HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-05-18, Page 1Here woman reigns; the mother, daughter, wife, Strew with fresh Mowers the narrow way cif ;life; In the clear heaven of her ,delightful . eye An angel -guard of love and graces lie;;. Around her !knees domestic duties meet, e Seafort e HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWS PAPER WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 61, No. 20 And fireside pleasures gambol at her Meet. Where shall that land, that spot of earth he found? Art thou a man?—a ,patriot? --look around; Oh, thou shalt find, howe'•er ' thy footsteps roam, That land thy country, and that spot thy home. —".My Country." SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1939 HURRAY for Rnso's It SALE./ Buy 1 Lge. Rinse Get 1 HerRinso� l ALL FOR 24c EVAPORATED. MILK, 6 oz. size Canadian Maid, 2 tins 9c PETER PAIN CATSU+P. , ,10c bottle IRISH STEW, 2 tins 25c BRUNSWICK SARDINES — 5 tins 25c PEANUT BUTTER, 2 lb. 25c 'SNE%DER'S SAUERKRAUT - 2 Tins 25c DEL MAIZE CORN NIBLET 2 tins 25c GUEST SOCKEYE SALMON ' halves 18c PINK SALMON, tall - 2 Tins 25c DRIED PEACHES 19c lb. GRAPE FRUIT, 8 for 25c IDEAL SILVER POLISH CASTILE FLOOR WAX - 25c jar 25c Tin WONDERFUL SOAP— S bars 150 SNAP CLEANINIG POWDER 13c Tin JAVEL WATER, 3 bottle 25c Master Chick Starter makes the chicken grow, at $2.60 cwt. A. C. Routiedge Phone 166 *'blue coal941. THE SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT E. L. BOX PHONE 43 Northside United Church Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister, 110 a.m. Sunday School. 311 aan, The Gospel we Ignore, 7 p. n. Private versus Public Opinion. 7.415 p.m. Thur,, Prayer -meeting. St. Thomas Church Rector: Rev. dr. Hurford, 11 a.m. "God Save The King," 7 p^m, "The Ascension of Jesus." 10 a,m. Sunday School. Egmondville United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D. 10 a.nt., Sunday School. 1111 a.m., "Wandering in the Wilder- ness." 7 ,p.m. "The 'Merciful." First 'Presbyterian Church Rev. Hugh Jack, 'Minister. S.S. at 1101 Spring Anniversary Services Morning service, 3111 a,m. Evening service, 7 p.m. Rev. J. N. M•cFaul of St. Andrew's Church, Stratford, will preach at bath services. Midweek meeting on Thursday as usual. McKillop Charge Bethel, 10 a,m. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper,. Duff's, 111115 ami. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Cav'en, 2,30 .pan. Church' Service. R. W. Craw, Minister. KIPPEN Mrs. 'Janes Oh esney of Ki•ppen. lied ;Monday in Seaforth hospital in her '89th year. Formerly C'h•ristena Forsythe, she had been a resident of Kippen for the past 60 years, Her. husband .died in ':1016. Surviving are three 'daughters, Mrs. Harry Chesney, ,Kip'pen; Mrs. 'James Thompson, Br'ucefield and 'Miss Jennie, at home. The funeral, which was private, was held Wednesday afternoon with inter- ment in Hensall. (Union cetnetery. Rev, E. F. Chandler officiated. FOUR TEAMS IN H. F. A. SOU'DH GROUP A meeting was held in the Carnegie Library on May 15th, to draw up the schedule 'for the South Group of the Huron Football Association, There are only four teams in the ' South group now, owing to ,Clinton .drop- ping .out, and as a result, all four 'teams will the in the play-offs. The s•ohedule is May 29, Winthrop at St. Colum'ban. June 1y Walton at Seaforth, • June 2, St. 'Columiban at Winthrop, June 6, Seaforth at Walton. June 9, Walton at Winthrop, June 12, Seaforth at St. Colamban. LADY BOWLERS ELECT The' annual meeting of the lady ;bowlers was held at the 'home of Mrs: M. A. Reid when the following offic- ers were elected: President Mrs. M. A. Reid; let vice pres Mrs, D. Shanahan; '2tid vice pres., ,Mrs, L. T. DeLacey; secretary, Mrs. E. H. Close; treasurer, Mrs. Rob t. Sin'ith; social committee, Mrs, 1-l. Stewart, Miss 1•I. Galbraith, Mfrs, H. Mellen, Mrs. C. P. Sills; tournament •eon., Mrs, W. Hart and Mrs. D. Shanahan, co -conveners; Mrs. W. Sutherland and Mrs. Close; prize •com,, Miss M. Dorsey, Mrs. DeLacey. Ladies' night at the club will be •-Monday night, A delicious lunch was served at the close of the meeting