HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-05-18, Page 4PAGE FOUR. THE SEAFORTH NEWS ,THURSDAY,. MAY 18, 1939 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon Oros., Publishers WALTON Rev. Frank 'A. Gilbert; 'B.A., of Norval, Ont., will be the .preacher in Duff's Church next Sunday morning.. Mr. Gilbert is a young man of pleas- ing personality. We 'believe his pres- ence in our community and church will provide an opportunity Which' should be fully utilized. Mr. A, J. Carter has retuned to Seaforth after spending the past two Weeks in Walton. Mrs. Margaret Dougherty and Rus. sell spent Sunday with Mrs. Fulton. Mrs. Wm. Anderson has returned home after spending the past few Weeks with her daughter in Hullett. Mrs. W. S. Forbes is spending a few days with her brother near Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Murray of Toronto visited over the week end with her mother, Mrs. Fulton and sister, .Mrs. J. Carter. Seventeen members of the Wom- en's Missionary Society which met May ilOth responded to the roll call by a verse front Joshua. The scrip- ture Luke 11:11:-2t1, was read by Mrs. Shaw. The worship centred about stewardship, and Mrs, John Marshall presented chat subject, with further remarks given by the president. A re- port of the Presbyterial held at \Vingham on April 217 was given by Mrs. Bryans and Mrs. McDonald. Letters of acknowledgment for flow- ers were read, and a letter fn+nn Miss McGowan, All articles intended to .be sent in the 'hale must be re.ady by the latter part of hays Mrs. Johnston closed the meeting il'itln prayer. A sale of flowers followed. Mrs. Janet Frederick and Mrs. Grand Openio "RENDEZVOUS ON THE LAKE" BAYFIELD Wed., 24th of May Swing and Sway to DON HOPKINS and his Orchestra. They're new. They're sensational The Pavilion is under new manage- ment and has been redecorated. You will want to see it. Admission alae.. Jitney Dancing. ,Pauline, Brown, both, of Cleveland, spent a 'feu days with Mr. incl Mrs. George Dundas. :Mrs. Dundas andul Mrs. Frederick are sisters, Miss Evelyn Dundas has returned d a home crier spending six weeks with friends in Cleveland. Mrs. Kenneth A. Cowan, of Chris- tian Island, Ont., i ' visiting her par- ents; \lr, and NIbrs. Calvin Hiller, in cKiilop. HENSALL Young People Hold Missionary Meeting— The Young People's Union of the !United Churoh held their Missionary meeting on Monday •evening with Miss Elva McQueen presiding.. The opening hymn, "Speed Away, was followed by the scripture reading by Miss Goldie Cross. The minutes ' of• the previous meeting were read and. adopted, and the roll ;celled, Mr. Ken- nett Hicks•then presided over the 'business inns Mr. Larrey Joynt was appointed delegate to attend the sum- mer school at Goderich in July. The Young People of the Evangelical Church in .Zurich are to be guests at the meeting next. -week, After the of- fering was received, the hymn, `The Whole • World was Lost," was sung. Mrs.. Geo. Hess gave the topic front the study book, Ret R. A. Brook sang a 'beautiful .solo"My Mother's Prayers Shall - Follow Me;' -After singing ''Mine•Eyes Have Seen Thine Glory," the meeting closed with the benediction. .Mother's Day Services Held in the Local Churches— Special Mother's Day s-ervices Were held in the local churches on Sunday. In the United Church a special pro- gram was followed, very appropriate for the occasion. The Sunday School pupils attended church with their tea- cher: and Messrs. Clarence Smillie and Edison Forrest assisted Rev. R, A. Brook. A number of Sunday school pupils sang a chorus, and Miss Elva McQueen read a very interest- ing story of the °'Golden Room." There were six baptisms at the morn - 'us e nice andRet. R. A.Brook de- S livered tenappropriate n sermons at hath servicea. The choir sang two branrritul anthema, "-Mother o' Mine." and "To Serve My Mother's God." Ret. W. A. Young conducted 'both ,er ices at Carmel Presbyterian Church. delivering very inspiring ad- dresses. Baptism service was held in the morning and Mrs. Young sang a delightful solo "When I Get to the End of the \Vay." The choir sang two beautiful anthem "Seek Ye the Lord." soloist Rev, \V. A, Young and "Hope of the Father." Communion service was held in St. Pam's Anglican Church on' Sun - NOTICE Saturday, May 20th, 1939 WILL NOT be observed as a holiday by the merchants and business men of the Town of Seaforth All Stores Will Remain Open s. 1 L The New 1939 The ONLY Refrigerator