The Seaforth News, 1939-03-02, Page 2PAGE TWO
nulinun nuluuteanal luuunnl,nu u1 m110011 uuury
Mirror of the Nation
1111,,,1, . 111111111111 1 1 I 1„it101' 11,1„1„=--.111,1,1
With the 'Washington trade deal
noir before the Rouse of Commons
two things 133 e'.)l11eetiol3 with It are
apparent. The tel is that all past ef-
fort fol ilrailucing political effect
•from government lethal was exeeeel-
etc in the matter % f' the trade treaty'
and mini teria propaganda regarding
it. The .eeoud isthat this elaborate
political effort is failing of its our -
pose partly 'hetause it hiss been
overdone and partly because of
a lad: ,f necessary lreeautioil iu
ttgand3 regarding it.'rhe second las
that .h7 ,.melte i,olttiaal effort is
f,liau;g of its purpose partly because it
has `.,ren ovcraione and partly bemuse
of a i k of neceesary pree•,littie,ns iu
relation to it.
-•a et
- • feat
are. �
` bili°1
There arc
three .i ,
t t
i:i; ::t'•.. ,. 't developed c t ,;•
the i'; late \lia:,>ter , ut for re; re-
s catiag :he in : a i' arrange-
:a n -
ment t, lin international Ka:. .,rove,
e.3a airy l.•1 a,', .;`.lc.
Mei, ?e .A :' 1 k egia: 1 rat : a^.:I .:e
illi e wa 1' o
c aataa :rad;
bargain i'. second tea. 1i. ,.
eateaalia: oritias of the
Qality Counts Most
Mr. Warren Whitmore has been
confined to his room for some time.
His friends are pleased to hear he is
able to he out again.
\1r. Fletcher \Whirmore, who is
Wendorf Twins Have Then Beat
The daily papers last week carried
t story to the effect ' that Matthew
Smellie of Elora and his brother 'Jack
tions are that the 1935 total will be ural increase, they have now formed
exceeded during the current twelve- _I more than b0 Colonies, r. spread• oyer a
month, althopgli such an increase, of
course, depends entirely upon the
number of children available.
The platter of placements in adop-
tion homes, Mr. Cross points out, is
one that receives the careful consider-
ation of the Department, the Societies
and their superintendents. As soon as
a request for a child for 'adoption is
teaching at Kirktou spent the week lin Edmonton. Alberta, • celebrated
end at the at etc a home: az ending t heir Stith birthday anniversary on
the c 1iat i3u : all 1t � 3t •
'� Fc'r iirl oth ania
they , 'w
1 ay night. +believed to be Canada's oldest
Mr. ..utt Whitmore spent the ,are?tw.m..'• This record ha also been
oar: of this, week in paran:o with re:- ' e aimed for the \' eadorf twins of
%tires. aombining b:t s with plea- s Hanover, Charles and William, who
sane.^are still %Zoite frisky. yelp ire the fact
r ...2 Mrs Ra.?cru Ma Gregor.
aeacontaatthal •j' lair. • John i rteh: s :
Sea,. .: t.1Mrs. littala MeGreaor
: t,..t..s terve ..1. \We`llne lay
alta ,.. the „r „sal:.a: lair, t: 1 .1311.
0 a. a 1,7.‘this.`7-1:-..11V Oi\; r
cinata \t:e
/O.- moo, faiettls at Mos 1 c
\a v
'as a'eaaea �.. \. \.a:\....,. . Stansas ....
ot:i V.73 . ? Sraa art
w: rt
1 :ha: :hey will he 02 ,ears of age in
, \} .t.. but it has been 'aomted out that
there are .:her ::tins is Canada even
than the \Ven.i•,.:.-Hanover
received-and if a youngster is avad-
able-a careful inspection of the foster tationa
parents is made with a view to ascer- One pair in the Park were careful-
raining all the circumstances surroun- ly watched. Journeying down a small
ding such an adoption. After the brook, they selected a rocky gorge as
child has been placed, regular visits of a ilomesite. With sod, poplar bean -
inspection are made during a two-year ches, and small stones, the beaver
"probation" period in order to ensure dammed the stream. As the dam was
that the child is receiving proper care enlarged, the pond deepened, the
and training. Only after this two- water soon covering several acres.
year period has been completed do Near the center of the pond a mound
the adoptions actually become effec- of sticks, the beaver lodge, made its
tive. appearance.
