The Seaforth News, 1939-06-01, Page 1Bless •the hour Corners .of this House ' And be the Lintel blest And bless the Hearth, and 'bless the Board, • And bless each Place of Rest.) And bless the Door that opens wide To Stranger as to Kin;. �atort HURON COUN TY'SLEADING NEWSPAPER And ;bless each crystal Windowpane That lets the Starlight in; And bless the Rooftree overhead;• And every sturdy 'Wall, The Peace of ,Man, the Peace of God, The Peace of Lcve on all! , WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 61, No, 22 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY,JUNE 1, 1939 Phone 84. $1 a year. DOMESTIC Shortening 2 LB, tic TIP TOP PEAS- 2 tins 15c TLP TOP TOMATO JUICE - 2 tins 15c 1111OiME [RENDERED LARD - 10e ib. OORJN, small size 5' for 25c 'KIPPERED HERRING - 2 tins' 25c GRAPE FRUIT, 8 for' 25c ORANGES, 2 doz. 25e GOOD 'RICE, 5 lb. 25c TAPIOCA, 2 Ib, 15c (REAL OLD CHEESE sharp @.... ! 25c lb. 3 WOODBURY SOAP, 1 bottle Hand Lotion, all for 25c FRENCH CASTILE SOAP— Large Bar for ' 30c 1 Concentrated Super: Suds and 2 Cakes Coleo Soap for 19c JOHNSTON FLOOR 'GLOSS giant size 59c TWO -IN -ONE LIQUID POLISH 15c 'bottle COLGATE TOOTH POWDER 20c can for lc when you buy 35c can Make your chicks grow with Masters Growing Mash, $2.10 cwt. A. C.Ph RRoutiedge ne 166 r. *'blue coal. TUE SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT E. L. BOX PHONE 43• Northside United Church Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister. 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. We 'honor Their Majesties. (Jr. Choir in Special Numbers)! 7 pan. The Kdngliness of A King. Egmondville United Church 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m„ Rev. H. B. Burwell, To- ronto. 7 p.m. Rev. lames Elford. St. Thomas Church Rector: Rev. Dr. Hurford. Services, l6 and 7,30, Rev. W. J. Eccleston, SRtnday School at 1110 am. Note that the shortened Evening Service will be at 7.30 for the summer • First Presbyterian Church Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. S.S. at 90 a.m, :Morning service, 14' a:m. The Sac- rament of the Lord's supper will be observed at this service, Evening service 7 p.m. The =emb- ers of the Independent Order of Odd 'Fellows will be present at this senvioe; Preparatory service Friday evening, at 8 .p.m. McKillop Charge Bethel, +10 a,m. Duff's 1108 a.m. Cavan 12.30 p.m. Gleanings from the Confe'ren'ce, R. W. Craw, Minister. ORANGE SERVICE'S Rev. W. L. L. Lawrence ,of 'Wind'e- mere !United Church, Toronto, ,will be the speaker when the (Orange Lodge attends a service pf divine worship in Northside United Church, Seaforth, on Sunday evening, June 11. . The, speaker is a Past Grand Master of, Ontario West, !Orange! Lodge, and for three and a half years served as chaplain during the war. Members of many lodges in the surrounding dis- trict will attend this service. CONSTANCE The store will be closed all clay Wednesday, June 7, until evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ad McCartney of ,Clinton spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Austin 'Dexter, REBEKAH'S ENTERTAIN PRESIDENT OF ASSEMBLY. The Edelweiss Rebekah lodge, Nb, 11117 of Seaforth, held a unique !ban- quet at the Conimercial Hotel oat Monday evening when Mrs: Sutton,.. the president of the Re]:elbah assent- ibly of Ontario, and Mrs. Thorndyke, district 'deputy president of district No. 5, were the 'guests of honor. ,The room and 'tables looked lovely in the ,profusion of 'flowers used, Mrs, Rintoul, the. toastmistress, call- ed on the president Mrs, Sutton for the reedy to the toast to the assembly given by Miss Libby Freeman in which the president likened her-cluties to the nursery rhyme, ""the old wom- an who lived in the shoe,", with such a large family to mother, there being a membership of eighteen thousand in this jurisdiction. "Misses Babel Turnbull and Margaret Crich 'favored with' two 'well rendered duets for which the N.G. tendered a hearty vote of thanks. The ,guests and 'members then adjourned to the lodge rooms where a very instructive ,meeting was held. The president dealt .with the question box prepared by the memb- ers and proceeded with her visitation address. The district deputy spoke a few wards of encouragement, after which the .N.G, Mrs, Rintoul, 'called on 'Mrs. T. G. Scott and Mrs. Daley who presented the president with a lovely lamp and the district deputy with a nosegay of lily of the valley. The meeting closed with a hearty vote of thanks to the committee in charge. Y. 