HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-10-19, Page 1There's a whisper on the hilltop and
a murmur in the woods,
There's a dream of golden glory
On the beech a russet cover, on the
elni a mottled hood,
Where the walnut lifts her
branches brown and bare.
Oh, the crows hold their' meeting in
the old oak top,
i 1•!1' fi.: '; 11_:1) suurrneer When the
acorns drop!
There's a bloom upon the meadow
like the ghost of tumner:flowers
flu; the rorests and the valleys are
5nd on hi`1side and in hollow
bierughoat all the misty hours
Descend the 111,tlit`L;un•nps of
:']rennin r;EIC.
1 Pint
(which is second to none) with
bottle Furniture Crean]
All For 59c
,. 6packs 25c
AKES-15c lb
15e Ib,
ONIONS, 50 Ib, bags 60c
GRAPE FRUIT 6 for 25c
GRAPES --,Are nearly past
25c basket
CASTILE WAX for floors -
25c Tin
ENAMEL 25c bottle
LINSEED SOAP for cleaning -
25c can
15c bottle
2 ib. 19c
BORAX. loose . , .: 10c Ib.
WASHING SODA, 3 lb. 10c
CAUSTIC SODA, loose 1Oc lb
Masters Feed makes the hens lay.
''!! Led g e
c �a ![
Phone 166
E3o 5uEu's`ps':coMrohr':?
k .. FiTi�: ,B er. Fc
• R'
Northside United Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister.
1e a.m. Sunday School.
11 a.m. "The Sacrament of Bap-
tism." Music led by Junior Choir.
7 p.m. Service withdrawn, attend
Anglican Church Anniversary.
First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister.
Sunday School at 10 o'clock.
11 a,m, "Tile Bible Comes Alive,
Evening service withdrawn on ac-
count of the Anglican Church anniv-
ersary. Midweek service on Thurs-
day at 8 p.m.
St. Thomas Church
Rector: Rev, Dr, Hurford.
Eightieth Anniversary,
11 a.m. Rev. A. J. Forte, L.Th. The
Rector will give a sketch of the par-
ish history.
7 p.m, Confirmation: Right Rev.
Bishop Seager, DX.
Sunday School 10 a.m.
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B,A.,B.D.
10 ani., Sunday School.
11 a,tn., Rev. W. D. Bell, Stratford.
Evening service withdrawn for
Brueefleld Anniversary.
A pretty 'wedding took place at two
reolock Monday afternoon at St.
games' Church, Stratford, When Dor-
othy Alice, youngest daughter 'of M•r.
and Mrs. T: G. Thorn, Mornington
Road, was united in marriage to Pte.
•Percival Elgie, Moore Barracks, eon
of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Felgie, of Bish-
op Auckland, Durham, England, Rev.
F. G. Liglhtlbaurne officiated. The
bride entered 'tire •cltrch to the
etralns of the wedding march from
Lo'hengri'n played 'by Mr. Olin J.
Brown, 'organist, The ibride, who
.was given in marriage by her father,
wore a White dace 'floor -length gown
and veil with a ,wreatlh of 'orange 'b'los-
soms .and carried a 'botionet of But-
terfly roses and fern. The (bride 'was
wtten¢led by her sister, 'Miss Ivy
Thorn, who wore a floor -length dress
of pink taffeta and a wreath of pink
'roses' in her :hair and her 'flowers were
pink 'carnations and fern. The 'bride-
groom was atte'n'ded by 'Private Alih-
Krt Thorn, brother of the !bride. A
guard of !honor was !formed Iby 1el-
'low soldiers of 'the (bridegroom. A
relcoption was 'held later at the home
of the 'bride. Private and Mrs. Eigie
]eft on a short trip.
Tlie 'bride is a sister of Mr. George
Thorne of Seaforth'and the happy
young'couple 'visited here this 'week,
Phone 84,
$1 a year.
