HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-05-11, Page 7(t�1 () `011111 Q THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1939. THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS win come to your home every day through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International Daily Newspaper 05 records for you the world's clean, constructive doings,. The Monitor does not exploit crime or sensation; neither does 1t ignore them,. but deals correctively with them. Features for busy men and all the lambs, including the Weekly Magazine Seatlon. The aviation Solent Publishing Safety One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Please enter mw subscription to The Ohrlstlen'Scienue Monitor for a period of 1 year $12.00 0 months $6.00 3 months 53.00 1 month $1.00 Wednesday issue, including Magazine Section: 1 year $2.0O, 0 issues 250 Nam* Address Sample Copy ons Reynett THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE SEVEN If I The Secrets a Good Looks by YOUR HADR NEEDS EXTRA CARE NOW Many women get a "per.maneet" •aroundJune. Whether you do or not, your hair certainly needs extra at- tention 'lavished on it during Spring, to give it a ,lustre you can ibe proud of. You must brush vigorously and 'of- ten. It is important to brush right down •to the ends of the hair, and not only near the roots; and always brush away from the normal :parting. Clean your brushes .frequently, to remove dirt anti keep free of infection. ' During the nest few weeks give yourself a weekly shampoo, using a tnuisified cocoanut oil shampoo to rout out the grease and dust. Before each shampoo, however, treat your hair with warm olive oil. Massage particularly hehind the ears; this has a stimulating effect on the entire scalp. Duni, faded hair needs- toning alp with a good vaseline hair 'tonic. Go about it systematically. Sit down at -a table with elbows resting on it, and sprinkle some atonic aver your scalp and hair. Begin the massage by loos- ening the hair from the scalp, then placing your ,fingers firmly on the scalp, rotate the scalp itself, without rubbing. Finish up by vigorously brushing the hair. Detailed leaflets on the following subjects are available for 3c stamp each; Hair, Face, 'Eyes, Hands, Feet, Bust, Reducing in Spots, Slimming, tUnderweig'ht, Superfluous Hair, Write me for .confidential advice in your personal beauty .problems. Please write direct to: Miss Bar- bara Lynn, PLO, Box 75, Station B, Montreal, Que. at Send us the names of your visitors. ka.,?fi • Grandma always was a keen shopper and quick to "snap up" a bargain but you'll recognize these BARGAIN OFFERS without her years of ex- perience ... you save real money ... you- get a swell selection of magazines and a full year of our newspaper. That's what we call a tebreak" for you readers ... no wonder grandma says—"YOU'VE GOT SOMETHING THERE!" ALL-FA,',r<ILI' OFFER THS NEWSPAFER,1 YEAR AND ANY THREE MAGAZINES PLEASE CHECK THREE MAGAZINES DESIRED ❑ Maclean's Magazine (24 issues), 0 Rod and Gun, I Year. i Year. ❑ Silver Screen, I Year. ❑ National Home Monthly, I Year. 0 American Fruit Grower, I Year. a ❑ Canadian Magazine, I Year. 0 Parents', 6 Mos. ❑ Chatelaine, I Year. 0 American Boy, 8 Mos. 00 ❑ Christian Herald, 6 Mos. ❑ Conadian Horticulture and Home ❑ Open Road (For 'Boys),1 Year. Magazine, I Year. ALL FOUR ONLY SUPER -VALUE OFFER THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 YEAR AND THREE SIG MAGAZINES GROUP A SELECT 1 GROUP B — SELECT 2 ❑ Maclean's Magazine, 24 issues, ❑ News -Week, 6 Mos. ❑ True Story, I Yr. • Screenland, 1 Yr. ❑ Judge, I Yr. ❑ McCall's, I Yr. ❑ Magazine Digest, 6 Mos. ❑ Parents', I Yr. ❑ Christian Herald, I Yr. ❑ Woman's Home Companion, Yr. o