'P. U. The closing meeting for the sum- mer of the 'Northside Y. P. U. held on Monday evening, May 09, took the form of a socia] evening, when 'they were entertained by the Y. P.111 of Egmondville United 'Church, Mfrs, R. McKenzie opened the meeting by conducting a sing song in which all joined heartily. In the absence of .Mss Edith Wallace, 'president of Egmond vilie Y.P.U., the meeting was presid- ed over by Miss Isobel Forrest and hymn 51613 was sung. Mr. Sam Scott, president of Northside Y.P.U., then took charge, and after singing "Stand up for Jesus," Rev. Workman, Misses Edith Hbag and Vera Mole led in prayer. The scripture lesson, Ps. 11111, was read by Mr. Sain Scott. A read- ing by Lois McGavint The hymn "Onward 'Christian Soldiers," was sung and Miss Alma Lawrence fav- ored with a well rendered solo, Miss Winnie Savauge accompanying on piano, Miss Donna Mole gayle• a read- ing entitled 'At Breakfast Time," •which was much enjoyed. The topic in the form of a missionary talk en- titled "Mary Reid, Mother of the Lepers," was albly given 'by Miss Winnie Savange.:Hymn 697 was sung and Egmondville group again took change when a social half hour was spent in games and contests and a dainty lunch was served by the Eg- mondville iY.P.IU, A very pleasant evening was brought to a close by singing God Save the Xing, and re- peating in unison the :Mizpah bene- diction. FOOTBALL The Hunan football schedule is under way. Scores: Southern Group— St. C•ohumlban 0, Winthrop 0. Northern Group— Ethel 1, Mildmay 1 Standing: W. L. T. P. Listowel .. .,.L'-._. 1 0 0 Atwood ... 11 0, 0 2 Ethel , 0 01 ill 1 Mildthay 0 11 111 1 Brussels 0 11 0 0 Southern Section— St. Coiumban . , , 0 01 Winthrop '...... 0 0 Walton : . .......... . .0 0 Seaforth 0 0 2 11 0 0 1 0' 0 SOFT BALL Huron -Perth softball 'group hits the sipotligh t. W. L. T. .Kroehlers ..., ....... 3 Orange Kist 1' Whytes 11 Seaforth 0 Scores— Orange Kisf5S, 'Whytes 0. Kroehlers 118, Seaforth 12. 0 0 0 ADDRESSES PUPILS Rev, Dr, R. P. D. Hurford ad- dressed the students of Seaforth Col- legiate Institute on Wednesday after- noon on the subject, of Denm.acracy and Patriotism. BAND CONCERTS IN PARK • BEGPN SUNDAY EVENING The Seaforth Highlanders Band will present their first program of the season Sunday evening, June'4th, in Victoria Park. 'The program 'will be "O Canada,' 5'Peaise God from Whont all Bless- ings Flow"; march "Passing in Re- view" Iby N. M. Aldrich, Sacred march, "Consolation," arr. by H. C. Miller; 'Overture, 'Haut 1'tonde" by H. A. 'Vandercook. Fantasia, "Bon- nie. Scotland" arr,. by' Hare. Serenade '"The Twilight Hour" F. A. Myers. March, "The Floral Parade, by' Will Huff. Sacred selection, arr. by E. H. Close. Overture "The Iron Count" by K. L. Ring. Sacred march, "Shall we •gather at the -river," arr. by H. Fill- more, Overture, "Radiant" by W. H. Kiefer: March, 'Tuxedo," by W. Huff. Hymn, "Abide with me." God Save. the King.—E. H. Close, Band- master, ANNOUNCEMENT Mr..and Mrs. John A, McLachlan announce the engagement of their younger daughter Hazel Elizabeth to Jahn Wilson, son of Mrs. McCartney and the late Mr. Geo. R. McCartney; Tuokersmith,' the wedding to take place quietly on 'June the tenth. SISTER PASSES Mrs, W. J. 'Johnston passed away on Moiu ay, May 29, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Robert B. Hogg, Mc- Killop. Mrs, Johnston came from Port Burwell to live 'with her sister three years ago owing to ill health. Formerly Margaret Grieve, daugh- ter of the late William Grieve, she was born in M'cKiJllop. She was mar- ried to Mr. Johnston eighteen years ago and had resided at Port Burwell until three years ago. Mr. Johnston predeceased her by two years. She is survived by two brothers and two sisters: Dr. John G. Grieve and Thomas Grieve, Seaforth; Mrs. John Homuth, 'Wingham. and Mrs. Robert B. Hogg, McKillop. The funeral took Platt on Wednesday afternoon from the residence of her sister, Mrs. Rob- ert B. Hogg, lot, 117, con'cessi'on 