' Anniversary Held At DR. HARVEY BRIST'OW Assessment Hearing
Opens on Oct. 30th
North Side Church The . following is taken tfrotn the
Monroe (Mich,) Evening Times and Township of Stephen and Town
Large Congregations Hear Rev. refers to a 'former Seaforth boy:
Dr. Cochrane at Inspiration- A third Green 'county surgeon twill
of Cato d er i c h Appealing
al Services. become a fellow 'of the American Col Against Assessment
lege of Surgeons in Philadellphia
On Sunday'last Northside 'United 'Oct. 116, when Dr. J. 1H. Bristow Hearing of appeals 'of the Town -
On Monroe, formallyreceives his F.A ts'hi of Stephen and Town of Gode-
Cilurch Seaforth, held its :sixty- •CS, it 'became ;kn'o'wn here today. rich against the equalized assessment
second anniversary. Well attended ,Qualifying 'preparations for this dis- of the County of Huron made by
services and the fine inspirational .tinction covers a long !period 'of time Messrs. Magg and Quinlan, valuators, of the 'clay ]brought meal .uplift band' a 'wide range of recorded exper 'wi11 ,commence at G'oderioh on Mon -
and spiritual 'encouragement to the i.en'ce, the 'candidate for the .fellowshi day, October 300th. This was decided
congregation. Rev. R, B. Cochrane, offering 100 'case histories of hi on Tuesday afternoon at thelonganiza
M.A., D D„ Honit Mission Secretary ;practice, which nrust_Ibe approved Ib 'trios meeting of the tribunal compos -
of the United 'Church of Canada, was a .cominittee sof 'tlhe national profes ed of Judges Cilement, of Waterloo,
guest streaker for the day and 'brought sional organization. Two of Dr, Bris 'Costeillo, of Huron, and Sheriff John -
eloquent and inspiring messages, The lo'w''s associates in the 'Monroe clivi ston, of Huron,
speaker has held pastorates in Wood- leave She fellowships, Dr, W. B Practically every member of Huron
stock, Toronto and Winnipeg and !for Gnagr jr., rw^1ro ';gained his in 111936 county council an present at the
some years past ]has bad a ,very ,tide and Dr Nathan E. Blear, who roceiv- session, also manners of urban coun-
an'd enriched ' experien'ce as he 'has .ed his in 119318. D'r. and Mrs. Bristow oris, clerks'and assessors,
visited all parts of the Dominion in ,plan to leave for Pihiladelphia Oct. 13. It i • estimated Chat hearing of the
the interests of Home Mission work, ']':hey will also go on to New' York appeals will take more than a ;week.
At the morning service his subject :city, planning a ten-day a'b'sence. A system sof 'p'rocedure was agreed
was, the Acts of tile Apostles en the _
Twentieth Century, He reviewed 'thempoo'
past triumphs of Christianity through pays Tribute To E.re Stephenteph t St. Tho R.
( .
faith, with special reference to the p appeared' for township C.
hcroiwns of 'Christians of the many Late Normal PrEancEpal T•Tays K.C„ for Huron county, Frank
:communions in Canada, He called !for
Christian devotion and sacrifice 'wor-
thy of the 'great past,
At the evening worship the minis-
ter, Itev, H. 'V. Workman, who as-
sisted in the services of the day, es-,
pressed appreciation oi the rite :spirit
existing among the Seaforth minis-
ter; and churches, and welcomed the
people of the local congregations pre-
sent, and had Rev. A. \b, Gardiner
and Rev. Dr. Hnriord assist in the
At the evening. service Dr. Coch-
rane Lased his 31101rgl1t upon the fact
of the firm foundation upon which
Christianity is 10191. He made an ap-
p-leal to Canadians to he sane and .tol-
erant in the present clisttirlied world.
He revealed how easily hate could
tend to embitter and destroy he very
anus of the church and civilization,
The church must hnve a long range
Holley of 'bringing the 'world to
Christ. He also outlined the sphere it
which the church can be most effec-
tive in its service to the State. to Clod
.end humanity.
Inc inspiration of the service: was
greatly enhanced by the very pleas- WORKMAN-SANDFORD
ing -election- rendered by the 'choir On Wednesday, Or+l. 11th at 1.311
led by Mr. Jas. Stewart. and organ pm. at Nortlieide United Church
mnsie with \Irs. Jas. Stewart at the pat'.nnage, Seaforth, Rev, H. V.
