HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-06-29, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Vacation Suggestions
BOYS and i. n`. rfl!, `YOUTiS
The latest Genuine pure
,mode for ba- .'wool bathing)
thing, smart, suits and .
colorful print- trunks, smart
ed fabrics on styles and
genuine last- wanted colors,
ex form fitt- Reg. to $2e0
ting. 7 9 c
EA. 1®0
Join the hundreds of satisfied mem-
bers of McTavish's hosiery Club,
who wear this famous Neva -Wet
full fashioned Hose, new summer
shades. Chiffons or 76c
Service, pr.
summer shades, all sizes.
Reg. 75c pr.
Sunfast a Tubfast
Gay 'Gypsy
smart swing
skirted styles
so popular
now. Every
.size from 12
to 50. Values
to $2.00. Ea.
Sweetly cool young
frocks to make you
a summer belle.
14 to 20. $3.95, $4.95
ue!r .tp;
1'ttl,t�liilj�lj',t v„ J
Size 20" x 40"
Heavy white
jacquered bo-
rders. You'll
need a dozenl
at 25 1,
4 D'
sass Se
New Inner 'Cute r
Style, .98c - 1
Trousers— �,,r'\,
Cool Wash
Fabrics $1.95
new sleeveless
make, all
sizes, smart
Each 59c
Ankle length
lastex tops
Porous Knilt
Ea. 59c
Tops 29c
Mr. Ed. Taylor who has been re-
lieving on the C.N.R. tracks for Mr.
John Tapp, returned to his home in
Myth on Saturday.
Mr. John Tapp, who bas been vis-
iting with his son in Ottawa, return-
ed home on Saturday and commenc-
ed bis duties on the C.N.R. tracks on
Mr. Douglas Sangster is engaged
at the C.N.R. station in place of Mr.
Donald Walker, who is camping with
a number of the Middlesex -Huron re-
giment at Thedford.
Mrs. Anna MacDonald has purch-
ased the dwelling and property of
Mr. W. J. Jones on N. Richmond St.
Mr, Alpine McEwen who has been
employed at Thompson's Elevators
for the past several years, is not
enjoying the best of health and is
taking a well-earned rest at his
Dr. G. R. Collyer, Mrs. Collyer and
family of London, visited with
friends hereon Sunday.
Mr. Geo. Fee is painting the exter-
ior of his dwelling and we believe in-
tends erecting a new porch on the
front which will add greatly to the
Mrs. Kate Cantelon and Mrs. Ren-
nie are holidaying at Pike's Bay.
Mr. Robt. Cameron has been con-
fined to bis home for several days
owing to ill health,
Owing to Saturday being Domin-
ion Day. a public holiday, the Band
will play on Friday night, and the
stores will remain closed Saturday.
Quite a number from here attend-
ed the Strawberry Social at Chisel-
huret United Church on Friday even-
ing. Miss Bella Smale sang a solo at
the program and Miss Ruth Brook
and Miss Bella Smale sang a duet. A
quartette comprising Rev. R. A.
Brook, Messrs. W. 0. Goodwin, Harry
Horton and Claude Blowes sang sev-
eral numbers.
Rev. R. A. Brook conducted Sab-
bath school anniversary services at
the United Church at Elimville on
Members o fthe local Huron Lodge
No. 224, A.F. & A.M. attended divine
service in the Evangelical Church at
/uridh on Sunday evening.
An advocate for the temperance
cause conducted the service of the
United Church on Sunday morning.
The choir sang a beautiful anthem,
"Fear Ye Not .0 Israel," with Miss
Florence Welsh, soloiat. Rev. Pen-
rose of Elimville conducted the even-
ing service and the choir sang "Hear
Thou My Prayer."
W.M.S. Hear Splendid Address.
The W.M.S. of the United Church
had as their guest on Monday even-
ing Mrs. S. F. Knight, Dominion Pre-
sident of lite W.C.T.U, of Edmonton,
Alta. Mrs. Knight is the widow of
the late Rev. J. F. Knight who was
stationed here at the Methodist
Church a number of years ago. The
meeting opened by singing the hymn
"Blessed Assurance," followed by
Scripture reading and prayer by
Rev. R. A. Brook. Dr. I. G. Smillie
and Mr. Sam Rennie sang a beautlful
duet "Drifting." Mr. Geo, rollick fav-
ored with a readnig. A duet "Prayer
Perfect," was sung by Mrs. G. M.
