HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-02-23, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
You are cordially invited to attend the McCormick -Deering
which will be held in the WALTON COMMUNITY HALL,
We are very much pleased with the programme this year. Several new'
features make it the best entertainment of its kind ever put on locally,
in our estimation. These include "Alt' & Tommy", two well-known'
vaudeville artists, members of the famous !Overseas "Dumbells" who
will amuse with sleight-of-hand and ventriloquism. "Professor Ask -
hint", a brand new stunt, is mighty interesting and educational.
Besides, there will be several brand new Sound. Pictures just released.
Farm Power Problems will be discussed and questions ans-
weredby the factory -trained engineer of the Harvester Co.
This will be a real entertainment all the way through, packed with
punch—fun and educational features for all. No expense is being
spared in making this Day a real outing for you, your family and
friends. The afternoon programme gets under way at 1.30 p.m. and the
everyone. Hoping to see you and the family the day of the show,
evening, at 7.30 p.m. This show is "on us" and entirely free for
Sponsored by
Humphries & Co. John 'Bach
Snowdon. Bros., Publishers
The Ladies' Guild and W.A. of St.
George's Church met at the home of
Mrs. W. H.Anderson on Wednesday
of last week. The president, Mrs.
Hollinger, was in charge of the meet-
ing which was opened tby the singing
of a hymn followed by prayer by
Rev. Mir. Hendry. Scripture reading
was taken by Mr, Hendry, whd also
spoke a few words of encouragement
for the coating year stressing that the
three main points for carrying on
any church organization successfully
were, a Christian .spirit, co-operative
work, and concertive effort. The min-
utes were read by the secretary, Mrs,
B, Anderson. It was decided that on
account of illness among the memb-
ers 'of aur congregation that 'we dis-
pense with the pancake tea this year
and plans were discussed to have an
amateur contest in the spring. Sides
were chosen for a copper contest, the
captains being Misses Mary Hum-
phries and Beth Hendry. The next
meeting is to be held at Mrs. Hoy's
where the world's day of .prayer pro-
gram is ,to be carried out. Grace was
sung and lunch was served by the
hostess assisted by her daughter Mrs.
The January meeting of the Walton
U, F. W. A. was held at the 'home of
Mrs. H. Kirkby. Mrs. L. Leeming
presided, After the opening exercises
Mrs, A. Coutts read the programme
for '1819. Miss Bessie Davidson gave
a pleasing piano instrumental, Mrs.
A. Coutts read an article on "The
farm women trying to influence wo-
men to attend school meetings," Miss
Gertie Siemon gave the reading
"Youth S'pea'ks its mind," Mrs. J.
McDonald gave an interesting • topic
on "Valentine" demonstrating the
making of some valentines. A paper
"Rebuilding Democracy" was read by
Miss Simpson. The next meeting is
to be held in the community hall.
Woman's Association.—
The regular monthly meeting of the
Woman's Association of the United
Church was held on Tuesday after-
noon; in the absence of the president,
the 'first vice president, Mrs. Willihm
Mills, presided. Meeting opened by
singing hymn 123, after which the
Lord's prayer was repeated in unison.
During the 'business session it was de-
eded to extend the ten cent teas in
the home until the March meeting.
An amateur contest was discussed.
Mrs. G. D. Leith, Mrs. N. P. Garrett
and Mrs, J. S. Chellew were appoint-
ed a committee for fuller ,particulars
regarding the same. Secretary read
letters from sick and shut-ins who had
+been remembered. Mrs. Chas. Granby
gave the re et of the flower and vis-
iting committee, five boxes, eight
small donations sent out and twelve
calls made during the month. The
meeting was 'brought to a close by
singing hymn 11.13.
The Blyth Home :and School Assoc-
iation met at the home of Mrs. W. J.
Milne, Among the business discuss-
ions was that of religious training in
schools. It was finally decided to
teave this over until after the club had
been ifavored with an address from a
local minister who has 'had consider-
able to do with this ..subject in other
Home and School Associations, in an-
ticipation of the difficulties to be met
iby an impending nominating commit-
tee. A brief paper on the various ex-
chses about office was read 'by Miss
Alice Gillespie: A solo was sung by
;miss Alberta Richmond, .accompanied
bY Miss Elizabath Mills. An interest -
ling article on "The Boy Who Had
everything 'but Discipline," was react
by Mrs. Hall and another paper, "The
Child 'attd . Some of His Needs," was
read by Mrs, Weekes. There fol'low'ed
an' ,open diseussion.on these subjects
and child training in general. The
men took an active .part in this debate,
The regular monthly meeting of the
W.M.S. of the United Church met
n 1.11 the '.pre.i den i:, Ur>,f \1'm. Jenkins
presiding. Meeting opened with pray-
er from the Missionary Monthly, A
committee consisting of Mlrs. A. Sin-
clair, Mrs. Wm. Laidlaw and. Mrs. R.
