HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-06-29, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 29, I339 THE SEAFORTHNEWS PAGE FIVE. 11 June 28 to July 5 1M' Pack St. Williams STRAWBER�21( JQ(dl 23c. New 32 ox. PER JAR PICKLES d Crunchie SWEET;3 t, I_Oalan MIXED PER' JAR Borden's Eagle Brand CONDENSER MILK PER TIN lar. CREAM TEA SANDWICH BISCUITS MANNING'S SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA PER PKG. 5c FRY'S COCOA, /S Chipso, Small -10c Lifebuoy Soap Chase & Sanborn Coffee, ls Welch Grape Juice pints Muffets Dole's Pineapple Juice, 12 oz. Dole's Pineapple Gems 14 oz. Quaker Oats, Large Plain Quaker Oats, shall Ivory Soap, Large 10 oz. bar, deal P. & G. White Naptha Soap Fancy Pink Salmon, Cascade Brand, /s. , . • ..2 tins 19c is per tinl4c per btl. 15c per tin 12c .. . 3 pkg. 25c per jar 10c PER TIN 19c Large 22c 2 Cakes 15c per tin 36c per btl. 27c 2 pkg. 21c 2 tins 25c per tin 18c per pkg. 22c per pkg. 8c .... .,,2 cakes 15e 6 cakes 25c 2 in 1 White Liquid Polish 2 in 1 Paste Polish Shirriff's Lushus Jelly Powders French's Prepared Mustard Tuna Fish—FANCY WHITE SOLID MEAT "As. • • • . , . t • per n 19c 9c .olives, Club House Stuffed 8 oz„ Queen 11 oz. per ti. Derby Cheese 'ds—Spreads or slices Tomato Juice, Aylmer, 10x/ oz. P/Iiracle Whip Dressing, 8 oz. -21c' Shrimps, Gulf or American Beauty Glacier Sardines Cooked Ham . , • • • • Midget Rolls, about 3 lbs. each Paper Napkins, pkg. 160 White Picnic Plates •. Drinking Cups, colored cello wrapped Soft Drinks, Cigarettes, Cigars and Tobaccos per pkg. 14c 5 tins' 25c 16 oz, 35c per tin 16e 2 tins 190 %z Ib. 28c` per lb, 29c per pkg. 15c per doz. 10c 12 for 10c TOWN TOPICS I The Misses .:Brine •'were Brussels visitors this week. Mr. J.' F. McMann from Chicago and his daughter, Mrs. R. Tate from Dearborn, Mich., spent a. few days in town, last week visiting their many friends. It is 14 years since he left here and he sees many changes. We congratulate him on the good move he made to the windy city, with his family, who are all married and doing for themselves. Mr, and Mrs. Aubert C. Whyard spent the week end in Dungannon re- newing acquaintances. Mr, and Mrs. P. • V. Dugan and dau- ghter Phyllis returned to Columbus, Ohio on Monday after having spent the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Bolton. Mr. and Mrs. William Brown of Detroit motored to Seaforth last Thursday and spent nearlya, week visiting at the homes of his sisters, Mrs. Richard Rogers, Seaforth, and Mrs. Marshall Young in Hutlett Tp. Mrs. R. J. Beattie intends moving on Monday from her residence in Egmondville, to the Victoria Apart- ments, Victoria st. Twenty-six Entrance pupils are writing exams at the Collegiate thie week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jordan and Mise Elizabeth Murray of London were visitors on Sunday last at the home of the latter's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCann, Seaforth. Mrs. C. E. Barrett returns to her home in Kirkland Lake on Saturday after spending two weeks with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Louis Eberhart, HURON OLD BOYS PICNIC (Continued trout Page t) Sports Committee, Was the .busiest man •on the grounds. Hon, Secy. E, Floody told of the election of 1878 in South Huron when Cameron .and Porter were the candi- dates and Edward was teaching in Goderich Township, the tory hotbed. President H, M. Jackson is .a real up-to-date President, For three days before the picnic he was going night and day , and never wearied. More power to his elbow. President Jackson and President McCutcheon of the Juniors, along with Chairman S. M: Wickens handled the ;games and did the job well. The .01t1 Boys and Girls were all gla•ii to see Mrs. J. Beck on the grounds, and although she was not well enough to walk around she took in the sports from her •car. Dr. J. Ferguson, Vice President, was early on the grounds and stayed, to the end, ' Walker's l FUNERAL HOME UNDERTAKING A3ID EMBALMING J. R. WALKER, JR, Holder of Government diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 BRUCEFIELD Mrs. J. Brown visited friends in Hamilton and Toronto recently. Miss Annie Mustard of London is spending her holidays at her home in the village. Mr. D. Tough spent the week end at the home of IYir. and Mrs Altche- son. Mr. Lewis, of