HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-04-27, Page 8PAGE EIGHT . THE SEAFORTH, NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1939' WRITE A SLOGAN and A PRIZE wl� Ask us about the ELE[TRI[ DEMOHSTRRTIOfl WEEH Slogan Contest You have received from The Seaforth Public Utility Commission the folder 'Wake up, and live Electrically' i, AND A SLOGAN CONTEST BLANK COMPLETE 'THE QUESTLONNAIRE AND WRITE A SLOGAN OF TEN WORDS TO WIN ONE OF THREE VALUABLE PRIZES QUESTIONNAIRES AND SLOGAN BLANKS MUST BE COM- PLETED BY MAY 15, AND MAY BE LEFT AT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING 'SEAFORTH ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE DEALERS: John Bach G. D. Ferguson J. F. Daly John Modeland Geo. A. Sills & Son Walker's Furniture Store H. C. Box Furniture Store or at the PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OFFI€E 0 c VALUABLE 3 PRIZES 1. Two -Plate Enamelled Electric Stove with Oven Attached. 2. Hot Plate Electric Iron 3. Chrome Plated Electric Toaster ® The contest entry forms will be collected by the Seaforth P. U. C., and will be judged by the members of 2Iitchell Public Utility Commission LOCAL PRIZE WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED AT THE HYDRO ELECTRIC COOKING SCHOOL IN THE TOWN HALL, FRIDAY, MAY 19 ® LOCAL WINNERS ARE ELIGIBLE TO WI.N MAJOR PRIZES IN THE PROVINCE -WIDE SLOGAN CONTEST WAKE UP AND LIVE eiectt ca(f y Modal C-58 NEW 1939 MODEL $1a.00 down and $7,50 monthly IMAGINE WESTINGHOUSE QUALITY AT THIS AMAZING LOW PRICE Striking new Westinghouse design .. , all -steel cabinet : , , long- lasting Dulux finish .. , all -porcelain interior ... Stor-dor , . scientific shelf arrangement , plus the famous Westinghouse ECONOMIZER . Sealed -in Mechanism with forced -draft cooling, lifetime lubrication. You're money ahead with a Westinghouse JOHN BACH, Seaforth HENSALL Mrs. • Kennel'h Hiolci and family, who have been .visiting Mrs. Hiolcs' mother, ibirs Nicholson, in Parkhill, returned home .Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. Harding and Mrs. Ida F. Harding of London vis- ited on Sunday at bile home of Mr. and !Mrs. Fred 'Corbett. Rev. W A. Young was in Stratford this weekattending the meetings of the Hamilton -London synod, which 'was, held, in •St. Andrew's Presbyter- ian Church. Miss Mona Redden, who is suffer- ing from nervous 'breakdown, will be confined to her room for several weeks. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Colvin of Lobo visited •oil Stinday with Mr, and Mrs. Fred, Corbett. Senior Women's Institute- The regular meeting of the Senior "Women's Institute was held on Wed- nesday evening at the home of Miss Mabel Workman. Miss 'Beryl Phaff, President, presided and opened the meeting by singing the institute ode, followed by singing "0 Canada." The Lord's prayer was repeated in Unison and the minutes of the last two' meet- ings were read and adopted. The roll call was answered by a noxious weed and its means of eradication, Business was discussed and it was decided to hold the next meeting at the Thome of Mrs. Garnet Case. All joined in sing- ing "The Grandfather's Clock," Mrs. Malcolm Dougall played a piano in- strumental. A paper on "Bind Weed" was read by Miss Gladys Passmore. The 'motto "What One Sows He Must Reap," was very ably given by Mrs: 1James Patterson, Miss Olga Bell gave an interesting demon- stration on "Making a Cake." Mrs, W. A. MacLaren 'and Mrs. Lee Hed- den sang a beautiful 'duet, Mrs. Young accompanied on the piano. Misses Mabel Workman and Irene Douglas gave current events. Lant- ern slides were shown and Rev. W. A. Young gave a very interesting lec- ture •on How to .Beautify the Home with Flowers." These slides were very 'beautiful and interesting, After singing God Save the Icing," a very dainty 'lunch was served. Young People Hold Final Meeting The final meeting for this season of the 'Young People's Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church was held on Monday evening with a very good attendance. Miss IVialet Hyde presided over the meeting which op- ened by singing "`Dear Lord and. Father of , Mankind," followed by prayer by Miss Hyde. The scripture, Psalm 33, was read by Mr. Jamas Campbell. Mrs, A. W. Kerslake pre- sided over the 