The Seaforth News, 1939-06-08, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS a f THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1939 HENSALL Former Exeter 'Mister to Preach Atl- I cTvis i OMcTavish's Rev, Diimcan � a a l ofa. vary !United `Cltnrrch, London, ��will Hosi&y condct aiversary services in 'tlhe Unreel Church I-Iensall, on Sunday, June 111th, at lla.m. and 7.30 'pan Club Rev; MacTavish was a former pastor of James Street +United Church, Ex- eter. Special music is 'being ,prepared Iby the choir under the 'leadership of Mr. W. O. Goodwin Mr. Douglas. Gill of Grand Bend will assist the; choir, and Miss Greta Laanmie \rill play the organ and Miss 'Gladys Luker will play the piano. Weal' a eG 746s, ERT- .Circle Baro.. Improves Resistaneeta- '.. PERSPIRATION siots •• SNAGS, ' 'WATER: and site sitenothese-thr5ilk- Bina LATEST 'SHADE9i-a,; Ah Weights—Popular Prices 75c C O P IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TO JOIN`. Get your membership card today MEMBER McTAVISH'S Hosiery Club This Membership entitles Holder to every Twelfth pair of Silk Hose ABSOLUTELY FREE • • • • • • Rev. R. A, Brook conducted . the morning service in the United Church on. Sunday and the choir sang "O For a Thousand Tongues." The even- ing service was withdrawn owing to anniversary services .being held in St, Paul's Anglican Church and Young. People's anniversary at Chiselhurst: 'United Ch'urc'h. Riev, R. A Brook conducted 'both services at Chiselliurst. and delivered very inspiring sermons. A quartette comprising Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton, :Miss Ruth Brook and .e'er, W. O. Goodwin sang sev- eral selections at Blake anniversary services . on Sunday. ?1r. and Mrs. Wellington Brock of 'Zion, \Ir. and Mrs, John Hunter of Exeter, and Mrs. P. Hunter of Us - 'borne, visited on. Sunday with Miss Martha Hunter, Mrs. Laramie and Miss Greta Laramie, Mr. and :MTs. Roy Stowell and Miss Marguerite Drysdale of Stettler, Alta., who have been visiting for the .hast several weeks with Mr. and Mrs, G. \1. 'Drysdale and Mr. and Mrs W. A. MacLaren, left on Sunday for their horse in the West, Mr. Harold Bonthron, who has been attending embalming school in Toronto for the past several weeks, completed his course and retuned to his home here on Monday. Dr. MacTaggart and Dr, Win: Joynt were in London on Monday on (business: Mrs. E. Skinner of Elimviale visited on Saturday 'with Miss. Martha Hunter and Mrs, Laramie and Miss Greta Laramie, • Mr. and Mrs, W. D. Stewart of Toronto visited 'last week with Mr. and Mrs. A. L Case. Mrs. Stewart, formerly Miss Helen .Zavitt of Gode- rich, is a niece of Mrs, Case. Miss Mary Hemphill of Toronto is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mitchell of Us - borne spent Sunday with the latter's parents,udson. Rev.Malcolm Mrs. Thos. of HWater- down conducted the service in Car- mel Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning in the absence of his 'brother Rev. W. A. 'Young, The choir sang a beautiful anthem "Whispering Hope." The evening service waswithdrawn owing to anniversary services being held an St. Paul's Anglican Church. The evening service will be with- drawn on the looming Sunday owing to anniversary services ;being held in the United Church. Mr. and Mrs. John Colvin of Lobo visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Corbett. Mrs. Annie Logan is visiting in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Mansfield Ellwood of Denfield visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'James Parkins. Miss Kay Drysdale of London spent 'the week end at the home of her parents, IMr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale. Miss Martha Hunter, who under- went an operation in 1Victoria Hospi- tal recently, is recovering and was able to return to her 'home here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harding and Mrs. Ida Harding of London visited on Sunday With Mr, and Mrs. Fred Corbett. ' A play entitled "Dotty and Daffy" will be presented in the Town Hall on Jane 116th by members of the 'Wo- men's Association of Blyth Church under the auspices of the W.M.S. of the United Church. Further partic- ulars will appear next week. Miss Vera McVicar of London spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, G. M. Drysdale. Mesars. Milton