The Seaforth News, 1939-09-14, Page 4PAGE FOUR
Snowdon lees., Publishers
Rev. H. V. Workmate of Seaforth
Rev. Mr. Mahoney, of Brussels
Special Mttsic by the Choir, assist-
ed by Mr. L. Eckneier of Brussels.
Supper served 6 to 8 p.m.
Entertainers -re. The Centennial
Chnrelt Concert Company, Loudon.
Admission 35c and 20c
:mr. Flood and son Stan-
ley. also Mrs. Walks and Mise Zel
Walks Of Scienee Hill were Week -end
viShers with Mr. and Mrs, D. H. Bird.
Mr. Jos. Taylor. Miss Ida Taylor Of
lence Hill and Mr: Lloyd Somerville
• If Si. Marys wore Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. 13ird,
- Mr. Harvey Hittite, aceompanied by
his brother-in-law Mr. Harvey Alete
ander, took In the worlds fair last
week. They are pleased.ta say it was
e wonderful tile and the scenery ex-
Mr. Ross Aldereon Of North Bay is
holidaying with his grandparents, Mr.
end Mrs. Jas. Bishop at present.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Lust of Niagara
Falls spent the week end with her
sister Mrs. R. W. Hoy.
Mr. Win, Kelly is at preset holt.
slaying with relatives in Toronto.
Mrs. Ken Rutledge and Eileen have
returned to Toronto. also Jack Mager,
after spending the past week with
their mother Mrs. Chas. Drager, who
IA confined to bed at present.
An aviator from Hamilton spent
Saturday afternoon ut our village and
• • a nmnber of our older citizerte enjey-
ed an air ride for the first time. and
Aaid they were delighted with it.
A pretty September wedding took
place at Londesboro United Church
- manse at 11 •oink Saturday. Sept. 9,
by Rev. A. E. Menzies. when Annie
Flazel, eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Hoggart of Hallett
came the bride of Harry Wrieht. only
sen of Mrs. Watkins and the late
Jeseph Watkins. Base Line.
• The bride w eharmiett ei a dress
•4 white sheer with white ee.tar' hat,
le.ep pink yeses with meelen hair
Miss Aimi lieeeerth. ,ister ef the
• tree,. wes eress
.e,ee ee• r eee with
e•-ee. tt.trt ,trt.hti '
rit.' A't Vein,er
II I ]. .•' rnm, 1,y n.
,• :•
mid ‘'s ••.
m Misses
the dining room which was tastefully
decorated with roses and other flow-
ers. The grandmothers were seated
together at the centre long table
which was tilled. About 135 were
served a splendid supper including
ice cream as a special treat front the
Mrs. I. Tamblyn had her sister and
niece Mrs. tDre Medd and MISe Josie
of London visit her last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Lyon are visiting
with their son Dr. Kirk Lyon at Lea-
Mrs. Thos. Sampson is visiting with
Mrs. Elizabeth Lyon and other
Miss Helen Yungblutt of London .15
having her holidays and is with her
Parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. Yungblutt.
Kip.pen East W,
The Kippen East W.I. met at the
home of Mrs. Louis Clark on Wed-
nesday evenieg, Sept. 6th with a good
attendance. The president presided
and opened the meeting : with com-
munity singing consisting .09 "The In-
stitute Ode," "Oh God our help In
ages past," and "Annie Laurie," then
followed the Lord's prayer. The poem
"Growth in Life" was read by Mrs.
Edgar Butt. Mrs. Clark and Mrs.
Glenn read the story of their farms.
Current events was a .general •diecus-
sion on the world happenings during
the last few weeks, led by Mrs. G.
McLean. The .motto, "The old order
ehangeth yielding piece to new and
God fulelle himself in many Ways,"
was given by Mrs. W. McLean, who
gave a vet,* interesting paper on this
subject. This was followed by an
equally interesting paper on the sub-
ject, Homemaker versus Housekeeper
by Mrs. W. Dillieg. Mrs, J. Sinclair
read the second paper in the series
on noted Canadians, her subject being
Laura Secord. Mrs. W. Dilling and
Mrs. M. Traquair favored with the
song, "Juanita.' Mrs. W. Cole gave a
good paper on towelling and blank.
ets. The minutes of the last meeting
were read by Miss A. •Dinnen who is
leaving the neighborhood and the In-
stitute took tills" opportunity to pre•
sent her with a small gift in appreci-
ation of her services. Mrs. A. Mc-
Gregor read the address and Mrs,
Glenn Slavin presented the gift. An
unusual musical nutnber was the il-
lustration of two lullabies, "Rock -A-
B)'," and "Good -night, Mr. Sandman
is calling," with Mesdames McLean,
McGregor, Caldwell, Cooper and Bell
taking part. The roll call. "My Mat-
ernal Grandmother's Name," was
fully answered. A debate, "Resolved
that our present rural neighborhoods
have lost the sociability of pioneer
days," with Mrs. W. Dolg and Miss
Laura Tremeer for the affirmative
and Mrs. R. Dalrymple and Mre. Jas.