'business, and read a letter from the minister, Rev. W. A. Young, who was unable to be present, expressing his appreciation for the work of the young !people. The offer- ing was received and a piano duet played 'by Mgrs. Young and Miss Irene Hoggarth. The Mustard orchestra comprising -Mrs. Mac Dougall, rMr. Fred paters, Mr. 1gas, Mustard Sr., Mr. gas. Mustard Jr„ played two sel- ections. Miss Helen Dick favored with .a piano instrumental, and lir, Fred Deters played two violin solos. accompanied by Miss Helen Dick on the piano. After singing ''Softly Nbw the Light of Day," the Lord's prayer was, repeated in unison. Contests were enjoyed and a dainty lunch served. Commencing next week the Hensel] stores will observe the weekly Wed- nesday half holiday, from May 3rd until the end of September, excepting the week with a :public holiday. The stores will 'be open Tuesday evenings. AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture, There will be offered for sale by public auction at the residence of Mrs, 3,f. Beaton, Egmondville, on Friday, April 28th, at 1.30 p.m,: Washer .('Beatty); '1 glass cup- board; 1 sideboard; 11 rug; 2 bed- steads, 1 springs; 2 dressers; 3 wash- stands; li writing desk and bookcase combined; I1' writing desk; 1 library table; 1 table; 1 music cabinet; 2 stoves; dl kitchen cabinet; chairs (1 rocker; 2 extension tables; 1 hall rack; other articlestoo numerous to tnention. Terms, cash. Mrs. M. Beaton, Proprietress, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. GARDEN FERTILIZER We recommend a 4-8-10 analysis for ;gardens and are selling it at the fertilizer plant at the following price;: 215 lbs. -50e; 50 lbs. -90c; 100 lbs. ---$1.75e 0130 •lbs. -6320, No deliveries can be made. Seaforth. Farmers' Club. WANTED A girl for housework, small family. Apply at The News. FOR SALE One good tapestry rug, 9x12. Ap- ply at The News office. ALL YEAR INCOME Selling Large line spices, extracts, toilet requisites, stock and other farm •products. Our combination off- ers open every door. No experience needed, .Pleasant work. Steady repeat orders from old and new customers. A small amount puts you in business for yourself, N1O RISK. 'Excellent opportunity to right party. For free details and catalogue, FAMILEX CO., 570 .St,. Clement, Montreal. PENNSYLVANIA PRODUCTS Oil and grease at reduced prices. Save money by bringing your cans. Sold under money -:back guarantee, Sam Chesney, Egmondville (across from the church). WANTED Small .gas engine su'ita'ble for pumping water. Phone 1150 r 41', Sea - forth. EXECUTOR'S SALE Of Desirable Seaforth Residence on Friday, April 28th at 2 p.m. To close the estate there will 'be offered for sale at Public Auction on the premises, North Mann Street, the residence of the late 'Bertha M. Welsh, being part of Lot Number Two on the west side of (North Main Street, in Sparling's survey of Part of the Town of Seaforth, and contain- ing one acre .of land, approximately, Thereis a seven -roomed frame house and a' frame barn or stable ' on .the property. Terms of Sale -Ten per cent cash, 'balance in thirty days. For further particulars apply to H. G. MIR, Solicitor for the Executor. George H. Elliott, Auctioneer. IVIIORTGAGE SALE OF FARM. LANDS Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain .mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there 'wrllbe offered for sale by Public Auction on Saturday, the 29th day of April, 1939, at the hour of 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon at the !Village of Brodhagen by Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer, the following property, namely: Westerly three quarters of lot 4, concession 113, Township of McKillop, containing 11100 acres more or less. There is said to be a good bask barn ' with cement stabling, colony house, frame house and other out- buildings. Fruits and orchard. Terms -.