HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-09-14, Page 8' PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1939 cTA,. ISH' 101111111111010010110 tttttt 100000.1111410113001.11,M011110.111011 a 1111,, 1 011,,,,,,,„,,,,,1n,o,o,u111emo"n,n11,11e„1110„ Fall Goods Arriving ail...._ NEW FALL DRESSES • Crepes in plain black, also with white trim, rich autumn green, rust, brown and wine shades are most prominent.. All new styles, sizes 14- 20, 33-43. Specially priced $4$5 FALL HATS • The last w rd. • Felts and :elvers in 'misses' and .matron's styles. 1.95 to 3.50 STAPLES STOCK UP NOW ! HENSALL Mrs. B, Campbell and son Keith s. Toronto spent the week end with the formers sisters, Miss Etbed ;Murdock and Mrs, [Vera Hoggarth, Mrs Tee. Misch 'of A.udiurn •was a recent visitor in town the.,'guest of Miss Emma ,ohnst om. Mr. Lorne Elder of Montreal is vis- Bing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Elder. Mrs, William Manlgnali and 1Mir. Kenneth Meagnall [o.f Beate -wine were recent visitors with Miss Hattie Suth- erland and Mr. Geo. Sutherland. Mr. Rabb, Pasemare returned 'from a very pleasant holiday spent iu Tor - .onto Huntsville and at Bigwinn Inn, Miss 'Margaret Hableirk of Detroit -is vi iting relatives '.and ,friends in the village. Miss Ethel 'Murdock and Mrs. Vera Hoggarvh of Calgary, even, leave been ,upending the past Revertl.weeks nu town left on Sunday Inc ::heir haaite. "Mise Greta l.amanis visited recently with her sister, Mins Amy Laramie in 'Windsor. The Mission Circle mem'hers 'of the United Church attended the !banquet held in North Side United Church, Seafortee on Friday evening ' when Miss 'Patterson. missionary from L1- elia. twos the special speaker. A verypleasant time was tspent at the home of Mrs. Bertha Bell on Wednesday evening when the young people of Carmel Fresthytenian Lchunch held a 'weiner roast, During the even- ing 'court whist was played and a very enjoyable time had by all. Harvest Home Service,— St Paul's Anglican .oltuvph wee beautifully [decorated witlh a profusion of flowers and ve •talbles and fronts for the harvest home 'service on 'Sun- day. Rev. Canon Wallace of St. fames', \\teetminerer, was the special speaker at 'the scorning service and Rev. Dr, Anderson ed London deliv- ered the special sermon in the even- ing. Rev. M. A. Hent also assisted. The cl 'ir ,ang very appropriate an- num,. for tate occasion. Carmel Church Pulpit Vacant— Rev, D. C. Hill conducted services in Carmel Presbyterian sbyteri:an Churdh ori Sunday and declared the 'pulpit vac- ant and the congregation prepared to her Calls for a minister. The choir eon: beautiful an therm, "Thine Is tin Kingdom,” at the morning e'er - vice and "Faith of 'Oar Fathers” at rhe evenin_, service. Next Sunday Rev. John Sutherland, M.A.. of Tor - erne will preach 'herr. Me. and Mrs. Wan White [of Lon - 1 visited with relatives card friends 'n town on Sunday, United Church W.M.S. Meet.— The \1',M.S. of the United Church !std their regular meeting on '[''hors dee efternoon - with 'the 'honorary pre- ee e nt, Mrs Chas. McDonell, [presid- ing in the 1h enre IA' the Pre ident, Mrs. W. B Gross, \iter singing the of t r !wat 97, Mrs, ileDonell [led in prayer. The Scripture lesson wtls gran by M:rs. N. E. Cook and the 'hns- in s, disetraeti. It 'wd's 'dre1ded 10 ole: a sale of du»nent.ad'g e o( -ling in ilolithron & Drc:<tlale's store on. Sat - .:ay. Sept. 23rd. Hymn 332 was. sun r and a very beautiful 'duet 'played (;rets hemmie on elle violin ar-[ \ir,. \rr,. 'Hoagarth on tin, 'i en,, A revis v asci trevxw wif the rk done in 11e p201 year WPF.led v t Chas. \' 11,ne11 assisted by sir . A. Slimier and Mr.. W. 1B. ileo he meeting closed 'by sing- t:E H3yntn 21 and the L'ord's ;prayer in orison. TheArnold- Cirrlc of Carmel Chsrri, held a wins.* ,meeting at ,the nitre of bliss Mabel Workman on day craning. !Dainty ref re.:h- ment, were served by the hostess at the close of the evening. Mrs. Utley- of .7..1irich visited rec- ently at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Derb.us. The executive 'ef the young people of Huron Preebytery stet in Carmel Church on Monday evening for mak- 'arratagenlents [for the fall rally to be held in Bayfield. Rev, R. A. Brook condatctcd the services in the United Oh'uroh on Sunday and Miss Bella Stnale and Mrs. Geo. Hess sang a'beautiful duet '"When the World Forgets." At the evening service Mr. W. O. Goodwin rendered a pleasing 'solo, "The Better Land." Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Faster have moved into their new and up-to-date dwelling on Main street and are get- ting nicely s'etrled, Mr. Wm. Dabns had the ,misfor- tune vAtile riding home .on the run - nine board of an automobile 'driven ay Mr. Resy Campbell on Friday ev- ening..of being thrown j'itet opposite fix school. Mr. Dabus :suffered 'facial bruises autl a bad .shaking up,_ Rally Day services will 'be [bell' lit tate United Church newt Sunday mor- .ninc. A 'hays' 'and 'girls' 'chorus will assist the regular choir and Rev. R. A. Brook will •;:peak on the [subject, 'The Church School Moves For- ward." Council Meeting.— The regular ,meeting of the village council was [held in the 'coun'c'il ,cltam- ber on 'Monday evening at .5 'p.m. with all inemhers• present. The minutes of the last meeting were read. Jones and Shepherd, that [rbc minutes be ado'p't- ed as read. Carried, Lee Hedden re- ported re the :re'p'airs to She (pavement and catch (basins 'as lining ,completed, also .for the request .for [two 111lo Park- ing signs from the Bank of 'Montreal, and also s'ugges'ted some [furnace coal be secured. Twitchell 'and Slhephend, that we carder five tons of furnace coal from W. R. Davidson. Carried, Miss Clarissa Mitchell appeared re insulin and the saine was.explained to her. Correspondence read as follows: Red Cross Society, 're 'fonneitvg a soc- iety here; Dept. of Welfare, Dept. of Mvniclpial Affairs, County Treasurer, Hensaill School Board. Bills and ac- counts; 0. Row'cliffe, relief milk, $3: Cook's store, relief 'groceries, $20; Dept. ofHealth, inulin, $1.95; Mun- icipal 'World,. .supplies, $3!12; F. •G. B rthron, postage, $S; Lee Redden, salary, $56Hensall Hydro, hydro, Vete; J. McClinchey, teaming, 'park, $3:60; Ed. Little, ,painting sign, Horton 'and [Jones, that the clerk be instructed 10 'add the costs of the weed cutting to the following persons' property in the collector's roll: G. McEwen estate $1,$0 Mrs. Hyde 4.0c, Geo, Todd estate ,f(k. Carried Jones and Shepherd, that we :set the tax rate .for the year 1939 as fulloww; 'County rate 3:C5, 'v'illage; 10,9, labnary 0,5, deben'tu're 4,3, tsdiiaal 10 9, relief 0,4. Total taxtabie tate of 31 miles [chats Atlee provincial grant of 1,5 Wills. Car - ivied. Twitchell and Horton,. Choat by- laws Markt Ill' be given .first and sec- ond reading. Carried. S'hep'herd and Jones, that Iby'lawia •10 and IA be given {hard and final reading. Carried Hor- ton and 7 w'itdhield, 'that we bill the Dept, of Highways for the suis of $514.,60 for the 'Oost'af the road oil on 'Highway Na 84 Cantied, Twitchell and Shepherd, [tlhat we adjourn. Car- ried, Ij[as, A. Paterson. Clerk. Mies Audrey Pwibehelll was the gluiest of 'Miss Evelyn Coebebt on Sunday. Mr. and 'Mrs, 'Cosnclius Odok re- turned house atter a -trip eo the World's Fair, New Yoilk, They were accompanied by their ,son and w'i'fe, Mr.,and Mins, Harry [Cook of Tlanonto, [Quite es number from There attended [rhe drumhead service 'held in Victoria Park, Exeter, on Sunday. Rev. K. H. Palmer cnf 'Palmerston, 'Dormer private :sec'ret'ary for Sir Sani Hughes 'd'uri'ng. the Great War, wa's'dhg a'pociad'spealc- er and delivered a very five (address. Mr. and Mrs. Frecl G, Bonthron mo- tored to Brockville, where Mr. Bon- thron attended the Postmaster's con- vention as a member of the Huron - Perth executive. Miss Olive Walker, R.N., returned to heir duties at Albany Hospital, New York, after a very pleasant visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Waster, Elaine Hoskins who underwent an operation for appendicitis in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, last week, is improving and is expected to return home soon. Dr. I. G. Smillie and Mrs. Smillie returned home after a very pleasant visit with relatives and friends in Toronto. Mr. John Craig, who recently re- turned home from Victoria Hospital, London, where he underwent a seri- ous operation some time ago, is much improved lu health. His many friends hope to see him out soon, Quite a number of ladies of Carmel Church attended the. W.M.S. Presby- terial held. in Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, on Tuesday, when Mrs. John Williams, provincial presi- dent, of Toronto, was the SPeeial speaker, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron spent Sunday in Waterloo, Blacksmith Shop Re-opened— Mr. Arthur Bushey has re -opened the blacksmith shop of the late Mr, Geo. Brock, Mr. Bushey is an experi- enced blacksmith by trade and will Linen Towelling, 2 yds25c Tea Towels, 2 for 25c Many Other Bargains. MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING o SCHOOL TOGS xnickers $1.50 Long 'Trousers ,-,,, $1.50 Breeks ' $1.50 Brushed Wool Wind - breakers .