HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-06-08, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 48, 1939 THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE FIVE. CAR SERVICE To properly care for your car, it has been necessary for us to install dozens of special tools and equipment. Take advantage of our facilities and the ,experi- ence of factory -trained mechan- ics. You are assured of courteous service whether it is only a Squeaky door hinge or a major engine overhaul you require. If you are a Model.T owner, you can make a tremendous sav- ing -on genuine Ford parts. A new radiator, rear spring, cylin- der block or generator only costs $5.00—brand new factory stock, too• •Ford Model A and V8 owners can. now buy a set of oil control rings at $3.00 and $6.00 respect- ively. These rings do the job for- merly done by rings three times this s price. J. F. DALY FORD -MERCURY DEALER 'Telephone 102 Seaforth BLAKE. A wonderful day with excellent ' weather, spring flowers and fine speakers, added greatly to the anniv- ersary services held in the Blake Church on Sunday, Tune 4th. A good attendance at 'both, services with a large circle of former Brake Church members present joined in making tate occasion a splendid success, Rev. Lane of.'Wesley'W!Plis Church, Clin- ton, conducted the morning service, and Rev. Whitley of Holmesvil1e gave an address at the- evening ser- vice, •The choir under the leadership of Mr.'and Mrs. E. Stelck, sang, sing - Mg "In the morning," accompanied at the organ with v1 rs. E. •Stelck, and quartettes composed of Mrs. E.. Stedck, Misses Pearl Gable, Beatrice .ifansoe, Grace McBride and Kath- leen Hey. Mrs. M. Stelck, accompan- ist, singing ''Facing 'Forward," and • ,. , ,�'t; scr- vice, Messrs. W. Goodwin, H. Horton, Mrs, Horton and Miss Brooks sang, accompanied 'by Miss G. Lammie, "Dear Lord and Father of MIankiud," and "Safely Through An- other Week," which were every fitting for the anniversary. Mr, and Mrs. 'Egibert Faber and Carol of Tuckersmith Township, near Hensall, called on friends on the Bronson and Town Lines on Sunday.' Mrs. Attridge of Goderioh, and Mrs. Finnigan. of Paisley, 'were visit- ing recently with 'their mother, Mrs. Clark. Many friends of the late Mr. John Douglas were sadly 'grieved on Mon- day to hear of his death after a ling- ering illness of a few months' dura- tion. The bate Mr. Douglas was high- ly thought of as a nei'ghb'or and friend. Those who knew him best spoke very fittingly of hien with 'higth- esat esteem. He leaves 'his sorrowing wife, Jane Nikko], with whom he had trod life's pathway together for al- most fifty years, living all that time on the town line, 3 farms east of Blake in Stanley Township. Mrs. Thos. Dinsmore is the only surviv- ing one of the family. The funeral is being held on Thursday, June 8th, conducted by Rev. C. B. H'eckendorn orf Emmanuel Evangelical Church, 'Zurich, of which deceased was a member., Interment was to Bayfield Cemetery. The sympathy of this com- Munity ,hoesto the sorrowing ones in their 'hour of sadness. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey were to London last week visiting their dau- ghter ,hiss Eulene at St. Joseph's Hospital, who is engaged at that In- stitution at present. Many are taking the opportunity of seeing the King and 1Queen at London on Wednesday front this .vicinity. Miss !jean Hey of London spent the day with Mrs. Turner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Douglas and Miss Gladys. The W. if S. will he held on Wed- nc d iy; June 14, with Mrs. 