The Seaforth News, 1939-08-03, Page 8PAGE EIGHT b� .,• 1I on Fashion-Craf t I MADE TO MEASURE CLOTHING You can now save many dollars on a FINE WOOL SUIT 21 5 if P HENSALL t. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Graham of London Ott e visiting with the latter's -ii-ter-, Miss Kittle Scott and Mrs. C. Ballantyne. Mr,. Kemp and 'son, ivir. Douglas Kemp and Mrs. Kemp of Detroit vis- ited over the week end with Mrs, Marjorie Sparks, Mrs. Kemp, who has been visiting for the past week with her mother, returned home. Mrs. Joynt and daughter Miss Bea- trice Joynt returned to their borne in Listowel on Sunday after spending the week with Mr, T. C. Joynt. Mr, and Mrs, Errol Drummond and members of the family of St. Marys, visited with friends in town on Wed- nesday. Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Flynn and Mrs. Miles of London were the guests of Mrs. Luker and Miss Gladys Luker on Wednesday. Dr. Arthur McAllister and son and daughter of Georgetown visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moir and Mrs. John McAllister. Miss Amy'Lammie pf Windsor is holidaying with her mother Mrs. Lara- mie, and sister Miss Greta Laramie. Mr. and Mrs, 'Ke'i'th Hfl ter and family of London visited on Sunday with gr, and Mrs, E. L. :Weide and family, • Rev, W.• A. Young is in- Kintail this week, where he is giving lectures at the Young People's Cannp, Mr. Harold Sherritt 'of Dundas was in town ,calling en relations an Monday. Misses Edith Dick and Grace Strange 'tire holidaying at Grand Find than week. A ntmlher of friends front( 'Zurich visited on Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Luker and Miss Gladys Linker. Miss Ethel Murdock and sister Mrs. lloggarth 1,,1 Calgary are visiting here. Miss E. 1. How -meth of Exeter visited on Monday with Miss Martha Htinter. Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore u'.re and family returned stems on Saturday after a very pleasant holiday at Pike's Fay. lrcddie Robinson, who underwent an eeiration for ti penchritis in Scott \ten rial Hosttital. Seaforth, last week is quit( ill at date of. writing. Rev. W. A. Yount' conducted service on Sunday evenintg in Carmel Presbyterian Church and the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ilayn- 1,,atv was baptized. A quartette com- i,rising Rev. W. A. Young, 'Mrs. ,ig. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. -Mar- Laren sane "Gently Lord 0 Gently Lead I " and the cltuir Sang a beautiful anthem 'The Kinin Of Thy fates." Thr service next Sunday will :oe held in the morning at.:11.a:n, and ':rill be 'conducted by the Rev. 1), Hill •of Exeter. Mrs. 1\'m. Dungan Sr. underwent a serious operation in Scott Memorial 11e -i ital. Seaforth. sen Snnday even - ins Mrs, Dougall suffered a heart at- tack and the members of the family were -called. Her many friends hope for an improvement and mccovery. Mr. and Mrs. I. L. \tickle and family spent Monday at Ridgetotvn r:nu kol2dean 1'ark. Miss Steer of Mount brydges is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Steer. gr. and Mrs, Iarbt._ Biggins of Exeter visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. \lcjteen on Sunday. Mr. Robert l'assntore •couductcd services in t'he '(suited Church •am Sunday. At the morning service Mr. Laird Jayne of Toronto 'contribwted a beautiful solo Arise, Shine For 'Illy Light Has Conte," and in the evening the choir sang an anthem "A Soldier of the Cross,' 'Next Sunday service will '215 held in the morning only conducted by Mr. K ht Passmore. Mrs. H.0, I)aymanc spent Tuesday tit I:otuli'n. Alaeter tilen \IcNaughton 01 ('hit, el'hnr;t is holidaying at tine home of Mr. and Mrs. filen Pell. A kitchen- shower was held at the Mr. amt Mr:. John Taylor asst Thursday evening in honor of :lis' Myrtle Taylor c.1 London, bridc- tIcct of next in-onth.'lint evening was -2(21(2 