HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-06-22, Page 3• THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1939 THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE THREE Highlights of site week: .Sunday, 'June 21591!310 to 2 p.m. YMCA. Orpheus Choir, from Hali- fax, 14U .to 5 p'.m. Words Without Music, from .New York; 6 to 6.30 p.ni. Grenadier Guards .Bland, .from, Montreal; 6.t310`'lo 7 pan. The World To -day; tad'k, from Winnipeg; 7.30 to Ip.m,'.M'elodic 'Strings, from Tor- onto; 9,00 or-,on'to;',194301 ''to 110' p.m. A'p'pointment with Agostini,from Ivfontr'ea1. Monday; Jane 26=8 to 8.30. p.m. Blue ,Shadows, ' front Tbroi to.; '8.310 to 9 p.m.'Sevillasa, from Montreal; 10.30 to 110'4'5 pan. Clement Q. Williams, ;barit'on'e, Vancouver; 111,09 to 111.30,, Student Songs, from Winnipeg. Tuesday, 'June 37-4:45 to 15 p.m. Interview ---Countess de Danp.ierre, 'Ottawa; '9 to 9:30 pan. S'u'mmer Con- cert,. from. 'M'ontreal; 110 to 10.30 p.m. Geoffrey. Waddington Conducts, Win- nipeg; '114115 to 111.30. ,p.m. Jean de Rrn an'oczy, violrnfst, -Vancouver. Wed.nesday,lJune 28-8.310 to 9'p.m. Les 'Cosiercts du Chalet, from Mont- real; '9.30 to '0 p.in. Percy Faith's Music, from Toronto. Thursday, June 29-(4145 '3 p.m. Canada at New York Fair, talk, Tor- onto; 18 to 181310 p.m. Weekly Song Sheet, from Montreal; 8.30 to 9 p.m.. 'Sinfonge'tta, ffroni New York. Friday, June 30--9 to 9.30 p:m. Serenade for Strings, from Montreal; 9.130 Musical Maids, from Toronto. Saturday, jelly 1- 2.30 to 3 p.m. Canada Day alt World's Fair, from New York; 7.30 to 17:45 p.m. ' Young Canada, interview, from Montreal; 8.05 to 18.45' p.m. ;Dominion Day in Canada, from BBC; 9 to 91310 pan. Toronto Symphony Banti, from Tor- onto. men, the 'conference, in consultation with the Law 'Officers of the Crown, framed the Act'formulating the •con- stitution of the new Canada, and 'brou;'is't the 'federation into Ibeing in seven months: It was soon enlarged by the inel'usion of other provinces, and 'before the nineteenth century Was ended, the 'unity and c'S-operation necessary to allow Canada to figure prominently in the .affairs of the world, were well in evidence, 'White Acacias", the third play t•o; be heard in the current CB'C'I Drama, .series, will, 'be presented over the Corporation`''s National Network on Sunday; 'Jane 25, 9.00 to 9.30 pan. EDST from Montreal. This play, winner of third prize in the recent nationowide CBC Drama Contest, was written by E. Gordon Archibald and will 'be produced by Rupert Caplan, A tense and stirring drama of life in the Canadian northland, it relates to the story of a young immigrant arriving in 'Canada 'from the land of "White Acacias", some- where in Europe, with the tune of this Old gypsy melody still ringing in his ears. A series of fast moving scenes ,depicts the ,drama of his life, from the day of . his arrival to his ultimate death, when he makes a final request for his 'dau'ghter to play "White Acacias". Edward .Gordon Archibald is employed .inthe commerical clepar+t- men't of radio .station CK'GB, Tim- mins, Ontario. A'Iihtough he has written a dew ,dramatized cmnent- aries on. news events, "White Acacias" was his first real.attempt at radio playwri ting. 