HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-05-25, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
Snowdon Bves,,Publishers
Mr. and Mrs. William Corbott and
Mr. and Mrs William Stewart of
Fullerton Corners, also Mr. Charlie
S•timore and' ifr. Janes Belt of. Strat-
ford, and Mr, Herb Bell and Mr. Jo.s-
eph Bell of .Dunnville, were Sunday
visitors ,at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Henry Stimore, Listowel.
Among those who spent the week
and in Toronto from this vicinity
were Miss Margaret Bolger, and
Ivfessrs. G Sanderson, Gordon Holl-
and, Allen Charles, Win. Rowe, • John
Sorry to state 'Miss Annie Johnston
is at present not improving as her
many friends would like to see her
Miss INrorma Steiss of Kitchener is
holidaying with her another, Mrs. Dan.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kirkby of St.
Marys spent the past week with Mr.
and Mrs. Herb Kirkby and Mrs. Alex
Mr. James Mose, formerly of Mc-
Killop, who spent the winter at Rip-
ley, is spending a couple of weeks
with his daughter, Mrs. Carl Hous-
ton, Stanley Tp. Mr. Mose underwent
a minor operation last week and his
many friends will he glad to know he
has completely recovered.
(Continued from Page 1)
ing things must grow or gradually
die. ,There are limitations to our
'physical growth, but there are no
limits to our moral and spiritual
development. For the hest physical
development at least two things are
necessary: food and exercise. Wise
parents do net feed their children
pastry and .sweets' as staples of diet.'
These brings have .their .place, • but
cannot take the place of bread, milk,
meat,. So in the culture of the soul,
proper food and eercise are neces-
sary. You cannot grow spiritually and
morally as you ought, if your main
diet ,consists of tnovieg pictures,
newspapers, sports, etc, These ,things
have their Proper ;pla'ce, But they
ought not to crowd out the necessary
food. For the finest'growth the Bible;
•prayer and meditation are necessary
food, Yon must have exercise too.
Learn to say "Nei" to temptations to
do things that will harden your heart
or narrow your sympathies; and yo
develop your will Have backbone.
Learn to shoulder responsibilities
faithfully. Take a Sunday School
Class. Attend to it faithfully even
when it le inconvenient to do so. Take
your place and ,do your part in the
Young People's Society, and thus
grow in reliability and strength of
In the evening Mr. Lane's text was
Hebrew's ' XII:113. "Make straight
paths for your feet lest that which is
lame be turned out of the way." The
theme was illustrated by reference to
the construction of highways, which
have gradually had dangerous curves
eliminated for the sake of speed,
economy and safety. So members of
the congregation were exhorted to
eliminate the curves of bad habits
such as the use of intoxicating liquors,
careless or nt'alicions gossip, and other
evil practices. They were also urged
to straighteu out the curves in their
thought, Many of our opinions are
absurdities, inferences drawn from
false premises. We must make
straight paths of thought and conduct,
not only for ourselves, but also for
Huron -Perth National Conservative
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The ONLY Refrigerator that automatically holds your
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THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1939
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Come in and see the new. Plymouth car and Fargo Truck
We also have a Service Truck—if you have car trouble,
phone 179 and we will come promptly
All Repairs Strictly Cash. We Aim To Please
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the sake of others. We ,do not live or
die alone, We are our rbrather's keep -
Mr, Lane (brought these very 's•atis-
tfyin+g .services to a. close with n the
prayerful words of the hymn:
"Lead us, 0 Father in the paths
of right,
Blindly we stumble when we walk
Involved itt shadows of a darkening
Only with Thee we journey safely
on." '
-Mrs. Andrew Bell has returned
home after having a pleasant visit
with her daughter .Miss Etta ,of
Mrs, 'John Markham and Miss
Hilda Brasier .and miss Nora Stewart
of London were recent guests of Mr.
and Mrs, J• D, Stewart and Miss
Mrs. Wm. Chapman is visiting at
the home of her daughter and son-in-
law and fancily, Mr, and Mrs, Robt,
The Kippen East W.I. held their
May meeting at the home of .Mrs. W.
McGregor on Wednesday afternoon
with a good attendance. Some of the
members 'brought their cameras and
several pictures were taken of those
who took part in the playette 'Parade
Di the Nations," +which was given at
the February meeting, then a few pic-
tures were taken of all who were
present. Returning tb the hawse, the
president opened the meeting and all
joined in singing the Institute Ode
followed by the Lord's prayer. A
bank book was presented to Baby
Chappell and one to Baby B'eli. Mrs.
