HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-05-25, Page 51 THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1939 sT Month-end Values—May 25 to May 31 GARDEN PATCH GOLDEN CORN 17 oz. 2 TINS 1 SC HILLCREST SHORTENING is PER LB,, 10 C CRUNCHIE SWEET MIXED PICKLES 27 oz. PER JAR 23c KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES ROYAL YORK, TEA' lb. pkg. , 2 PKG. 23c PER PK'G. 31 C Choice RED PITTED PIE CHERRIES A 13 oz. 2 TINS .�i�lC Libby's Tomato juice, 10%2 oz. 26 oz. Interlake Toilet Rolls" McLaren's Minute Tapioca Aylmer Infant's Food Cascade Fancy Pink Salmon, Aylmer Pumpkin, 2%s Lux Flakes, small -10c Kellogg's All Wheat with Glass Cream or Sugar FREE 2 pkg. • 25c per tin 5c 3 tin 25c 3 rolls 25c 7 pkgs. 19c 3 tins 25c Vis' 1s 2 tins 19c per tiro 14c 9 tiers 19c Large 24c 1..11emi1....."".iln.il.i11..'..1..1.'.n.' iii '1.'..1,1.....11......1.1......,,....N'1.....'i."."u'u'.'...'p..".0 m11'1.'.1. Plants of all kinds, Vegetables, Fruits, now in season I. • and reasonable in price .u.11.1.....11.III 1. ll II lllllll 1111111111 llllllllllll11..11,, lllllll 11111111111.11111 llllllllllll I llllll III .......'.u'1...........1..I Ginger Snaps per lb. 10c Rum & Butter Toffee, wrapped 4 ib. 15c per tin 5c Standard Tomatoes, 21A's 2 Tins 17c Lobsters, %s per tin 18c per tin 31c Golden Yellow Sugar 4 lbs. 25c White Shoe Cleaner per btl, 15c Ellmar Vanilla, 8 oz. per btl. 15c Clothes Pins, wooden 3 dol. l Cotton Clothes Lines, 30 foot ....., c each 1O0c Washboards, zinc Each 29c Kipper Snacks %s EXTRA SPECIAL Colgate Tooth Powder, reg. 35c and 36c 1 tin reg. 20c. . BOTH FOR Palmolive Shave Cream, 1 Schick Injector Razor with 8 Schick blades ALL FOR 49c Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce PHONE PHONE 8 .77 STANLEY • Workmen are engaged wiring the Goshen United Church for hydro. Ar- rangements are 'being made for the •holding of the 70th anniversary of the building of the :church. These services are to -be held on Sunday, June lath, and Rev. 1J. M. Keys of Niagara Falls, •N'ew York, will be the special 'speaker for the day. A 'booklet is be- ing prepared giving a historical sketch of the early days -of this church. A nwmber from here-atteinded the funeral of the late Harold Graham of Goderich' township last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Anderson and family and Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Mc- +Clinchey visited friends in Goderich on Sunday afternoon. .Miss Isabel Robinson spent the week end with her cousin, Miss Ger- trude Reid of Clinton. Mrs. Richard Robinson received word -of t$e serious illness of her mother at McGregor, ]'Lan„ and left for thereon Tuesday oif this week. Miss Jean Dunn is in Clinton hos- pital at present following 'an ,operation for appendicitis, and is making a good recovery. Mr. and. Mrs. Sam Ho'hn.er are en- tertaining friends -from Hamilton. Mrs, G. Freckleton of Port 'Elgin visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Campbell on Tuesday last, Miss Mary Camp- bell returning with her to'take a situ- ation 'for the summer, Mrs: Robt. McKinley and Mr. and Mrs. Elgin MdKinley •of the Goshen Line, visited Mr. and Mrs. John S'cotch'nter on the Blue Water High- way on Sabbath afternoon. Actress—"Tomorrow evening, darl- in'g, I make -my debut. Send ne flow- ers—dots -o•f fflawers." Her B'oy—"qO'h, "dotc!t .be so peal- , mistic, dearest." Want and For Sale ads, 3 weeks SOc, MRS. JAMES, RANKIN (Continued from Pnuo 1) Reid, Seaforth; Mrs. Simon Reid, To- ronto; John, Robert and Arthur Powell, Seaforth; six tbrothers pre- deceased her, The funeral took place from her late residence, Railway street, on Wednesday afternoon, May 04. Rev. Hugh Jack of First Presbyterian Church, conducted the services. In- terment took place in Hanpurhey cemetery. The ,pallbearers were, Ed Mole, Wm. Kerr, Malcolm McLeod, R. G. Parke, Wm. Reid and George Bell. Among those from a distance at- tending the -funeral were Col. an -d Mrs. J. C. Rankin and daughter Mary Jane of 'Cynthian•a, 'Ky., Mr. and Mrs, James Horne, Mr. and 'M'rs. Wm. Powell, Miss Rita ,Powell, Mrs. Wm. Powell Sr. and Mrs. Simon Reid, all of Toronto; Mr. Robert Reid, Brantford; Mr, and Mrs. James Reid and son, Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Legge, of