7, McKillop. Rev, R. W. Craw conduct- ed the services. Interment took place in Maitland Bank cemetery, The pall- bearers were John Kerr, James Kerr, Geo. Wheatley, 'Finlay McKercher and Bob Campbell. Among those at- tending the funeral were the de- ceased's nieces of Wingham, HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The June -session of Huron County Council opened Tuesday afternoon at the court house, Goderich. Warden R. E. Turner, addressing the 'council, asked that they specify a time for dis- cussion of the equalization report made by the •valttators, . Mogg and Quinlan, and asked particularly that this should take place as early in the session as possible. It was decided to have this ,brought in at the Thursday morning session. 'FI ani glad to see you all here'in good health," said his worship. ''S'ince our last session sev- eral people wh.o were connected with county administration have passed away, John Jacobs, manager of the County Hone; George Holman, for- mer comity clerk, and Mrs. Thomas Inglis, wife of ex -Warden Inglis; and another young man, Stanley Tay- lor, who though not connected with the county council, will be missed at the ,press table, a bright young man who would have gone far in the news- paper world." At the request of the warden, letters ex:pressing sympathy will be sent to the bereaved families. "Trice county institutions have been visited and all are well eared 'for," continued the warden. "The changes in the Court Honrfe'are-progressing." He had travelled over a large part of the county roads and thought they would compare favorably with those of other counties. The roads in the northern part of the county dad: not come 'through quite as well as those in the south because of there 'being more snow there. The road commis- sion have undertaken improvement on the historic Dunlop tontib, said his worship as he urged the m'em'bers to inspect it !before the session closes. In a trip to Walkerton he inspected a building there used for 'housing road machinery and thought it would be advisable to have a similar one in Huron. Hospitalization is 'costing a great deal of money. Patients sent. outside could be very well taken care of at the four hospitals inside the county. He urged reeves to in'forn, the county cierk whether their mun- icipalities are going to be responsible (Continued on Pse. Four) Ready For Royal Visit Lions' Royal Visit Committee Com. plete Arrangements to Transport Children to Stratford on June 6 Trains carrying school children only will leave Goderich at '9.45 a,m., Wingham '9,1415 a.m. and Clinton at 12 noon. The 'general public train will leave Goderich at '8 a.m. and will leave Stratford at 6,30 p.m. This is the only train that will .carry the' gen- eral ,pulbiic. Each ,school teacher has been allotted a car number for their child- ren. They must get on that car. No other. . Assembly points have been allotted '(about 200 to each point) and these assembly point numbers will corres- pond with the place they will have in Stratford at the assembly point 'cen- tre and at the station, Locate your assembly point number whed you arrive at your local station and get on the train from there. Teachers Note—Read your instruc tions; carefully and there will be no accidents. Children entraining at Seaforth leave .la12; at Dublin leave 412.119, TELEPHONE CHANGE -OVER MAKING GOOD PROGRESS Good progress is being made on the work of converting Seaforth's th telephone .service to the new common battery 'system according to Mr. J. M. .McIntosh, manager of the Bell Telephone Company for this district. The actual change should be made in about three month's time, the News was informed yesterday. "Work is no'tiy well under way," Mr. McIntosh said. "Telephones in homes and offices are being modified for temporary use as common bat- tery instruments after the conversion. In the central office, cable terminals are being rearranged 'ta suit the new conditions, and the new swit'c'hboard, which will be installed by the North- ern Electric 'Company, will be equip- ped to handle 400 lines. Ample provi- sion is thusmade for growth in Sea - forth. and it is expected that this switchboard • will take care of the town's telephone needs for some time to come. "Under