HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-06-15, Page 7THIURSUAY, JUNE 15, 1939
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The Secrets
Good Looks
Every bride naturally desires to
surpass herself on her wedding day,
so follow mut this programme, to give
yourself a - new radiance on your
Happy Day.
Get your permanent three weeks
beforehand. Your hair should lose its.
"newness" and !become soft and.
naturaldodking for the bridal day. If,
unfortunately, your hair turns too
crisp or fuzzy, you've time to give it
frequent moulsified cocoanut oil sham-
poo treatments, to restore its softness.
Every day for two weeks before the
ceremony, devote ten minutes to these
facial treatments: (1) at night, before
retiring, wash your fare with warns
water and gentle pa'lmolive soap,
Rinse with cold water, :then pat in
tissue cream; (2) using a nourishing
tissue cream, spend five minutes daily
inkneading, stroking and patting
your face; (t3) twice each week apply
a good face mask,
One week before: set to work on
your hands, using protective, hand
softening Italian balm generously and
Two days 'before: shampoo your
hair, .to leave it shining. Manicure
your nails, Avoid extremes; shape
your nails in conservative rounded
tips and tint them with a subdued
natural or fragile rose shade.
One day before, apply a face mask,
afterwards soothing over with a rich
cream: and on your Wedding Day,
because you're 'bound to :be `jittery'
and excited, don't forget to use odor -
ono deodorant cream to banish the
odor of perspiration.
Write for confidential 'beauty ad-
vice and any of nay beauty leaflets (3c
stamp each), Address: Miss Barbara
Lynn, P.O. Box 75, Station 13, Mon-
treal, Que.
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St. orR.R
Town and Province
Sir Edward Beatty Chats with King and Queen
Aust before leaving Montreal,
a, Their Majesties Icing George
YI and Queen Elizabeth met and
shook hands with several direc-
tors of the Canadian Paclfio Bail -
way. They are seen here Chatting
with. Sir Edward Beatty, G.B,E.,
ICC., LL.D., chairman and presi-
dent, Canadian Pacific Railway,
and Sir Herbert Eolt. Other di-
rectors presented by Sir Edward
were Sir -Charles 'Gordon, G.B.E.,
D. C. Coleman, vice-president,
Brig. -Gen. F. S, Meighen, C.M.G.,
Ross McMaster and M. W. Wilson,
The fact that thousands of school
children front Bruce, Huron and
Perth counties, after 'being all after-
noon in the hot sun, were unable to
see the 'king and queen on June 6th,
or only obtained a brief glimpse of
them, .has led to much discussion, The
Stratford committee has issued its
side of the affair in the following ex-
planation Iby Rev. F. Gwynne Light -
bourn, chairman of the Stratford
board of education and 'chairman of
the sub -committee on school children
of the Stratford royal visit committee.
This explanation' is made in justice
to nearly 0 c .10 00 school children who
suffered the greatest disappointment
of their fives, through someone's int-
excusable blunder on or ,before June
.6th, and in justice to a .very loyal and
exceptionally efficient sub -committee,
t34fich' woiiked shard and unselfishly to
safeguard those children against any
possible disappointment.
Certain stages in the development
of our plans are known to the public:
(1) Mayor Henry's strenuous ef-
forts to secure the permission of the
Prime Minister's interdepartmental
committee at Ottawa to arrange a
alrire for their majesties through the
streets of Stratford.
(2) When it was apparent that tliis
permission could not he secured, the
consideration of the possibility of
marching, the children past the recep-
tion .platform, 0 scheme which was
abandoned, 'because of the excessive
length of time which would have been
(30 The Mayor's very sound sng-
gestion, approved by the h terdepart-
Mental Committee, and by the man-
agement of the 'C,JN.R„ and unanim-
ously adopted Iby the whole royal visit
committee of this city, that the sta-
tion yards be cleared, and the school
children be placed on, and east of,
the two passenger platforms, on the
distinct understanding. given ;by the
interdepartment committee, that the
royal train would she slowed -down to
three miles per hour, from Romeo
Street to Erie Street, and that their
Majesties would be on the observa-
tion platform of the train between
these points.
The working out of the details of
this .plan was entrusted to toy sub-
committee. Nearly ell() school 'boards
in Perth, Huron and Bruce Counties
were circularized, and were sent ap-
plication forms, of which approxi-
mately 500 were returned to our of-
-fice, The work involved in allotting
(them a•ssem'bly .points at a dozen
centres throughout the city and re-
served areas in the yards, in moving
them ,between these places without
confusion and without undue disloca-
tion of ;general traffic:, was a monu-
mental one, and could not have been
accomplished without infinite .care
and 'without the fullest co-operation
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of the Chief of Police and his traffic
officers. This co-operation was most
generously given, and the perfection
of the -preparation was demonstrated
by the fact, that (with the exception
-of the children 011 the last train,
which was over an hour late) the last
child was in lik place ten minute
ahead of schedule. Those on this last
train were in place before the arrival
of the pilot train.
