The Seaforth News, 1939-07-13, Page 2PAGE "t W tJ
Jt Makes a Nicer Cool Drink
; DQuetta, 3. Edwards, Wat-
,, eerd '(T-ifuifen)
Kate Axworthy. A.. W. 'Trac
US. Ps Elgin (McKinnon) 8 9 d 7
Times.-2.1'ree, 2.1 t; 2;151?
- -
2._'a0 -Race.
(Teddy : Davenport, J. 'Rya -
ledge,. Brussels' 5 a
' soya! Bars, 3.. Donavan. An-
easter (Stronda. 2 2 •
,Patricia D., Brooks Bros.,
London 1 tlszlenp . g - d.?
Lara B. W J. Saunders.
Tillsonbnrg i Weilwood i . 3 4
Ioha Francis, Fritz. Han-
over tFritz, 5 a j
)ay Direct, C. Barrett,
?arkhill fleet -rent,
h imperial G
MIRROR Of THE NATION :or parliament and party organization. T -
the election outlook 7e rhe
anereaamg a -a �.
trek to Ottawa of Liberal members Hales. Dto " a -r! 5 3 d
117... ...auruau....n..0 nIliar,M.t•r
In view of the approach of the gen-
era: election-,. July S. was a signifi-
cant date in Canada'; national and
palitfeal affaires. It was ' tr-t an-
niversary of Hon. R, .S 3far.ioen eel-
e::ibn as Leader of Natrona?
C)r_eerrat=ve Party. In the year .ha:
has elapsed senee Dr. 'u en assum-
.; m1ed :he leade.-hIp the Ca..._rr.
Party has bezom- -,::«- mar? a p.::_
.... fere,: in :he, national fie ..._
_errs I: 7:'w nkely :`a: ,Tr
1'r3Li_n w,' ;tars 3 new re":ur' ..
paley r e'er_: p. When e` _ski en -.
n.- a year ag ` the.
7,---..erea: a ..:w bl . n seer-'
_ _ tte eeen,a: a yea:
'F .. '.- Z 327i' T 3 1 CT slew kicking _. slipper. Mary
-e__ 7 3
. v :
,11_777.- r, . ... ._.
e a
men seeking to be appointed to goy -1
d ernment jobs while their party as
!still in ^office:- Scores of jobs to be
i)led on the various comtn.ssions'
Iand boards that are 20 be. tr>_ate3.— tDeaneryPicnio—
Defence Purchasing Board, a couple
of Fisheries Boards. and other bod'esi A00ut 25 member: of the Huron
—and the faithful are nominating [ Deanery Anglican Young peoples!
themselves for what_ is going. What! 3- ciaaon gathered at Jo lt'sr
they are seeking ie sennas e against`Grore. Bar_ e;de an Wednesday fail
the con. equenc of the government',their anneal genic. The CIlintan
def?at in :he e+-' tinn Th- head of .; branch captured :he coveted athletic'
aIle of the great na:ana: services banner with a :'alai oe 34 points nut":
which. under pressure of mini. t :_ of a possib - : `, Goserieh with 'g
end their ra 'aamenla r _e:rawer has `at _ndance waw, ;h- helloes for ha,
-.ame a pla: onant;in_ the argess: re.preeeatatfon. The'
?ewer, a, en �a.,..._ r_ ed ;
p fing the aft=r-<
alarmed at :73' proslo e._ : nCoII s Program was won by a .team?
:'aa. h- i.- emote: to be seeking :apain_i by Jack. Hewniee
a�rirr= r
S, u•x
peace ._.- hems=t z: r.`:R.?real :tie. Mac , . -_aeon nine. W,in__ .ni
sn e n t - pato _ .> de >_: a parte ev a'. _ were as folLnws-1
-z� ate- r m,r 04 t n :preps Doug.'
