HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-03-23, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1939 9.95 tQl 19.05 It is a temptation not to point out the prices first . . . but as low as they are they are not the most startling thing about this new Spring Showing . The. Coats, Suits and Dresses arele They are remark- able for tailoring, for cut, for fabric and for sheer style quality. The Season's Smartest Suits IN THE FIELD OF SPRING SUITS THERE IS NO LINE THAT REACHES THE HEIGHTS OF THIS ONE. THAT IS A BOLD4STATEMENT, WE WOULD- N'T DARE MAKE UNLESS WE WERE SURE OF'OUR GROUND. COME IN AND PROVE TO YOURSELF THAT WHAT WE SAY IS, IF ANYTHING, AN UNDERSTATEMENT. 19.95 up 16.50 to 22.50 • All Colours, All Styles Fashion Craft or James Bros. MADE TO MEASURE SUITS AND TOP COATS Suits of all kinds about . Double Breasted formal ones; sack models that flatter the figure; wooly tweeds, fine worsteds . . Whatever you wish, faultlessly tailored to your measure at new Low Prices, We specialize in Shirts. Come in and see for youself. You'll like them. Colorful Neckwear really makes the new Costume shine, Our Ties are the Smartest, most Colorful ever. MITA SEAFORTH A small deposit will suffice to hold any garment • unnnnna uuulln,ll� ulIllllllll t1umauuna,,, FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Large size 70x80 heavy PIaid check flannelette Blankets in blue, green, gold, mauve and pink checks. A $2.50 value. While they last— PAIR $1.89 uuune,unnuu,um,numnuuaIII; ISH'S BRUSSELS HENSALL Nomination Held— Nomination for a village councillor was held in the council chamber on Monday evening to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Council- lor George E. Brock. The following were nominated: Messrs. Robt. Cam- eron, James Sangster, Peter Mc- Naughton, Harry Horton, Owen Geiger, Fred Smallacombe and E. L. Mickle. Rev. W. A. Young is in Toronto this week attending a meeting of the Board of Sabbath Schools and Young Peop'le's Societies. Mrs. Chas. '_rinks was a recent vis- itor with relatives in Windsor. An executive meeting of the Con- servative Association of Huron and Perth was held in the town hall on Thursday afternoon, \larch 16th. Young People Hold St. Patrick's Social— The Young People's Union of the United Church held a very successful St. Patrick's social in the school room of the church on Monday evening. After singing one verse of "Onward Christian Soldiers," the Lord's prayer was repeated in unison. Rev. R. A. Brook, chairman, gave an address and presided over the following program. A reading by Elaine Beer. Miss Gladys Luker played a delightful Ir- ish melody on the piano. Billy and Betty Mickle sang a duet "The Dear Little Girl, accompanied by Mrs, E. L. Mickle on the piano. Mr. Win. ' Hyde played a violin solo. and Rev. R. A. Brook sang a beautiful solo. A very descriptive travelogue on Ireland by Mrs. L G. Smillie, was given by Mrs. Ken Hicks. A very •interesting reading was given by Mrs. Geo Hess followed by a cornet solo by John Beer. Mrs, E. L. Mickle then favored with a piano instrumental. Joyce Bro- derick and Ross Kennedy sang two beautiful duets, "Let's ' Call the Whole Thing Off," and "Ten Little Miles From Town." A musical cont- est was conducted by Miss Kilpatrick. A duet. ''When Irish Eyes are Smil- in'," was sung by Mrs. Hedden and Mrs, Hess. Games and contests were conducted by Mr. Claude Blowes, and a dainty lunch served. , 'Quite a number from here attended the hockey match in Clinton Tuesday night between Clinton and Wood- stock. Some of the finest books and good literature one can read, are available at the Public Library, Hensel', which can scarcely be excelled. The very efficient librarian, Mrs. Robert Cam- eron, and other members of the Lib- rary Board, have ,purchased another fine selection of books as follows: Fiction—Danger Signals, by Bott ane; Lucian, by Parsons; 'Song of