HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-08-24, Page 8PAGE ED T THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1939 eSSEESSEXefilelr EXC 1 ING ALE Your Chance to Save on Summer Stockings REGULAR 755e VALUE Buy plenty of these fine silk stockings for vacations and for every Summer need ! Mar- velously flattering and long wearing, they are exciting buys at the regular price ! Sheer, sleek -fitting to wear beauti- fully with white, pastels and summer prints ! Ringless chiffons, service sheers with picot tops, runguard hems, triple heels'. Ail the new summer colors ! Every pair protected by CIRCLE -BAR'S million Dollar Neva -Wet process which protects against runs, rain spots, etc., and gives miles of wear to every pair. All length ! 81_-10. HOSIERY CLUB CARDS HONORED AT THIS SALE SEAFORTH VISH'S HOLLYWOOD BRUSSELS PATTERNS HENSALL A vFry pleasant time was spent afternoon recently when Mise Dougall was made guest of b. nor by some of her Hensall sehooi friends at a picnic held at Grand Pend. Marion. who is leaving early in September to enter as nurse -in -train- ing at Victoria Hospital, London, was made the recipient of a bronze and amber radio lamp. The address was read by Audrey Cochrane and the presentation made by Verna Mac- Lean, Marion, although completely taken by surprise, made a very grac- ious reply. The following is the ad- dress: Dear Marion: I believe the usual way we bear an address begun is, "We, your friends and neighbors, have gathered here tonight" We shall endeavor to be different, Since your time with us is drawing short before you enter on that noble call- ing, we have taken this opportunity of wishing you the very best of luck. We are also very glad to know that we will be having a nurse in our midst to whom we can turn (in our barder times). We ask you to accept this gift as a small personal re- minder of Your Hensall School Pals. .An added feature of the afternoon was the presentation of "Scotties" to Verna MacLean. who was celebrating her birthday. Mr. Harvey Hudson of Ilderton vis- ited on Sunday with his parents Mr, and Mrs. Colin Hudson. Miss Jessie Paisley of Toronto is holidaying with her grandmother Mrs. Rennie. Mr. John Miller of Exeter spent the week end with his son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Hayman. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon leading and babe of London visited on Sunday with Mrs. 1 ading's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hudson. Mr. Harold Shepherd of Toronto visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Shepherd. Miss Grace Schilbe has accepted a position at the home of Dr. D. G. Steer. Mr. John Stacey of Orillia visited with relatives and friends in the vil- lager last week. We are pleased to meet Mr. Stacey again and see him looking so well. Mrs, Thos. Suitor of Montreal vis- ited last week with her mother Mrs. Ellen Cosworth, Mrs. Herb Britton and children of Dublin visited last week with her mother, Mrs. Hannah Workman and Sister Miss Mabel Workman. Miss Gladys Luker returned home on Sunday after a very pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Walker in Strat- ford. Mr. Frank Battersby of London spent Sunday with friends here, Mrs. Roy Parimer and daughter Caroline, who have been visiting for several weeks with the former's par- ents Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher, re- turned to their barna in Windsor on Sunday. Miss Helen Moir left on Sunday for London, where she has accepted a position. Mr. and Mre. Geo. Ferguson and Miss Violet Hyde visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ferguson and daughter Edith in Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Alger Brown and Mr. tied Mrs. Gerald Marshall and family of Oxford, Mich., visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett. Miss Grace Brock of London is holidaying with her mother Mrs. Geo. Brook and family. Miss Laurabelle Wright of Bruce - field had her tonsils removed at the office of Dr. D. G. Steer last week. Mrs, Thos. Parimer left this week for North Dakota where she will make her home with her sister Mrs. Breen, who has beenvisting here for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs, John Dick of Orillia visited with relatives and friends here last week. Mrs. D. G. Steer who underwent an operation for appendicitis in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, recent- ly, returned to her home here on Sunday. Freddie Robinson, who has been seriously ID following an operation for appendicitis in Scott MemorlaI Hospital, Seaforth, is somewhat im- proved at date of writing. Mr. Harald Sherritt of Dundas spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sherritt. Mr. Carl Passmore had his tonsils removed at the office of Dr. L G. Smillie on Saturday. Miss Lila Steer of Mount Brydges is visiting at the home of her bro- ther Dr. D. G. Steer. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thompson and family, who have been holidaying for the pad few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher, returned to their home in Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gould of Clinton visited on Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker. Rev. D. 0. Hill of Exeter conducted service in Carmel. Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning. A. trio comprising Mrs. Mac Dougall, Mrs. A. Dougall and Miss Margaret Doug- all sang "The Lord Is My Shepherd." Misses Marjorie and Dorothy John- ston returned to their home in Wind- sor last week after spending several weeks holidaying at the home of their grandmother Mrs. Jas. John- ston. Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Young and family returned home this week af- ter a delightful holiday with friends at Port Rowan. Rev. W. A. Young will conduct communion service in Carmel Presby- terian Chureb an. Sunday morning, September 3rd, and will deliver his farewell sermon at the evening ser- vice prior to leaving for his new charge at Fergus, Miss Margaret Johnston is enjoy- inga week's vacation. Mr. Thos. Brintnell of Chiselhust had the misfortune last week while moving the threshing machine into the barn to have two of his fingers severed when caught in a pulley. He •was attended by Dr. I. G. Smillie. Mrs. Harry Horton and Mrs. Fred Beer are eo,oyin'g a week's holidays. at Turnbull's Grove. Ohio, visited recently with his father, Mr. John Conner. Mr. Roy ('arinter of Windsor visit hire. Mrs. Parluner,�anl Caroline re- turned home with him after a'pleasanl holiday with Mrs. F'a7lmer's ip!arents Mr. end Mrs. John Fisltor,' Quite a number from 'here attended the funeral of the grate Mrs. Samuel 'T'h'rnmtrsort on Fridayfrtxtn the 'home wf her sung Mrs. Geo. E• Thompson; 2nd Con. Hay. The deceased was 'tire 'farmer E'Itza'beth Moir :daughter of the late MeMeand Plrs;G'oo, Moir, Hay Township. She is survived by one daughter,daughter,Mrs. ;Ga'me's Moodie, Bruce - field, lone'son, Geo, E. Throattipsan Hensall,all, two 'bratheers; Dr. Alex lPpir and Robert Moir, Hensall, one sister Mics. Colin :M'cGig9, Belmont, Mn,eInterment in Hensa!l'1 Union Cemetery. The Hensalll 'Pu!blic Library has 're- opened fico the :fall and 'winter seas'o'n with a veryFine seleotioiz of new books as ;follows: k"lcti'an. tDr. Bradly Remembers, Bradly; The Tree ofofLiberty,, Pagtel Wdlli'amr's ' 'Ridam PJassnt'atr; ThThePatriot,Patriot,Ruck; The Valiant Woman, Kaye SvzdOh; Etern'a Deeps, Bassett; The Parson of Pare - mint, Kyne; Sudden!den Bdl-1 17:o�nam Grog'ory; The loran Nerved Maverick Seraw; The ,los!t Wagon Train, 'Grey; The ll'aswn Patrol, Fowls The King of the Btue'h,Elaine; Lois ;Hope 'Rauch, Seltzer; TheP'u'ttdh ad Took , d over the week -end wit h relatives 1 r t Quay murders, Dioks'on; The Took of the Bodkins, Wade -louse; Murder in Mesop'otaarsia, Christie; The Door B'ctween, )Queen; Silent Witnesiees, Strange; The Dark Weaver, Salver - son; Action at Aquila, A'14en,; 'Phis Nettle Danger, Gibbs; Seasondd_Tim- bers, Catefiel'd; Beauty'flor Ashes, Hill; Love Comes Last, Miller; Whisp- ering RiverMiller; Tish .Marchers On, Rinehart; Married People, Rinehart; This Side of Regret, Cushman; The Floe -ming Thom, Sharp; Give Me -One Sommer, Loring; M'onn Over Acadia, Cunningham: There's Always a Rainbow, Carroll; .Jr, Fiction -- Bobby Twins at Windmill Cottage, Ilope; Maxie and •the 'Golden Bird, Go'udner: High Acres, Abbot; Har- rietts -Choice, Abbot Silver Pitchers, \lcott: A Thrilling Term at ',lanc- e ays, Brent; The 'Girl's of St. Augus- tine. Ironeide; Tooley 'Grange, Court - ;icy; Dog . )Nelson A. B. Campbell: Rick 'Dale, Monroe; Hawk o'f the Wilderness, Chester; Lovatble Beasts, Cory; Rogers Record Fear, Wells; Five hundred Pounds