'I. Dins- uiore's group in charge of the pro- gramme. Seaforth Monument Works (formerly.,\ J. E. Chnpnian1—Now operated by CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE A CO.M'PLETE LINE OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Always On Display SEAFORTH — TUESDAY'S & SATURDAY'S Or any time' by appointment --Call ,105, Dr. -Harburn EXETERPHONE 41 J TOWN TOPICS The. Misses Dorsey were in Tor- onto on Tuesday ahteadiing the grad- uation as a parse of their niece, Miss Mary Dorsey, Mrs. 'Jessie Barbour of Wlnrtipeg•, and daughter Mrs, David Walker of Vancouver, and :Mrs. George 'Chesney of Toronto, are visiting. Mr. and Mrs. W. Watt, Mrs. G. Dlale and Mr. and 'Mrs. A. Crozier. and .friends in this icinity. 'Messrs. 'WBlEted Ahrens and Sandy McLean spent 'Sunday in Goderich, Benmiller and Grand Bend. The many friend- ,of Mr. Bill Hart are sorry to know lye is ,faid cop tvdth another heart attack: 'Miss Ethel McDougall and •Mr. and Mrs. W. Lewis ,of Detroit, and Mrs. Ledgerwood of Edmonton were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoggarth. Mr. Herman E. Shultz from New Hamburg was .here putting bronze inscriptions on sante of the .head- stones in St, ;James Cemetery. We are ,pleased to 'know that 'Mr, C. Eckart is Bible to be out again. 'Mrs. Bert Horton, ,Who bas been spending some holidays •here. left with 'Mrs. Will Sproat to visit friends at Temagami. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Reed and dau- ghter Annie from Dungannon were visiting friends here on Friday. Mr. and Mrs, Rdbt. Charters and small daughter have taken up house- keeping on Market street. Miss Grace ,Krauter .spent the week end at her hone on Victoria street. 1A severe thunderstorm passed over Seaforth on Saturday afternoon, when li;,;htning damaged the electric connections at the Btshart factory and set fire to a window sill. Some trees were uprooted south of Eg- mo n dvi l le, BORN Littleford—On June 5th, in Albert Lea, Minn.,. to the Rev, and Mrs, O. R. Littleford (nee Halcyon Chandler) a son, Philip Osborne. Wassin. ID Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Sunday, Tune 4tlt, 1939; to Mr and Mrs. George Wassin of Stanley, a son. Grtiniinet», — In Scott Memorial Hospital, to 'Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gruntntett, Tuckersmith. on Wednes- day,, June 7th, 119319, a son. MANLEY The first real electric storm of the season passed through here last Sat- urday, killing a colt of 'Mr, Henry Kldber. It was accompanied by rain which was needed and will do a lot of good. Mr. Pete Eckart shipped a carload of cattle to Toronto last week.', Mr. Henry Kieber has purchased the 100 acre farm of the estate of the Tate Edward Drager for '$1700. which is the price of the outbuildings, and shows that real estate is still at a low ebb. We wish Mr. Kle'ber success in Itis undertaking as this 'farm adjoins his ideal farm, Quite a nuntlber from here went to see the 'king and queen in. Stratford last Tuesday and as it was an ideal day aid ett!joyed the trip- as well as welcoming their majesties. Mr. Geo. Kistner 'fron 'Kitchener is fireman for Mr, Alex Mitchell's sawmill. DANCING in Dublin FRIDAY, JUNE 9 $2.00 DOOR PRIZE llllllllllll t1111111111. Mac Burgess 'Orchestra ADMISSION 35e HAWAIIAN GUITAR • CONCERT Cardno's Hall, Seaforth Friday, June 9th GOOD VARIETY PROGRAM Demonstrating on two electric guit- ars. Solos, duets, trios, also vocal, piano, tap dancing by pupils and some outside talent Admission - 10e and 25c OLD TYME 1.7 n r.. with WALKER'S LLON TAMERS The latest in Old Tyrie Dance Bands At the RENDEZVOUS on the Lake BAYFIELD • Friday, June 9 They're Different! Don't miss them! This will be their first appearance in this part of the country. Adm. 25 cts. The Department of Poultry Husbandry Building, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, where Professor W. R. Graham and his staff have for years experimented on feeds. AS A RESULT WE HAVE ChoketeriaoAc ChicicStarter Why not buy the starter that has been tested and proven? It is so palatable your chicks will relish CHOICETERIA. True they consume a lot because they like it. In return you are getting better growth with lower mortality. 