HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-07-27, Page 4PAGE POUR. THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros., Publtehent THE SEAFORTH NEWS, NINON THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1939 WALTON Upwards of two hundred people attended the picnic on July 19th in Mr. Thos, Williantson's grove. Three. wings provided pleasure during the afternoon and a couple of soft -ball games. After the games, a program of races was put on and every one had a chance to prove their sports- manship as there were races for all, Last but not least a tasty lunch was served. A booth on the grounds prov ided refreshments as well, Everyone Went home satisfied with an enjoy- able afternoon, Picnic was held under the auspices of United Palm Women of this vicinity, and thanks are ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Williamson for the use of their spacious grove, The home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Anderson, with its spacious lawn well lighted with electric bulbs hanging from the trees, proved a fitting set- ting for the ice cream social held ou Wednesday last. Rev. Mr. Hendry, pastor, acted as chairman, and the following took part in the program— Mrs. Kennedy, Bill Eckmier, and the Hendry sisters of Brussels; Billy and Peggy Trapnell and Jackie Agar of Seaforth: Mrs. Ferguson. Kelso Adams, Elgin and Mervyn Nott of Constance; Doreen Coutts. Elva Sholdice, Isabel Davidson, Beth Shannon, Mary Humphries, Mr. Hugh Shannon, Mildred' Sellars and Ethel Shaw• Walton. Rev. Mr. Gilbert. pas- tor of Walton United Church, spoke a few words which were much ap- preciated. and Rev. Mr. Mahoney brought greetings from Brussels Un- ited Church and delighted :he audi- ence with two well rendered accord - tee soles. Mr. Wilfred Shortreed act- ed as Jim Hunter in a capable man- ner'fringing v.. Ileweeast of local news interspersed with stories and jokes. At the close of the program a lunch of ice ..ream. pie. cake and cot- fee was served. The ladies of St, t eergee Church wish to extend thanks and appreciation to all these who helped in any way to make the evening a success. Mts:\, Morris. Toronto. spent the ;net week with her aunt. Mrs. Fred Rutledge, Mr. Hugh Wilson. London. spent the past week with his sister, Mrs. Fred Ennis, Mrs. J. Doherty, Blyth, spent a few days with Mrs. H. Fulton. Mrs, Len Adams. St. Catharines. spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Livingston. Mr. and Mrs. Hollingshead and children of Sault Ste. Marie visited with her aunt, Mrs. Chas. Case, and other relatives. recently, Mr. Jas. Bishop has returned from North Bay after a short visit with his daughter Mrs, Alderson, who was in poor health, but is recovering nicely. Mr. Cameron Dennis of North Bay spent Thursday with his father in Me- Killop. Mr. and Mrs. R. Marks spent Thurs- day in Toronto combining business with pleasure. Miss Margaret Ramsay of Cali- fornia is visiting her nephew Geo. Ramsay, and other friends. It is a long time since she went West. and she finds many changes. Gordon Holland spent Sunday in Detroit. Master Ross Hurst. from near elonkton is spending some holidays with his aunt. Mrs. George Jaokson. Mrs. Hugh Fulton is spending this weak with iirs. Joe Hamilton on the boundary east. Mrs. Mary Dresses of Toronto visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Ennis, ELIMVILLE Miss Joy Whitloek of St. Thomas ee est the week end with her mother ?.ire. P. Whitlock. The community- pienic was held at Grand Bend on Thurcdey afternoon last. Mr. Brad Doherty of Montreal was a recent visitor in the community. The W.M.S. entertained the _Mis- sion Band at the church last Wednes- day afternoon. A splendid program was given by the children. Mrs. ,Rev.) Mair gave an address. Lunch consisting of ice cream and cake was served at the close. Engagement Announced— The engagement is announced of Lillian Adele, youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Cam- Bron of Toronto, to Dr. W. J. Spence Jackson. son of Mr. and Mrs. James Jackson of Clinton, the wed- ding to take place quietly the middle 31 August. LONDESBORO The regular sleeting of the Wo- men's Institute• will be held at the ,community hall on Thursday, Aug. 3rd at 2.30 o'clock. The following' is, expected. report of district annual held of Goderiob recently, by Mrs. J. P. Manning; "Legislation", airs. E. Adams; roll call, "One law 'I com- mend or otherwise," and as a special treat, "The George family," who are visiting with friends, will be on the program. Hostesses, Mrs. V. Roy, Mrs. V. Kennedy, Mrs. W. Hesk. Mrs. SV. Hoggart, Mrs. D• Carter, The aft- ernoon will no, doubt be quite inter- esting. "Come and see." Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Hall of Am- herstburg spent the week end with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. F, Hall. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Manning. Galya and June, Mr, and Mrs. James Rob- ertson of Auburn, and Mrs. Margaret Manning visited for a short time with the latter's cousin and family, S. Morrison, Lucltuow, on Sunday. The Women's Institute have ar- ranged with Mr. G. McVittie to have a slide built at the community hall grounds at.a cost of 838, with swings, teeters and slides. This playground is becoming an up-to-date place for the children to enjoy themselves. Mr. Earl Squires from the West was calling on old friends here last week, it being 28 years since that family lived here and ran the mill south of the village recnetly owned by Mr. John Hutton. Mr, and Mrs, J. P. Manning were agreeably surprised on Sunday by having some of Mrs. Manning's cous- ins from Saskatchewan call on them. They were on their way to the World's Fair. The auditorium of the United Church is being re -decorated and is closed to worship service for several weeks. but is expected to be re -open- ed on Aug. 27th. Mr. Wilkinson of \Viughanl is the decorator. There will be preaching service in the basement of the church this Sun- day at the usual hour, and Sunday School as usual. and on the following Sunday. .Tuly 3llth, there will be no worship service _Misses Esther and Mary Jamieson of Toronto are emending their vaca- tion at the home of their parents. Mr. and `Mrs. A. Jamieson. Mrs. J. Tamblyn spent Sunday at the hone of Ira Rapson and family. Group No, 3 of the W.M.S. held a very successful sale of homemade bakiug in the church basement on Saturday last. WINTHROP The W.M.S. and W.A. Society of Caven Church will hold their meeting ou Wednesday, Aug. 2nd, at the home of Mrs. Ernie Toll at 2 o'clock. The sleeting is to be on Temperance. A picnic was held by the Mission Band of Cavan Church on Tuesday afternoon at Mr. Thos. Pryce's. Races resulted as follows: Linder 6 years old, lst Jean Dennison, 2nd Loraine Smith; under 8 years old, 1st Gordon Betties, 2nd Billie Perham; girls, un- der 10, 1st Maxine Hulley, Ind Edith Blanshard; boys, under 10, 1st, Gor- don Betties, 2nd Roy Perham; boys under 12. 1st. Gordon Betties, 2nd Roy Perham; girls under 16, let Marie Holman, 2nd Kathleen Shan- non; girls over 16, 1st Olive Pryce, 2nd Marie Holman; paper bag over head race. 1st Roy Perham, 2nd Gor- don Betties; sack race, 1st Harold Pryce. 2nd Keith Blanshard. Softball and football games were played, fol- lowed by the meeting of the Band. which opened with the drat verse of "Jesus Loves Me." All repeated the Lord's prayer and all the members repeated the mission band purpose. The scripture. Psalm i3. was read by ilrs. Toll. The worship period for next month is Temperance and the study period will be British Colum - 'ria. Mrs Craw told a very interest ing story. Meeting closed with sing- ing the last verses, "Jesus Loves Me," and Rev. Mr. Craw led in prayer. Mr, and Mrs, Charles Dolmage and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dolmage mot- ored to Durand. Mich., and spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. George Fox. Mrs. Fox was formerly Miss Edith Dolmage. "Helpful Hints For Married People" Sketches in FULL COLOR by the brilliant artist and satirist, FISH; shrewd observations of human foibles in words and pictures. Watch for the first of this series of pages, in The American Weekly, the