Collier's, I Yr, ❑ American Boy, I Yr. seareatiamentr I Yr. ALL FOUR National Home Monthly, I Yr - 0 ❑ Canadian Magazine, I Yr. ❑ Chatelaine, I Yr. • ❑ Rod and Gun, I Yr. ❑ Silver Screen, I Yr, ❑ American Fruit Grower, I Yr. ❑ Canadian Horticulture & Home Magazine, I Yr. ' ❑ Open Road (For Boys), I Yr. THE SEAFORTH NEWS Gentlemen: I enclose $ I am checking below the offer desired with a year's subsorlption to your paper. ❑ All -Family Name • Si. or R.R. Town and Province , ❑ Super.Value SEAFORTH. ONTARIO, d Annapolis Valley Apple Blossom Festival lowers and music will be the highlights of the seventh an- nual Apple Blossom Festival In Nova Scotia's Annapolis Valley, largest single apple belt in the British Empire, from June third to fifth this year. The commodi- ous Cornwallis Inn at Kentvile will be headquarters for the fes- tival and temporary home for many hundreds of visitors from Canada and the United States who come to see the Land of Evange- line at the peak of its beauty. Festival arrangements call for the election and coronation of the Queen, folk dances and songs, an Apple Blossom Ball at the Corn- wallis Inn, memorial services at Evangeline Park, colorful parades and pageants. Of unusual significance will be the visit of Miss Florence Small, of Potterels, Brookman's Park, Hertfordshire, who is "Queen of the English Orchards," and who will represent England's fruit growers at the Canadian Festival. The first apple trees were planted in the Annapolis Valley 300 years ago and the province has the dis- tinction of exporting more apples to Great Britain than all the other overseas dominions combined. Visitors will have the oppor- tunity of seeing the Shrine of Evangeline at nearby Grand Pre, the ancient willows, and the pic- turesque old well, and church described in Longfellow's epic romance. This festival is an unfailing in- dication, that the summer vacation period has arrived in the charm- ing seaside resorts of the Mari- times. Three popular Canadian Pacific resorts are opened for the summer: The Pines at Digby, N.S., June 24; Lakeside Inn at Yarmouth, N.S„ June 27, and the Algonquin Hotel at St. Andrews - by -the -Sea, N.B., June 30. ROYAL ITINERARY IN WESTERN ONTARIO The inter-departmeutal committee arranging for the royal visit recently announced the official program for the King and Queen's. tour of thirteen Ontario cities the three days prior'to crossing into the United State. at Niagara Fella, Ont., for the trip to Washington. Returning irons the west coast and the prairies, the royal train will arrive at Sioux Lookout, -Ont., from Melville, Sask., at 7.35 p.m. C.S. 1'., on Sunday, June 4. On Monday, June 5, at 6.30 p.m., E. S.T., the royal party is scheduled to arrive at Sudbury Junction, After an hour's stop 'the train will leave at 7.311 p.m.. E. S. T, Three ten-minute stops will be made on the afternoon of June b. At l;3$ p.m., E. S. T., the royal train will arrive at Guelph; at 3:85 pan„ E.S.T., at Kitchener, and at 3.20 p.tn., E.S.T., at Stratford. At each city the Prince Minister will introduce the Mayor and his wife. The 'Mayor will present an address of welcome and then will present the members of the City Council, offic- ials and their wives. The royal train will visit Windsor at 7.30 p.m., E. S. T., that evening and a 28 -gun salute will be tired as Their Majesties leave 4 the train to have the Prime Minister present 'the Mayor of :Windsor and Mrs, Croll, A guard of honor Will be inspected by the 'King and the Mayor will present His Majesty with an address from the people of Windsor, Her Majesty will accept a .bouquet. Mayor Croll then will present the City Council, coca; officials and their wives and- the train leaves at 7:45 p.m. On Wednesday, June 7, the royal train will arrive at the C. N. R. sta- tion at London at - 80 a.m., E. S, T. and the King and Queen will be stet by the Mayor of London and his mother, Mrs. Johnston, who will be -presented by the Prime VLinister. A 21\ -gun salute is to .be fired and a guard of ;honor inspected iby •the sov- ereign and then the Mayor will pre- sent the 'council, officials and their wives. Her 'Majesty wit! 