1 tiffteMENIIIMMUNMEMOMMINSIINV Buy the Feet: with the Tag on the Bag "2 per cent CEREAL Grass" Mr. Jas. Scott of the Scott Poultry Farm says, "With our experience in feeding thous- ands of chicks, Choiceteria feeds have proven to our entire satisfaction that the quality of ingredients in a mash is very important. Choiceteria meets our requirements in every respect. DEALER J. M. SCOTT SEAFORTH Chick Starter $2.40 Grow Mash $2.10 E. S. WATT & SONS O.A.C. Lay Mash $2.10 O.A.C. Lay Mash with Cereal Grass32 20 ESTABLISHED 1885 Palmerston BRUCEFIELD The Brucefield United Farm Wo- oten entertained the Lake Huron Club from Grand Bend on Thursday, 'June list at the 'home of Mr. Murray Gibson. Mrs. Buchanan, president of. the hone club, gave the words of welcome Mrs, L. Taylor, president of the Lake Huron Club, replied. The programme was !given ;by the visitors. ,After singing "The Maple Leaf," the creed was repeated followed by sing- ing 0 Canada. Mrs. Stanlake, accom- panied by Mrs. Desjardine, sang "You're the only star in my blue Heaven" Roll call was answered by members of both clubs with an inter- esting item in the life of our King and Queen. Mrs. Taylor gave a shor' talk in which she stressed study ;Groups in the club's. We were then favored by two readings by Mrs. Ho- ward Desjardine, "Canadian Born," and' "If Pigs are Pigs, What are Hogs." We then had a sing song, when six or seven songs were sung, led 'by Mrs. Max Turnbull. This was followed by a review of the work clone in the winter, the work of Lake Huron Club was given by Mrs. Colin Love. Mrs. Arthur McQueen gave the review for Brucefield club. We were then favored with another solo by Mrs. Stanlake, "Wier the shades of night are fallen." Ai motion was passed that each club send a dona- tion to assist with Mr. Vincent Black's expenses in attending the Canadian Youth Congress at Winni- peg. One of the guest speakers, Mrs. Anderson of Wingham, was then call- ed to hove her address. Mrs. Anderson said she appreciated the opportunity of speaking to farm women as it gave her renewed !courage to go forward. 'She told,of recent meetings attended, "The Provincial Council of Women," at Niagara, and "the National Coun- cil of Wonted" at Hamilton, when women from 'Vancouver to Halifax niet to discuss their 'problems. She said the Hamilton mayor in gi ring his words of welcome, said women had fott,ght to get the franchise. He said they had failed, in not using it. Mr. Hare, who has spent sottte weeks is Huron in the interest of eggs and poultry, was the next speaker. After 'talking for • a short time on the rural niovenietit in Denmark, and Rochd!aie pioneers of England, he asked that we try to produce quality in eggs and poultry by being more careful of the hens get. He said if a fatim.: is inter ested in ,poultry he should increase. his flock to at least 200, if not inter- ested he 'better decrease his Hoek. He also said to -operation wall help solve. .our . problems: Mrs. Taylor. Grand Rend, Mr. K. Jackson, and Mr. 5. Davidson spoke in the discussion which followed. A vote of thanks was ni0ved to the speakers. Our July meeting :will .be :held at the ,home of Mr. and Mrs, 'J. Cairns. The nreeting closed' by singing God Save the King• An excellent lunch was servedby the Brucefield Glu!b, after which •Ulrs.. Wdbb moved a vote of - thanks for the invitation to visit our 'club,' also to the 'hostess for her hospitality. Buy the Best for Less Come early and get your choice of some real good used equipment in perfect condition, all fully guaranteed. I Nearly New Rett Star Washer with wringer.... ,....