Fears, Aldrich; Twenty -Four Hours A Day, Baldwin; I've Been to Lon- don, Bailey; Wisdom's Gate, Barnes; Disputed Passage, Douglas; Once More the Saint, Charteris; Featuring •he.Saint,h r ri t Gate s, Mr. Pratt's Pat- ients, Lincoln; The Pattern, Ether - hart; As Long As I Live, Lorring; Happiness Hill, Hill; Parade of the PIGS FOR SALE Eight .pigs, ti weeks old. John Modeland, Phone 143 r 4. , FOR SALE Quantity of 0. A. C. 21' Barley. Ab- solutely clean, grown from registered seed. First class quality. Glenn Mac- Lean, Phone Hensel] 31-54. FOR SALE Second class lumber. cheap. Hydro poles and telephone poles. Apply to the Walton Sawmill, Duncan John- ston, Prop. WANTED Girl or young woman for general housekeeping, small family, at once. Apply to Seaforth News. FOR SALE 20 little pigs for sale. Ed Foster, Varna, Phone 622 r 21, Clinton cen- tral, Empty Boots, Seltzer; The Valley of the Giants, Kyne; The Iron Trail, Brandp Tuesday /Never Comes, Hauck; Without Charm Phase, Lar- rimore; The North ,Wind Doth Blow, Bower, Non -Fiction — Amateur Craftsman's Cyclopedia; Guide to Trees, Curtis; More Green Fingers, ArkeJl; Birds of Canada, Taverner; Juvenile Washer & Co., Cony. Fiction - Furlong Farm, Helme; Dwellers of the Marsh Realm, Mc- Kishino; Adventurers' of Jimmy Skunk, Burgess; Adventures of Poor Mrs, Quack, Burgess; Adventures of Bob White, Burgess; Adventures of 01' Mr. Buzzard, Burgess; Advent- ures of Bobby Coon, Burgess; The 'Bain Barn Clock, McEvoy; Billy Bunny's Fortune, Gordon; The Din- ky Duckling, Campbell; Little Bear's Adventure, Fox; I Wonder Why?, Gordon; Little Bears at Work and Play, Fox; Our Button Book, Dan- iels; Raggedy Ann's Fairy Story, Gwelle; Beloved 'Belinda, Gwelle: Ferdinand, Leaf; Ezekiel, Garner; Perri, Salter; Heidi Grows Up, Spry; The Mark on the Door, Dixon; The Twisted Claw, Dixon; Susanna at Boarding School, Dennison; The Blazed Trail, White; Lappan's Bur- ro, Grey; Falkner of the Inland Seas, Curwood; Swift Lightning, Curwood; Gabs, Baldwin; M&ary Lou, 'Baldwin; At Midnight, Hauck. Juvenile Non- Fiction—The Haman Side of Birds, Dixon; Book of Woodcraft, Seton; Talking Leaves, King; Wild Flowers at'a Glance, King; Birds, vols, 11 and FIT King. Miss Mary Stinson spent the week end at her home in London. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Cook of Tor- onto spent the week end with the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Corne- lius Cook, Miss Nellie Fee of Milverton spent the week end at the hone of her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, George Fee. Miss Mary Little of London spent the week end at her home here. Mrs. Brassier, Jack and Dorothy, of London, visited on Saturday with Dr, D. G. Steer and Mrs. Steer. AUCTION SALE Community Sale at 'Queen's Hotel Stables, Seaforth, on Friday, March all, Usual run of Cattle, Pigs, Poul- try, Furniture, Bring. in anything you have to sell. Rates reasonable, Phone Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, for inform- ation. -J. J. Coyne, Manager, G. ;H. Elliott, Auct., Gerald Doyle, Clerk, AUCTION SALE Of the late W. E. Chapman's house and contents on Jarvis St., Seaforth, on Saturday, April '8th, at L30 p.m. McConnell & Hays, 'Solicitors. G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer, WANTED Wanted to buy, used lumber, or old building to wreck. State price and quantity. Apply to News Office. ROBE LOST Black robe on Monday between Roxboro and Seaforth. Finder please notify /James T. Scott, Phone 236-33. FOR SALE Gander for sale. Phone 40 r lay Dublin central. Wilfred Maloney, Seaforth, R. R.: 5. WANTED To buy a colony house. Apply at the News Office, MEN! HERE IS GOOD PAYING WORK WITH A LARGE MANU- FACTURING CONCERN OF 200 daily necessities used in' -every home. Sure and quick repeaters. No experi- ence needed. Good pay every day if active, and permanent business certain if persevering. Investigate our Plan at