HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-08-24, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH, NEWS 'RURSDAY, AUGUS 24, 1939 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros., Publishers WALTON The U,F.W.O, by Walton will meet s,t the hone: of Mrs. L. Leeming on Wednesday, August Beth, The topic "A Grandmother recalls the past," will be taken by Mrs. D. McCallum and the roll -call word will be "A From all parts ofthe world come Frolexlend'a exciting features. Side-shows, games of skill, novelties, thrill rides. New strange wonders to Bee. rl tike ytorate d, yC'JTtlt .G - Imported thrillers , - . tamed Lucky Teter end his cengresa of daredevil drivers. Also high divers, "round•u " ears. bate, and scores of features. One of England's outstanding militarg' bands has been imported The Band of His Majesty's Royal Marines. Also the famed Dagenham Girls' Bagpipe Band. The world has been combed to bringyouthefinestentertainment, the latest marvels of science, the drama of foreign lands, and the glamour of world-wide industrial companies. It's the biggest annual show of its kind on earth Advance ticket sale) 171 Bay St., WA. 2220;Moodey'e,90 King St. Weet,EL.1099. CANADIAN �yfl¢ qV sEpr T�'� \ \,.11 . �` ,l tt hI Ggosas BRICiDEN ELwooD A. Saes President General Manager worthypioneer of aur county." A, cordial Invitation is extended to the ladies of the community. The W.M.S. held their regular meeting in August with .Miss Kuox presiding. Miss Smillie offered prayer while Mrs. McCall read the Scripture; pea,let 19. Mluutes of July meeting were read and adopted. Miss Ritchie's interesting review of the year's study book was appreciated by all. The roll call was answered by a verse troth "The Sermon on the Mount." Hymn 380 was sung and Mrs. MoCallum closed the meeting with prayer. Mr, and Mrs J. Staples of Angus- ville, Manitoba are visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Dundas. Mr. and Mrs. Staples carne East to attend the wedding of their daughter Marion at Whitby. Mrs. James Dennison of Preston is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dundas. Fred and Horace Rutledge of Tor onto are spending their vacation with their parents Mr. and Mrs. F, Rut- ledge. Messrs. Arthur Bewley and James McCall are vacationing at camp up north. Mr, James Johnston and bride of Haliburton, Ont., are at present on their wedding trip at the time of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Johnston and other relatives: Mrs, George Dundas of MCKllloe,. accompanied her two daughters Misses Ida and Agnes of Toronto and son Frank of Whitby to the wedding of Miss Marion Staples and Mr. Alex K. Young held on tate 15th of August at the Ontario Ladies' College, Whit- by. Miss Staples is a niece of Mrs. Dundas and daughter of the former Carrie Johnston. The happy couple will reside in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C H. Staples of, An- gusville, Manitoba, and Mrs. James Dennison of Preston were guests of Mr. and Mrs, George Dundas in Mo- Killop for a few days. The ladies are sisters of Mrs. Dundas. Miss Jean Farquharson spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Leeming in McKillop. Miss Helen Snaith of Seaforth spent a few days with Shirley Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Whitfield and three grandchildren Miss Ethel and Mr. Clarence Wltitdeld and Mr. George Wihningcleu of Meaford vis- ited isited Mrs. Hugh Fulton over the week end. Mrs. Whitfield and Mrs. Fulton are sisters. Mrs. Joe Love speut a few days last week with her daughter Mrs. Farquharson ht Morris. Mr. Cosby Ennis and Mr. Wm. Cholla from near Granton spent Sun- day with the fornter's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. F. Ennis. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bryans and baby Keith of Brussels spent Sunday with Mrs. Bryans' mother. Mrs. C. Drager. ammardresenamm J.GALLOP'S GARAGE SEAFORTH Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer Come in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck We also have a Service Truck -if you have car trouble, phone 179 and we will come promptly PHONE 179. SEAFORTH All Repairs Strictly Cash. We Aim To Please BRODHAGEN. Miss Claires Diegel has returned after spending a week in Grand Bend. Mrs. Henry Kuntz of Baden, Mr. and Mrs. C. Phillips, Audrey.and Ro- ger of Bridgeport spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Amstein. air. and Mrs. John Brodhagen and family, Mr. Harold Mogk and Nancy visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Deer in Auburn on Sunday. Mrs, Harold Grove and son Harold of Detroit spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Rock. Mrs, Ed, Bressler, Rose, Florence and Jackie have returned to Strat- ford after spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Querengess- er. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Diegel, Mr. and Mrs. George Diegel, H. W, Diegel. motored to Port Elgin on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Diegel will spend the week with relatives there. Messrs John Pruetet Russell Shol- dice and Norman Rock enjoyed a week end at Colpoy's Bay, near Wiat•- ton. Frank Dantzer, accompanied by A. Demerling of Fordwich, motored to Reston Lake and other northern points and enjoyed a week end at Colpoy's Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hess, Mr, E. Kreaeler and A. Sweitzer of Strat- ford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Querengesser. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Smart of Windsor visited with Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Bennewies. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Querengesser, Mrs. Fred Hiaz and Mrs. Agnes Querengesser spent Sunday in Ros- tock attending decoration day service. Chas. Ahrens spent several days last week with her sister, Mrs. Gibson in Niagara Falls. Mrs. Louie Becker of Stratford is visiting Iter sister, Mrs, Geo. Silheim. ST. COLUMBAN The following from the Arthur En- terprise -News of Aug. 3, refers to the death of the late Leonard Schmidt whose wife is a sister of Mr, Joseph Roach and Mrs. Jas. Cronin, of St. Columban, and Mrs. Jos. Flanagan, Dublin: Leonard Joseph Schmidt, Reeve of Arthur Township since January, 1938, succumbed suddenly on Monday even ing in the Louise Marshall Hospital, Bit. Forest. Mr. Schmidt had under- gone a critical stomach operation in the hospital on Friday last and it was thought that his condition was €m - proving. The news of his sudden de- f xs.• therefore. came ns a great sh' k to hie family and friends and to lite section of the county where he was well and favorably known. L hard .f Schmidt was horn in Ar the:' Township. a son of John Schmidt and the late Mrs Sttrniidt. where the greater part of his life was spFut, Dur- ing '11e Groat t\'ar. ht heard the coun- try's call and enlisted in the Welling- ton Battalion, Ile later transferred to the naval service. Returning to civil- ian life he settled down to the veca- tion of farining, in which he achieved a gratifying degree of success. His :ire -acre farm is one of the finest in Arthur Township. He possessed a de- cided aptitude for public life. Ile serv- ed on the municipal council of Arthur Township and in January of 1938 was elected reeve, being re-elected by ac- clamation in 1939. The extent to which his ability was recognized at the Wellington County Council was illustrated by the fact that he failed to gain election to the County Roads Committee by only one vote in Jan- uary last, a very nnusual achievement for a man with only one year of ser- vice to his credit. During the past year he was mentioned More than; once as a prospective candidate for parliamentary honors, Certainly it .seems that byhis passing apromis- ing p T orris ing career of public service was sud- denly terminated, He possessed ed a kindly, genial personality and his re - mention for honesty and square deal- ing was never questioned. He was. well informed on puhhc issues and discharged the duties of his public offices in an efficient and impartial manner. His death occasioned general regret throughout this section of Wellington. Iie was married to Mies Loretta Roach of Dublin, at one time a KennIlw•orth teacher, who is left to mourn his loss along with his father, Mr. John Schmidt; five brothers. Fred. Edmonton; Frank, Calgary; Edward, Buffalo; Jerry and Oscar, Arthur Township and one sister, Mrs. Duke of Edmonton. Mr. Joseph Roach has returned home after spending the past three weeks with his sister Mrs. Len Schmidt, of Arthur. Mies A:ii' O'Leary,•Pnrt Lambton, is the geese of Miss Mary Murphy. • The Casale are holding a social t)n Friday. Augitat 26tli. The hall has been •e-deeornted and the floor sand- ed. e lis_ s Baty and Eleanoru MTPhY are visiting at Port Lanibton. Bliss Mary Murphy spent the past week -ir. London visiting friends. Miss Veronica O Connoe is visiting n Detroit. :sir. Basil