HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1939-01-12, Page 4, PAGE FOUR,; THE SEAFORTH, NEWS THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon tiros„ Publishers COME TO THE Euchre & Dance WALTQN COMMUNITYHALL Friday, Jan. 13 Euchre Starts 3.30 Lunch Served. Admission 35c noon of this week at the home of hist .daughter Mrs. and: 111r. Kelland -Mc- Vitbie, where he has been making his home ,for some time. We wash to ,ex- tend sincere sympathy to .:his fancily and also to all the friends. Mr. Melvin Dodds •of Buffalo vis- ited his father, the late Mr.'John Dodds, and sister, Mrs. Kelland Mc-' \'ittfe Saturday and Sunday, return- ing to Buffalo 'on Sunday. His .father passed quietly away early Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bewley ' ac- WALTON . On Tuesday evening last Mr. and Mrs. Bert Anderson entertained the members of St. George's Church in honor of Rev, and Mrs. Graham and family who leave shortly for their new parish at Bay.,field. Games and contests were enjoyed after which there was a short program consist- ing of a song number by J'iimmie Kelly and Billy Humphries; a read- ing by 'Vida Marks, and an action ,song by Billy Humphries and Beth Shannon. Miss Mary Humphries ac- companied at the piano, After this Rev. and Mrs. Graham were called forward and presented with a pair of white woolen blankets and a lovely reversible - blanket in green and mauve. The address was read by Mrs. E. Hollinger and the presentation made by 'Mrs. \V,. Humphries and Mr, H. Bolger. The children Pat and -Monica, were .then presented with a pair of military 'brushes, and a mani- cure set. This address was read by Miss Bebh Shannon and presented by Jimmie Kelly. Mr, Graham replied very fittingly. Lunch was served by the host and hostess and the evening came to a close by singing Blest be the tie that Binds, after which Rev. Graham pronounced the benediction: Mr, and Mrs. R. Acklin spent the past week with her mother, ivirs. D. McCallum. Mr. Acklin returned to Northern Ontario to attend his duties and Mrs. Acklin will remain with her mother for a time. Mrs. Mary Dressell of Toronto is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ennis. Mr, George Barrows of Manitoba and son are visiting at his uncle's. Mr. Chris. Barrows and other reia- 'tives, Mrs., John Shortreed had the mis- fortune to take a weak spell and fall and strike her head on the table last Friday and has been confined to bed since. We hope she will soon he • around again. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Farquharson spent Sunday with her relatives in Stratford. LONDESBORO \Miss Fanny Levis of Clinton spent the week end at the home of Miss Phyllis Manning. Mr. James McCall of Victoria is visiting with Itis brother, Mr. George McCall. Misses Margaret and Kathleen Yungblutt who have been visiting with their parents for the past tw-o weeks have returned to Clinton. Mr. Peter Brown of London spent the week end at the home of Mr. David Ewan. • Miss Mamie Johnson spell last week with her sister Mrs. Cecil Cartwright. Miss Mamie Shaddick has returned to Kincardine after a short holiday at her hone. Mr. Wm. Manning's many friends will be pleased to hear he is recover- ing after his recent operation. The new officers for the Win Oth- ers Class .for 1(939 are as follows; President; Miss Ethel Thompson; vice president, Mr. Lorne Plunking; secretary, Mr. Nelson Radford; treas- urer, Miss Beth Shobbrook; Press reporter, Miss Gladys Mountain; so- cial committee, Miss Thelma Scott, Miss Pearl Griffiths, Mr. Grant Snell, 14 Ir. Clifford Adams; 'flower •commit- tee, Miss Elda Watson, Miss Ethel Thompson, Miss Marion Stewart, Miss Ruth •Shadd'ick, Miss Gladys Mountain was guest at the home of Miss Dorothy Little on Sunday. Miss Thelma Scott visited at the home of Miss Feprn . Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sprung vis- ited at the home of Mr. Willis Moun- tain. Mr. Sidney Lansing who has been sick .with the cold is feeling much better. Miss Elna Snell spent last week with Clinton friends. Miss Pearl Griffiths is visiting with her brother, Mr. Cecil Griffiths of Guelph. Mrs. James McCool and . Miss Phyllis McCool and Mrs. Olive Sloan spent'Saturday in Clinton. The January meeting of the W. I. was held in the community hall on Thursday last with the president, Mrs, E. Adams in the chair, Meet- ing opened by singing opening ode with Mrs. T. Pickett at the piano, 'followed by the Lord's :prayer in uni- son. Roll call answered by "Some- thing new made out of something .old.", Business taken .up and discuss- ed. Lt was decided to leave over to The late William J. Elgie, form- er Reeve of Tuckersnith Twp., who passed away this week. companied by littld Jessie Watt, spent Monday with 'Wal'ter Bewley in Mor- ris. Mr, Peter McDonald visited his brother, Mr. Robert McDonald, who is at present in the hospital in Tor- onto. We hope there will soon ib'e an improvement in the latter's 'condition. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. M'cEwiing and Jimmie spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mo. and Mrs, Isaac Rapson, WINTHROP The early January thaw was a great welcome both for traffic and dry wells. Don't .forget the euchre and dance this Friday .night. We were sorry to hear of the pass- ing of -lir, Jahn Dodds, :after a ling- ering illness. The funeral -which was private was held on Tuesday .from the home of his son' Robert of Mc- Killop. \\'e extend otu• sincerest sym- pathy to those that are left to mourn, Mr. and Mrs. Ferg. Bullard of Kin- tore spent Sunday calling on friends in the village. ,Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCowan and baby, and Mrs. Foster Bennett, Mona and Billie, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton. Little Ross McClure, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClure, underwent a critical appendix opera't'ion at Scott Memorial Hospital on Saturday. We wish Ross a speedy recovery, Quite a nuttiber of school children of S. S. No. 1119 are absent from school owing to had colds. The regular monthly meeting of the W. M, S. and W. A. societies of Ca- van Church, Winthrop, was held on Jam. 4th at the home of Mrs, C. Dol- mage with 117 members and a number of visitors present. The Woman's As- sociation part was taken with the president, Mrs. Hugh Alexander in the chair, 'Jesus Keep Mie near the Cross" was sung after which Mrs. Alexander lead in pttayer. Mrs, C. Dolmage and Mrs, Church gave ex- cellent reports of the year's work. During the business period it was decided to leave the circles numbered the way they are at the present time. Mrs. Austin Dolmage took charge of the W. M. S. Programme. The topic, Planting the Church, second chapter of the study book, was ably taken by Mrs. \Vm, McSpadden. Mrs. Theron Betties ;gave the Bible reading. Mrs. lilanshard and Mrs. Dolmage gave the prayers given in the missionary monthly. Miss Helen Blanslsard play- ed an instrumental "Star of the East" which was much enjoyed. The Meet- ing was 'brought to a close by sing- ing hynut 2315 and repeating the Lord's prayer in unison. Tea was then served and a social .time enjoyed. next meeting to arrange for the con- cert which the Hensall folk spoke of putting on. Miss Dorothy Griffiths accompanied on the piano by Mrs. (Rev.) Menzies, ,Mrs. Margaret Man- ning a reading "Thoughts on the New Yeats" Mrs. E. Adams gave a paper on home economics. This was followed by several "Household Hints," given by those present. Com- munity singing was indulged in and enjoyed. Meeting closed by singing God save the King. A splendid lunch was served by the group in charge. Mrs. J. Tamblyn visited with her brother Mr. \\'m. Hiles, Clinton, on 'Monday, Mrs, Frank Rdherton and little son returned franc the Clinton Hospital on Tuesday. Mrs. H. Lyon spent a few days in Goderich Tp. at her son -in-laws Mr. Bert Lobb. Mrs. Fred Prest returned to her home on Monday having spent the Past two weeks with her p areata lir. and Mrs. E. J. Crawford, lath Con. Lars. James Howatt, Auburn, is on an extended visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Manning, The choir of the United Church are preparing for a concert and trav- elogue to be presented some time soon. The "Friendly Class" of the Sun- day School held a social evening in the school roost on Monday night where quite a large .number assembl- ed together and had a most enjoyable evening together. HARLOCK Mr. Norman Shepherd spent Tues- day evening at the 'hone of Mfr. and Mrs. Thos..Neilans. Mrs. Jennie Knox returned home Tuesday evening after spending a few days with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Neil, near Summer- hill. The latter and 'young son just returned home from the hospital on Thursday of last week. Mr. Leslie Beattie is at present ho- lidaying at the hone of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beattie. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Neilans cel- ebrated their' wedding anniversary quietly an Friday of last week. We wish them many happy returns of the day. Mr. and Mrs. John Leiper returned from their honeymoon trip on Sun- day and Mr. Leiper expected to start work on Monday after ,having two weeks' holiday. The Londeslioro and ' Community Club of which John has' been a mem- ber since the Club' started, are .hold- ing an honorary party for the bride and :groove Wednesday evening of this week in Londeshoro Miall. We join in wishing Mr, and Mrs. Leiper health, happiness and prosperity in their new sphere of life, The January meeting of the Ladies Aid and W. M. S. of Blurs s United Church was held Wednesday. after- noon of last week at the hone of Mr, and bIrs. George Watt. 