by the hostess. NORTHSIDE W. M. S. The regular May, meeting of the W.M.S. of North Side 'United Church, Seaforth, was held on. Thursday, May 111ith, in the 'basement of the church, The president, Mrs. H. V. \V'orkntan, in the chair, had change of the devo- tional and !business :period. The roll call was answered by 36 members. Miss A, Ferguson, treasurer, gave her •monthly report. The supply sec- retary asked for quilts, pneumonia jackets, books and magazines. A fine reading on temperance by Mrs. C, C. Keine. Miss A. Lawrence them took charge of Circle No. a in the absence of Mrs. M. Cuthill. Theme for May, "Christia:n Stewardship." Hymn "Fight the Good Fight" was sung. Prayer by firs. Coates, The Bible readings were given by Miss ,M. Somerville. Interesting reports were given by the delegates, Mrs. Porteous and Mrs, Lawson, of the Presbyterial meeting at Wingham, Hymn "We give Thee 'but Thine Own." Miss Lawrence closed with prayer. MRS. JOHN l?, McLA'REN The death occurred on Thursday, May 1111, of Mrs. 'John P. McLaren, a highly respected resident of this vic- inity for many years. Her passing oc- curred at the home of a nephew, 'Mr. Harry A. Stewart, Egmondville, where she and Mr. McLaren made their home since last Ghristmas. For- merlylfiss Margaret E. Stewart, she was 'born in IUs!borne Township in 11858 and lived there until her mar- riage 53 years ago to Mr. McLaren, They resided in Hullett for a number of years before moving to Seaforth where Mr. McLaren was weigh - master. About t78 years ago they.mov- ed to the residence in. Tuckersmith of the late W. N. Cresswell, the well known artist, where they resided until coating to Egmondville, Mrs. Mc- Laren is survived by her husband, also by a sister and three brothers, Mrs. Mary Bolton, Exeter; Andrew Stewart, 'Mim'ico, ane! George Stewart Belleville. The funeral was 'held on Saturday afternoon from the resid- ence .of her nephew, Mr, Harry A. Stewart, Egpiondville, Rev. H. V. Workman of Northside United Church, of which the deceased was a member, cotuducted the service, assist- ed by Rev. A. W. Gardiner' of Eg- mondville Church. Interniegt took place in the Egmondville Cemetery. The pallbearers were six nephews: Milton Stewart, John Bolton, Gordon Bolton, .Elmer Stewart, Orville :Mc- Laren and Keith' .lbcl arem. Among those attending the funeral were Mr, and Mrs. George Stewart. Belleville; Mr. Andrew Stewart, Minmico; Mrs, D. Niles, Toronto; Mrs. James Ste- wart, Toronto; and friends from Us - borne Towiaship, FAYFIELD Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Tallbo.t are celebrating their fiftieth wedding an- niversary on Monday, May '22, and will be at home to their friends •from; Z' to 4 in the afternoon. RECEIVES ,DEGREE Mir. .and Mrs. Wm, Archibald and son Arnold ware in Guelph on Tues- day attending the graduation :exec- oises at the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege when their son Frank Archibald received his B.S.A. 'degree. ENGAGEMENT 'Mr. and •Mrs. E,phrian'i Clarke an- nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter 'V'iola Alberta to Mr. Lorne Edwin Lawson, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Lawson, 'both ,of Hullett, the wedding to take ,place early in Jane. C.W.L. EUCHRE A very enjoyable euchre and bingo under the auspices of the Catholic Women's League was held in St, James' Hall on Tuesday evening. Prizes were won: Ladies', Mrs. Stod- dart; lone hands, Mrs. O'Leary; gen- flemen's lir. J. Marsh; lone hands, Mr. J. 14. Eckert, Lunch was served. The proceeds amounted to $414.05. FATHER PASSES Mr. Henry Deninierling of Clifford died on Sunday evening in his 83rd year, Mr. Andrew ' D'enmerling of ITarriston, formerly of Seaforth, is a son .and 'Mrs. W. Austin and. ' Mrs. Roy Dungey, Seaforth, are grand- daughters. Eight sons and five daugh- ters survive, His wife and two child- ren predeceased him. Interment took place in Howick Lutheran Cemetery 011 Wednesday. WINS ESSAY PRIZE ;John A. Ross, son of Mr, and Mrs. W. Alex Ross of Minnedosa, Mani- toba, has been awarded the Robert- son -Morin essay prize in theology, it was .learned this week. The award carries a prize of $100 and the contest was open to the theological students of all 'United Church colleges in the dominion. The subject of the essay this year was On the work of Rev. James Evans, pioneer missionary, Mr. Ross, who is a student at the United Colleges, Winnipeg, will 'be ordained in June, and will take over duties as minister of the Red Lake charge af- ter IJa1ly 'lst, - *.. Mr. 