great weekly magazine, with the July 30 issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. if NOTICE t '1 J Jj_ Ia; We have had enquiries for pasteurized Jersey milk. This will be bottled if sufficient cus- tomers wish it. Kindly tele- phone the dairy or tell your driver. This milk will test at least 5% butter fat and will sell at 12c a quart. The regular milk tests from 3.9 to 4% butter fat and is the highest testing milk procur- able in Seaforth. You are invited to visit the dairy any night and see your milk being processed and bottled under the most sanitary conditions. Everybody come and see an up-to-date dairy. We will enjoy it. Buy Chocolate and Orange from your driver and enjoy a good, tasty, .cool drink during the hot weather. Maple WM. C. BARBER, Prop. HENSALL Miss Entnta Johnston and her sister Mrs, Ferguson returned Irene n pleasant outing •with friends at Delhi and'Port Burwell ,n Lake Er:ie. atsee with ;rieuds et Centre Island Toronto and W, ss tga Beach Georgian Bay' Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Johnston and dal hters, who have ,been holidaying with the .former's inother•, Mrs Jas.. Taus -stop. returned to their hone in \\ 1 ;dear. Mr. Wilson Berry of Toronto visited on Sunday with his mother, lire. Ann Berry. Donald and Carey Joynt have returned home after spending a three week's- vacation in Barrie, Taranto and Listowel. Miss Irene Douglas and Mrs Har - pole are- tamping at Bayfield this week together with the members of the Mission Circle of the United Church. Miss Alice Phaff is visiting at the home of her brother amid sister-in- law, Mar. and Mrs. Ray Phaff in Delhi. ' • Miss Amelia MacKay of Toronto was the aues•t of Miss Greta Laramie this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore and members of the fancily returned 'home this week after a very pleasant holiday at Pike's Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Willson and daughter of Toronto are visiting. with Mr. and Mrs. \Vsn lonsit; Mies Irene Hogarth' •'rho - is em- oyed at .\lr. T. C. Joynt's dry goods ,enjoying rc is. est. u a two week's vacation, Mrs, Alice Pilaff and daughters Misses Beryl and A -lice visited on mda - tl h the former's On and t- u.r i ter r law. Mr. and lire. Ray Phaff in Delhi. - I - and Mrs. \\. -1'. Cross are - holidaying n 11:. • Clements land rrotutt1tiig Places. Mr. and lire. Alger Brown and a n ddau Abe e: of Ox ,rd Mice. eis :rad iii... week With Mr. and Mrs. Roy MaeLaren, The- annual Sunday School cr.ic ,t l srntei Presby t eriact ch trot was held on Wednesday at Turnbull s a;rove. Mr. and Mrs. E. Doerr spent the week -end at Grand Bend. Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Hawkins and family \\y of Windsor are visiting with the formers uncle. Mr. Geo. Hawkins, Mr. James Patterson has almost completed his new and up-to-date dwelling. on Main Street and we 1 elieve Mr, and Mrs. Patterson intend proving inn.) the .sante very soon. Mr. .Hilton Ortw•ein of London visited over the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. 'Ortwein. Rev. R. A. Brook conducted ser- vices in the LTnited Church an Sunday and the choir sang a beautiful anthem: "More Love To Thee, 0 Christ. hiss Bella Smale and \iiss Kay Dobbs of Toronto, formerly of Hensall, ron•tributed a beautiful duet "Someone Had Prayed" at, the morn- ing service. Rev. R. A. Brook and Mr. W. 0. Goodwin- sang a duet "I Lore The iName Of Jesus" at the evening service. •. Mr. Robert Passmore will conduct morning and evening services in the United Church next Sabbath and services will be held in the 'morning only the first three Sunday's in Aegust, when Mr. Robert Passmore will be in charge. The many friends of Mr. John Craig who underwent a serious operation in Victoria Hospital, London, last week, are very pleased to hear he is grad- ually recovering. Miss Laura Butt of Toronto is the rest of Mrs. John Murdock this week. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Baynham and family of Exeter visited on Sunday with Mrs. Baynham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moir. Mr. \\'nt. Daniels who has been confined to Brantford hospital for some time as the result of a fractured cin which he received in an accident e- Brantford was able to return to his hone here this week. Rev. W. A. Young conducted the service in Carmel Church an Sunday evening and was assisted by Rev. John Richardson, formerly of K'rppen, An anthem "Thine is - the Kingdom" was beautifully rendered by the choir. During the service Mr. Peter Moir, superintendent of the Sunday Sohool, presented three Sunday School schol- a e in Mrs. Young's class; namely, Eileen Munn, Betty Moir and Audrey Campbell with certificates for mem- orization of the Holy Scripture. Mr. Cecil Hudson of Detroit is visiting with his parents, Mr. and 11 Gro H idson. MIs Ruth Young enjoyed a very pleasant holiday at the Girls' Canip at Kintail last week, DUBLIN Mr. Joseph Looby visited Alliston friends. Messrs. Wm. and Jack O'Rourke were at Grand Bend. Misses Velma and Doris Clark of Hamilton are visiting friends and rel- atives in the village. Mr. Jack Schumer and children have returned to their home in De. trnit after a week's visit at the home of Mr. Joseph McGrath. Mrs. Catharine Evans, Mary and Joseph visited London friends, Mr. and Mrs. Dave McConnell and Joseph. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Carpen- ter visited London friends, Miss Winnifred Pendergast of Lon- don was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. James Shea. Mr. and Mrs, Philip Flanagan have returned to Toronto after a pleasant visit with her father, Mr. Joseph Mc- G-rath. Mr, and Mrs, Ed Diegel 01 Mitchell and Miss Alma Rock, nurse, of Strat- ford. visited Mr, and Mrs. Albert Rock. Mrs. Gar Smith visited with Ham- ilton friends. Emmet Burk, Alliston, visited at the hone of Mrs. Annie Looby, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barber of Strat- ford and Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Rodgers of- Mitchel] were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Darling. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Longeway and daughter of Stratford with Miss Ella 1 Dillon north of the village. Mrs, Charles Strubb and two dau- ghters of Kitchener are holidaying with Mrs. Ellen Burns. Miss Marion Dill of London visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs. P. Dill. J. GALLOP'S GARAGE SEAFORTH Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer Come in and see the new Plymouth car We also have a Service Truck—if you phone '179 and we will come p PHONE 179. All Repairs Strictly Cash. and Fargo Truck have car trouble, romptly . . SEAFORTH We Aim To Please BRUCEFIELD Sunday School Picnic— The Brucefield Sunday School pic- nic ianic was held on Friday, July 21st, at Jowett's Grove. Bayfield, and was a decided success. Following is the result of the races: Girls, 5 and under, Jean McGregor, Verna Eyre, Boys. 5 and under, Lorne Thompson, Gerald Rennie, ' Girls, 6 to 8. Margaret Wright, Marion Hill. Boys, 6 to 8, Douglas McBeth, Jimmie Chapman. Girls, 9 to 12, Blanche Zapfe, Marion Wilson. Boys, 9 to 12, Ross Diking, Dan Aldwinkle. Boys 12 to 15, D. McEwen. R. Dulling. Ladies, Doreen Pepper, Mrs. Austin Zapfe. Gents, Wesley Ham. D. McEwen. Ladies, kick the slipper, Eva Stackhouse, Doreen Pepper. Gouts, kick the slip- per. Wes Ham, H. Collins. children, slipper kick, B. Zapfe. Marion Hill. Husband calling, Mrs. H. Aikenhead, Mrs. R. Allan. Ladies, throw rolling pin, Doreen Pepper, Mrs. Abe Zapfe. Gents. throw rolling pin, Lorne Wil - on, W. D. Wilson. Tug of war, Fred Boyer' team. Wife calling. Mr. Zapfe, Alton Johnston. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Wheeler and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wheeler and son of Detroit spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. T. H, Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees of Bowntanville spent the week end with Mrs. A T, Scott. Mrs. Jamieson and Mrs. Brock are visiting relatives in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Swan spent Sunday in St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Berry and Mr. and Mrs, W. McBeth and Douglas spent Sunday in Port Huron. Mr. Joe McCully. and Mary,.Graee, and Miss Flora McDougal spent Sun- day in London. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cornish spent Sunday in Stratford. The United Farm Women held their monthly meeting on July 19th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cairns 'with president in the chair and open- ed with singing "Annie Laurie," fol- lowed by all repeating the Beatitudes. After minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted, Mrs. Steak- house read a letter from Mrs. J. Grieve, Mrs. Nesbit read a letter from the cooperative and Miss Marks a letter from the educational secretary, thanking the club for donation sent. Miss Eva Stackhouse then favored us with two readings, "The Garden Wall," and "Our Gracious Queen." The bulletin questions were answered by Mrs. Nesbitt, Mrs, Stackhouse and Mrs. Buchanan. The topic, "The guests' point of view," and "the host- ess' point of view," were taken by Mrs, W. Douglas and Mrs. J. Snider tread by Mrs, Cairns) were both very interesting. Miss Marks read an article on "They like the Bright Lights," and Mrs. Buchanan, "The Always Faithful Few." The August meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Douglas. Lunch was served by hostess and friends. Miss V. Petrie, who is visiting with her sister. Mrs. R. Allan. accompan- ied them to Bruce Beach the first of the week, Mr. Teti Eckel of Toronto was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Haugh last week. Mrs. John Davidson is home from the West, visiting at the bome of her sister Mrs. Stevens and brother Mr. D. Tough. It is 21 years since • she visited her friends here. Mrs. S. Ross and children after spending a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ashton in Colborne town- ship, returned home on Sunday, Mrs. Brock and Mrs. Jamieson are visiting their nephews and nieces in St. Clair. Mich., this week. Mr. and Mrs, Frank McKenzie of St. Louis, U.S.A., returned to their home this week after spending last week at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. R. McKenzie. Mrs. Thompson, who has been spending the past month at the home of her son in Stanley returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Moodie last week. Mrs. Thompson and family of Sar- nia are visiting with Mrs. Stevens this week. The July meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was held in the schoolroom of the church on Wednes- day afternoon. The president Mrs. C. Haugh presided over the opening ex- ercises and the business period. Mrs. Hugh Aikenhead gave a reading on stewardship --Giving his best. As this meeting was in charge of the Associate Helpers, Mrs. A. McQueen took the chair, and bliss M. Marks read Psalm 51. Mrs. R. Dawson gave the devotional leaflet and Mrs. Jas. McQueen, "A child—a soul winner in China." Current events on conditions existing in China were given by Mrs. C. Haugh and Miss E. Bowey. An im- promptu debate was in charge of Mrs. Abe Zapfe and the meeting closed with the hymn, "Stand up, stand up for Jesus," and the Mizpah benediction. BLAKE A. large number from this commun- ity attended the Sunday School picnic to Bayfield recently. Miss Elva Hey, who spent a few holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hey, returned toher aunt's home in Michigan. Mrs. Manson and family are being visited by friends from Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McBride, bridal couple, are at present at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. S. McBride, Mr, and Mrs. D. Turner and son of London visited at the horse of Mr, and Mrs, R. N. Douglas. SWINE CLUB MAKES TOUR OF INSPECTION Agricultural Representative J. C. Shearer and W. L. Whyte, chairman of the Clinton Swine Club committee, made a tour of inspection of the weanling sows being raised by the members of the swine club. The young "Men of the club, twenty in number, are of ages 12 to 20 years, and are resident in Goderich, Hullett, McKillop" and Stanley townships. They are: William Harrs, Harold Warner, Grant Stirling, Douglas Stir- ling, Frank