and Lloyd 'Ortwein of London visited on Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.. Ortwein. Cool! Non -Crush! l P 50 Spun Rayon Dresses Newest styles in lovely Summer Shades and patterns Sizes 14 to 20. Reg, $3 ea. $1.50 w$ioh lasted about 'three -quartets o'f an hour. Prizes wereawatded the Win- ners. A very .delicious lunch was served ,on the lawn'ancl the Meeting followed, opened. by a hymn. Miss Jane Saundereock read the Scripture and Miss Elva -McQueen led in prayer. The basiness was discussed and Miss Gladys. Pasenilpre invited the circle to hold their next :meeting at 'her home. Miss Irene Douglas gave the topic, which was very inter- esting. The meeting dosed with the singing, of a hymn and the bene- diction. Lucan-Hensall Ball 'Game, Score ,3-2— A seal good game of ,ball was play - Distinctive Styles Young Men's • Suits REG. TO $30 DRAPES FANCY BACKS SAC SUITS Harris Tweeds WORSTEDS IRISH TWISTS ed in Liman on Monday evening "be- tween JHensall and Lateen with a score of 3-2 in favor Of Lucan. Bat- teries for Lucan: were 'Murray and Dundas, with 7 hits, 3 runs, and 2 errors. Batteries for Hensall were Kipher and Kerslake, with !6 bits, 2 runs and no errors. The winning run was scored in the ninth inning after two menwere .oast. Council Meeting— The regular meeting of the village council was -'held in the Council Chamber, Monday at 8 :p.m. with all members present. The minutes of the previous meeting, also two special meetings and the Court of Revision were read. S'hephend,and Twitchell, that the minutes be adopted as read. Carried. Lee Heiden reported re 'the garbage collection, also the work done on the streets and park, Reeve Shaddick reported re ordering the road oil, also :the county council ses- sion, The Clerk reported two appeals from the Court of Revision to the judge. Considerable correspondence read and filed, Jones and Twitchell, that we pay 'John Passmore the sunt 's' tree tnitii- supervising in the e f$35 for.. o P . g ming. 'Carried. 'Accounts passed, J. J. Taylor Co sale, $1100; School Board, expenses $1200; G. M. Case, teaming, streets, $1111,160; W. Madge, garbage disposed. $115; W. Foster, tile, $21417; Lee Hedden, salary $5151; E. Willard, hauling garbage, $22(50; H. Foster, labor, streets, $8.310; A. Hildebrand, do, $3'-160; A. Hildebrand, do, '$3150; R. Dick, do, $3.60 W. Hildebrand, do $3.60; R. Kyle, do, 3,00; Imperial Oil Ltd., patching material, $50.06; H. Cudmore, gravel, $1i1U.4110; A. W. E. Hemphill, supplies, $4.175; W. R. Davidson, coal, '$08.30; W. C. Hayner Co., supplies, $11750; A. B. Rout'oliffe, teaming, park, $1115; Treasurer of Ontario, licenses I$6; Geo. Hess, $8.'50; Hydro Commission, hydro, '$#5;611; 'J. A. Patterson, cartage, 50c; J. Passmore, tree 'trimming, $315; F. G. Bonthron, postage, $5; 'C.N.R., school children, $316.015. Jones and Shepherd, that bylaw No. 9 as read a third and final time be passed and the corpora- tion seal attached. Carried. Jones and Shepherd, that we adjourn. Carried.— James A. Patterson, Clerk. IN MEMORIAM n m of• d'. In Igvs g" the cry o urear c nsolhei Mrs; Mary Pinkney, who passed away one year ago, June 8, '119138; Your presence is ever near us: Your love remains with is yet, For you were the kind of a mother Your 'loved ones never ]forget. Ln our hearts •her memory lingers, But we (know it is vain 'to weep, Tears of love can never wake her From cher •peaicefnil, +resting .sleep. —Sadly anissed Iby her son and daughters. IN ,MEM'OIRIAM Kruse—•In ever ,loving memory o•f our dear another Hannah Spencer Kruse, who passed away two years ago, June :10. Her ,smiling ways and •pleasant face, Are a pleasure to recall, She lead a kindly word dor each And died 'beloved by all. Some day we 'hope to -meet her, Some daY, we know.is t when, To clasp her band in the Better Land, Never to part. again. --Ever remembered` by daughters and son. Mr. Geo, Douglas was in Toronto last week attending the 'graduation of his nephew, Arthur McA'sh, who gra- duated for a minister. A large number from here were in London on Wednesday for the visit of their Majesties, King George 1V'I and Queen Elizabeth. TUCKERSMITH Council Minutes— The Council niet in Town Hall, Seaforth, on Saturday, May 271h, as a Court of Revision on the assess- ment roll. Four appeals