'R'oss is a nephew of Mrs. J. Simpson and Mrs. Margaret Cuthill, George street. INDUCTION AT GORRIE On Tuesday 'evening the Rev. J. L. Ball, B'.A, was inducted as rector of Gorrie by Archdeacon Doherty, D.D, The church was completely Ailed for the occasion. The sermon 'was preach ed by the Rural Dean, Rev. Dr, Hur- ford, of Seaforth, on "The 'Church's Task To -Day," On :behalf of the clergy of the Deanery the Rural Dean welcomed the new rector and wished him and the congregation success. Assisting in the service were Revs. A. C. Calder, J. Graham, E, O. Gall- agher, R. '1I. Weeks, H. O'Neil. H. Naylor, and Mr. Bamford, lay reader. A reception was held after the ser- vice in the Orange Hall and refresh- ments were served. Mr. Isaac Gamble was in the chair. Speeches of wel- come and good wishes by all the .clergy present and also by Mrs. A. C. Calder, president of the Deanery W. A., and Mr. Bamford. The Rev. J. L. Ball suitably replied, Thus .came to an end a very happy and successful evening. TO VISIT IN NEW YORK Mr. Dentis Andrews writes to The News this 'week that his daughter Mary is visiting her 'brother Joseph in New York at present. Mr. and •Mrs. Andrews and 'fancily are former well- known residents of Seaforth and are now living in Buffalo. Mr. Andrews says, vMiss Mary Frances Andrews, 1120 Armin Pl., Buffalo, left on Friday 'last, May ;112th, to visit her brother in New York, who is station- ed there as a salesman for W. A. Case's Plumbing Co., of Buffalo. This is the first time that Mary Frances has ']eft 'hone since her graduation from the Academy of 'Mt. St. Joseph last June. ,,So Mary Frances expects to :get some thrill otmt of this trip." Her, brother, Mr. Joseph 11. Andrews, has arranged for a trip to West Point to .see the cadets. Her 'brother is a personal friend of George Shelton, the comedian on ,the Model tobacco' program at 8.30, and he has two tick- ets to attend the 'broade•ast. After- wards she and her 'brother are going backstage, and a few hours of recrea- tion has been arranged. On Tuesday and Wednesday arrangements have been made for Mary to attend the world's fair.lOn Thursday evening her 'brother has arranged for ,Mary to at- tend the Major Bowes program. •: Phone 84, $1 a year, CI SERVICE 5EE1 C®RRE 0�C� 140 Mit ECa m OM. ptl 1Nd to serve n toraish^ the feces '1 nee 500 mahogany C.Oh lost Pea la a stunning 4e Dons Byes- 50510in s osP Parks, roof chest. 9 SETS Salad °on ,,OF B FRrks,,8 g Sutter es, E dens, l erks, Sutter Knsetit Spoons, lock geasP°ot,s,1 Cold Moat Pork 1(aife,l Sugar Spoon, Coronation Lady Hamilton Rendezvous Berkeley Square AVAUGE Jeweller and Optometrist MISS M. BROADROOT PASSES IN PERTH The death of 'Miss Marion Jane (May) Broadfoot occurred about noon on Wednesday following a seri- ous operation at Perth, Ont. Word of Miss Broadfoot's death was learned with deep regret in Sea - forth 'where she was born and lived her entire life. After spending the winter in Port Nelson with her niece she had :nm to Perth, Ont., on April 20 to stay for a few weeks with a cousin, Miss Nellie Cline, who Brakes her home with another cousin, Mrs, Colin Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell are at present away on a six weeks' visit to the Old Country. Miss Broad - foot underwent an operation 011 Sun- day at Perth. She was the youngest .daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Broadfoot, her father being the 'yell known furniture manufacturer of Seaforth. • A sister, Miss Kate Broadfoot, pre- deceased her in 1032 and her mother in '1930. Four brothers survive: Alex., M•oosejaw; Fred, Seattle; Jim, New York, and Arthur, l'foosejaw. Miss Broadfoot sold the family residence opposite the furniture fac- tory several years ago, and had made her home •lately while in Seaforth. with Miss Davidson. The funeral will be held. in Seaforth. Arrange- ments have not 'been completed at time of writing. CONSTANCE The W.A. and W.M.S. held their meetings Thursday afternoon. The W.M.S. meeting —opened with the president Mrs, Wm. Britton in the chair. Hymn, Blessed Assurance, was sung, 'followed by prayer by firs, Britton. 