The Seaforth News, 1939-07-06, Page 4PAGE FOUR. THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 6,, 1939 Miss Maly Heater of Chicago is i spending her vacation at the home of Nr. anti Ars. ,Atex. Darling. Mr. and, Mrs. Ed, , Hallahan of Dee' troit visited with Mrs, Mary Cronin 1 14r..and Mrs. Albert Cronin of Cohrrban visited Mr. and Mrs. Hugh B e nninger, Mr. and )1r;. Harold Schmuck -at Kitchener and Miss :-; eeeeJ'={' Reilly, Detroie, 'vi ifed Mr and. Mrs, I T. J. M'olyneaux. Mr. and Mee ''Nem Hanley and IFrank Ktau kopf spent the holiday at their Homes in the village, Miss Rita Stapleton with her par= ' ents. Mr. and Mrs. \tine Stapleton. Mr. and ]les. Larry Beale of Strat- ' ford were visitor: at thehome of Miss Mary Beale. Members of the Girls' Branch of the W.A. of St. Thomas Anglican Church were snapped' by The News as they started out on a bicycle hike and picnic last Wednesday. From left to right are nixie Sandford, Ahyvonne 1v1oore, Kathleen and Carolyn Holmes, Audry MCGavin, Mrs. W. R. Shaw, Lillian Southgate. fail, Vii-,;Ai•+lit 'ee V'' WS Snowdon Bros.. Publiehere WALTON Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Shannon spent tee, holidays with Mr, and Mrs. J. II. Humphries of Walker•ille. Mr. Will Bolton and Miss Dorothy of Rochester. N.Y., are visiting the fernier's sister. Mrs. W. J. Hum- phries. Miss Beth Shannon spent the week d with Mr. and Mrs. D. Shannon of _ eKillop and attended the Kerr re- v:elan at -Milverton. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott of Roblin, Mon.. are vsiting the latter's Meter, Mr. anti Mrs. L. Cunnings. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ferg and Maxine aed Mr. Hyde of Stratford and Miss Doris Gill of Ethel spent the holi- day's with friends in London. Mrs. P. B. Gardiner of Toronto, w1:) has been visiting in the village Les returned home. Mr. Thos. Mowbray af Vancouver Es' , who has been visiting his sister e M. Mowbray. has gone to Tor• one.) to visit his brother, Mr. R. Mow - t eay. About lat friends attended the Graz Re-uni nil in Stratford Qtteen's Feet. July let. Among them were and Mrs. Henry Stimore, Listo- Mr. and Mrs, Norval Stimore. Welton; lir. and Mr.. Alvin Stimore Walton; Mrs. Earl Machan. and date Henry Leonhardt, Brodhagen, with g ter Vernice, from Mnnkton, - The ,nearly 200 in attendance. Guests ter-n.00n was spent in sports fork were present from Stettler, Alta., Young and old. Lunch was served at Detroit, Port Elgin, Waterloo, Tor - 4 p.m. All enjoyed themselves, and onto. Mitchell, Stratford, and other are looking forward to another one points. The results of the races were next July. as follows: Girls under 7—Jacqueline Mr. and Mrs. Herb Irvine from To- Schmidt; girt under 10, Pearl Leon- rento called at the home of Mr. and bardt: girls 12 and under, Elaine Mrs. Henry Stimore, Listawel, on Schmidt; young ladies, Rose Kress - July 1st. ler. Boys. 7 and under, Harry Elliott; Mrs. Geo. Walker of Toronto, Mr. boys, 10 and under„ Alvin Leinhardt; boys, 5 and under, Glenn Diegel. Married women, Mrs, Russel Shol- dice; fat women's graceful walk, Mrs. George Bennewies, Young men's race, Elmer Hoppenroth, Kick the slipper, Mrs. Henry L. Diegel. Clothes -pin game, Edwin Leonhardt. Ladies' rope race, Evelyn Dundas. Gents' rope race, Norval Elliott. Girls' peanut scramble, Marion dossing. The life spent Sunday with his parents, hies saver race, The Women. Bean race, and Mrs. J. Hamilton. Mrs. H. Diegel, R. Sholdice, Mrs. R. Sholdice, Norman Ahrens. E Leon- Miss Helen Steles of Kitchener hardt, W. Steinbach, Mrs. George spent the holiday with her mother, Young, Mrs. Chas. Leonhardt; choco- Mr. McCleary of Toronto gave an late race, Mrs, George