that automatically holds your FOOD at the temperature you select no rrlatter how hot your kitchen gets. BUILT ENTIRELY IN CANADA SEE IT TO -DAY JOHN BACH MAIN STREET SEAFORTId day conducted by Rev. M. A. Huila. Bapttstital service was also held when six children were baptized. The e.a ch choir' v o 4 very beautiful anthems at a apria• to to the services. p Miss .Clarissa Mitchell received word this week of the death of her aunt, \frs. Foster, aged: 9,5, of Byron, Ont. Miss Laurette Bell of London vis- ited over the Week end at her 'Monte on 'highway No. 4. .Mr. Ferris Cantelon of Schonberg spent 'Ehe week end with' his tither here, Mrs. Kate Cantelon. Mr, and _Mrs. R. W. Stowell and \liss 'Alargaerite Drysdale of Stettler, Alta., and Mr, and Mrs, G. M. Drys- dale left on Sunday on a 'two weeks' trip to. New .York to the World's Fair travelling by way of Toronto, Kingston and Quebec. Mr,' and Mrs. John Corbett and son. Ross visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morenz at Dashwood, Mr. Homer Tinney, who had his tonsils removed at the office of Dr, D. G. Steer last week, is able to be out again. Mrs. J. W. Bpnthron has returned home after ,a very pleasant'visit with her another, Mrs, 'Yungblutt, in Wat- erloo. Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Pas'snnore and family of Thames Road visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moir. Injured in Accident in Brantford While visiting in Brantford on Sat- urday l'Ir, 'William Daniels was knocked down by a truck driven by Mr,. Gales Suddeby on Colborne street at the junction with Brant avenue, and suffered a fracture of the left hip. He was removed to the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Daniels had motored to Brantford to visit aver the weeks -end haying lived there for a number of wears prior to moving to 1Lensall. Arnold Circle Hold Mother and Daughter Banquet— About seventy guests ,and members of the Arnold Circle attended the mother and daughter banquet held in Carmel Church on Monday evening. After partaking of the delicious sup- per prepared by the members of the Arnold Circle Mrs, Roy Bell, presid- ent, acted as toastmistress, and made a very appropriate speech welcoming the mothers and guests.Mrs: Young then conducted a sing song accontp- aniecl by llt s Irene Hoggarth on the piano, 'Nliss. Alice Phaff proposed a toast to King George and Queen Eliz- abeth which was responded to by singing God Sate the King, Miss Beryl Pilaff proposed the toast to Mothers which was responded to "by Mrs. Young. Mrs. Bell then conduct- ed a quiz contest, following which Mrs. Andrew Dougall and Miss Mar- garet Dougall played a delightful pano duett. Miss Ruth Young gave a reading entitled "Miss Annabell Mc- Carty," A quartette comprising Misses Mabel Workman, Irene Hog- garth, Emalie Hoskin and 'Margaret Sangster .sang ".\ly Mother's Prayers shall follow me," Mrs. Young accom- panied on the piano. The offering was received .and Mrs, Bell intro- duced the guest speaker, Mrs, G. M. Young of Lucknow, who gave an ex- cellent address on `lChanging Places." Miss Margaret Dougall fav- ored with a vocal solo and "God Save the King" was sting. Funeral of the Late Andrew Boa The funeral of the late Andrew Boa, aged ha, sin of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boa, was held from the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Swale on Thursday afternoon. conducted by Rel'. W. A, Young. The floral tributes were very beautiful, showing the esteem with which the young man was held. The pallbearers were four cousins of the deceased, namely Roy, William, Thomas and Howard Sntale and Lloyd 'MacDon- ald and Otto Stephan, Interment in \iacTaggart's Cemetery, Surviving are his parents, one sister, Eva, Mrs. Shell, of Detroit, and five brothers at home, George, Paul, Jack, Alex and Mac. Among those whoattended the funeral from a distance were Ars. Shell of Detroit, Rev. and Mrs. An- drew Boa o1 Norwich. and Ars. Brightmore of London. The 'sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved family. Women's Missionary Society Meet The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary. Society of Carmel Church was held an Thurs- day afternoon with Mrs. Peter Man- son presiding, After singing the hymn ' The Morning Light is Breaking," Miss Minnie Reid read the scripture, Galatians, 3rd chapter. Mrs. Hannah \workman led in prayer. The roll call was answered with "Faith," The minutes of the ;previous meeting were read and adopted, After the offering was received the business was dis- cussed and it was decided to hold the birthday party on June dth. The topic on "Higher Christian Education ,in India," was given by Mrs. Manson, and was very interesting, After sing- ing "Arm of the Lord Awake,' the meeting closed by repeating the Lord's prayer, Kitchen Shower for Bride-Elect— About seventeen girl friends gath- ered at the hone of Misses Barbara 55. aurin and Gene. Autry in a .n the Republic Picture "Western Jamboree. and \Margaret Shepherd on Friday evening incl honored Miss Helen Walker, bride -elect, with a 'kitchen Shower. The early part of tire evening m ontests. and was spent iu es d c w a t s an a dainty hutch Has served' by Misses Edna Sdundercock, IN'eblie Fee, Bar- bara and Margaret Shepherd. After hunch Miss 'Goldie Cross played the wedding ,march for es mock wedding :vitt Miss 'Nellie Fee as ,bride, Miss Norma Cook, ,groom, and, Miss 'Pearl .Harpole the minister. Several piano selections were ,played by Me girls, and the bride -elect Miss Helen Walk- er, was escorted to a decorated chair by Miss Edna Sa•underc'ock and pre- sented with a'beautifttl decoirated,.bas- Icet of gifts. Miss Waliker t'han'ked all with a few well chosen words and all joined in singing "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow." Miss Mary Li'ttle,of London visited at her hone here over the week end. Presentation to Bride-Elect— A very .pleasant evening. was .spent Friday at the home of Mrs. (Dr,) D. G. Steer when about twenty lady friends gathered in honor of Miss Doreen Farquhar, ;bride -elect of ,this week. The early part of the evening was spent in playing court whist and Mrs. Claude Bilowes presented 'Miss Farquhar with a table mirror and bridge lamp. Miss Farquhar made a very fitting reply. The guests were then invited to the dining room and a very dainty lunch was served from a table decorated in pink and blue trisnntin•gs and centered with a huge basket of •pink snapdragons, pink candles and bud vases of forget-me- not and''bleeding 'heart, A social hour was spent and a very enjoyable time had 'by all present. Miss Jean Bonthron of London ,visited on Saturday at the home o her parents, Mare and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron. Miss Lettie Love of Toronto spent the week -end at the hone Of :her parents, Mr:- and Mrs, Wm. Love. Miss Dorothy McQueen of London visited orer the week -end with her parents, .Mr, and Mrs. Ed. 'McQueen. Honor Bride-Elect,— •A ride-Elect.—'A very pleasant evening was spent Saturday at the home of Mrs.. (Rev.) Young r when member of the w the s u Arnold Circle heldmiscellaneousa shower honorMiss o e in of Helen Walker, bride -elect of this week. The early part of the evening was spent it games after which the bride -elect was showered with miscellaneous gifts After opening the gifts Miss Walker trade a very fitting reply, A very dainty lunch was served 'from a table decorated in pink and white streamers extending rom the chandeliers to the corners of the table. A very enjoyable time was spent in a social hour. Miss Doreen Farquhar who has held the position of bookkeeper witi Bonthron and Drysdale for the pas ten years 'has resigned her position which will 'be filled by Mr. Bob Drysdale Miss Farquhar is a popu- lar bride -elect of this month. .lir, Fred, Cortbe'tt who has been it for the past several weeks is slowly improving. The Senior Institute held their reg- ular meeting at the home of Mrs Garnet Case Wednesday evening. The talking picture sponsored by the Shell gas company which was held in the Town Hall otn Tuesday evening was largely attended. This show was an advertisement for Mr Orville Twitchell who has erected at up-to-date service station, lehick pre- sents a very fine appearance. It is al- most completed and will be open for 'business in a very few days. 'Mrs. 'Janes Parkins visited with her son»in-las' and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Cline Flynn in London this Week. Mrs. J. W. 'Bonthron spent Wed- nesday in London. WINTHROP MT. George 'Kinney of London spent Sunday with his +brothers Wil- liam and Joseph Kinney. Mr. and Mrs. 