weee before the court for a reduction of their as- sessment, but none were allowed by the count, and three appeals to alter the ownership of lands were ap- proved, The Court of Revision was closed after the Clerk was instructed to nilake necessary alterations. The roll so corrected will be the Revised Assessment Roll for 11939, subject to any appeals from this 'count to the county judge. The Council reverted to municipal work. J. W. Crich pre- sented authority from sheep valuator ',for the payment of $12 for two lambs killed by dogs, owners 'un- known, Bylaw No. 6 requiring school trustee estimates 'to be in hands of c•otm'cil by July .1st in 1939, and by March 'list in each year hereafter, was passed. The council appointed) May 29th, 7 o'clock, to inspect North Street, Egmondville, in regard to the construction of a .sidewalk. The 'Reeve was authorized to 'consult the county engineer in regard to plans and esti- mates for the repair of Silver Creek 'bridge on 2nd concession. Geo. 'Cole- man and James Allan were paid each $10 for services on relief "board. Ac- counts •relief $73:53; printing and postage, t$50,187; dept. of health, $3.b8; pay lists 19 and '6, $623,27. 'Council'ad- journed to meet June 24th at 2 o'clock.—D. F. McGregor, Clerk. 'Mr, and Mrs. Russell Coleman and 'family spent a day recently with friends at Thorndale. Mrs. Thos. Coleman spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hanna at Mitchell. Mr, and Me -s. Cecil Oke 5elebrated their silver wedding anniversary. W.M.S. Meeting The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society of the ;United Churcat was held on Thursday afternoon with the president Mrs, Cross 'presiding over the opening ex- ercises and ,business. Hymn "'Far and Near the Fields Teenino The followed by'prayer ye minutes of the previoais meeting were read and adopted and the business discussed. It was •decided to' have the Blyth W. A. present the play "Dotty and Daffy" in the Town Hall on Fri- day, June 1116th, also to bold a social evening on Monday, June 2216th .with Mrs. '(Rev,) Knight, president .of the W.T.C.U. for the dominion, to he the special speaker. Mrs. Brook then pre- sided over the ,following 'program and alter singing 'Sark! The Voice of Jesus 'Calling." Mrs. Brook read the scripture, Matt. 6, 8-110, Mrs. Lammie then led in prayer. The first two verses of "Take My Life and Let It Be," was stung, and Miss J. Murray gave the topic on ',Was It a 'Mis- take?" taken from the onward. This was very interesting.' After singing the remainder of the hymn "Take My. Life and Let it Be," the meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. Brook. St. Paul's Anglican Church Hold Anniversary Services— Rev. M. A, Hunt 'conducted anniv- ersary service in St, Paul's •Anglican Church on Sunday morning and the tehoir sang s'pecia'l music. Rev. Mr. Grigg, a dormer Exeter resident, now Superannuated from the 'Foreign Mis sion fields, preacher] an excellent' ser- mon at the evening service. Mr. Mid- dlemiss, choir leader of Trivitt'Ment- orial Church, Exeter, sang a solo in the anthem,. "Praise Ye the Lord." Mrs.• Geo. Hess and Mrs. Lee Hedden sang a beautiful duet, "Springtime of the Soul.". Mission Circle Hold Interesting Meeting— The Mission Circle of the ]United Made To Measure Splits - FASHION CRAFT ASCOT 04ARAM'OUNT,.,. erh up McTAVISH'S SEAFORTH BRUSSELS' V. AUCTION SALE. Community Sale at Dick's Hotel. Stables, Seaforth, on Friday, ;June 116: Usual run of Pigs, Cattle, Poultry, Furniture, etc. Bring in anything you have to 'sell. Rates reasonable. Hainer Hunt, mgr., phone 0218 - 12. Geo. H. !Elliott and Harold Jack- son, Auctioneers. CASH .AND CARRY SATURDAY SPECIALS Salt, per cwt. Sugar, per cwt. Flour, per cwt. Bug ;Killer, 10 lb, Bug Killer, 20 lb, Barb Wire, 4x6. Stockaid Animal Fly Spray per tin .., 99c 59c Castile Soap 5 69 10 ,cakes 25c 2 09 Princess Soap Flakes 39c 3 pkges . 