The Seaforth News, 1939-05-04, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
Festival Music Headquarters
TRUMPET, Cavalier, silver, Corm product,.
TRUMPET, Conn, silver, in case
STRING BASS, like new
UPRIGHT BASS, E fiat, good condition
TROMBONE, Pan-American, silver, in case
reconditioned 75.00
SAXOPHONE, E flat alto, reconditioned
late model Conn
SAXOPHONE, tenor, Buescher, reconditioned
GUITAR, all metal, reg. 135.0% for
GUITAR, Gibson, reg. 225.00 for
— o
are exclusive agents for MARTIN and BESSEN instruments,. as well as GIB'SO.N GUITARS
D'Erina Deacon Music Shoppe
242 DUNDAS STREET London, Ontario
Snowdon Bros... Publishers
Mrs. J. Bolger was moved on Wed-
nesday of this week to Clinton Hos-
pital for treatment Her many
friends wish her a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. 5, Rapper and Betty.
of Toronto, Mrs. Hurley and Ruth
and Mildred, of Heidelberg, and
Misses G. and Helen Kendal of Kit-
chener, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas,
Miss Katie Coulter of the east
'boundary, visited with friends in
last week,
The Women's 'Missionary Society
met on the evening of April 2dth for
the Easter thankoffering, Mrs, Cum-
ming presiding. Seldom have such
'beautiful slides been Shown as those
on Western Canada, the weet roast of
I —
a formai minister of Duff's IUnited
Church, Walton.
United States and Florida, in charge,
of the _Misses McGowan of Blyth. An
interesting lecture in connection with
the lecture was delivered by Mr. Ross.
Miss Beth Shannon sang a solo.
A -unanimous call from Moncrief
and Duff's Churches was extended to
Rev. Woods of Sparta.
Mrs. Peter McTaggart has return-
ed to Ethel after spending a few days
in Walton last week,
Mrs, Joe Love has returned to her
home in Walton after spending the
Winter with her daughter, Mrs. W.
Broadfoot, in Grey, and Mrs. R. Pat-
terson in McKillop.
Mrs. Andrew Bruce of Grey spent
a few days last week with her aunt,
Mrs, H. Fulton.
The people were sorry to hear of
Rev, W. J. Maines, Tilbury, being
admitted to Chatham Public General
hospital with typhoid fever. He was
Notice to Citizens of Seaforth
Householders are requested to promptly clean up their
premises. including the boulevards, and keep them in a neat
and sanitary condition by having all ashes, garbage, manure
and other refuse removed and all other necessary measures
taken. All low places and water holes must be filled anel
kitchen, store and restaurant waste and slops buried, burned
or collected and removed to avoid breeding places for flies
and mosquitoes. Wells used for domestic purposes must be
put in proper condition.
The use of the safe town water supply is strongly urged.
Ashes must not be dumped on the streets unless special
permission is given by the street committee.
Cu -operation is requested to give the Town a uniformly
clean and attractive appearance.
The Board of Health
From all Stations in Eastern Canada
GOING DAILY—MAY 16 - MAY 27, 1939, Inclusive
Return Limit --f5 Days
TICKETS GOOD I;\. OOACHES at fares approximately 1-1/Sc per mile.
TOURIST SLEEPIIN,G CARS at fares approximately '1-318c per mile.
STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately I -55/8c per mile
Cost of Accommodation in Sleeping Cars Additional
BAGGAGE 'checked. Stopovers at Port Arthur, Armstrong, Chicago and \Vest
Similar Excursions from Western to Eastern Canada during same period
Tickets, Sleeping Car Reservations and all information from any agent.
The greatest advance in household
refrigeration since the famous
hermetically sealed mechanism
with forced draught cooling.
JOHN BACH, Seaforth
.Master 'Joseph McKay„ son of Mr,
and Mrs,. Thos. McKay, tnet with g
p.gin'6u1, accident playing at school,
when lie fell• and struck the wall with
such force' that his arm was 'fractured
at the elbow in four places, But we'
are pleased to learn bha•t he is :pro-
gressing favorab'ly,
Seeding operations are in full
swing and with the ideal coot 'wea-
ther the 'horse power is .going to 'be
'broken in to 'hard work for the rest
of the season,
So far there is •no growth gone,
and everything will get an even start,
as by .all appearances the seeding will
be of short duration, with the fall
wheat on the lead
But it doesn't look like an, early
start ,for the live stock to help them-
selves to the green 'pastures.
