HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-02-09, Page 1And were they not the happy days
Wlhen Love and I were young,
When earth was robed in ,heavenly
And .all creation sung,
When gazing in guy true love's face,,
Through greenwood alleys lone,
I guessed the 'secrets of her heart,
By wihispens of mine own.
And are they not the happy days
Wihen Love and l are old,
And silver evening has; ;replaced
A morn and noon of gold?
Love stood along mid 'youthful joy;
But plow by ,sorrowtried,
It sits and oalnily looks to heaven
With angels at its si'd,e.
Charles Mackay.
Phone 84.
$1 a year.
mato Sou.
To P
4 'TINS •
half or whole 12%c lb.
r, 35c doz.
ORANGES, Sunkist .. 2 ;Doz. Z5c
. 8 for .... 25c
COCOA, loose. The •Better Kind—
20c ib.
CAKE— 20c each
2 lbs,
TAPIOCA— 2 line, 15c
,DATES 2 lbs. 15c
IOc per tin
29c ib.
KOE TEA 38c half lb.
CA'•PO SHOE POLISH— .. 10c tin
PASTE 25e. jar
15c Tin
23c Tin
JAVEL WATER -3 bottles
Master Mineral Mix should be fed to
all stock, $3.00 cwt.
A. C. Routiedge
Phone 166
l 11i coo
The Okotaks, Alberta, Review in
its issue of 'Jan. 1217th, published the
following account of the passing of
Mr, • John Mundell, at native of
Another old time resident of the
Okotoks district, !John Mundell, pass-
ed away at his farm near Big Rock
on Saturday at the age of 75, I3•e had
been in failing ;health for five or .six
years .b,ut this last attack carried him
•off in 10 days. Besides his widow he
is survived by one son John W„ at
home and two 'slaughters Nora 'K. at
hoarse and Pearl .(lrs. R. T. Dore)
who lives on a farm close 'by, The
late Mr. NLundell was horn at Sea -
forth, Ont. Ile came west to Mani-
toba in his early twenties and worked
cm farms in the Virden and Brandon
districts for several years. Ten years
before owing to Alberta he kept Liv-
ery and feed stable and ran a dray
business, also kept a boarding house
in MacGregor, 'Manit'oba,
He was 'married over 40 years ago
to (Jessie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Sproat, of ;Seaforth, Ont,
In 119013 tht family came to Oko-
toks settling in Big Rock district
where they have resided since. He
was school trustee there for a num-
ber of years and also sec'y of the
Mr. Mundell was a devoted memb-
er of the United Church which he al-
ways attended when his health per-
mitted. He was a very religious man
and one of his strong characteristics
was the desire to see Sunday observ-
ed as a day of rest. II•e always en-
joyed the respite from labor ,Himself
everyone and felt that ayo else, whether
man or beast, .wherever it was Poss-
ible shou]d have the same opportun-
ity to rest. He often expressed a wish
that he could have been the means of
putting an end to Sunday work.
He was always keen on anything
that would improve the condition of
the farming industry. During the
time the Agricultural Society was in
existence he .was •one of its warmest
supporters and hardest workers, He
lead always been a staunch supporter
of the U. F. A. also,
He was both liked and respected
by all who knew hint.
The funeral was held from the
United Church to the •Okotaks Cern-
' etery on.Monday afternoon service
being conducted' by the Rev. C. E. LA.
Pocock. There was a large attend,
once of friends and sympathizers with
the bereaved family.
The pallbearers were 'J. H. Carr, T.
W. Me(Kay, Fred (Johnston; F. Camp-
bell, A, J. Lewis, A. Morrison, There
were many beautiful 'floral offerings
among those who sent .them being
the following: The family, a sheaf;
Mabel, Olaf and Laura; Grace .and
family, Red Deer; Ethel and Bill
Green, Calgary; McDonalds and Don-
aldsons, Calgary; Lillie and :lack
Smith, 'Calgary; Big Rock school 'dis-
trict; Hazel, Layton and Della; Mr.
C. W. Maine, Mrs. M. Campbell, Mrs
E. A, 'McEathrot; Mr. and Mrs, E.
Bruce and family; Sandeman damily,
Neil Campbell family, Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Lewis; Mr. and Mrs. E. Robin-
son; Mr. and 'Ma's. U. H. Carr,; Mr.
and M•rs. S. Skov, Mr. and 'Mrs. Herb
McEathron, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Minae,
Mr. and Mrs. 'J. P. Todd, Mr, and
Mrs. Don Eastcott, Mr. and Mrs, H.