'be •asked to accept a 'bouquet. At 10.20 am., Their• Majesties, the Prime Minister, all Ontario member of the Federal Cabinet, the Mayor and his mother, and the ladies and gentlemen in waiting - will drive through the city. When passing the municipal - offices, the Ring and Queen will sign the .official visitors' 0, HS McInnes CHIROPRACTOR Office — Commercial Hotel Electro Therapist Massage. Hours—Mon. and 'Thurs, after- noons anw by appointment -'FOOT CORRECTION' by manipulation—Sun-ray treat- ment. Phone 227. book of the city, which will be brought to their motor cat'. At 10.53 a.im, the royal party returns to the C. I\r, R. station. - At 11-a.nt. the train leaves for Ing- ersoll, where it stop will be made from 11,30 a.m., E. S. T., to 1+] 4t1 a.sn., and the usual procedure regarding pres- entations at shcort stops followed. Another ten-minute stop will be made at :Woodstock, with the• train arriving there ra noon- E. S. T. and the city officials Hill he presented, as they also will be at Brantford, where the royal party arrive. at 112.50 pint. for a fifteen -minute stip. Besides the usual presentations at Brantford. Their Majestic, will autograph the Queen Anne Bible Of the Six Na- tions Indian.. Leaving -:Western Ontario. the -sov- ereigns arrive at Hamilton at .1.45 p.m. E,S.1'., and twill meet the city offic- ials. A -1-gum salute will he tired and a guard of honor in-p,.trc!.:Ties 'n'o- incline will be similar t, London. 'l.'he royal party will drive to the civic .sta- dium, where a large ;group of school children are to be assembled. At 3.115 p,m. the dein, and Queen will return to the royal train at the railways plat- form at the Hamilton Tockev Club The royal party arrive- at St. Catharines at 4 p.m.. E. S. T., Their \iaj eoties will meet the 'Mayor and his wife and city officials and their wives. At 410 p.m. the King .and Quetta. the `'rime :Minister, an 'Ontario mem- her of the Federal Cabinet. 'the ladies and gentlemen. in awaiting will drive to Niagara Palls. arriving at the hound= err of the city at 6 span., where they will be stet by a mounted escort. The King- will. receive a royal salute from the escort and .the royal party will proceed to the administration building at Quecn Victoria Park. 'Here the civic officials and official, of the Niagara .Parks Consmisior and their Wives will be presented. At 6.30 p.m. the royal party- will drive to Table Rock and the King and Queen will visit the wind tunnel under the falls. They will drive to the General .Brock Hotel at 6.55 p.m„ where they will dine privately in the Rainbow Room, The procession will drive to .the C. N. R. station at 9,110 p.m, and a guard of honor will be inspected by the King. At 9.30 p.m. the royal train leaves Niagara Falls for the -United States. HUROIN-PERTH BASEBALL DATES The Huron -Perth Baseball League, intermediate 0. B. A„ for 1939 com- prises the following' group, Blyth, Clinton, Crediton, Exeter, Goderich, Hensall. Lucan, 'Mitchell and Z r'oh. At a meeting held at Hensall- on Fri- day .evening the season's schedule of games was drawn up. The season opens with three (games on May 2.4th, May 24 Hensall at Clinton Crediton at Exeter. Goderich at Zurich May 26 Mitchell at Goderich May 29 Exeter at Mitchell Clifton at ,Crediton Zurich at' ,Lucan Goderich at Blyth