29c 69e Super Suds, pkge. 19c 3 99 Snow Flake Ammonia 5c Lelys Soap, 6 cakes 25c Soap Chips, 4 lbs._ 25c 19c in trade for Grade A Large EGGS inni an AUCTION SALE Of Registered Shorthorn Cattle, fully accredited, Clydesdale Horses and Farm Implements. At Lot 19, Concession 115, Grey Township, on Wednesday, !June 1114th: Cattle -11 herd sire, Glenburn Mag net, bred by Col. F. H. Deacon; 9 cows, fresh, or safe in calf; 2 .heifers, two years old, bred; 7 'heifers, one year old; 11: bull, 122 months old; 2 bull, 6 months old; 5 heifer calves. The herd 'consists of Marr Flora's, Roselea'fs and a few Ohoice Breeding S'co'tch -Topped Females. Horses— 11 registered Clydesdale mare, date to foal June 251th to the service of, Royal Footman; 1, 'heavy draught gelding, 2 years old; L heavy draught filly, P year old (eligible for registration), sired by Favorite Again; 1 general purpose horse, good single or double. Implements—iI John Deer disc, 116 ;blade; 1 •Massey-Harr'is oultiva'tor; '1 Oliver single riding plow; Al 'Oliver double riding plow; 1 'Cookshutt man- ure spreader; 11 washing machine; 1 cream separator; 111 'walking plow; 1 land roller; 1 Massey -Harris mower. Terms—Cash. 'No reserve as farm has been sold. Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 'Oliver Turnbull, Proprietor. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up to June 20 for painting and decorating inter- ior and exterior of S.S. No. 9, Tuok- ersmith. ,Contractor must use a good grade of paint. Work, to be (completed during summer holidays. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ivan Forsyth, Sec.-Treas., • Kippen R. R. 2, PLANTS FOR SALE A large variety of Petunias, Snap Dragon, Carnations, Zinnias, Pansies, Stocks, Salvia, Verbenas, Ager.atuan, other varieties, Tomatoes, Peppers, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Garden Huckle- berry. One block east of Hospital. A. L. Porteous. POSITPONN WANTED As housekeeper by a 'widow, Can take dull ' 'charge, town Or country Write to Box 1418, Wingtham, PJO, FOIR SALE • c ion. Cut flowers for anyo o as Perennial roots in season: Now is the bine to select your iris, Seaforth phone, 1411123. M'rs, W. A. Raamglh, ACTIVE MEN WANTED Get in on this big money snaking 'opportunity now with - nationally (known concern. 'Excellent proposi- tion for sincere, dep'enda'ble man. No experience necessary. We 'assist in selling. Finest fast selling line of necessities everyone—rich and poor— must have. 900 men succeed actually to make good living. For details and catalogue FREE—R MI'LEX, '5170 St. Clement, MONTREAL.. CONCRETE WORK Concrete work, barn walls, •culverts, sidewalks, etc., John Hart, Seaforth RR. 5. Phone 46 r 9, D.ulbiin central, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the 'Estate of William John Dickson.—All persons having claims against the Estate of William John Dickson, late of the Town of Sea- Sorth, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 2611h day of Sep- tember, 1937, are hereby notified to send in to the •undersigned on or be- fore the 1110th day of !June, 11939, full .particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of athe said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the 'under- signed shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the under- signed will not be liable to any per- son of whose claim ti'r'e ,undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any, par* thereof, Dated at Seaforth 'this 116th day of May, 1930. ROBERT REID AND NELS'O'N REID, Executors. By their solioitor, H. G. Meir, Sea - forth. Two navvies • met, as usual, in the local pub. "Well," said the first, poor old 'Jim's gone at last "Poor nothing]" replied the other. "Luckiest 'bloke in the market was Jim. Couldn't touch nothing without it 'tannin' to money." "What ye mean?" asked the first. "Well, 'listen to this. Insured 'is Molise—burned down in a month. In surd 'isself against haccidentsl broke 'is arm the hrfist week. And only yesterday 'e joined the Burial Serciety—and nova 'e's 'hopped it. Lucky, I call'im." Church held their regular meeting at the home of Miss Nellie Fee on Fri- Mistress (hearing dishes day "evening at 5.30 o'clock. Sides "More- dishes, Mary?" were 'chosen •for a. scanger hunt, yf,aid "N'o, ana'am, less." fall) - WOOL WANTED Highest Market Price DELIVERED 'AT EGM'OND- VILLE H. M. JACKSON Phone 3-w Seaforth TOMA"O PLANTS 5 different kinds of tomato plants for sale, also some flowers. Thos. ,M.. Grieve, phone 1114'8 r 3. A BIG SAVING Oil and grease at reduced prices, Save money Iby 'bringing your cans. Sold under money -back guarantee. Sam- 'Chesney, Egueondville (across: ,from the church). NOTICE Trespassers on my ,property at the old waterworks will be prosecuted, also anyone tampering with the fence. Tony Phillips. Seaforth, .May 23,' 1939. TO RENT Six room modern apartment, heat- ed, and water 'supplied, in Victoria Apartments, Victoria St., Seaforth: Apply to E. L. Box. ELMER D. BELL, B.A. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 FOR SALE Storm Seal, Rosco Ribbed, and Corrugated Steel Roofing, Council Standard with 215 -year Guarantee, Eavestroughing,- Galvanized Sheet Iron, Metal Sidings, Gaiv'd Hog Troughs, Corrugated Round - End Water Troughs and Tanks, Galv'd. Furnace Pipes, Metal Ridge and Val- ley, Granary Lining. Also—Copper, Zinc, Tin, Stainless . Steel, &c., in sheets, Rosco Portable Silos, Roofing Paints, Asphalt Roofing, Asphalt Brick Siding, Floor Tile, Slate Roof- ing, Building Paper, Plastic Cements, Roofing Nails, &c. Write, phone or. call in person for an estimate. 'Murray Tyndall, Brucefield. Phone 6118 ring 12, Clinton. Warder --"You • can have what you like for. your last meal." Condemned Man—"I would 1I'ke some champagne." Wander—`Any 'special vintage?" Condemned Man-1`Yes, 11984;" Electric Maid E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth: Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.m. to 5 ,p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. in. to 9 p. m, TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax Pre=Payment Receipts is For 1939 The Town will pay 4 per cent per annum up to Aug. 31/39 on all pre- paid 1939 taxes: Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's office in the Town Hall. D. IL WILSON, Treas. tNOTICE Wallace Ross, Apiarist, .will pay 50c for swarms of bees during the month of June. -Phone 303J. The Handsome Ohoicely Bred Clydesdale Stallion MILTON FORDER. •027688) Enrolment No. 05215. Form 3• Route for 1939—Monday noon will leave his own stable, lot 23, con. fi, Logan, and proceed to Peter Hiek- nel"s, lot 24, con. 115, McKillop. Tuesday—To (Joseph O'Rourke's, lot 4, con. '6, MIcK'ilicp, for noon, thence to Rock Bros., Brodhagen, Wednesday—to John Dietz's, lot 8, con. 1110, MdK•illop, for noon, thence bo Geo. B'ennewies', lot 8, con. 12; Mc'K. Thursday—to Henry Steinbach's'lot 28, con. '1'2y Logan, for noon, thence to Geo. H. Siemon'•s, lot 04, con. 11, Log. rriday—to his own stable, where 'he will remain until following Monday. Terns --$112 ,payable Feb. 'lest, 19140. Jacob Hignell, Prop. and Manager. SENSATIONAL LOW PRICE Now you can own an Electric Maid Washer at less than you ever thought possible. JOHN' BACH Main Street Seaforth 0 Enrolment 3049 Form 2 The Standard Bred Stallion BARON LULLWATER 211111%. 2:3311 at three years old 11939 Grade "B". Premium No. 375. Will stand 'for the improvement of stock at' the barn of his owner, W. C. Govenloc'k, Egmondvill'e. lid is a jet black in color, stands 15-3 hands high and weighs 1(100 lbs. He is a premiumhorseand is sound. Ris .sire, Bogalusa, 2.04]/4. He is also a handsome horse as he was first and reserve champion at the Royal Winter fair, 'Toronto, last win- ter, 1938. Would try to make ar- rangements to aneet those front a •dis- tance where possible. Terms $12. pay- able Feb. lst, '1940. ROYAL CARBROIOK [27101] Enrolment No. 31500. Form 1 FLOWERPRINT SUPREME [083153). Enrolment No. 3959 Form 3 Route for season of '1939: Monday—Will :leave ,his own stable Lot 3, Con. 3, Hullett, to go north to Walton to Herb Kirkby's for noon; to his own stable for night. Wednesday—Will go east as far as Beechwood; home for night. Friday—'Will- go south 2!/ miles, then west to Sam Switzer's school, south to Mill Road. then 'by way of Clinton to David Rogers for noon; hone by way of 9th con Goderich Tp. . Terms -4113, payalb'le Mar. 11+, 19140 T. J. McMichael, Prop. & Manager INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable, All risks placed hi first class companies. Information _,cheerfully given F.. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIEf' Phone 334 w STRATFORD - GODERICH COACH LI•NES SUMMER'. TIME TABLE Leaves Seaforth for Stratford: Daily 8.25 a.m, and :6.26 pan. Leaves Senforth for Goderich: Daily except Sunday and hot., 1.00 non., and 7.40 li.m. Sun. and hol., 1.00 p.m. and 9.20 p.m.. Connection at Stratford for Toronto, Hamilton, Buffalo, Londoh, Detroit A.gonts — Queen's Hotel; Commerelal Hotel, Dick House