HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-06-15, Page 8PAGE EIGHT'
Miss IDbrothy Thompson of Tor-
- Ionto is spending a fe'w days visiting
■ at •Phe 'hanle of her. parents 'Mr: and.
Mrs. Robt. Thompson
Hosiery Civa
Improves Resistattcrto
and stein4thena: the -5i ice Ft bent, --
AU W eights -Popular Prices
75c&$l.00 pr.
Get your membership card today
Hosiery Club
This Membership entitles Holde
to every Twelfth pair of Silk ,Hose
• • • • •
Cool! Non•Crush!
50 Spun Rayon Dresses
Newest styles in lovely Summer
Shades and patterns Sizes 14 to 20.
Reg. $3 ea $1 a500
Distinctive Styles
REG. TO $30.
Harris Tweeds
Made To Measure Suits
Miss Mildred Folldck, nurse -in-
t ] n
ra n n at Veto a H. .ii ] .
ra os to Lando
�' n
t is spendinlg her vacation with her par
eats, Mr. and Mrs, 'Geo, Folliok,
Mrs, Boyle and ,friend, Mrs, Skin-
ner of Toronto spent the • weak end
with t'he farmer's +brot,her-in-lawn and
sister, Mr. and "Mrs. Alfred Clarke.
Mrs. Hannah Workman spent a
few days this weekvisiting with her
son-in-law • and, daughter, Mr.and
,Mrs. "Herb Britton, Dublin,
Mrs. James, Simpson visited for a
few days with relatives in London.
The 'WM.S.'of Carmel -Church will
hold their annual birthday party in
the church on Thursday at 3 p.m; A
good programme to 'being prepared.
Mr. Kenneth. Manns left on Friday
for Bigwinn Inn where he will spend
e the summer months.
Miss Eleanor Bell, R.N., of London
spent the week end at her :home on
Highway INIo. 4.
Mrs. John Bean and son Jackie of
St. Marys visited this week with rel-
atives and friends in and around town
Mr. and 'bits. Ray Laramie of Ex-
eter spent Sunday visiting with the
former's another, Mrs. Lammie and
sister Miss Greta Lainmie.
Mrs, R. Y. MacLaren who under-
went an operation in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, is recovering.
Hensall Senior \\'omen's Institute
will meet in the basement of Carmel
Presbyterian Church on Wednesday
evening when they will have as their
guests tate Zurich Institute.
Anniversary Services Largely
Rev. Duncan
MacTavish ,of Cal-
vary United Church, conducted anni-
versary services in the United Church
on Sunday and in the morning deliv-
ered a very fine sermon on The Path
of Life." The choir sang a beautiful
anthem, "Fear' Not 0 Ye Israel," with.
Miss Florence Welsh taking the solo.
Mr. Douglas Gill of Grand Bend con-
tributed two beautiful solos, "Father
in Heaven," and "The Holy Hour,"
At the evening service Rev, M. A.
Hunt of St. Paul's Anglican Church
was present .and read the Scripture,
and Rev. W. A. Young of Carmel
Presbyterian Church led in prayer.
Rev. Duncan MacTavish chase as his
subject 'Radiance of Christianity,"
and delivered a very inspiring dis-
course. The choir sang "I Found Him
in My Heart," and Mr, Douglas Gill
sang two fine solos, 'How Lovely Are
Thy Dwellings," and "Bells •Over
Jordan." 'Miss Greta Lammie, A.T.C.
M , .played the organ accompanied by
Miss 'Gladys Luker, Large congrega-
tions attended 'both services:
Rev. W. A. Young conducted the
service in Carmel Church on Sunday
morning and the choir sang an an-
them. The evening service was with-
drawn owing to anniversary services
(being held in the United Church,
'Awarded Course at Bellevue
Hospital, New York. -
Dr. Harry Joynt of Byron left on
Sunday for INew Yonk to attend a
fellowship course which has been
awarded him at Bellevue Hospital,
Dr. Joynt is a very clever Hensallite,
a son of Mrs, Alice 1Joynt, Hensall.