-,,$1,98 Pullovers . ..... 49c up • MEN ! See our new range of wool suitings and coatings. Tailored to your own m easurements. Satisfaction guaranteed. Buy before: prices rise. FASHION CRAFT CLOTHES �3 ywood Patterns TAVISHI'S SEAFORTH BRUSSELS no doubt servethe public in the same pleasing manner as Mr. Brock, W.M.S. of Carmel Church .Meet— The W.M.S. of Carmel Church held their regular • meeting on Thursday afternoon in the church with the pre- sident Mrs. C. S. Hudson presiding, After singing the hymnran "I Need Thee Every Hour," Mrs, Hudson led in prayer. The Bible Lesson, Psalm 147, was read by Mrs, Peter Manson. The minutes fo the previous meeting were read and adopted and the roll call answered with a prayer. The business was discussed and arrangements made to attend the W.M.S. Presby— terial to be held in Snox Church, Goderich, on Tuesday, Sept. 12.. The next meeting will be held on Tues- day, Oct. 3 at 8 p,nt, when the Hoine Helpers will be -. entertained. After'. singing 'Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer," Mrs. Dallas took the topic on the ' Bhil Field," which was very interesting, Mrs. Hannah Workman led in prayerand hymn "0 For a Closer Walk with God, was sung fol- lowed by the Lord's prayer in unison. Mrs. Victor Fee is having an up-to- date porch built on her dwelling, the work being done by Messrs. John H. Cochrane and Wine Hornet'; BRODHAGEN. Mi', Geo. Mogk, Mr, and Mrs. Har- old Mogk and Nancy motored to To- ronto over the week end: Miss Eva 'flresenberg and Master Billie Wesen- berg returned with them to . their home in Toronto after spending the summer here. Mr. Walter Bortfeld of Tyr"onne'is visiting with Rev. and Mrs. Fried- richsen, The Church Council of St. Peter's Lutheran Church attended the con- vention in Baden on Sunday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. George Young of Stratford visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Diego!, The Brodhagen Band played at the Rostock school fair on Wednesday afternoon. They are also taking part in the Stratfard Boys' Band Tattoo on Friday night. Share Thrill -Packed Excitement with "The Phantom" A terror to criminals, an enigma to police and a lone -wolf hero of daz- zling exploits and brilliant crime - detection, is "The Phantom," a new feature in the big 16 -PAGE COLOR COMIC WEEKLY with The Detroit Sunday Times. Follow this mysteri- ous masked avenger in his battles against evil doings every Sunday! DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY Horses, Cattle, Hogs, etc. --Courteous Service PHONE—SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 (COLLECT) DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. MEW SATURDAY SPECIALS WANTED CLEAN, WHITE EGGS that are gathered twice daily and delivered to us twice weekly. For Grade A Large we are paying 28c per dozen. Trade only New Clover Honey n Y u„89c Bologna,10popernd pound 14c Breakfast Bacon 29c Shortening, 2 pounds 250 Pure Lard, 2 pounds 23c Sugar, 10 lbs. 63c Icing Sugar, 3 lbs. 23c Corn Flakes, 2 pkges 15c ONIONS, 10 pounds, 19c Jo Finnigan AUCTION SALE Lambert Saleyard, Strathroy, Sat- urday, Sept, 16th. 200 Head of Mixed Cattle. Usual rut of Mixed Pigs and Calves. Those wishing to hut' cattle priv- ately can do so by seeing the under- signed auctioneer anytime during the week. Trucks to deliver. Terms cash, A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock and Imple- ments at Lot 27, Con. 11, Goderich Township, 4 miles west of Clinton on Wednesday, September 27, at 1 0" clock sharp,. consisting of horses, cat- tle, implements and household effects.. The farm, which consists of 120 acres of good clay loam with good farm buildings, will be offered for sale. Terms made known on clay of sale. Mrs. Ruth Graham, Proprietress, Thomas Reid, Varna; George H. Elliott, Clinton, Administrators of. Estate. Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. FOR SALE For sale by tender approximately 2 acres Of turnips and mangolds. Tend- ers close Sept. 22nd, Apply to Geo. Eberhart, Seaforth, Phone 5228. RHEUMATISM ISM We know from testimonials of over 15 years, that this Remedy does bring results. Its value proven by others, its action is quick, a product worthy of your complete oonfidenee. See your druggist or write THOMAS' RHEUMATISM REMEDY 21 Yale St., London, Ontario Send us the names of your visitore. THE SEAFORTH FALL FAIR Thurs. and FrL Sept., 21-22 Splendid Entries and Exhibits in Every Class SCHOOL CHILDREN'S PARADE BAND Bicycle and Foot Races Children's Speaking Competition Boys' & Girls' Calf Club Special Novelty Events, entirely new, going in front of Grandstand all Friday afternoon A Complete Change Attractions of SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS TRIALS OF SPEED ---TWO RACES 2.30 CLASS, OPEN 3 Heat Plan.—Every heat a race... PURSE $75:00 2.25 CLASS, OPEN 3 Heat Plan.—Every heat a race... PURSE $75.00 Hall open Thursday night. Admission lac DANCING ? Friida f Night, Cardno's Hall Old' and New dancing. Admission 35c. Music by an outstanding 9 -Piece Orchestra The Seaforth Agricultural Society HUMPHREY SNELL, President MRS. J. A. KERR, Secretary SFE. BILLS FOR COMPLETE LIST OF ATTRACTIONS 1i1 LMER d, BELL, B.A. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D, 'McConnell, H. Glenn. Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth, Office 'hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m, to 9 p. n, WORK WANTED Girl would like housework by the month as soon as possible. Apply to News Office. PiLOT STOVES, RANGES, ETC. Agent for the Pilot Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces and Fireco Bridgewall Ranges. See these on display above McDmialcl's Bakery. Compare these stoves before you buy. Save from air to eight. dollars. Trade in your old stove, liberal allowance, A. Zimmer- man, Kain st., Seaforth. HONEY FOR SALE Good grade of mixed honey, 50 per Th. in your containers. D. G. Mac- Farlane, McKillop, Telephone Sea - forth 248-3. GET YOUR HAIR CUT For the Fall Fair at Bolton's Bar- ber Parlor, East William Street, Sea - forth. APPLES FOR SALE Wealthy, Yellow Crabs and Cooking Apples, also Pears. Phone Clinton 622-24. Fred Me lymont, Varna. FOR SALE 90 acre grass farm lot 2, B H D., 1 mile south of Rayfield with never failing spring creek, Purchaser has privilege of pasture for 10 head of young cattle till end of season. Ap- ply to Robert Taylor, Varna, or tele- phone 24-623, Clinton. WANTED Would' exchange house in London worth $2500-$3000, for first mortgage on good 100 acre farm, well built. Apply to The News office. FARMS FOR SALE $500 cash will buy 150 acres in Mc- Killop. Seven miles froth Seaforth. Balance can be left on the place at 3%, There is a good barn and house, artesian well. Also a farm in Hullett, five miles from Blyth, 125 acres, can be bought for $500 cash, remainder at 3%, On this place is a good brick house, barn, artesian well, and never failing spring. Apply for particulars to P.O. Box 175, Blyth, Ontario. GRAiN WANTED I ani buying grain for George Thompson of Hensel!. Am still sell- ing oil and grease. Sam Chesney, Eg- mondville, Phone 148r3, HOUSE FOR SALE House in Egmondville on Main St,,. stable, hen house, garage, % acre of land, plenty of room, 3 rooms upstairs. Hydro, cistern, hard and soft water, low taxes, fruit trees. Apply at The News Office. FOR SALE Rosco Steel Roofing, written 25 - year guarantee, Rosso Portable Silos, Eavestroughing, Galvanized Sheet Iron, Metal Siding, Galvanized Water Troughs, Tanks and Hog Troughs, Granary Lining, Stove Pipes, Furn- ace Pipet, Metal Ridge and Valley, Roofing Paints, Asphalt Roofing, As- phalt Brick Siding, .Insul-Brick Sid- ing, plastic cements, Building Paper, Nails, &c. Phone 618 ring 12, Clinton. Murray Tyndall, Brucefield, INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds.. Rates seasonable. All risks placed m first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Phone 334 w STRATFORD - GODE'RICH COACH LINES SUMMER TIME TABLE Leaves Seaforth for Stratford: Daily 5.26 a.m. and 11.26. p.m. Learea Seaforth for Goderich: Daily exec/ft ,Sunday and hal„ 1.00 p.m.' end 7.40 p.m. San. and hot., 1.00 p.m. and 9.20 p.m. Connection at .Stratford for Toronto, Hamilton, Buffalo, Landon, Detroit, Tavistock, 'Woodstock Agents: Queen's, Commercial, Dick ''case