Finlayson for the negative. The sub.
jeet was well discussed with both
sides very evenly matched. Mrs. W.
McGregor and Mrs. Jas. Finlayson,
the youngest and the oldest grand-
mother present were each presented
with a cup and.saucer. With the pros,
Pert of a call for Red Cross supplies
a red cross committee was appointed.
A vote of thanks to Mrs. Clark and
the singing of the national anthem
elosed the nteeting. Lunch was serv-
ed and a social time was enjoyed by
all. The next meeting will be at the
.honie of Mrs. Jas. Smillie on Wed-
nesday ,dtermson. Oct. 11111.
W.M.S. —
)01 1r4, .e •
M. S. held at the MfeJeitli hente
of Mrs. cooper. Opened ey
-11,11,11 ti- Uf,
1,!: 1",tol
iltr• tt• 11,1',.
-t•c,!! t"'"!,7",0"1,, '1ot :•,,t•titto
f lir, 4 tt :lay
.0.r Mit nn, ,1'3-:•.•
1..:• words. 11.-s. Chandler led
r t: Ti: •..fotal
. 11-, reey will
eti 111, 4rootr.:s. f..rri, Base
L. -to'. e V1'' 't' end Jack
Stedersen se. -:t Tmeelay et the Tir-
Grandmother's Day at tee
Londesboro institute—
)u Thursday after1.e:77 t'tf last
week a laree, number ..f laslies spent
the aftertmeel at the c..,:mitinnitv hall.
ring (ilirelmothers' bay. which is
always on.. Itlt.r, best meetings 09
the year. :Resetting opened i•-iy singing
the oppning. aml 0 ,:tarmio with
the president Mrs. R. FaMesrvive pre-
siding. The business pert was put
teeeough rinit-tklY o' r.,....sstilde. the
91! call Leine answered by -Mem-
riee of Grandmother,- A eltorus by
eee granduvehere T ele. lot hrath
--em "We're leer- ter rJr. riele From
...,•••••-- start," and -Lett's, atreem (nevelt
ie the vale" Mrs. Wmeieek t reed -
leg, "I anew -rel tee" :Vets. Jr.s. ,Men -
',eine gave a history tl•-• Loniee.bero
Mstitute iron: Til"-' y-4.... it. -vas ergan-
eted 119 Feb. 1:!9h. Pies. with 19' Mein -
1:t -t1"0 011 until the present day
171 September, ISne. with s. tnembers.
redline of many weieh had
.started through the soars and
ebieh the Institute tted ceterwuted
showing that the Ire...titters was a
girth while soeiety. The Grandnieth-
ers then sang "Ginger Up." and
'ellen we all get tegether." TMs
was repeated several time's, at the
last all joining in. The19 ell the grand-
mothers wore asked te ennie on the
stage and walk. the prize for . the
most graceful walker going to Mrs.
flew Clinton. The gueesinr ec,ntest
f. beans in a bottle wes a n ey Mrs.
R. Vodden. Mrs. L. I qt. 19.-
1910' for loving t.crantit
i.a.their present, she also a
119 '1! Mrs. the
youngest grandmother. i,770 Mrs. 1-1.
Lyon for the most. tyominl.ildrett
19) Mrs. '1'19411th•t
rliStft VIA' nne se sive
e.„010,1 to al_ dny sunki-r. MN.
Vtill'H'"Ecifte gore a corm...." ird
SaYings. The Myth ladies s•ing 0
The most int -r' -.ting -,,vas
drawing of tielucky ticket on the
119 1901 grandmother's; quilt:, aiN. V.
c Roy heir ths. Winner. This quilt
was very beentifully made in the
grondmother fan pattern with lovely
quilling, This lirought the Afternoon'
proceedings to a close. The national
anthem was sung,..and ell repaired to
91 119- programme, -The
eltmes,, •,„
sesnarle. esear tied fee etresene par-
te...el:ray tee were. ,A those serving •qt
the 19 11' 19 9 Csanatilan life, then
leading ue to our of ser -
vie." in tem homes and communities.