Reward, 'Oooke; The 'Oregon Trail, Packman; 'Merry Tingles, Jackson; Cinderella, Hender- son; Which Am 1, D!o'atsa•w: Ted and Nita, De Angilc; Happy Hours, Daniels; Snow White and Rose Red, Gruittt; Four Little Kitten's, Trees; Four Little Bunnies, Trees; Non Fiction— In His Steps, Sheldon; Culture of Flowers, Moore; Mein Kampf. Hitler; A Peculiar Treasure, Ferber: Away to 'Q'uebec, Brinley; Ply Seventy Years, Black; A B'c*ak of Grey Owl, Grey Owl; The funeral of the late Mr. Rcbt. United N. Douglas.was held form the 2 ratted Church Blake on Thursday afternoon, intcrntt•nt in Bayfield Cemetery. S rvntnc are his widow f°rillerly Miss Mary E. Dick of Hensall and tune. daughters Miss Gladys Douglas R.N. at home, and !(Mat\garet) Mrs. Donald 'Turner of London. Misses Betty and Joyce Mousseatt of Zurich visited last week.with friends in Town. Mr. and Mrs. Fenwick of London .visited on Sunday with Mrs. 'Marjorie Spark. Mrs. Gus Vnth and :bake of Detroit are visiting with .v1rs. Lcru Simpson and Mrs. Rohe Bonthron, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sparks of Detroit visited lover the week -end' with 'relatives here. Mrs. 'Carrie Ballantyne is !being •visited 'by her 'slot) Mr. Lorne Bal- lantyne and wife Mrs, Baila'ntyne. Mr, Robe. Passmore conducted the service in the ;United Churdh Sunday morning and Master Albert Mitchell of Windsor 'sang a 'solo "Wipe The Tears From Every Eye" Rev. R. A. Brook will ,conduct service in :the !United. Church next Sunday nnorning only. - Miss Jessie 'Mac:Moran'of Illinois is visiting with Mrs. Rohr. Bonthron, Organize a W.C.T. iUn'ion. A meeting was 'hel'd in the 0.Jnited Church Monday evening for the pur- pose of oeganizing a W.C.T. Union of the Ladies of Hensel' and Exeter. It .was moved .by Mrs. Pearce and sec- onded 'by Mrs. Johns that an organiz- ation be 'formed with 'Exeter as 'the outpost. 'Moved by Mrs. •Elder and seconded by Mrs. Sutherland that CARD OF THANKS The family cif the ' late Edward Jarman wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for the kind- ness and, sympathy shown in their recent sad bereavement; also for the beautiful flora] tributes and cars loaned. Special thanks to Rev. Mr, Jack and those- who assisted at the service. CARD OF THANKS, We wish to thank our neighbors and many friends for their generous. acts and kind expressions of symr pathy throughout the illness and death of wife and mother.—George Eberhart and Family. Mrs. Geo. Hese lbe pmesiden!t, •Carried. Moved by Mrs. M'dQ:u'een and sedond- ed-iby Mrs, Pas'sinore !that 'M'iss Jennie Murray ibe Correspondence Secretary, •Carried. Moved by Mrs. Pearoe seclo'n'ded Iby Mrs, lJtn'ks that Miss Douglas he Recording Secretary, 'Car- ried, Moved by Mrs. 'Cooke !seconded Iby Mrs. Fee that Mrs, McQueen be Trees:et-rex, •Carri•ed. Moved Iby Mrs. Pearce seconded by Mrs. M!oQueen that M]'ss Sutherland 'be Pness , rep- orter..Meetiiags ttio'be held in the third Thursday of each month. 'Mdreid Ib'y Mrs. Pearce 'seconde'd by Mrs. Jinks that Miss 'Murray the vice-president, C'arri'ed. Evangelistic Supt. Mrs. Pees - more and Mrs. Jinks, Ani- Narcotic Supt. Mns. Eider, Mr. !Wim; 'L. Maclearen who under- went an operation in -Scott 'Memorial Hospital, Seaford), is e, little im- proved. The Hensel] Senior Women's In- stitute will hold a pot luck supper ancl social evening at the home of Mrs, A. Kerslake on Thursday even, Ing, August 31st, at 6.30 p,m. Mrs, Catherine Redden and dao ghter Mona have returned home after a very pleasant visit with the formm- er's son Mr. Wm. Redden and Mrs. Hadden in 'Hamilton. Mrs. John Farquhar and babe vis ited last week with Mrs. Farquhar's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bawden in Exeter, Mrs. Janes Parkins visited this week with her son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs, Cline Flynn in London, Mrs, A, L. Case has been confined to her room through illness. A band frolic was held in Hensall Park on Wednesday night. A special feature was tap dancing by Miss Joyce Broderick and entertainment by the Tuck sisters of Palmerston. Bingo was played and jitney dancing indulged in, McKILLOP Bethel United Church are having a baking sale on Saturday, Sept. 2, in Scott's vacant store. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. James Brooks and son, Ed., of Listowel visited at the home of Mr. - and Mrs. George Wall- ace. Mrs. Caldwell of Exeter was a guest at the home of Mr. John McCulloch. Mrs. Dwght Fisher, of Guelph is visting her mother. Mrs. William But- ler. Mrs. Clive McDonald of Toronto is the guest of Miss Olive Spears. Mrs. Charlotte Balfour has return- ed to Windsor after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Bruce. GODERICH TOWNSHIP George Falconer, 73, well-known resident, died on Tuesday at his home on the fourth coneession, where he had lived for the past 65 years. He was born In Stanley township. Forty- two years ago he married Alice Mc- Kee of Godericb township. He was a member of the Union Church, a school trustee, an. Orangeman and Conserva- tive, Besides his widow there survive four children, Thomas, of Clinton; Mrs. Arthur Tiehborne, of Goderich township; Victor, on the homestead, and Mrs, James Horton, Colborne township; one brother, William Fal- coner, of Brucefield, and one sister, Mrs, Harvey Howard, London. The funeral will be held on Thursday at 2 o'clock. Interment will bean Mait- land cemetery, Goderich. OUR PHOTOGRAPHS PLEASE PARTICULAR PEOPLE Our well equipped studios and. painstaking workmanship with long experience all go together in making good Photographs. The Burgess Studios, Mitchell and Clinton. DEAL AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY Horses, Cattle, Hogs, etc.—Courteous Service PHONE—SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 (COLLECT) DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. EGARDING CAR PARKING TOWN OF SEAFORTH Victoria Park will be lighted and available for parking on Saturday nightts for the balance of the summer. Shoppers and visitors are welcome to use these parking facilities and avoid con- gestitn on Main Street. Pglice will supervise ase far as possible but motorists are requested to lock their cars, as the mun.icijality `will notal be respons missing , P :'icle, - e ROPERTY COMMITT F. S. SILLS, Chairman. Dr. Samuel -Coulter .of Toledo,,'assaseesse as BUY IN EGMONDVILLE We Save You Money SATURDAY SPECIALS ra maarscSN, 5 pound Shortening,;,,,,... 49c 5 pound Lard 45c 3 Ib, Crisco 59c Pastry Flour, 24 lb. 49c Bread Flour per 98 lb. bag ,1.S9 Robinhood Flour ....,.... 2.39 XXX Vinegar, gal. ... , .....35c Jelly Powders, 6 pkges. —25c Fresh Bologna, 2 Ib. 29c Fresh Soda 'Moults 2 pounds 19c Newport Fluffs, large pkg19c Rolled Wheat, 5 pound ....17c Peter Pan Catsup bottle ac W. J. Finnigan AUCTION itiLE Lambert Saleyard, Strathroy, Sat- urday, Aug. 26th. 200 MIXED CATTLE. Usual run of Mixed. Pigs and Calves. Those wishing to 'buy cattle priv- ately can do so by seeing the under- signed auctioneer any time during the week. - Trucks to deliver. Terms casb. A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Of Horses. At Hicks House Barns, Mitchell, on Monday, Aug. 28th at 2 p.m., consisting of: 2 grey mares, 8 years old, in foal; 2 roan geldings, rising 4 years; 2 bay geldings, rising 5 years; 1 black wag- gon horse, rising 6 years; 5 blocky mares, from 6 to 8 years; 2 mares rising 5 years old, weigh 3000 lbs.; 6 geldings from 4 to S years 'old. e These are a choice, smooth, weighty load of horses, and will be sold to the highest bidder. Terms cash. Geo. Percival, Proprietor. McNeil & Nairn, Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects at Harpur- hey, joining the town of Seaforth, on Saturday, September 2, at 1.30 p.m., consisting of: Quebec. heater, nearly new, Jewel cook stove, leather rocking chair, leather arm chair, reed arm chair, reed rocking chair, rocking chair, radio, 2 dining room tables (1 round), 10 chairs, sideboard, book case, wal- nut hail rack, 5 small tables, 2 bed room suites, complete; 3 sets of springs, 4 mattresses, 2 feather ticks, number of pillows, bedding, wardrobe, reading lamps, 2 glass cupboards, kitchen cupboard, Singerer sewing ma- chine, tapestry rug, linoleum r'ug, nearly new; 4 pieces of linoleum, 2 grindstones, 8 large chests of good carpenter's tools, quantity of canned fruit, pictures, dishes. pots, pans and numerous other articles. ' Everything to be sold without re- serve. Terms crash. Miss Mary E. Dodds, Proprietress. George H. Elliott. Auctioneer. HOUSE TO RENT Seven roomed house on Victoria street, Seaforth. Apply to J. M. Mc- Millan. HONEY FOR SALE This will be the last week to get your honey in your own containers at 8c. Wallace Rosa, N. Main