HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-05-25, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1939 ANNOUNCING . TaY�sh s HosieryClub MG YOUR •OHANCE TO SAVE 'ON YOUR SUMMER STOCKDAiOS! ani CIRCLE BAR FREE Neva Wet Silk HOSIERY Ringkess Hosiery SHEER CREPE CHIFFON SERVICE SILKS Exclusive Neva &et Features INCREASED TENSILE STRENGTH ... Neva Wet strengthens the pure silk fibre of Circle -Bar Hosiery and adds "Miles of Wear to every Pair." • SPOT RESISTANCE... Neva Wet protects Circle -Bar hosiery from rain spots and stains from accidental spoilage. ® GREATER BEAUTY ... shorter Skirts and "Peek -a -boo -toe" Shoes mean top rank importance to hosiery. Neva Wet adds to the original beauty of Circle -Bar Hosiery. ® PERSPIRATION and WATER STAIN RESISTANCE Get your Membership Card to -day MEMBER McTAVISH'S Hosiery Club This Membership entitles Holder to every Twelfth pair of Silk Hose ABSOLUTELY FREE - • °•e . . IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TO JOIN And in addition we give you one FREE PUNCH on your card when you receive it. See fac-simile of the membership card to left. Wear this wonderful CIRCLE -BAR Neva Wet HOSE. McTAVISH'S HOLLYWOOD PATTERNS SEAFORTH BRUSSELS HEN SALL Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hilliard of Kingsville called on friends in town on Saturday. Miss Martha Hunter, who resides with her sister, Mrs. Laramie, under- went an operation in Victoria Hospi- tal, London, on Friday and at -date of writing is doing as well as can be expected. Miss Mary Hemphill of Toronto visited last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W, E. Hemphill, Miss Mavis Spencer ,of Toronto spent a few days last week visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Spencer. Mr. Harold Bonthron, who has been attending embalming school in Toronto spent a few days this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron. Mrs. Wm. Hildebrandt who under- went an operation recently in Victoria Hospital, London, is improving and is soon expected to be able to return home. Mr. H. O. Dayman is having the interior of his Superior Store redecor- ated and it presents a very fine ap- pearance, Mr. and Mrs, Roy MacLaren and Mr, Wm. L. MacLaren visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin and family at Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. 'John Corbett visited on Thursday with Mi. and MIs, P. H. Devlin in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Love and son of Kincardine visited last week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Love and Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mac- Donald. Mr, and' -Mrs. James Parkins visit- ed on Sunday with friends in Wing - ham, Anniversary Services.— with her sister, Mrs. MacKenzie, Brucefieid. Mr. anal Mrs, Ford Sparks of Lon- don visited with the 'former's mother, Mrs Marjorie Sparks on Friday, Miss Ada Gram of Detroit spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo Gram. The Hensall Citizens' Band will. hold a sacred concert in the Town Hall on Sunday evening, May 2&th, . De' and Mrs. Ed McAsh of Lon- don visited with relatives in town on Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton of Hibbert visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Farquhar, Mr. John Farquhar, Mies Edna Cochrane and .Mr, Men Cochrane spent the week end with the latter's 'brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dick in Smiiahvi11'e. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bldwes and family of London spent the week end with Mr• and Mrs, Claude Blowes. Mr. O. W. Bonthron is having hard- wood flooring laid in the upstairs of his dwelling. W. M. S. Birthday Party— The annual birthday party of the W. M. S. of the (United Church was held on Friday afternoon. The .church was beautifully decorated with .spring flowers and the president MTS. Cross presided over the following program, violin solo by 'Miss Greta Laramie. accompanied, oat the piano by Mss Bella Smale, Ruth Hess and Patsy M•cDonell, sang two p'leasin'g duets. Mrs. Craw of McKillop was the guest speaker and delivered a very excellent address on China, and dis- played native costitnnes and numerous other articles. A very dainty lunch was served. A duet was sung by Mrs. Geo. Hess and Mrs. Lee Hedden. Trousseau Tea for Bride -Elect— A very •delightful. trousseau tea was held at the hoarse of Mr, and Mrs. 