.-neve.nteeee ▪ ere :Inv esk-
wa, figineeg Tee
y -a:i. .7 ,. .. .. 177;
._ Dr. ]Iceree. .-case. was ..._..
r . -rs iter fir _ The. re-*.entler,
has bee. . 4 int ...,. ,.........
p'Sbl' appesra:. ., ._ 3...a._-
revere since. the ._- -3.:. -
ss a.. fnditaree __. __f sena
.ate tree A Wit" 1 .
_ea ter. of este - rel ....
2:23 _.
Fla..: -en . a., .3 .
Bee Tir . +..'i.- ..:.a--...
an b" M ::
a ss 5- . der New
:a: b;rg •Tane,.
Sr Harv—r. .1.Stevere-
a ra ,
TonyHanee A u . _.,_
P4 Pa-. Gra.::at. _▪ :a_
:waw e r .......
en..._. wh,: era ....n: eears eed ._.
_ata- de:eer.>i :___ _...c;: _ .., 2:24 Cass
Sfgni_Icate: if ._e way S•••o is
• s
•.•t72E :.J.:d. :.roe.... :3:.= awe �_...... r
erre-ear:. -
.r : • e
Kay ;
a r
Jar._ La .!hart A. r. )
Ti;_eo:burg Grasse:,
Iiarreeter J. Rn::e e.
Ba_.__ •Ra4_ay • . ,.
pant for. Is Alfa
tseayu cry Se aae2ad'e
Fa,rdw-_..: Kelly Jiiddteton.
N :Seek Hawkins
Mr Get sr.:. Fertinnich
f: ,—_t1- i ? -
Mild r3
_a; -, Mary _ )mp_::
Res' t, R Ba:' and_...
R Edith A ?::-,-
i__.._ _._,3,-.. jean Her
--r'-Ses.forthe __air Leppard. fill
:a... _._r.-.. ._ Har: dash
- Cenfe Hannene, . R. A H.
-`y ::3w .a__.. :dare
teems ._ and Murray Draper. t.
Vitt:. .. .wont+ and Swaine i .t-
:emb. G: tri; ; 2 areld Shore and:
- _ch- Reay rate -1.'
en -ere i - 3. G -'--=,a Ponca
- a fellows.
ieni :an
. s7rr.- �.M�e:bt: s II Cede-'
r._-. .. a c. Seafor..' . Wing
ars :. axis_r :h:afternoon's - pro -'i
gram a basket, : was en:3.y^•d. at
.-.. .,-_..1 .a., whi-.h the banner
e.........::a the winning bran:
and -.he geneea: businees
1>as-ry -
._;?A. war di:__r_.d, E
-.'reran ;.f Mrs. Joseph Cart_.,—
._._... 4_r • Car::. w_.:aid :o-:_7
fat:3t ai__..a d ,_me-
Aua_ Friday afternoon
..oink e
o ho`r4tlittleit costs
It's sur ct tpown d summer
to connect
oxlip by t
elephper That's
why `O wntf_parrange
for frequent reeone calls.
telephone time
owes, 5'p11*lQ
stets seecamp so
they won't iniss chance
to talk, tool
Telephone serviceused because lt i uwidelly.
efficient, eet :aurprisialy
e Ise el
..'': espmud; for IOW
it costs.
..._ ala: Se: .._ and a2 15 mit ee_ b?: 7r? ..,., a?irat
.._.?. 1e _: r:ce h'ed a::..- home Narmaa F. «hram L) Dr.
et-ernien.e, Eby Rev. H. Cr Wilson Giaesgie. of Grand Band. , a
of apex L -_-.-d Church. _. E. pounced him dead. The holy was re -
Silver :f Baptist church. ned la moved :a a fishing shanty a h
prayer arae read the Scripture. Mrs. Of the dot' when a .:ere_
Fred Plee:zee sang a solo. The floral storm broke and Harold White of
e. eerne. .. ,1i
A eel!