$15.00 1 Faros Wagon 30.00 Three 13 -tooth M. H. Cultivators, yotir choice .........20.00 One 14 -plate McCormick Deering Disc Harrow ... 30.00 One No. 4 Manure Spreader 90.00 AndNumerous other machines in working condition JOHN BACH McCORM1CK-DEERING DEALER SEAFORTH ... , 4" A.; w' r. nail. 5, T,t, • e. Mrs. Wnt. Dow of Hensall visited with Mrs. J.as. \IiclQueen last Friday: Mrs. A. 'McDonald of Dundas vis- ited with her sister, Mrs. Haugh dur- ing the week end. Several Brom here attended the Blake anniversary on Sunday last. Mars. Dunlop of Chatsworth is vis- iting with her mother Mrs. Fatten - bury this week. Mrs. A. T. Scott spent the week end in London. Dr. Grace of London with his mother Mrs. Grace, and his brother and his wife and Mrs. Grace's sister attended service here at the evening service. Mrs. Grace and sister' whn ire daughters of the late Rev, John Ross, formerly of Brucefield, were pleased• to meet with old Friends, Mr. and Mrs. Bridges and family of Stratford moved into Mrs. Nes- hitt's house last Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. Seldon Ross attended the funeral of ltrs. Ross' brother, Mr. t.eo, Ashton, who was drowned in Welland Cana'la at Port Colborne last \\•edncsday. Mr, and Mrs. Ross have the sympathy of their friends here, KIPPEN The district annual meeting of the Women's Institute was held in Kip - pen ('hvrch on Tuesday, June 6, with an attendance of about 55 from nciglsboriatg branches. Mrs. Walker of Exeter was elected has president for the ensuing year and presided over both morning' and afternoon ses- sions. Rev. E. F. Chandler, pastor of. the c'urch, welcomed the 505511) 1'., DANCE At the Rendezvous on the Lake BAYFIELD EVERY WEDNESDAY To DON HOPKINS EVERY FRIDAY Good Old Tynte Dancing C. Watson, Manager. and \lr.. F. M arlock of. Crediton ra- plie Mr, J, C. Shearer, Huron County Agricultural. Representative, spoke at the morning meeting on Conservation of Trees. :\ solo pas sung by Marguerite Hoggarth of Exeter. At noon the Kipper.branch served dinner. Mrs. A. Fraser of rii- erton was .guest speaker for tat. after- noon, A 4: t entitled ":\ Busy Wo- man," written ity Mrs. Paul Dvig as , presented 'ty four member, of the Seaforth branch, Mrs. Paul D tu;, M Thelma Eleie, \irs. Victor Les and 11re. \\'thrid Coleman. A s,1a - was given by Mrs, Thos. Gorenlook, Seaforth, and a musical nntnh_ by Exeter branch. DUBLIN At a special service in St. Ptiter's Cathedra!, London, on Saturday. ins of the candidates raised to firs-. minor orders was John Mo!yyteaux, P:rhlin. \Vanr and For Sale ad,. I .reel- ROUND t e - ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES JUNE 16-17 FROM SEAFORTH I * Station n' tt, l'etcrh, rt, t - "r Lin ( \,erns t ' c C 1 1 N.1 . I. Midland. North tiay, .Parry Sound, ', t t try, t a ,:.,., .1113 \\' a t.t Beardni,ite. P.M. TRAINS JUNE 16TH ALL TRAINS JUNE 17TH TO TORONTO Also to Brantford, Chatham, Gorlerich. Guelph, Hamilton, London, Niagara Falls, Owen 5 find, St. Cath•tr n , St. Marys, Sarnia, Stral= tot d, Stt athroy, \\ cod;tock. See handbills for complete list of destinations. For Fares, Return Limits, Train information, Tickets, etc., consult nearest 'Agent, TI861B AN•NATIONAL CANADI e0tf S 4 . Read These. Valises -Till June 14th OXYDOL, Large PER P•KG, 21c AYLMER PEACHES size squats 2 TINS 25c AYLMER TOMATO JUICE 25% oz. 2 TINS 1 7 c HELMET CORNED BEEF 2 TINS �� �" TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 18' OZ. 2 TINS 19 c Heinz Ketchup, Large per btl. 19c Christie's Graham Wafers, 6 oz. per pkg. 10c Canada Corn Starch per pkg. 10c C. & S. Coffee; is per''ib. 36c Pineapple Juice, 12 oz... 2 Tins 25c Catelli's Cooked Spaghetti ar Macaroni, 16 oz; .....2 tin 19c, Della Milk, all flavors 2' for 15c S.O.S. Scouring