Arnold Circle Meets. -
The regular meeting of the Arnold
Circle was held at the home of Miss
Irene Hoggarth on Monday evening
with a very good attendance. The
president, Mrs. Roy. Bell, presided.
Meeting opened by singing Love Div-
ine, followed ihy prayer by Miss Han-
nah Murray.Miss Irene Hoggarth
read the Scripture from 'John 3111.21.
The minutes of the previous meeting
were read and adopted and the roil
called, The offering was received and
the 'business discussed. Arrangements
were made to hold a ,picnic on July 3.
Mrs. Young very ably gave the topic
on "The Untouchables. Mrs. Roy
Bell read a poem on"The Untouch-
ables of India," and the meeting clos-
ed with the Lord's prayer in unison,
Dainty refreshments were served by
the hostess and Mrs. Roy Bell moved
a vote of thanks 'to Miss Hoggarth for
her hospitality.
Miss Hannah Craig spent a few
days last week .visiting friends in Lon-
Miss Annie E. Consitt is holidaying
in Ottawa.
Dr. Samuel 'Coulter, Mrs. Coulter
and daughter of Toledo, Ohio, spent
the week end with the dormer's fath-
er. Mr. John Coulter.
Mr. and Mrs, Roy MacLaren and
Mr. Wan. L. MacLaren 'visited with
Mr. and 'Mrs. Robt, Higgins in Ex-
eter on Sunday.
Goderich-Hensall Ball 'Game -
A large number of baseball fait's
witnessed a real good game on Hen-
sall diamond on Friday night be-
tween Goderich and Hensall. The
score was 4.2 in favor of Goderich.
Line-up for Goderich-Pollogk, short-
stop; Fritzley, first base; Fisher, sec-
ond base; Robinson, third base;
Irwin, pitcher; Duquette, catcher; 'G.
Worthy right field; Phelan, centre
field; C. Worthy, ]eft field.
Hensall-R. Brook, shortstop; J.
Tudor, first base; Brown, second
base; Hudson, third base; Nicol, right
field; Foster; centre field; Passmore,.
left field; Kerslake, catcher; M. Tu-
dor, pitcher. Goderioh scored' 4 runs.
4 'hits and 3 errors, while Hensall
scored 2 runs, 3 hits and 2 errors. J.
Tudor and Foster 'scored for Hensel],
with 'Pollock, Duquette, Irwin and
Fisher getting tallies ,for Goderich.
Tudor for 'Hensall struck out five,
While Irwin fanned three. Foster far
Hensall made a spectacular catch in
centre field.
Death of. Mrs. John Tapp' -
There passed away . on Thursday
evening at, her home Mere, Mary Jane
Smillie, wife of Mr. 'John Tapp, in
her 95th year, after an illness of
three years. The deceased was!horn
about a mile north of this village in
Tuckerspnith and was a daughter of
the late Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Smillie
and spent practically all her life in
his district. In •19105 she was united
in marriage to Mr, Tapp, who sur-
vives, also one so•n Dr. fames Tapp
of 'Ottawa, and one brother Mr. Alex-
ander Smillie of Toronto. Funeral
service was 'held on Saturday after-
noon from her late 'home conducted
by Rev, R. A. Brooks of the United
Church of which tine deceased was' a
member. A quartette "Unto the Hills"
was ming 'by Misses Greta Lammie,
Bella Swale, Messrs. W. 0, Goodwill
and W. B. Carlile ,of the - iUnited
Church. The floral tributes were
many and very (beautiful showing the
esteem with which the deceased was
held., The p'allb-arena were Mr. An-
drew 'Gray, Alvinston; Mr. Stewart
Smillie St, Catharines; Mr. 'Murray
Smillie Toronto Mr. Robt. Car-
nochan, Seaforth; ` Dr. I. G. Smillie
and lfr. Clarence Smillie, Hensall.