W. Caldwell read a poem ,entitled
'Where's Mother." The secretary
read the minutes of the last meeting,
It was decided to have our annual
picnic to Mayfield on July 8th. 'rhe
district annual will be held itt .Kippen
Church 00 June 6th unless otherwise
arranged, Dr. Steer of Hensel] gave a
very practical demonstration and talk
on the feeding and ,care of the baby
during its first year. Mrs, R, Simpson
played two splendid selections on the
violin. Mrs. Glenn gave a reading and
Mrs. Cole continued with a poem an
mother's day. The roll call brought
quite a number of good ideas and
suggestions for the new programs. A
vote of thanks was given to Mrs.
McGregor and God Save the King
closed the meeting. A short time was
spent socially while lunch was served,
There was a good offering of garden
plants and every one seems to take
quite an interest in the garden ex-
weeks. ,Formerly Miss Elizabeth
Crawford of Glasgow, Scotland, she
came to this country before her mar'
riage to Mr. Kerr in 1B'916, and had
made her home in M'oKitdap since
.that time. Mr. Kerr predeceased her
'four years ago. Two sons and a (tau
,ghter survive: James C. Kerr on the
homestead :and John Kerr on an ad-
joining farm, and Mrs, Archie Tate
(Grace), Aylmer, Funeral was held
Tuesday afternoon from her late resi-
dence. Rev. R. W. Craw of Duff's
Church, M'oICillop, condwcted elle ser-
vice. Interment' took .place in Malt -
lard Bank Cemetery. The 'pallbearers
+were Finlay MdKercher, Bob Camp-
bell, George Wheatley, Will Kerr,
Guy Dorrance and Joe Connolly, Mr,
,and Mrs. Archie Tate of Aylmer at-
tended the funeral,
bay window effectively arranged r i
Sed wt
blossoms and white satin ,creamers
estooned to tall standards of snap-
lragon, which formed a delightful
background. The bride entered the
living, roots en the arin of her''Eather,
who .gave her away to the strains of
Lohengrin's 'bridall chorus played by
Miss Greta •Lanttnie, A T.C.b1:., org-
anist of Newell (United Church, and
looked very charming in an ivory
satin floor length gown, fashionecd
with a slight train and lace redingote,
The (bride wore her mother's finger-
tip ,iridal veil caught with lilyvof-the-
valley, and carried ion •arnt bouquet of
Lard Rossmore roses, Miss Dorothy
Farquhar, sister of the ,bride, and
Miss Mavis Spencer, ,sister of the
groom, both of Toronto, were gown-
ed alike in (blue chiffon door length
dresses with shirred jackets and doll
hats and oarried nosegays of-Arneri-
can beauty roses and white carnations
with streamers of +American 'beauty
riib'bon. The 'groom was supported by
the !bride's ;brother, Mr. Aubrey Far-,
q.uiear. During the signing of the reg-
ister Mrs. J. W. Bonthron sang I
Love Ynu Truly." The grooui'•s gift
to the pianist was book -ends, to the
soloist a rose (bowl, to the brides-
maids, 'bi'rbhstone rings, and to the
groonat•sman a tie clip. The bride's
mother, Mrs, Farquhar, 'and. the
bridegroom's another, Mrs. Spencer,
received their guests in navy hive
gowns with corsage of American
beauty roses. There were about fifty
;guests .present. The wedding (luncheon
was served from beautifully decorated
ta'bles in pink .and white 'centered
with the !bride's cake. The waitresses
were Mrs. Ted 'Daman, Blenheim,
Mrs. M. G. Harmon, St. Marys, M:e's,
Russel Jervis, Clinton, and'Misses
Lois Statham and Mary Harney,'
London. Mr. and Mrs, Spencer left
later an an extended motor trip to
the world's fair in New York, The
bride donned for travelling a black
tailored .shit with white accessories.
They will take up residence in Hen-
sall. Guests from a distance included
Mr, and !'feu. Wm. Statham, Miss
Lois Statham and Miss Mary Horn-
ey, Landon; Mr. and Mrs, Gordon
(Davis, Toronto; Misses Dorothy Far-
quhar ait•d Mavis Spencer, Toronto;
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Love, 'Kincaid-
ine; M'r. land Mrs. Ted Tainan, Blen-
heim; Mr. and Mrs. Russel Jervis,
Clinton; Mr, and Mrs. John Hinds,
Exeter; Mrs, M. S. Harmon, 5t.