in games and 4 utests and a +tatty lunch was served. The -bride - `t was the rc•cipie nt 4if many ,c (121111 i+gilt-. Mr,. John Craig who • with -mem ail rt cent': i11 Victoria Hospital, it.. -1, London,is improving and it hoped will 'soon be able to return home. Mrs. Lce bales of 'Zurich is having i:1,r dwelling on Qneen tit, which is occupied by fir. and Mrs. Lee lied - den. .painted and repaired. M r-. '(llr) Spellman and children f Kitcttt•ner are visiting with Mrs, Spellman's 'parents Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Bolton. Miss Margaret MacDonald of Tor - env, i' visiting ,with Mr. . and Mrs. Thos. Sherritt. Celebrates 83rd Birthday. A very enjoyable time was spent at the intim. 41- Mrs. Mary Jackson Highway No. '4. South on Saturday, the ocensio being Mrs: Jackson s 'gird birthday. A native sof Ireland Mrs. 'Jackson together with her iru:irand, .who died in 1915, Land some •oi her family sailed to Canada on 111e Parisian boat She was the mother of eleven -children, twenty-five gra0l- r? 111,1 e:. and three igre (t-grandchld- ren The family are M Wesley Coltman. Hcnsa]l, Mrs, Rits.s Mac- Lean H15c1 Mrs, Smith e:f Detroit. Mrs. T.. Fr erl of Victoria I C., George and Robert Lai Hen -salt Harry. i v. Isaac of Alberta, John and William ':-eri in the West alsts Mrs. 1n -i' 11 tram. 1-1en.all. ilrs 'Jackson i- st 1 very active and enxvs life. Mr W. H. Golding M. P. of Se f _e. tlt was in Mown on. Tuesday. Mr. Orville Twitchell is having FAULTLESSLY TAILORED ny FASHION -CRAFT twoommoinlisimmse 15 Ladies' Coats 2.98 A wonder value in. Fall Coats for :Hisses or Women at fraction of theircoat $2.98 Each House Dresses 49c n Women's $1.00 gaaiity House Dresses; new prints, neat styles. izes 14 to 44 49c at nomanssisungsgm BATH TOWELS Turkish Towels. with 1 Jaequered l:o rd -. s. Sit 1k . T ::o i :ewes. 2 for 25 c *imaistmaurimasszewsungssanams E allies' Hats • 98c (•nnle:e of {)111' t Sumner Felts and Straws. 4 tae v' to $4.09 c 36" Prints 121/2c Suntaet and Tubfast; ioeert Sum- mer colors and patterns; ape- ' 121/2C Rogniar 20c yar HOSE I0c Odd lines in Ladies' and Child- ren's Silk and Cotton Stockings and Socks. C Regular to 50c Pair TOWELLING121/2c Pure Irish Linen Towelling, red 1,, I or blue borders Yard i 121/2 C Reg. i8c values. Hollywoodeeeweeeseeitee Patterns (54 X11 We .N 51 c TA ISIS SEAFORTH BRUSSELS THE SEAFORTH NEWS The `B' Beauty Salon will close on August 7th for two weeks and will re -open on Mon- day, August 21st. 'B' Beauty Salon L. M. BOX Phone 50 or 18 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Nassommomilaw 'another ,gasoline pomp erected at This cup-t'o.date tgaealge. Five ,out -+of -town (hands participated in the Band Tattoo held there on lWecineaclay evening, namely Sarnia, Parkhill, St. Marys, W'ingliam and Dnehwood. The (blands paraded from the Qlnited Church scorner ,down main street prior to the 'Cattoo. They .allso marched by the hone of Mr. and Mrs, Owen Greiger, .who were .celebrratin g thus sixtieth 'wedding anniversary. A large crowd 'atten'ded the Tattoo. The annual Sunday S leolol 'p'icnic was - field east Wednesday at Turn - hell's Grove ,and VMS tla'ngely 'ttttende'd. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Smillie of Toronto visited over the week -encs with relatives here. Additional Hensel] News on Page 4. IN MEMORIAM 13oyes-•-'In loving memory of .1. J. Boyer, who died on August 1, 1938, I have lost my soul's companion, A life linked with any own, And day by day I miss him more As I walk through life alone. -Sadly missed by Wife and Family CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. Alfred S. Brown wishes to thank the many friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown her in her recent sad bereave- ment; also for the beautiful floral tributes and ears loaned. Special thanks to Rev. Mr, 'Gardiner