once. CATr1LOGIJE FREE: FA'MII- LFaX CO., 570 St. Clement, Montreal, FOR SALE A dark brown gelding rising two year.; old. One aged driving horse good single or double. Sixteen pigs weighing from 75 to 10a lbs, Also a quantity of 'Improved Banner Seed oats: Apply to Edmund Godkin, phone 2148r311. FOR SALE Nine choice pigs, '6 weeks old, weaned, Apply to Lawrence Ryan, Walton. Phone 6-230, Seaforth. WANTED .tarried man wants work by year. Apply to the Seaforth News. WANTED TO RENT • .A house in :Seaforth or Egmond- ville, with modern conNeniences and stable, with some land, preferred. Wants possession by April 1st, Apply to the News Office. Have a New and Lovely PERMANENT For The "Spring Roll Call" Your hair will be a mass of soft ringlets -the youthful coiffure that fashion requires. Comfortable MACHINE or NO MACHINE Permanent • "B" BEAUTY SADON "The Hone nt Better Permanents" Offers For a Limited Time SPECIAL PRICES" On All Permanents Includes Cut, 'Shampoo, and Fingerwave 'B' Beauty Salon L. M. BOX Main St., Seaforth Phone 50 or 18 AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, on Sperling St., Seaforth, an Saturday, March 21kh. Mr. George H. Elliott, Auction- eer, has received instructions to sell by auction the entire effects without reserve of Jas. M. and his late sister Margaret Robertson, Everything san- itary and in good condition. The art- icles itt part are as follows:. Axe, augers, tools,_ saws, chisels, wrenches, hoe, garden rake, spades, shovel, crow bar, trowel, plane, brac- kets, sewing machine, horse blankets, Beds -4 double beds, one 'lounge; one iron folding, 4 mattresses with springs, an extra feather' tick, cushions. Bed Clothes — Blankets, quilts, sheets, pillow cases, spreads, lace curtains. Books—For teachers, students, ev- eryone, in lots, instructive and useful. Magazines, Sunday journals, teachers' helps, sermons. Chairs—Kitchen and dining room sets, two rockers, one leather cush- ioned, large armchair, odd chairs, clocks, step ladders. Dishes—Two or three sets—china, glass, teapots, kitchen and dining roost, Pots, pans, frying pans, boiler, tub, washboards, pails, knivesl forks, spoons, bake board, flour sifter, pie plates. Stoves—Electric stove plate, oil, cook I('4Quebec), electric iron, and others. Tables --Extension :(hold 20), two kitchen tables,, stands,, sideboard, dressers, cupboard, box chest, trunk, lawn Brower, 'baskets, Preserve jars, pictures, mottoes, toilet sets, was bas- ins, pitchers, lantern, lamps, oil cans, organ boards. Sale commences at 1 p.m. Terms, cash. Geo-. H. Elliott, Auctioneer; I. H, Weedmark, Clerk; Robert Scarlett, Cashier; Jas. M. Robertson, Prop, AUCTION SALE Community Sale at Dick's Hotel Stables, Seaforth, on Friday, Mar, 24. Usual run of Pigs, Cattle, Poultry, Furniture, etc. Cattle—INlumber of Durham cows, fresh; 20 head of good yearling cattle, number of young calves; 4 Polled Angus bull P mos, old. Pigs -4 York- shire sow due April ,10th. 1 sap pan and 50 pails and spiles. 1' White Hol- land gobbler; 1 white drake. Furniture — 6 kitchen chairs, 3 tables, wardrobe, bedroom suite, 3 rockers, writing desk; used electric washer; used hand washer; 1 -horse Cockshutt plow; 1 four -wheeled trail- er; numerous other articles. Bring in anything you have to sell. Rates reasonable. Honer Hunt, mgr.,. phone 228 - 12. Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. FOR SALE One hundred acres in the Tp. of Huilett, Lot 7, Con, 7, ten acres of hardwood hush, equipped for syrup making, well 'built on. Situated 3.4 mile from school, church, store, and Co, road. For further particulars apply to William Britton, R. R.1, Clinton. WOOD FOR SALE About 112 or .115 cords of dry hard 'wood at '$3:150 a cord, delivered in Seaforth; also a bunch of linib wood at ,'$2 a 'cord. T. J. Richardson. ,Phone 148 r 22, Seaforth. HOUSE AND LOT On John St., for sale or rent, or will sell an extra solid frame, :(could