Drysdale and Mrs. Geo. Hess. Miss
Greta Lammie played a beautiful vio-
lin solo accompanied by Miss Gladys
Luker on the piano. Mr. Sam Rennie
favored with a solo and the very int-
nteresting address given by Mrs. Knight
concluded the program. Mr. W. C.
Pearce of Exeter moved a hearty
vote of thanks to Mrs. Knight and
Rev. R. A. Brook led in prayer. Re-
freshments were served and Mrs.
Knight was given an opportunity to
renew acquaintances.
Installation of Officers—
Installation of officers took place
at Huron Lodge, No. 224 A.F. & A.M.
on Monday evening by Wer. Bro. R.
J. Dalrymple. Following is the list of
officers, W,M., E. D. Kyle; I.P.M.,
J. P. Bowey; S.W., A. 0, Robertson;
J.W., A. H. Hyde, chap.; Thos. Chap-
man treas., J. W. Bonthron secty.,
W. 0. Goodwin; D. of C., M. G. Drys-
dale S.D., - Dr. I. G. Smillie; J.D., J.
H. Upshall; J.G., Geo. Thompson;
S.S.. Dr. W. D. Bryce; J. S., Dr. D.
G. Steer; tyler, Jas. Priest. Refresh-
ments were served at the close of
the meeting. There was a very large
A very pleasant evening was spent
Thursday, June 22, at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cudmore, when
of Mr. Enoch Parker's 79th birthday.
about 35 relatives gathered in honor
Supper was served from tables on
the lawn. At the head of the table
where Mr, Parker sat there was a
beautifully decorated birthday cape
in pink and white with pink candles
on it. After supper a presentation
was made. A little wagon prettily de-
corated in white and green was
drawn across the lawn table by Mar-
jorie Cudmore and Donna Parker.
Following behind at the end of green
streamers were Margaret Parker and
Dorothy Keyes. They presented Mr.
and Mrs. Parker with a handsome
portable radio. Mr. Parker thanked
the family for their kindness and
beautiful gift and hoped they would
be spared to enjoy many niore such
gatherings. All joined in singing "For
They are Jolly Good 'Fellows." The
remainder of the evening was spent
in a social time.
?elrs. Robt. Eacrett .and daughter,
Miss Aldrythe Eacrett, of London,
visited last week with 'Mr. and Mrs,
J. W. Bonthron.
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. !Devlin of
Stratford visited last week with the
latter's brother, Mr. Fred 'Corbett,.
Who is .ill.
ivfr. Harold Sherritt of Dundas
spent the week end with Mr. and
gra Thos, Sherritt.
Mr. and 'Mrs. John Passmore 'and
,family attended the Passmore Re-
union held at Springbank Saturday.
Mrs, N. E. Cook 'ancl daughter
Norma left this week for New York
to attend' the 'World's Fair.
Mr. agcl Mrs. 'J. W. Bonthron
spent the week end in Waterloo and.
Southampton visiting relatives.
Rev," Mr. Royle,:,,, moderator, . of
Huron Presbytery, of Blyth, conduct-
ed the services in Carmel Presbyter-
ian Church on Sunday; Mrs. Young
contributed a beautiful solo, Come,
Thou Weary," and the 'choir sang ;an
an tit cin.
During the month of July service
will be held in the Presbyterian
Church here in the evening ' only.
Rev, W. A. Young will conduct ser-
vice in Caven Church, Exeter, in the
morning and the service (here in the
anorn'ing will be 'withdrawn. During
the month of August 'service will be
held in Carmel 'Church in the morn-
ing only; conducted iby Rev, D. C.
Hill of Exeter.
Funeral of the Late ;Geo. Brock
The military :funeral' of the late
'Geo. Brook was held on Wednesday
from Iierisen 'United Clnroli, ',.and
was conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook
assisted by Rev. Arthur Sinclair of
Blyth and Rev. W, A. Young. A
beautiful quartette was sung by Miss
Florence Welsh, Mrs. Geo. Hess, Mr.
W. 0t Goodwin end Mr.. Harry or -
ton. Memibers of the . Exeter-Hehsall
)branch of, the lCanadian Legion INo.
1197, B.E.S.L., and members of D C+o.