'Mr. Archibald 'has 'broad- cast various sports events over the air. Dominion Day Broadcast The occasion, just .over 70 years ago, of the drat 'federal •union in the British 'Empire --the comlbinin2g into one D'ominion of the Canadian col- onies, 'Ontario, Quebec, 'Nova .Scotia and New Brunswick—will be signal- led by a' special broadcast to' be made iby, the Hon. 'Vincent Massey, Can- adian High Commissioner in Lon- don, on Dominion. Day, July Tet. A recital given 'by two Canadian art- ists, Sarah Fischer, soprano, and Sylvia Gates, pianist, will follow this talk. The broadcast will Ibe ]heard from 8.05 to 8:4115 'pan, EDST, via short-wave transmission from BBC. A London hotel was the scene of the initial efforts to bring albout the ;Edinburgh, Scotland. !\!'site! •Pia.stro, Ban dOn SClboOI guest violins%, was (horn in . Kerte, Russia Ibis first instructor was his ,father, a well-known musician. Later, he studied under Leopold Auer at the Petrograd Conservatory of Music. The Toronto Promenade Symphony 'Orchestra, famedCanadian orchestral ;group, ander the direction of Reginald Stewart, will inaugurate this season's aohedu'le of 1113 'broadcasts 'programmes aver the -CBC 'National'Netw'ork on Thursday, July 6, .9100 to 10.00 p.m. EDST. These concerts will he carried in the United 'States Iby (NBC, Michel. Piastro, concertmaster of the New York Philharmonic -Symphony 'Orch- estra will be the guest soloist for the opening lbroad•cast. Led from its inception by Reginald Stewart, this is the sixth consecutive season of the Toronto Promenade Symphony Orchestra. Reginald Stewart, eminent Canadian conductor and pianist, has 'been associated with music since his onion of the 'then ,existing provinces. early years, when at the age of seven, Attended 'by representative states- he gave his first public recital in HURON NEWS Bequeathed $2,000— Miss Dorothy Lillian Cox, of 'Ex- eter,.'who for severed years has 'been. living in Sarnia, is a 'beneficiary in the estate • of the late Mrs. Th.cresa White, with whom Miss Gox resided and who died May 23nd, of this year. Miss Cox was 'bequeathed $2,000 and furniture valued at 8300. Tise estate was valued at 1$117,507.49 and twenty persons ,were remembered in 'bequests. Large Cow- A' large cow tipping the scales at 1.7100 lbs. was shipped 'from Seaforth to Toronto on Saturday from the 'farm of Mr. Roger Rice, of Tucker - smith. Wedding Cakes If there is to be a wedding 'round your way you'll be an the watch for appropriate cakes to 'have 'ba'ked for the bride and 'groom. Of course the bride''s cake most Ilio white -!batt tradi- tion has it that the "groom's cake' should be dark 'an'd .rich. Here are both versions for your ap'p'roval. White Cake with Marshmallow Filling 2 cups sugar cup shortening 2/3 cup milk 274 cups sifted 'flour 2 teaspoons Phasing powder Whites 8 eggs 1 teaspoon almond extract Cream the shortening and a'd'd the sugar 'gradually, Mix the 'baking pow- der with the sifted 'flour and sift again 'three times. While. b'eatin'g add the Iflaur alternately with the milk to the creamed 'bitter and sugar. Add the. almond -extract and 'beat until smooth and fold in the egg whites beaten until stiff but not dry. Poor into greased layer cake tins 9 inches in diameter, Bake for 10 minutes in a Moderate oven, :then turn the heat to :0715 degrees and bake '115 minutes longer. Cool and spread ma'rs'h'mal'low filling !between layers and on top or spread 'with a w'hi'te icing and dec- orate in an appropriate manner, Marshmallow Filling 111 ,cup sugar 8 tablesil'oo'ns water. L, egg white '% pound Marshmallows Cook the ,water and sugar together to 203 ,degrees P. 