Wighttnar was appointed to select 'a
speaker for the Easter thankollering
meeting to be held in April. Announ-
cement was made of the day of prayer
to be observed in Queen st. Church
on February 24th, Mrs. Weekes to
deliver the address. The Scripture les-
son was read by Mrs. Wm, Johnston,
taken from the 10th chapter of Luke
25th to 29th verses. Sentence prayers
were offered by Mrs. A. Colclough,
Miss Katie Barrett, Mrs. Robt. John-
ston. Mrs. S. Kechnie and the presid-
ent. The first part of the fourth chap-
ter in the study book, "Learning to
Live Together. was taken by Mrs. G.
D. Leith, the second part "Following
Great Interpretations," was taken by
Mrs. E. Pollard, Report of temper-
ance and Christian citizenship was gi-
ven by Miss Katie Barrett. Current
events was given by Mrs. 1\'m Mills.
Mrs. Robt. 'Johnston gave the report
on supply work. Hymn 3811 was sung
and meeting brought to a close with
the Mizpah benediction.
Last Friday evening the Red Grose
nursing course was held in the base-
ment of the United Church, sponsored
by the local branch of the Women's
Institute, Wednesday afternoon Mrs.
Oster, local leader of the Junior
Homemakers' Club, gave a splendid
address and a blackboard explanation
of vitamins, their relative necessity to
the body. The members of the Junior
Homemakers demonstrated the work
covered 'by the Club in their latest
project, "Dressing Up Home Grown
'Vegetables," Mrs. F. B'ainton pre-
sented the currentmethods of dish-
washing and measurements; Wilma
Watson 'Vegetable Plate"; Mrs. R.
Cowan, "White Sauce and its uses";
Margaret Scrimgeour "Fancy Sand-
wiches." Thursday Dr, H. A. S.
Vokes gave a wonderful address on
"Emergency First Aid," and with the
help of Mrs. C. H. Murray, R,N.,
gave practical demonstrations on
bandaging, splints, tourniquet, resus-
tication and artificial respiration. Also
gave antidotes for poison. Friday
evening Dr. Toll showed slides on
dental work and cancer research in a
very interesting manner. Owing to
the health film from Red Cross arriv-
ing in such a damaged condition it
could not be used, Rev. R. M.
Weekes kindly used two films he had,
Splendid pictures were seen of New
Zealand and teddy bears in Jasper
'Park. Lunch was served by the mem-
bers of the Institute and the thanks
of the society are due to every one
who helped to make this course the
great success it was,
The \Vomen's Institute will hold
their March meeting at the home of
Mrs. John Cole, Mill street, Thurs-
lay afternoon, March 2•nd, at 2.30.
This meeting is in charge of Mrs. C.
H, Murray, RIX., convener of health
and child welfare. Visitors 'always
welcome, Lunch will be served.
Miss Tena Campbell of Toronto is
visiting her sister, Mrs. T. J. Huck -
Visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, L, Scrimgeour on Sunday were
Mr. and Mfrs. Murray Scrimgeour,
Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Scrimgeour and
children of Tillsonburg. Mr. and Mrs,
John . Cameron. Nancy and Murray,
of Brussels,
Bob Burrs Jack Oakie
"Radio City Revels"
Kenny Baker Ann Milder
Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer
Come in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck
We also have a Service Truck—if you have car trouble,
phone 179 and we will come promptly
+All Repairs Strictly Cash. We Aim To Please
Why We Like To Be "Scared Stiff"
The fascination of ,,horror tales and
the most intense interest people show
in the most morbid murders and sui-
tides will be explained 'by Professor
Thomas B. Laird, former director of
Colgate University's Psychological
Laboratory is one of many 'human in-
terest features you will 'find in The
American Weekly, the great weekly
magazine with the February 26 issue
of The Detroit 'Sunday Times.'
Miss Ann Ryan returned home
Moteday after spending the week end
visiting at the home of her sister,
Mrs. John Evans, God'erich,
We are sorry, to hear Mrs. Gilbert
Stade fell on the ice and broke a
bone in her ankle.