console of the newly rebuilt organ, Workman solemnized the marriage 011
i he
congregation isontrilinted. :genre- Winston Albert VA'nrkman, only son
11 is to t titan'totferio.;, which, when of Air. and Mrs. William A. Workman
the return are somelete, ai14 Bulb- .of Ili tenth Cnnee 3inu of Turkt+r-
'-tantially aid the. financial require- smith, to Miss Evelyn Gertrude Santl-
ment of the ]oral church worke ford, of the saute vicinity, and daugh-
FREEM'AN - NIGHter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward itandford
1 quiet weddingw•ae solemnized at of Toronto. They were attended by
St. Jame ' Church rectory, Sea'fortee Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Sandford of Kip -
at eleven o'clock Saturday morningpen. After the eeremony the happy
when \lar sect, eldest 'daughter of couple left on a wedding trip to
16r, and Mrs. Patrick Nigh, became Flint, Mich.. and later to Toronto, al-
ter bride of Mr.Loris Fireman, of ter which they will return to make
Clinton. Rev. T. P. Hussey officiated. their home on the tenth concessions
The bride was gowned in pale ]b'l'ue of Tuckersmith,
crepe. The attendants were Miss Jane
Nigh, sister of the bride, and Mr. CULLEN-FINKBEINER
Harry Freeman brother of the A very pretty wedding was solemn -
groom. lir. and Mrs. Freeman will lied at St. James' Roman Catholic
reside in Clinton, Church, Seaforth, on Monday, October
16, at 9 a.m., when Margaret H.
MRS. PETER McCANN Finkbeiner, Reg. N., daughter of Mrs.
A. highly respected resident of Sea- Finkbeiner, Seaforth, and the late
forth passed away in Scott Mentor- Charles Finkbeiner, was united in
Lal Hospital cm Sunday in the person marriage to Wm, J. Cullen, son of
of Sarah E. Nigh, beloved wife of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cullen, Kitchener.
Mr, Peter McCann. in her 84th year, The ceremony was performed by
Mrs. McCann had been in her usual Rev. Father T. P. Hussey.
good health until suffetting a severe Mrs. F. Devereaux, organist, presid-
heart attack about noon on Tuesday eel et the organ and during the offert-
three weeks ago. She was removed to ol'y Mrs. Leo Fortune sang ''Ave
the hospital but gradually grew Maria."
weaker until the end came at 1.30 on The bride, given in marriage by her
Sunday afternoon. brother-in-law, Mr. Wm. J. Faulkner,
Mrs. McCann was boril on the third Sarnia, was lovely in a floor length
concession of Tuckersmith, a laugh- gown of white triple sheer over
ter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Joseph white taffeta, made on princess
Nigh, pioneer residents of the Tuck- style with sweetheart neckline and
ersnlith-Hibbert town line, where she finger tip veil of silk net. She carried
lived until her marriage fifty years a bouquet of ophelia roses.
ago to Mr, Peter McCann in 1889. Af- Miss Helen Finkbeiner was her sis-
ter her marriage to Mr. McCann they ter's bridesmaid in a gown of triple
resided on the farm across the road, sheer turquoise blue with matching
in Hthbert, for forty years. They doll hat and carried Johanna Hi11
retired to Seaforth ten years ago. roses. Mr. E. B. Cullen, brother of the
Mrs. McCann was of a kindly, groom, acted as groomsman.
cheerful disposition, always looking After the wedding breakfast which
on the bright side of life. She was a was served at the home of the bride's
good neighbor and devoted to bei mother to immediate relatives the
church and home. bridal couple left on a short motor
She leaves to mourn her loss, her trip, the bride travelling 111 a, moss
hi sband, Mr. McCann, ole brother, green crepe dress and black coat
Mr. Luke Nigh, of Seaforth, and five with black accessories. On their re -
grandchildren, Mrs. J. J. O'Douogbue, turn they will reside In Kitchener.
Kitchener; Mrs, Gordon McIntyre, of
West Lorne; Elizabeth Murray, Lon- REID-BARBER
don; Agnes Murray, Detroit, and The marriage took platie at
Peter, Seaforth. Her only daughter, Guelph, on Saturday. Oct. 14th, by
Mrs, Mary Murray, predeceased her the Rev, J. C. Grier, of Grace. Louise,
twenty-two years ago. Mrs, McCann daughter of Mrs. Barber, Guelph, and
was the last survivor but one of the the late John Barber, to Edward
fifteen children in the Nigh family, Dawson Reid of Guelph, son of Mrs.