I. Thompson and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Wentworth, Mr. and Mrs. W. j.
Snodgrass, Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Mounkes and family, Mr, and Mrs. L.
W, Barrett,
Northside United Church
Rev. H. V. 1Workman, Minister.
'11 •a.m,—The Greatness of Small
2:30 pm. ,Sdtnday School.
7 pm. A St. Valentine Meditation.
2415 p. m. Thurs.—Prayer meeting
led by W. M. S.
St. Thomas' Church
Rector,(Rev. Dr. Harford.
ell a,m. "God our Refuge
7 p. in, "Christianity and
Sunday School at 10 a.m.
First Presbyterian Church
Rev, Hugh !Jack, Minister.
S. S. at la o'clock.
'Morn'ing service, ;111
a`Sin.'•s Cons.equences."
Bible Class at 3 p.m.
Evening service, 7 p.m., subject
'Mistakes bhat Earned the Name of
Midweek meeting on Thursday alt
8 o'clock.
a.m„ subject,
Egmondville United Church
Rev. -1: W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D.•
410 a.m., ,Sunday School.
lh a.m., "The Ohurch that Christ
7 p.m., "The Conversion of tZacc-
The annual ;picnic of the above as-
scciation will he 'h.eid in the Canadian
National Exhibition grounds on Wed-
nesday afternoon, !Jane gist, at 4 p.m.
Phe annual church parade• al the
above Association will be held in St.
Paul's Presbyterian ' Church, Bathurst
St,. on Sunday, Feb. ;112th. Rev. R. C.
McDermid, chaplain of the associa-
tion, will conduct the services.
The annual Euchre and Bridge of
the Harron '0l6 Boys' Ass'n of Tor=
Onto, will be held in Liberty Ball
Roost. 3003 • Dundas St. West, at
Wednesday evening, Feb. 115th. Good
prizes will be awarded and refresh-
ments will be served,
The Woman's Associatio•n,of North
Side United Church held its month-
ly meeting on Tuesday afternoon with
a good' attendance. The ,president,
Mrs. Hodson in the chair, and open-
ed with singing hymn es4. Mrs.
Coates took t'he B'i'ble reading from
8th chapter Luke, the president lead-
ing in prayer. Minutes of previous
meeting were read .and. adopted. The
flower committee remembered fifteen
with fruit and flowers. Corresponding
secretary, reported seven cards of
sympathy; visiting comllnittee had
made 60 calls 00 the sick and shut-
ins. Arrangements were then made
for our valentine supper, alter which
The meeting adjourned and. closed
with .the 'Mizpah benediction.
The ,Seaforth and District Minist-
erial Association will hold their reg-
ular meeting on Monday, Feb. 1131th,
in the United Church, Egmondville,
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Papers
will he given 'by Rev. Chas. '•Com-
ming, Walton, and Rev. W. A. Brem-
ner, Seaforth. All ministers in the
town and district are cordially in-
Collegiate Auditorium, Seaforth
Thursday and Friday, Feb. 16th and 17th
Presentation of Diplomas, Scholarships and ,Prizes.—Athletic Prizes,
Thursday evening; Academic Prizes, Friday, evening.
General! admission 25'c. Tickets may, be reserved at A•berhart's Drug
Store on andafter' Feb. 9th for,%10c extra.
•No reduction for children in. evening. Matinee Thursday afternoon, at
2,115; Admission, children :110m, adults 26e.
Prosperity 'turned the corner and
arrived on the 3nd .concession of Hib-
berthe other day. At least it seemed
t Y
that way at the farm of Mr. Joseph
Stapleton, St. Columban, on Sunday
last when one of his cows gave birth
to twins, and on the• following, day
another cow had triplets. Five calves
from two 'cows is something of a
record. The proud "papa" is owned
by Mike ;McLaughlin, a neighbor. •
From McKillop township conies
word of a prolific ewe owned by Har-
vey M.cIlwain, which :presented him
with quadruplets last week. Twins are
customary among sheep, but it is .sel-
dom they have more than three at
one time.
