The Seaforth News, 1939-05-11, Page 4PAGE FOUR. Tab.; SEAFORTH NEWS tummuslisimailmunamommak guard school children at Kiitchener A�.pToI' g/ �piablic and separate schools. Prelim d`►OI Ji O Mary selection of one representative SALE...of FINE F RS from each of six school 'patrols was made at a meeting last week, Those chosen al this meeting were inter- viewed, at the city hall the next day AT SPRING PRICES The Paris Fur Co. offers you the opportunity of a life -time to secure a luxury Fur Coat at lowest possible cost. The name Paris Fur Co. represents the last word in Ultra Smart fash- ion design, combined with dependable workmanship. It is your guarantee of a long -wearing garment at Factory -to -Wearer prices, AMAZING FACTORY SALE PRICE You get immeasurably more from buying direct from Canada's Largest Factory Furriers. Be sure to see these finest of all fur coats. Phone and a Representa- tive will call on you. LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD COAT WE ALSO REMODEL YOUR QLD COAT PARIS FUR CO. AT McTAVISH'S SEAFORTH by the selection Committee for ability to expr-ess'`then:selves ,regarding- their city, appearance and merit in their work, Wilmot will carry a Union Jack with him, the gift of the city, and, he will bear it in the ,parade, which will ,be reviewed 'by President 'Roosevelt. Wilmot will leave Kitchener on Thursday for Detroit where he will, join the Michigan and Windsor dele- gates, and will return on May 14th. He is the son of Mrs. Lena McGavin, Kitchener. Mr. A. IJ, Carter of Seaforth is' vis- iting friends in and around Walton. Miss lj. A. Bolger is spending a few days with friends in Hallett. SusMLt's SCAAlPERS Every member of the family thrills ac the trim, youthful smartness of Sisman's Scampers ... the ideal summer health shoes. Look for the label in the tongue. Smith's Shoe Store OPPOSITE POST OFFICE SEAFORTH THE SEAFORTH NE\VS Snowdon Bros., Publishers WALTON The meeting of the .L'.F.\V.O. will meet at the hone of Miss Bessie Davidson on the afternoon of \W ed- nesday, May 17th, Mrs. Nelson Reid will give the topic. 'Rhubarb and Strawberry Culture," Mr-. Willis Dundas will give another topic, oat '1 anrotin. the Home Kitchen." Spe- cial invitation to all the ladies of the coctmnnity-. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Shannon and Beth spent Sunday with friends in Stratford. Mrs. Ken R ntedn' and Miss Eve- lyn of Toronto art visiting with Mr. and Mrs. F. Rutledge. Mra. I ,?e1 Bateman and Iris of 1lat a :., u spent Sunday wit's :he for- mer, mother. Mrs. R. Hay. Mr 31:;1 Mrs. H. Las: of Windsor spent the week end with :he latter's sister, Mrs R. Hoy. M... John McDonald and Cherie: of Windsor called on friends in tit village on Saturday-. Miss E.Iith. Ennis and Mfr.. Mary Dre`s ler of Toronto spec: Sunday t:* wi:heir parents. M. and Mrs. F. Ennis. Mrs. C. Drager who s, en::he win- ter in De:ro.t has returned home. Wilmot McGavin Goes to Washington— \' z,a: McGavin. Cherry street. Kitchener. one of the ::oa ;?.,ay patrols at King Edward s.'i s, . was last week ehoen - a represent Kitch- ener \ nene. at the giant rally of Canadian Altai American -school bot' oat-n:4.`in Washington. D.C.. this a :.k end. wi:mo: is one of the ,a5 patrols that LECONOMIZER eaIus. MecIians:d t Forced Draught Cooled Never N eeds Oiling Owners Prove Amazing ECONOMY eStinghOl1Se REFRIGERATOR SEE IT TODAY AT THURSDAY, MAY .11, 1939.' J. GALL d' ' GARAGE SEAFORTH Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer Come in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck. We also have a Service Truck -if you .have car trouble, phone 179 and we will. come promptly PHONE 179. SEAFORTH Repairs Strictly Cash. We Aim To Please All HENSALL Hensall's First 'Reeve Celebrates 84th Birthday— Mr. Geo. C. Petty 'celebrated his S4th birthday quietly at his home here on \\'ednesday with his wife and Dr. Geo and Mrs. Snaith and family of St Marys, Mr. Petty was. one of the first residents of Hensall, and has been in business here ever since the villa;: e was incorporated. He was the first Reeve, of the village of Hensall, served on the council for many years and was County Warden in It 71? and the only surviving member of the old council. lir. Petty is a Conservat- ive in .politics and is a very valued tnetn'her of St. Paul's Anglican Church, Both Mr, and ,Mrs. Petty .are enjoying good health and celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary a few years ago. They have 'four dau- ghters. namely:Alice, Mrs. Abbott, Detroit; Maude, Mrs. Kennedy, Win- nipeg; Blanche, Mrs. Lorne Scott, Toronto, and Gladys, Mrs. Dr. Smith, St. 