The funeral took place front her Reid, Seaforth, and the late James F.
late residence, Side street, on Tues- Reid.
day morning to St. James' Church,
Seaforth, anti thence to St. Columban RED CROSS SOCK
cemetery. Rev. Father Hussey offic- KNIT I ING INSTRUCTIONS
sated. The pallbearers were Messrs.
John Nigh, John Walsh, Joseph -----
Doyle, Patrick Nigh, Ambrose Nigh, Knitters using instructions with
Peter Murray, Kitchener toe knit foot 8 inches and.
then begirt decreasing.
BRUCEFIELD WOMAN GETS Those using alternate toe knit foot
WALDRO'N ESTATE LEGACY 9 inches before decreasing,
Anyone unable to finish off toe is
asked to please bring sock to after -
Probate !hats ;been applied 'for at To- noon meetings to be finished.
ronto of the will of the !late Gordon
Waldron by hisexecutors, W. H. HOLD EUCHRE
Boeck and J. R. Hetherington, The girls' branch of the W.A. of St.
The estate consists of stocks and Thomas Church held a very success.
mortgages and cash on hand totalling
fill euchre or Friday, Oct. 13th in the
H. E. Elborn, Former Huron
Teacher, Named Successor
To Thornton Mustard
.Apiraintntent ri H. l , Eihorn, ';:en-
eral editor of text 'hooks in the De-
partment of E•dulcetion, as principal
of the Toronto 'Normal School in salc-
'05ssf011 10 Thornton :Mustard, 'victim
of the Athena torpedoing, Tuesday
was tlnnnnneed by Hon, Dr, L. J.
Simpson, Minister of Education.
"For the yrcscnt \'I r, Ll :3hr» ap-
's -
pointment is pDr.rovisional," said r.
Simpson. "in the event, now ttnfort-
nuately regal—del as a remote pnssib-
'lily, that Mr, 1lnstard shall have sur-
vived ed ether Atlee n t disaster. Mr. ],l -
born will return to his !former 'posf-
11r Simpson declared the depart-
ment '.V11:4 'faced with difficelty m sel-
ecting a snita'hde stnrcesenr to .our
"who rendered such 'great service 'to
the muse of education in this Prov-
ince its that given by Mr. \I'tstard.
(Continued on Pogo Five.)
The fall !conference of the Deanery
'of Harron 'was !Lela in St. Paul's 11
'Church, Hensel!, on Thursday last,
'Canon Townsend, London, addressee] a
the meeting 'in the afternoon.
tLuuv parish hall. The prizes were won,
1 lie 'income from the estate is left'to ladies, most games, Miss Vera Mole,
Its sister, Eliza Waldron, of Brtsoe
field. Ont„ for tide, anti Phen 'tri ]lis gents, James Southgate, Lone hands,
:rather, P,yron •\\'la}dron, for 'his life, latilies, Mrs. Qrowell, gents, Kenneth
nd after, their deaths the residue 'to .Adams, oonsolatipii, ladies, ]Yirs.
eco cousins and an untie. Deer,, gents, Palmer Coombs, lucky
chair, Mr. R. Strong.
Fingland, K.C'., for Clinton, D. R.
Nairn 'for T'ow•at of Goderich, and W.
McGibbon, 1Vhaterloo, for the six-
teen townships, assessments of 'which
'were not 'raised.
• According to word from Boston tt-
week, Ralph "Cooney" Weiland, f'
eight. years a star centre with tl:'„
Boston Burins hockey team, on Mon-
day afternoon was appointed assist.
ant manager of the :.quad.
The announcement was tel •yed
from Art Ross, manager of the iib,
from Hershey, Pa., where the Stark,
ley Cup champions have slatted
raining.Weiland, who is •i S, will be given a
free hand at operating tate te2(111 1T0111
the bomb, it was announced, }net veli
not himself be in the lineup unless
injuries cut down file square to -.ae1s
an extent that he may be needed.
Ross will remain is -manager
will view the games 1.0111 a seat
the stands, as he did during the in
of lust ,Cason, to better analyze the
ds' TiME
If there we graduates in your
family, scan them off on the right
loot ... at the sight time
with en accurate, dependable
Bulova. Ow convenient credit
plan gives you the chance of
a lifetime to buy the "Gift of
a Lifetime,"'
Jeweller and Optometrist
Opposite Post Office, Seaforth
play of his squad and that ;tie
Weiland has beets with the ht a 1,s
since 1929 except for two geese:is he
played with Ottawa and Detroit. .