and the Foresters. AUCTION SALE Lambert Saleyard, Strathroy, Sat- urday, Aug. 5th. 160 Head of Mixed Cattle, including Yearling and 2 -year-old - Stockers, Heifers and Steers. Usual run of Mixed Pigs and Calves. Trucks to deliver. • Terms cash. A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. WANTED Used tractor plow in good condi- tion. Apply to Reynolds' Dairy, Sea - forth. POSITION WANTED As housekeeper by widow, middler aged. ('an take full charge, Praetieal nurse if needed. Apply to Mra. Nellie ?Aden, Seaforth. GRAIN WANTED I am buying grain for George Thompson of Hensel]. Am still sell- ing oil and grease. Sam Chesney, Eg- mondvilie. Phone 148r3. FOR RENT IN BAYFIELD Cottage for August, furnished, for 325. Near the Lake. Apply to P.O. Box 103, Bayfield. WORK WANTED A young girl wants work by day or week. Apply at The News ;Office LOST In Seaforth, on Wednesday, July 26, a purse containing pair of glasses; put in wrong ear by mistake. Finder please notifyNews Office. ROOMS TO LET Downstairs, three bright roosts, furnished or unfurnished; suitable for two business girls or teachers. Apply at News Office. THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1939. - Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Margaret Carbert. All persons having claims against the Estate of Margaret Carbelt, late of the Town of Seatortl't, deceased, who died on or about the 4th day of May, 1939, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the llth'day of August. 1939, full par- ticulars of their claims. Immediately after the said Oast mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion or all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the under- signed shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof, Dated at Seaforth this 26th day of July, 1939. 'McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. Solicitors for the Executrix. Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Belie Beattie. All persons having claims against the Estate of Belle Beattie, late of the Town of Seaforth, deceased, who died on or about the 13th day of April, 1939, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or be- fore the 11th day of August, 1939, fu11 particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any Person of whose claim the undersign- ed shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part th ereof. Dated at Seaforth this 26th day of July, 1939. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. Solicitors for the Executor. Notice To Creditors In the Estate of James Hickey. A11 persons having claims against the Estate of Janos Hickey, late of the Township of Hibbert, deceased, Who died on or about the 16th day of April, 1939, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or be- fore the 11th clay of August, 1939, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims of which the un. dersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersign- ed shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth, this 26th clay of July, 1939. ' McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. Solicitors for the Executor. Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Margaret McLaren. Ail persons having claims against the Estate of Margaret McLaren, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, de- ceased, who died on or about the 11th day of May. 1939, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 11th day of August, 1939, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the extension of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the un- dersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth, this 26th day of July, 1939. McCONNIIILL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. Solicitors for the lbxecutore. FOR SALE Read cart and t racing bike, all in good shape. Apply to Robert LPinkney. Seaforth. Proclamation Town of Seaforth CIVIC HOLIDAY MONDAY, AUG. 7 I hereby proclaim that Monday, August 7th, 1939, he Civic Holiday Inc the Town of Seaforth and request that the citizens observe same by closing their plaeea of btashiess for that day. JOHN 3. MIFF, Mayor. FOWL WANTED We will pay the Highest Price for all kinds of Fowl Give us a call. THOS. DICKSON Phone 13. 