'Charles 'Farquhar, Kippen, on Wed- nesday afternoon and evening in honor of their daughter, Miss Doreen Farquhar, bride -elect of the week, The house was 'beautifully decorated with tulips and spring flowers and the guests were received by Miss Doreen Farquhar, Mrs, Charles Far- qvhar, .Mrs Albert Spencer and Miss 'Mary Farquhar. Mrs. Claude Blowes, 1=lensall, displayed 'the trousseau and gifts, and Mrs, M. D. Harmon 'of St Marys •displayed the fancy work, dishes, silverware, etc. Tea was pour- ed in the afternoon by Mrs. John Hinds, Exeter, and in the evening, Mrs, John Con•sitt, Seaforth, grand- mother of the' bride, (poured tea. Mrs. R. (Jervis, Clinton, Mrs. E. F. Taman, Blenheim, Mrs. Peter McNaughton ,and Mrs. S. G. Rennie, Hensel], serv- ed the very delicious lunch to over two hundred guests. .Miss Doreen Farquhar bas been a resident of the village •for the past ten years, being bookkeeper with Bonthron .& Drys- dale. • The 'Hensall Senior Institute met at the home of Mrs, G. 'M. Case Wed- nesday evening with a very splendid attendance, Miss Beryl Phaff, presid- ent, presided aver the following pro- gram which opened with community singing, The roll call was answered with the payment of fees. The' motto, 'Do not waste time at your hill, climb it," was very ably given by Miss Minnie Sangster. Mrs. John Walker, formerly Mrs. Anna Mac- Donald, gave .a 'demonstration on "Care of House Plants." Misses Ruth Hess and Norma Sangster sang a duet and Miss Beryl Phaff and Mrs. W. A. Young directed a Professor Quiz questionaire. Reports were given by the following: Agricultural report, Miss Mabel Workman; educ- ational report, 'Mrs. W. A. Young; publicity, Miss Gladys Passmore; legislation, Miss Gladys Luker; nom- inating committee, Miss Irene Doug- las; peace and international, Miss Beryl Phaff; home economics, Mrs. R. J. Moore; health, Miss Irene Dou- glas; Can. industries, ,Miss Minnie Sangster; treasurer, Mrs, R. J. Moore. Officers 'are, President, Miss Beryl Phaff; lst vice, Mrs, W. A. Young; 2nd vice, Mrs. G. M. Drys- dale; sec.-treas., Mrs R. J. Moore. A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Miss Minnie Reid on Friday evening when a dinner -bridge was held. During the evening Mrs. John Walker, formerly Mrs. Anna MacDonald, was the recipient of a handsome umbrella, froni the bride club of which she is a member. 'Miss Emma Johnston :proposed a toast to the bride and .Miss Margaret Hatbkirk replied, The gift was presented by Miss Reid. Mr, Robert MaoKenzie has been confined to his 'home during ,the past week with an attack of influenza. Gould-Walker,—. A very pretty wedding was solemn- ized on Saturday at eleven thirty o'- clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker when their daughter, Helen Jean, .became the bride of George Albert, son of Mr. H. W. Gould and the late Mrs. Gould of Clinton. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. A. Young, in a beautifully decorated arch of pink and white, centered with a large white 'bell. 4 profusion of tulips and •blossoms made an effective background. The young couple were unattended. The 'bride wore a perriwinkle blue chevanier crepe dress with a corsage of Los Angeles rosebuds and Lilly of the val- ley. Following the ceremony a delic- ious wedding dinner was served from a table decorated in pink and white streamers with vases of tulips and centred with the bride's cake. Misses Barbara and Margaret Shepherd serv- ed, assisted by Mrs. A. W. 'Kerslake. Later the happy young couple left amid showers of confetti and best 'wishes for a honeymoon trip to Tor- onto. For travelling the bride donned a grey tweed coat, navy 'blue dress with white trimmings, and matching accessories. They will take up resid- ence in Clinton. Mr. HaroldHiggins of Exeter was in town on Monday on (business. Mrs. Ilia Woods of Los Angeles, California, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Dfn•sdale, and sister, Mrs, Elda Sim- mons. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle, Billy and Betty, left on Sunday for Toronto to attend the celebrations for their Royal Majesties, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis and fa- mily of Toronto spent the week end at the home of her ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jahn R. MacDonald, Mr, and Mrs. James MacMartin of Barrie visited this week with the lat- ter's mother, Firs. Rabt. Bonthron, and members of the family, Rev. R. A. Brook conducted both services in the United Church oh Sun- day ,and the choir •sang °`A Soldier of the Cross," soloist, Mr. Harry Hor- ton. Mrs. Geo. Hess and Mrs. Les Heiden sang a beautiful duet, "Spring Time of the Soul." At the evening ser- vice Mr. W. O. Goodwin sang a solo, "Now God Be With 'Us." St. Paul's Anglican Church have arranged to hold anniversary services on Sunday, June 14th. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per 'was dispensed in Carmel Church on Sunday 'by the minister, Rev. W. A. Young, with seven new members joining; The choir sang "I Will Re- member Thee." soloists, Rev. and Mrs Young, and ''See Ye, We Thy People Come." Rev. 'Young delivered a very fine sermon on Loyalty at the evening service, very appropriate to the visit of King George Vi and Queen Eliz- abeth. Mr. and -Mrs. A. L. Case visited an Sunday with relatives at Denfield. Miss 'Mary McAsh visited this week The annual anniversary services of Carmel Presbyterian Church will be held on Sunday, May 28th. The spec- ial speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Jas, MacKay of New St. James' Church, London, who is a very eloquent speaker. Special music for the day is being prepared by the choir ander the direction of 'the leader, Mr. W. A. Maclaren. Wohelo Class Meet.— T'he Wohelo Class met in the Unit- ed 'Church on. Friday evening with a very • good attendance. Miss Gladys Passmore presided over the meeting. Following the devotional exercises Mass Gladys Luker splayed a piano in- strumental. Mrs. Geo, Hess and Mrs. Lee Hedden sang two beautiful duets, "Moonlight and Roses," and "I Love You Truly." Miss Margaret Grieve read the biography of King George VI. Contests and games were en- joyed and refreshments served. Mr. John Tapp spent a 'few days last week visiting with his son, Dr. James Tapp and Mrs. Tapp and baby in. Ottawa and attended the celdbra- tions in 'honor of their Majesties Ring Geonge VI and Queen Elizabeth. CARD OF THANKS Mr, and Mrs. Robert Healey and family wish to express their apprecia- tion for the many kindnesses rendered ahem in the loss of their dear mother and grandmother, by friends and neighbors, also those who sent fiaral tributes and who loaned cars. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and 'M'rs. Allan J. Brant wash to thank friends and neighbors for the many expressions ,of kindness and sympathy ,chrin•g their recent bereave- ment and for the loan of ears. CEMENT Car of Portland cement just ar- rived. Geo. A. Sills i8c Sons. CARD OF THANKS Beverley and Clendon Christie wish to express their appreciation for the 'hind expressions of sympathy and many acts of ;;kindness duriiag 'their :bereavement , CARD OF THANKS.. We wish to thank with will our hearts the many friends ,and neigh- bors who sent floral tributes or show- ed their sympathy to us in various ways during ,our recent 'bereavement, especially our minister, the Rev. E. F. Chandler. •We also wish to express our cordial appreciation oaf the faith - Rd and kindly a'tten'tion of Dr. H. H. Ross and the staff of the Scott Mem- orial Hospital. —The .Oltesney Family. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of my mother, Mrs. Jeannette Cotnlbes, who passed away two years ago, May 30th, 19137. Deep in our hearts is a picture, Worth mare than silver or gold, It's a picture of our dear mother, Whose memory will never grow old. —Mrs. Jos. A. Storey. PLANTS FOR SALE 5 kinds of 'Petunias, Snap Dragon, Zinnias, Asters, Scabiosa, Tomatoes, Cabbage and Cauliflower, sweet pep- pers. Albert Baker, Railroad St., Sea - forth. DRAIN TENDERS AUCTION SALE Community Sale at Dick's Hotel Stables, Seaforth, on Friday, Jane 2. Usual run of Pigs, Cattle, Poultry, Furniture, etc. Bring in anything you have to sell. Rates reasonable. Homer Hunt, mgr., phone 228 - 12. Geo. ,H. 