June Ai Zurich at .Mitchell Blyth at Exeter Lucan at Clinton June 5 Exeter at Crediton ,Zurich at Goderich. Hensall at Lucan \titeliell at Blyth June S Blyth at Zurich June 9 Clinton at \litchet.l Lucca at Crediton Goderich at Heusali June 12 Zurich at Blyth June M3 Exeter at Luean Goderich at Clinto .Mitchell at 4reditan June 1i5 Creditor at .Zurich. June 116 Clinton at tii'drrich Lucau at Heis:t?: June 19 Blyth at 11it.bel' Zurich at C lint.o 1 Hensall at Cre,9i:'m June 20 Goderich at Lucan Juice 2i2. Exeter at Znrirh - Crediton at Hensall ,Tune 23 Mitchell. at Hensall Clinton at Myth June 26 Zurich at Crediton ,rune 27 Hensall at Exeter. June 28 Lucan at Blyth Crediton at Goderi.h Jane 20 Exeter at (i oieri.lt 11itehell at Zurich June 30 Crediton at Luran Clinton at Hensall July 3 Blyth at Clinton Hensall at Mitchr" July 5 Lucan at t;oder)c!i July (i Clinton at Exeter Zurich at Hensall July 7 Blyth at Crediton Mitchell at Lucan July 110 Crediton at Mitehel' Hensall at Zurich July 11 Exeter at Clinton July 13 Goderich at Crediton Lncar, at Zurich July 14 Blyth at Hensat: Mitchell at Exeter July 11.7 Clinton at Lune 7.ur1ch at Exeter July 18 Blytl 'at Goderich July 20 Clinton at Zurich Crediton .at Blyth Lucan at Exeter July 11 Exeter at Hensel! Goderich at Mitchell July ,224 •Mitchell at Clinton July 36 Blyth at Lucan July 28 Lucan at Mitchell Exeter at Blyth Hensall at Goderich Crediton 'at Clinton August 2 Hensall at Blyth Four leaders at end of the season's schedule to enter 'the play-offs. A Junior Huron -Perth league, will probably be formed at a meeting to• be held at Clinton on Friday. May 92. 1035 .. MAY f5,5 n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 13 9 10 11 12 13 14 95 16 17 113 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 99 30 31 se o n ves� Iplk � L .., Monthly Statements We can save you money on Bill and Charge Forms, standard sizes to fit Ledgers, white or colors. It will pay you to see our samples. Also best quality Metal Hinged Sec- tional Post Binders and Index. The Seaforth Ne a,lA Phone 84 THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS win come to your home every day through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International Daily Newspaper 05 records for you the world's clean, constructive doings,. The Monitor does not exploit crime or sensation; neither does 1t ignore them,. but deals correctively with them. Features for busy men and all the lambs, including the Weekly Magazine Seatlon. The aviation Solent Publishing Safety One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Please enter mw subscription to The Ohrlstlen'Scienue Monitor for a period of 1 year $12.00 0 months $6.00 3 months 53.00 1 month $1.00 Wednesday issue, including Magazine Section: 1 year $2.0O, 0 issues 250 Nam* Address Sample Copy ons Reynett THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE SEVEN If I The Secrets a Good Looks by YOUR HADR NEEDS EXTRA CARE NOW Many women get a "per.maneet" •aroundJune. Whether you do or not, your hair certainly needs extra at- tention 'lavished on it during Spring, to give it a ,lustre you can ibe proud of. You must brush vigorously and 'of- ten. It is important to brush right down •to the ends of the hair, and not only near the roots; and always brush away from the normal :parting. Clean your brushes .frequently, to remove dirt anti keep free of infection. ' During the nest few weeks give yourself a weekly shampoo, using a tnuisified cocoanut oil shampoo to rout out the grease and dust. Before each shampoo, however, treat your hair with warm olive oil. Massage particularly hehind the ears; this has a stimulating effect on the entire scalp. Duni, faded hair needs- toning alp