Lane is holidaying at his home. s tilg Clerk—"Could you learn to dq. you think?" Gay Young Stenographer—"'Weil, Napoleon, you never can tell. I learn ed shorthand in six weeks," KIPPEN Mr. Frank Wright left on Saturday to spend a week in New York at- tending. the Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Forsyth and daughter left for their home in De- troit this week after a pleasant visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Forsyth. Mr. Alex Sproat of Toronto is spending a week with els many friends in this vicinity. Harvesting is going slow- on ac- count of the heavy rains of late. A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Fin- layson when the Kippen Bast W.I. met there on Wednesday evening for their August meeting. There was a good attendance of members and sev- eral visitors. Mrs. McLean presided and opened the meeting with the singing of the Institute Ode followed by "O Canada." Several items of bus- iness took some time and then Mrs. Finlayson gave u very good story of their farm. In the absence of the sec- retary Miss Dinnen read the minutes of the previous meeting. Mr. Arthur Finlayson then played two fine selec- tions en the guitar and mouth organ. Miss Dinnen read a sketch on Mrs. Black. M.P.: this Is the first in a series of papers on noted women which w'i11 be given throughout tate year. Miss Ethel Clark played a piano solo which was much enjoyed. Mrs, Jas. Smillie read the poem "The Bridge Builder." Mr. Beacom, P,S.L, guest speaker for the evening, took for his subject, "The New Course of Study ," for public schools. His talk was very interesting and gave his listeners a better understanding of the changes made and why these changes have been made. Mr. V. Din - nen gave a splendid demonstration in soldering. The roll call "If I was twenty-one again what trade or pro- fession would I choose." brought a good response. A vote of thanks to Mrs. ,Finlayson. Mr. Beacom and those taking part in the program and the singing of Auld Lang Syne brought this pleasant evening to a close. A social time was spent while enjoyed. < nod lunch was The next meeting at the home of Mrs, L. Clark will probably he tate fleet week in September. ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. John Allison, Marion, Muriel, Ronald and Roy, were visit- ors at the home of Mrs, P. Whitlock last Wednesday. Misses Etheleen and Eileen are holidaying with their aunt Mrs. Ar- thur Gardiner at Farquhar. Mr. Roland Williams had the mis- fortune to have his right hand mang- led in the; cutting box of hie thresh - Ing machine last Wednesday while threshing at the home of Mr. Lewis Sohns, Three fingers and part of his hand .had to be amputated. The W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Ed Johns on Wednesday after- noon last and entertained the Mission Circle. Mr. and Mrs, Leslie McNaughton and Margaret of Montreal, also Mrs. Wua. Spry and children of London were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Ford last Friday. BLAKE Funeral of Mr. R, N. Douglas— A very large number of friends and relatives attended the funeral of the late Mr. R, N, Douglas held 1n the Blake Church on Thursday last, Rev. Mr. Peters conducting the ser- vice and Mr. and Mrs, Peters rend- ered a very fine duet accompanied by Miss Margaret Lamont at the organ. The floral tributes were many and very beautiful. Friends were present t from Orillia, London, Hyde Park, Dundas, Exeter, Heyman, Seaforth and Zurich, Interment was made in Bayfield Cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs. Giugerich, Hey, Clark, Joltuston, McClinchey and Beckier. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Douglas, Miss Gladys and Mrs. Margaret Turner, who mourn his loss. llirs. Edigoffer and daughter Mrs. Yuil of Fullerton visited the former's daughter Mrs. Ross Johnston and many other of their friends during the past few days. Mrs, Carnie is visiting with friends in this community. , Mrs. lIsborne and son Alvin and Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Caldwell visited on Monday evening with relatives. Mr. Stewart Beattie of Londesboro visited in the community with friends. Mr. and. Mrs. Lorne Manson of London and Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Manson of Dundas visited with Mrs. Manson and family. Miss Eileen Jeffery left to resume her position at St. Joseph's Hospital In London after spending a few clays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffery. the