Mrs, (Dr.) ,Mgdd, and Miss Josie
Medd of London visited with their
sisters and aunts, Mrs. .J. 'Tamblyn
and Mrs. J. Elsley last week, return-
ing. to their home on Tuesday.
Mrs, Robt. Townsend, Miss D.
Little and Miss B. Kirk spent the
week .end in Toronto.
Mr. and 'Mrs. E. Gaunt, -near Luck -
now, visited the lady's mother, Mrs
H. Lyon, on Sunday.
Miss Helen Yungblutt and Miss
Helen Johnston of London, ,visited
their home town friends over the
week end.
Mr. and Mrs. 'James Elsley hada
pleasant visit from 'their daughter
and, Mr, and Mrs. Hooper,
St. Marys, 00 Friday last. ,f
Quite/a number of W. 31. S. ladies
attended the Presbyterial held at
\\'ingham last week,
A nunt+ber from here attended the
musical festival in Stratford on
The sotial 'held by the football
club was largely attended.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs,
Morris Dalton on the arrival of a
baby girl.
Dublin school was very successful
at the musical festival at Stratford
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Connor and
Mr, and Mrs. Jimmie O'Connor at-
tended the graduation of Miss Agnes
O'Connor .from St. '.Joseph's Hospital,
Taken to St. Joseph's Hospital .at
Loudon on Monday afternoon with
his wrist injured by a large. wooden
Jiver, Donald James Feeney, seven-
year-old son of Leo Feeney, of Hib-
bert township, died there late Tues-
day night from a :lockjaw complica-
tion. The boy had received the injury
at his home and was taken to London
when the infection was feared, All
efforts failed to check ,the disease.
The funeral will take :place on Friday
from the residence of his 'father, lot
10, con. 4, Hibbert, on Friday ,morn-
ing at 9 o'clock, to St. Patrick's
Church, Dublin, Interment will he in
St. Patrick's Cemetery.
The annual meeting of the C. W.
L. ,was hell in the parish hall recent-
ly with the president Mrs. D. J.
O'Connor in the chair. The meeting
opened with prayer and the minutes
of the preceding meeting were read
by the corresponding secretary Miss
Teresa Lynch. The reports were then
read by the different members of the
executive. The treasurer Mrs. Terry
Flannery gave a detailed report of
the receipts and expenditures -of the
year. The total anaotint .taken in was
$6,11,71', total disbursements $595;1 1.
The books were audited by Mrs. E.
Rowland and ,Miss Irene O'Sullivan
and found to be correct. During the
year the pastor was helped with all
parochial work, altars decorated, lit-
erature sent to India and the West,
treats and spiritual 'bouquets sent 'to
the sick of the parish, hospital visits
made, eggs sent to Mount Hope at
Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer
Come in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck
We also have a Service. Truck -if you have car trouble,
phone 179 and we will come promptly
PHONE 179,
All Repairs Strictly Cash. We Aim To Please
Easter, generous donations sent to
the Sisters of Service, Regina debt
fund, Sisters of the Precious Blood
and local ,charities, ,also -a donation of
'clotting sent to the .needy of the
West, books given to the libraries of
the 'parish schools. The following are
the officers for this year: Spiritual
adviser, Rev. 'J. Dantzer; past ,presi-
dent, Mrs. D. 'J. O'Connor; President,
Mrs. Joe Kale; ,1st vice 'pres., hiss
Mary Malone; 2nd vice, Mrs., 'Joe At-
kinson; 3rd vice, Mrs. Janes O'Sulli-
van; recording secretary, Miss Teresa
Lynch; -corresponding secretary, Mrs,
John F. Murphy. treasurer, Mrs. Ter-
ry Flannery.
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Yunrgblutt and
Harry, also 71r. and Mrs, Fred Yun:g-
bhrtt and baby of Londesboro were
visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Austin Dexter on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. John Mills and dau-
ghter -of 'Blyth, visited liar, and Mrs.
E. Adams on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. lJ. Janes of Kinnard-
ing and the former's sister, Miss
James of Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs.