Midd'lessex-Haurola Regiment firing.
squad, ' took part at the cemet-
ery. They were led in the procession
by Hensall' Citizens Band. The pa -
hearers were :Messrs. W. O. Good-
win, All Clarke, Reeve Shaddiok,
Sidney MacArthur, Fred Beer and
Sant Dougall, The !floral tributes
were very bea'itifud and inclnded
Wreaths from the United 'Church, the
family, chamber of Commerce, Le-
gion, Council, School Board, and a
number of sorrowing friends in the
village. Interment in Hensall Union
Cemetery. The 'sympathy .of the eanl-
munity is extended to the 'bereaved
Mr. and Mrs. 'Geo, C. Petty will
quietly observe their 02nc1 wedding
anniversary on T'hurs'day, June 09th
at their h•ante here, ,We extend
hearty congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Petty on this their wedding
Mr. and MTs. Ted Tainan spent a
few days visiting with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Mc-
Donell, prior to taking up residence
in Atwood where Mr. Taman bas
bean transferred to the bank there. •
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gook of Tor-
onto visited over the week end with
Mr and Mrs Cornelius Cook
Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Skinner of Lon-
don attended the funeral of the late
Geo. Brock on Wednesday. MT. Skin-
ner was in business here for several
Rev. W. A. Young accepted a call.
from St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church, Fergus, at a meeting of the
Presbytery held in Carmel Church on
Friday afternoon. Mr. Young will be
released from this congregation after
Sunday, Sept. 3rd. Mr. and Mrs.
Young have been residents of this
village for the past seven years and
will be greatly missed, both in relig-
ious and social Circles.
Miss Mary MacGregor, who has
Ibsen quite ill, is very much improved
at date of writing. ,
Mrs. Annie Logan and Mrs. Martha
Harvey returned home from Marlette
?on Saturday after attending the fun.
;eral of their brother, the late Thos.
Hudson, They were accompanied
home by their nephew and are visit-
ing with relatives in Manitowaning•
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Horton of Texas
are visiting relatives in and around
the village. It is several years Since
Mr. and Mrs. Horton have been
home on a visit and their many
friends are pleased to see them.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Moore intend
leaving this week for Kingston
where they willspend the summer
Rev. W. A. Young conducted anni-
versary services . at Smith's Hill on
Sunday and took with him a quar-
tette comprising Miss Irene Hog-
garth, Miss Mabel Workman, and
James Bengough and Mr. Frank Bat-
ter'aby, who assisted in the service
of song, with Mrs. W. A. MacLaren
as accompanist.
Mr. Garnet Case re -opened Iris bak-
ery at Grand Bend on Tuesday and
will be in business there during July
;and August.
Quite a number of the ladies of
tCarmel Church attended the W.M.S.
Presbyterial meeting held at Bayeld
on Tuesday. A picnic was held fol-
lowing the meeting.
The Wohelo Class picnic of the Un-
ited Church was held at Bayfield on
Friday evening with about forty pre-
sent. Following supper a good pro-
gram of sports was held. Everyone
;reports a very enjoyable time.
A very pretty June wedding took
place 'in Drysdale Church on Tues-
day, June 20th, at nine o'clock,
when Marguerite Isobelle, youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
McKenzie of Kippen, was united in
marriage to Urban Alfred Anthony,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ducharme,
of Drysdale. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. Father Marchand.
The bride entered the church on the
arm of her father and looked charm-
ing in a floor length gown of ivory
satin and a. bridal yell and carried a
white prayer book. Miss Reta Duch-
arme, sister of the groom, was bride-
smaid gowned in floor length apple
green chiffon, with white accessories
and carried a white prayer book.
Mr. Edward Hogan of Mt. Carmel
supported the groom. .After the cer-
emony a wedding dinner was served
at the home of the bride's parents
and in the evening a reception was
bald at the home of the groom's par-
ents. l'or travelling the bride chose
a navy suit with white accessories.
They will take up residence in For-
Highest Market Price
Phone 3-w Seaforth
71I1 .IRSDAY, JUNE 29, 1939
Miss Cassie McMillan, M�rris—
Residents of Blyth and conroaunity
learned wikh regret of the death last
Wednesday evening of Miss Cassie,
McMillan, which took place at her
home, 'concession 9, Morris, one half
mile east of Blyth, in her 68th year.