and Mrs. Paul Ducharme are being visited by their nieces from London, Rev, Mr. Penrose of Exeter was in charge of the service at Blake Church on Sunday morning and spoke very fittingly. A quartette,. "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer," was sung by Misses Grace and Emma McBride. Lava Hey and Beatrice Martson. Blrs. r.. Stelck accompanied at the organ, Rv. Mr. Durand will be in charge of the service on the coming Sunday. STANLEY Mr. and. Mrs. H. Johnson of Thamnsford spent Sunday with her eleter Mrs, Harold Penhale. Mr. Geo. Hodgson. also Miss Marie Hodgson of Wilton Grove, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. H. Penhale. Mies Kay Scotchmer of Toronto, .nurse -in -training, spent a week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scotchmer, . Mr. and Mrs. John Turner of the Bine Water highway, accompanied by Airs. Madge and Mrs. George Camp- bell, visited BL•. and Mrs. John Joan- ston, aid Stanley neighbors, now liv- en; near Goderich, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner and Mr. and Mi's. Harold Newcombe paid a visit to Mr. George. Campbell on Sunday afternoon. The funeral of the tate Robert N. Douglas was held Prom Blake IIniterl hush to Bayti-ld cemetery 00 Thereday afiStlue u f last weck, and was largely attended by friends and relletivee. not only from the imrrrc'di- d otri i hitt from entside Points. l b)]I eettforth, H .nsail, Hyde r )1 and Landon The service was n telt at d by his pastnr, Rev. J. R. Pet ts. The peI1bee rere were 10;u l neton R'm.•McClinchey, Chris else hier,. Samuel Hey, Samuel Ging- ) ch and Williant Clark. Wee; and For Sale Awls, tl ween 25c CROMARTY Tito memorial address given by the Rev. Charles Oke, of Stratford, en Sunday afternoon in Cromarty Pres- byterian Church for the late Rev. James Reidie was deeply appreciated by the large congregation present at the specal service. A suitable selec- tion was rendered by the cher, Miss Chalmers and Mrs. John Barr of Stratford attended the memorial service held here on Sunday after- no0n- Dr. Fraser Oliver and Mrs. Fraser Oliver were visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Oliver, They will live in Ste Anne de Bellevue where lIr. Oliver s joining the staff of MacDonald College in September. ,Mrs, James Scott and Mrs. R. G. MacKay of Prince Albert, Sask., are spending a weds at the latter's cot- tage at Bruce Beach: The monthly meeting of the Junior Institute members was held on Wed- nesday afternoon at the home of the president, Miss Margaret Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Birreil of Stratford were guests of Mrs. Reidie at the manse. Miss M. B. Gillespie accompanied Mr. Neil Gillespie of Seaforth and Miss Jessie Gillespie oC Brandon to Listowel, on Saturday to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Donald- son and other friends. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth "COOL" - 'Air Conditioned NOW PLAYING—Double Bill "Spoilers of the Range" AND "The Lady and The NEXT • ,THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Gene ,Autry Smiley Burnette , IN "MEXICALI ROSE, MON. TU ES. WED x E 3t ?', x :. rid., <•�x?.i+a' .y4 � MnO CROSBY JOAN LONDELL M SCHA AIDER ,�'Rafe 0 5' ofe.rlh Corning --"CAPTAIN FURY" IRENE HERVEY COME SEE- HIM WJTH Mita 0 111111111"IIIIIIIIIIa1,11111111100ll11ntttltllll010101111101111,1 TOWN TOPICS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO lllllllllll ,, ., ,, a ,, ,l a l..t 1. It 1, ,.1< ,, ,1,, ,, Town Topics. Mr. L. T. DeLacey, who was on the sick list most of last week, Is able to be at his desk again.—Mr. G. E. Hen- derson is home for a few holidays.— Mr. C. H. Broadfoot, who carie home for the old boys' re -union. and has been visiting his mother ever since, left for his home in Moose Jaw on Saturday.—Mrs. Will Twlss and three children, who have ben spending the past month here, returned to their home in Barrie on Friday.-c–Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Scott are attending the fair in Toronto this week, combining business with pleasure.—Mrs. Stock- well and son of Mt: Clemens, Mich„ are visiting her aunt Mrs, J. B. Thompson.—Mr. Elmer Boyd of Tor- onto is visiting relatives here,—Mrs. Dorsey, who has been visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. M. Williams, retui'ued to her home in Duluth Mon- day morning.