Bennewies, inspiring address for the Bible Soc- Henry E. DIegel; nipple race.. Mrs. iety last Sunday in St. George's Reuben Rapien; neck -tie race, Mrs. Church. :Mfr. Hendry assisted in the Harold Diegel, N. Ahrens; donkey service. Misses Ruth and Jean Hen-, race, Mrs. George Bennewies. The dry sang a duet. oldest person present was Mrs. Eliz - Mrs, Joe Love spent over the holt- abeth Leonhardt, Brodhagen, and the day with her daughter. Mrs. Robt. youngeet person. Henry Wm. Leon - Patterson in McKillop• hardt, six weeks old, son of Mr, and Rev. John and Mrs. Graham and : Mrs. Herman Leonhard. The officers children of Bayfield were recent via- elected for the following year are, itors In Walton, 1 President, William Vock of Born- holm' secretary, Russel Sholdice, BRODHAGEN. Brodhagen. It was decided to hold Visitors: Mr. Albert Smith of Dor- next year's reunion at the home of ham with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith. Mr, and Mrs. Henry E. Diegel on the Mr. and Mrs, John Arbuckle Sr. 10th concession, Logan. Mr. and Mrs. John .Arbuckle Jr. and The picnic held under the auspices Miss Betty Melville of Toronto, Mr. of the Brodhagen Sunday School on and Mrs. Stauck, Mr. Don Stauck of .the school grounds on Tuesday aft - Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. ,ernoon, July 4th, was very well at- Querengesser. tended. The weather was ideal and Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Dittmer of To -,the various booths did a rushing' bus- ronto attended the Mogk reunion on 'Mess. The program consisted of .July 1st. band selections by the . Brodhagen Mr. and Mrs. Menne Rupple of Band, games, races, horse shoe pitch - Port Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lloyd,'ing, etc. The afternoon was greatly Mrs. Smith and children of Toronto, 'marred when Carman Mogk had his Mr. and Mrs. Louie Diegel, Mr. and ,leg broken between the hip and knee Mrs. A. Schmidt, Jacqueline, Elaine, j while running in one 'of the races. It of Kitchener, attended the Diegel re -'is just a little over a year since Car - anion. `man had his other leg broken. He Mr. and Mrs, Laurence Rock of ,was removed to Seaforth Hospital. Detroit visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Kuntze and ST. COLUMBAN family with Mr. and Mrs. John Am- Klein-Whippel— stein, Ali Saint's Church, Detroit, Mich., Miss Carrie Hennicke of Buffalo ( was the scene of a very pretty wed - with Miss Martha Victor. ding, Sat. June 3u, when Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. Con Schilbe of Zur-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James T. ich, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Winterhalte,' Vy hippie of Detroit was united in Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mitchell of De-imarriage to Mr. Joseph T. Klein, son troit; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Percy l,of Mr. Neal Klein, and the late Mrs. and family of Toronto; Hrs. John, Klein. The bride, given in marriage Nelmes of Toronto; Mr, and Mrs.' by her father, looked lovely in tra it- Norman Hoffmeyer-, 'Jackie and Grace ionai white satin with veil. Her sister, of Sebringville; Mr. and Mrs. Walter. Miss Rita Whipple was maid of Rode, and Marilyn. of Palmerston,' honour, and a friend Miss Helen Miss Annabel Siemon and Lyle taller was bridesmaid, both wearing Spence of Niagara and friends from;gowns of white lace, and roses. Bornholm and McKillop were visit -,The groom was attended by his 'cous- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Rapien, 'fn, Mr. ]•rank Klein, and Mr, Charles Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wieterson and Shenomann, both of Detroit, The of Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. ushers were the bride's brother, Mr. Aug. Hillebrecht. Ted Whipple and her 'brother-in-law, ,Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Young of Strat-'Mr Francis Bushey. Following the ford with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Diegel 'ceremony a. breakfast was served to Mr. and Mrs, Ed Kfessler and Pam- .th'e immediate ;families at the Y.M.C. ily of Stratford with Mr. and Mrs.W, i A. In the evening a reception wasL. Querengesser• held at the hone of the groom's Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuermann,'sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Ray and Wayne, visited with friends Mrs. (Jack Cambell,' of Wayne Mich, in Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Klein will reside in Mogk Reunion-- 'Detroit. The sixth annual reunion of the Mogk family was held on Dominion Day at the farm of Mr, and Mrs. John Mogk of Bornholm. A very pleasing line of sports was held in the afternoon. The results of the races were as follows: Children, 6 ,and under,; Sally Dittmar. Girls un- der 12, Marjorie Fischer. Boys under' 12, Lorraine Rose. Boys under 15, Ross Leonhardt. Young ladies, Mrs. Arnold McNagin Young men's race, Mr. Edwin Scherbarth. Pie plate race, Mrs.' Geo. Gloor and Mr. Carl' Bennewies. Clothes pin race, Albert Bauer and Mrs, Wilfred Ahrens. Tie race, Hulda Bauer and Albert Bauer. Ladies' balloon race, Mrs, Fred Fis- cher. Slipper race, Gordon Mogk and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens. Coat race, Mrs. Alvin Rose and Ross Leonhardt. Beauty race, Mrs. Jack Mogk. Eating doughnuts (boys), Lorraine Soda - water; (ladies). lir,. Jack Mogk. Wheelbarrow rare. Mrs. Gordon Bach and Carl. Ladies' peanut race. Mrs. Harold Mogk. Gents' peanut rare Mr. Julius Bauer. Peeling pot- atoes, Mrs. Julius Bauer. Three leg- gee race, Mrs. Julius Bauer and Reinhardt Bauer. Measuring or rod, Mr. Rudolph Fischer. Dropping clothes pin in milk bottle, firs. Fred Young. Guests were present. about 12(1, from Toronto, Dundas, Kitchen- er. London, Stratford. Mitchell and many other points. The oldest lady present was Mrs. Mary Prueter, Brodhagen. The oldest gent was John Mogk Sr. The youngeet was David, son of Mr, and Mrs, Martin Bauer of Mitchell. The officers for the follow- ing year were re-elected: George 'Mogk of Brodhagen president; Lloyd Prueter g e �. of Logan, secretary. It was decdi d to hold next reunion at a Dundas. Diegel Reunion— The third annual reunion of the Diegei fancily was held on Dominion Day at the farm of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Jas. Beeson and Harvey of Grimsby, Mr. and Mrs. John Huff- man and George of Goderieh, Mrs. E. Ramsay and George, Mr. and Mrs, John Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Williamson Jr,. Mr. and Mrs. George Williamson and Charlie, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clarke and Mona, of Walton, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Williamson. Mr. Robinson. Hamilton of London A DUBLIN D r. M. J. Prendergast and grand- daughter, of Chicago, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Shea. j A number from here attended the races in Seaforth on Saturday. Dr. L. G. Prendergast of Chicago, Mrs. O'Laughlin, Mrs. Ryan and Zam- ily, of Seaforth, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Shea. Mies Jennie O'Connell of Seaforth is visiting her sisters,'Mrs, Lizzie' Bruxer and Mary O'Connell. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelly of Blyth visited her sister, Mrs. Cather- iue yrne. ,,Miss Mary McGrath, Misses Shir- ley and Lillie Hall of Stratford were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas But- ters. Mr. Joseph Carbert, Detroit With his sister, Mrs. George Holland. Miss Margaret Strubb of •Kitchener was a week end visitor with her arandal:other, Mrs. Ellen Burns, Mrs. Pat. Bern and daughter of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dill of Strat- ford visited Mr, ani Mrs. P. Dill. Mother M. Alfred and Mother M. Marie returned to Chatham after vis - an for a week at Ursuline Convent Ian;( with .he_- father, Frank McCon- neil, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Feeney of London and Mise Annie Roach of Detroit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Feeney. TUCKERSMITH School Picnic Held at S.S. No. 2, Tuckersmith— The follonitag is a list of the prize winners in the various events of the picnic held at S. S. No. 2, Tucker - smith, on Friday last:—Pre-primer straight race, Donald Kyle, Murray McKenzie; Grades I and II straight race, Harold Caldwell, Lloyd Cooper. -Grades III and IV straight race, How- ard Darman, Warren Thomson. Sr. Grades straight ht race,Ronald Cald- well, a1dwell, Gerald Moffatt; egg on spoon race, Jean Chandler, Eleanor IVIcKen- ale; necktie race, Ian Chandler and Norma. Deitz, Ronald Caldwell and Jimmie Chapman; book race, Eldred Moffatt, Jean Schilbe; 3 -legged race, Ronald Caldwell and Warren Thom- son, Eldred Moffatt and John Smith; wheelbarrow race, Eldred Moffatt and Ronald Caldwell, John Smith and Gerald Moffatt; shoe race, Eldred Moffatt and Ronald Caldwell, Shirley Caldwell and Alice Wren; chum race. Lloyd McKenzie and Grant Smith, Jack Cooper and Jack Deitz; eating contest, Eldred Moffatt and Jean Schilbe, Ida Dayman and John Smith; sack race, Harold Caldwell, Ronald Caldwell; bean and straw relay, Alice Wren and Shirley Caldwell, John Smith and Jack Deitz; potato relay, Eldred Moffatt's group. After the races were over a picnic lunch was served • followed by .ice cream and oranges. After a happy after- noon the pupils with their junior vis- itors went off to their homes. S. S. No. 2, Tuckersmith— The following is the standing of the pupils of S.S. No. 2, Tuckersmith for the school year 1939-40: Grade V1I—Ida Darman, Gerald Moffatt, Ian Chandler, Norma Deitz, Ronald Caldwell. Grade VI—Shirley Caldwell, John Smith, Olive Schilbe. Grade V—Alice Wren, Jean Chand- ler, Warren Thomson. Grade IV—Howard Dayman, Mar- ian Thomson, Grant Smith, Eleanor McKenzie, Jack Cooper, Lloyd Mc- Kenzie. Grade III—Joyce Broadfoot, Edna Broadfoot, Lloyd Cooper. Grade II -Jimmie' Chapman, Wilma Kyle, Donald Bell, Ivan Wren, Jim- mie McGregor, Harold Caldwell. Grade I—The beginners in Septem- ber, 1939, It Is requested by the De- partment that all beginners wishing to start school during the school year 1939-40 should begin in Septem- ber rather than at Easter, as the Easter classes have been discontin- ued in favor of September classes. S. E. Ann McNaughton, Teacher. BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Finlay attended the funeral of the late Mr. David Nichol of Hensall, an uncle of the latter, Mrs. Douglas and Miss Dinsmore were visited by relatives from Sea- forth. Mr. Gus Clarke and Mr. and Mrs. 1). Turner and son Ian of London spent the holiday at their respective homes. Mrs. Manson spent a few days in Kitchener, Bethel Church Ice Cream Social At S.S. No. 9 School, McKillop FRIDAY, JULY 7th Play by the Btuevale 'United Church `BEHIND THE NEWS Elmer Scott, a newcomer to town Carl Johnston Joe Hudson, an old timer returns,,. W. J. Peacock Sam. Barnett, a political Boss Geo. Hetherington Petunia Bloom, a humorous colored gire....Gen. Johnston Jane Cooper, owner of the Chronicle , ..Mossie Milligan Ruth Roberts, a friend of Jane Isobel McKinnon