'Marys, Miss Blanche Petty of 'Toronto is a sister of Mr, Petty. The Eckardt Bros. Swiss tell ring- ers ,presented a musical review in the town hall here on Tuesday evening. This was an outstanding .musical at- traction and the stage setting and lighting• effects were very beautiful. r nd Mrs. Rov \V. Stowell and Miss Marguerite Drysdale of Stetter, Alberta, arrived here by motor on Friday and will visit for some time with Mr. and lira. G. M. Drysdale and Mr. and Mrs, \V. A. MlacLaren. Mr. Stowell is manager of the Royal Bank in Stealer and Mrs, Stowell is a sister of Mrs. W. i\. MacLaren and Mr. G. MI Drysdale. Mrs, \V. R. Davidson is visiting with relatives at \Vingham. Mr. •Howard- Hemphill of Toronto visited last week with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. \V. E. Hemphill, who have just returned from an es - tended trip to Florida. Ml is. Kay Drysdale of London spent the week end at the home of her parent., Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale. Dr. D. G. Steer i$ having some im- provements made and some interior decorating done to his dwelling on King at. JOHNBAC. , Seaforth LONDESBORO Mother's Day will be observed in the churdh on Sunday morning with a program in 'keeping with the day. In the evening the mission circle will hold their thankoffering meeting ;when a special speaker be ,present and give an. 'illustrated lecture show- ing over one hundred slides of New 'Ontario. All are invited. Mr. James Elsley has made 'vast improvements to his veranda, Mr. W. Griffith doing 'the work. Mrs. J. Tan>;blyn visited several days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Holes, •Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hall returned to their home on Sunday, having visited at the home of their son, Chas. Hall of Ahnersiburg. Mrs. Geo. H. Ball who spent the winter at Mr. Amos Ball's on the baseline, returned to the home of her son Leslie Ball on 'Monday. The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was held iii Com- munity 'Hall on Thursday last with the new president Mrs.. R. Fairser- vice presiding. Meeting opened in 'the usual form and 'business was taken up,The treasurer read the yearly re- port which was quite encouraging. It was decided to hold a course some tithe this summer an the housing plan A committee was appointed to arrange ,fort social time for the ttin- ning.side in the recent drive. A large number of new members were added to the list. It is hoped that those members will make an effort to attend the monthly meetings as often as pos- sible. A pleasing feature of the after- noon was the presentation of a silver basket with rosebuds to Mrs. E. Adams, the past president, as a slight token of appreciation for her valuable services in the past years; The stand- ing committees for the new year are as follows, education. Mrs. Rob t. Faireerv!ce; community activities, Mrs. R. Townsend; legislation, Mrs. E. Adams; historical research, Mrs. G. Moon: Canadian industries, Mrs. S. Carter; home economics, Mr. Mlarx. Manning: Catiadianization, Mrs. K. McVittie; peace, international relationship. Mrs. 1. P. Manning; health and child welfare. Mrs . C. Crawford. Meeting closed by 'singing national anthem. Refreshments were served by Mrs, J. Armstrong, Mrs. Margaret -Banning; Mrs. M. Ross, Mr. J. P. Manning Mrs. B. Bruns - don. Mrs. Menzies contributed a pleasing instrumental and Mrs. Mar- garet Manning gave a reading very appropriate to the season. KIPPEN The Kipped East W. I. will bald their May meeting on Wednesday af- tern.s, n. May Nth at 2.1i5 at the home of Mrs. Will McGregor. Dr, Steer of Hett.all will speak on feed and care of the baby during its first year. Bank books will be presented to the new babies. The answer to the roll call will he to read an idea or. suggestion for the new program. There will also be a garden exchange. seeds. plants. shrubs. etc. W. M. S.-- The .