HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-02-23, Page 2PAGE TWO Tlig,SAFC'toRTH NEWS iiiii 110 iiii 111111101001111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 011 ii 1 iii 011101114 iiiiii Mirror of the Nation IM11.11.1111.11 Political history of the Breit mach's ine gun contract- case undoubtedly .will lay particular emphasis on one notable feature of it. That is that the sixday debate on the ease in the House 'of Commons was marked by the significant absence of any de- fence by the Prime Minister of his Cabinet colleague, Hon. Lan Macken- zie, Minister of National Defence, or f thecontract itselfMrMacicenzie King asked Miss Canada to be his HURON NEWS oc. . Valentine tbecause he had given her a 1 King left it to the ',Minister himself Egmondville and Dublin Win - peace treaty which was ,designed to , and to other euthordinaies to put ul) keep her safe from the horrors ot the best defence they could without help- from h int, war. Moving in the House of mns for approval of the Com- SpeakingWashing- very beiefly at the corn - ton trade bargain of last November mencement of the discussion the the Prime Minister confirmed fore - Prime ;Minister did not defend the casts contract or the Minister responsible that in making it an election is - for it. His purpose was to head off sue he will attempt to place the pea - pie in the position of voting for a an open :discessiou in the COMM011$ and have the matter sent away to a peace effort or against it. In this fore- taste of his election strategy he went even further in this direction than was expected. He suggested that through his trade harF,ain he had made Canadians safer in their own homes from war dangers. Here is the astonishing claim he made for Ilis "peace treaty": "In the aresent, each of ue sleep; more safely in his bed comment. The impression he gave of b washing his hands of the whole mat - because of the rapprochement be - ter was strengthened by the frectur tween the world's two great democ- ency with which he interrupted other, racies, a rapprochement that could not speakers for the porpoie of denying Itave been effected Without the assent and co-operation of Canada-. .That personal connection with various phases of the deal they were expos- is the broad fact of the present situ- ation. ing,. It was especially remarked that Like Canning, we have done our indispensable part to call into he was particularly careful to disown any connection with the faked stun_ existence •a new world to redress the mary of the Royal Commissioner's balance othe alt!'." report Which 'falsely represented it as The answer of the Conservative Opposition a vindication of the contract and an is that -the Washington bargain has no relation to peace or exoneration of the Minister of Def- ence and which was handed to the war and that, even if h had, there s, ;trees, from a source connected with ' Wfiii no reason whCanada should have made heavy sacrifices of her in - the Government, along with the re- , t When neither the United port itself, Some of his followers in ter's the House, close friends of Mr. Mac - States nor Great Britain found it kenzie e.,pecially, are openly .di,tap... necessary to do so, The Conservatives will deal with the Waehingeon bar- peinted at hi, feiltire t, go to the help of the Minister. I Ito speak t gain as a ttriadireelpyacot.11"tIht.s,hamllereittisdea:lovir demerits of the trade agreement." Mr. Mackenzie King's course in the matter is easily understood. It is -due promised Dr. Manion. who postponed hie speech on the treaty until the to the embarrassing. circumetance that d the week. He took a moment, Hoe. Ian Mackenzie and his Brett en however. to ridicule the Prime Min- eola: transaction have been as strong-ieter's claim that the treaty made for ly condemned in quarters to which peaee and safete. by bringing Great the Prime Minister must busk for Britaie and the 'United State: into sopport in the fortheomirtg. zeneral election as by the Oppoeition part.e, closer relation. The relations between in Parliament, Assaults eel the Minthe United States and Great Britain were already good and it was 118- aster and Inc machine gun contract by necessary for Canada to make any Liberal newspaper. especially the powerful Winnipg Free Press whose sacrifice to prevent trouble between them, he pointed out. "For the last support means s,o much to him. and 35 years at least there has been no the demand that after the revelations indication of any trouble between the in . the Danis report the business of United Kingdom and the United arming the Ceuntry for defense at „ • 1 nottehicololsgt erofimscio: jets inoithnetilhlinonnhandof.t--eson debate the Prime Minieter's ' Themotion for approval of the treaty Mackenzie could not he ignored by the Prime Minister. probably. will last a week, after which there will likely ,he two weeks or By refraining irons tiesociatims' more of discussion on the details of himself -personally with the affair ' Mr. King ha, left himself unfettered 1 the trade bargain in the committee as to future action. He will be free to 1- .3v house, do vehatmay seem to hint to he poli- tically nWind Plays Havoc- inedessary later on. By throws: g Defence Minister :Mackenzie to: At the height of a terrific wind the wolvee while he was under attack in Parliament he would have pro-' ;;Itorm on Thursday night last a lame Money on the parsonage of North voked a storm of bitterness and divi-1 treet United church in Goderich top- sion emong his followers. That he:;loo over and tore a hole in the roof could not afford to risk so soon after ' nearly eight feet square. Bricks and the quarrel in the party .family over mortar crashed through 2 x rafters hie disagreement with Premier Hep- , to the' floor of the attic and demolish. burn of Ontario. ed a bookcase and damaged other art - 'In Ottawa there will be little eur- icles stored 'there. The crash occurred prise, however,. if when he reorgan- izes his cabinet in advance of the 1 aboto 11 p.m. and carpenters erected a terrnporary shelter over the gaping election Mr. Ian Mackenzie is either hole. Colored glass windows in the among the missing or is found 11, a east side of the church were ehat- poet of less importance than that of ,hy the wind. crashing to the Minister of National Defence. It is behind the ehoir loft. Fortunate - thought possible. too, that Hugh LI% the large frames held, with the re- Plaxton, M.P., who originated the eult the greater part of the multi - Breit gun deal and whose 'brothers pieced windows remained intact. share in the benefits of the contract. . tray not he encouraged to again stand E. DBell Moves To New Office - for election in his Toronto conetitu- The law office of E. D. Bell. ILA., ency. tieto be moved front the present loc- ... lation across the street to the'it 'Id' ,s ,Of the debate itself the outstanding, now eccupied by W. F. Strt In' feature undoubtedly was the perform- eller, Mr. Bell iemakitut the ante of the new Leader of the Op- change in location because the latter position. Hon. Dr. Manion's present- place will afford better accommoda- ation of the cast against the Breis gun tion there being a vault in the build - contract was so able and effective Mg. The change will be made in the that it set old members of parliament near future. -Brussels Post. and long time observers to comparing ' it with -historic efforts of other parli- Grey Twp. Honie Destroyed- arnentary leaders. With the Govern -j Fire destroyed the brick house on ment ignoring Dr. Manion's a-ppeal the farm of Normae Lamont, 9th that it cancel the contract and thereby eoureeeion. Grey, recently. Mr. Lam- ont ,hael left the fire and had gone out glve assurance that patronage and profiteering would be divorced from to do the chores. When he came back nothing could be done to save the the nbusiness of arming the country, furniture or clothing. MT, Lamont is there seas nothing further the Oppos- a bachelor, living alone. The loss is 111.08 could do but allow the contract partially covered by insurance. to be sent on to the public accounts committee. The House of Commons, nChopping Mill Sold - therefore. presented the uuseal epee- . . . . s tacle of an :unanimous vseh ate en the MrWilliam JSmith hasold the. C.C.F. motion for reference to the Centralia chopping mill to MrEdwin s. committee was submitted for divHartman of Stanley TownhipMr, ision. Hartman gets possession the first of • " 1\1 arelt.--7Zurich Herald. Fein -I -try 1 4 Mr. Mackenzie Tea At its Best L TEA •committee of 36 Liberals and 1.1-1 Op- position members. The care Mr. King took to avoid committing hiniself.. as head of the Govenunent, to any en- ciorsation of the transaction or any approval of the conduct of his Min- ister of Defence nee so deliberate that it has occasioned a great deal of The Dublin hockey club gained one more step towards top position in the -.McMillan Cup series in the Juttior Farmers League by ,defeating the group leaders, Loodesboro, playing in the Seaforth rink Saturday night. The Dublin boys showed great improve- ment. In the .opening period O'Con- nor led the scoring for the Dublin team on a shot just inside the blue line. Roseland of Dublin was penal- ized and while playing a man short the Dublin team made it two -nothing later Londesboro scored their 1st goal Londe.sboro scored their nfirst goal when Fairservice tallied, In the sec- ond