Pads, small -14c; Large 23c St. Croix Castile Soap 8 cakes 25c Mazda Elects;ic Bulbs, 40 or 60 watt Each 20c Colgate's Tooth Paste, Giant and 1 large . all for 36c Paper Napkins, white 100s - , , .. , , , per pkg. 15c Blue Boy Tea, Black %/s per pkg. 25c Sultana Raisins 2 lbs. 23c McLaren's Jelly Powders 4 pkg. 19c Tuna Fish Flakes, %s Each 15c Kippered Snacks per tin 5c Miracle Whip, 8 oz. per jar 21c Aylmer Boned Chicken, 7 oz per tin 33c Derby Cheese, 3s per pkg. 14c Breakfast Bacon, Choice , per Ib. 29c A.B. Gum Drops per lb, 15c Shredded Wheat Biscuits 2 lbs, 25c Superior Baking Powder, 8 oz. -14c; 16 oz. 23c Schick Injector Razor, 8 Blades and 1 tube 49 c Patin Olive Shave Cream All for Ross J. Sproat PHONE 8 N. Pryce PHONE 7isMiss7 CAR SERVICE To properly care for your car, it has been necessary for us to install dozens of special tools and equipment. Take advantage of our facilities and the ,experi- ence of factory -trained mechan- ics. You are assured of courteous service whether it is only a Squeaky door hinge or a major engine overhaul you require. If you are a Model.T owner, you can make a tremendous sav- ing -on genuine Ford parts. A new radiator, rear spring, cylin- der block or generator only costs $5.00—brand new factory stock, too• •Ford Model A and V8 owners can. now buy a set of oil control rings at $3.00 and $6.00 respect- ively. These rings do the job for- merly done by rings three times this s price. J. F. DALY FORD -MERCURY DEALER 'Telephone 102 Seaforth BLAKE. A wonderful day with excellent ' weather, spring flowers and fine speakers, added greatly to the anniv- ersary services held in the Blake Church on Sunday, Tune 4th. A good attendance at 'both, services with a large circle of former Brake Church members present joined in making tate occasion a splendid success, Rev. Lane of.'Wesley'W!Plis Church, Clin- ton, conducted the morning service, and Rev. Whitley of Holmesvil1e gave an address at the- evening ser- vice, •The choir under the leadership of Mr.'and Mrs. E. Stelck, sang, sing - Mg "In the morning," accompanied at the organ with v1 rs. E. •Stelck, and quartettes composed of Mrs. E.. Stedck, Misses Pearl Gable, Beatrice .ifansoe, Grace McBride and Kath- leen Hey. Mrs. M. Stelck, accompan- ist, singing ''Facing 'Forward," and • ,. , ,�'t; scr- vice, Messrs. W. Goodwin, H. Horton, Mrs, Horton and Miss Brooks sang, accompanied 'by Miss G. Lammie, "Dear Lord and Father of MIankiud," and "Safely Through An- other Week," which were every fitting for the anniversary. Mr, and Mrs. 'Egibert Faber and Carol of Tuckersmith Township, near Hensall, called on friends on the Bronson and Town Lines on Sunday.' Mrs. Attridge of Goderioh, and Mrs. Finnigan. of Paisley, 'were visit- ing recently with 'their mother, Mrs. Clark. Many friends of the late Mr. John Douglas were sadly 'grieved on Mon- day to hear of his death after a ling- ering illness of a few months' dura- tion. The bate Mr. Douglas was high- ly thought of as a nei'ghb'or and friend. Those who knew him best spoke very fittingly of hien with 'higth- esat esteem. He leaves 'his sorrowing wife, Jane Nikko], with whom he had trod life's pathway together for al- most fifty years, living all that time on the town line, 3 farms east of Blake in Stanley Township. Mrs. Thos. Dinsmore is the only surviv- ing one of the family. The funeral is being held on Thursday, June 8th, conducted by Rev. C. B. H'eckendorn orf Emmanuel Evangelical Church, 'Zurich, of which deceased was a member., Interment was to Bayfield Cemetery. The sympathy of this com- Munity ,hoesto the sorrowing ones in their 'hour of sadness. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey were to London last week visiting their dau- ghter ,hiss Eulene at St. Joseph's Hospital, who is engaged at that In- stitution at present. Many are taking the opportunity of seeing the King and 1Queen at London on Wednesday front this .vicinity. Miss !jean Hey of London spent the day with Mrs. Turner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Douglas and Miss Gladys. The W. if S. will he held on Wed- nc d iy; June 14, with Mrs. 'I. Dins- uiore's group in charge of the pro- gramme. Seaforth Monument Works (formerly.,\ J. E. Chnpnian1—Now operated by CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE A CO.M'PLETE LINE OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Always On Display SEAFORTH — TUESDAY'S & SATURDAY'S Or any time' by appointment --Call ,105, Dr. -Harburn EXETERPHONE 41 J TOWN TOPICS The. Misses Dorsey were in Tor- onto on Tuesday ahteadiing the grad- uation as a parse of their niece, Miss Mary Dorsey, Mrs. 'Jessie Barbour of Wlnrtipeg•, and daughter Mrs, David Walker of Vancouver, and :Mrs. George 'Chesney of Toronto, are visiting. Mr. and Mrs. W. Watt, Mrs. G. Dlale and Mr. and 'Mrs. A. Crozier. and .friends in this icinity. 'Messrs. 'WBlEted Ahrens and Sandy McLean spent 'Sunday in Goderich, Benmiller and Grand Bend. The many friend- ,of Mr. Bill Hart are sorry to know lye is ,faid cop tvdth another heart attack: 'Miss Ethel McDougall and •Mr. and Mrs. W. Lewis ,of Detroit, and Mrs. Ledgerwood of Edmonton were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoggarth. Mr. Herman E. Shultz from New Hamburg was .here putting bronze inscriptions on sante of the .head- stones in St, ;James Cemetery. We are ,pleased to 'know that 'Mr, C. Eckart is Bible to be out again. 'Mrs. Bert Horton, ,Who bas been spending some holidays •here. left with 'Mrs. Will Sproat to visit friends at Temagami. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Reed and dau- ghter Annie from Dungannon were visiting friends here on Friday. Mr. and Mrs, Rdbt. Charters and small daughter have taken up house- keeping on Market street. Miss Grace ,Krauter .spent the week end at her hone on Victoria street. 1A severe thunderstorm passed over Seaforth on Saturday afternoon, when li;,;htning damaged the electric connections at the Btshart factory and set fire to a window sill. Some trees were uprooted south of Eg- mo n dvi l le, BORN Littleford—On June 5th, in Albert Lea, Minn.,. to the Rev, and Mrs, O. R. Littleford (nee Halcyon Chandler) a son, Philip Osborne. Wassin. ID Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Sunday, Tune 4tlt, 1939; to Mr and Mrs. George Wassin of Stanley, a son. Grtiniinet», — In Scott Memorial Hospital, to 'Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gruntntett, Tuckersmith. on Wednes- day,, June 7th, 119319, a son. MANLEY The first real electric storm of the season passed through here last Sat- urday, killing a colt of 'Mr, Henry Kldber. It was accompanied by rain which was needed and will do a lot of good. Mr. Pete Eckart shipped a carload of cattle to Toronto last week.', Mr. Henry Kieber has purchased the 100 acre farm of the estate of the Tate Edward Drager for '$1700. which is the price of the outbuildings, and shows that real estate is still at a low ebb. We wish Mr. Kle'ber success in Itis undertaking as this 'farm adjoins his ideal farm, Quite a nuntlber from here went to see the 'king and queen in. Stratford last Tuesday and as it was an ideal day aid ett!joyed the trip- as well as welcoming their majesties. Mr. Geo. Kistner 'fron 'Kitchener is fireman for Mr, Alex Mitchell's sawmill. DANCING in Dublin FRIDAY, JUNE 9 $2.00 DOOR PRIZE llllllllllll t1111111111. Mac Burgess 'Orchestra ADMISSION 35e HAWAIIAN GUITAR • CONCERT Cardno's Hall, Seaforth Friday, June 9th GOOD VARIETY PROGRAM Demonstrating on two electric guit- ars. Solos, duets, trios, also vocal, piano, tap dancing