F. Carter of Goderic'h, were guests
cm Sunday with Mr. and ,Mrs, Jack
Rev. tJ, I3: Peters attended the
Presbytery meeting at \Vin'gham last
Thursday, also -a number of ladies
from Goshen W..31, S. attended the
W. M. S. 'meeting at V'ingham on
the same day.
Mr, Elston Dow -son and 'Mr.. Neil
McDonald of Goderic'h called on
friends on Goshen one day last week.
Miss Isabel Robinson, who has
been attending Toronto Bible College
has returned to her home here.
(Continued from Page 1)
tire body. He said he could not un-
derstand any 'person retraining con -
scions .while ' receiving such severe
burns. The result .of the post mortem
showed there were no external marks.
He mentioned -the swelling •00 the
scalp where a hemorrhage had ,occur-
red. INo inj.uryecould he found to the
skill or 'to the 'brain. Dr. Colciu'houn
said it was quite :possible Mrs. Mont-
gomery could have received such an
injury to her 'head 'by striking it
when going up the marrow steep
stairs. He had asked the late Mrs.
Montgomery what had happened hut
she repeated more •than once that she
did not know. He was ander the im-
pression she was rather reluctant 'to
tell 'what had happened. She did not
show ,concern nor did she express
anger toward anyone.
17r E. A. McMaster, who attended
Mrs. Montgomery in 'the •hospital,'said
she knew where she was and she had
bold him how old their youngest
child was, Witness said he asked her
how she had got 'burned and she said
she 'didn't know. When the 'doctor
realized she had not long to live he
told her and asked her if she wanted
to see anyone before she died. She
replied she would like to see Andrew,
her husband, and also the minister.
She did not seem deeply concerned.
He ,described the Montgomery ,family
as a happy one and he had never not-
iced any trouble when he -had paid
professional calls to their home.
Andrew .Montgomery, husband of
the victim of the fire and father of
six motherless 'children, took the
stand and told the jury he and his
wife had always :been happily mar-
ried. There had' been nothing unusual
about the earlier hours of the evening
in .question and -he had retired a'bou't
10:30. They only lhael the one ,lamp in;
the house whichwas working and it
was always left burning 'during the,
night. He said he was awakened by
moaning sounds. "I knew it was my
wife and I shouted 'because I did not
know where She was. I did not get
any answer. Then I went to the Stairs
and L.lcould see the fire lighting nrp.
'the upstairs. So 'I got a .pail of
water. I found my wife lying there
and I 'threw the water around the
one sidewhere the fire was worst.
I ran down and .got soother pail of
water and shouted ,for Ross to wake
up," said the .husband. He had then
.awakened some neighbors, Witness
said there ,were still some flames
when he put a• third pail of water on
'the fire. He told of the struggle he
Thad in getting- his wife downstairs,
but he finally managed it alone and
placed ,her on the daybed. "I asked
'her what happened, but she just said;
`I don't 'know'," the witness testified,
The 'mattress in question was an old
one which had been ,put upstairs last
sunnier. Ilis wife had told 'hint be-
fore retiring that she had washed
some clothes and she had !hung them
:upstairs to dry. He believed his wife
might have gone upstairs and been
overcome 'by smoke and 'then fell un-
conscious into the fire. He said the
old mattress 'had been taken .apart to
some 'extent, some of the insides be-
ing used for starting the fire. "How
the fire started I 'haven't any idea,"
said Mr. Montgomery. His wife had
often gone .upstairs for 'clothes for
the 'baby, using a snatch for light. He
had not had much conversation with
his wife in the hospital before she
died, When She doctor 'told 'him what
to do the was told not to say very
much to her. He had kissed her and
talked a little, but she never told hint
what .had 'happened. He said Inc•wife
had been a Ronan Catholic years ago
but when they moved to this part of
the country 'she had become a mem-
ber of United Church at Winthrop,
William Kerr 'and Mrs. Kerr
neighbors of the Montgomery fancily,
gave evidence about the events of the
early morning of April 11, but were
unable to throw any light on the
cause of the tragedy.' Both of these
neighbors, as well as Mrs. Jean Ches-
ney, testified that the family did not
have any troubles as far as they
could notice,
Eight-year-old Ross Montgomery
was examined 'bent was not sworn in
as a witness, and could not give a
very clear idea of what had 'happen-
ed. He said his mother had gone up-
stairs shortly after six 'o'clock that
evening. Inspector D. W. Rase of the
fire marshal's 'department, Toronto,
said .there was no apparent cause for
the fire whatever." this being the re-
sult of an extensive investigation.