—The May meeting held at the home of Mrs. French opened with a cat: to worship by the President followed by sing.ing "O Lord of heaven and earth and sea. and prayer in unison. A Bible reading on the parable of the selfish man. taken from Luke. chap. 12. was 'vest by Mrs. Chandler. as- sisted byMrs. Harney. The minutes of the last ahee:ing were read and aooras'ed. The subject for roll ca: was tictort fifteen responded. Mrs. Chandler and Mr. Finlayson. who attended the annual meeting of the Presbyterial in \\Ingham brought to _s a report fell of valuable inform- ation and interest. Our lesson in charge of Mrs. Finlayson deal: with the as: chapter of :he World in Can- ada, the closing subject being the. Christianizing of Canada. In an, amazingly complex but signifetant situation the Church laces a tremen- dourly difficult task. a task requiring vision. patience and courage. bat as well she has an unparalleled oppor- tunity to which she can rise if she will. -She can not only save :his "world in Canada" from greed and unneighborliness and injustice: she cal: save it for God's high purpose and :hereby point the way to the sav- ing .,f tie larger world. MANLEY The farmers are all wearing a smile since :most of the seeding was finished before the refreshing showers on Tuesday and everything is away to a f-esh start and the live stock enjoys the green pastures. This is a great re- lief to those who have been doing the feeding and leaves ample time to pre- pare the soil for the root and earn Crop. By all appearance there will he a sniper erop. w-'rth the expectation of a rise in the market. \Vant and For Sale ads, 1 week, ?Sc •homy near 'Bnucefield last W,ednes- 'day evening after holidaying at the hone of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. MoEwing. Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Beacom and .Mr. Bert Beacom attended the 'fune- ral of Mrs. Beacom's uncle, Mr. Pearson of near Ethel, one day last week. Nurse Beacom returned to the (tome of her parents. the latter part of last week after nursing at Hensall for over a week. • Mrs. Jennie and 'Mr. 'Ernest Knox and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Appleby motored to Woodstock on Sdnday and Mrs. Louise Marshalland little daughter Elizabeth returned with them and will spend this week at the home of her mother .and brother, Mrs, Jennie end Ernest .Knox, also. calling on other friends. Mr. and .Mrs. Graydon Neil and baby _Murray spent .Monday evening at the home of Mrs. 'Jennie and Mr, Ernest Knox. GE THEATRE NOW SHOWING Priscilla Lane Wayne Morriss HARLOCK Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bewley, Wal- ter and Arthur Bewley of. Morris anent Sunday at the home of Mr. Reece Ferris. Mfr. Reece Ferris and his niece Miss Isabel Ferris. woh is at present keeping house for hint and Master Bobby Nesbitt of Blyth, who is char - Mg for Reece during seeding time, visited the former's sister, Mr=. and Mr. Albert Vodden on Sunday even- ing. We are very sorry Mrs. Vodden is not enjoying very good health at present but hope with the bright warns weather her health will im- prove. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson spent Sunday at the home of their daugh- ter Mrs. and Mr. \\ arren Gibbings near Clinton. Miss Eva Ranson of Clinton. Miss Nellie Rapson of Tor- on;o. lie. Syd Lansing and his mo- ther Mrs. Lansing and Miss Harriett Ranson of the Base Line and Mr. and Mfrs. Graydon Neil and baby Murray of near Summerhill. and lit- tlt Miss Groves of Clinton were also gists at :lhe home of lir. and Mrs. Warren Gibbings. • We are very sorry Mr. Thomas Leiper ha; been laid lip with the munps hat hope he will soon be all 'ae'.ter again. Mr. Cliff Sundercock had charge of the Manning truck irom Landes - bora on Monday ae Mir. Wally Riley. who runs the truck. teas laid up with mumps. Mr. and Mra. Peter McDonald re- ceived word last week of the death of their son-in-law's mother. Mrs. Badley of Kitchener. The May :meetings of the Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. of Burns Chnrch is to be held. this Wednesday after- noon at he home of lir. and Mrs. Leo Watt: Mr. and lits. Geo. McVitte and Miss Rtrby Mfalrltte of Londesbora visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs..Sinhon MMcl"tries Mfr. and Mrs. Geo. _lfcVittie and Miss Ruby McVittie of Londesboro visited Sunday at the home of Mr. -and Mrs. Simon licl ittie, Mir. and Mrs. Geo Moon and Mir. and 'Mrs. mon Bxlit:ie spent ht