Toronto. the Temp- erance representative, gave an ex- oelient address in the United Church last Sunday morning having two texts. Gen 1:1, "In the beginning." and Daniel 5:27, "Thou art weighed in the balances and found wanting. Here we have two ways of living. How we all need to put God first in our lives. The speaker told of so many countries who had failed be- eause they did not put God first. He also told of the curse of drinking li- quor; it had caused more loss of life and more ruined homes than war or pestilence. Many drinkers have tried the gold cure but after a time it has failed. The only cure for the drink habit is faith in ,Tesus Christ who is all powerful BORN Charters—In Scott Memorial Hosp- ital, on Sunday, June 25, 1939, to Mr. and Mrs. Pearson Charters, Seaforth a daughter. Snell—in Scott Memorial Hospital, on Wednesday, June 28, 1939, to Mr. apd Mrs. Helmer Snell, Seaforth. a son. ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES JULY 7-8 From SEAFORTH To Stations Oshawa and East to Cornwall inclusive, Uxbridge, Lind- say, Peterboro,. Ca.ntpbellford. Newmarket, Coliingwood, Meaford, Midland, North Bay. Parry Sound, Sudbury, Capreol and west to Beardmore. P.M. TRAINS JULY 7 ALL TRAINS JULY 8 To TORONTO 0. Also to Brantford, Chatham, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, London, Niagara, Falls, Owen Sound. Si. Catharines, St. Marys, Sarnia, Stratford, Strathroy, Woodstock. See handbills for complete list of destinations. For Fares, Return Limits, Train Information, Tickets, etc., consult 0 7B nearest Agent CANADIAN NATIONAL Seaforth Monument Works (formerly W. F.. Chapman)Now ,operated by CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE A COMPLETE LINE OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Always On Display SEAFORTH TUESDAY'S & SATURDAY'S Or any time by appointment—Call 14 1, Dir. Harburn'_, EXETER—PHONE J The W. J. Jones Mag. Co. donated two 'haadsonte ladies' blouses for prizes. MANLEY. Mr. J. F, McMann from Chicago, and his daughter Mrs. Richard Tate, from Dearborn, Mich., have left for their respective homes after renew- ing old acquaintances in our burg last, week. The early hay crop •hes all been housed and it never was known to be all saved before, without rain, al- though rain would be welcome as there Is not much moisture, but the crops are in excellent condition, but some of the hoe crops need moisture, but the dry weather has been control- ling the weeds. It's a bad wind that doesn't blow good for something. Miss Bernice Manley having fin- ished her collegiate course, intends taking up training for the nursing profession. We congratulate Miss Mary Mc- Kay, who passed her entrance exams without. writing. Mr. Fred Eckert is busy helping to rush the work on his farm in our burg CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. McDonald and family attended special services in Brussels on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hoggarth and son of Toronto visited relatives and friends during the past week. The Marion Ritchie Auxiliary ent- ertained the Mission Cirele of the Thames Road on Saturday- afternoon when a very enjoyable tme was spent. Miss Ruth and Mr. Lloyd Allen and friends of Brantford called on relat- ives on Sunday. Mr. Earl Sararas of Toronto visited his parents over the weep end. The ex -pupils and ex -teachers of B.S. No. 6 are planning for a reunion day to be held on the school grounds on Friday, June 30. School will be called at 10 o'clock. Ma'. and Mrs. Wm. McLachlan and Mr. and Mrs. Baker called on friends on Saturday. Anniversary services will be held in.Cromarty on Sunday, July 2nd at 11 a,m. and 7.30 p.m. with the Rev. Hugh Jack of Seaforth oificbathag. Messrs. W. F. Cantelon, Russel Brown and R. Greer. West end Drug-, gists and Huron Old Boys, made handsome donations to the prize list: Lack Kennedy and Andrew Me Garva talked of old times in Clinton when Jos. Whitehead was mayor. Albert Wise, formerly of Goderich township, told of the old days at Middleton's Corners when Gabriel Elliott was Reeve of the Township. Dave Cook and Ink Cantelon told stories of days in Tipperary. W. M. Given was the official um- pire of the day. and also donated two valuable prizes. There is a rumor going arotned that a Huron Old Boy of Toronto may be a candidate fon' North. Huron at the coming election to the House of Commons. Mies Grace Sterling was secretary to the Games' Committee and did the job to the King's taste. A. G. Smith, ex -mayor of Wing- ham. told of the old days in the Chisholm McDonald, election. The Canada Vinegar Company and the Western Canada Flour Mills Company were generous contribut- ors to the prize list. Mrs. Margaret Johnston of Mar - tette. Mich., cane to Toronto to at- tend the Picnic and she enjoyed the outing immensely. FLASH ! -- 2 BIG HOLIDAY !DANCES! BRODHAGEN. ' Ire. and Mrs. John Anrstein, Rob- ert.and Roy, spent Sunday with rel- atives in Baden. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riehl and Shir- ley, and Mr. and. Mrs. Russell Shnld- ice and Gary spent Sunday in Gode- rich, Mrs. Fred Hinz Is vending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. J. G. Diegel in.INonth Bay. The first open air Band Concert will 'be held by the Brodhagen Band next Sunday evening. Among the ones attending the band festival at Waterloo last Saturday were Mr. Albert 'Querengesser, elia Querengesser, Alfred Qneren • gesser, Howard Querengesser, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Dippte, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Rapien; Mr. ,and Mrs. John Hina and family. .Mr. and Mrs. Alf Dyheman Miss Dorothy- Querengesser of Tor- onto spent Sunday with relative: here. AT THE RENDEZVOUS ON THE LAKE BA'YFIELD To the Tantalizing Music of DON HOPKINS and His Orchestra Season's :noxi ,popular Dance Band SAT., JULY lst Dancing Afternoon and Evening MIDNIGHT JULY 2 12.05, Jitney Dancing IN PERSON Straltf a'= rd Casing Thurso, July 6 Blue Barron AND 1113 MUSIC OF YESTER- DAY AND TODAY Direct from Edison Hotel, New York City. famous Radio Person- ality. ,Only Appearance in Canada. Admission 131300. Advance Sale 'SSc Tickets at •Canino, Markles 'Jewel' ry, Stratford.' Write or, wire. DANCING 9 TO 2. TUCKERSMITH The Tuekeramith Ladies' Club hold' a very enjoyable social on the lawn' of Mr. 'and Mrs. 0. J. O'Brien on Thursday, evening last, About seventy were present, The 'social committee which consisted of Mrs. 011e, Mrs, A. Pepper and Mrs. O'Brien had proper - ed a program of races, contests, etc., with prises for the winners. At dark, lanterns were hung, and seats for all placed on the lawn, and a plentiful supply of hot dogs, was Passed, followd by pie and coffee, After community singing, Mr. How- ard Crich tendered a vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien and family for the use of their grounds, and for the trouble they had taken to make the evening a success. The genial host replied, and on behalf of the men present thanked the Ladies' eiub for the enjoyable evening. Results of the sports are as follows, Tots' race, Bobby Lawson, Bert Pepper; child- ren's race, Gladys Pepper, Amy Wal- ters, Fred Pepper; balloon contest, Mrs. Ab. Pepper, Ervin Sillery; bis- cuit contest, Viola Pepper, Elden O'- Brien; bean race, G. McGregor and Eileen Walters, Donald Oriel]. and Viola Pepper; dinner call, Mrs, H. Crich, Viola Pepper, clipper kick, Ir- ene Garrett, Viola Pepper; hop -step, Bert Garrett, Leslie Pepper; throw- ing beans, Mrs. W. Pepper, Mrs. J. Landsborough; pole race, Walter and Leslie Pepper. Coat, race, Whiter Pepper and Erma Garret; marsh- mallow contest, Mel Ball and M. Oriel'. Peanut scramble for everybody, Council Minutes -- The Minutes -The. Council of Tuckersmith met at the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Sat- urday, June 2)1'bh, The minutes of .last meeting were read ,and adopted, The road insurance policy with the A. E. Wilson 'Co of Toronto was renewed for another year, and the 'premium of t$1120 paid their agent, M. Reid. The request of J. M. McIntosh,' manager Bell Telephone Co., of Stratford, for permission to out underbrush and light tree trimming on roads an which are •located the company's long distance 'lead lines was granted. An application having ;been made to •the Municipal Board by Roy Bell, (James Bell, Thomas Sherrita and Russell Broderick to have their farm laude in the village of Hensall detached 'from said village and annexed to the town- ship of Tuckersmith, the ,Council by resolution .expressed willingness to hawz said farm lands annexed.to this iumiicipality eel ere willing to collect and