Miss McMillan became ill about
three weeks ago and was taken to
Cliiaton ;hospital, from, which place
she was brought home by ambulance
a few days 'before her death. •She was.
the ,daughter of the late John and
Mrs. McMillan and had made 'many
.friends in the ,community, She is sur-
vived by 'two !brothers, Ed at home
and Will of FLondon. Two brothers,
John and Angos, 'passed away some
years ago, The funeral was held an
Rev. Mr. ' Petens and Mrs, ;P'e'ters
are holidaying this week at their cot-
tage in Muskoka. They will return thy
Sunday when 'Mr. Peters will take
charge of the service at 110 aan. in. the
Blake 'Church.
Mr. and .M'rs. W.:Davidson of. Hills -
green and a friend.prom Stratford
Balled in friends in the ivicin'ity, .ane
.A representative. of the 'Ontario
Temperance )Union spoke at the Blake
Church on Sunday morning,
Mrs, C. L. Eicher, Missionary,
is Former Goshen 'Girl—
Mr. Thomas Robinson of the 'Go-
shen: .congregation, writes; 'In :getting
cut .the Historical sketch dor 'the ire -
cent !Will anniversary of the' Goshen
Church, we 'find •with 'deep regret,
that we ;have omitted 'the name of
Mrs. C. L. Eicher of Ohioago, in :the
151 of those who went out from our
congregation • into Christian service,
We realize that Mrs Eichers :life has
sen one of consecrate) Christian
ervice, and a life of sacrifice for the,
'dvancement .of the cause of Christ.
She and her 'husband 'spent . many
'ears in missionary ,work in India,
and thele ,two boys fare now mission -
ries in India, one Of 'whom just re-
ently returned 'home on furlough.
We ,count di a high honor to claim
Mrs. Eicher as one •of the :girls who
went .out from our congregation, and
ro doubt she attri'bvtes 1(in hart at
east) her call to the missionary work
o the spirituel ,atmosphere that per-.
aded the little church of her girl-
tood -days. I't is with deep regret,
herefore, that we note the onmission.
of her name, and we apologise to
Mrs. Eicher and her .friends for our
istake. Signed on !behalf of the
Mr. and Mrs. 'John A. Armstrong,
ccompanied by :their sister, Mrs. D.
Kay, .of ;Clinton, spent a 'few days
ast .week visiting friends at Mar-
ette,a Mich., and 'also visited their sis-
er Mrs. Lorne McBride of Windsor,
Mr, and ,Mrs. Perm 'Johnston spent
he week end with 'friends in Detrcit.
Mrs. Mary Anderson of G'oderich
pent the past week at the ;home of
er brother, Mr. •an•d Mrs. Ben Keys.
Mrs. Susie (Coach of Zurich spent
unday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
M•oClinch ey.
Mr. Enos Herdman 'af Babylon
Line had a !barn -raising last Thursday
o replace the barn 'destroyed by lire
ast Sep'tem'ber.
Miss Margaret Mahaffy of St.
Marys was the ;guest of her sister,
Mrs. W. Sparks, last week.
Messrs. Wm. Sparks and Bertram
Carnie attended a sale of purebred
Holsteins at Bridgeport on Tuesday
1 last week:
'Mrs. N. Sly and her sister, Mrs.
Gibbons of Clinton were the guests of
Mrs. Will ,Carnie last Wednesday,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sparks attended
he Mehadfy reunion near Fullerton
n Saturday.
The 'Penhale - Snowden - Westlake
eunion was held at S'pringbank on
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Penhale and
aridly spent Sunday with 'friends at
t. Thomas,
Mrs. T. M. Snowden visited friends
t St. Thomas on Sunday.
Miss Irene Scotchmer is visiting
er sister, Mrs, !James 'Black near
The fourteenth annual reunion of
the three pioneer families, Penhale-
Snowden - Westlake was held at
Spring Bank Park on June 24th. Din-
ner was served to aboutfifty in the
Main Pavilion. The lucky ticket was
won by MI's. A. E. Westlake, Bayfield.
The eldest lady present, Mrs. R. A.
Penhale, St. Thomas. Eldest man pre-
sent, Mr, R. A. Penhale, St. Thomas.
Youngest child present, Elaine Grain-
ger, Zurich. The officers for 1940 are
as follows: --President, Edward Sow-
erby Goderich; 1st vice pres., Russell
Grainger, Zurich; 2nd vice pros.,
Gladwin Westlake, Bayfield; secret-
ary, Mary Snowden, Zurich. During
the afternoon the following races
were run off. Girls and boys, 5 and
under, Alice Watson; girls and boys
5 to 12 years, Arthur'Hobson, Thos.