1 L CASE GRAIN BINDERS Modern Binders built in 3 main types -Horse drawn; Combination Tractor or Horse; Tractor Power -Take off Binders. Built to give long years of trouble-free service. Our Binders are ideal for getting down or flattened grain. They actually shave the ground. Tractor users are espec- ially invited to get particulars on our H. & T. Binders, ALSO -6' Combine Harvester (with full 28" steel cylinder) Enquiries Welcome Anytime PHONE 25 J. N. McKENZIE DEALER SEAFORTH BUY IN EGMONDVILLE- WE SAVE YOU MONEY WANTED ED Eggs that are gathered twice daily and delivered to us twice weekly. We are paying 25c in Trade for Grade A Large Robinhood Flour per 95 its. bag 2 39 Western Queen per 98 Ib. bag 2 00 New Potatoes per 15 ib. peck 19c Granulated Sugar per bag - 5.79 Apple Blossom Biscuits 2 pounds 25c Eddy's Matches 3 boxes 21c SMYRNA FINGERS.... 2 lies. 29c W. J. Finnigan MORTGAGE SALE By virtue of the .powers contained in a certain mortgage there will be offered for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION on TUESDAY, AUGUST 8th, 1939 at 2.30 P.M. at the of3ee of H. G. Meir, Seaforth, Solicitor for the Mortgagee, the fol- lowing farm lands: - Lot 13, Concession 4, Huron Road Survey, Township of Tucker - smith, containing 100 acres, On these lands are erected a frame residence on stone foundation, with cellar, summer ]titcheu and wood- shed; also large frame bank barn on stone foundation, 36 x 96, with stabling for 28 head of cattle and 5 horses. shingle roof in good condition, root cellar in barn; also small drive. shed, hen house, 2 wells. There is some bush. Land is well cultivated, 70 acres arable, rest bush and pas-, ture. Terns: -Ten pet' cent cash at time of sale balance in thirty days. Mort- gage may be arranged. Subject to reserve bid. For further particulars apply to H. G. MSIR; Solicitor for Mortgagee. George 'H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 'ELMER O. BELL, E.A. HONEY FOR SALE Clover honey in your own con- tainers -8c. Also comb honey in small and large sections. Wallace Ross, North Main St., Seaforth. Phone, 303 J. HOUSE FOR SALE House in Egntondville on Main St., stable, het house. garage, 5. acre of land, plenty of room, 3 rooms upstairs. Hydro, cistern, hard and soft water, low taxes, fruit trees. Apply at The ]News Office. WOOD FOR SALE All kinds of Steve wood and slabs, delivered anywhere. Prices. reason- able. Phone your orders to 182'-J. Russell Holmes, Seaforth. FOR. SALE .Storm Seal, Rosea Ribbed, and Corrugated Steel Roofing, Council Standard with 25ryear Guarantee. Favestroughing, Galvanized Sheet Iron, Metal Sidings, Galv'd Hog Troughs, Corrugated Round -'End Water Troughs and Tanks, Galv'd Furnace Pipes, Metal Ridge and Val- lee, Granary Lining, Also -Copper, Zinc, Tin, Stainless Steel, &c., in sheets, Rocco Portable Silos, Roofing Paints, Asphalt Roofing, Asphalt Brick Siding, Floor Tile, Slate Roof- ing. Building Paper, Plastic Cements, Roofing Nails, &c„Write, phone or call in person for an estimate. Murray Tyndall, Brucefield. Phone 618 ring 12. Clinton. - Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Mary Jane Laird, Deceased, All persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named de- ceased, late of the Town of Simcoe, in the County of Norfolk, (formerly of the Town of Seaforth, in the Coun- ty of Huron,) who died on or about the 28th day of April, 1939, are re- quired to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 1st day