period Stapleton of Dublin open- ed the scoring on a flip shot from a mix-up in front of the Londesboro goal, Hanley added another count for the Dublin team when he scored on a pass from Stapleton. There were lour penalties handed out in the third as the boys began to rough it up a bit more. O'Reilly received two penalties. Grey and O'Connor were also put off. Grey put in another count for Loncl- esboro. Dublin clinched the genie when W. Reill y scored. Hanley and McQuaid were put off for two min- ute,. This win put the Dublin team only one point 'behind the Landes- betro team for top honors. Line-ups: Londesboro - Goal, Radford; def- ence, S. Fairservice. B. Riley; centre, B. Riley, wings, R. Fairsersice, W. Riley; alts.. Grey. Leiper, Haggett, Snell. Du.blin-Goal. NIcCarthy; defence, N. McQuaid, Hanley; centre, O'Con- nor; wings. Stapleton, Rowland; alts., O'Reilly, \V. IfoOttaid, Krauskopf, Berns, F. Stapleton. Jo the second game Egmondvilte took the Winthrop team into camp 4-1. In the opening round 'Egmond- vi'le took the lead in the first when! Gemmel' counted for them, This was the only score of the first period. There was only one penalty handed out in this -period-that to Betties of Winthrop for boarding. The second was a very close one. The teams were very evenly matched. There were no penalties in this routed. In the . last 'stanza Egmondville began to Put on the pressure and scored three goals. Winthrop scored one goal in the last period, Dale getting it. John Flannery got three of the Egmondville goals. Egmondville - Goal, Mac Rintoul; defence, J. Nicholson, C. Rintoul: centre, Flannery: wings, H. Nichol - eon, Gemmell: alte., A. Nicholson, Venus. Nigh. \Vinthrop-Goal, Montgomery; de- fence. Dale. Carter: centre, Farqu- harson; wings. Kerr, Betties; alts., Rutledge. Stratton, Eaton, E. Rut- ledge. riding for federal purposes as it is expected that an election will take Place this fall. It is expected that a Conservative telly will be 'held here in May. Dr, Robb is making a coast to coast trip in. the interests of the party and during the past week, has been organizing in Western Ontario. -Wingbani Advance -Times. Death of Mrs. William Flood - Friends were shocked to hear of the sudden illness and passing of Mary Ellen Russell, beloved wife of William J. Flood, which occurred at bhe home of her niece, Mrs. Clayton Colepuhoun, Fullerton Township, on Fob. 14, Mrs. Flood had gone to.visit with her niece and shortly after or - riving there 'suffered a heart attack froin which she did not ,fully regain consciousness. She was in her fefty-• fourth year and was born at Russel - dale, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Russell. Married in Sep- tenther„1924, -Mr. and Mrs. Flood lived at Russel -dale until nine years ago when they moved to lot 13, con- cession .11. Blanshard Township, near Science Hill. Besides her sorrowing husband there is one sister and one 'boether to mourn her passing, They are Mrs. Ernest Dow of Hibbert and Bert Russell of Russeldele. The -late Mrs. Flood was a member of Ander- son United -Church, Blanshard Town- ship. The funeral was held from the home of Iter niece. Mrs. Clayton Col- quhoun -last Thursday. and the re- tnains were laid to rest in Roy's Cemetery. Chapter of Accidents - Police Sergeant A. C. Ross' was taken to Alexandra hospital on Wed- nesday morning with a severely brok- en right wrist which he suffered in a fail in his own back yard. It was a queer twist of fate that permitted the Sergeant to make his all-night rounds safely •et slippery streets, only to fall on a bit of ice outside the back -door of his home. He was taken home from tile hospital this morning, Two young boys, Ronald and Peter Patterson, sone of County Engineer T, R. Pat- terson. narrowly escaped serious ire - jury ..7%‘ day -last week token they were kit from their bicycle by a Lung Punctured By Twig - Mr. C. J. Raymond, 6th concession of Grey Township, had his lung ,pierc- ed last week when he fell on a twig. His condition is considered quite ser - ions although he has shown some im- prevenient. He was working in the bush when the accident happened. $454 In Judgment— Jarlement of 5434 in favor of the plaintiffs, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Thiel, of Zurich, was delivered by Judge Costello against Rudolph and Harold Stade, .defendants, also of ,Zurich, The case which was heard in county court at Goderich -several weeks ago, arose out of an automobile accident near Zurich last September . 211 Harold Stade is goal tencler for the Seaforth intertnediatee. A.Y.P.A. Met At Blyth - t the monthly meeting of the Local Council of Huron Deanery A. Y. P. A. held at Blyth. Mr, Bert Mit- chell was named convener of athlet- ics for the Deanery. 