a i
,rate. were
a fro. tared right wrist. He was ea-
eae-I in repairing the hay loader
. a bar came up piercing his
ri t and breaking the bone. After
h� accident occurred he drove three
load: of hay In before he realized
the injury was serious.—Mitchell Ad-
_ tributes were mans and b.autifni. liExeter. a rural bydre nem:c 1 an a e s- .r ,-r : v)cate.
bearing mate testimony of :he es- versed in _ ssusci ati-)n saethads. 3l. :amp. '7c - e: i .a:
teem in which the departed one was worked over the boy for almost an Summer ^•s> moi . .s'zi::a •+71 the
Let us -put your. _
present tractor on
We'll do it quickly
at reasonableocost
• The Goodyear Sure -Grip Tractor
Tire, the high, sharp -edged, wide -
spaced, chemically toughened lugs
of this great self -clean log tire, hold
their edge, wear down slowly. Pulls
tractors through any going.
Let us show you how easily and quickly
we can change over your present steel
wheels to Goodyear tires. The first low
cost is only a start to savings. With
Goodyeara on your tractor you'll cut
repair bills up to 50%, Save up to 25%
on fuel- See us today!
The Goodyear All -Traction, the only
tractor tire with traction IN ALLDIREC..-
TIO.NS and controlled wear features.
Tread of lugs and diamonds gives lest
service in loose sandy soils. See it!
Tractors, farm implements, trucks and cars run more
economically on Goodyears. Get your tires here!
SEAFORTH, ONT., Phone 267
-eld. F2,werhearers were a grand hour before giving np. Death was be -
son. Jaek Baxter. of Godertch: Wil -'tiered to have been due to his, having
Hem Taman. a nephew. of Goderich, choked to death, rather than by
Harold and William Carter. Nelson drowning. About half an hour after
Patters= and Frank Stalker. The the fatality occurred the boas sister
came to the pier where he was lying.
She had apparently been given some
hint that it was her brother who had
been drowned. With the warm after-
noon sun beaming down. scorces of
people had made the popular sum-
mer resort their headquarters for the
p2 baa er e were John McKnight_
Maitland Alien. Ralph D. Munro.
Earl Rafthby. 0. E. Erratt and Rebt.
Turner. Relatir-s were present from
K.-ppen. Hensali. Cargill- Meaford,
Se forth. Brussels, Blyth. Godereh,'
Sault Ste Marie. Exeter, St. Helens.
Clinton, London and Kingsbridge. day and the drowning took plate be -
Boy Drowned While Sv,irrtrtl-ng— fore hundreds of startled persons. al•
most all of whom seemed spellbound
`ter resnecitation methods. applied by the boy struggling fan the water.
for almost two hours. had failed to his cries going unheeded. Gerald is.
rewire him. W13115m Gerald Lange survived by his mother and sister.
way. 15 -.ear -old Kennicott lad. eon of His father met death. in a drowning:
Mrs. Agnea Longeway. was pronouoc- accident on March 25. 1931. The fam-
ed dead by doctors following a drown- iIy residence :s on Highway No. 233
ing accident at. Grand Bend Sunday between Monktoa and Mitchell. This
evening about S o'clock. In company v toe forst drowning fatality at Grand,
with his sister. Miss Evelyn Longe Bend this season- The victim, who
was born on Nov. 23. 1225. attended
S.S. No. a. Logan. and passed his
entrance examination: this summer.
Is thought to have dived from the end He was a member of St. Brigid's
of the south pier when he was either Church, Kennicott. and of the Holy
stricken by cramps or became chok• Name Society. The funeral was held
ed. Straggling in the 20 feet of Wednesday from the home of his
water be called for help and his trigs. mother. Mrs. Agnes Longeway. 102
were heard by Mitchell Tree of Park- 15. concession 13, Logan. Requiem
who raced some 50 yards to the high mass was sung is St. Brigid's
spot where the lad was and ripping Church, and interment took place in
off his clothes diced in. The boy had St. Vincent de Paul cemetery at
disappeared below the. surface how- Mitchell -
ever. and it was some moments be *„tors Poard: Carnp
fore he was brought ap. Tree and
Leonard Pierce. also of Parkhill, pull.- Camping time again and the Hu-
ed the boy into a boat owned by Dr. seen Cve-s:y- Boys' and Girls' 1,(,ork
H. H. Cowen, Exeter dentist. The a„aeee -ee: a variety -1' Came,
young men worked over him whales R ,} -:.,
the boat made its way to shore 1 .4- an . a ar
where the boy was taken by Jerr,gnee eat ae a a sli=p
Regan of Stratford. and Bill Murdoch l t{te_reree . ae_.