St., Phone 3031, FOR SALE, Mason & Riach piano for sale, price reasonable. Apply at News Office. PORTABLE SILOS Now is the time to order your "Rosco" Portable Silo, priced at $34.60 delivered, forty ton capacity. Build the Rosco silo as you fill it, and take it down as the ensilage is used. Will be glad to give you complete information. Murray Tyndall, Bruce - field, phone 618 r 12, Clinton. NOTICE The Seaforth Public Library will be closed from Sept. 5 to Sept. 19. Greta Thompson, Librarian. WANTED Will pay highest prices for old horses or cattle fit for mink feed, If dead, phone at once -5 on 622, Clin- ton. Orrin Dawson, Varna. WOO ritr AND GRAIN We have a choice lot of good dry wood, hard and soft, which we will deliver in any quantity. We will buy your grain and truck it -too at reasonable prices. We are buying for Thompson of Hensall and caugive you prompt service. Bags supplied promptly. Phone 136 r 2, For Prices Sproat and Sproat "Ca I Fe, •1151MOSEERWM14...111=1.301altir RHEUMATISM We know from testimonials of. over 15 years, that this Remedy does bring results. Its value proven by others, its action is quick, a product worthy of your complete confidence. See your druggist or write THOMAS' 'RHEUMATISM REMEDY 21 Vale St., London, Ontario AaPRIEMEMIValeigriMatiatfflrokailliaren ELMER D. BELL. D.A. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario McCDNNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:3() p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 •p. m, FOR SALE Dining -roam table and 6 chairs, quarter -cut oak in good condition. Apply at residence of Mrs. Is. D. Hutchison, Market street, before Sept. lst. PASTURE FOR RENT 100 acnes of good pasture for rent, on concession 7, lot 28. Hibbert. For information, call at News Office, Seaforth. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 100 acres of choice farm lands, good buildings, including brick house, barn, drive shed, silo and hen house, lots of water, 12 acres of good bush. Apply to Mrs. John S. Man, Londes- boro. GRAiN WANTED I am buying grain for George Thompson of Hensel], Am still sell- ing oil and grease. Sam Chesney, Eg mondville. Phone 148r3. HOUSE FOR SALE House in E•gmondville on Main St., stable, lien house, garage, 34 acre of land, plenty of room, 3 rooms upstairs. Hydro; cistern, hard and soft water, low taxes, fruit trees. Apply at The News Office. ROOMERS WANTED Two high school girls to room. Two blocks from Collegiate. All conveni- ences, Apply to The News office. WANTED High School pupils for roomers, Apply at News Office. SEED WHEAT FOR SALE Dawson Golden Chaff, Grade No. 1, grown from registered seed, strictly pure and clean, test 64. John Arm- strong, Zurich R.R.1. Phone Hensall 97 r 14. RUBBER GOODS, SUNDRIES, ETC. Mailed postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper. 80% less than retail. Write for mail-order catalogue. Nov. -Rubber Co., Dept., WA -9, Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. FOR SALE Antique oval walnut table and 1 chair; 1 Seth Thomas clock; 1 ward- robe, 1 sideboard, 1 extension table, 1 kitchen table, 1 dresser, 1 bed and spring, 3 chairs, 2 rockers, 3 mirrors, medicine cabinets and book shelves, 1 small desk, 1 bed side table, 1 couch upholstered in black leather- ette, quantity of covers, suitable for chairs, also brown and maroon lea- therette, 1 two -wheel trailer. Thorne Repair Shop, Seaforth. FOR SALE Rosco Steel Roofing, written 25 - year guarantee, Rosco Portable Silos, Eavestroughing, Galvanized- Sheet Iron, Metal Siding, Galvanized Water Troughs, Tanks and Hog Troughs, Granary Lining, Stove Pipes, Furn- ace Pipes, Metal Ridge and Valley, Rooting Paints, Asphalt Roofing, As- phalt Brick Siding, Insul-Brick Bid- ing, plastic cements, Building Paper, Nails, &e. Phone 618 ring 12, Clinton. Murray Tyndall, Brucefield. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in First class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Phone .334 w STRATFO.RD - GODE'RICH COACH LINES SUMMER TIME TABLE ' Leaves Senforth for Stratford: Dally 2.25 a.nia and 5.25 p.m. Leaves Sentorth for Goderich: Deily except Sunday and hal., 1.00 p.m. and. -0.40 tum. Sun, and. hol., 1,00 p.m. and 0,20 pan. Connection at Stratford for Toronto,. Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, '1'RVt Rteek, Woodatoek Agents: Queen's, Commercial, Dick House