'Joseph Little spent Sunday with the latter's •parents, Mr and Mrs. Geddes. Mr. and .Mrs. Peter McGowan and Bobby and Mr. Foster Bennett, Billy and Mona, spent .Mother's Day with Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton. The farmers are just about through seeding and are preparing the root ground. Kenneth Eaton snared a bull frog which measured {14 inches. Baptism was administered by the pastor, Rev. R. W. Craw, to the fol- lowing children who were presented by their parents, Barbara Rutherford and Mary Ann Elizabeth, daughters of Mr. and Mrs, Archie _Somerville, and James Ronald, son of Mr. and Mrs, James McClure. Rev. R. W. Craw gave a :brier address on "Her Mother and Her Home." Special music was rendered by the ithoir, The Caven Sunday School held a Mother's Day service, conducted by the superintendent Mr. Thos. Dodds. The service consisted of prayers, hymns and readings, A play was pre- sented 'by the senior mission :band girls; a duet by Edith and Berea Blanshard and a story entitled "A Room of Gold" •hy ,Marie Holman. Mr. Thos, Dodds closed in prayer. MANLEY Last Sunday morning a gloom was cast over our burg when it was learned that Mr. Henry Hillebrecht, Brodhagen, had passed after a- short illness at the age of $Ili years. He was a successful farmer and of a genial disposition and wag loved by all who knew him. The 'Funeral took place on Tuesday from St. Peter's Lutheran Church, of which he was a consistent member. The remains were'' laid to rest in the adjoining 'cemetery, amongst a large' concourse of friends. He is survived by his wife and three sons, Messrs. John of Huron road east, Seaforth, and Henry and Nor pian at home; and one daughter _Mrs. Geo. Stoskopf of Pullarton, and one step -brother, Louis of Baodhagen, and two sisters, Mrs. Fred Deitz, Bro.dhagen, and Mrs.' 'August SSchel 'leniberger of Mitchell, who have the. sympathyof. the.community inthis their hotir of sad aflfilction. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Thos. McKay is still suffering with an infection in her foot but are :pleas- ed to hear that her son Joe is recover- ing as wetl as can be expected with his broken arm. DUBLIN 'Mrs. Stapleton and three daught- ers of Toledo, visited at the h:oine of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Nagle. At a meeting of the Holy Name S'ociety'WM. 'Manley and Win. Stapl- eton were appointed delegates to the Holy Name Society provincial to take .place in Toronto in .June. Miss 'Mary Cresswell sof Belleville called on 'friends in the village. Miss Mary 'Campbell returned to her home in bit. Carmel alter a month's visit with her aunt, Miss Ella, Dillon,. north of the village. Mr. and .Mrs. Albert S'trulb+b .and mother and Mr. Charles McDaid of Kitchener, and two sons of Bnidge- port, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Ellen Burns, Miss Diorothy 'Molyneaux of Drys- dale ,visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. J, Molyneaux; Mr. Joseph Carpenter of Chatham, Frank IC•rausleo•pf of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Janes Hanley and son, To- ronto, at their homes in the village. Miss Dorothy Forrester of Seaforth with Miss Mary Stapleton. Miss !Nora McGrath of Lucan vis- ited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John McGrath. Miss V is. Harlon Dill of London and Gertrude and Peggie t h ggi .11cGrath of Kitchener and ;\'Liss Florence Smith were at their respective homes. Mr. John Redmond and .daughter of Regina are visiting relatives around Dublin and Seaforth. Mr, Albert Jordan of Detroit is vis- iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick +Jordan of Stratford.. Mr, B. Stewart of Stratford called on friends in town on Monday. • MUNRO Mr. and Mrs. John Leary and Iva of Staffs spent Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs. \Melburn Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon iDocking vis- ited with her parents -at Woodham on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Tinning and children of Carlingford spent Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Ed ,Kemp. Miss Hazel 'Norris of Cromarty spent Sunday at the home of lir. and Mrs. Leslie Williams. Misses Georgina and Anna Beer visited their parents lir. end Mrs. Herb Beer. A special 'Mother's Day service was held on Sunday afternoon. The Munro Y. P. A. visited the Fullerton Young People Sunday evening. Mr. Cheros of Mitchell was guest speaker: On Sunday May Ziet anniversary service will be held in Bunco Church. Rev. Birtch of Tavistock will be the minister at bath services. BRODHAGEN 'Visitors: Mr, and Mrs. Leslie \VVet- erson and family of Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Hillebrecht. Mr. and Mrs. Al Gibbs