be moved at the price as'ked). For particulars apply to. Elmer D. Bell, Barrister, etc., Seaforth, Ont. NOTICE The Huron Farmers' Co -Operative Co. of Hensall, Ont„ open the sea- son of 1939 with a full line of: Cedar Posts: 1 car of Manitoulin Red Cedar, Fertilizer (Ingredients): Mixed if desired. Corn and other Feeds and Meals. English Barbed Wire, Motor Oil. WILLIAM, PEPPER (Manager) Our Policy is to give our Customers the - very, best value at the lowest possible price. EGGS WANTED2 dozen Oranges - 20c Per 'Doz. Trade Good size, 2 doz 35c For Grade A Large Robinhood Flour Holiest Grading 1 per 98 Ib; bag 269 Manitoba Bread Flour Quality Guaranteed Per 98 1b. bag— $1.79 Cooper's Dry-Kil per 1b. 29e New Life Hog Concentrate per cwt 2.69 Cattle Mineral 50 Ib. bag 1.35 Rob Roy Wheat Flakes 5 lb. bag 17c W. J. Finnigan CARD OF THANKS We • wish to take this opportunity ,of thanking the kind friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and sympathy in our recent bereavement. Signed by Charlotte ,Birownett and 'Grainger Family: CARD OF THANKS Mrs. John Kelly and 'family wish to thank their neighbors and the com- munity for many.acts of kindness and assistance 'during their :bereavement. EXECUTOR'S SALE 01 Farm 'Lands,—To close the es- tate the executors will offer for sale by Public Auction; at the Commercial, Hotel, Seaforth, on Thursday, the 3Oth day of March, 0939, at the hour of 2;30 p.m, the following valuable property:,—, The 'South half of Lot 35, Conces- sion 14, and the WWest 50 acres of Lot 24, Concession '14, in the Township of McKillop, containing 439% acres• more or less, situate on the North •Gravel Road near Walton. There is erected on this farm a very fine solid brick house with slate roof, cistern, bath room, furnace and many other conveniences, also a large bank barn on - stone foundation with both side and end drive. Hen house, Substant- ial drive shed. Good drilled well with windmill. Twelve acres of hardwood bush practically untouched for 25 years. Faris is well -drained. Gravel pit of 3 acres, Five acres sown to fall wheat. Seventy' acres sown to hay and grass. Balance of land all ploughed, - Terms—Ten per cent cash at time of sale and balance within thirty days, subject to a reserve bid. If purchaser desires to arrange to give a mortgage as part of the consid- eration announcement will be made at the time of sale as to the terms. For further particulars apply to H, G. MPEIR, Seaforth, Solicitor for the Executors of William J. Dickson, deceased. George H. Elliott, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements, At 'Lot 25, Con. 16, McKillop, 3'3 miles north of Seaforth, On Tuesday, Mar. 28 at one o'clock. • Horses —!One matched team (Per- cherons) 10 and 1'5 years; one driving mare supposed to be in foal. One bay mare 10 years old, in foal to Canada Chief, and due May 115th. One black mare 9 years old in foal to Canada Chief and due April Lnd, Cattle—One 4 year old Durham cow, due 1st of April; two blue cows, 7 years old, fresh 3% months; one 6 year old Durham cow due the end of May; one 8 year old Durham cow due 1.'5th (June.. Two .heifers, fresh 1 month, One Durham heifer due 11st April. One 3 year old roan heifer freshened Nov. 1V38 and bred in Jan. /39. One part Holstein caw 10 years old and freshened in Feb.; one Dur- ham cow six years old, to freshen list of Nov. Three heifers rising two years old. Two steers rising two years. Three yearling calves; one calf 1 month old. - Pigs -1 sow with ten young pigs seven weeks old. - Implements — One Massey Harris binder 7 foot cut; one a foot McC, mower; one 113_ hoe drill; one cultiva- tor; one hay rake; one steel %land roll- er; one disc, 113 plates. One set har- rows, one set.sleighs, one 'light wag- on. One heavy wagon, good as new. One 'flat rack with sliding rack. One sulky riding plough. Two - walking ploughs; one gang plough; one Cha- tham fanning