-110% of purchase price to be ,paid down at time of sale, balance in thirty days. Sale subject to reserve 'bid. For further particulars and condi- tions of sale, apply to CLAIUDE HORNIE, Mitchell, Ont. Solicitor for the Vendor. Dated at Mitchell, Ont., this 1,0th day of April, 11939. AUCtION SALE Community Sale at 'Queen's Hotel Stables, Seaforth, on Friday, April 2&th. As this will be 'the last sale 'be- fore seeding we look for a .big sale. Anyone having anything to sell please bring them .in as our rates this week are very reasonable. So far 'we have listed a number of pigs from suckers to 100 lbs.; 1 team of horses, S years old; set of double harness with backbend and breeching, good as new; 11 ton of corn on the cob; 1 car hayfork rope; 4 bus. of canning peas, seed; 20 bags of potatoes (10 of Irish , Co:bblers and 1110 of Dillaway), all certified seed; 100 cedar posts anal ten anchors; 11 ton of salt (coarse and fine, All kinds of lumber in All shape. 1 day 'bed and other furniture; 1 pr. bridles .(good as new; 1 McCor- mick Deering cultivator; 111 Massey Harris cultivator (guaranteed right); 11 fertilizer drill; 3 farrow cows ,(half fat); number of young grasser cattle; 115 calves (Holstein, Hereford and Durham). This will be our last sale. Bring in anything you have to sell, we guarantee good returns. Phone Queen's Hotel at J. J. Coyne's ex- pense for information, J. J. Coyne, Manager, G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer, Gerald Doyle, Clerk, AUCTION SALE Community Sale at Dick's Hotel Stables. Seaforth, on Friday, May 5. Usual run of Pigs, Cattle, Poultry, Furniture, etc. Bring in anything you have to sell. Rates reasonable. • Homer Hunt, mgr„ phone 228 12, Geo. H. Elliott and Harold Jack- son, Auctioneers, Proclamation Civic Half Holidays Having been petitioned by a large number of Merchants of the Town, I hereby proclaim WEDNESDAY AFTER - NOOKS From 12.30 noon in the months of MAY, JUNE„ JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER, 1939 Civic Half Holidays, except when a Legal Holiday comes on the day be- fore or the day after a Wednesday, and respectfully request the citizens to observe the same JOHN J. CLUFF, Mayor. "God Save the King" MUNICIPAL DUMP TOWN OF SEAFORTH The town has procured dumping. facilities for the citizens on the farnl, of Mr, Dale Nixon: Permits must be obtained at the Clerk's office by anyone desiring to use these facilities. Only teams, and wagons or steel tired vehicles, will be permitted. stmenise CASH & CARRY APRIL 28TH AND 29TH Dutch Setts, 4 lbs .25c Formaldehyde 16 oz. bottle 25c Ceresan, 1 lb. tin 95c Corn Starch, 4 lb. 25c Dairy, Butter, lb. 15c Lard, 20 lb. pail 189 ,Perrin's Sodas, 2 lbs. 17c Macaroni, 7 lb. 25c Western Queen Flour Quality guaranteed per 98 lb. bag 199 Royal Household 'Flour per 98 lb. bag 2.59 Oranges, 2 ,doz. ....25c Chase & Sanborn, Coffee per lb. ..... ....... 34c Men's !Work Shoes, good quality, per pair • 2.95 Men's Rubber. Boots, pair 1.59 20c in Trade ONLY for Grade, A Large Eggs W.,. Finnigan CARD OF THANKS M�ERD. BELL, B,A� Mr. Hugh Norris and family wiEL sh Successor to john H. Best to express their sincerest appreciation to their friends and neighbours .for the BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. many acts of kindness apd sympathy NOTARY PUBLIC shown them .during their recent Seaforth, Ontario be- reavement in 'the loss of :their mother. GRASS FOR RENT Lot 2, Can. 5, H. R. S., Tucker - smith, grass farm for rent, or will take 'cattle by the season. 'Wan. M. Sproat at Sproat & Sproat's Tile Yards, phone 1136 r 2, Seaforth, FOR SALE Sweet clover seed, grade No. 2, price '$2.150 per 'bus. Also Massey Harris 112 hoe seed drill. Phone 82 r 13, W. 'Alexander, Hensall. USED MACHINERY FOR SALE 1' 115 -disk drill; it 1113 -hoe drill; 1- i115/30 _McOor. Deering 'tractor; 2 Int- ernational 2 furrow tractor plows; 1 International manure spreader. .Apply to Humphries '& 'Co„ Walton, phone 2132 r 0, Seaforth central, FOR SALE McClary coal and wood range, used 2 months. Apply to box 11127, The Seaforth News. FOR SALE Driving horse, good single or dou- ble. Peter Petersen, Kippen Road, Seaforth. WANTED Some small cattle to pasture. Plenty of grass, water and shade, Fred Fowler, phone 2417 r 111, Seaforth central. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED On farm, 2/ miles east of Dublin. Take full charge of house for one adult aged 38. Apply to The News Of fice, FOR SALE Bees and equipment for sale, in- cluding two -rack extractor, 250 racks, some of them with drawn comb, queen excluders, bee escapes, etc. Apply to Campbell Eyre, phone 13 on S4, Hensall, or phone 2111 to Il'422, Sea - forth. FOR SALE Storm Seal, Rosco Ribbed, and Corrugated Steel Roofing, Council Standard with 28 -year Guarantee, 'Eavestroughing, Galvanized Sheet Iron, Metal Sidings, Galv'd Hog Troughs, Corrugated Round - End Water Troughs and Tanks, Galv'd Furnace Pipes, Metal Ridge and Val- ley,_ Granary Lining. Also -Copper, ,Zinc, Tin, Stainless , Steel, &c., in sheets, Rosco Portable Silos, Roofing Paints, Asphalt Roofing, Asphalt Brick Siding, Floor Tile, Slate Roof- ing, Building Paper, Plastic Cements, Roofing Nails, &c. Write, phone or call in person for an estimate. 'Murray Tyndall, Brucefield, Phone 616 ring 12, Clinton. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of James Kelly.-aAl1 persons having claims against the es- tate of James Kelly, late of the Town- ship of McKillop, in the County of Huron. deceased, who died on or about the 19th day of March, ,11931), are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of May, 1939; full particulars of their claims with affidavit proving same. Immediately after the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said es- tate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the under- signed will not be liable to any per- son of whose claim the undersigned' shall not then have notice for the as- sets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 12th day of April, 1939. FERGUS KELLY, Administrator, By his solicitor, Elmer D. Bell, Seaforth, Ont. SPECIAL Garden Fertilizer In 25 ]b. bags We also have Shur -Gain and Scottish Fertilizers on hand. Delivered on short notice Sproat & Sproat TILE MFTRS Phone 136 r 2. Seaforth McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hay. SEAFORTH, 'ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division. Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office houxis:- ruesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.m. to '5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. m, TOWN OF SEAFORTN Tax Pre=Payment Receipts For 1939 The Town will pay 4 per cent per annum up to Aug. 31/39 on all pre- paid 1939 taxes. Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's office in the Town Hall. D. H. WILSON, Treas. PASTURE CATTLE WANTED Have 1150 acres of grass •pasture for cattle. Plenty of water and shade. Russell Carter, Winthrop, Seaforth R.R. 2, Phone 1234 r 02, Seaforth cen- tral, BE SURE And .have Photographs of the Wedding Party taken by us. Our well equipped Studios and long ex- perience will give you the ,best in .pho- togratphy. Burgess Studios, Mitchell and Clinton. Portraits the better kind, FOR SALE Clean sweet clover seed for sale, mostly white; also a cow due to freshen fray Iltst. Ernie Pollock, Bay- field road, 3 miles west of Varna. FOR SALE An antique desk and book -case combined. Solid oak, bevelled glass, rolled top. Hand carved, good as new. Original cost $1125, Sold at a bargain. J. M. Robertson, W. William St., Seaforth. FOR SALE OR RENT A house, stable and 31% acres of land, just off Market street, Seaforth. Apply. to Reynold's Dairy, phone 170 33. GRASS FARM TO RENT Consisting of hundred acres good grass. Good water. Also good shade. Composed of Lot 10, Con. '5, Hallett. If. not rented will take in cattle for the season, Miller Adams, Seaforth, FOR SALE About five :bushels of Alfalfa seed. cleaned by the government mill. Ap- ply to 'John H. Cooper, 'phone 34616, Clinton, 0% miles west of Seaforth. FARM FOR SALE 150, 100 or 50 acres, part Lot 10, 111, Morris Twsp, near Blyth, Brussels, Walton. Olay loam and gravel;' well fenced, tiled, good bush. . Brick house, new roof; 2 bank 'barns, stables, Shen house. Spring water. Graved pit on corner. C. E. Empey, Melbourne, Ont INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee . bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first -class companies, information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIE? Phone 334'w .STRATFORD - GODERICH COACH LINES. Under New Management TIME TABLE Lenves .Seaforth for .Stratford: Daily 8.25 a.m, and '6.25 p.m. Leaves Seaforth for ''Ooderich: »a11y except Sunday & hol., 12.55 p.m. and 8 1),m.. Sun:. and hot., 12.55 p.m. and 10.15 p.m. Connection at Stratford for Toronto, Hamilton,.' Buffalo, London,Detroit Agents - Queen's Hotel, Commercial Hotel, Dick House