with a good vaseline hair 'tonic. Go about it systematically. Sit down at -a table with elbows resting on it, and sprinkle some atonic aver your scalp and hair. Begin the massage by loos- ening the hair from the scalp, then placing your ,fingers firmly on the scalp, rotate the scalp itself, without rubbing. Finish up by vigorously brushing the hair. Detailed leaflets on the following subjects are available for 3c stamp each; Hair, Face, 'Eyes, Hands, Feet, Bust, Reducing in Spots, Slimming, tUnderweig'ht, Superfluous Hair, Write me for .confidential advice in your personal beauty .problems. Please write direct to: Miss Bar- bara Lynn, PLO, Box 75, Station B, Montreal, Que. at Send us the names of your visitors. ka.,?fi • Grandma always was a keen shopper and quick to "snap up" a bargain but you'll recognize these BARGAIN OFFERS without her years of ex- perience ... you save real money ... you- get a swell selection of magazines and a full year of our newspaper. That's what we call a tebreak" for you readers ... no wonder grandma says—"YOU'VE GOT SOMETHING THERE!" ALL-FA,',r<ILI' OFFER THS NEWSPAFER,1 YEAR AND ANY THREE MAGAZINES PLEASE CHECK THREE MAGAZINES DESIRED ❑ Maclean's Magazine (24 issues), 0 Rod and Gun, I Year. i Year. ❑ Silver Screen, I Year. ❑ National Home Monthly, I Year. 0 American Fruit Grower, I Year. a ❑ Canadian Magazine, I Year. 0 Parents', 6 Mos. ❑ Chatelaine, I Year. 0 American Boy, 8 Mos. 00 ❑ Christian Herald, 6 Mos. ❑ Conadian Horticulture and Home ❑ Open Road (For 'Boys),1 Year. Magazine, I Year. ALL FOUR ONLY SUPER -VALUE OFFER THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 YEAR AND THREE SIG MAGAZINES GROUP A SELECT 1 GROUP B — SELECT 2 ❑ Maclean's Magazine, 24 issues, ❑ News -Week, 6 Mos. ❑ True Story, I Yr. • Screenland, 1 Yr. ❑ Judge, I Yr. ❑ McCall's, I Yr. ❑ Magazine Digest, 6 Mos. ❑ Parents', I Yr. ❑ Christian Herald, I Yr. ❑ Woman's Home Companion, Yr. o Collier's, I Yr, ❑ American Boy, I Yr. seareatiamentr I Yr. ALL FOUR National Home Monthly, I Yr - 0 ❑ Canadian Magazine, I Yr. ❑ Chatelaine, I Yr. • ❑ Rod and Gun, I Yr. ❑ Silver Screen, I Yr, ❑ American Fruit Grower, I Yr. ❑ Canadian Horticulture & Home Magazine, I Yr. ' ❑ Open Road (For Boys), I Yr. THE SEAFORTH NEWS Gentlemen: I enclose $ I am checking below the offer desired with a year's subsorlption to your paper. ❑ All -Family Name • Si. or R.R. Town and Province , ❑ Super.Value SEAFORTH. ONTARIO, d Annapolis Valley Apple Blossom Festival lowers and music will be the highlights of the seventh an- nual Apple Blossom Festival In Nova Scotia's Annapolis Valley, largest single apple belt in the British Empire, from June third to fifth this year. The commodi- ous Cornwallis Inn at Kentvile will be headquarters for the fes- tival and temporary home for many hundreds of visitors from Canada and the United States who come to see the Land of Evange- line at the peak of its beauty. Festival arrangements call for the election and coronation of the Queen, folk dances and songs, an Apple Blossom Ball at the Corn- wallis Inn, memorial services at Evangeline Park, colorful parades and pageants. Of unusual significance will be the visit of Miss Florence Small, of Potterels, Brookman's Park, Hertfordshire, who is "Queen of the English Orchards," and who will represent England's fruit growers at the Canadian Festival. The first apple trees were planted in the Annapolis Valley 300 years ago and the province has the dis- tinction of exporting more apples to Great Britain than all the other overseas dominions combined. Visitors will have the oppor- tunity of seeing the Shrine of Evangeline at nearby Grand Pre, the ancient willows, and the pic- turesque old well, and church described