Relatives and friends attended the
funeral from Toronto, :Ottawa,
Guelph, 'St..Cat crines, Wiartom, M-
vinston, and Inwood, Interment in
Hensall Union Cemetery.
Observe 62nd Wedding
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. `C. Petty quietly
observed their 62nd wedding anniv-
ersary at their home There on Satur-
day. They are both enjoying good
health, although in their Seth year.
They have four daughters,. Mrs.
Lorne Scott; Toronto Mrs. (Dr.) G.
M. Smith St, Marys; Mrs. Alice Ab-
bott, Detroit; and Mrs. Maude Ken-
Mrs John .MacNeill of St. Thomas
and Mrs. Jelin M'undoch, Brucefield,
visited on Monday with the fornier's
autnt,'Mrs. John Murdoch,
Mr. Fred Corbett, who 'has been.
confined to his room for the past sev-
eral months with a heart attack, 'is
improving and able to be out again.
3'[r. and Mrs. Alexander Smillie of
Toronto spent the past week or so
at the hone of their son Dr. I. G.
Smillie owing to the serious illness
and Heath of the former"s• sister, the
late Mrs: John Tapp.
Dr. James Tapp, Mrs, Tapp and
daughter of -Ottawa have been spend-
ing the past weeik' or so at the form
er's home here owing to the serious
illness 1 ss aid death of his ]
s nnather, the
late Mrs, John Tapp.
• A play entitled "Dotty and 'Daffy"
will be presented in the town hall on
Friday evening Iby the W.A. of Biyth
Church under the auspices of the
W.M.S. of the United Church. This
play comes highly recommended for
its wit and humor.
The Wo:helo Class ,of the United
Church will hold their annual picnic
on Friday evening, June 23, at Bay-
\4fss Myrtle Thompson of London
spent the week end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Thompson,
Mr. Wm. Bell of Tuokersmith had
his tonsil's removed at the office of
Dr.S teer on Monday.
Miss Mavis Spencer, who has been
visiting for the past several weeks
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Spencer, returned to ber duties in
Toronto this week.
Master Bobby Lemon underwent an
operation for removal of Inc'tonsils
on Monday at the office of Dr. Steer.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Neil McLeod left
for their future home near •Chicago,
on Friday.-Seaforth was visited by
a heavy .downpour of rain accompan-
ied by thunder, lightning and hail, on
Wednesday morning. The rain will
do. much .good, but we do not 'know
about the hail. -Mr. and Iles. Biggest
of Clinton were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. A.berhart over Sunday.-
Mr. and 'Mrs, J. Cline, of Toronto,
were visitors at Mrs. J. H. Broad -
foot's over the holiday. -'Mr. and
Mrs. Keating and family spent a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. W. Kilbride
of Clinton. -Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mc-
Leod and son Franklin of Hespeler,
visited Mr. and .Mrs, (John Kerr on
Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. W. Cudmore
and fancily and Mr. and Mrs. S. Cud-
more and family motored .to Mitchell
on -Monday.--Mr. G. Holman and
daughter Miss Rena drove 'to Exeter
on Sunday. -Mr, Philip Smith's 'horse
made a wild dash down Main St. on
Saturday morning, just as the 10:45
train pulled in, and missed dashing
into the rear coach by a hair, Mr.
Smith's horse 'became frightened at
some firecrackers 'being let off, and
running along Market st, it made a
sharp turn in front of the Commercial
Hotel, knocking the hind wheel off
the wagon, and spilling the contents
along the street. It ran full speed into
Albert Fortune's horse, cutting it sev-
erely. It .carne to a 'halt at the railway
track, where it 'was .caught and
brought back to the owner. Dr. Har -
'burn .attended Mr. F'ortune's horse.-
orse -•'Mr. and Mrs. John Sclater were the
guests of ,Mr. and Mrs, E. Lawson,
Auburn, for the week -end. - Mr.