the new common battery system it 'will no longer be necessary to use a hand generator to signal the operator. Merely lifting the receiver .causes a small lamp to glow an the switchboard, informing the operator that a number is desired," the Bell Manager concluded. Unofficially, it is reported that the entire project will involve an expendi- ture of over $1141,000, MRS, ROBERT McKINLEY PASSES LN WINNIPEG Tlie death occurred in 'Winnipeg on Sunday morning, May 28, of Mrs. Robert McKinley,a former Seaforth resident.. Formerly Margaret Louisa McDonald of Stanley Township, she was born on July 31l 10196, on the farin close to Bayfield where her bro- ther, 'Mr. John McDonald now re- sides. She was the only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Mc- Donald of the Bronson Line, Stanley. Following 'her marriage to Mr. Mc- Kinley in. 1 s:6 she and her .husband 4ived•on a farm on the Huron Road now occupied 'by 'Mr. Lawson, near Seaforth, and later retired to a house at the western edge of the town a'bout'20 weans ago. • Mrs. _lfdKiniey suffered a• •stroke ten years ago, and in September, 193fekthey. went tp. Jive .with •.their; son in Winnipeg where- Mr. M•c'Kinley •clied in 1932. Mrs. McKinley is survived by an only son, Jole,i and two grandsons. Scott and James McKinley of • Win- nipeg; also by one brother, John A. McDonald, Stanley Tp.; a brother predeceased her. The remains arrived in Seaforth on the 1,1t30 a.m. train on 'Wednesday, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jahn McKinley of Winnipeg. The funeral will take place on Thursday, June 1, at ou p.m, 'front the 'hone of H. C. Box, John. Street. Seaforth, Rev. H. V. Workman of Northside United Church .officiating. Interment will take ,place in Bayfield Cemetery. The pallbearers will be A. D. Scott, Janes Scott, Joseph Scott, 'William .Black, James Jamieson and Norman Carter. LANDMARK DISAPPEARS A landmark in Harpurhey, the old 'barn at the former Brown dairy, has 'been torn down, by Mr. Joseph Grumnmett, this spring. A couple of interesting relics were found in the ,building, an ox yoke and a grain cradle. The 'buildings were erected about the time the rail- way came. There was also a fancy wagon be- longing at one time to the pop works, which was the original vehicle used by Mr. Dodds when the 'business was started. The building had not been used 'for many years, but had been the dairy barn of the late Mr. Brown and afterwards of leis son-in-law, the late Daniel Grannmett. A chicken house is ;being built from part of -the old 'building. B. C. Red Cedar ■ Sh� n les xxxxx XXX & XX No.1 Manufacture at Gnaw prices N. Cluf fSone7 Q BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. 'John McIntosh and dean and Marlene Haugh of Toronto spent May 24Th with Mrs. M'cIntosh's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh, Miss Mary McAsh, Hensall, is vis- iting with her sister, •Mrs. R. Mc- Kenzie. , y-1ir. and Mrs. ,John Kaiser of Hen - sail spent a 'few clays in the village last week. Mrs. B. O'Rourke who was taken suddenly ill last week is now improv- ing nicely. Mr, John Wright had the misfort- une to 'lose his faithful horse last 'wee'k.. Reev.'1-I. Wright and' Mr. A. Mc- Queen are this week attending the Conference at London. A few' from here attended the Y.P.'s anniversary services in 1Egmondville last Sunday. Mr. Alex Smith of Stanley who had a stroke 'last week passed away at his ,home last Saturday evening. Mr. Smith, is the last member of the li Smitfamily. Mr. and 'Mrs. Webster McNaugh- ton of Bothwell .visited over the week end with the 'former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. john McNaughton. Quite a number from here are plan- ning to see the King and Queen next week at either Stratford or London. Mi. and Mrs. A. Wheeler and son. Mr, and Mrs. N. Wheeler and daugh- ter of Detroit spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. T. H. 