Many from Dublin attended the
funeral of the late Wart. Sadler of
In Flynn's butcher shop on Mon-
day afternoon the 'talk got around to
how much meat a than could eat, and
it resulted in one young man eating a
pound of raw beefsteak to win a -dol-
lar wager. He topped it off with a
pound of cooked ham to win a second
bet. 'Outlaw" suffered no illness from
his odd meal, at least if he did, he
doesn't say so. Joe paid $2.128, includ-
ing the bets and the meat.
The garage of Wm. G. Feeney took
fire Monday morning. The roof and
one corner of the building was da-
maged. The origin of the fire is un-
Mrs. William Stapleton entertained
her friends on Thursday evening..
at two tables of five hundred, Mrs.
James Jordan won first prize and
Mrs. Patrick Jordan second.
The ladies' guild of St. Mary's
Church held a very successful meet-
ing at the hone of Mrs. Gar Smith on
Thursday afternoon.
Mr. Charles Malone and Mr. Chas.
Schule'bath of Lasallette were visit-
ors in the village over the week end.
Mr, Ted Carroll of Guelph was a
week end visitor with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Basil Stewart of
Stratford visited Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin MidNeil of Pal-
merston visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Mr. Teddy Hickey of Chicagio is
visiting his mother Mr's. Mary tarp -
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton and
family visited London friends.
Mr. Fergus Melady of St. Marys
visited his sister Mrs, 'Joseph Row-
Miss Mary Pender of Hamilton vis-
ited with friends.
Rev. J. B. Ffoulkes entertained in
honor of the senior choir at his 'home
Thursday evening cast.
Miss Gertrude McGrath of Kitch-
ener visited her mother, 'Mrs. P. V.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Butters of
the village attended an interesting
bridge party at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, William Hart in Seaforth, Mr,
Butters being the lucky winner of
the men's prize.
The members of the cast which re-
cently presented the comedy play Sil-
as Smidge gathered at the home of
Miss Ursula Krauskopf Tuesday ev-
ening to present their popular director
Gerald Holland with a serviceable
windbreaker. Wm. Hanley Jr." read
the address while Miss Ursula Kraus-
kopf made the presentation. Mrl, Hal -
land who was completely taken 'by
surprise, replied fittingly, thanking
one and all for the support ,given him
during the rehearsals. Throughout the
evening court whist was enjoyed, also
dancing and community singing. A
dainty dunch was served by the hos
Mr. Henry Rock suffered a slight
stroke on Saturday evening.
Mr. Manuel Beuerman has returned
front Victoria Hospital, London,
where he had another cast put on his
Mir. Fred FTinz is still confined to
his bed.
Mr, and Mrs, Ed Eickmeier: have
returned home after spending two
months on a motor trip to Oregon,
California, 'and Kansas,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell S!hoidiee and
Muss Adelia Querengesser spent
Wednesday in Kitcliener,
Messrs. John Hinz and Albert
Querengesser spent Monday., and
Tuesday in Toronto.
Mr. Henry Rock, 1'Otlt oon. Lagan;
had a light stroke on Saturday night
and is confined to his bed. We hope
to sec Mr. 'Rock around in the near
'Mr. Henry Koehler returned home
last Monday front a 10 days' visit in
Mitchell and Stratford visiting friends
and relatives, Mrs. Henry Koehler is
sick in bed with gttinsey. or sore
Lover (eloping with his adored) —
"How much is the fare?"
Taxi-driver—"That's all right, sir
The young lady's father has settled
all that."
Mrs. James Upshalll- and children of
Tudkersniith;spent the week -end with
her father and brother,
.Mrs. Duncan Mclvellar visited her
'Sisters in Mitchell and Stratford.
Messrs. Earnest Allen and Thomas'
Sookt were in Toronto last wee'k 'in
Mr. Earl Sararas Of Toronto' visited,
his parents on Sunday.
Miss Lila McCulloch, teacher of
Winchelsea school is 'home. O'wlind'
to the prevalence of scarlet fever in
that section the school is closed for a
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Caldwell of
Kippen spent Sunday with '114r. and
Mrs. Roy McDonald.
The Marion Ritchie Auxiliary mit
at the home o'f M'rs. Thomas Scott
on Saturday.
Miss Hazel Laing is under the d'oc-
tor's care.