The programme was a review' of the
work of the, 1938-39 and a
preview. giving a• glitnpse ahead to
those paths of service with which we
are to become more familiar in 1939-
40 Th. 'WILLS. may help to build a
kingdom without frontiers where the
principles of Jesus. the substitution
of love far selfishness. will be de•
monstrated in arts of brotherhood in
the home. in t9.,4 titur,h. in the cam -
=laity, in all life.
Miss Vent, O'Reilly left last week
jt:qn the novitiate of the. Grey Sis-•
;:ses ef the Immaeulato conception at
Pembroke. Ont.
Mr. am? Mrs. Vineent MeMation
nd Mies Rose O'Reilly of Detroit.
Mrs. A.Ean .T, Brant of Terme and
Mrs. J. ()Reilly, St. celtunhan, nee
tired to Pembroke hist week. Points
of intereet taken were Midland. Mus-
koka Lakes; Callender. North Bay
and Kingston.
Miss Agn-'s O'Conner. le.N., Lon-
don, is visiting leer parents., Mr. and
Mrs. I). J. O'Connor.
Miss Clare Pope, Kitchenerwas a
vieitor at•ehe ill)11P3 of Mr. emi Mrs.
John L. Malone.
oid Dr. Stork presented them with a
Mr. and, Mrs. Frank Coleman and
family of McKillop visited at Mr. haey girl one day last
Nut•ee Kethleen Beacom is in
Sam Whitmore's last Sunday.
number from thivicirityCharge 1t9 her sister Mrs. Lyon and
(Smite a. s
Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer
Come in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck
We also have a Service Truck—if you have car trouble,
phone 179 and we will come promptly
Electric Welding
Done by an Experienced Welder, Ken Campbell, starting Sept, 4th.
Work guaranteed. The portable weldor can be takep any place with
or without Hydro
All Repairs Strictly Cash,
We Aim To Please
Bride and Groom Showered—
On Thursday evening prior to their
Wedding the friends and neighbors of
Miss Hazel .Hoggarth and Mr. Harry
Watkins gathered at the home of
Mr. Charles Stewart to present thent
with a lovely occasional chair. The
address ,was read by Miss Elma
Leitch and Mrs. W. V. Roy and Cela
Lloyd presented Gem with a miscel.
laueous basket. Lillie 'Adams and
Mrs. V. Kennedy presented them
with the chair. A social time was en-
joyed by all and a bounteous lunch
was served, •
The anniversary of Hillsgreen
Red Church will be held ea Sunday,
Sept. 17. Rev, H. V. Workman will be
the guest speaker. Services at 11 a.
m. and 1,30 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Consitt and
family have returned home from
their trip to the West. Mrs. W.
Tuner returned home with them,
Mr. James Cochrane of Toronto
spent the week end with his brother
Mr. Allan Cochrane.
Mrs. Ross Dick and family have re-
turned to their home itt Smithsville
after spending some time at the home
of her brother Mr. Allan Cochrane,
Miss Edna Cochrane and Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Robinson accompanying
her home..
Quite a number from here attend-
ed the war veterans' service in Exeter
on Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Greenless of
Detroit called on Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Dalrymple on Saturday last.
Miss Jean Daltyinple of Waterloo
spent the week end with Miss Ruby
Mr. Earl Drover of London spent
the week end with his parents Mr.
and Mrs. 'rhos. Drover,
Mr. Wm. Parker, who underwent
an operation in Clinton hospital is
improving nicely. His many friends
wish him a very speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. John Reid and faintly
of Detroit are spending a few days
with friends in Stanley.
• Mr. and Mrs. Russel Consitt and
Mr. Ralph Stephenson returned last
week from a pleasant motor -trip to
9,11-91 NImmt, Man. Mrs, Minerva Tur-
eer. who has been visiting her sisters
or PF.nt Mound for some months, re-
tuned hones with their.
Mr. ntoi Mrs. Edwin Hobson and
eeehy. ol.••• Mrs. Frank Hobson of
Thon•tis spent 'Sunday with Mr.
1,, v. W. Tesvesiteee of London
with Mr. and Mrs.
St• tchni.n.
Alr. leap, Jr. 1:‘ 1vii,g: a now
1,, 11, t•Pt-t 10_.
v,Itih,g tells ringing. • -
,'er ere Mrs Hamilton of Toronto
••9 rec..etly at the home of Mr.
mei Mrs. Thos. johnston.
