 10.45 ant, EST. The above photograph was taken during last year's
The annual departmental middle
school written examinations will be
discontinued in Ontario, Hon. Dr. L.
X. Simpson, minister of education, an -
minuted at Toronto on Friday.
'Middle sternal certificates will be
issued nn the reconnnendatinn of
prhicipals and teachers of seenniiary
graduation eertflrates to these who
have completed the work preseibed
for the grades of the middle school.
Dr. Simpson indicated that at pres-
ent a. certificate of middle school
standing is required by only a rela-
tively small percentage of those can-
didates who complete the work of the
twiddle -wheel, and that the large ex-
pense involved in the conduct of the
middle school examinations is scarce-
ly- warranted.
By reason, however. of the suspen-
sion of the middle sehnnl exanlintt-
tions, it was considered desirable
that ail upper school. candidates
,hoard be required to pass a depart-
mental examination before proceed-
ing to the universities. normal
School:+ or other institutions, The
maintenance of the tipper school ex-
amination will make it possible to in-
trodune such measures as may be re-
quited to preserve adequate stand-
ards of scholarship throughout this
secondary- schools of the province,
The Secrets
Good Looks
There is a right way to make-up.
so perhaps you will find these hints
timely now that party and dance
nights are here again.
It is important to thoroughly
cleanse your skin, ea ensure this by
always washing with a bland olive
I `1 soap.. And for your stoke -up, du
use the new :pix Minute make-up"
method, using Three -Purpose eream
and powder, rouge and lipstick to
Cleanse pores and skin thoroughly
of all foreign matter by massaging
Three -Purpose creast in gently. Re-
move all the cream with damp, warm
cloth! Then smooth on a little more
cream and wipe the fare gently with
a damp, cold cloth. This leaves on
your skin a fine. thin filar of cream
that acts as a powder base without
clogging your. pores.
If you use eyeshadow, this goes on
next. vee very - little, and stroke -it
lightly over eyelid, to outward confer
of eye.
Now lightly smooth rouge over
your face with finger-tips, to work
foundation cream and mage in
Gettorouely put powder all over
ynttr face, not forgetting under your
chin, 0100g jaw -line and down the
neck. -
Apply eyelash cosmetic next. IC you
use it. Finally, apply lipstick. n+
only 00 the ()Inside but also a little
inside the lips, Press- your lips tight-
ly together; your lipstick will took
even and smooth on both lips,
Write for confidential beauty ad-
vice, enclosing four one -cent stamps
for fascinating new booklet ou 1301111-
ty Care,. ,Address; iiarbara Lynn,
Box 76, Station B„ Montreal, que,
Want and For Sale ads, 1 week 35c
The monthly crop report of the On-
tario Dept. of Agriculture says the
European corn barer decreased 111
numbers in the counties of Essex.
Kent, Lambtc t1, Middlesex, Lincoln.
and a few other counties, but in-
creased in most of the northern and
western counties. There seems to b,.
no doubt that the increase 1. correl-
ated closely with the much greater
amount of moisture received in these'
mantle, during the critical months
of July and August than in other
Nunieroas requests have 11, 4,15 rt•.
ceived for methods of treaties; in-
sects attacking stored grails. a peei-
ally wheat, and there is no doubt that
this is one of the big problems at the
present time. Froth now on. one of
the best methods of treatment is to
run the grain through the fanuing
mill. If proper size screens are used.
the insects can almost ail be separ-
ated front the grain, bagged and de-
stroyed—tile. Colder the weather the
better the results. It would be prolit'
able for farmers who have any nI
these insects to run 011 their grain
through the fanning mill when temp-
eratures go down to zero as this
quickly eau5es the insects in the
grain to become dormant, and, there-
fore, unable to esvape from the
Chaff -box.
Honey may be tired very ,atisfat"
tartly in preserving and in pertain
fruits (peaches and plums especially)
the flavor is decidedly improved. This
is also the ease in c'oneerves consist-
ing of a combination of two or more
fruits and where spices are included
as ht pickles and relishes.
Either cold pack or open kettle
method may be used when canning
with honey but care must be taken
to avoid boiling over as honey has a
tendency to fnatn when heated. Also
the honey should be cooked no longer
than necessary slime its delicate tiny
or is readily destroyed.
General proportions fol' canning:
Heavy syrup. 111 c, homy. c.
hIediinn Syrup, 1 c•. honey. 1 c.
water. -
Lilit sy cop. eta to 1 c.
water. - -
Apple Jelly
rift up glee 0 apple. alt11, 11 t
ire or voting and cool( la r very little
wnter until pulpy.. Strait "'nee
through jelly bag, measure and hall
21) min, Add 1e the volume of honey
estimating from the lneasuretueut of
the juice before boiling. Continue to
cook until the jellying stage is recall-
ed and pour at once into sterile
glasses. This ,felly is delicious if a
POW bits of stick cinnamon are cook-
ed in the apple juice before the honey
is added and then strained out.
Ginger Pears
2 111. sliced pears
2 ib. honey
e. writer _
1 lemon (rind in thin strips,
15 oz. ginger• -root. in small pioces
Sumner together until as thick as
marmalade. Seal in sterile jars.
Grape Juice
Wash ntl'apes thoroughly mai
move from at,•m. e'tvtsh with the
potato ma,hcr or trait press. Than
set the recut, eouttiumk theta into
the oven for 1N 1 011 n .11' deg.
roes, nr hetet siewee on top of stove
to 185 degrees tjust below hoiling1.
Drain thrnagh jolly bag. To 4 c. juice
allow to c. honey. Max. stated ever
night, till sterile rat's, partially seal
;and sterilize 5 min, Seal. ' '
Honey Grape Jam,.
2 baskets grapes
8 c. honey
1 c. water
Separate skins and pulp of grapes
and cook separately, then sieve pulp
and add to skins. Reheat, add honey
and water, Let conte to boil and seal
in sterile jars.
Cucumber Pickles
2 qt, ent'ninbers
t !) giinger
tap, On itan1or,
i.' tap. allspice
1 t•p refry Se. „1
c. honey
4 0. vinegar
mix spites. vinegar aft 1 boae7.
Bring to boli. pear over cucumbers
and seal.
"\i hat is the use of it all?" said
the old meter. leaning his he2:1
sadly against the barn door. Eggs
yesterday, chickens today, feather,
dusters tomorrow,"
C. P. R. Promotion
The promotion of ti, +.', James.
assistant general passenger agent,
Canadian Pacific Railway Cant -
patty. Montreal to the similar fns.
in charge of the Ontario Di,triel,
with headquarters at Toronto- his
been announced by Geora'' a.
Carter, general 1)050000'a: ..
of the company. fir. ,Tames .011
seeds tite late i'. B. Andrews Sal
takes over his new duties N e. ezia,.
leer 1st. Mr. James in his 27yeata,a
experience with t•:ler Canadian ?.'-
cific Railway- has ,, v'red « wi:a
field in Canada and the rata -ad
States, ear:?p,.;_.9'
ever itereassne ii -n l - tatl..e� end
0 3c. s )11r. -...,:a :iz..
Electra .Uaera;gist —
1100115 aIle'.);:
by manipulation—San-ray-:
man:. -
Phcae 23:,•
Seaforth, Ont.