The demand for children for adop- The beaver home may be likened
Since they
tion is principally for those of from to a cattle n ie,t a
three months to four years in Wage, are unable to breathe under water, or
although nearly all ages up to forty to hold their breath for more than 11
years appear M. :he DSaa n e7:`s ad-
minutes. the living rooms of their
Sotion revs '.s. lodge must be above water and ven-
-1^ 'las beenfound." observes lair. tilated. Underwater entrances lead
30-mile radius. Each pair annually
raise from three to five young ICit-
ten appear in, late April and when a
year old they wander off to find
mates in other colonies, build new
ponds and lodges: Thus in 1S years it
is estimated that more than 2000 have
sprung from the original three ,pairs;
many have been shipped to other
states to carry on woodland rehabili-
New Postoffice Opened Monday-
onday-t maasay,Laaaaraososew. past*.
w as + e tsdserve the pubic.
. e data was Fe+- lar ..1tht . alma*,
trantha after,o avation com-
Mar: , 'seri, 1036 a5 the
• atea in the e7eCV.011 of the
aasn3 :w Sentinel.
THURSDAY, Ji1ARC'i'f 2, 1929
•the poful lam Ib Whteh.
'oboe. 'pan be tmohtd"
into the water.
;No ratan will ever know how many
fertile fields were created 'by beaver
in eras gone by, .It is indeed hearten-
ing that the beaver is to have his
place in the sun once more, not alone
to build amen empires for himself,
but literally to 'knit ours more closely
'r, ha_ ai p o pareh:5 leave t3 ward through the st
little to he ' aired in caring nroperl walls to the inside landing platform.
for their faster -children and :he aii`ec-
\['ten winter came. with eight inches
;jam tC 11 they L5a't
rd ;hem >t ice. the Seaver %'ere well estab-
ick -and -mud
They take a 'a- 3e and an u e eat in fished _n a world 0e their own.
3 hTrtci'
qe:e tiel: own pe oeaver is
bars, preferably %tiler 5spe2l and pop -
Hurt In Bush Accident- ian. Titua n.: a thing wasted, for
they zonestune the outward covering
Ti:lilt .-. a >eiere ,--•.,• tiaee ,t their corn building, material.
r a.. Tn ad -
+:i they ca bu �gran=es.
1 sot ami leave betnsa, strict ie a:ar: ;hens. they la nat eat doh. Saw: or
A isant Li....,...
Have Narrow .Escape- v : .. I1os3i:a:, a:: S:_ter ?e_ -,•e: do ::•?: hibernate, it is
as _..,... r :a: .,a. ..,. __,_... ezeastir _northern lati-
\ a-� :. ..deiaaar food beneath:he
.. Fire Destroys Morris Home-- .., _. to _ ..-..
:e o: �,.> ,... „a. . .1-, e tri,
. , 1;1.. r thrown tri? rframe l a el _ .•. ,. s..e ra.
«.:a.. .. ... e'. were :,.t ,... \. H. Fraser. Ezra: ,
az: e eta ay a,, 1.:.arroe taanshi..ria- er :'pie
,aatrayed by fire a: one ,
•\ . Z
:i. C n �
,en in _.-_ fall.. many
_.,.,._., tree` ara fe_.
ll.1 a- _abmeaged
„ea- ?
,_ ..
e.ran:5, 1:_e imagre-
•, - :e , .T-1 pile,
t. _ etre haase has•a- a :real,
Use ,1Vfore Butter
One of the most practical resolu-
tions that Canadian homemakers may
make is to promise themselves that
they will buy and use more butter.