'Add the syrup slow- ly to the beaten egg white. Place aver hot water and add the marshmallows. Beat 'until the mixture is smooth and the mars'hma'llows are melted, Counter Check Books We Are Selling Quality Books Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily., All styles, Carbon Leaf and Black Back. Prices as Low as You' Can Get Anywhere. Get our Quotation on. Your Next Order.' • The Seaforth News SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, Has Big Reunion. Among Those Present Among those attending ithe reunion picnic were: ,Earl Benjamin Riley, Landesboro, G,eo. S. Moon, 'John Riley, 'Wallace Shannon, John F. Shannon, Mrs, Earl Benj. Riley, 'Douglas Riley, Mrs. 'J'ohn Riley, Arnold Riley; Mrs. Geo. Mann Jr. Clinton, Mrs. Wml, Hunter, Clinton, 'George Mann '(Sr.), Clinton. Ettie 'Riley. Ohas. Hoggart, Mrs. McCartney' (M'ar'garet Livermore), Mr Adana 'McCartney, Clinton. Mrs. Nelson Howes, Harriston. . Eva ,Kennedy, Mrs. Charles Wey- mouth, 'Mrs, V. Kennedy, Willis Bromley, Charles Weymouth, Percy Riley, Vera Hess'el'waod, Lain Hes selwoad, . 'Reggie H'esselwood, Lan- 'desbaro, _Mrs. 'Chas. Riley. Mrs, Donald 'R, MacKenzie ,(Irene Carter), Luoknow; ((Mrs.)• Edith Carter, Londesboro, Mrs, Mary Hes selwoocl, Mrs, Lizzie Carter, Helen. Hoggart, Lillian ,Bromley, Blyth. Mrs. Wm. B'ro'mley, Wm, B'rom'ley, Harold Bromley, Willis Bromley, Jane .and Jean Bromley, john Brom- ley, Blyth; Selena Riley, •Londes'boro, Robert 'William Riley, Mary Laur- ance, Amelia Ann Ynngblut, Jas, G. Cartwright, 'Geo. H. Lawrence, Mrs. Will K. 'Gooier '('Minnie Lyon), Mrs. H. Glazier, Geo. 'W. Carter, Kathleen Yung'bleit, Wm, H. Fairservice, Mrs. J, Percy Manning, Londesboro, Elda Watson, Phyllis Manning, Jos - brit 'Yung;blvt, Henry Yun•gbiut. Tom Leiper, Londesboro, Wm. Carter, 'John Hesselwoad Jr„ Gay Leiper, Mrs. Leiper. Mrs. Jahn F. Shannon, Mrs. Geo. Moon, Mrs. Bert Hoggart, Charlie Bromley, Mrs. Ohas. Hoggart, Ohas. Hoggart, Wes H'ogg'art, Bill Hesk. 'Mrs. J. H. Danby ;(Elizabeth Hesk), Brussels R.R.2; Miss Kathleen Zeig- ler, 'Brussels, Mrs.:Lloyd Pipe (Wi- nona Hesk) Hallett, Lloyd Pipe. Jahn S. Adams, Lillian Adams, Isalsell Riley, 'J'ohn Danby, Elmer Danby, J. Addison, Clinton. Beryl Carter, D'auglas Hesk, 'Velma Hest, Clifford Adams, Mrs, Leslie Fortune '(Miss .Gilchriston), former teaoher, 1W'ingh'am; Mrs. 'Emmerson Hesk, Mrs. .Robt. 'Jamieson, Bill Taylor, Ethel Dexter, Mrs, Peter Taylor, Mrs. Will Hunking, :Mrs. Thos. 'Adam's, Thos. Adams, Mrs: Leonard McN'all, Mrs. Robt. Fairservice, David .Fairservice, Mr. Robb, Fairservice, Isobel Chowen, Anne Fairservice. ,Mrs. Wm. H. Knox, Mrs. Jas. A. Chowen, Billie Ohowen, Bert Knox.. Emmerson Hesk, Ruth Shaddirk, Mary Caldwell, Viola Dexter, Mrs. Austin Dexter, Mrs, C. Walden, Mrs. C. Dexter, J. Leslie Fortune, Eddie McNeal, 'J'oh'n G. Mann, Doris Mann, George Fairservioe, 'Elizabeth Fair - service, Lloyd Stewart, Lorne Hon- king, 'Vic Roy (present Sec,.ttreas. of S. S. No. 4, and Trustee); Leonard 'McNall, Eula M. 'Roy, Mrs. C. Josling Miss, Jennie Mann, Mrs. Feng Mc- Kay, Royetta Corbett, 'John Mann, Mrs; 'W. H, Reek, Elgin Jolting, Robt. Jamieson, Mamie Ross, Mrs, W. G. 'Bross, Mrs. R. S'haddick, Mr. R. Shaddic'k, Mary Addison, Irma Bean, Elinor Sundercock, Jean Ham- ilton, Agnes H'am'ilton. 