On Sunday, Feb. 51t'h, presentations
for perfect attendance for the year
49318 ivere made in the North Side
United Sunday School. The Sunday
School has had an average attendance
of 107 for the year ended, and. 38
scholars had perfect attendance. The
presentations, which were made by
Rev.. H. V. Workman were in the
form of diplomas and seals, the dip-
lomas for the first 'perfect year the
seals 'for each succeeding year. The
record attendanc'e goes to Mr, and
Mrs. W. J. Williams, who have com-
pleted 31: years of perfect attendance,
Following are the names of those
who have so faithfully attended,.
and the number of years of perfect
Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Williams, 21
years; Mr. J. Robb, 11 years; Mr.
and Mr. A. L. Porteous 1111; Mrs. J.
Pollard 10, Mrs. W. 'Webster 8; Miss
Margaret Pethick 7; Janette Baker
7; Miss 'Maxine Lawrence 7; Aubrey
Baker 7; Alex Balker 6; Ronald Sav-
auge '5; idiss Leatherland 5; Miss
Wilma Hay '4; Mrs. 5. Barran 4;
Miss A. Lawrence 3; Mrs. J. Knight
3; Ernest Clark 2; Donald Ross 1:
Fred Wcedmark '1; Harold Knight,
all; Billie Baker 1; Garfield Baker 1;
Mr, H. Lawrence 11; Latriva Ross 1;
Mae Clark 111; Betty Clark 1.
\Vord was received by relatives
here of the death of Mrs, William
'McLeod in Port Huron on Friday.
The funeral took place in that city on
Saturday. The late Mrs. McLeod was
born in Seaforth, her maiden name
being Mabel Meredith, <laughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs, William Mere-
dith. She had been a resident of Port
Huron for many years. ,Besides her
husband, she is survived by a mar-
rieddaughter, at home, and a son in
Some fifty or sixty neighbors and
friends .gathered at the home of Mr.
Charles Vodden to honour a very po-
pular young newly -wedded couple,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Daer. The bride
was formerly Miss Dorothy Vodden,
The first part of the evening vas
spent in .playing progressive euchre,
Donald • Sprung and Mrs. Bert Deer
receivuig first prizes, after which a
very dainty lunch was served. Mrs,
Vodden (the bride's mother) treated
the crot`vd to ice cream. With refresh-
ments over the bride and groom were
called' •forward and Gladys Mountain
read the address, with 3fiss Beth .Ar-
nett making the presentation of a lov-
ely chair and. Mrs. Cecil Cartwright,
apiece of pyrex. Following the pres-
entation the gathering spent a few
happy hours dancing to the music of
Mr. and Mrs. 'tames McCool and
Gladys Mountain. The following is
the address read, by Gladys Mountain:
"Dear Dorothy and Bert,—We hare
.gathered .here tonight to congratulate
you on your recent marriage and to
extend to you our best wishes. .As
your neighbors and friends, we 'feel
that we cannot allow this occasion to
pass without showing some stark of
our esteem for you. As a token of our
regard For you, we ask you to accept
this chair and piece of pyrex and as
you use them, we hope that you may
have many kindly thoughts, Dorothy,
of your former neighbors and friends
of the Tenth 'Concession of Hullett.
It is our hope that you may have an
abundance of :health, happiness and
prosperity through a long and happy
married life together. Signed on be-
half of your neighbors and friends of
the Tenth Concession of Hellen.
Gladys Mountain, Beth Arnett,"
Mr. Doer suitably thanked diose as-
sembled on behalf of ,his bride for
their friendship thus shown.
Mrs. Harold Sprung spent the week
end with Miss Sadie Carter of Aub-
The choir concert which was held
on Friday night last, was very well
attended and the pragrani much en-
joyed ;by all. The slides shown of
England, Scotland, Italy and France
by Mr. Menzies, were very lovely.
Miss Florence Yungblutt spent
Sunday with Miss Thelma Scott.
.Alice Fingland, who was hol-
idaying at the hone of her brother,
Rev. 'William Fingland of Niagara.
has returned home.
Ms. Robert Dodds, lifelong resid-
ent of this district, passed away early
Wednesday morning in his 73rd year.
Mr. Dodd's health had been very
poorly for natty months but lately
had shown improvement and his pass-
ing carne unexpectedly. He was born
on lot 32. con. 4, McKillop, on Aug-
ust 4, •1'866, a son of the late Mr. and
Mrs, Charles Dodds.
His marriage 'to Miss Annie Som-
erville, daughter of ,the late Mr. and
Mrs. William Somerville of McKiilap,
tools place of October 1st, 1902.