There was no odor or sign of any oil
or like substance around the place,
nor on the mattress sections which
had been tested. "We found the fire
was confined :to a very small area
and there were not any indications of
smoke on the ceiling," He had taken
a mattress ant of a 'building and at
the skating rink had ignited it. It was
still smouldering away about 35 min-
utes and it was practically impossible
to 'burn it,
Dr. Robinson of Toronto was on
the stand for some time and describ-
ed the injury to the scalp. 1Lt would
be quite 'possible for the victim to
strike her head on the way upstairs
and then she could have staggered
and fallen go the mattress. Replying
to a question, he said itwas quite
The Hydro Travel Shop will eveninr of Friday,. May 19, when
visit Seaforth on the afternoon and I a Cooking School will be held in
Ile TO W11 ITall. There will also be
an , interesting' demonstration
"Newsboys Home"
Edmund Lowe Wendy Barrie
Mon. Tues. Wed., May 8-9-I0
Dick Powell Olivia DdHaviland
"Hard to Get"
with Charles Winninger
Dynamite! Laughs l Romanced
:Next Thur. Fri. 'Sat„ May 11-12-13
Wayne Morris Priscilla Lane
"Brother Rat"
Eddie Albert Ronald Regan
From the Broadway hit - revolving
around the escapades and romances
of the cadets at the Virginia Military
+possible that Ass. Montgomery, be-
cause of the head injury, may not
have remembered the events of the
past, whet' she ,dial regain .conscious-
Constable Snell of Seaforth was on
the stand. He had taken a wrist
watch off ivlrs. Montgomery's cern af-
ter she died and it was exhibited. It
had stopped at 11130 o'clock, but it
was- pointed out that professional ex-
amination of the watch showed it
had stopped because, of the main-
spring being unwound.
Mrs, Dr, Stewart of Battle Creek,
Mich„ and Ivlrs, Dr. Mortonfen of
Santa Monica, California, 'visited with
their ' cousins, Mr, and Mrs, j. D.
Stewart and Miss Winnie during the
Mrs. Wm. Bell accompanied by
Miss Olga Bell spent a day in Lon-
don recently.
Miss Isabelle Moir of Hensall; who
has been the guest of her sister and
brother-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. J. D.
Stewart, returned hone after a pleas-
ant visit.
Mr. and Mrs, Paul Doig of London
visited on Sunday with Mrs. L. J.
Doig and Miss Janet.
Mrs. Isabelle McDonald of Sea -
forth •visited with her daughter and
sun -hi -law and family, .Mr. and Mrs,
Ross Broadfoot 'during the w=eek end.
Mr. Ross Mc'Kay of Hensall gave
the topic at Y.P.S. meeting on Sun-
day night to a fine audience,
,7eIr, Wm. Hamilton returned from
London hospital last week where he
has been recovering from his recent
A meeting was held in S.S.:NTo, 6
school on Friday evening last week
for the ;purpose of staking plans to
hold a school reunion of all former
pupils and teachers on June 30th.
Mr, and Mrs, B. O. McDonald and
family visited friends in Brussels and
Owen Sound on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Scott Jr. and
Duncan of Brodhagen visited with
Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Scott.
Mr. and Mrs, joe Nigh of Sudbury
called on friends in this district ,last .
We are pleased to know that Jim-
mie, infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Fit-
mer Chappel, who has .been in Lon-
don Hospital'.. receiving treatment, is
_Miss Jessie Hodgert of Exeter is
spending a .couple of weeks with her
aunt, Mrs. Jas. Scott.
Under the auspices of the Sodality
Friday, May I2th
and His Orchestra
Admission 35c.
Friday, May 5
Admission 315c. 2!00 Lucky Prize
Friday, May 5th
If yott enjoy good old tyme dancing
dance to
and his Hoozer Hot Shots
General Admission 25 cents