'Minutes of previous meeting were read and'business .called for. The W.A. president Mrs. Adapts . then took charge. - Prayer by Mrs. E, Adams, The minutes were read and adopted and the 'business transacted. Mrs. Wni. Jewitt then took charge -FM. group 11, Sang hymn 11$0. Prayer by Mrs. Robert Lawson. .Scripture. les- sonwas given by Mrs.Orval Dale. A fete facts on tike address 'hy Miss Sooga's on the b[adres conference held in London was !given by Mrs. Britton, she having had the •pleasure. of attending this conference. Hymn 106 was sung and closed the meeting. Lunch was served by group •1. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Coleman and. Ronnie and .Mr. Gordon Johnston visited with 11r, and Mrs. Eph. Clarke on Sunday. Miss Edna Armstrong of Seaforth spent the week end at the hone of her Parents Mr. and Mrs. Howard Arm- strong. Mr. and 'Mrs. John Davidson and Andrew spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lawson. HARLOCK Mrs. Lorne Marshall and little dau- ghter of \Valkerville, who had beton holidaying for the past week at the home of the former's mother and bro- ther, Mrs. Jennie and Ernest .Knox, also visiting other friends, left on Sunday. Mr. and 'Mrs, Ward Knox and Mr:. Jennie Knox taking them as far as Woodstock, returning home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs,Joseph Bewley visit- ed lir. Reeve Ferris nn Monday. .hiss Isabel Ferris spent a few days at the home of her aunt and uncle. Mrs. and Mr Joseph Bewley of near Walton. Miss Ferris, who has lately been keeping- house for her uncle, Mr. Reece Ferris, received word re- cently word that her father Mr. Bert Ferris of Provost, :Uta., was its the hospital and she is talking of going home: We are sorry that Bert w'ho spent his younger days in this neigh- borhood is laid up but hope he ,twill soon be improving in health. There IVC a special service in Biros' Church Sunday morning, it being 'Mother's Sunday, Miss Elizabeth l{ills atended the music festival in Ontario Street Church Saturday afternonn having some pupils taking part in the demon- stration. Children from .12rural schools took part in the program which lasted the most part of the aft- ernoon. Mrs. Isaac Rapson attended the music festival in Ontario Street Church Saturday afternoon, her little granddaughter !Jean Gihbini s being one of the junior solo singers. Miss Green of Clinton is music teacher in that.school. llr. Robert Watson assisted Messrs. Samuel and James Riddell take their cattle to pasture on their farm in Morris on Tuesday. The May meetings of the Ladic Aid and W.M.S. of Burne' Church was held Wednesday afternoon of last week with a nice attendance and a very pleasant afternoon was :spent. STANLEY On Sunday afternoon Mr. and firs. H. Finlay, with the former's father and sister, and Miss Mary Johnston called on Mr. and Mrs. Will Carnie, Later in the clay Mr. and Mrs. Allan Steckie called to see Mrs. Carnie. who has 'been confined to the house for several weeks with a fractured arm. On 'Monday of Iast week Mrs, W. Heard and son Russell, accompanied by Mrs. Tough of Bayfield, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Carnie, Mr. Alex Sparks of I iensall and daughter-in-law, Mrs, Archie Sparks, of - Detroit, spent a few clays with Bronson Line friends last week. Mr, and firs, Milton. Pollock of the Goshen Line, and family, visited at the hone of 11r. and Mrs. Jno. Turner of 'the Blue Water Highway on Sunday last. On Sunday aitcrnooti, 1fr. and Mrs. George Cainfhell entertained the former's sister, 'Mrs, \V. Kan -Um -len and members ,of her family, Misses K. and N. fiam•pman and Bill,all of Kitchener, and also Mr. Campbell's youngest sister, Mfrs. Laine of Guelph.