They lived on the Dodds homestead
until retiring 1.9 years ago to Harper -
hey where several years Later Mrs.
Dodds' death occurred. One daughter
Mary, at home, survives, also eight
;brothers, J. T. and Andrew Dodds of.
Swift Current, Sask.; George Dodds,
of Moose Jaw, Sask.; Peter Dodds of
Aneroid, Sask.; Thomas Dodds of
Seattle, Wash.; John 'anal Wan. Dodds
of, New Rockford, a 12. Dakota; and
Charles Dodds of Long Beach, Cal.
Mr. Dodds was one of a family of
eleven boys, of whom two died in in-
Last Antgust his 'brother, William,
of New Roslcford, N.D., visited here
owing to his illness and another (bro-
ther, Mr. Peter Dodds, of Aneroid,
Sask., was .a visitor 'here in 'October.
Word wias received that Mr. Wil-
liam Dodds was leaving his home in
Dakota Wednesday evening and ex-
p.ects to arrive in Seaforth on Friday'
noon, and at time of writinlg funeral
arrangements were . not completed,'
awaiting further, word. The service
wit '1 take place from the eesidlence,
Rev. Haugh Jack 1of First Presbyter-
ian 'Chuzrdh officiating, If;te meet
take place in .Maitland ,Bank 'Cern-
, 11111.11111,11111,11,Ie,111111"11„1111.11,11111,,,11,11111„1.1.1111
Pickin's of Sport
with Gusto"
11t"11,1,11LLn„111U,11q,1U1111,,,,,,,, 1qu1111,1111111,1,11111111
Seaforth Intermediates lost two
thrilling hockey games during the
week to Clinton and Tavistock. The
speedy Colts front Clinton beat the
local six 8-5 .in a fast .game pia %ed
here last Thursday. Seaforth .opened
the final frame with t'he score 5-3 in
their favor but rron then on it was a
walk away for the visitors, who scor-
ed five goals in the last eleven min-
utes of play. Tavistock Greenshirts
beat ,Seaforth 2i1 the following night
at Tavistock i» a very exciting game.
In the Duncan Cup series the group
"A" Athletics managed to hold 00 to
first place as a result of a 4-2 victory
over the speetty Aces. In group "8"
the Bruins,- making a bid for first
place, had to be content with a 2-2 tie
with the powerful Bisons, who are
Ail! leading the pack. '
The 'Clinton Intermediates who are
holding downsecond place in the
standing seen to have match power
and may yet give Tavistock a run for
the, lead. They have the veteran 'line
of McEwen, McEwen and Foster, and
real scoring punch in Pickett and
Streets. These players scored ten
goals in an 1!1-3t win over Mitchell.
In the Junior Farmers tate cellar oc-
cupants, Winthrop, took a 4-2 trim-
ming ,from Londesboro in the first
game of a double-header on Saturday
night. Londesboro scorers were B.
Riley,HaSgitt and G. Fairservice two.
Betties and Dale scored far Winthrop.
Dublin managed to hold on to secant]
.elate by giving Kinburn a 3-1 re-
verse in a game which was fairly ev-
en on the play, although Dublin were
better around the goal. Dublin scorers
a ie
were Rowland, St p ton and Mc-
Quaid. The lone 'Kinburn goal was
soored Eby Dorrance.
Seaford)... Intermediates defeated the
Tavistock Greensl,irts 2-1 here Tues-
day night at very sticky ice. The first
period ended with no score, penalties
;going to Pearson and Yousie of the
visitors and Harris of Seaforth. The
Greenshirts had the best of the play
in the second period although both
teams missed 10E115 beautiful scoring
chance,. The best chance was when
Bell of the locals broke away and
massed to G. Hildebrand, who hit the
post. The 'lone penalty went to .Nee'b
o'f Tavistock. In the third period Tav-
istock was played to a standstill. '4Vitlt
two minutes left to play Reid scored
for the Greenshirts, but thirty seconds
later Hubert tied it np. Penalties went
to Rae, Faber, Eichler of Tavistock
and Harris and G. Hildebrand of Sea -
Within thirty seconds of overtitSne
Sills scored the winner for Seaforth
on. a rolling shit from the bleelitte,
Tavistock: Goal. Fatilhafer; defense,
Faber, Pear,ion; centre. Reid; wings,
Bacillar, Mathies: subs., Yogt, Neeb,
Rae, Yousie, Eichler.