'Wheeler. -hiss Irene Snider of London spent the 'week end at her hone here. Mr. and Mrs. C. Halstead and sort of Stratford •visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler. Mrs, F. Kinney and son of Detroit spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. R. McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser of Hen- sall spent a few clays with .friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. R. McKenzie and 'fancily of Detroit visited relatives in the village on Wednesday. Miss Elizabeth Scott ;spent a cou- ple of days in London. Miss Dora Addison spent Sunday with Miss Grace Dalrymple. Messrs. Rob:t, Murdoch and H. Dalrymple spent Sunday in Hibbert. Mr. and Mrs. F. Skelton Jr. and family of Stratford psent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Skelton. Messrs. Robt. Murdoch •and H. Dalrymple spent Sunday in Hibbert. Mr. add Mrs. Frank Skelton and family of Stratford spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. F. Skelton. Mr. C. D. Simpson received word on Saturday that a.baby.boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Watt. Simpson of Detroit on May the 215th. Congratulations to Mr. .and Mrs, Lyle Hill on the birth of a son on Monday, May 29. Mr. Carlyle Cornish and friends ?pent the week end at Niagara Fall VARNA Rev. 1J, •R. Peters of Varna, also Mr. Will Carnie of the Blake con- gregation, are in . London attending Conference this. week. The S.S. and evening service in the United Church will be withdrawn Perfectly matched , , exactly as pictured , . this ensemble is one of loveliest we ever offered. Diamonds guar- anteed perfect , .. Designs hand - 1, carved—Big value at 0 AV A UG E S Jeweller and Optometrist .next Sunday on account of Blake an- niversary. Miss Eleanor Rat'itwell spent the past week at the home ' of Mr. and Mrs. John Ostrom, Sudden Death— On Tuesday morning the commun- ity was greatly shocked to learn of the very sudden death of Isaac Rath - well who suffered a severe heart at- tack while on the roller in the field, He called to the 'hired man and be- fore the man reached him, Mr. Rath - well fell from the roller and coll- apsed Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved sister who lived with him, "Visitors -Mr.' ansa Mrs. Schell and. two sons in company with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Seeley, all of Detroit, call- ed on MTS. Austin Tuesday. Mr. C. Wiley in company with friends spent the week end with. Mr. and Mrs, Billy Reid. )jr._ and Mrs. Pollard -of Glanworth called on -Mrs. F. Weekes Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. F. Weekes, Mrs. M. Reid, Mrs. Smith, Mr, George Beatty Sr, Mrs. M. Beatty and Miss Mossop attended the spring convention of the Deanery of Huron 'held in 'Wingham. The chief speakers were Bishop Welles of Cariboo and Mrs, (Rev.) Jennings of Fort +Norman, Both .gave very interesting addresses, Mrs, Wm. McDonald of Wroxeier is convalescing at the home of her aunt, Mrs. R Weekes. Miss Rena Johnston of Hamilton spent the week end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pilgrim and fancily spent the week end with friends at Forest, Mr. Cecil Wiley of Detroit Mirk., is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Reid, The May meeting of the Varna W. M. S. was held in the'church and took the form .of a special meeting 'for the baby 'band. Meeting opened with hymn 6,117, "Lord this day thy child- ren meet." The Lord's prayer was then repeated in unison. The Bible reading was from Luke 12. Mrs. Mc- C'lymont and 'Violet sang a pleasing duet. We observed a two -minute sil- ence in memory of the late Mrs. Spar- row who was a valued member of the society. This was followed by a sea- son of prayer. The offering was then taken. Eighteen members answered roll call .with word precious. It was decided to have the •annual' quilting May 26 at 1 p.m. Text word for Jane is "Beauty." Mrs. McConnell gave an interesting reading for the children. A number of little girls were present and favored us with two songs. Mrs. Geo. Reid .gave a reading "Where the pennies go" Mrs, McConnell showed aninteresting .dc play of dolls from many foreign countries. Mrs. 'Orran Dowson read a piece 'Eternal Father strong to save, was sung and meet- ing closed with prayer. A social hour has held at close of meeting, COL. DREW TO BE AT EXETER The annual meeting of Huron - Perth Conservatives will he field in the Exeter arena on Friday evening, lune 2nd, at 2 o'clock, and will be ,ad- dressed by Col. Geo. A. Drew, On- tario leader of the Conservative'pseity.