From a consumer standpoint butter
is one of the
best values on the mar-
ket at the present time. To appreciate
the full return received when butter is
pur ased, it is only necessary to
bring to mind a few undisputed facts
about this superior fat. As a health
food, batter is high in the list since it
is a concentrated heat producer for
the 'body and one of the most reliable
sources of vitamin A. Both of these
qualities are important, particularly
during the cold season of the year
when the body requires an extra sup-
ply of heat, and when an ample
amount of vitamin A i- eseential to
build up resistance to colds. The pal-
atability of butter is another out-
standing characteristic. the excellent
flavor of good butter adding greatly
to dos enjoyment of foads on which
or in which it is used.
'Why not resale to use 'Sutter more
generously? Spread it more thickly on
the bread and make 1: the regular
shorteninfor :alae, :-ookies and
other delicacies made in the home.
Fruit Pound Cake
"1•_ cups batter
2 cutis fruit sugar
d eggs
li :u;ie it pastry .ur
easpian sal:
1 bra port baking powder
Fruits and pat. -a-
1 cup cherries. chopped
2 cups bleached sultanas
1 cup almonds. 'b an:hed
- ::13 :emOn and ::grange pee:.
finely shredded
a d :a^ .-. and car-
... .. .- a tee. 4 ... e aaaae
k:7,-.1 by beaver,
..: 3. _ :7.272 , e-,. i ...:ii .rtes
,a,,a, e'-' r 3loahtain
Tearer ._1::.,. ,.. :he "e valley. as
575. 2 : t:se[ here ,.. the
:, tat foal •t :e pond
at:a:re .1: a.,. _,,. 1 beaver :eft, in
l :bbaild-1
a_ 6r ,t _.. - a._. Mr. Grand Bend�Ilen Found Sale -
t...:': a : :.1. lai:. '+le+w Stm,as A'.. fee Rahe:.,.t.. L55:070.:R:47.7557.57 oaa:=ea.
r. ... ..
Cr+ a t
\\ .......,� t. 1.,a, pi,...
o'a.t: '.a.., _ ., i l ..a. �, .t �d. M:
M1 k ,the aasaana of thee
.. ..
,,. e. .. .+. a.• 2$ .. .,.. a rib:.
- ..• x. tea.. '.i
+ c,f a..._._ Y.
tar n.
F tl, ..,e •,.
ere. ,.:•._e r,
v . - , , e
-i•t.21. , A:7.7,57.illy... ., «.. -.. :. 0.
e s. e 9 ._.: , .. e H •'-?-'s:, ,, a^: -.vasbait solidly.
a. a „ . r. 3 .i:o e. ,,•• ,: disintegrate,
i -'-':, ,: ?a St°ia5hte • , • eY 'F e + _ t - err ilant 'oeav er 3
For. their "•t•,:i it: a _.-?'.t?a. -,e, R1,_,. _ -.tater_ tesea:ed rich.
able _e,.. . .o t.5 "-_t... r1,::, , + e.. upas the pond boa-
nshe:ate :. F laser'' B:e _._e:. " 'Wilber: 5 't\ :e :he_,.,_. had permit:ed a
Dewey. Hee,.- E. _. w Her-;:._ s ti « :1 a_^. -ven dry aea-
bert Pile.d oat. by ca:: ti' - a e r ,bre withheld
p.m. f,..",7 . ead o ,? P .e ea. a' :e , :a•+ , :.i: harams _ a .a otherwise
,they had lets se: :h:ou_ dos e a 1.0 .d' 'Seer, washed down -
i. .- 'ad ma: :e: returned by --. -„ea^r ___ _ doad periods.
c::e5 _.0 3: >. ,ears _ c that sane snnon er. as the
$ :a ,.