in Longfellow's epic romance. This festival is an unfailing in- dication, that the summer vacation period has arrived in the charm- ing seaside resorts of the Mari- times. Three popular Canadian Pacific resorts are opened for the summer: The Pines at Digby, N.S., June 24; Lakeside Inn at Yarmouth, N.S„ June 27, and the Algonquin Hotel at St. Andrews - by -the -Sea, N.B., June 30. ROYAL ITINERARY IN WESTERN ONTARIO The inter-departmeutal committee arranging for the royal visit recently announced the official program for the King and Queen's. tour of thirteen Ontario cities the three days prior'to crossing into the United State. at Niagara Fella, Ont., for the trip to Washington. Returning irons the west coast and the prairies, the royal train will arrive at Sioux Lookout, -Ont., from Melville, Sask., at 7.35 p.m. C.S. 1'., on Sunday, June 4. On Monday, June 5, at 6.30 p.m., E. S.T., the royal party is scheduled to arrive at Sudbury Junction, After an hour's stop 'the train will leave at 7.311 p.m.. E. S. T, Three ten-minute stops will be made on the afternoon of June b. At l;3$ p.m., E. S. T., the royal train will arrive at Guelph; at 3:85 pan„ E.S.T., at Kitchener, and at 3.20 p.tn., E.S.T., at Stratford. At each city the Prince Minister will introduce the Mayor and his wife. The 'Mayor will present an address of welcome and then will present the members of the City Council, offic- ials and their wives. The royal train will visit Windsor at 7.30 p.m., E. S. T., that evening and a 28 -gun salute will be tired as Their Majesties leave 4 the train to have the Prime Minister present 'the Mayor of :Windsor and Mrs, Croll, A guard of honor Will be inspected by the 'King and the Mayor will present His Majesty with an address from the people of Windsor, Her Majesty will accept a .bouquet. Mayor Croll then will present the City Council, coca; officials and their wives and- the train leaves at 7:45 p.m. On Wednesday, June 7, the royal train will arrive at the C. N. R. sta- tion at London at - 80 a.m., E. S, T. and the King and Queen will be stet by the Mayor of London and his mother, Mrs. Johnston, who will be -presented by the Prime VLinister. A 21\ -gun salute is to .be fired and a guard of ;honor inspected iby •the sov- ereign and then the Mayor will pre- sent the 'council, officials and their wives. Her 'Majesty wit! 'be •asked to accept a 'bouquet. At 10.20 am., Their• Majesties, the Prime Minister, all Ontario member of the Federal Cabinet, the Mayor and his mother, and the ladies and gentlemen in waiting - will drive through the city. When passing the municipal - offices, the Ring and Queen will sign the .official visitors' 0, HS McInnes CHIROPRACTOR Office — Commercial Hotel Electro Therapist Massage. Hours—Mon. and 'Thurs, after- noons anw by appointment -'FOOT CORRECTION' by manipulation—Sun-ray treat- ment. Phone 227. book of the city, which will be brought to their motor cat'. At 10.53 a.im, the royal party returns to the C. I\r, R. station. - At 11-a.nt. the train leaves for Ing- ersoll, where it stop will be made from 11,30 a.m., E. S. T., to 1+] 4t1 a.sn., and the usual procedure regarding pres- entations at shcort stops followed. Another ten-minute stop will be made at :Woodstock, with the• train arriving there ra noon- E. S. T. and the city officials Hill he presented, as they also will be at Brantford, where the royal party arrive. at 112.50 pint. for a fifteen -minute stip. Besides the usual presentations at Brantford. Their Majestic, will autograph the Queen Anne Bible Of the Six Na- tions Indian.. Leaving -:Western Ontario. the -sov- ereigns arrive at Hamilton at .1.45 p.m. E,S.1'., and twill meet the city offic- ials. A -1-gum salute will he tired and a guard of honor in-p,.trc!.:Ties 'n'o- incline will be similar t, London. 