pity over to the village of Hen- sall such gams i(ii any) as may be directed day the hoard to the iraiessed, levied and collected from any land so transferred. The Council sgreed that a charge of lflc per yard he made to cover use ,.sf crusher :and dragline when employed ,by any mashie muni- cipality. A grant of $35 was made to the Lion's CIO, to aid in maintaining rhe Lions' park and swimming pool. The rued stmt. was instructed to at- tend .sale of lumber with power to purcliase suitable material 'for use of numicip:atity if he considered it advis- able. He was also instructed to pnr- chise a number of road' suns and pats ani hay, theta erected at point- .t': ,lireet 1 '''wy the council, far the ani lance of nl>Mrists, The following suordd paid: Relief. :53}1ec17tnt r1:twire apt. pasrrtlists •7 tintl di, :Pain; road in:surance $11213; Hydro Electric P. C. tan arrears, $l'5.28 tag coll., $6.715; alaries, postage', etc 156. The Connell adjourned to meet 'July 25111 at 7 o'clock p.m.—D.• F. Mc- Gregor, Clerk. LONDESBORO The July aneeting of the W. F. will 'w held in the Community Hall on Thursday, July Pitta at 2.30 p.m. This is Children's Day. The children will provide the .program. Conveners, SIrs. Menzies, Mrs. Townsend, 'Mrs. J, Ardistrong. Sports conveners, Mrs, R. Fairservice, 'Mrs. B. Brunsdon, Mrs, V. Roy. Lunch served by mem- bers of Institute. Convener of lunch, Mrs. R. 'trodden. Dr. Arthur Lyon is spending a few holidays with his parents before taking up his work in St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, as interne for a year. Mr, Frank Hall spent a few days last week a•t the home of his son Mr. B. Hall. Blyth. Mrs. E, Crawford lavas returned to her home, having spent the past two weeks at her granddaughter's home near the Nile. Deep regret was felt on hearing of the death of Mrs. T. H. Cole of Tor- •anto.• She was widely known in this vicinnw, her maiden name Nein, Mise Myrtle Mc'Vittie. The funeral tools place an Wednesday afternoon, inter- ment in Clinton cemetery. VARNA. Mr. and Mrs. Lee McConnell and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Johnston spent the week end with friends in Mar- lette, Mich, Mr. and Mrs: Latham and Miss Beatty of London spent Sunday with the latter's mother, who has not been well, but we ere pleased to report she is improving. • The Misses Clutter and brother El- liott of London spent Sunday with their' parents. Mrs. East of Clinton spent Sunday with her father Mr. -Pilgrim. Mr. and Mrs. Makins of Goderich called on Mr. and Mrs. McConnell Monday 'Mrs. Beatty. son Bill and Miss 'Ro- berts of Goderich was renewing ac• quaintances in this district Sunday, Me. and Mrs. Brassie attended the cirrus in Stratford Saturday. Miss Logan of 1-Iermaib was renew- iug acilaaintances here Monday. Rev. and Mrs. L. Deihl of Thames - villa called on friends last week. :.Owing to the absence of Rev. Mr. Peters, last Sunday, service in the United Church was taken by 21r. Pitcher of Toronto, There will be no services in the Anglican Church Sunday owing to the fact the services in the United Church will be in honor of the :Or- ange Order., • WINTHROP Haying is the order of the day. School closes 'Thursday for the summer vacation, with many happy faces. Mr. and •Mrs. Arnold .Jamieson, IIuron 'road west, spent Sunday evening with Mr., and .•Mrs, Scott Bolton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eaton and Larry spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, Sperling of Wroxeter. Mr, and Mns..Langford Chapman of Goderich visited Mr, and Mrs. William Trewartha on Sunday. 'Wd congratulate Mr. Reginald Pryce on passing his exams at Strat- ford Normal. A school teacher now, eh, Reg. Mr. and Mrs. 