Marys; Mrs, John Consitt, Seaforth,
and quite a number from town,
Young People Hold
Me. John Bullard of Kintore ealled
on friends in the village last week
Mr, and Mrs. Fergus B.ullarcl and
Jackie of Kintore called on friends in
the village on Monday evening. Jackie
had the misfortune to 'fall from a tree
on Sunday and fractured his left arm
just below the shoulder.
The football season isstarted. Win-
throp play in St. Columbati Monday
night,, May 39th, and then St, Colum -
ban plays at Winthrop Friday night,
June 2. Conte and boost the (boys
The W. b1, S. and W. A. will hold
their regular monthly meeting on
Thursday afternoon, June 1, in the
basement of the church commencing,
at 2 o'clock. The 1rir,A. are holding a
bazaar and ,entertaining -the ladies of
Constance and Burns societies at this
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Curtis of Mitch-
ell, Mrs. Susie Walkom of Stratford
and Mrs. C. J. Drown of Russeldale
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sim.
Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Chappel and
babe visited with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Docking,
Mr. ,and Mrs, James Norris visited
their son, Mr. 'bIac +Norris.
Miss Gladys Walkom was a visitor
with her .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tinning with
their daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Roger with
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Heal,
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Balfour with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vipond.
Mrs. Archie Morris and family of
Carlingford visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton Flarris.
Miss Bernice Kremer of Detroit
and Miss Margaret Kreamer visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur QCreamer.
Visitors at the home of W. Colqu-
ltnun: Mr, and 'Mrs, Harold Coiqu-
houn, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carbert,
Mrs. Mary Carbert, all of Carling-
ford, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carbert
and Jack of .Motherwell.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Nelson 'Couch.
ludry and .Mr, Norman Mitchell of
Stratford with 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Misses :Margaret and Bernice Lobb
and Jimmie, of Clinton visited at
the home of Leslie Williams,
Mrs. Maud Curtis, Mr. and Mrs,
Roy Butson, Ronnie and Jane, of
Stratford, with relatives,
Death of Mrs. George Kerr.—
There passed away in McKillop on
Sunday afternoon, May 211', ,Mrs.
George Kerr. after an illness of some
On Saturday, May 2011a at the
home •of her grandparents, Mr, and
Mrs. J. J. O'Reilly of Hibbert, there
occurred, after a brief illness, the
death of Rosemarie Brant, aged
two and a half years, only •child
of Mr. and Mvs, Allan J. Grant, of
Toronto. The funeral, which was held
on Sunday afternoon from St. Colum -
ban Church, was largely attended.
Relatives and friends front Toronto,
Detroit, Mildmay •and Mount Forest
were present, Four small girds, Angela
'O'Reilly, Angela Morris, Rita Mctvor
and Betty Murphy, dressed in white,
with wreaths and veils, acted as pall-
bearers. Burial took place in St. Col-
umban cemetery. To the ':bereaved
parents, so sadly parted from their
little daughter, the sympathy of the
whole community, is extended.
Spencer -Farquhar—
A very smart May wedding was
solemnized at the home ,of Mr. and
'Mrs. Charles Farquhar, Kippen, on
Saturday at three o'clock when their
eldest daughter Doreen Wilma be-
came the 'bride of Walter Cecil, only
son of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Spencer,
Hen.s'all. The ceremony was perform-
ed by Rev. R. A. Brook of the 'United
Church in the living room before the
padtbatist etdeheis
thewhole W
the lto9al Cnnad'+'¢
Mounted '°lice.
of tbe9
e•ed tor LEWIS SOMA
Sere,nn Play by L. Katz and Viaeent Sharman
eased ons Novel by William Byron Mower;
A 'Piret NationalPicture
"Western Jam boree"
Gene Autry Smiley Burnette
Final Meeting—
The Young People's Union was
held Monday evening in the 'United
Church, with Mr. Ren 'Flick's presid-
ing. The meeting opened by singing
hymn 1110 +followed 1)3- the Lord's
prayer in uliisoit. Miss Gladys Linker
'played a piano instrumental followed
by a duet by Rtrtb Hess and Patsy
MacDonell. Miss Peart Harpole fav-
ored with a patriotic reading. Rev.
ldd'r, Brook and Miss Ruth Broo'ksaarg
a duet, followed by a 'piano solo by
Miss Norma Gook, Mrs. Lee Heiden
and Miss 'Minnie' Sangster 'sang a duet
and tire meeting closed with the bene-
diction. Contests and games were en-
joyed and refreshments served.