'rhe at- tendanCe was not as large as usual on account of the roads. "rhe after- noon was pleasantly, spent in quilt- ing. The funeral of the late Mr. 'John Dodds was held on Tuesday after- THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1939 maw J.GALLCAPS GARAGIE SEAFORTH Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer Come in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo We also have a Service Truck—if you have car phone 179 and we will come promptly Truck trouble, PHONE 179. Air Repairs Strictly Cash, • SEAFORTH We Aim To Please BAYFIELD We •have been having regular. Spring weather this 'last week and the river ice has gone out and' the Lake is clear of ice as far as the eye can see, Rev. W. J. Bolger and family mov- ed to Burford this week, Miss Ella MacKay was in Goderich on Monday evening attending the Signal Star lbanquet. Mrs. K. Moorhouse of London was in the village several days this week, Mrs. Moorhlouse is moving her .furn- iture to London where she intends residing permanently. • Mr, and Mrs: McRae of Ingersol were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Makins on Tuesday. Miss Edith Merner was the guest of Miss Jeanne Dunn on Sunday, Mr. L. Fowiie and Mr. E. McLeod of London spent Sunday with Mr. Fowlie's sisters, ,the Misses Fowlle. Mrs. P. Weston was taken to Clin- ton Hospital acid' operated on for ap- pendicitis on Monday. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr, and MTS. Churcflward and. son Jack of London spent Sunday in the village, ''Ir. A. E. Erwin was a Clinton vis- itor on Tuesday. Mrs. Chas. and Mrs. M. Toms were in London on Tuesday. They accom- panied Mrs. Toms Sr. to London where she has bad to return to the hospital again 'for treatment for her eyes. BRODHAGEN WEST The roads that were 'blocked from the recent snow storm are now open again for traffic after last week's 'Jan- uary thaw. Miss Marie 'Koehler from the Hicks House, Mitchell, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Doerr, Sth con. Jerry Doerr took a business trip to Stratford last week wide the car. Mr. Sans Steinacker, son of ,Mr. A. Steinacker, from Stratford, is spend- ing some time with Mr. and Mrs. Wm Koehler, for he says there is notating doing in the city at present so he went out for a visit, Mir. August Bauermann, who und- erwent an operation in Kitchener 'hos- pital is hone again much improved in health and we hope for the best. There will be two new faces at the council meeting today .for councillors and as our reeve, Mr. John Eokart, resigned. Mr. Dorrance, last year's councillor, took his place, Last week's thaw ;brought some water in the creeks, but there is no water in some wells and some farm- ers have to draw water for their .stack yet, Quite a job in cold weather. BEECHWOOD Mr. Mike 2v4ua•rey hacl a successful wood bee on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Flanagan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas -Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ryan visited with their daughter, Mrs, Fergus Kelly on Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Givlin on the arrival of a baby girl. Mrs. John :Murray Sr. spent a few clays with her daughter, Mrs, Wilfrid Llatoll cy. Miss Annie Flanagan visited with Mr. anti Mrs, Frank Maloney Sunday. Mfr, Tilos, ;bloQuaid and Mr. Frank MI'oylan have returned to Scatiboto Bluffs after spending the haliddys at CI. i, DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs, Walter Carpenter visited with Mr. and MT's. Alvin Mc- Neil in Palmerston on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave McConnell were guests o'f London friends. A. surprise party was held at the hone of Florence Snaith .for Miss Helen Quinsey Saturday evening in honor of her ap•proachitug marriage. The evening was spent in euchre. winners were Mr. L. Higgerson and Mr. 'J. 'Quinsey 2nd. An amusing feature of the evening. was •a snack marriage, the bride being Betty Han- ley, and lits. G. Smith as groom. The 'bride to be thanked them all very graciously for their presents. A dainty lunch was served by . the hostess. A deer was seen crossing the fields of Mike 'Nagle's farm on Tuesday morning. It appeared to be on a non- stop Flight and making very ;good time. This is something rare in this vicinity. A very enjoyable evept took place on Friday afternoon at the home of Miss Mary McGrath when her friends called at lien home prior to her departure to enter as a student nurse at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, This event was sponsored by the Misses Betty Hanley and, Miss Mary Seunetuo. During the afternoon a series of games and contests were played and also a musical program was enjoyed by all. Miss McGrath was made the recipient of a dressing gown and matching slippers, The