of September, 10:19. After that date the Estate will he distributed having regard only to the chains of which the undersigned shall then have had notice. Dated at Simcoe, this 24111 day of July, 1939, D, 11. W. TISDALE, Administrator with the Will annexed, Simcoe, Ontario. NOTICE Township of McKillop The Ontario Weed Control Act states in (lenge 4 -Every occupant of land. or if the land 0 unoccupied, the own- er shall destroy all noxious weeds as often In every year as is sufficient to prevent the ripening of their seeds. Clause 22 --Any person who con- travenes any of the provisions of this Act or refuses to obey any lawful order of an Inspector given tinder authority of this Act, shall incur a penalty of not less than $10.00 nor more than 850.00 for every stach of- fence. - THRESHERS: Clause 12 ---Every person, firm or company owning or operating a threshing machine .or separator or ausin,g the sante to he operated, shall nac'.h year before commencing oper- ations register such machine or Sep aralor with the Minister of Agricul- ture, and shall procure a certificate of such registration. Your co-opera- tion is requested. - 'FRANK E. STOREY, Inspector, Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 . E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours: - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.m. to 5 pan. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 P. m. TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax Pre=Payment Receipts For 1939 The Town will pay 4 per cent per annum up to Aug. 31/39 on all pre- paid 1939 taxes. Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's office in the Town Hall. D. H. WILSON, Treas. HONEY FOR SALE Nei. 1 grade Clover Honey 7c per pound, in customer's containers, any quantity. George and Wm, Parker, Chiselhurst, Sippen RR, 2. FOR SALE Two young Shorthorn bulls, from choice milking dams. Priced reason- able. Harty 'Norris, Kippen; phone 1411,4. Seaforth central. The Handsome Choicely Bred Clydesdale Stallion MILTON FORDER ((.17688) Enrolment No. 31525. Form 3 Terms -41E payable Feb. ket, 1940. Jacob Hignell, Prop. and Manager. Enrolment 3049 Form 2 The Standard Bred Stallion BARON LULLWATER 211135. 2A3%. at three years old 41939 Grade "5". Premium No. 375. Will stand for the improvement of stock at the barn of his owner, W. C. Govenlock, Egmondviile. He is a jet :black. in color, stands 115-3 hands high and weighs 1(100 lbs. He is a premium horse and is sound. His sire, Bogalusa, 2.04%. - He is also a handsome horse as he was first and reserve champion at the Royal Winter fair, Toronto, last win- ter. 1938. Would try to make ar- rangements to meet those from a dis- tance where possible. Terrns $112. pay- able Feb. 1st, 1(940. ROYAL CARBROOK [271011 Enrolment No. 3500. Foran 1 FLOWERPRZIT SUPREME [283521. Enrolment No, 3959 Form 3 Route for season of 1939: Monday ---Will leave his own stable Lot 3, Con. 3, Hullett, to go north to Walton to Herb .Kirkby's for noon; to his own stable for night. Wednesday -Will go east as far as Beechwood; home for night. Friday -Mill go south 264 miles, then west to Sam Switzer's school, south to ,Mill Road, then by way of Clinton to David Rogers for noon; hone by way of 915 con., Goderieh Tp. Terms --$1.3, payable Mar. Ili, 1940 T. J. McMichael, Prop. & Manager INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed to first class companies, information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Phone 334 w STRATFORD - GODERICH COACH LINES sUMMGIn. TIME TABLE Leaves Seaforth for Stratford: 1JatI - 8.15 a.m. and 5,20 n.m. (.caves Seaforth for C,odorich: Flatly- except Sunday and 1, l., 1.00 p.m, and 7.40 n•m. Sun. and hal., 1.00 'p.m. and 0.30 p.m. Connection of Stratford for .Toronto. Hamilton.. Bvtralo, London, Detroit Tavistock, *Woodstock Agents: Queen's, Commercial, Dick House