Goderich, BORN Golding. -1I0 Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Thursday, May loth, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Golding, Seaforth, a son. McKellar—In Scott Memorial Has pital, on Thursday, May 'i18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay McKellar, Staffa, a SOIL MCKILLOP Children 'baptised at Winthrop Church recently were Joan Ruther- ford and Lois Ellen Elizabeth, dau- ghters of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Somer- ville, and. James Ronald, son of 'Mr: and Mrs. ;Fames McClure. Seaforth Monument Works (formerly W. E. Chapman) --Tow operated by CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE A COMPLETE LINE OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Always On Display SEAFORTH — TUESDAY'S & SATURDAY'S Or any time by appointment—Call .105, Dr, Hanburn EXETER -,PHONE 41 THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE FIVE. TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs. 'Oliver Kirk of Bi iughan, Mich., and Mr. and NGrs. L. Creighton and daughter P spent the week end with Mr: Mrs, Andrew •Kirk. • Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft Wingham and -daughter Florence son Earl, visited at the home of and Mrs. Andrew Kirk. Miss Mary Murray has returi •hone from Kintore. Mr. Harry Weiland, Toronto, a 'visitor during the week end with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry W and. Mr, and Mrs. Plant of Goder visited M:r, and Mrs. •J. A: Storey Tuesday.. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sproat and t 'children of Temagami spent a E days last week with the forme mother, Mrs. James Sproat, Egmon vine. Wednesday, May 24th, was served as Victoria .Day' in town. T weather was clear and became war er •duritvg the day. Many citize spent a quiet -day gardening, tl •ground being in excellent shape aft the downpour of rain the ;previou -day. fin the ..morning -there was a so' ball 'gang which the Whyte team o Stratford won •8-4: Mr. H. M. Jackson of Toront spent the week end here. Mr. and Mrs. George Hills, wit spent last week, returned home a Tuesday. Miss Ria Hills accompan ied them, going back to the city Ted nesday afternoon. Among those front a distance at tending the funeral of Miss B'roadfoo• last week were Mr. and Mrs. S•idne Morton and son Jim and daughte Catharine and Miss Mary Morton all of Port Nelson, Mr, and Mrs. A M. Kay and Miss Emma Dickson o Stratford; Mrs, Fred Burchill, Brus sels; Dr, and Mrs. McCarter, Guelph Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hamilton and Mr. Alex Ferguson, of Listowel. Mr. Fred Broadfoot of Seattle and Mr. Jack Pringle of Milwaukee who were also here, 'left on Monday and Mr. Alex Braadfoat left for his hone in Moosejaw on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. 'Milton Chesney, To- ronto, spent the week end with the latter's mother, Mrs. J. R. Habkirk. Miss Helen Pearce, Toronto, was a guest' during the 'week end at the hone of Mrs. H. R. Scott. Mr, James Scott 'has returned from Toronto for the summer vacation. Mr. A. W. Miler}, returned this week from Toronto.. Misses Sarah and Fernando Mc - Cloy spent the week end in Toronto with their nephew, Mr. 'JahnMc- Intosh, Mr, and Mrs, McIntosh and daughter Jean returned with them and spent Tuesday and Wednesday here. Mr. and Mrs, S. Morton of Port Nelson spent Monday in town. Miss Florence Laidlaw, Toronto, spent the week end at her home. Miss Hazel Elcoat, Toronto, spent the week end at her hone. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Love, Toronto, •spent the week end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. D. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boyce, of Goder- ich, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cameron of Tuekersmith, 'were 'guests of, Mr. and Mrs. Wasmann on Sunday. Mr. and ,Mrs. William Elliott, of Mitchell, were visitors with Mr. J. M. Robertson. Herbert Weston, Goderich St. west, has received word that he had 'drawn .a ticket in the Irish Sweepstakes an a 'horse named Man Cameron. Mr. Weston and a London man each have a half interest in the award of $2'000. Mr. Sid Deans of Stratford was a holiday visitor in town. Miss Mary Jackson of. Acton spent the week end at her home here. • Mr. an -d Mrs. Clifford Palmer and •family, of Stratford, spent Victoria Day with Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Moore, rm- F, earl and 0f and Mr: reel was his eil- ich on wo ew is d- ab - le ro- lls me er 5 ft •f' 0 0 n Y r Send us the navies of your visitors OLD TIME NCE At the Rendezvous on the Lake BAYFIELD With Frank Kenny and his Hoozier -Hot Shots Friday, May 26 If you like good old time Dancing, you'll enjoy this, -so tell your friends to meet you at the Rendezvous GENERAL ADMISSION - 25c ROYAL TEA In . D Company Armories FRIDAY, MAY 26th Auspices Barbara' Kirkman Aiut iliary First Presbyterian Church ,Novelty Booth, 'Home Cooking Sale, Candy Booth, Fish Pond, Gift -Booth EVERYBODY WELCOME Silver Collection Nan au mow Istnuasszomastm °ta The Department of Poultry Husbandry Bu ilding, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, where Professor W. R. Graham and his staff have for years experimented on feeds. AS A RESULT WE HAVE 1 ChoiceterjaoAcChjckStarter Why not buy the starter that has been tested and proven? It is so palatable your chicks will relish CHOICETERIA. True they consume a lot because they like it. In return you are getting better growth with lower mortality. Buy the Feed with the Tag on the "2 per cent CEREAL Grass" Mr. Jas. Scott of the Scott Poultry Farm says, "With our experience in feeding thou1 s- ands of chicks, Choiceteria feeds have proven to our entire satisfaction that the quality of ingredients in a mash is very important. C hoiceteria meets our requirements in every respect. Chick Starter Grow Mash DEALER J. M. SCOTT SEAFORTH $2.40 0.A.C. Lay Mash $2.10 52.10 O.A.C, Lay Mash with Cereal Grass, ,$2.20 E. S. WATT & SONS ESTABLISHED 1855 Palmerston BRUCEFIELD Mrs. Geo. Swan visited this week in Toronto. Miss Eleanor Snider, Kincardine, visited with her ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. tJo'hn Snider last Friday; her 'sister ,Miss Kathleen Snider returned with her, where she spent the week end. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Halstead and son, Stratford, spent. Sunday with 'Mrs. Holstead's parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. T. Wheeler. Quite a number from here attended the anniversary services at K•ippen Sunday evening, Those from here who attended the Hydro clenronst'ration in Seaforth last Friday report it_ was interesting. The mmanthly - meeting of United Farm 'wonmen was field at the home of Miss Mary Gibson with a goad at- tendance, on May 1i7th, Mfrs. Buch- anan occupied the chair and opened the meeting with singing "Time \duple, Leaf," followed by "The Lord's Prayer." After the minutes of the pre- vious meeting were 'read and adopted, the roll call was answered by each naming a city of Canada and telling for what it was noted, Letters of ap- preciation were read from Mrs, W. Haugh and Mrs. 3. Snider. thanking members for fruit sent then during their illness. After letters from Head Office were read and discussed the questionnaire was taken and 'bulletin questions answered by Mrs. Nesbitt and Mrs. Buchanan. The topic, "'rhe King's daughters," was very interest- ing , it was given by Mrs. Cairns and Mrs. Stackhouse, Two articles were read by Mrs. A. Wright and Miss Marks. "Loving the wife," and "Why worry. The meeting closed 'hy sin•g- ing "God Save the 'King," followed by buffet lunch served by •hostess and friends. After lunch there was an exchange of plants, bulbs, slips and seeds, The 'June meeting will he field on Thursday, June list. at 2 p.m., when Brucefield club will entertain the Lake Huron club from Grand Bend. The programme will be given 'by 'the visitors. The roll call for all is an interesting sten in the life of the King and Queen, Mrs. Anderson, Wm'gham, provincial ,president, will give an address. All are welcome. The ..meeting will 'be field at the home of Mr. ]Murray and Miss M. Gibson, Mr, Bill Scott motored to Toronto Sunday. VARNA Several from this district purpose attending the annual Spring canvon- tion of the Deanery of Huron. Bishop Wells of Cariboo will he the chief speaker at the afternoon session: Messrs. 'Nelson, Fred and Tom Reid joined with others to finish put- ting in the crop of the late Harold Graham of Goderich Township. 