While going home from school one
day last week a daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Henry F. Beuerntann slipped
and fell on the ice, getting .a double
fracture of the bone in one 'leg. We
w'is'h 'for the best.
Mr. Louis B'ennewies Sr. who left.
his home in Bmodhagen after his wife
died, to live with his son Louis on the
homestead; is not as well as his
friends would like to see him. Hop-
ing to see him around again when the
warns weather comes.
'Mrs, Ed Talbot and Mr. and aims,
Logan Cleave spent Sunday afternoon
and evening with Mrs. Jbhn Hohner.
-lir.. Josiah Steckle has returned
from a .trip to Wat'erl'oo county and
other points east.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. &oyes of Gode-
rich were the guests of Mrs, John
Hohner on Monday afternoon,
Mr. Robert Greer returned Mom -
day evening from a business trip to
The Club of Progress will hold its
monthly meeting in the schoolhouse
on Friday evening, Feb, ,24th. A good
program is. being prepared, The train
feature is a play entitled "Henry's
Mail 'erder Wife,"
The day of prayer will be held in
the church on Friday, Feb. 24th, from
2.30 to 3.3.0, Will the ladies of the
congregation please accept this in-
The water famine is over as the
heavy rain last Sunday filled the
wells and cisterns, but it was too cold
to melt the snow and ice and has
made roads treacherous for walking
and driving.
Quite a number of saw logs for
custom sawing are rushed to' Alex.
Mitchell's saw- mill while the sleighing
Word was received here this week
that Rev. J. M. Eckart of Chicago is
The Young People's Society held a
very successful skating party at Hen -
sail rink Wednesday evening of last
week. Despite the very stormy night
there was a good attendance and
everyone had a very en'joya'ble time.
On Monday night February 217th
the Huron 'Presbytery Young Peo-
ple are holding a Bible contest be-
tween Greenway and Goderich Young
People's Societies, to the held in St.
Andrew's United Church, Kippen. All
young people's societies in the district
are urged to attend.
The community night sponsored by
the Kippen East W.I. was a decided
success despite the fact that the date
was the thirteenth. The weather man
was most favorable and the attend-
ance reached well over the 200 nark.
The chairman Mr. Ross MacKay, in
his genial manner, presented a very
fine program with Miss. F. Welsh of
Hensall giving a 'piano instrumental
as the opening number, then ,followed
two vocal numbers, "When Ye Gang
Awa 'Jamie" and "She'll be coming
Round the Mountain," by Mrs. Hed-
den and Mrs. Hess in Highland cos-
tume. Violin, guitar and mouth organ
selections 'by 'Messrs. Kenny and
Finlayson and a solo "I'm Dreaming
of Jeannie with the Light Brown
Hair," by Mrs. Cairns were splendid
numbers. The speaker was our dis-
trict representative Mr. Shearer and
while he deplored the inability of the
farmers to stick together in most
cases, yet in the T. B. question they
showed what they really could ido,
The last number was given by Miss
June NLurdoch and Miss Lois Rath-
well who made a very charming little
Irish couple in their green and white
costumes and delighted the audience
with their s'ingin'g and dancing.. The
next part of the evening was given to
playing cards with Mrs. A. Johnston
winning ladies' first prize; Mrs. H.
Kercher 2nd prize and Miss A. Din-.
nen, consolation. Mr. E. Butt wolf the
men's first, Mr. W. Parker won the
2nd prize and Mr. W. McKenzie car
ried off the consolation, After .a del-
icious lunch was served Murdoch's
orchestra supplied the music for
dancing which continued until the
small hours when all went home thor-
oughly satisfied with the evening's
entertainment. The next meeting in
March will be at the home, of Mrs.
George Glenn.
On Monday evening, Feb. 13, the
Goshen Young People's (Union enter-
tained the Brucefield Young People at
a Valentine Social in the 'Varna hall,
with an excellent attendance from
both' societies. The meeting opened
by singing, 5'Onward Christian Sol-
diers," followed by the Lord's Prayer
in unison. INorene Rdbinson, Presi-
dent of Goshen Society, gave an ad-
dress of welcome and the Brucefield
Young People then had charge of the
program,.Which was most interesting
and educational. Mr. L, Palmer, the
.president, wlto was in the .chair, gave
a very inspiring topic on "Our Res-
ponsibility for the Happiness of Oth-
ers." At the conclusion of this pro-
gram everyone joined in community
singing; after which julene Stephen-
son gave an interesting Valentine
legend. Following this a one -act
comedy -drama, "While the Toast
Burned," was presented by several of
the Goshen members. The characters
included: Herbert Canby—Harvey
Keys; Ruth, his wife—Dorothy Peck;
Herbert, 'Jr.—•IJack Peck: Mary Lou,
their daughter Eileen Hayter;
Grandmother Canby — Anna Love.