Mrs. Small, the town busybody Daisy Holmes Admission—Adults 25c Children 1Oc. Mrs. E. Mills, Rev, R. W. Craw Pres. Minister J.GALLOP'S GARAGE SEAFORTH Chrysler. Plymouth and Fargo Dealer Come' in and see the. new Plymouth car and Fargo ;Truck We also'have a Service Truck—if you. have car trouble, phone 179 and we wilt come promptly PHONE 179, SEAFORTH All Repairs Strictly Cash. We Aim To Please LONDESBORO The Sunday School garden party which took place at the Community Hall, on. Tuesday of last week, was a decided success. A bounteous sup- per was served in the dining room of the hall, after which a splendid program was given out of doors, in- cluding the play, Simple Simon Sim- ple, staged by the Clinton people. AU were well given and fully en- joyed by all present.. Mr. and Mrs.. Millar of Detroit spent the week end with the form- er's sister, Mrs. John Harvey. Mr. and Mrs, J. P. Manning and Phyllis spent the week end at Tober- ntory. Miss Helen Yungblutt of London spent the week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Yungblutt. A load from Toledo, Ohio, visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. Hall on Mon- day, they being relatives of Mr, Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Roberton of Clifford visited at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Murdoch Ross, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Nott attended the Yungblutt reunion at Shake- speare on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk of Sea- forth visited with air. and Mrs. Wm. Lyon recently, Mr. Richard Govier took In the Mair reunion at Goderich, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Dewar and son 01 Ottawa visited with Mrs. Dewar's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Lyonrecently. n Mr. r. and Mrs.s. M. Crich and Mrs. . i McBrien of Clinton were guests et the home of John. Harvey on Sunday. Miss Fern Watson is taking a a course of study at Guelph, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Roberton spent Sunday at GoderIch. Mr. Peter Brown of London spent the week end with his uncle, Dave Ewan. - Mr, and Mrs, Milton Hooper, from near St. Marys, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Janes Elsley on Friday last. Mr, W. T. Brunsdon and Mrs. J. Te,mblyn have had their homes HAYFIELD Dr. W. Heard and Dr. Stapley Heard and Mrs. Heard of Los Ang- eles, California, are spending a vasa- ticn with Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Heard. at their 5etmmer home on the point, Mrs. E. Kendall of Elmira is spend- ing the vacation with her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. W. Jowett. Hz'. and Mrs, F. Crane and Mr. and Mrs, T. Crane of Detroit were -week end .guests at the home of Mr. R. Weston. Mr. J. 'Carson of London arrived in Bayfield to spend the summer. Mr, and Mrs. D. Hueter oaf Well - land end -Miss Hunter of Otkney Is- lands, are guests of 'Dr. and Mrs. C. S togdill. Mrs. R. Middleton of Port Credit is the guest of 'her :mother, Mrs. N. W. Woods. The government lighthouse •tender made its annual call at Bayfield on Tuesday, inspecting the lights and leaving supplies. Mr. and Mrs. W, J. -Finnigan af Eg- nrondviele have taken Mr. Cotton's cottage for July and are now occupy- ing it, Sunday, July Sth, is anniversary Sunday in Bayfield Presbyterian Church and the Seaforth Quartette are to 'furnish the music. Traffic was very heavy on the Blue Water Highway last week end. Dr. and Mrs. Atkinson of 'Detroit spent the week end 'at their summer fi B d. home in a Sek Miss Peggy Bal .y ell who is train- ing n- ing in St. Joseph's Hospital, London; is spending 'her vacation with Miss N. Ferguson. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Funeral of Geo. Sturdy— The funeral of Mr. George Sturdy,. prominent resident of Goderich town- ship, whose death occurred last Thursday, took place on Sunday aft- ernoon. Throngs of people were in attendance and the funeral cortege, a mile and a half long, was evidence of the high regard which the late brightened up by a fresh coat of, Mr. Sturdy enjoyed in the commun- paint. Mr. Fred Prest is doing the ' icy. The service was conducted by work. Rev. G. G. Burton of Clinton. The Pallbearers were William and Oliver Edwards, Charles Whitely, M. Sturdy, H. Sturdy, R. Sturdy. The flower bearers were G. Newton, A. Holmes, N. Driver, Wilmot Haacke, C. Keyes, W. Clark and C. Sturdy. Mr. Sturdy, who• was in 81st year, was born in. Goderich township, and farmed successfully in his native township. He was the son of the late John Sturdy and Ann Wlhitely, nat- ives of Ireland. Besides his widow he is survived by a son Austin, on the homestead, and a daughter, Mrs. Thomas Lang of Weyburn, Sask. Mr. Sturdy was an Orangeman and a member of the United Church. BRUCEFIELD Mrs. Jas. McQueen and Mrs, For- rest visited friends in Walton Brus- sels and Turnberry'last week, They also had the privilege of seeing the overflowing well at Formosa, which attains the height of 18 feet and flows on continually winter and sum- mer. In the year 1910 a company started boring for oil, and when they got down 900 feet they struck this well and it has been flowing on ever since, The Palace Gardens where it is situated is certainly a beautiful place and provides great attraction for tourists. Miss Ellen Scott of London is spending her holidays at her home here. Misses Eleaaor Snider of Kincard- ine and Irene Snider of London visit- ed at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler and Mr, and Mrs, C. Halstead and son spent the week end in. Detroit, Miss Louise Marshal of London spent the week end in the village. Mr. John McIntosh, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kaiser, of Detroit, visited friends in the village. Mrs. Wm. Smith of Exeter visited her sister, Mrs. Hohner. Mr. and Mrs. C. Blencoe of Winni- peg visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Cornish. Miss Evelyn Grainger of Stratford visited at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. C. McKenzie arid family, of London, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Margaret McKenzie. Miss Margaret Aikenitead of Lon- don spent the week end at herhome here. CONSTANCE Mr. and Hrs. A. Dexter and 'family, Mr. and Mtg. C. ;Dexter. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Jewitt and Joyce attended the Cockerline reunion held in Queen's Park in Stratford on Saturday. July 1. Cockerline Reunion— The Cockerline reunion was well attended with about 11117 persons 'pres- ent. Robert Cookerline of Blyth was named president; Thos. Adams of Londesboro, vice president; Mrs. Ar- thur. Clark, Chatham, treasurer; Miss Elizabeth Mains, ,Londesboro, •secre- tary; Mrs. .Claude Tharrett, Detroit, along with members appointed on the committee had change of the dinner and supper tables. Miss Ethel Dexter, Elizabeth Mains and Lillie Adams, as- sisted by Thomas Adams, Austin Dexter, 'Leslie Woodham and William Jewitt had charge of the afternoon sport program. Guests were present from Detroit, :Pontiac, Warren, Tren- ton, Unionville, Acton, Midland and Michigan, along with the surrounding district. Among the older members present were Robert Cockerline, An- thony Haggett, Mrs, Tames Woodman Mrs, H. Doubleday, Mrs. A. Button and Henry Adams. Souvenir 'prog- rams prepared by Mrs. Arthur Clark, were much appreciated by the :meta- bers of the family. Hrs. Ernest Adams and son Kelso motored to London on Monday. They were accompanied by Miss IDonelda Adam's, who is talking a music course at Western 'University. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott, Toronto, I visited on the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson, SEAFORTH MARKETS Wheat, per Ibus. 150c. Oats, per bus, 314c Barley, per bus. 42c B•uokwheet, ,per 'bus.' al$c VARNA Mr. and Mrs. George Connell and sons Roy and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Connell, attended the funeral of Mr. George Austin Sturdy of Goderich Township on Sunday. Mr. Sturdy was the last surviving uncle of Mrs. G. Connell. The W,A. of St. John's Church met at the home of Mrs. M. Elliott ort Thursday with a good attendance. Members of the L.O.L. Varna and surrounding visitors attended serv- ice in the United Church Sunday evening and listened to a very in- structive address by Rev. Mr. Peters. Another Stanley boy has passed away in the hospital at London. We refer to James Collins, who had suf- fered a great deal and death came as relief. His sister, Mrs. Chas. Pil- grim and other members of the fam- ily, were called to the hospital on Monday, where he passed away, Much sympathy is extendedto the now bereaved family. Mr. Harold Elliott of Kitchener and Mr. Alvin Elliott of Harriston spent REGENT THEATRE "The NOW SHOWi NG' Vanishes" Lady Mon. Tues. Wed„ July 10-11-12' with OLIVIA De HAVILLAND ANN SHERIDAN. Next Thurs, Fri. Sat. July 13-14-15 WALTER w/:'^ -r4 presents -._I FREDRIC JOAN IT COMING— "Moonlight Sonata" Sunday at the parental Soma. Mr. and Mrs. Ballentine and dau- ghter of Detroit spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mr's. D. An- derson. HIBBERT School report of S.S.S. No. 4, Hib- bert. Names are arranged in order of merit. To Grade VIII—Tom Feeney, To Grade VII—Angela Morris (Hon.), Jack O'Reilly, Tom Jordan. To Grade VI -.Mary Feeney, Martin Feeney, Jim Feeney (doubtful). To Grade V—Catherine McIver (Hon.); Bernadette Barry (Hon.) To Grade IV—Jack Morris (Hon.), Victor Feeney and Frank Jordan (equal). To Grade II -Joseph Barry (Hon.) Jack Feeney. Clare Eckert, Teacher, TUCKERSMITH S.S. No. 7 Holds Picnic— S. S. No. 7 held their annual picnic to Bayfield ou June 30th when a large number from the section at- tended. The races resulted as fol- i'•e, lows; Wee tots—Ruth Keyes, Barbara Jean Nicholson; children, 7 and un- der, Wilma McLean, Phyllis Boyes; boys 8 and under, Merton Keyes, Jim Allen; rolling pin race, Mrs. A. Boyes, Mrs. W. Keyes; boys 10 and under, Howard Allan, Jack $oyes; boys 12 and under, Howard Allan, Jack Boyes, boys 14 and under, Bruce McLean, Billy Boyes; necktie race, George Porter and Erma Welters; free for all, Jack Nicholson, Harold Nichol- son; shoe race, Mr. and Mrs, A. Chesney, Louis Lane, Mary Broadfoot• clothes pin race, Mrs. A. Boyes an Jack Nicholson, Elizabeth Lane and Louis Lane. The trustees have engaged Miss Beryl Wilson as teacher for another year. Send us • the names of your visitors. NOTICE We have had enquiries for TO pasteurized Jersey milk. This will be bottled if sufficient cus- _''� a—' tourers wish it. Kindly tele- phone the dairy or tell your driver. This milk will test at least 5% butter fat and will sell at 12c a quart. The regular milk tests from 3.9 to 4% butter fat and is the highest testing milk procur- able in Seaforth. You are invited to visit the dairy any night and see your milk being processed and bottled under the most sanitary conditions. Everybody come and see an up-to-date dairy. We will enjoy it. Buy Chocolate and Orange from your driver and enjoy a good, tasty, cool drink during the hot weather. Maple Leaf Dairy SIM, C. BARBER, Prop.