and'Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Steiss and Richard of Detroit with Mrs, Hannah Steiss. Mc. and Mrs, George ;Jacob of Kit c'he,ter with 'Mr. and Mrs. Chris. \V Leonhardt, Mr, and Mrs, Herman Bauer and family of Glencoe with Mr. and Mrs Wm. Jacob, Mies Ethel +Querengesser accompanied them back to Glencoe. vfr. Herman Scherbarth of Credi. ton with relatives. Messrs. George and William Diege and Geo. :Vfoglc left for I'pperwasl Beach to build summer cottages for M•r. Heidtb.oehmer of Stratford. Miss Kathleen Smith and Calvin Diegel accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. Win, S. Riehl, Shirl- ey and 'Mr, and Mrs, George Siemon are spending several days in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, Manuel B•euermann and ,family, and Mr. and Mrs. .Dan Beuernnann spent Sunday with Mr. and firs. Ed Beuerntann in Thames - ford. Mr. and Mrs, Russell Sholdice and Gary :visited with Mr. and 'Mrs. Adapt Sloldice in Walton on Sunday. The funeral oft r. Henry • Hille hrecht which was held on Tuesday afternoon. was very largely attended. VARNA The many :friends of Mrs,. J. Rath - well wild the ,pleased to know she is improving slowly. We are also pleased to report Mrs. Grassic 'has returned home from Sea- forth Hospital much inipronved. The' Musses Ch titer and b'roth.er El- liott of London spent Sunday at the parental home. .Mr. and Mrs. \Vil'ford and 'kiddies 1 of lay visited the latter's .parents, Mr. and 'Mrs: Grassic, on Sunday. REGENT THEATRE' NOW 'PLAYINIG 'Boris Basil Bela Karloff Rathbone Lugosi 'Son of Frankenstein" Mon. Tues. Wed„ May 22-23.24 The lives of two ,British. fliers .on the western front during the world wary starring Errol Flynn Basil Rathbone —in•— "The Dawn Patrol" Next Thur. 'Fri. Sat., May 25-26-27 COMIING—Sabu, Raymond Massey "Drums'' Mr. and 'Mrs. G. V. Raymond of Londonmade a short call in the vil- lage Monday, Mr. IJ. Snaith left Tuesday for treat- ment in Westminster Hospital. Sunday tieing Mother's 'Lay two in- teresting events took place in the IUn-. ited Church, a very important event in the Tittle 'boy's life. The W.A. of St, 'John's Church 'en- tertained a number of the 'Bayfield and Middleton ladies on Tuesday. A very interesting and •instructive ad- dress was .given 'by Mrs, Graham of Bayfield, who attended the annual meeting held in London, •being the 52nd anniversary of the W.A. in the Diocese of Huron. After, the meeting ahearty vote of thanks was- tendered Mrs. Graham. Afterwards the ladies all assembled at the home of Mrs. G. H. Beatty, where theVarna branch served a dainty Lunch, between 35 and forty :being present. A hearty vote of thanks was given Mrs, Beatty for ,her hospitality. Mr. and Mrs. George Gierhart and family of Detroit in company with Mrs, J.' \8U, Horner visited ,with 'Mr. and Mrs. A. Ings. Mrs. Cook of Goderich township called on her sister MTS. Grassick Tuesday. BLAKE 'Mr. John Doulklas is not feeling as well as his many 'friends would like to 'hear of itis health. He is in bed again, but we trust with warns sunny days coming he may soon gain strength again. Mrs. Clark is being visited by .her daughter from Goderich for a few days. Mr: Wnn. Finlay, son Harold and Mrs. Finlay, and daughter Miss Al • - berta, and. Miss .NI, A. 'Johnston call- ed at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Cultic of the Bronson Line. Mr, R. N. Douglas is still poorly. His many friends hope to hear of his restored health, Rev, Peters gave a'splendid address on Sunday morning in keeping with our Mother's Day, as also our Fath- er's Day. The regular service is now being held an Sunday a.m. at 10 o'clock, .and Sunday School at II o'clock. Want and For Sale ads, 3 weeks 50c. The Latest in Radio We are now displaying the new R C A Victor and Philco Radios VICTOR PORTABLE— Plays anywhere. Complete $39.95 VICTOR ELECTRIC, 5 tube, Walnut cabinet $22.95 PHILCO ELECTRIC, 5 tube, the smallest radio you have ever seen $19,95 PHILCO'S Sensational 6 tube, push button, Car Radio$49.95 VICTOR 4 tube Battery Radio, with the latest development in low .drainage tubes, corn- plete $29.95 RADIO SERVICE Do not miss the' broadcasts of the King and Queen's visit to Canada: Let us put your radio in A-1 condition. J. F. DALY Telephone 102 Seaforth A NEW DEPARTMENT 8031 VICTOR .RECORDS Complete Stock of VICTOR RECORDINGS Mail Orders Filled Write for Free Catalogue and Picture of our New Department HEINTZMAN & CO, 242 Dundns, St. —.London