The remainder o'f the evening was
spent in eciting games. relays, con-
tests, etc,, which were arranged by
the recreation committee. A delicious
lunch was served, with the social con-
vener in charge. The Mizpah bene-
diction was pronounced which
brought the meeting to a close.
;Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday;.
Madge Evans Preston Foster
"Army Girl
withNeil Hamilton
Action, thrills. 'Romance. An inside
view of Uncle Sam's Army in
peace time
News Cartoon
air. Glenn McLean is confined to
his room with 'an attack of pleurisy.
Mr. Ed Gormley of Dublin is visit-
ing with his sister Mrs. Hugh Mc-
Mr. Jack Burrows of Stratford
spent the week end at the home of
Mr. Alex Simpson.
Mr. Allen Nicholson has taken a
position at Komoka and left this
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Charters, 'highly
esteemed residents of Tuckersmith,
observed their 40th wedding anniver-
sary on the 23rd day February. They
spent the day .gatietly and in the even-
ing entertained a number of friends
and neighbors to a euchre and. dance.
Egmondville hockey team goes to
St. Jacob's on Friday night in the
rural league. The return game here
is on Monday.
A very enjoyable evening of euchre
and •dancing 'by the neighbors and
friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
William Cameron on 31r. Cameron's
birthday on Feb. 17th.
Send us the names of your visitors.
Next Thur. Fri. Sat., Mar. 2.3-4.
Howard Hughes presents
"Sky Devils"
Spencer Tracy . William Boyd
Ann Dvorak George Cooper
Laughs and thrill' galore
Cary Grant Katherine Hepburn
"Brie in up Baby"
The world day of prayer will be ob-
served its St. John's Church, Friday,
Feb. 24. Service to commence at 2.30.
Mrs. 'Graham of Trinity Church, Bay-
field, will be in charge of the service,
Mr. A. McEwen, and Mr. T. Rob-
inson. township auditors, were in the
Village on business Tuesday.
The Misses Chuter of London spent
Sunday at the parental home.
The many friends of Mr. John
Smith will be sorry to know he is
not improving as fast as we would
like to report. '
Sorry to report Mrs, M. E, Elliott
is under the 'doctor's care. Her
many friends hope for a speedy re-
Pedestrian transport is miller dan-
gerous these days.
Mr. Alvin Elliott has taken a posi-
tion as saleman in Goderich.
For some months 'a movement has
been in progress to try and secure the
International Plowing Match for Hu-
ron county in 1940.
At the annual meeting of the On-
tario Plowman's Association in Tor-
onto on Tuesday, the 140 match was
awarded to Elgin county and will be
held on land adjacent to the new On-
tario Hospital near St. Thomas. Hu-
ron county made an unsuccessful bid
for the 1940 match, while Victoria
county's bid for the 119411 match was
deferred until next year.
This year's international plowing
match was awarded to the counties of
Leeds and Grenville, which will stage
the meet at Brockville.
3, D. Thomas of Goderich led the
Huron delegation, introducing Ward-
en Robert Turner, Reeve Wilmot
Haacke. of Goderich township; Hugh
Hill, former reeve of Colborne twp.;
Roland Williams, past president of the
South Harron 'Plowmen's Association AIM
and L. E. Cardiff, past president of INV'
North Huron Plowmen's Association.
Rastus (climbing from plane)' ---
"Thanks, mister, for the two rides
in yer maohine."
"'Two rides? You've only been tap
"Yes, I mean two, mister—ma fust
and ma last."
Magistrate—"Tell me, young man,
how did this accident occur," :
Motorist"Well, your honor, I had
just dimmed my lights, and was hug-
ging the curve—"
Magistrate—"Thais how most ac-
cidents 'happen. Ten shillings P'•
Ice Carnival
Palace Rink, Seaforth
See Posters for list of
events. Get a costume— .
join in the fun.
See the
Jitterbug on Skates
the man of a• thousand
Burlesque Hockey
Played in a new way by picled teams from the Junior
Farmers' League._
Special S5 Door Prize Special :•
General Admission 25e. Children l0c