Mrs. Teugh and daughter Miss
Margaret and Mrs. Steep of Clinton
called on friends in this community.
Mrs. Douglas and Miss Emma Dins-
more visited frionds at London re.
The Blake ladies of the church held
o serial evening at the home of Mr.
W. M. Finlay in honor of his daugh-
ter Miss Alberta, bride elect of this
week. and presented her with a purse
of money aud an address was read
by Miss Beatrice Manson and the
presentation was made by Mrs. Thos,
Ree. Mr. Peters is back from liis
vaeation and tilling his duties again.
Mr. Gordon Johnston of Thornloe is
eperding a few days at his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston.
Mrs. Arthur Colson was operated on
in Seaferth 'Memorial Hospital. Wed-
nesday of last week. We are pleased
to know she is now improving and-
hepe .she wiil soen he thoroughly well.
We wish to congratulate Mr.
Reece Ferris or. having purchased an
International Tractor and wish him
S'elf:CSS with same.
Mr. Guy Leiper was demonstrating
near Blyth Friday last with the Good-
ison tractor and oae •vony dise which
ht father... Mr, Juries Leiper recently
We wish to congratulate Mr. and
Mre, Joseph Lyon near Londesboro as
took in the fairs this 0
la '11100 1,Whitntiore had
ure have a enuple rf
lost oreek, Hope to luar
let himself again.
Flo!, her Whitrimr-
speht With hi,
I: wee her siels 119 al, 'Killer.
Mr. .Tu'. cart.w trot a
all h y mrd. r
• R.,- 9!, tilt, woods.
Mr. :rtd Mrs. Royirmnil
.nt Sul nt t 9 Mr. und
MN, Westsy Hoizgorth.
Mr, and Mrs. Fletcher Townser.d
spent Wednesday in London.
the niisf -•
ribs r ROXBORO.
9,, ;oil 11., • bon ergo-jf R.. -, •
f _ .c.iti'is,...otts,
itstn,rts. • 1'ec Malt -
Want J., 9 17 ,i- Sal: A4s, ,ni.ek
t- • 9,,, eme +mon!
19., 1, ecilt
lied:. 4, and Roisert 'scot?: and
_ 1 01: t• • tb is new
I .1'r,rn itues
• i> f.ert e. is ._9e,t94
t'i tie ii.olk Milts
.4Ti,t 117111 weice., eeried the farnlers
eid‘.! snrr..ntmling
• - (Continued From Paso 1.)
The list of .subikribera for. 'January,
Armitage, A.; 'Grain Merdhant,
Main Sit.; Coleman, -if,. T., Salt Man-
ufacburer, Main St,; Coleman, T. T.,
:Residence, flivron oad; Dainty, L.
E., Barrister, Mein St.; Grand Trunk
Railway, Freight 'Office; Gray, Young
Spading, Salt Manners, Main St.;
Great ,North-Western Telegraph ,Co.,
gain St.; Hunon Ex.positor Printing
Office, Main St.; Pallet, C. W., Book-
sellerand -Stationer, Main St.; San
Feinting, Office, Miaitt - St,;
12, D., htgei Dealer, gain St.; Wilson,
D„ Residence, Jantes St,
The :four inetellati.ons reported in
the -Press on April 30, 1086, were:
Commercial Hotel, Mr. Broadfoot's
Office. Mr. J.ohn Beattie, residence;
Mr. William 141. Gray, residence.
Scaiorth's first exchange sons loc-
ated in the book store of C. 1W'. Papst
in the ,Cartbno block and Mr. Fapst
.was manager ,of The Bell Teleiphont
Company's office in Sleaforth from
1e1115 to. 1901. He was succeeded by 1.
V. Fear who :held the position from
i109)2 to P.M. Mr. Fear was followed
by Miss Belle licKny until
Then followed Irliss, Loretto Mt -
Cormick until ,19.93. She was f billowed
by Miss M. B. Hairkirk who held 'Nhe
position until 119312.
At present in charge of ibhe ex-
change is Miss E. M. Chaff, assisted
by Misses M. Flannery, G. Free, E.
Cardin), L. Hawkins, H. ;erica and
Mrs. M. Pinkney.
Early in 1ee8.5 long distance lines
between Seaforth and Clinton were
completed andtelephone communica-
tion established 'between these two
pOint Subscribers marvelled at rhe
remarkable clearness with -which eon-
versatione •coidd be .carried on ,beit-
%wen the two towns.