'Miss Dorothy Fells is chairman of a. committee which will conduct a dramatic contest in April. It is .planned to hold the semi-finals in Easter week, and the finals a week later. The Deanery A. Y. P. A, lenten service will be held at Clinton on March 20th. Plan To ReorgaeN)-- • Hon: Dr. 3. M. Robb, former min- ister of Health for Ontario, and -at present Conservative organizer for the Dorninioe, was in town on Their - d -ay and met the executive of the Huron conservative ASsodation, Plans were made to re -organize the THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1939 esl1111.1eieteteeleiSig Poultry Forming Requires MONEY Poultry pays, with scientific handling. The flock must he a good breed;—should you buy chicks this Spring? Surround- ings have to be kept ship-shape:—should you replace wire, install new traps and feeding equipment or improve build. - lugs ? Specialized feeds produce better birds, more eggs, and eggs that grade higher. If you are short of money at the time when a profitable investment in poultry or stock could be made, ask us to assist you. Our Manager will be glad to discuss your plans. . THE DOMINION BANK ESTABLISHED 1871 Seaforth Branch - -E. C. BOSWELL, Manager car driven by 1.11. D. Thomas. Ronald was found to have a broken leg and Peter received a painful head injury. Mit it might easily have been a -great deal more serious. The 'bicycle was badly smashed, The accident occur- red on Kingston street. Playing with the G.C.I. hockey team in a wartn-up -before an exhibition game on Thurs- day last resulted in a painful injury for Bud Worthy, former intermediate net -minder. Bud was meandering about inside the blue line when Terry Costello unleashed a high shot at the goal. The puck hit Worthy. splittiug his cheek, closing his left eye and knocking hint out cold, Two stitches closed the 'Wound. Visit ,New Plant— A -delegation from Lucan compris- ing Reeve 'Wtn. Dignan, members of the village council, L. McTavish, sup- erintendent of hydro; .Major Lang- ford, and Harold Corbett, called at the Exeter Refrigerated Locker Service Monday evening and inspected the building with a view to the erection of a similar plant in Lucan by Mr. Corbett. Mrs Vidt. the proprietor, gave them all the information poss- ible and- the men were quite enthusi- astic about' the new 'buildins • trefilters1,1Sellteiseitil-esse " Yd callon't I thein ?" re.; why pot? 141;r+ 't you often started letter when YO,,,. thoughts went eleati. derin--made you want to talk g rather than tat. ite . . and, then, within e minute, you heard 'boar her own fantiliar -11)d here 96' :i.rhee.: .. a %tell he 41. /ti Hi wish Daddy himself c could ace l_1;111a4.11. 1d '150;how much it zneatas to his family, when he calls front R distaht tostait. 46.• . now 1 call them every evening " Somehow you are attracted to a travelling man who says this. In those few words be tells. you, much about himself and his family. He sets an example by "Going home" every eveniug--by Long Distance. Hy using low Aright Rates (which apply every evening alter 7 and all day Sundoy), and placing `Anvone" calls -you Can talk a long Noy for eery little. M. J. HABKIRK Manager. °pc:wee:so/ tamminummis Highlights of the Wee Sunday, Feb. 05th--tli. Salute to the Nations, fr 3 to 5 pan., Phighermoni Orchestra., New York; 5. London's Royal Palaces, London, Monday, Feb. 27th -i4 t f'How Dlo You Do," fro 8 to 8.30 .p.411. "C' -eat Pa tra, from Montreal: 810 Geoffrey Waddington Con nipee. Tuesday, Feb. 218,th--46.3 m, Violin Reveries, ,cluo, tawas 9 to 9.30 P.m. -with 'Agostini, from Mo to 30.30 p.m. Toronto Syr chestra, from Toronto; 111 p.m. The Elizabethan Sin Regina. Wednesday, Mae. lst in. 'Mow Do You Do," onto; 9.30 to 410.1,5 p.m. 0, Air Mail Service, Ottawa Vancouver, Thursday, Mar, 21nd-6.3 Metropolitan Strings, Iran- 8 to 9 pan. The Montreal from Montreal. Friday, Mar. 3rd -21 to 3 Music, Appreciation,. H York; 4 to CO 9,1n. °I -Io Do," from Toronto; 8 "Make Mine Music," fron Saturday, Mar. 4th -112 Pres. Roosevelt addressing Washington; 1513 to 15 itan Opera Broadcast. 8.30 to 9 p.m. "Chansonne an's Ensemble, Toronto. To Demonstrate Use Of The Trombone , Dr, Walter Dantrosch w 1115 series on instruments 0 section of the orchestra w oussion of the trombone during the eighth concert i of the NEC Music A Hour, Friday, 'February 1214 m. over the coast-to-coast CPC. The Series B cone will commence at 2.30 p.m THE will com THE CHRI It records for YOU 1 does not exploit e but deals correctly family, including t The Christian Sal One, Norway atr Please enter my s • period of f year $12,00 6 Wednesday issue, Name Address