'Quite a number from this .commun- ity attended the •funeral of the late Harold Stanley Graham. Much sym- pathy is .extended Mrs. Grahanm, who Was a native of our locality, in 'her This Week's Specials At the Hydro Cooking School the best of everything electric was selected. And we are very proud that we can supply you with the best of everything. We are offering you at special clearing prices on the following list of Electric appliances selected from our stock for this demonstration: FRIGIDAIRE RANGE, with Automatic,Oven Control, Water- less Cooker and 5 heat control switches with the fastest heating elements available. Special delivery price $127.00 WESTINGHOUSE Latest 6 tube Model World Cruiser RADIO RECEIVER $ 59.00 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC WASHER with Automatic control $ 85.00 WESTINGHOUSE DeLuxe Model G59 'REFRIGERATOR with True -Temp Automatic Control and Hermetically sealed unit, shelf area 8.9 sq. ft. Special clearing price ...$209.00 PREMIER VAC -KIT with all attachments, Special $ 32.00 The abode machines are all fully guaranteed and carry guarantee from date of delivery to you. JOHN BACH MCCORMICK-DEERING DEALER 1 sad 'bereavement. Mr. -and Mrs. Wiidfong of Hay spent Sunday with the latter's par- ents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Grassic. Mrs. Grassic accompanied them home. The Campbell Bros, are returning to their 'farm. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ings attended the 'funeral of Mrs. Lewis Rader of Hay, which was held Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Austin and lit- tle daughter. of Seaforth spent Sun- day 'with the' former's mother, Mrs. Austin. Master John McConnell had a birthday party Saturday, upwards of mi) -kiddies being present and a jovial time was spent. At the time of writing we .are very sorry to report the illness of firs, Henry Deihl. ".1Do *" Two brown eyes, wistful and true, Speak of a heart that will stick to you Prior fat paws and a feathery- tail, Tell of a friend who will not fail, Cold, wet nose thrust into your hand Speaks of a friend who will under- stand, And yet the dog is dumb, they say— If you look, he is talking in every way. —Front time Scrapbook. BLAKE A large number of the ladies from time Blake Auxiliary met with the Cos'chen Auxiliary on Wednesday af- ternoon bit hoar a fine accouirt of the summary of •their delegate to the cogfereince -branch meeting held in St. Thomas in May, which every member enjoyed •hearing. and firs. E. Stelck of the 1'4th of Hay Tp., called on friends on the Goschen Lune during the week.. Mr. and \Irs. W. J. Davidson of Hillsgreen visited at the hone of lfr.' and Mrs, H. \. Finlay. Miss Jean Hay of London visited at her•p-aieats' tonne •du•rin„ time ween:. Mr. Wm. 'N. Finlay and daughter Miss Alberta, and sister Miss :Marg- aret, of London,' spent a few days with relatives in Bruce county. Want and For' Sale ads,' 3 weeks SOc. Better Used Cars '23 Fordson Tractor '26 Ford "T" Coach '26 Chev. Coach '31 Ford "A" Victoria '31 Fordson Tractor '32 Chev. Coupe '32 Hupmobile Sedan '32 Chev. Light Delivery '33 Ford V 8 Coach '34 Ford V 8 Coach '34 Chev, Stake Truck '35 Ford V 8 Coach '35 Ford V 8 Sedan '37 Ford V 8 Coupe J. F. DALY Telephone 102 Seaforth CONSTANCE Mr, and Mrs. Adam Glazier of Clinton spent Sunday 'with 'Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mills'an. Miss Olive Grirnoldby of Seaforth, Miss Pearl Glidden of Winthrop and Miss Cora Glidden of the 2'nd conces- sion, spent t'he week end at their homes here Mr. and Nit;. Frank Riley visited with friends ::a Clinton on Sunday. Mr. and itr Stewart Dale spent Sunday m .t'i l'r. and .Mrs. Howard Armstrong. Colclomrh Bra:. had the misfortune to dose a tiny c:;rlt this week - We are 'nal to hear that Mrs. Bert Stephenson is home front the hospi- tal and impr,wiug in health. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Chambers; ir. and Mrs. David_ -Appleby and baby. Mr. Willis Phillips, and -Mr. James, all '1 Toronto; were visitors at time hone of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phillips over the week' end: ]Mrs. Stewart Oham!bers is spending a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank ,Phillips.