B. Thompson, John Erie Cox, Bayfield; Keith Tyndall, W. H. Williams, John Lindsay, Howard Mc- Cullough, Wilbert Levy, Allan Neal, Frank. Potter, ,lames Lobb, Kenneth steep, Dennis Bisbeck, Grant Bisbeek, Clinton; W. Bruce Roy, Murray IC. Roy, Londesboi'o; Robert E. Mc- Millan, Seaforth. A meeting of the club members was held do the even- ing at the farm of W. L. Whyte at which the fathers of the young men were present. Robert McMillan and secretary of the club Bruce Roy were in charge of proceedings. An instruc- tive program was carried ottt, con- sisting of judging instructidms on two classes of swine, bacon hogs and brood sows; inspection of registered grain fields; management of swine. by W. L. Whyte; club's work in Huron by J. 0: Shearer. At a short business session of the club and leaders it was decided that the next meeting be held at the farm of Frank Tyndall, Clinton, on August 4th. At that meeting, it is hoped, the speak- ers will include Dr. A. R. Campbell, HexI%all veterinarian, who will address the club on the subject of disease of swine. At that time also a team will be chosen to represent the Clinton club in the competition for Ontario championship to be held at Guelph in October. CHISELHURST The annual Sunday School picnic was held Wednesday, July 19, at Turnbull's Grove, with a very large crowd present. Results of the races were as follows; Girls and boys under 5— 1st Lloyd Riley, 2nd Betty O'Keefe. Girls, 8 and under, 1st Vel- ma Ferguson, 2nd Mary Taylor. Boys, 8 and under, 1st Keith Brintnell, 2nd Roy Ferguson. Girls, 12 and under, 1st, E. Chambers, and Betty Horton. Boys, 12 and under, lst Bruce Glenn, 2nd Grant McLean. Girls, 15 and under, 1st Maxine Purdy, 2nd Aileene Chambers. Boys, 15 and under, let Bruce Glenn, 2nd Howard Ferguson. Single ladies, lst Helen McNaughton, 2nd Verna McLean. Single boys, let Mervin Ryckman, 2nd Bill McLean. Married woolen. 1st Mrs. Tom Brint- nell, 2nd, Mrs. Bart Riley. Married men, lst Cal Horton, 2nd Bert Hort- on. Fat women's race, 1st Mrs, Dick Kinsman, 2nd Mrs. Bert Riley. Lad- ies, kicking slipper, 1st Mrs. John Glenn, 2nd Mrs. Carl Stoneman. Gents, kicking slipper, lst Carl Stone- man, 2nd Cat Horton. Shoe race, 1st Bert Horton and Mrs, R, McDonald; 2nd, Verna McLean and Cal Horton, News paper race, Bill McLean and Beatrice Drover. Balloon race, Rus- sell Ferguson. Banana race, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker. Toothpick and ring race—Jim Younge's side were the winners. Supper was then served with over 175 present. A siiver coI- lection was taken to help pay the ex- penses, which amounted to 912.75. Every one reported a very enjoyable time. VARNA Mr. and Mrs. Argo and little son of Toronto spent the week end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, a'Ic- Connell. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Woods and little daughter of Toronto spent the week end with relatives here, prior to mot- oring to their cottage in Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Austin and little daughter of Seaforth, spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs, Aus- tin. Mr. Schell motored front Detroit for Mrs. Schell and two sons who spent the past week with Mrs. Austin and family, Several from St. John's congrega- tion attended the celebration of the 90th anniversary of Trinity Church. Bayfield, Mr. and Mrs. Latham and son Billy in company with Miss Beatty, on their return from Ottawa, caned on the latter's mother and daughter. Little Jimmie Lee Argo of Toronto is the guest of his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. McConnell. Thresher Reid is very busy these days helping the farmers get their grain under cover. Mr. and Mrs. Grassic entertained friends Sunday. Owing to special service in Trinity Church Sunday there will be no ser- vice in St. John's Church Sunday. Mr. Gordon Raymond of London visited at the home of Mr. G. Beatty Sr. and in company with Miss Edyth Mossop and Mrs. M. G. Beatty, mot- ored to Grand Bend Thursday, and witnessed a most wonderful crop of wheat along the Blue Water highway. Farmers