Itdie.,itter: were that s?ddie Sher:. John Beattie Retires as President
will see little service with Brunt. this After Many Years' Service
season. He will train with his 1,01 ---
minol league team, Springfield, a,;,1'11'1""Y•'
Will int join the Bruins until f1.^, / r lb 3ul,11v ill lar! .urthcnurcia-
Dec. 15th. :x(11 in the morning tit. R 1 .1, il•
Taylor snuff, an 1 1(511 01 1t 11',.r
FORMER McKILLOP MAN a:unada Bible seeiety in the ,finsii...1,
DIES IN THE WEST and United eiturehes. lu the niter.
noon he addressed the Saivatien At-
- 0y. 115 1110 15 (,11 r; g11 I . :1( 1 ),-
Robert Menzies Had Lived in Mite- `r1 byterilll (hu '.I i( th• r gut.:.
stone and Veillardville Districts se:rvicr and after the c: vit•0• 10 the
11110 ;,sten-1 lett t•er the annual meet..
Lill of the tt :tort]) 1'1 ;ueh.
At the annual meeting v,ud at
s b.equ ut meeting the fallowi at: ot'-
neers were e}ehted fen' the .'.tonin,
President.. Dl', l•`, Harburn; vice
Presidents, Rev. H. V. Workman
Rev, Hugh Jack, Dr. Hurford and En-
voy Dougal: secretary, 0, A. Hallam
tune. Representatives from the
churches, United, Wm: :'Morrison:
Presbyterian, Thos. Dickson; Angli-
can, Richard Parke; Salvation Army.
B. Ritchie,
Mr. John Beattie retired from the
executive nn which he had served for
many years. A motion of apprecia-
tion of Mr. Beattie's long service as
president was recorded in the: 11/i11-
111 08.
Canvassers trout the variolw
chinches will he annealing to you for
your help before the end of oaebet.
With an increasing demand for Scrip-
tures throughout the world and with
the added • demands of war serviee
facing it. the British •and Foreign
B16]e Society estimate • that an in-
ei t dse of 25 per creta. in its normal
income is necessary in order that it
01iglu meet the opportunities of the
Naw Testaments,. especially hound
and hearing a message from His May
jests the Iiing have been prepared for
05e of troops on active service.
During the world war the Society
C mutated nearly 10,000,(lla) copies of
Scripture among the men on active
service and among prisoners of war.
In the Dominion volumes provided Inc
those 00 war service numbered nyct
rhe toillowing is from the 1-f rdson
Bay Junction sled re":
Robert Menzies., well known resid-
ent of Vcillardville district, passed
away at his home on Friday, Septen,-
lber 301b, after an illness estelxling
over the ,past year, 11r. Menzies was
69 years old, This 'birthd'ay being on
March '36111, Born .on the 1 1t Con-
cession 'txf McK.iliop 'tow'llSllip,. in 'On-
tario son of the late William Menzies,
Mr. Menzies. 'ca'me 'west in 11901 'and
homesteaded in the 'Milestone riis'trict
where he harmed till 1931. Robert
Menzies aa'el .1liss 'I o bel Davidson.
daughter of the late games Davidson,
1211 cooces•ton of \4rililh)p, ,:were
ntaried at Milestone in 1904. in
19311 'lir, and Mrs, Menzies and their:
family moved to this district wihere
they again homesteaded and began
again to !build up a 'hole 11510 if had
been throken by .the years of drought
on the prairie. Two years ago Mr.
Menzies began to fail and' at last was
cnnfin.ed to his bed ;last fall by the
illness which resulted in itis death .111
Friday. The •Funeral was .held frost
St. Stephen's ;United Chard] on Tues-
day afternoon and -the 'chu'rch was
tilled 'hy the large nitnuher of fiends
;who !came to pay their last rr1e.ts
to this pioneer resident of Sart itelit-
wan, who made many 'friends by his
unfailing •ititerest in the !welfare of 11:-
neighbors. Rev.. H. S. Blesard con-
ducted the service 'and the choir of
St. Stephen's led the singing. Besides
his wife, Mrs. Isabel 'Menzies, he
leaves four sons, Harold: Gcrtion,
Angus and lobo andone •daughter,
Mrs Harry Bell. all residents (here:
three sisters, •Mrs. Dick •Cardiff, orf
Lang, Sask„ Mrs. 'J'ames smith +'f
Seaforth, and Mrs.' A. Engel, Brus-
sels; and two brothers, John Menzies.