by pupils and some outside talent Admission - 10e and 25c OLD TYME 1.7 n r.. with WALKER'S LLON TAMERS The latest in Old Tyrie Dance Bands At the RENDEZVOUS on the Lake BAYFIELD • Friday, June 9 They're Different! Don't miss them! This will be their first appearance in this part of the country. Adm. 25 cts. The Department of Poultry Husbandry Building, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, where Professor W. R. Graham and his staff have for years experimented on feeds. AS A RESULT WE HAVE ChoketeriaoAc ChicicStarter Why not buy the starter that has been tested and proven? It is so palatable your chicks will relish CHOICETERIA. True they consume a lot because they like it. In return you are getting better growth with lower mortality. 1 tiffteMENIIIMMUNMEMOMMINSIINV Buy the Feet: with the Tag on the Bag "2 per cent CEREAL Grass" Mr. Jas. Scott of the Scott Poultry Farm says, "With our experience in feeding thous- ands of chicks, Choiceteria feeds have proven to our entire satisfaction that the quality of ingredients in a mash is very important. Choiceteria meets our requirements in every respect. DEALER J. M. SCOTT SEAFORTH Chick Starter $2.40 Grow Mash $2.10 E. S. WATT & SONS O.A.C. Lay Mash $2.10 O.A.C. Lay Mash with Cereal Grass32 20 ESTABLISHED 1885 Palmerston BRUCEFIELD The Brucefield United Farm Wo- oten entertained the Lake Huron Club from Grand Bend on Thursday, 'June list at the 'home of Mr. Murray Gibson. Mrs. Buchanan, president of. the hone club, gave the words of welcome Mrs, L. Taylor, president of the Lake Huron Club, replied. The programme was !given ;by the visitors. ,After singing "The Maple Leaf," the creed was repeated followed by sing- ing 0 Canada. Mrs. Stanlake, accom- panied by Mrs. Desjardine, sang "You're the only star in my blue Heaven" Roll call was answered by members of both clubs with an inter- esting item in the life of our King and Queen. Mrs. Taylor gave a shor' talk in which she stressed study ;Groups in the club's. We were then favored by two readings by Mrs. Ho- ward Desjardine, "Canadian Born," and' "If Pigs are Pigs, What are Hogs." We then had a sing song, when six or seven songs were sung, led 'by Mrs. Max Turnbull. This was followed by a review of the work clone in the winter, the work of Lake Huron Club was given by Mrs. Colin Love. Mrs. Arthur McQueen gave the review for Brucefield club. We were then favored with another solo by Mrs. Stanlake, "Wier the shades of night are fallen." Ai motion was passed that each club send a dona- tion to assist with Mr. Vincent Black's expenses in attending the Canadian Youth Congress at Winni- peg. One of the guest speakers, Mrs. Anderson of Wingham, was then call- ed to hove her address. Mrs. Anderson said she appreciated the opportunity of speaking to farm women as it gave her renewed !courage to go forward. 'She told,of recent meetings attended, "The Provincial Council of Women," at Niagara, and "the National Coun- cil of Wonted" at Hamilton, when women from 'Vancouver to Halifax niet to discuss their 'problems. She said the Hamilton mayor in gi ring his words of welcome, said women had fott,ght to get the franchise. He said they had failed, in not using it. Mr. Hare, who has spent sottte weeks is Huron in the interest of eggs and poultry, was the next speaker. After 'talking for • a short time on the rural niovenietit in Denmark, and Rochd!aie pioneers of England, he asked that we try to produce quality in eggs and poultry by being more careful of the hens get. He said if a fatim.: is inter ested in ,poultry he should increase. his flock to at least 200, if not inter- ested he 'better decrease his Hoek. He also said to -operation wall help solve. .our . problems: Mrs. Taylor. Grand Rend, Mr. K. Jackson, and Mr. 5. Davidson spoke