'Peter McCowan and "Bibby 'o1 Roxboro spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eaton. Mr. Thomas Robinson of Stratford called on his sister Mrs. Geo. Little en Monday. The football game with Sea - 'forth Monday was 1-10 l'or Seaforth, Roy Dolmage received a ibad out on the forehead, which required Isfx stitches 'to close the wound. Not so good, Roy. The W.M.S.Wand W.A. Societies of Caven Church, Winthrop, will hpld their meeting on Wednesday, iJoly, (5, at home of Mrs. Allan Ross at 2 p.m. HURON ROAD WEST Miss Dorothy Holland and Miss. Irene Heelbe of 'Toronto spent the week end at the home of the form- er's parents, Clinton. Dr. Leo Rosen is visiting at the - home of Mr. Wm. Ball, Clinton. Mr, Rintoui is recovering nicely from his severe car accident. Mr, and firs. A.. Orpen are visit- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glow, Clinton. Mrs. Harry Charlesworth of Clin- ton has gone to Toronto for medical attention. AUBURN Decoration Day services will be held in Ball's Cemetery this Sunday, July 2nd with Rev. H. C. Wilson giv ing the address. Mrs. Joseph Carter— Mrs. Joseph Carter passed away at her home in Auburn on Wednesday, June 28, after an illness of several months. Mrs. Carter (Mary Ann Horney) was born in Usborne Town- ship, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Harney, on Nov, 28, 1866, and has lived in this commun- ity moat of her life. Mr. and Mrs. Carter celebrated their golden wed- ding May 12, 1936, Mrs. Carter is sur- vived by her husband Joseph, two daughters (Ruby) Mrs, Wm, Haggitt of Auburn, (011ie) Mrs. George Bax- ter, Goderich; by two sons, Forest of Goderich, Joseph of Sault Ste. Marie, a son Jack was killed overseas. There are nine grandchildren. The following brothers and sisters also survive: Mrs: John Phillips of Brighton; Mrs. Ernest Iineeshaw of Meaford; Wm. Horney, Cargill; Levi Horney, Binscarth, Manitoba; Edwin Horney, Goderich and Thomas Horney. Brant- ford, Funeral services will be at the home Friday at 2 p.m. with the Rev. H. C. Wilson of Wilted ("Jewell offie- bating. Burial will be in Colborne Cemetery. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Harold Taylor and two children of Exeter visited one day recently with lir. and Mrs. Wm. Bell and family. hfiee 'Winne Stewart visited with relatives in Hensall during the week. Mr. and _Mrs. Tom Elder of Sea - forth were renewing old acquaiirt- antes in the neighborhood one day recently. Mr. Alvin McBride. and Mr. Robt, McDougall are at the fair in New York this week taking nn the sights. Air. Howard Clark of Winona spent the week cold with his many friends int this community. The young people of St. Aeerew''s held their annual festival nn 'rues, any evening on the manse lawn and it was a real suoces:. Dr. and Mrs Lawson of Listowel spent the week end with friends in and around the village. Haying is the order of the day and it le a nice crop. Miss Walker of Peterborough is visiting with friends in the village. McICILLOP A Lucky Spot— While drilling for water at Mr. Frank Coleman's farm. on the ap- nroactr six feet from the barn, Mr. W. D. Hopper, noted well driller, struck a strong vein of water the.' raised about 415 •incites above the ground on the gangway that re quire, e ,3 -inch tile to cam it away The welt k just'5i5 (ret sleep and is feet from his cement supply t•ittk which is down underground and 1' piped through the stable, Shipped Bull Calf to Quebec— Mr. E. 13. Gouatie shipped to Que- bec province a purebred Guernsey bu11 calf froom Seaforth on -11 on day afternoon. Travelling by express the calf reached its destination at West SheFford, Que•, by n10 o'clock the next morning -(.Tuesday). Rupture Expert Here Do you sn:ler 11.,:; rno*,•,:.•';' If s a your r n n h r 7•,e o„ < r i ra pp a arrived Illi Reaw e w n. • ,m rupture expert, will en a.: the Commercial Hotel SEAFORT 1 for ane day only MONDAY, JULY 3rd And will be pleased to give free ex- amination to any sufferer and ti demonstrate his famous appli- ance. This appliance will contract the opening in 10 to 15 days. This appliance is positively de- monstrated to you right on your own person without any charge. You do not spend a penny unless you are fully satisfied that it le the right appliance for you con. sultation with Mr. Reavely v.111 cost you nothing. Don't bet this nz- portmaity get away from you. Re. member the date. / Vicid o Time ! Enjoy a carefree holiday by buy- ing one of our guaranteed used cars. A complete stock assures you of the model anti price you desl re. RADIO Have you seen our small radios for your sun -porch, bedroom er summer cottage? Compact, at tractive, Hydro approved and as low as $19,95. Portable radios, car radios—at half the price they were a year ago. SCHOOL'S OUT For the young vacationist ,there is nothing like a b)cycle. We have a complete line, models as low as $228.00. J. P. DALY FORD -MERCURY DEALER Telephone 102 Seafonth