Seaforth: Goal, Stade; defence,
Hubert, Sills; centre, Harris.; wings,
Kruse, Flannery; subs, Muir, ,Shroed-
er, G. Hildebrand, A. Hildebrand, Bell
A meeting was held in the parish
hall for the purpose of forming a
parish sub -division of the Catholic
Taxpayers' 'Association . of Ontario.
At this meeting the following officers
were 'elected, iSlpiritual Director, Rev.
Father Dantzer; "President, {John L.
Malone; vice Pres., August Ducdt-'
acne; secretary, Mrs. Jgscp l Kale;
treasurer, John Moylan. Three dote -
gates Were also appointed: August
Dudharine, 'Thomas Norris, :John L.
Malone. These delegates will attend
the •regional ,division meeting to be
held in Seaford), Tuesday, Feb. 1114th.
Miss :'Mary .Gawley who 'has been
visiting Mr. and 'Mrs. Joseph Mc-
Quaid and; other relatives for the past
month, has left to take ;a position, in
Intermediate B. O.H.A.:
Clinton S. Seaforth 5.
Tavistock 2, Seaforth 1•.
•Mitchell '6, Goderich
Clinton 116, :Mitchell 3.
Seaforth 2, 'Tavistock 1.
Junior Farmers;
Londesboro 4, Winthrop 2,
Dublin ;II, Kinburn 1.
Duncan Cup:
Athletics 4, Aces 2.
Americans 7, Argos 4.
Bisons a, Bruins
Bears 3, Beavers 1.
WI U T 'pts
Tavistock , , .s .1. ,17. 2 3 97
Clinton .. . , .;, , ...•.1i1 2 0 14
Seaforth 3 51 9 111
Gode'i1ch , .,..3 7 11 7 ,
Mftuhell .. .. ...... . . . . S 73 al 5
;limier Farmers
Londesboro ., .._•,..,...is
Dublin .., .,n..2
]3ignioitd dile , .., ,..1:
Kinburn, .. ...,. ...,.., .Il
W'iathrop . , . .0..
0 2.
2 ,11
2 IIi
3 1
D•encan Cup Group A:
Athletids ,, ,.. ,,,,3 0 1. 7
Americans ...,n..2 0 3 �t
3 0
3 1 it
Duncan Cup 'Gi•onp B:
Bisons 3 0 1 7
Bruins .... ... ........2 11 !1i 5
Heavers ...... ...1..,+..1 3 0 3
Bears ..... ... .....1..1 3 0 2
Mr. R. B. Holmes has been ap-
Pointed to take charge of the weigh
scales and waterworks by the Public
Utilities Commission and will cont-
inence his duties the 'first of next
Quite a number from here attended
the annual meeting at Farquhar of
the Hibbert and 'Usborne Fire Insur-
ance Co, to elect directors for the
ensuing year. A large attendance was
present. All the old directors were el-
ected by acclamation. The antrum re-
port showed the past year was a suc-
We are pleased to learn thatthe
babygirl of .lir. and Mrs. Fergus
Horan is on the way to recovery un-
der the doctor's care.
Jack Frost has announced his in-
tention of paying us a visit on Thurs-
day and to prepare to meet hiin. The
vater fanzine is still on and causing
many hardships to the livestock.
blaster Louis Lane has returned to
his home after undergoing a' serious
operation at Scott Memorial Hospital.
Miss Mary Malone visited Miss
Evelyn Melady during the week.
Mr. Thos. Moylan attended the
funeral of lir. Michael Burke in Clin-
ton on Monday.
A social 'under the auspices'o!f the
C. W. L. will be held in the hall,
Wednesday, Feb, 95th.
Mr. George Wallace had the mis-
fortune to fall and sprain his knee.
Miss Mary J. Hamilton has gone
to Exeter to 'work.
Mr. andldrs. Ralph Spare and
son of, Harriston •spelt Sunday with
1•lr. and Mrs. A. McLellan, also Mr.
and Mrs. Len Houghtonand son with
Mr, and Mrs. *Hotightonn,
Mr. 1Joseplr Speare has •gone to To-
ronto to visit relatives.
Missce M� eh
Ga:a cls fan ,spent sev-
eral'days ,this week with her .cousin,
.Mrs, Harold Coleman.