Frank Scott, of 'Bluevalee, visited his
brother, Dr, Scott, on Sunday, -Dr.
and Mrs. Cooper spent the week -end
in Hamilton, the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Moffatt, former residents
of Seaforth-Miss ,Mayne. Douglas,
of Blake, is visiting friends here. -
Miss Della Gillespie is ill at present,.
and could not return to her school in
Guelph: Mr. and Mrs. Durnford in-
tend moving' hack to Clinton 'meant
week, While in Seaforth they made
many friends, who wish them success
in their new business in Clinton. -
Highest. Market Price
Phone 3-w Seaforth
Geinme11.-l'n loving memory of
our dear lather, :David Gemmel!, who
tdied June 9, 111935,
Deep in our 'hearts is a picture
Worth more than silver or gold,
It's a picture of our dear father,
Whose' memory will never grow
-Remembered by Sons and
Community Sale at Dick's Hotel,
Stables, Seaforth, on. Friday, June 14
Usual run of Pigs, Cattle, Pot'try,
Furniture, etc..
Bring in anything you have to sell.
Rates reasonable.
Cattle -1 Hereford cow, freshened
1 wee' 1 'biaek cow due June 23; 2
young black cows, due. end of 'June;
2Durham .'heifers due Illst week in
July;' 3 :heifers weigihdng from. 760 to
'$00 lbs.; numlber of young calves,
Pugs -715 pigs from suckers' to 100
abs. 1 glass cupboard, '1. lawn mower,
1] bicycle, 1 McCain. Deering cream
separator, 600 iii. cap. Numerous
other articles.
Homer Hunt, mgr., phone 228 - 12.
Geo. H. Elliott and Harald Jack-
son, Auctioneers,
01 Furniture: In lane back of Com-
mercial Hotel on ' Wednesday, June
Includes one gate-leg .dining room
table, one folding couch, one settee,
one 3 -cornered 'k'itc'hen cupboard, 3
beaver 'beard folding screens, small
ta'ble's, stands, etc.
Terns, cash.
Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. ,
Margaret MacLennan, Prop.
Now is the time to buy and install
that electric fence. Can supply some
,fencers less 'than $210. Dale Nixon,
phone 31441 r '4.
Milk cow half Guernsey, and Jer-
sey 7 years old, due to .freshen June
213rd. R. J. Kruse, R.R.3, Seaforth,
10 pigs, six weeks old, Alex
Stirling, phone 2213 r 32; Seaforth cen-
. McKillop Township
Parties intending .to pay their
assessments on the Dennis Drain in
cash are asked to .do so on or +before
Tuesday; June 20th, to F. Bruce
Medd; Twp. Treasurer, Lot 241, Con.
5; After that date` debentures 'will be
John MdNay, Clerk.
A` two -horse bean seuffler, with
puller attachment, in good repair.
Russell Coleman, phone 1150 r 41,
Seaforth. .
Ann prepared to twist all wts. and
lengths of 'hay -fork rope with twine,
also slings made up. Expert at all
kinds of splicing and piecing. •Call
now for particulars as haying is near.
Harold A'rm'strong, phone 16-1141,
Mrs. Shepard, of Galt, is ,rhe guest of
Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Ross. -Dr. Mull-
igan, of Grand Forks, arrived in town
on Monday evening to attend the fun-
eral of his 'brother -in law. -Mr. and
Mrs, James Philp, of Toronto, visit-
ed Mr. and Mfrs. John 'Murray, John
St. this week, Mr. Philp is a 'brother
of Mrs, John Murray, and he and his
bride were on their wedding trip. -
Miss Sadie Thompson visited her sis-
ter, 'Miss Gladys, who is attending the
normal school in Stratford, this week,
- Mr. and Mrs. M. Broderick visited
friends in Detroit over the week -end.
- Mrs. Fred Davis and daughter,
Miss Dorothy, were .the guests of the
fornne+r's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Davidson over Sunday. -Mrs. Fred
Beattie is spending .a few weeks, in
Boston, the guest of 'her sister. -(Mrs.
Fred Dietterle, nee .Miss Nettie isic-
Intyre, of Toronto, was a visitor with
Mr. and 'Mrs.' 10. (Neil, over Sunday.