Moreover, every child was in a
position from which •1,e could have an
unobstructed vied' of their majesties
an the ,ibservatiot platform, had the
two -fold undertaking of the Interde-
partmental Committee, re the speed
of the train and the position of Their
Majesties, been carried out. It should
be understood that the royal visit
committee, which gave its approval
to the school children, included rep-
resentatives from the - out-of-town
communities concerned. as well as
representatives of this city. Not only
was this so, but the speed at which
the interdepartmental committee ag-
reed the train should travel (in the
telegram sent on April 3rd 'by the
secretary of that committee to Mayor
Henry) was less than half the speed
approved for motor drives on which
their majesties were conrlueted in
other cities.
11 time in Stratford had to be sac-
rificed in favor of other communities.
that necessity must have been known
to the Prime Minister and his staff on
the royal trails, before the train left
Kitchener. Had a telephone call keen
rput ' through to one mayor, which
would have been a smatter of seconds.
to enquire whether the children's
view of their king and queen or the
presentation of certain representative
citizens to Their Majesties should be
sacrificed, I ant confident that his
worship's answer would have been to.
omit the presentations, and that
everyone on the presentation list
would have been glad anti' proud to
forego persoltal honor, in favor of the
thousands of eager and ,loyal children.
It is perfectly clear that one of
three unpardonable offences has ,been
committed, and the people of Strat-
ford and of three of Ontario's most
loyal counties will not rest until the
reepolt;ible officials admit resnonstib-
ily. Either la) este Lnterdepar'ttnental
Committee did not intend to stand thy -
its undertaking in its secretary', wire
to .Mayor Henry; or t3 the crew of
the royal train was not properly in-
structed and controlled; (.rt the right
honorable the prime minister of the
dominion of Canada and his staff on
the train did not think 'enough of ;Ave
wishes of Stratford and of these, three
counties, to enquire how ohne was to
be saved in this city. - This subcommittee. 'made up " of
busy mean and women, would not
have gone to the almost endless pains
that it "did, on the Cif -chance that the
children might possi'ti their
Sovereign and lois dQneeit. We had 1
del -inky assurance front a .-itt'.e
appointed by the mate t1•:r.i'•er
this dominion: .i'e retie.? <%'t ._
surilnce; and that assuranc, it
made good le the team '';1'1
children, their parent- lel
teachers, ivP ,i tl :.. .
F. •tri\ VNNI 1 0 )URN,
Chairman of the S', uitt:e -In
Scholl - l fm dren t roe Sir f ` vi
Royal Vi.lt Coq—unit—tee.-
:\-farmer. was praising 11': eft .1s
a ;rand mouser to a friend. Th... cat
lac - iililikiny i1141l: the fenuder. Sud-
denly duri•g a lull in 0110 conversation,
a mouse started running about nside
the hearth, while the cat merely
watched it and yawned. "Well did
fever see owt like that?" said the
astonished visitor. "An' tta call, 'ioi
a mouser!"
The farmer looked at . the
t nuv',
Oh that," l' sz i a:n (.,, 1111i'
one of ours, la,l!" -
A Farewell
To Their Majesties
From reset to Coast your people with e'ari
lime. given you gladly all their loyal 1•r;a .,e;
.\t last lades out the welcome of
And into story pace these noble days. -
Take front our hearts these faithful words in starting,
\Vhen from our shore the lordly ship goes tree.
While the last, swift Canadian gull: are darting,
And the longharbor opens to the sea.
IIa)r many.a lovely unennory never perish.
Scenes of our glorious country; far above
• All the land's peerless beauty May yott•cherish
The crowning glory of a people's love.
While The Ding reigns from ocean to ocean,
Under the wide, serene Canadian sky,
We whom you leave in ageless, sleep devotion,
Can never to our Sovereign say ,good-bye.
Baster of Life whose power is never sleeping
In the Clark void or in the hearts of then,
l lnld them, our King -and Queen, safe in Thy keeping
And bring theta to their Western reale: again,
And for the;r Canada be watchful ever,-
ver,.rant us this boost if there be one alone,
To do our part in high and pure endeavor - .
To build a peaceful Empire 'round the Throne;
The above poem ivas especially written for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
by Duncan Campbell Scott, national) -known Canadian anther and poet, on the.
ooeasion of the departure of Their Majesties the Ring and Queen two, Canada,.