Penhale; young ladies' race, Mary
Barnes, Elizabeth Grainger; young
men's race, Russell Grainger, George
Westlake; walking race, Mayme Wat-
son; men stepping off 1 rod, Fred
Easterbrooke; clothes pin race, Mary
Barnes and. Edwin Hobson; balloon
race, Erma Hobson and: John Wat-
son; agriculture race, Mrs. Gordon
Penhale; kick the slipper, Minnie
Penhale. About 5 o'clock they gath-
ered for a light lunch before leaving
for the various homes, St. Thomas,
London, Arva, Bayfield, Seaforth..
C'hemist'ry Professor—"W'hat is 'the
outstanding contribution that chem-
istry has given the world?"
Student --"Blondes, sir."
Want and For Sale ads, '1' week, 25c
IU.F:O. 'Binder Twine for sale at
Regier's Garage, .also hay fork rope.
Lowest prices. Seaforth Farmers'
Choice Creamery Butter
2 1b. 45c
Choice Dairy Butter
2 'ib. 35c
Pure .Lard; 2 lb...........17c
Shortening, 2 lb. 23c
Rabinhood. Flour-
per 98 lb. bag 2 49
Granulated Sugar
per bag 5.75
,Sudden. Death Bug Killer
10 lb . 39c
Bug Killer, 20 lb.. , , 69c
Salt, per cwt.,59c
Soap Chips, 4 lbi 25c
Comfort Soap, 4 cakes—. —35c
.Shu,Milk, cleans all kinds of .
White Shoes 13c
Western Queen. Flour-
per 98 lb, bag 2 09
Stockade 'Amina( Fly Spray Gal. Tins 99c
W. JFinnigan
Calling'' good salesmen only! 'Sell
Familex spices, extracts, alimentaries,
medicines, stock and other farm •pro-
diu'cts. Monthly FREE gifts open
every door. Every ' ;person a user
Good :protected territories open. Try
and succeed or give up without. risk.
Steady, 'pleasant and profitable 'work
for laonest hard worker. FREE plan
and -catalogue. FAMILEX, 570 St.
Clement, ivI'O'NTREAL,
Guardian Fire Extinguisher, tested
3150 lbs. 'capacity, for sale cheaii. Col-
clotlgh Bras., Seadforth, R. R. 2.
20 acres of 'dean timothy hay, Priv-
ilege of putting it in barn. Apply to
Earl Mills, phone 121413
Ten young pigs far sale, six weeks
.old 00 1June .30th. .Apply to Irwin
Trewartha, phone 2401-a3.
The auction sale advertised at the
residence Of the late :Mrs, Carbert
has been -cancelled.
Large irrigated Strawberries, first
crop ,his year. Bring your own con -
lathers and save. 'Apply to O. B.
Perham, Winthrop. Will have ber-
ries for atleash two weeks or more,
Practical nursing wanted. Apply to
Mrs. Joseph Thornton, R,R.2, Wal-
ton, 'Ont.
House in Egmondville on Main St,
stable, hen house, .garage, % acre of
land, plenty 'of room, 3 rooms upstairs,
Hydro, •cistern, hand and soft water,
low taxes, fruit trees.. Apply at The
'News Office.
Experienced teacher wanted for
S.S. 'No. 5, Tuc'kersmifh. Applications
,will :be received until :July 8th. Hugh
M. Chesney, Sec.-Treas., Seaforth,
R.R. 4.
5 pigs, 7 weeks old. Apply to David
Dignan, Hensall, R. R. 2, Phone
911 r 115, :Zurich central.
Why not try Liquid Fllbre Coating
for steel and flat roofs. Only $2 a
square. We guarantee them for 5
years. Also. sell •cement chimney tops.
Apply 'to Joe Becker, phone 412,
Tenders will be received until 5th
of July for 'washing walls andceiling
and repainting of Walton School, The
work to be finish in Qoly. Roy Ben-
nett, Chairman of Sohool Board.
Storni Seal, Rosco Ribbed, and
Corrugated Steel Roofing, Council
Standard with 25 -year Guarantee,
Eavestroughing, Galvanized Sheet
Iron. • Metal Sidings, Galv'd Hog
Troughs, Corrugated Round - End
Water Troughs and Tanks, Galv'd
Furnace Pipes, Metal Ridge and Val-
ley, Granary Lining. Also—Copper,
Zinc, Tin; Stainless Steel, &c., in
sheets, Rosco Portable Silos, Roofing
Paints, Asphalt Roofing, Asphalt
Brick Siding, Floor Tile, Slate Roof-
ing, Building Paper, Plastic Cements,
Roofing Nails, &c. Write, phone or
call in person for an estimate. Murray
Tyndall, Brucefield, Phone 618 ring
12, Clinton.