Miss 'Nettie and Mr. George Canino
were in S't..Marys on Monday attend-
ing the funeral of their uncle, t'he late
John Mitchell, -Mr, Alex Muir of
Preston spent the week -end 'i in Sea-
forth, •the guest of his parents. -The
late Mr. Jahn Mitchell, 'who died in
St, Marys, was a brother-in-law to
Mrs. Donald 'McIntyre. Mr, and Mrs,
0. Neil, and Mr, and Mrs.McIntyre,
motored to St, Marys .on Sunday.
Little Tommy had spent his first
clay at school. Mother was anxious to
know chow he bad got on. 'What did
you learn, clear?" she asked.
"Didn't learn nothin'," came the.
discouraging reply.
"'Well, then, what did you do?"
mother persisted,
'Didn't do nothin'. A woman want-
ed to know ho'w to spell `dog; and
I told her. That's ali,"
Salt, per cwt, ... .... ..59e
Sugar, per cwt. 5 69
Flour, per cwt, ...... ....,2.09
Bug Killer, 10 lb. ...39c
Bug Killer, 20 lb. 69c
Barb Wire, 4x6 3 99
Stockaid Animal Fly Spray
per tin 99c
Castile Soap
10 cakes 25c
Princess •Soap Flakes'
3 pkges 29c
Super Suds, pkge. -..., ... , .19c
Snow Flake Ammonia 5c
Lelys Soap, 6 cakes ....,...25c
Soap Chips, 4 lbs. 25c
19e in trade for Grade A Large]GGS
W.J .-:. Finnigan
3 Collie pups' for sale. Also same
.millet seed. Apply to Elmer Town -
tend, Sea -forth, R.R.3, phone 1150r2.
By respectable widowed lacly an
unfurnished, three roomed apartment
in Sea forth, con venient to • Chtrch,
heated or unheated, with conveni-
ences, by Jolly 'list. Apply to the News
Carter Collection Agency, Seaforth,
Accounts collected, Rates reasonable.
S. Carter, N.' Main St., Seaforth.•
Four sticks of timber flattened on
two sides. Two stioks 20 ft; long, one
212 ft. and one 24 ft. Also a quantity
of second hand 3 in. plank at 41116' per
thousand. Apply to. Gilbert Mc-
Callum, phone 18 r 9, •Brussels
Cabbage, Cauhlflower, tomatoes,
sweet peppers, celery; pansies, scabi-
osa, some asters and petunias. Albert
Baker, Railway St., Seaforth,
Successful men wanted to sell for
successful 'Company. Our dealers pro-
gress because we must insure their
success first, 200 easy sellers, low
prices, attractively packed, +Quick re-
peat orders. ,Permanent connection
and steady year round income for
capable men. Several localities avail-
able just now. If 'qualified to ,become
your own 'boss, •E!N1QIUI'RE WITH-
570 St. Clement, MONTREAL.
Holstein1 cosy for sale, due to fresh-
en. Apply to A. C. Routledge, Sea -
forth. '
Tenders will be received ,up to June
' for painting and decorating inter-
ior and exterior of S.S. No. 9, Tuck-
ersmith. 'Contractor must use a good
grade of paint. Work to be completed
during summer holidays. Lowest or
any tender not necessarily accepted,
Evan Forsyth, Sec.-Treas., Kipp en
R. R. 2.
Storm Seal, Rosco Ribbed, and
Corrugated Steel Roofing, Council
Standard with 2S -year Guarantee,
Eavestroughing, Galvanized Sheet
Iron, Metal Sidings, Galv''d Hog
Troughs, Corrugated Round - End
Water Troughs and Tanks, Galv'd
Furnace Pipes, Metal Ridge and Val-
ley, Granary Lining. Also -Copper,
Zinc, Tin, Stainless Steel, &c., in
sheets, Rosco Portable Silos, Roofing
Paints, Asphalt Roofing, Asphalt
Brick Siding,Floor Tile, Slate Roof-
ing, Building Paper, Plastic Cements,
Roofing" Nails, &c. Write, phone or
call in person for an estimate, 'Murray
Tyndall, Brucefield. Phone 6118 ring
12, Clinton.