Today there are ,ver BOO telephones
6n service in Segorth,. or more than
tines as many a.; half a century
Our school opened in its usual form
With our teacher Miss Beer,
Miss Mary McKay and Master Ste-
phen McKay, who were successful
pupils at the entrance exams, are at-
tending the Seaforth Collegiate In-
Your correspondent is not surpris-
ed that the German people here have
sympathy for their kin. but we know
that the majority would not want to
tight for those crazy war leels who
will exist. since they migrated. If.
thny 141,19 I....mai:it-sr! there C•Vt.:-,..v young
matt 1! to 1s years weiel have
to servc pny. the time of
1 r•-. 1Zo,"0.t,".'s nIt'ty
tit.! 190-„t1t I, •7 • t,i‘7 (11 '0 0111,
fr...el.i.: 11' 15,t1",4hirt a!
9914 ''11( .i•.siro
inionloone, sit'?' prny-r
Gene Autry Smiley Burnette
'Mountain Rhythm'
Mon,, Tues., Wed,
Pflmot. '
Reinnted.,thru United Artkes
Next Thur. Fr'i„ Sat,
Cagey Pirtles...Shoots...KW.
DONALD CRISP • Directed by Lloyd Bacon
Music by Mos Stainer • Screen Ptay by Warren Oufr
Robert Buckner and Edward E. Paramore • From an
Original Story by Edward E. Paramore and Wally Melte
(Continuod from Pao 1)
.conversation is finished, another
)ainp lights ftp, itiforininig the opera-
tor sale .ettiu .discomient those lines.
Those •attending theconversion
ibe able to see the ihttle lamps 0,:liows
lug as subscribers lift their receivers
at home. •OectisionaRy, a subscriber
may .forget and turn his .ceank attiactt-
ment or he may -carelessly hang his
directory on the •crank, Whereupon
brie limps will 9. usa to flicker
Airobher feature of the new switoh-
hoard which will tend to provide ,fast-
er service is the "multiple" In front
of each operator, which will cuable
her to reach the line of any telephone
in Seaforth herself, instead of .passing
on .certela calls to 'another "tverator,
as she ,fonmerly did.
"10ur experience in iprevious conver-
sions," ,s -aid 3. -.M. McIntosh, manager
for The Bell Telephone Oistitpany of
Canada in this district, "shows that
the volume of ,curiosity ,calls made af-
ter the conversion Just to see how the
system iworks is sometimes so heavy
that service suffers as a result. A
curiosity call closes a line which may
ibe required .for a more important
•conn ectiou.
"If callers will remember 'not to
use the crank attachment after two
o'olock, iand will refrain ,foom 'placing
exiperimental calls iand ifrom hanging
directories on the crank, they ehouild
tind the 1.11.,W service entirely satisfac-
tory," lie ,concluded.
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Allen were the
guests of honor at a family gathering
at Sunset Beach. Present were Mr.
and Mrs, Norman Allen, Mr, and Mrs.
Harold J, Alleu, Aubrey Smith, Gods -
rich; Mr, and Mrs, Maitland Allen of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bogie, Dol-
ores and Dorothy of St. Thomas have
moved into the house here owned by
Mr. Alfred Rolliuson.
Miss Sadie Carter has returned
Iran! Detroit.
Mr. Thos. Wilson, John and Mac,
and Mr. and Mrs. John Moulden and
Nelson were at London.
Mrs. John Turner of Clinton is vie-
iting Mre. Archie Robinson Jr.
Marie Vincent has returned. front
North Bay and Ottawa.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walden, Vice
tor and Marjorie, visited at George
Mr. W. I. Riddell is visiting J. Mc..
Gill at Belgrave.
Harry Yungblutt, Harry Arthur,
Ivan Yungblutt and Bill of Zurich, Yin.
ited Mrs. John Arthur.
Mixed Grain Yields 70 Bushels an Acre
Thie is a vien" - in tin.. thitty aufe nett' of Ctsle.10-m,h 40.
sevemy 14 I:At,: ttty,ti!",9 Itt to. Ott.,
Starting Sept. lst, Walker's Furniture Store
offers the Greatest Bargains in Furniture ever
offered anywhere.
Come in and see for yourself and save money
on every piece. Buy now anything you may need,
while these prices last.
01 tk•
tqt ttrt,
entananataransAusatervarannuaateatataantractransarauntannamust•,anartarnansactat_ bre:
eek End Bargains
Special Prices on Mattresses and Springs,
Cots, Day Beds and Studios over the week end
urniture St
re, taforth
AttiWZNi EA 41,,AN1"4ra.4,t