are very busy these days, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Beatty and family spent Sunday with relatives in Ripl ey. Bcha el r o Uncle—"How cle "How old is the baby?" Proud Father—"Six months." Bachelor Uncle—"Talk yet?" Proud Father—"No, not yet." Bachelor Uncle—'Boy, eh" REGENT THEATRE "Cool" Air Conditioned NOW SHOWING Roy Rogers Mary Hart "Shine On Harvest Moon" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Next Thur. Fri. Sat., Aug. 3-4-5 E E -est S Rg T 1 S COMING SOON "Only Angels Have Wings" EIPPEN The Kinpen East W. r. met at the 'home o: Miss. Win. Be11 on Thursday evenur, July 20111 with a good attend- ance. ttend-ance. \Vith the president in the chair the meeting was opened by the singing of the Institute ode and repeating the Lard's Prayer, then followed the Bible readine by Mrs. D. Chappell, and the story of their 'farm by Mrs. Bell. Mrs. "\V+nt. McLean read a very dnteresting history of Mrs. Wm. Mc- Gregor's farm. Misses Iva Leary and Laura Din nen :sang and played a guitar aiccom- ,paniment Mr. S. Whitmore, reeve of Tuckersmith was the speaker for the evening and gave a Wood descri tion of the past and present work of the township council. The report of the meeting of the districtj annual meet- ing at .Kip.pen on June 6 was given by our Dis. Rep, Mrs. H. Caldwell, Mrs. James Smillie then read a short poem entitled "Just a .married woman." The motto "Patriotism 45 not Enough" given by, Mrs, H. Caldwell was very interesting and ably dealt with. Current events 'hy Miss Lantra Tremeer and a .salad demonstration by Mrs. G. McLean were both interesting items of rhe program. Misses Leary and Dinneit gave an- other musiea'l number which was much enjoyed. The roll call was well responded to by the name of a former reeve. A note of thanks to Mr. Whitmore and those ;akin.* part in the .program also to Mre, Bell and the singing of the N itional \nthem brought the meeting' to a close. A splendid lunch was served rved by the committee and a social time was spent. The next meeting* in Aug. will he at the home of Mre..jainee Finlay. - '5011. BAYFIELD The annual picnic of , the Clinton and Bayfield congregations of the Presbyterian Churches was held in Jowett's Grove on Wednesday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. J. Leslie of San Fran- cisco were guests of Mrs. Leslie's brother, Mr. D. McNaughton. Mr. Leslie is an old Clinton boy and it's nearly forty years since they went to California. • Mrs, E. Geddes and Miss Mary and Stewart were guests of Mrs, J. Fer- guson last week. Miss Margaret Groves of Toronto was renewing old acquaintances in the village this week. Miss Gower of Toronto is a guest at the Lake View Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. J. Leslie, San Fran- cisco Mr. Carson of London, Miss Mallard of Brantford Mrs. Mullen of Detroit, and Mrs. Johnson of Goder- ich at Miss Ferguson's. Mrs. R. Pott} and Mrs. G. Kendall have been guests at the parental home of Mr. and Mrs, W. Jowett. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stogdill of Tor- onto are guests at the home of their son Dr. 'Chas. Stogdill, and Mrs. Stog- dill. bliss P. Boyd and Master Geo. Boyd of Gravenhm'st are spending a few weeks with their grandmother, Mrs. Geo. Woods and aunt, Mrs. J. Howard. " Mt'. and Mee, N. Ton's of Detroit are visitors at Mrs. .1. Toms this week. Mr. and Mrs, H. Weston and son are guests of Mr. R. Weston this week. The 90th anniversary of Trinity An- glican Church was held on Sunday, July 23rd. Bishop Seager of London, preached at the morning service. A garden party was held on the Rectory grauurds on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gimlet and sone of Bad Axe, Mich., and Dr. Chas, gan are spending ivacation Lo- tth Mi's. 3. cleave. Dr. l'.ngantsanwold Bayfield boy and a brother of Mrs. Cleave. - Mt. F. Keegan and Mr. Beeehey were in Stratford Saturday attending theraces. Mr. Blyth Stevenson or Toronto is spending his vacation with his fan,- fly at their summer borne here. Miss Anne Droulu has returned from a two weeks' motor trip to the ©astern. States.