in the discussion which followed. A vote of thanks was ni0ved to the speakers. Our July meeting :will .be :held at the ,home of Mr. and Mrs, 'J. Cairns. The nreeting closed' by singing God Save the King• An excellent lunch was servedby the Brucefield Glu!b, after which •Ulrs.. Wdbb moved a vote of - thanks for the invitation to visit our 'club,' also to the 'hostess for her hospitality. Buy the Best for Less Come early and get your choice of some real good used equipment in perfect condition, all fully guaranteed. I Nearly New Rett Star Washer with wringer.... ,....$15.00 1 Faros Wagon 30.00 Three 13 -tooth M. H. Cultivators, yotir choice .........20.00 One 14 -plate McCormick Deering Disc Harrow ... 30.00 One No. 4 Manure Spreader 90.00 AndNumerous other machines in working condition JOHN BACH McCORM1CK-DEERING DEALER SEAFORTH ... , 4" A.; w' r. nail. 5, T,t, • e. Mrs. Wnt. Dow of Hensall visited with Mrs. J.as. \IiclQueen last Friday: Mrs. A. 'McDonald of Dundas vis- ited with her sister, Mrs. Haugh dur- ing the week end. Several Brom here attended the Blake anniversary on Sunday last. Mars. Dunlop of Chatsworth is vis- iting with her mother Mrs. Fatten - bury this week. Mrs. A. T. Scott spent the week end in London. Dr. Grace of London with his mother Mrs. Grace, and his brother and his wife and Mrs. Grace's sister attended service here at the evening service. Mrs. Grace and sister' whn ire daughters of the late Rev, John Ross, formerly of Brucefield, were pleased• to meet with old Friends, Mr. and Mrs. Bridges and family of Stratford moved into Mrs. Nes- hitt's house last Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. Seldon Ross attended the funeral of ltrs. Ross' brother, Mr. t.eo, Ashton, who was drowned in Welland Cana'la at Port Colborne last \\•edncsday. Mr, and Mrs. Ross have the sympathy of their friends here, KIPPEN The district annual meeting of the Women's Institute was held in Kip - pen ('hvrch on Tuesday, June 6, with an attendance of about 55 from nciglsboriatg branches. Mrs. Walker of Exeter was elected has president for the ensuing year and presided over both morning' and afternoon ses- sions. Rev. E. F. Chandler, pastor of. the c'urch, welcomed the 505511) 1'., DANCE At the Rendezvous on the Lake BAYFIELD EVERY WEDNESDAY To DON HOPKINS EVERY FRIDAY Good Old Tynte Dancing C. Watson, Manager. and \lr.. F. M arlock of. Crediton ra- plie Mr, J, C. Shearer, Huron County Agricultural. Representative, spoke at the morning meeting on Conservation of Trees. :\ solo pas sung by Marguerite Hoggarth of Exeter. At noon the Kipper.branch served dinner. Mrs. A. Fraser of rii- erton was .guest speaker for tat. after- noon, A 4: t entitled ":\ Busy Wo- man," written ity Mrs. Paul Dvig as , presented 'ty four member, of the Seaforth branch, Mrs. Paul D tu;, M Thelma Eleie, \irs. Victor Les and 11re. \\'thrid Coleman. A s,1a - was given by Mrs, Thos. Gorenlook, Seaforth, and a musical nntnh_ by Exeter branch. DUBLIN At a special service in St. Ptiter's Cathedra!, London, on Saturday. ins of the candidates raised to firs-. minor orders was John Mo!yyteaux, P:rhlin. \Vanr and For Sale ad,. I .reel- ROUND t e - ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES JUNE 16-17 FROM SEAFORTH I * Station n' tt, l'etcrh, rt, t - "r Lin ( \,erns t ' c C 1 1 N.1 . I. Midland. North tiay, .Parry Sound, ', t t try, t a ,:.,., .1113 \\' a t.t Beardni,ite. P.M. TRAINS JUNE 16TH ALL TRAINS JUNE 17TH TO TORONTO Also to Brantford, Chatham, Gorlerich. Guelph, Hamilton, London, Niagara Falls, Owen 5 find, St. Cath•tr n , St. Marys, Sarnia, Stral= tot d, Stt athroy, \\ cod;tock. See handbills for complete list of destinations. For Fares, Return Limits, Train information, Tickets, etc., consult nearest 'Agent, TI861B AN•NATIONAL CANADI