'Mrs. C. Sundercock, Dennis Wey- mouth, Aidda Tyerman, Mrs. J, Fair - service, J, E. Fairservice. Effie Lovett, John Lovett, Ulric Lovett, Bill Dbdich, ((all of Windsor). Geo. Hesk, Mrs. Geo. Hesk, Donald MdN'a'll, Robert' Hamilton, Annie Moon, Peter Taylor, 'Mrs. 'Chas. A. F. Way, Mrs. A. F. Way, Mrs, C. Ruddell, Ruby McVittie, C. Rud dell, Geo. A, MoVitde, Mrs. Geo, A, MdVittie, Mrs...John Melville, W. G. Farquhar, Henry .Adams,' A. E. A. Menzies, Beecher Menzies, Alexander bieiizies, Marie Menzies. J. P, Manning, Clifford. Sunder - cock, Mrs. Doucette, E. R. Doucette, S. Morrison, Albert Weymouth, Don Sendercac'k, Chas. Stewart, Fred Tall Jr.,' Ray Cartwright, Mrs. Ray Cart- wright, Marjorie 'Cartwright. Henry Adams, Londesboro, \Val- lace Riley, Billy and Jack Lee, 'Ilene Hessehvood, Billy Addison, Chas. Stewart, Bruce Roy, Eunice Ray, Murray Roy, Peter Roy. sten Carter, Archie Riley, Tommie Lawrence, 13111 Hol'derness, Bert Hoggart, Donal€' McKenzie. Bridal Pageant at Londesboro (Continued from Page it —This dress worn :by Helen Her- man, Clinton, was the 'bridal gown of Lillian Newman when she became the wife of Ewart Patterson at Wiarton in 1010. The minister was Dr. Clark and' Mrs.-Patterson'•s sister, Miss 1Ne'wmnan, was the 'bridesmaid and the groomsman was Mr. Patterson's lsro- ther. —This dress was worn by Mary 'Jane Stewart on the occasion of her marriage to Thomas Edward Adams on Dec. 6, 19111, at the h'om'e of her father, Wm. Stewart, 8th .concession, Hullett. Rev. 'Osterho•ut officiated. It is modelled by Ruth +Vodden. --.Arty Alberta Woon and Charles 'William Stewart were 'married April 116,'1913, in Clinton by Canon Jeakins, and the 'bride's dress is 'being m'ode'll- ed'by their dau'ghte'r, Marion Stewart. —Rose Lyon wore this cream satin gown when she married William Al- bert Hunking in 1191,6. Rev. C. C. 'Koine performed the ceremony. Mice Fingland is 'wearing the dress. —+Lilly Belle Leitch 'became the bride of Robert Lang Jamieson in this ,gown on June 6, 19136, at the home of her parents, '6th con. of Hullett. The minister was Rev. Harper. Lois Jam- ieson is wearing her mother's dress. —Address, Rev. A. W. Gardiner. —This dress which is now •w'orn by Pearl Griffiths, was ''the bridal gown of Della Marshall when she be- came the wife of %Alexander Wells on May 8, 1918. They were married at the home of Rev. Geo. Telford, minis- ter of the Presbyterian Church, Blyth. The attendants were Mary Wells, sis- ter of the groom, an'd Frank Marshall,: brother of the 'bride. —At her mother's home, Norman - by street, 1'botmt Forest, Myrtle Fran- ces Leversage, became the bride of Stephen Whyte, Blyth, on Mar. 2, 4927. Rev. R. A. Facey officiated. Miss Ruth McPherson, cousin of the +bride, played the wedding music. The bride was gowned in this French georgette with Swiss net veil, The flower girl was little Miss Elsie Wood. The dress is worn tonight by Mrs. Bert Bruns- tlon. —F'loren'ce Irene Walls wore this gown on the occasion of her marriage to Rev. Albert Edward Armstrong Menzies. They were married at the Ildenton 'United Church on July 113, >10717. by Rev. W. R. Vance, assisted by Rev. A. E. Hopper. Mrs. Leonard S'hobbrook is wearing the gown. —Mrs. Oakes: This beautiful gown is being worn by the original 'bride, Louise Rogers, when she became the 'bride of Dr. Walter 'Oakes at 01d Garrison Church, Toronto, on Nov. 22n•l, 1930. Rev. J. Russell McLean performed the ceremony. Stewart, Wm. H Knox, Edith .Married Saturday, J'tine 'Rh, 1907, Stewart, 'Mrs. Stanley Carter, 'Mrs. at the 'hone of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fred Toll, :Stewart Toll. Dexter when their only daughter, Ella Elizabeth, became the bride of Wil- liam Jewitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reu- ben Jewitt, of Kincaid, Sask, Rev. Mr, Gardiner officiated in the presence of forty-five guests. Modelled 'by Viola :Dexter, cousin of the bride. —This ;gown was worn by Beatrice Anne Fairservice on the 'occasion of her marriage to Albert Edward Shad - dick at her parents' home, Landes - bora, on 'June 7, 111939. Rev. A. W. Gardiner 'performed ,the ceremony. The gown is 'being worn now by the original bride. —This charming 'gown was worn by 'Elsie Hazel Manning when she 'be- came the ,bride of. Joseph R. Shaddick. This wed'din'g took place at the 'home of the 'bride's parents, Londesboro, on Sept. 1st, 1934. Frances B. 'Lyon, niece of the bride, as flower girl, was the only attendant. Beth Shobbrook is modelling this gown. —Solo. --,Janet Eth''elwyn Howson wore this pretty gown on ,the 19th of Sep- tember, 1119314, when she 'became the bride .of Robert James Phillips, Rev G. W. Sherman officiating. Miss Ellen Phillips, wearing a rose crepe elves with sand hat and accessories was th hritlestiiaid, While Thomas Joltustoi supported the 'groom Mrs. Phillips 1 Wearing her suede lace gown tonight —Thus ,gown was wore by Mildre Britton when. "she naptic Andrew Hogg Reikie at Calvary Un- ited Church. She was married by her 'brother, 'Req, Clifford Britton; June 15,'1936. •ICIarhleen Youngblut is ' mod- elling this dress. —This. pretty bridal gown was worn by Verde Hazel 'Watson on the occasion_ of her marriage to John Bell Sinclair of Hensel' on Trine 19, 119!317, at Londsdale 'Farm, 'Rev. A. Sinclair, Hensal,l, Rev. A. W. Gardiner, Lou- •desboro and Rev. J. Richardson, all taking part in the ceremany. 'Miss Bide Watson was her sisters 'brides- maid and Mr. RaRabeElgie of Kippesh groomsman, Catherine Cott of Gude: rich was the flower girl and 'her piece is being filled by Gaelin Manning. The is modelled by Fern Watson. ' When Jean Plumsteel of Clinton became the 'bride of Rev. Harold Snell she wore the beautiful gowo that she is now modelling. This wed- ding took place at the home *0 the bride'sbride'sparents, Clinton, on Aug. 25, 1937. The ceremony was ,performed. by Rev. C. J. Moorhotise, The 'bridesmaid was Miss Margaret. Plarmsteel and The .flowergirl June Snell. Betty Brunsdon is the train !bearer. —This very charming gown:was 'worn by Clara Isobel Douglas when she married James Telfer Wafts, at .the home of the b'ride's parents, MMr.and Mrs. Walter Douglas, Ilderton, .00 June 43rd, `1939. 'It is modelledled 'by the original 'bride. --Elva Snell is modelling the gown of a very recent bride. Helen June Snell was married Wednesday after- noon of this week to Murray John Ferguson at the 'bride's home just west of the village. Attending this couple were 'Elva Snell and Scott Fairservice of Blyth. Betty Snell was soloist. TheTheceremony was performed by Rev. A. E. Menzies. 'Mrs. Bert Gibbiesgs, Mrs. Joseph Vodden, Alvin 'V•odden, 'Joseph Vonl- den, Tom Ross, Carman Moon, Ar- thur Holderness, Mrs. Wm, 'Stephen- son, 'Ken Scott, Aileen Stephenson, Mary Rands, 'Mr. and Mrs. Win. J. And'rew, John Taylor, 'Wesley H. Stephenson, Wm. Addison, Ross Mann, Bob Riley, Mrs. '3. W. 