Sun- day- evening at the. home o. Mir. and. Mrs. Nelson Lear. Mrs. Norman Shepherd and MMrs. Isaac Rapson called on Mr. Wm. Peppier of near Brucefield at the home of her parents. Mr. and .lire. A. \\ MMcEwing on Wednesday after, - noon .of fter-noan.of last week. Mrs. Pepper and little son Bert returned to their "Brother Rat"° ro Mon. Tues. Wed., May 15-16-17 Penny Singleton Arthur Lake • BRODHAGEN Mr, and Mrs. Frank 'Elligson, and Howard of Stratford, visited with Mr, and Mrs. W. L, ,Querengesser on Sunday. Mrs. Lorne Becker of Stratford vis- ited with her sister, Mr. Geo. Sit- heint. Mr. and Mrs. George Mogk and Carman, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mogk and Nancy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Roy Raer at Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Steins and VICTOR 4 tube Battery Radio, Richard, of Detroit, spent the week with the latest development end with Mrs. Hannah Stetss who re- in low drainage tubes, com- turned with •thein to spend the auto- , plete $29.95 mer months at her home here after RADIO SERVICE spending the winter in Detroit. 1 Mfr. and Mrs. George Collins of St. Do not miss the broadcasts of Thomas spent Sunday with Mir. and lira. Harold Diegel. MMrs, Sam Collins of Stratford is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Diegel. Mr. and Mfrs. Edwin Bettnewies and family are moving into the house formerly occupied by the late Wm. Kahh. A meeting of the Young People's Society of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen, was held on Thursday evening. May 4. The presi- dent Lloyd Prueter opened the meet- ing, the devotional part of which was Conducted by George Jarmuth. The officers elected for the following year are. Honorary president, Rev. S. Friedericksen: President, Edgar El- ligson: vice president. John Prueter: secretary. Velma Scherbarth. treasur- er, Norman Rock. The programme committee is composed of Claires Diegel, Ordelia Meyer. Adeline Sie- mon. 'Margaret Smith and Adeline Siemon were appointed to act as pian- ists. After a piano selection by Claires Diegel and a few remarks from Rev. Friedricksen the closing hymn was sung and the Lord's prayer repeated. —in -- "B tondie Millions of readerscan't be wrong and they've made the comic strip "Blondie" famous. A notable start of a new series .Next Thur. Fri. Sat., May 18-19-20 Basil Boris Bella Rathbone Karloff Lugosi "Son of Frankenstein'' Lionell Atwell Josephine Hutchison The super -thriller! It will make ' you shiver in terror! Can you take it? COMING— "The Dawn Patrol" The Latest in Radio We are now displaying the new R C A Victor and Philco Radios VICTOR PORTABLE— Plays anywhere, Complete $39.95 VICTOR ELECTRIC, 5 tube, Walnut cabinet $22.95 PHILCO ELECTRIC, 5 tube, the smallest radio you have ever seen $19.95 PHILCO'S Sensational 6 tube, push button, Car Radio, $49.95 CONSTANCE Mr. Miller Adams intends building a one-story frame house on his fares to replace the building destroyed by fire last summer. He expects to start the work after seeding is finished. Want and For Sale Acts., 1 week 25c the King and Queen's visit to Canada. Let us put you? radio in A-1 condition. J. F. DALY Telephone 102 Seaforth CROMARTY Mrs, Leonard Houghton and little • son Frank are spending a few weeks with her another. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Speare and family and Mrs. Lorne Speare of Harriston spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLellan. Miss Grace Chalmers of Stratford spent the week end with Cromarty friends. A number of the young ladies of the congregation attended, the Young Women's rally in Mitchell Presbyter- ian Church on Thursday evening. Mrs. Dennis of Viscount, Sask., is visiting at the home o: Mrs. Robert- son. STANLEY Mrs. 'Margaret Erratt of Muncey is spending a -few days with her sis- ter Mrs. Henry Erratt and other rel- atii es. Mrs. John McKinley of Clinton spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. JeanlicKinlej'. Miss Willa Jervis of Clinton visited` with her friend. Miss- Isabel Rdbinson on Sunday. £HgnitJ and Solace to Grief SYMPATHETIC handling of the funeral details is a great comfort to the bereaved, Thus, we never fail to show dignity and understanding in the performance of our services. Complete Funerals �� as low as Walker's Funeral Home J. R. WALKER JR., MGR.