. __ :w':e:e � r-. t'u .c _. e r_ ,ranter earse,
lei: _. been se: :P. :he + ... .. 3:tre2. :tie :shat pond
3- _:.ed e. _ :,?:T e 'a_^.:e to feed in :he new
8:.:::.s. .a t Se de:s o._ned ._ ^ o-•-- - s. Elia::: year the green tangle
ibe' moved aa: • ..e _ -bra' --gher. ,_ _ :he soil against
lariat:: r ::ahem:te _ ..r. ,e._ E c ,,,. ..y Zak and beech
w'a, Arsaut cat .?e._.w one the t ._._: :e -:-en:_ ground.
.tern e . :was _ _, ;calk e_ a _ :omplath that
the drift_ :a ,7:,05 :, .,, �_: .e. _=a:1: ::oe:r Sport.. As a
-enF• _...r.. .vee , _.__ . _ re a5 breeding
_, ,n.zau_. _.. 2 ..:,.e ---el _e: :ally.e. but :or fish
on :he :e; : a
`) _ X..._ :^5:e a:. tames where
Will Meet L- ?.3 don -
Had A Successful Year-
0':.50500 was he:3F
a t ra.elatt. chair-
-a:a-_ n.,.e5:0 e 5.
the :hair Min -:es of the
"as.;s‘ arnaal tneet'lngwere read 0r aliladyaFaw:etn
.. , . the : n:him ::::e aol Ma.
N the loaa,ClateJohn
.... .._ e' ^n1' a showing
:.t _ . a,. rw _a _ :r keep
goad atate of. reaziaand
sola a: aub-
« ?_ era:%
.- , -_.. a ,o_ aaake ri.e•d
. _ t..T mss,
, Associaspian
, _: _005_.5. of :he We:::_toes: te ea. -sae 'wove= and ao-
.% as'"-;": . . , .a -s R-77 N,-::-.-.05 A05
w `
:if 77...1. „ .t_
^.c.. .. .. ler «_ Adop:
:.__.. _t. ': part l5 :lees, o: other -
=ads :.,a,. ..-- _,,._,, t.. _o:.. _ It _ .t,t-. °___ Man' o:oper:y.
_, __ . ,., m e .. r_ a eatnale matter :o rapture
-a.• _ _._.e_ aaasasaL_.._ --,stet arae :tire mesh _laps
:c.___... .. Rea. iW. M ::r -, so _ 7 a -::k t... ._ +a__ab:e.
:aria are his
_c ,_:._'."..7.7,'.:,
:r. Ind ....:serer
4. _ _ -___: lee: ale :.:ate
\: :.,:„ >. :';'....'1:..''..? an! - e __a,. athes tont and
0'--- :• - S?,3:_. azs otaaeir zattsinis edge .. : _ _:ea a. .lean
___. -.:_._ }-
?._:_.. :.. aa for an
• ato .
eattired :he , a _
a,. e' en:e_ , '+ _ His. iia:.
' -.:• - _ - -1s awe. - a50 -ea 05 a prop
.. :. - a_ , :he beaver :aming it- :w c ,_. ::i'-_: . dawn trees,
7L0k, ..._ Department _• _ a- - -- pang, and as a
estate thaa _ _t -Lao azies 075 'a _ aSanger e e
'57,7.7.557 -0--_.__-a___l-77.-..::,!-: ...-s.. ._. _ :a'nate
a0:5:. ' 0 :r 52._ ±: :21 a Mile
- e: a his
-= _ -:-.0--..S.-.cer. Wrong,
:e: -a 3>eawer can
wen dire:-
•_ c Sten kf e'd' :,y
- . . _ _ '=i. „ :,.a- .1 aey-
.e tat ae_r .a.. the)
:000:0:0-1. « :tae..
700_ atasto :_e ,mice , :e:313:1:-
7 :c oo' Oaat: -_.n the arze as;,'.i\. of
_a.1\,'.0-.-:705,..7. ?o-,
::-analreds of
t `- .. :,:5 n,::tai ',fe
_ __ of
trSo __ at A it aver
a has beet)
1,5 _ ,.. :,e.:dr 0
.7:0:17 , « , .e::ale a„,
assaatarsta a •. is tante.
a tree
:tat ,...a. ,4. ',::, + -' . .a. M :5-1::. Feet At ' - `� -... _
,a ; -
: - -. e ._ ._ _ 1.'' _
aest :at
losool ;ate ,1 :
•.-d ..w. \'.a.3:: - ',\.. .. tis:
,m..�.*� =t::ke: i5s9 _e,. .. 245 '
++k"..•>l^.r :2,r.,..c . E'en. .. ,. ,_.