mill; one M.H. root pulper. Two sets of heavy harness; one set of single harness. One McC. creast separator No, 2, like new. One 2 yd, gravel box ;(basswood) with wagon; one hay loader; .one buggy with car wheels, one cutter, one hay fork andcar and ropes in good con- dition; .car for a wooden track; 1 Ideal incubator 350 eggs, About 300 bus, grain, some hay. logging chains, Renfrew scale 2000 lb. Household 'Effects -12 bed steads with springs and mattresses; li feather tick, 2 rocking chairs, 6 kitchen chairs, 1 dining room table, 1 lounge, 1 Bell organ, 1 lard press and sausage filler combined. 11 clock, cite large sap pan• Sante dishes and other art- toles too numerous to mention, Everything will be sold •as owner fs giving ap farming; farm .has been, rented, Terms •cash. - Mrs, Angus More, Proprietress. Geo, I -I, Elliott and Baroid Jack- son, Auctioneers, WANTED Boy, 111, wants work on farm for spring and summer. Do chores, etc, for board, etc. Apply to Mrs, Netake, phone 345 r 23. ELMER D. BELL, B.A. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario - McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court • County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth, Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and LSaturday 1:310 p,m, to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m, to 9 p. nt, TOWN OF SEAFORTH • ,9 'fax Pre=Payment Receipts For 1939 The Town will pay 4 per cent per annum up to Aug. 31/39 on all pre- paid 1939 taxee. Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town - Clerk's office in the Town Hall. D. H. WILSON, Treas. GRASS FARM TO RENT Consisting of hundred acres good grass Goocl water. Also good shade, Composed of Lot 10, Con. '5, Hullett- If not rented will take in cattle for the season. Miller Adams, Seaforth. FOR SALE Three teams of good young farm horses, and 1 mare in foal, also house in Seaforth for rent. Phone 35, Sea - forth. J, A, McKenzie, FOR SALE one 16 - 20 McCormick Deering used tractor; one International stiff tooth cultivator. Lawn mowers sharp- ened and repaired. New and recon- ditioned lawn mowers for sale, ns Trade in your old lawn mower for a el new one. Eberhart's Chopping Mill. NOTICE OF TENDER Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned on or before April •1st, 1939, for 2000 yards crushed stone to be crushed and hauled, and 6000 yards of pit gravel, to be loaded and hauled. Price to be per yard mile, Work to be completed by Oct. 1st, 4939. A marked cheque for $500,00 to accom- pany tender. Dated this 8th clay of March, 1939. CHAS. C. PILGRIIM, Clerk of Stanley. , FOR SALE In Egmondville, red brick house, furnace, bathroom, electric lights, small barn, 314 acres. Apply Mrs, R. J. Beatty, Egmondville, or Mrs. 'J. A. .Brodie, 237 Chaplin Cres„ Toronto. FARM FOR SALE 1150, 100 or 50 acres, part Lot 10, 111, Morris Twsp, near Blyth, Brussels, Walton, Clay loam and gravel; well fenced, tiled, good bush. Brick house, new roof; 2 bank barns, stables, 'hen 'house, Spring water. Gravel pit on corner. C. E Empey, Melbourne, Ont FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 1230 acres, utile east of Walton, Lots 4 and '5, 18th Concession, Town- ship of Grey, Large bank barn, frame house, excellent gravel pit, Apply to Frank Fingland, Clinton, Ont INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windsteirm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable, All risks placed in first class companies: 1'tfornia'lnn cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIEP P4nnr 114 tv STRATFORD - GODE'RICH ,COtACH LINE'S Under New Management TIME TABLE Leaves Seaforth for Stratford: Daily 6,25 a.m. and 5.25 1).in, Leaves Seaforth for Coderich: Daily except Sunday & hoz,, 1.2;55 p.m. Sun, and bol„ 12.50 d 8Pat Connection at Stratford o d and for 10Toronto, Hamilton„ Buffalo,- London, Detroit Agents — Queen's - Hotel, - Commercial Hotel, Dick House