'E1.liott and Harold Jack- son, Auctioneers. TO RENT Six room modern apartment, heat- ed, and 'tvater ,supplied, in Victoria Apartments, Victoria St., Seaforth. Apply to E. L. Box. MEN WANTED A sure living to EVERY ACTIVE FAMILEX DEALER for selling 200 daily necessities in reserved district of 800 families. Money -back guarantee. Low Prices.., Quick Sales...Big or'd ers..".REPEATSII We help you, NO RISK. Real opportunity for worker. FREE catalogue and particulars: FAMILEX, '570 St. Clement, MON- TREAL. SPECIALS 17 Bulbs, 15 named varieties, $1.00 postpaid. Lovely Gladiolus, 100 bulbs from named varieties, including Pic- ardy, $1100 postpaid. Adv. appears only once. M. E. Walker, Scotland, Ontario, NOTICE Trespassers on any property at the old waterworks will be prosecuted, also anyone tamper'in'g with the fence, Tony Phillips. Seaforth, May 23, 1939. A BIG SAV'IN•G Oil and grease at reduced prices, Save money by 'bringin'g your cans.. Sold under money -back guarantee. Sam 'Chesney, Egmondvifle (across 'from the church). McKillop Twp. Tenders will be received by the undersigned until Monday, June 5th, 1939, for the :construction and. im- provement of the Dennis Municipal Drain, McKillop. Tenders will 'be opened at Wim: throe Hall, McKillop Tp., at four otclocic p.m. on above date. Open •drain 0630 feet in length, bot tom width 3 ft. Tile drain, 6370• feet, 7" to 12" tile, 10% .of contract price to accompent tender, Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Plans, etc„ may be seen ,at 'Clerk's office, Lot '35, Con. 3, McKillop Ttp. John McNay, Clerk, Seaforth, R. 2. a. TOMATO PLANTS 5 different kinds of tomato plants for sale, also some 'flowers. Thos.: M. Grieve, phone 1114'8 r 3.• COURT OF REVISION Cash Specials FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY Schneider's Bologna - 2 pounds 29c Red Path Sugar per cwt. 5.69 10 pounds 58c`. Corn Starch, 4 lb. • ...,. .29c Red Rose Tea per pound 590 1 Schick Razor 1 tube Palmolive Shaving Cream 8 Genuine Schick Blades 1 ib. Soap rChips A 9 c ALL FOR "'�' Princess Soap .Flakes - 3 pkges, 29c Snap Cleaning Powder per tin ..... . . 11c Snow Flake Ammonia, pkge. 5c 1 Jelly Powders, 6 pkgs. 25c W. Jo Finnigan FOR SALE Eight piece dining- room suite, rfuneed oak, sold separately ` or to- gether. Also 3 -'Piece parlor suite. Phone 30, Dublin. , Mrs. Geonge E. Holland. PLANTS FOR SALE A large variety of Petunias, Snap Dragon, Carnations, ,Zinnias, Pansies, Stocks, Salvia, Verbenas, Agerabum, 'other varieties, Tomatoes, Peppers, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Garden Huckle- berry. One block east of Hospital. A, L. Porteous. NOTICE A red steer strayed on to these pre- mises, lot 19, con. 1, L.R.S,, Tucker - smith. The owner can have the same by ',proving property and paying all expenses. Samuel Thompson, Phone 77 r 5, Hensall,' ROOFING Your overhead now made safe. Try Liquid Fibre coating for steel and flat roofs. Only 42 a squane .and we keep them safe for years. Also handle ment chimney 'top. Apply to Joe Becker, Clinton, phone 42. GLADIOLI. BULBS Imported from ' Holland, choice varieties, reduced prices. William Hart, phone 311153, Seaforth, HOUSE TO RENT On Side Street. Seaforth, seven room cottage, Hydro and town water. Possession 'June att. Apply to Har- vey Taylor, Londesboro, R.R.'1, phone 250 r 22. Street citing . TOWN OF SEAFORTH • Residents wishing to have their re- spective streets oiled are requested to have signed petitions in the hands of the Clerk by May 22th. D. H. WILSON, Town Clerk. McKillop The Municipal Council of .McKillop will meet as a Court .of Revision on the Assessment Roll of 1119319 at Win- throp - Hali, McKillop, on Monday, June l'o'th, 1939, at ten o'clock a.m. Interested parties should govern themselves accordingly. John McNay, .Clerk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Itt the Estate of William John Dickson.—All 'persons having claims against the Estate of William John Dickson, late of the. Town of Sea- forth, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 061h day of Sep- tember, 1937, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on ar 'be- fore the 1110th day of 'June, 11939, -•full particulars of their claims. bmm'ediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice, 'to the exclusion of all others. and the 'under- si.gned will not be liable to any per- son of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets ,so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this ileth 'day of May, 1939. ROBERT REID AND NELSON REID, Executors, By their solicitor, H.' G. Meir, Sea - forth. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held 2 p.m. on Tuesday, May 30th, 11939. All ac- counts, notices of deputations, applica- tions or any other business requiring council's attention should he in the hands of the Clerk not later than May 26th, J. M. Roberts, County Clerk, Goderich, Ont. TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT Court of Revision Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Hibbert for the year 1939 will be held in the Township Hall, Staffa, on Monday, May 29, at one o'clock p.m. Thos. D. Wren, Township Clerk, Cromarty, Ont. Dated at Cromarty, May 12, 1939. ELMER D. BELL, P,, Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario COURT OF REVISION • Township of Hullett. Notice is 'hereby given that a Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll for Hullett Township, will be held in the Community Hall, Londesboro, on Monday afternoon, 'June Gth, 1939. Please take notice that „all appeals against the Assessment Roll fior the said Township, must he left with the Clerk on or 'before the 31st Day. of. May, 1939. Dated this 115th Day of May. 1939. Jas. W. McCool, Clerk. McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, Patrick'D. McConnell, H. Glenn I-lapt SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN . The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth, Office houns:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.m. to '5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. an. to 9 p. m. TOWN OF SEAFORD' Tax P're=Paymeit Receipts For 1939 The Town will pay 4 per cent per annum up to Aug. 31/39 on all pre- paid 1939 taxes. Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town . Clerk's office in the Town Hall.. D. H. WILSON, Treas. FOR SALE Small Irish Cobbler potatoes suit- able for seed; for sale. George B. DM -ranee, phone 244 r 6, Seafc'rt'h. The Handsome Choicely Bled Clydesdale Stallion MILTON FORDER 1(271888) 'Enrolment No. 3525, 'Form '3 Route for 11939—Monday noon will leave his owa, stable, lot 23, con, 5, Logan, and proceed to Peter Hick- nel"s, lot 24, con. '5, McKillop. Tuesday—To 'Joseph O'Rourke's, lot 4, con. 6, McKillop, for noon, thence to Rock Bros., Brodhagen, Wednesday --to John Dietz's, lot 3, con.. 1110, McKillop, for noon, thence to Geo. B'ennewies', lot,13, con. 12; Mc'K, Thursday—to Henry Steipbach's lot 28, con, 42, Logan, for noon, thence to Geo. R, Sienton'•s, lot 24, con. 11, Log, Friday—to his own stable, twhere'.ht will remain until following Monday. Terms -012 payable Feb. llsk, 1940. Jacob Hignell, Prop. and Manager. Enrolment 3049 Form 2 The Standard Bred Stallion BARON LULLW,ATER 211111%. 2j13'% at three years old '1939 Crrade "B". Premium No. 3175. Will stand for the improvement of stock at 'the barn of his owner, W. C. Gavenlock, Egmondville. He is a jet black in color, stands 115-3 hands high and weighs 1000 lbs. He is a premium horse and is sound. His sire, Bogalusa, 2.04%. He is also a handsome horse as he was first and reserve dhampion at t'he Royal Winter fair, Toronto, lass win- ter, 1938. Would try to make ar- rangements to meet those from a dis- tance where possible. Terms 1912. pay- able Feb. 1st, '11940. FOR SALE Storm Seal, Rosco Ribbed, and Corrugated, Steel Roofing, Council Standard with 25 -year .Guarantee, Eavestroughing, Galvanized Sheet Iron, Metal Sidings, Galv'd Hog Troughs, Corrugated Round - End Water Troughs and Tanks,=Galv'd Furnace Pipes, Metal Ridge and Val- ley, Granary Lining. Also—Copper, Zinc, Tin, Stainless Steel, &c., in sheets, Rosco Portable Silos, Roofing Paints, Asphalt Roofing, Asphalt Brick Siding, Floor Tile, Slate Roof- ing, Building Paper, Plastic Cements, Roofing Nails, &c. Write, phone or call in 'person for an estimate, Murray. Tyndall, Bruce'field, Phone 018 ring 12, Clinton. ROYAL CA'RBROOK [27101] Enrolment No. 3500. Form 1 FLOWERPRINT SUPREME [283150), Enrolment No. 39159 Form 3 Route for season of 1939: Monday—Will leave his own stable Lat3, Con. 3, Huliett, to go north to Walton to Herb Kirkby's for noon; to 'his own stable .for night. Wednesday: Will go east as far as Beechwood, home for night. Friday --Will go south 211/ miles, then west .to Sam Switzer's school, south 'to ,Mill Road,. then 'by way of Clinton .bo David Rogers for noon; home by way of 9th con., Goderich T.p. Teems --'$13, 'paya'bie Mar. 11+, '19140 T. J. McMichael, Prop. & Manager INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Acuid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIEF Fbona 334 w STRATFORD - GO.DERICH' COACH LINES. SUMMER TIME TABLE Leaves Seaforth.. for Stratford: Daily 8.25 a.m, and 5.25 p.m. Leaves Seaforth for Goderich, Daily except Sunday- and hot., 1.00 Thal. and 7.40 p.m. Sun. and hol., 1,00 p.m, and 0.20 p.m,. Connection at Stratford for Toronto,. Hamilton, Buffalo, London, : Detroit Agents — Queen's .Nmol, Commercial Hotel, Dick House, r vc