Electric Maid
Now you can own an Electric
Maid Washer at less than you
ever thought possible.
Want and For Sale Ads, Ill week 35c
Main Street
Successor to John H. Best
Seaforth, Ontario
Barristers, Solicitors, 'Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays ,
Telephone 174
The econd DivisionCourt
Co t
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank ,Build-
ing, S'eafarth. 'Office hones:-
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1:310 p.m. to '5 p.m. Saturday'
evening, 7:30 p, m. to 9 p. m.,
Tax Pre=Pay melt
Receipts For
The Town will pay 4 per cent pets
annum up to Aug. 31/39 on all pre,
paid 1939 taxes.
Certificates and full particulars
may be obtained from the Town
Clerk's officein the Town Hall.
Wallace Ross, Apiarist, will pay 'SOOc
for swarms of 'beef during the month
of June. Phone 303J.
The 'Handsome Choicely Bred'
Clydesdale Stallion
'(27688) Enrolment iNIo. 3525. Form 3
Route for 1939 -Monday noon will
leave his own stable, lot 23, con. 5,
Logan, and proceed to Peter Hick
nel"s, lot 214, con. G, MicKidlop.
Tuesday -To Joseph O'Rourke's,
lot 4, con. 6, McKl1lop, for noon,
thence to Rock Bros., Brodhagen,
Wednesday -oto John Dietz's, lot a,
con. 1110, McKillop, for noon, thenoe to
Geo. B'ennewies', lot 6, con. 12 McK.
Thursday -oto Henry Steinbach'e"lott'
218, con. 12, Logan, far noon, thence to
Geo. H. Siemon's; lot 24, con. 11, Log.
Friday -to his own stable, where, he
will remain until fallowing Monday.
Terms -012 payable Feb. lest, 19140,
Jacob Hignell, Prop. and Manager.
Enrolment 3049 Form 2'
The Standard Bred Stallion
2J1111%, ' 2,13'# at three years old
1939 Grade "B". Premium No. 373.
Will stand for the improvement of
stock at the barn of his owner, W. C.
Govenleck, Egmondville, •
He is a jet black in color, stands
16-3 bands high and weighs 14100 Obs.
He is a premium horse and is sound,
His sire, Bogaluse, 2.041%.
He is also a handsome horse as he
was first and reserve Champion at the
Royal Winter fair, 'Toronto, last win-
ter, 1938, Would try to make ar-
rangements to meet those from a dis-
tance where possible. Terms S12. pay-
able Feb. 1st, 119410.
Enrolment No, 3300. Forin 1
[263154] Enrolment No. 39159 Form 3
Route for season of 1939:
Monday -Will leave his own stable
Lot 3, Con, 3, Hallett, to go north to
Walton to Herb Kirkby's for noon;
to bis own stable for night.
Wednesday -Will ,go east as far as.
Beechwood; home for night.
Friday --Will go south 2P/ miles,
then west to Sam Switzer's school.
south to Mill Road. then by way of
Clinton to David Rogers for noon;
hone by way of 9th con., Goderich
Tp. Terms -4113, payable :Mar. 1', 19/40
T. J. McMichael, Prop. & Manager'
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accld-
ent,Windstorm & guarantee` bonds.
Rates reasonable. All risks placed'
in first class companies.
riformation cheerfully given
phone 334 w
Leaves Seaforth for Stratford:
Daily 8.25 a,m, and 5.25 p.m.. Leaves Seaforth for Goderich:
Daily- except Sunday and • ho1., 1.00 Pan.
Sun. and 1101., 10
p.m. and -5,20 p:n ,
Connection at Stratford for Toronto,
Hamilton, Batfslo, London," Detroit
Agents--- Quoen's Hotel, -Commercial
Hotel, Diek House.