HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-06-29, Page 2PAGE TWO THE SEAFORTH NEWS TNU'RSDAY, J1JNE 29, 1939 The Perfect Thirst Quencher IfsALA A: TEA HURON NEWS Scott -Anderson Reunion— The Scott -Anderson family reunion was held at Mitchell Public school ,grounds on Saturday afternoon with an .attendance of around I1115 ,present. A program of softlial.,. and sports in 'the afternoon, supper and, a short ,program and business meeting with ,the general social greetings were the order of the day. The races in change of Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Thom of St. Pauls and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark of St. Marys were heartily enjoyed. The results were: Children under 6, Mary Scott, Alden Watt, Barbara Ann Clark; boys, 7-8, 'Gordon 'Clark, Junior Thorn; girls, 7-9, Yvonne Scott, Mary Scott; boys under ,1OE, •Murray McGill, Gordon Clark; girls le to 12, Ruth Scott, June Skirten; boys' wheelbarrow race, Bill Aber - hart and Jack Watt, Fred Scott and Murray McGill; girls' biscuit race. Mary F, Scott, Isabel Park; ladies' slipper kicking contest, Isabel Park, Mrs. H. Coleman; clothespin race, Ronald Anderson and Audrey Scott, Jack Watt and Jean Scott; pie plate race, Elmer Scott and Isabel Park, Douglas Andacson and Anne Ander- son; married men's race, Elmer Scott, Harold Coleman; married ladies' race, Mrs. .Alen, Mrs, H. Coleman. The youngest child present was Duncan Thomas Scott, sou of Mr, and Mrs. James Scott Jr. of Brodhagen. The oldest lady present was Mrs. James Scott of Cromarty who is in her 74th year; the oldest gentleman present was Mr. Walter Marshal of London who is 76, Rev. R. G. McKay of Prince Albert acted as chairman for the program which consisted of read- Richard Mathews, Mr, and Mrs. Ed- ings by Miss Jean Scott of \lauro ward Jarman and Richard Jarman, all and Mrs. \largaret Barr tyf Stratford of Plymouth, Pennsylvutia. The old- and Mrs. J. Laing, of Seaforth. A Short address by John H. Scott of Toronto and Rev. McKay: duet by Mrs- Retbt. Clark and Mrs: Leslie Davidson of Carlingford with several selections- of community singing. The following officers were elected for .1941): Chairman, James Levy; sport committee, Isabel Park, John Watt, Elmer Scott: lunch committee, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Park, Mr. anti Mr,. A. MacLachlan, Mr. and Mrs. E. Allen: program committee. Mr. sent coneregstti,ms, Rev. A. E. Moor- Sask.,Cromarty, London, Stratford,s St. Marys, Toronto; Bright, S�ebring- vi11e, Kirkton, Monleton, St. Pan's, Seaforth, Mitchell, Thanesfo•rd and surrounding 'districts: Reeves Visit Forestry Station Seven reeves of Huron coiiraty ntu- tiicipaI1ties, recently -elected members of County Council who had not :prev- iously made .the trip, on Wednesday of :last week visited Norfolk county for 'the annual forestry field' clay. With hundreds of others from allover Western Ontario they were shown around the forestry demonstration farm at St, Williams, where they were 'served lunch, and in the even- ing they attended a banquet at Seim- coe, addressed by'Hon, 'J. G. Gard- iner, Minister of Agriculture in the Federal Government, Those making the trip were Reeves Thomas Web- ster of West •\'Vaveanosh, Raymond Redmond of 'East Wawanosh, James Leiper of Hullett, N. W. Treuartha of Clinton, Fred Watson of Stanley, N. R. Dorrance of McKillop and S,stn H. 'Whitmore of Tuckerith. Pryce-Jarman Picnic* W,RUCEFIELD The regular meeting: 'of the. 'Wo- man's Missionary Society was ,held June ' 11-1t when the Egmoodville Auxiliary was present, The President,. Mrs C. Haugh, ,had change of the. opening ,exercises and conducted the business period. Mrs, •lJlas. McQueen bed In',prayer. The study, A 'Christian Citizenship Program—Should Canada Admit Refugees? was taken by Mrs.' Brock, Mrs. :J. 'Calens'and Miss Edith Bowey. Mrs. Allan took the chair for the worship service and short scrip- ture readings were .given by Mrs. A. McQueen, Mies. R. Scott, Mrs. W. Stevens and Mrs. J. Hazelwood. A solo by'Mrs. 'Cairns was muds en- joyed, Mrs. Geo, Johnston of Varna, delegate to the Conference meeting in May at St. Thomas, gave a splendid report. A social time was spent 'at .the close of the meeting. The Pryre Jarman family ofMc- Killop and Hallett townships held a reunion picnic in Harbor Park on Wednesday which was attended; 'by over fifty members. They were the descendants of Mr, and Mrs. 'Phomas l'ryce and Mr. and Mrs. David Jar- man who came from Wales and set- tled in Seaforth, later movie to Mc- Killop township; and of Mr. and \fry. David Jarman who came out about the sante time and :settled at Plymouth. Pa. Guests of honor at the reunion were Mrs. Dave Jarman, Mr. est person present was Edward Jar- man of Constance, in his eightieth year, and the youngest was Helen Pryre, one and a half years old, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. John Pryee— Go 1nrirh Signal -Star. Ministerial Changes— June marks the end of "Confer- ence year" in the fasted Church and several mieistc•rs in the Presbytery of Huron have hid farewell to their pre - COMMUNICATION Royal Visit At. Stratford' The Secretary of the Board of Trade, 72 Ontario St, Stratford, has sent the following; •communication •to The News: I am instructed to forward you a copy of the below resolution passed, unanimously by: the directors of the Board of Trade at g `special meeting in connection with the fail- ure of the Royal Train to slow down at Romeo St., Stratford, on gime 6. "The directors of the Stratford Board of Trade join with the City Council (and all our citizens) in ex- pressing