Mon. Tiles, Wed., May 29-30-31 '
Sabu Raymond Massey
Desmond Tester Valerie Hobson
NextW Thur. Fri., Sat., June 1-2-3
The ladies of the .Goshen W. M. S.
entertained a large number of visitors
from /Varna, Blake and Hillsgreen at
their meeting of May .12th. The
church was beautifully decorated with
flowers and ferns and sewing for the
bale was .on display. The meeting
opened with quiet music by Mrs. Geo.
Anderson and the singing. of hymn
3183. The Bible reading was then
given 'by Mrs. Bruce McClinchey and
was followed by a prayer from Mrs.
Robert McKinley, The president Mrs.
Peck gave a few very fitting worda of
welcome .to the ladies and to the
guest speaker Mrs. Geo. Johnson of
Varna. The highlight on the 'program
was a very interesting and inspiring
report, given by Mrs. Geo. Johnson,
on the Branch Conference :held May
2nd in St. Thomas. A vote of thanks
to 'Mrs. Geo. Johnson was moved by
Mrs. Percy Johnstone and seconded
'by Mrs. Elgin McKinley. Hymn 503.
was sung after which Isabel Robin-
son, Mrs. Elmore Stephenson and
-Norine Robinson sang the trio "Af-
ter." The offering was accepted by
Eileen Hayter and Dorothy Peck.
This was followed by a most inter-
esting story on the quilting bee given
by Mrs. Elgin McKinley. Mr. and
Mrs. Peters sang a duet which was
very much enjoyed by all
We are sorry to report that .Mr.
Joseph McGrath is under the doctor's
care. •
Mr. and Mrs, Mathews were week-
end visitors with friends in Bluevale.
Miss Betty Hanley is visiting her
brother in Toronto.
Miss Mary, 'Fergus of Brantford
visited with friends.
A ,group of Girl Guides has been
organized in our district and is very
active, President, Mary Stapleton;
vice president, Jean Sutherland; treas-
urer, Helen blathers; secretary, Mar-
garet Holland; members, Angela
Rowland, Ally Marie Looby, Muriel
Darling, Annie Wilson, Muriel Racho,
Joyce Radio, Eileen Evans, Marie
Nagle, Marie Evans, Jean Costello,
'lvlary Costello, Birdie Costelbo, Bar-
arbara Holland. Meetings are ltelcl at
the homes of the various members at
which they rehearse for a play which
they are preparing, play games and
have community singing, A sewing
bee was held on May 714.
Visitors: Mr, and Mrs. Joe Berry,
Pearl and Lloyd, of Hamilton, with;
'Mr, and Mrs. George Magic,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wieterson and
Mr, Wm, Rock of Detroit with Mr.
See. Canada 5,
Mounties in Actlgtt.,,
Dick Foran Jane Chapman
Patric Knowles
"Three Smart Girls
Grow Up"'
and Mrs. Aug. Hillebreoht.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rock of Stealer,
Alta„ former residents of Brodhagen,
are visiting' 'friends and relatives.
Master Bobby Querettgesser of To-
ronto visited with Mr, and Mrs. W.
L. Querengesser over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs, John Arbuckle of
Toronto and Mr. +Don Stanch of
Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Albert
E. Q;u•erengehser.
Mr. Albert Smith of Durham with
'his .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith.
Miss Pearl Hillobrec'ht has return-
ed ]tome after spending a week with
her sister Mrs. Leslie Wieterson in
Mr, and Mrs. john Wallace and
family and Misses Agnes Scott and
Hazel Col'quhoun spent the week end
in Niagara.
Mr, Earl Sararas visited with his
parents over the week end.
Miss Sarah McKellar visited in
Seaforth with Mr, and Mrs.-b[alcolm
McKellar on Sunday.
Mrs. Caldwell spent the week end
in Kirkton.
Mr. and Mrs. McKee and family
of iN'eustadt were Sunday visitors
with Mr, and Mrs. B. O. McDonald.
Ma. Lin McKellar is wearing a
broad smile. A fine 'boy arrived on
Mr. Gordon Scott is under the doc-
tor's care.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Howe and Shirley
of Detroit were home attending the
reception in Staffs Hall on Friday
evening in honor of Mr. and 'Mrs.
Jas. Howe dr.
Plans are well under way for the
Old Boys' Reunion to be held' at
S.S. No. 16 school, on June 30th.
Miss Mary B. Currie, who has
spent the winter months .with 'her sis-
ter in Toronto, has returned to her
home in the village.
We ore sorry to report that Mrs.
Oswald Walker is under the doctor's
The annual reunion of the descend-
ants of the late Donald N. and Mrs.
McKellar was held at the hone of
Mrs. J. Hamilton on May 2t1itlt,
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Telephone 102 Seaforth