Successor to John H. Best
Seaforth, Ontario
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. •Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth, Office home:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1:310 p.m. to '5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 P. m.
Tax Pre=Payment
Receipts For
The Town will pay 4 per cent per
annum up to Aug. 31/39 on all pre-
paid 1939 taxes.
Certificates and full particulars
may be obtained from the Town
Clerk's office in the Town Hall.
Tenders for the repair of the Law-
rence Drain will be received by the
undersigned until Monday, (July 3rd,
at 3.30 p.m. at Carnegie Hall, Sea -
forth, when tenders will he
opened. Excavations will be 3:,1(80 cu.
yards. Length :116,200 ft.
Tenders will also he received for
construction and repair of 'the Box
Drain which is a (branch of the Law-
rence Drain. Excavations 1,630 'cu'bic
yards. Length 3,040 'feet.
Ten per cent, of ,00ntract to ac-
company tender. Lowest or any tend-
er not necessarily accepted. Plans and
specifications at 'clerk's office, lot 35,
con. 3, McKi'ldap.
(JOHN McN'AiY, 'Clerk,
R.R. 2, Seaforth.
Wallace Ross, Apiarist, will pay '50c
for swarms of bees during the month
of June. Phone 303 J.
The Handsome choicely Brod
Clydesdale Stallion
:(27088) Enrolment ;No. 35215. Form 3
Route for 11939 -Monday noon 'will
leave his own stable, lot 23, eon. 5,
Logan, and proceed to Peter I3ic'k-
nel" s, lot 24, eon, 5, McKillop.
Tuesday—To Joseph -O'Rourlce's,
lot 4, con. 6, ,McKillop, for no'an,
-thence to Rock Bros., Brodhagen,
Wednesday—to John Dietz's, got 8,
con. 40, McKillop, for noon, thence 10
Geo. Bennewies', lot 8, con: 12, MeK,
Thursday—to Henry Steinbach's lot
28, con. 12, Logan, for noon, thence to
Geo. H. Siemon's, lot 24, con. 41, Log.
Friday—to his own stable, where lie
will remain until following Monday.
Terms -412 payable Feb. 1st, 1940.
Jacob Hignell, Prop. and Manager.
Enrolment 3049 Form 2
The Standard Bred Stallion
211(1,54. 2,1314 at three years old
111939 Grade "B". Premium No, 375.
Will stand for the impnovemeut of
stock at the barn of his owner, W. C.
Govenlock, Egmondville.
He is a jet black in color, stands
15-3 hands high and weighs 3(100 bibs.
He is a premium horse and is scant.
His sire, Bogalusa, 2.045/.
He is also a handsome horse as he
was first and reserve champion at the
Royal Winter fair, 'Toronto, last Win-
ter, 1938. Would try to make ar-
rangements to aneet those from a dis-
tance where passible. Terms $12. pay-
able Feb. lst, 1940.
Enrolment No. 3500. Form 1
[28352]. Enrolment No. 3959 Form 3
Route for season *2 '1939:
Monday—Will leave his own stable
Lot 3, Con. 3, Hullett, to go north to
Walton to Herb Kirkby's for noon;
to his own stable for night.
Wednesday—Will 'go east as far aa
Beechwood; home for night.
Friday—'Will go south -354, miles,
then west to Sam Switzer's school,
south to ,Mill Road. then by way of
Clinton to David Rogers for noon;
home by way of 9th con., Gorierich
Tp. Terms -410, payable 'Mar. it 1900
T. J. McMichael, ` Prop. & Manager
Life. Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accfd-
ent,Windstorm & gtearantee bonds.
Rates reasonable. All risks placed
in first class companies.
Information cheerfully given
Phone 3'34 w
Leaves Seaforth for Stratford:
Daily 8.21 a.m. and 5.23 P.M.
Leaves Seaforth for Ooderick:..
Daily except Sunday and hol., 1.00 p.m.
and 7.40 p.m.
Sun. and Fol., 1.00, p.m. and 9.20 p.m.
Connection at Stratford for Toronto,
Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit
Agents — Queen's Hotel, Commercial
Hotel, Dick House