of Tawas City, 1'6ich., and \fal:e.im
Menges, of Ogenta, Sask. Friends
and relatives Fran Other 'point :yhn
a'ttend'ed the funeral iftelu'ded, \ir.
and Mrs. D'flak 'Cardiff and Vera, e'i
Lang, Sada,; lstrs, T'homp. on and ,o'r
Leslie, of Ro'wat, and Lorne Davin -
son, of iNfilestore. 'I 111511'1 tri] 71 e-
w,ere front • Mr. and 'Mrs. Cardiff and
Vera, of Lang; Trot and 'Ma'rgaret
Halliday, Eddie .and Vie T)assdsoe
and Rezel'Ottseidson, Flin Flon: E. O.
Thompson 'arid 'family, of Re -gin T.
A. Davidson and family, 71,1]ie 7e:
Mr, and Mrs, W.,Quinn and ,fa nl'v:
White Poplar Community. Club Mr. I
W. J. Davidson and family, Mr. 1.71,1
Mrs. Ed. Block. Mother and .f 1 .ly.
Oliver and the Veillard family,
'Members 'of The local mintara-
guard took the nne(lical t e is uhf
wee•lc for . enlistment, and eased T(10
per Cent. Word has not 11)ten reCet'-
ed yet ''w'hen drilling will 'commend
locally. Another recruit 1n the Hurc.1
'battalion is 1'r, Robert H'.:ce, {:
400,000, The Society points out tlie
Iifteertailltt of 110 future and its de-
mands, but it estimates that the in-
crease asked for will be required for
the demands already in sight.
The '4111(101 c:itivass will 1,e taking.
place this month. and 11u' Meal 5(1111'
nilIl 0' passes se's ell to 111e r'olmintnity
the urgent appeal of the parent organ-
izat}ail that every effort should be
tha(10 10 etre that it is prolierly equip.
Tied to meet the oppultlutities of the
1 ht ea inti Collegiate fbothall
team 551. "t rated tllis week Ch1'
]int n1 t sdle. ;te .•'r their first doss
-of the ,;cason. Clinton took the lead
after about 8 minutee of the first
half to ,give them a one goal lead and
about .ten .minutes later they stored
34 .111'1( Itr rhe second 'half Seaforth
tried to rally, and scored in about
,even •mauves. Clinton soon tirade elle
score 3-1, Each teats then made one
more • score, the ;game ending '4-2 'for
The Alitrhellhigh school 'soccer
team was -defeated in a hone game by
Seaforth on Friday. At the end of the
first half the .core was tied '1-1, anrd
in the second half \lilchell scored one
goal and Seaforth three, the final
score standing 4-2. O'Neil, O'Con-
nor and Cleary scored for Seaforth,
Seaforth—Reid. 15(5)1; R. 11eiver,
McKay:, Keys, t) Cannot Mel.ver,
Creve. Keys, Cleary, O'Neill, 'Coutts,
ohs, Goldin:,0. Ca s'on. (Juinlan.
Mitchell—Elton. goal; Jordan. Ra-
cey-, Miller, Holman McPhail, lfaed-
ed Klein Bnteen, MvNaahht, Pearce,
subs, Myer-- Watt.
A delightful tea sponsored by the
Catholic Woolen's League was held
on Thursday, Oct. 1:, in St. James'
Hall, which was tastefully decorated
in colors of red. white and blue and
autumn hue. During the afternoon,
Mary Theresa Duncan, Beatrice Lane.
Theresa O'Neil, Katherine Lauden-
bach and Joan McMillan, pupils of St.
oseph's Convent, favored with sev-
eral piano selections. The proceeds,
which amounted to $26,75, to be don-
ated to the Red Cross.
Of the Parish, and 75th of the Church
SUN '.,AY, CT ER 'r
11 A.M.: Rev. A. J. Forte, L,Th,
7 P,111,: Confirmation; Right Rev. Bishop Seager, D.D.
At the morning service the Rector will give a short sketch
of the history of the Parish.
All old members and visitors welcome
R. G. Parke, T, T. Jackson, Wardens. Rev.. R. P. D, .Hurford, D.D.,