of Stratford, both of whom have had;- tee reeng beeve,. eine' i'7
some training in resuscitation meth -'e,, heir wigwams o77 -' l n'a;”, .1 •7:F
oda. They,- worked over him for about lel and rema'eni05 anti. Sat ay,
way. a student at London university,
home on vacation. Gerald had come
to Grand Bend for the afternoon and
lake shore a5ot: three :tr es north of
('soder..:.. ..::-, i7 :,:: rrzardin :'e
(lie,*;:amp- :::a:. be seeurei from:
Mee. W. P. Lane ani Con--
rn ing the - 2 .ro.T. Row.
Haro'd Sne:e F .. A:" cam719c are
inteeeen•atr^a:: , .. a::. 12`... •77:,1 and
i7ear ? } .•.ales -rye.
Married At Zurich—
A quiz: wedding was solemnized
au Saturday. July 1st. at the hone of
Mr. and Mr_. John Wesley Merner of
Zurich. when their eldest daughter
Catherine Anne. beeame the bride of
Carl Aaron Burn. son of Rev. E.
Burn sad Mrs. Burn of Milverton.
Rev. E. Burn. father of the groom.
erformed the ceremony. The bride
given in marriage by her father. wore
a dress of nary net over matching
taffeta with white accessories and a
corsage of sweetheart roses. A buf-
fet luncheon followed, after which
Mr. and Mrs. Burn left on an extend-
ed motor trip to Quebec. Upon their
return they will reside in Milverton.
Howald-Klapp Wedding—
?. very pretty wedding was solemn-
ized on July 1st. at the 5t. Peter's
Lutheran Church manse at Zurich,
when Miss Veola Susan, only dangle-,
ter of Mr. Elmore Klopp of Zurich. -
was united in holy wedlock to Mr,
Gordon Howald, younger son of Mr,
and Mrs. Henry Howald, also of
Zurich. The bride was attended by
Mies Grace McBride. who was
charmingly dressed in green. The
best man was Mr. Gorden Blcek
They will reside in Zur1 ll.
Arm Fractured By Hay Loader—
George Clark, of Htbbere employ-
ed on the farm of Ken Rice in that
township met with a painful accid-
ent Tuesday afternoon resulting in
The following are some more
poems from the Scrap Book:
I've seen the wise man frequently,
And so I'm sure, have you.
Who knows in all emergencies,
Exactly what to do.
The things that other people daunt,
Surprise, perplex or scare,
Would not affect him in the least,
If he were only there.
He isn't slow to criticize
The notions of the rest,
Tho' he good-naturedly allows
They tried to do their best;
But man -should school themselves to
With calm and thoughtful care;
He could have managed it so well,
If only he'd been there.
What grievous loss of property,
What woe to life and limb,
Had been averted if, in need
"They" had called on hin7,
*hat valorous deeds and feats of
Had made beholders stare
And hold their breath in awed amaze
Only—he wasn't there.
He knows how great reforms are
(At least, how they should be)
The faults and flaws of public men,
He's very quick to see,
In telling why their Methods fail
He's eloquence to spare,
But look for 17itu to bear a hand and
lb! he isn't there. -
(Our Scrap Book).
Want and For Sate ads, a week.; lade
1f/f JULY ... •tYs1
IP. Mas no. WM5 - Mt/2 Irl- Mr.
A A A N A 1
3 '4 5 6 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 181920'27132
X 9f 95, 26. 27 28 29