—Mrs. A. Broadfoot and daughter Miss Margaret, left on Mon- day to visit friends In Tilbury and Hamilton, before returning to their home in Moose Jaw,—The following teachers leave on Monday for their several schools: Miss M. Laidlaw and Mr. P. Grieve, to Toronto; Mr. B. Archibald to Dunnville; Miss J. Gov- enlock to Windsor; Bliss G. Ross to Waterdowu: Mies G. Weir to Fort Erie; Miss D. Gillespie to Guelph; Bliss J, Robb to Waldemar; Blase N. Hartry to Beatnsvllle; Mise B. Bal- lantyne to Waterloo; Miss G. Thomp- son to alai -Mote; Miss N. Horan to Streetsville: Miss N. Grieve to Port Lambton; Miss A. Govenlock to Ein- •tead: Mr. W. Morrow to London: Mr. J. Hinchley to Montrose; Mr. R. Hartry to Chatham; Miss F. Thomp- son to Grand Valley: Miss M. Watson to Blenheim,—Mr. S. Cudmore, who has been pressing hay at Tilbury. spent Sunday in town with his family. —Ralph Carmen was in town this week, calling on old friends, and also removing his mother's effects to Tor- onto, where they will reside in fut- ure --Miss M. Brown, who is training for a nurse in Toronto, is spending her holidays with her pareats at the rectory.—Mr, N. Nixon. of London, who is the new organist in the First Presbyterian Church, arrived in town this week.—Mrs, T. Stephens return- ed on Monday from Wingham, where she has been undergoing treatment. HURON ROAD WEST Miss Dorothy Holland of Toronto has been ependiirg the first part of her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noble Holland. Miss Hol- I land left on Wednesday morning on' a two-week motoring trip through New York State, including the Thous- and Islands, Lake Placid and the Adirondaeke and Watkins Glen. Mrs. H. Bell and family of Port Huron are spending a few holidays at George Elliott's, Clinton. Miss Eva Holland spent the week end with her friend Muriel Dohnage. Winthrop. Judge—"Did you see the beginning of this trouble?" Witness—"Yes, your honor, seven years age" Judge — "Indeed: Explain your- self."' Witness—"I was the best man at their wedding, your honor." Want and For Sale ads, 3 weeks 50c, Mrs, Stephens feels very much bet- ter, and hopes to completely recover her termer strength in a short time. —Miss Belle Cummings Lett for her home in Regina Friday, where she. has a good position as secretary to the minister of agriculture for Sas- katchewan.—Mr. Arden. Mason, of Saskatoon, is visiting relatives and friends in Seaforth and vleinity.—Tho war bulletine which arrive three times a day, over the G.N.W. line, are eagerly read by Seaforthites. Clinton. Saturday night, tramps opened a window in the waiting room oC the G, T. R. station, Clinton, and gained admittance to the ticket office by opening the ticket wicket. The cash drawer was opened and about $2.21 in silver and copper was taken. It appears that five tramps were kicked off a train there and they are blamed for the job. Dublin Miss C. McKenna is visiting friends in Toronto.—Mr. J. Jordan of Tor- onto is visiting his parents south of the village.—Miss Edna Chadwick has returned to London after a couple of months' visit with friends here.— Mrs. J. Redmond and Miss H, Bruxer have returned from a visit with friends in Milwaukee and Chicago. War News. • The following are a few of the head- lines after it few weeks of fighting In 1914: Marching toward Paris, Ger- man armies advancing in wedge -- Attacks Paris from the sky, Zeppelin flew at height of 6,000 feet ---Turkey will declare war. German officers are pouring into the Ottoman empire.-- AlI their weight against British, Ger- man impetuosity spends itself in vain effort—Fait to check Russian mass. German defence and Austrian counter attack avail little as yet.— British army is undaunted. Refitted, reinforced and rested for the next great battle. For Good or Evil? Four Planets Nearer Us Than For Years Not only ruddy Mars but spotted. Jupiter, ringed Saturn and green - tinged Uranus, with a combined weight many times greater than the other planets put together, now pull more intensely on atmosphereand continents—and maybe influence he- man arfnds—it is explained in an ar- ticle in The American Weekly, the great weekly magazine with the Aug- ust 27 issue of The Detroit Sunday Times, Send us the names of your visitors. TTENTION! Facers and Threshermen Having stationed our truck in Seaforth, we are now ha,a position to serve you on short notice. Two grades of Gasoline, Oil, Kerosene and Distillate AT LOWEST PRICES 101511, Telephone your orders to , A, W. MOORE, Phone 323, Seaforth i.Ia HURON GAS CO. Zurich & Seaforth 4t ;ID ANUMEINESBEW