'l.'he royal party will drive to the civic .sta- dium, where a large ;group of school children are to be assembled. At 3.115 p,m. the dein, and Queen will return to the royal train at the railways plat- form at the Hamilton Tockev Club The royal party arrive- at St. Catharines at 4 p.m.. E. S. T., Their \iaj eoties will meet the 'Mayor and his wife and city officials and their wives. At 410 p.m. the King .and Quetta. the `'rime :Minister, an 'Ontario mem- her of the Federal Cabinet. 'the ladies and gentlemen. in awaiting will drive to Niagara Palls. arriving at the hound= err of the city at 6 span., where they will be stet by a mounted escort. The King- will. receive a royal salute from the escort and .the royal party will proceed to the administration building at Quecn Victoria Park. 'Here the civic officials and official, of the Niagara .Parks Consmisior and their Wives will be presented. At 6.30 p.m. the royal party- will drive to Table Rock and the King and Queen will visit the wind tunnel under the falls. They will drive to the General .Brock Hotel at 6.55 p.m„ where they will dine privately in the Rainbow Room, The procession will drive to .the C. N. R. station at 9,110 p.m, and a guard of honor will be inspected by the King. At 9.30 p.m. the royal train leaves Niagara Falls for the -United States. HUROIN-PERTH BASEBALL DATES The Huron -Perth Baseball League, intermediate 0. B. A„ for 1939 com- prises the following' group, Blyth, Clinton, Crediton, Exeter, Goderich, Hensall. Lucan, 'Mitchell and Z r'oh. At a meeting held at Hensall- on Fri- day .evening the season's schedule of games was drawn up. The season opens with three (games on May 2.4th, May 24 Hensall at Clinton Crediton at Exeter. Goderich at Zurich May 26 Mitchell at Goderich May 29 Exeter at Mitchell Clifton at ,Crediton Zurich at' ,Lucan Goderich at Blyth June Ai Zurich at .Mitchell Blyth at Exeter Lucan at Clinton June 5 Exeter at Crediton ,Zurich at Goderich. Hensall at Lucan \titeliell at Blyth June S Blyth at Zurich June 9 Clinton at \litchet.l Lucca at Crediton Goderich at Heusali June 12 Zurich at Blyth June M3 Exeter at Luean Goderich at Clinto .Mitchell at 4reditan June 1i5 Creditor at .Zurich. June 116 Clinton at tii'drrich Lucau at Heis:t?: June 19 Blyth at 11it.bel' Zurich at C lint.o 1 Hensall at Cre,9i:'m June 20 Goderich at Lucan Juice 2i2. Exeter at Znrirh - Crediton at Hensall ,Tune 23 Mitchell. at Hensall Clinton at Myth June 26 Zurich at Crediton ,rune 27 Hensall at Exeter. June 28 Lucan at Blyth Crediton at Goderi.h Jane 20 Exeter at (i oieri.lt 11itehell at Zurich June 30 Crediton at Luran Clinton at Hensall July 3 Blyth at Clinton Hensall at Mitchr" July 5 Lucan at t;oder)c!i July (i Clinton at Exeter Zurich at Hensall July 7 Blyth at Crediton Mitchell at Lucan July 110 Crediton at Mitehel' Hensall at Zurich July 11 Exeter at Clinton July 13 Goderich at Crediton Lncar, at Zurich July 14 Blyth at Hensat: Mitchell at Exeter July 11.7 Clinton at Lune 7.ur1ch at Exeter July 18 Blytl 'at Goderich July 20 Clinton at Zurich Crediton .at Blyth Lucan at Exeter July 11 Exeter at Hensel! Goderich at Mitchell July ,224 •Mitchell at Clinton July 36 Blyth at Lucan July 28 Lucan at Mitchell Exeter at Blyth Hensall at Goderich Crediton 'at Clinton August 2 Hensall at Blyth Four leaders at end of the season's schedule to enter 'the play-offs. A Junior Huron -Perth league, will probably be formed at a meeting to• be held at Clinton on Friday. May 92. 1035 .. MAY f5,5 n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 13 9 10 11 12 13 14 95 16 17 113 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 99 30 31 se o n