"..5..S7 aapterasaarata
- -alts , _: :
«•:'^.5 4 0„%.%sant% :+ , ,t _0
at a n':?i2.l1 571.1t...5 ..,. ,,.
coteµ`to :t e. 05 .-, , _ ,a_
t.-0.l5:ate .s zee- a _: ,.. .
lea :arae_.. 1'0. the attattaa
.Kiw":'" :the k;•._,ecl 50.[0;5' ,.,ea. .e.,.
a:ile eat .a: x ..:tat•: _ 'Sena •.. -a . ..a
e�}.'it1:,• e ,a lye. eat ,.k:,. „ , .-,- •F'
Ness _.r.,,_.,_ :n.:la oatas:
taataS0a; -
":a: :Y+. .l`.Za'co .
saa ent:as_
27.52 staste.-:-
- -_- - __ 707. :,075
zaaasar ,_:5r asa ____ .e -•_foss
satsaa at, _..
0-.«. _ 5. _: _
c is 1
2 .ir.125 eultana raisins
1-J cup chopped, preserved ginger
1 cup blanched almonds. shredded
2 cups sultana raisins
1 cup mixed pee:.. finely cul
1 cup curran a
Grated rind of 1 lemon
Creast butter well. Add sugar gradu-
ally and cream well together. Add
unbeaten eggs one at a time. Beat
well after adding each egg. Dredge
fro t and nuts with part of dour. Silt
together baking powder. sal: and re- 4111 -
maiming flour and -.,old into creamed
mixture. Lastly add fruit and ants.
Bake :n a large buttered ruit cake tin
a a .,ow oven tea'. degrees Fa from
Itis to 2 hours.
Swedish Pastries
tap butter 1 egg yolk.
iu;r brown. sugar slightly Sea:en
}0.ia;,s dour
Creast butter and sugar. Add egg and
:t.,,:. Roll into an.a:: bails. :hen dip
in 'white yf egg which, has 'been
alightly lea:en. Rol: :a finely chopped
walut:s. Pa: in pan and press In
eon:re of each. Cloak in a slow oven
for five Minutes. Remove from oven
and press again :n 'e0i 5s and aeman
to even and cook ,lowly- for ten :0
fifteen minutes. F top with a poo:
of jelly or jam while Stin wa.'0t
\lakes :w -o dozen.
Raspberry Squares
ono batter
1>, cups dour
egg yolks
' erg iwhltee
t uta
whit(' ioa:
lla,t,pbe-rw t30t
1 :ai:epal:t melted but:e:
1 teaspoon vanilla
Work butter lei dour. Ada egg
, , 6' Roll oat and rte an 8 -inch, ha-
12.-inals :in. On the e read a thin
layer- ,f ra pherrt Sam. Beat egg
whites, til r n Gni wally all sugar.
1 , 1 in c , , tut and melted butter
and vanilla. •Alread this on top of
jaut. flake it, uoderate oven t'3�(3.5.0 de-
grees F,1 until brown, about min -
:nes. Cut into squares wlii:'e warm,
Minnesota iife insurance agent.
takes an all-around hired man with
117.31 wh::e traveling in the country.
\rhea ter ea..: on a :.:mer who is ,
mi lik:13g", p'oel intg or pitching lay and
saas ;1d:13: :hue to ale$. the lir-
e,i plan doe. the farmers work. Un -
'%r those ,:r:,:insia•tce. anybody
,./Mk!`. ,, al aael .3., ear.
1 .3 .1,,. %1 2 ,1. ,.,ds. are .
,1.,),. rt's tasing, :x s then; .n
.: a'
. a'tae