very sincere regret that ow- ing to some mistake or misunder- standing in carrying out the plans and schedule, as 'understood and tirade public, by the Royal Visit Committee, so many were disappoint- ed in' not seeing Their Majesties on the occasion of their visit on" Tues- day, Jute 6; We desire especially to express our regret to the children, teachers, and all others who, after so many hours of travelling and waiting, . were so keenly disappointed; We 'desire also to pay tribute to the Rev.F. G. Li�gh'tbourn and the members of his committee, particular- ly Mr. •W. L. Whyte, of Seaforth, in charge of the organization of school children, Scouts, Guides, Cubs and Brownies, for the very fine and faith- ful work done ,by them and all who assisted them, and regret that, in spite of their efforts, there should be so touch ;disappointment: Net�twithstanding disappointments, we desire to express our appreciation of the visit of Their Majesties to the Classic City and of the opportunity many. many. thousands had of seeing then in person and of being able to appreciate their gracious, kindly spirit and challenge us and our children to a deeper devotion and firmer loyalty." Yours very truly, H. E. MASON, Secretary and Mrs. W. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. A. house, Victoria street ehnrrh, tiiorle- Crai.t, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fulton: rich. is retiring, on anperannnation, grounds ropimittce. Mr. and Mrs. J. and the pulpit will be occupied by Fulton: reception committee, Mr. and Rev, C. L, drown, who c.rtnr. frons Mrs. Janie; Scott Sr. It was decided Springville, Inc th' Teterboro Presby - to hold next year's reunion . on the tern. Mr- and Gln, Moorhouse intend Public school gronr is in Mitchell on to make their home at Forest. Rev. E, the third Saturday in Jane. Guests gill moves from Dungannon and were present from Prince Albert, Crew,' to \Vellburn, sod will he sue - to Don't let tire trouble spoil your holiday, ride carefree, trouble- free and safely on new Goodyears. WE HAVE A GOODYEAR PRICED TO SUIT YOUR PURSE! Coodyears cost you less to use because theworld's largest tire -maker '.',can give you greater value for your money. Let us prove it to you. See us today! W. G. WRIGHT, J SEAFORTH', Ont. Phone 267 • I went fishing " today Daddy!" Telephone service is widely usedbecause.ft is courteous,, efficient, yet surprisingly in- expensive. Nothing elseyields so much for wbut it costs! The Big News of the day ! And. Daddy, listening to his little girl's excited voice, longs for his week -end with the family. In the meantime, he is comforted by the thought that they can always get in touch with him immediately by telephone. Many "Daddies" call their families at least once through the week, using low Night Rates that are in effect to most points every evening after 7 (and all day Sunday, too). It's MISS E. M. CLUFF, very inexpensive. Acting local Representative seeded by Rev. J. Richardson, now .eft .\rk,nta. This charge henceforth will include fart Albert, Rev. H. M. Wright, of St, Helens and White- church, goys to Dover Centre and will he succeeded by Rev, G. A. Barn- ard, now of Nile. Rev. Gordon Hazel- wood, of Bentnailler and Carlow, will after ;lady 1st have a four -point charge--Benmiller, Carlow, Leeburn and Nile. The present charge of Nile, Lechurn and Port Albert is tteus dis- solted..'l'he minister will reside at Benntiller. Rev. Chas. Cumming will rr,mov. from Walton to Norval, in the Toronto Conference, and Rev.. Fr:uik A. Gilbert will come from Norval to Walton. Rev. C. P. Taver- a,r, who some years ago was station- ed on the Ashfield circuit, wilt return to Huron county as minister of Blue - ode. Rev. A. V. Rnhh. now of Blue -1 vale, will go to Canrlachie. New High School Building at Exeter - 1': ter . new High School btniidirng %1- formally nnrned' Friday of last week by 1)r. G. F. Rogers. chief high .,e,:i'1 inspector for the Department .f Edtwation. Toronto, Resigns as Teacher— :ills, Maud Horton, who for many years has been an efficient teacher! on the Exeter public school staff, has tendered iter resignation to take effect at the close of this terns. New Service Station— Mr. Ross Scott. of Brarcetield, is erecting a new' service station on Main street on -the lot he recently purchased south of Main Street Unit- ed Church, Mr. Scott is the distribu- tor for the Blue •Sunoco gas —Exeter Times Advocate. Married at Clinton— A pretty June wedding took place •n Ontario Street United Church on Satnrday 'afternoon when, Margaret Isabelle, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, {Nelson Ball, Clinton, was united' in marriage to Mr. John Raymond Car - hart, Kirkland Lake, son of Mr. and Mrs, 'John Carhart, Toronto, .by Rev. G. G. Burton. VOU OUGHT TO OWN TI IS 1 ' r ' -PRICED It's astonishing—what a performance - difference and comfort - difference there is between the Olds "Select Six" and all other low-priced cars ! For this new Oldsmobile—priced just above the. lowest—is the only low-priced 'car with a 95-h.p. Engine and the revolutionary Rhythmic Ride. Come and see this new low-priced Style Leader today. Look at the price tag. Then decide with a 95-h.p. Rhythmic Ride that you ought to own an Olds this year—and can ! See, also, Oldsmobile's two stand -out "buys" in the popular -price field , the big "Series 70 Six and the 110- h.p. "Series 80" Straight Eight. There's an Olds built and priced for everybody in 1939 ! Low monthly paymentson the. General Motors Instalment Plan. 0-1496 A. W. DUNLOP Seaforth YOUR OLDSMOBILE DEALER SERVICE PLUS: RELIABILITY