'Mc- Cool, Mrs. Thos, Fairservice, 'Joyce Fairservioe, PhyThs 'McCool. 'Jessie McGregor, Ross McGregor, 'Janet McGregor, Bert 'Gib'bin'gs, Jas. W. McCool, Mrs, Leslie Ball, Edna Ball, Helen Ball, Annie Ball, Leslie Ball, Aus'ti'n Dexter, Wesley'L1ayd, M. M. Lloyd, Mrs. Will Lloyd,.Celia Lloyd, 'Marion Stewart, Ernest Adams, Phyllis Medd, Effie Fair- servioe, Mrs. Geo. Leitch, Mrs. G. W. Layton, 'G W. Layton, Elena Leitch, Clete Medd, Mrs, 'Ernest Adams. D. Colwell, Lloyd Medd, Mrs. Lloyd. Medd, Anna Medd, Bill Medd, Margery Medd, 'Moreland Medd, J. G Medd, Ruth McMath, 'Marjorie McMafh, George 'Addison, `Kelso Adams, Mrs. Rolbt. Caldwell, W. G. Medd, Russell S'tmaderoock,,Elizabeth Sundercoc'k, Mrs. Davie Bean. Geonge Cookerline, Elizabeth Mains, Agnes 'Goc'kenline, Eleanor Throat). James E. Medd, 'Mrs. W. G, Medd, 'Mrs, J. E. Medd. Hamilton, Pearl Hamilton, Helen Hamilton, Shirley Hamilton,.'. CONSTANCE About 130 friends of :Miss Viola Clarke and Mr. Lorne Lawson ,gath- ered at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson recently to present them with a kitchen shower, magaz- ine table, and several other (gifts, Mrs. Ernest Adams presided over a very interesting program which was as follows: Two 'selections by the orch- estra, Mrs. d. Ferguson, pianist, El- gin Nott and Leo Stephenson, 'violins, Kelso Adams, saxophone, and Mer- vyn Nott ,guitar, Two solos, "Be- cause You're :You" and "Some Day My Prince will Come," by Mrs. An- drew Reekie; duet by :Mrs. J. Carter and Miss Jessie Smith; "You're not going bye -'bye To -night"; two violin and guitar duets 'by Mervyn and El- gin '.Nott. 'Mr. Lawson and 'Miss Clarke were then asked to take a position on a decorated settee 'wh'ere they were 'presented with 'the gifts, after which Mr. Lawson made a very suitable reply, then all sang "For They are jolly ,good fellows." A .delic- ious lunch was 'served' by the ladies. The fallowing is the address read by Miss Elma Leitch: We make it our right, to meet here tonight, To see the groom and the bride And like all the rest, with a stuckout chest, Proudly to sit by her side. And, though she is is his and we 'know that .she is, We hope that he'll kindly share, And may 'her 'bright face 'be wel- comed in its place, And have a nice 'home over 'there. Like a drifting cloud, we are very proud, Viola, to have you on this line; And we hope ,each day, as you work away That you'll come and see os same time. s e. d d J:nanette Now Lorne, my lad, we know you are glad, To think your cold rides are o'er; But still when you're old, and your bones feel the cold,, You can think of the years 'before And when your young 'lad, comes up to his Dad, And says, "May I have the horse?" Just answer "Yes, yon can, I guess, For I was young ,once, of -course." And we know Viola 'feels, as she cooks the meals, That she is the luckiest 'girl she could be, And maybe some day, to her .girl she will say, "I .hope you find a man like me." Now Lorne:and Viola, while you.are here in your place, Our .gratitnde we want you to see, So now is our chan'oe, to leave a remembrance,. Of all t'ho'se inthe community.' So we askaskyou this evening, these. gifts to receive, As a taken of renrenilbrance frons ail, And we hope that it .pleases, as much as your .squeezes, And so I ,guess 'that -will be all. =Signed .an 'behalf of the 'Neigh - hors and Friends.` Want and For Sale ads, 1 wee'!: 25c