pre- sentation was made by Miss Genev- ieve McCarthy and the following ad- dress was read by Miss Ursula Kraus- kopf: '`Dear Mary, Since you have chosen nursing as your life's profes- sion and are soon to leave us we feel it an appropriate time here this aft; orno n to spend a social hour togeth- er to wish you success and happiness. Of course there will be cloudy days, dreary hours and trying moments but faith and trust will overcome these obstacles which come before you, and time will fly swiftly by. We all re- gret parting with you from our com- munity as you were always a true friend and whenever asked to do anything were always willing. And now Mary on behalf of your friends we wish you to accept this little gift, not for its intrinsic value bbut as a token of the high esteem in which' you are 'held. Our 'best wishes accompany this gift and may God add his richest blessings and grant you many years of health and success. Signed on ,be- half of your friends•" A delightful 'Buffet lunch was served 'byb the hos- tess. Following this the remainder of the afternoon was spent in danc- ing and* singing. The party came to a close with the song "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow," and 'Auld Lang Syne." HIBBERT Thos. D: Wren Appointed Clerk.— The inaugural meeting of Hibbert 'council •was held at Staffa township hall accirding to statute, an Monday; January 9th. The newly -elected coun- cil; Reeve, William 'J. Kay; Couneil- lors, Joseph Atkinson, Frrank Allen, john W. Haelaiey, Lloyd Calm:hotrn, took their necessary declarations and took their seats. Mrs. Kathleen Feeney, who has held the position of Municipal Clerk during the past ten years, tendered her resignation owing to a handicap caused by defective eyesight. Fifteen applications for .the vacancy were submitted and the appointment was given to Thomas D. Wren, salary $400. The oilier officials appointed were: Treasurer, Roy Burchell; audit- ors, Frank Doyle and Clayton Looby; Assessor, Joseph P, Roach; sanitary inspector, James Scott; township sol- icitors, McPherson & Thompson; en- gineer for D. and W. act, S. \L': Ar- chilbald; sheep valuators, Andrew McLachlan and Ernest Templeman; school attendance officer, Thomas J. Molyneaux; ,caretaker of hall, Frank Tuffin; collector, Frank O'Brien. By- law No. 4167, confirming said appoint- ments and fixing their salaries, was passed, also by-law. No. 4168 :providing for borrowing from the Canadian Bank of Commerce for current exp- enditure, and by-law No, 469, author- izing the estimates for road expendi- ture for 1939. Resolutions were pass- ed: Authorizing the reeve and 'clerk to sign and submit to the Department of Highways the report of the road superintendent asking far subsidy on road expenditure for 1938; also for changing the time for holding coun- cil meetings from the list Monday to the lst•Saturday of each month, at 11 p.m. Orders for road expenditure and general expense were issued and the meeting adjourned until Saturday, February 4, at d ;p.m. MANLEY All roads were opened for wheels last week but if there would have 'been a Tittle more patience the wea- ther man made a glean job of it. But even .if the -snow has all disap- peared the water famine is stilt on, as the dry earth absorbed all the moisture. The estate of the late Bryan O'Hara was offered for sale on Thursday which will remove another land nark .from our burg, Word was received here of the, death of Mr. Matt Lacey in Sas'katah- ewan- last week. H•e left here about 25 years ago, selling this'homestead to Mr. James Sloan. 'The 'Iasi visit be made to his 'friends 'and relatives here was about eight years ago when he was the picture of 'health. He 'is sur- vived by two 'brothers, John of Sas- katchewan, and 'lathes, of Amherst - burg, Ont., and one sister Margaret of Chicago. His sister, Mrs. Joseph Burke, of Chicago, predeceased him several years ago. GE THEATRE NOW SHOWING Joel McCrea Loretta Young "Three Blind Mice" The year's gayest comedy romance Smith Ballew Cecelia Parker "Roll Along Cowboy" Mon. Tues. Wed., Jan. 16-17-18 Deanna ,Durbin Melvyn Douglas "That Certain Age" Jackie Cooper Irene Rich America's sweetheart finds a Prince Charming Next Thur. Fri. Sat.,, Jan. 19-20-21 Smith .Bad'lew Lou ,Gehrig "Rawhide" A big league fence buster turns gang buster on the range. Also Warner Baxter Marjorie Weaver McKILLOP Death of the Late John Dodds-- The odds—The death occurred Monday, Jan - nary 99th, of 'John Dodds, McKillop, at the home of his son -be -law, Kel- land MOVittie, Hullett, following a short illness. Deceased was 'born in McKillop, on 1July 112th, 911858, where he resided most of his life. He served on. the McKillop council a number of years as councillor and Reeve. He was a member of Caves Church, at Winthrop, He was predeceased ;by 'his wife, •Christena Calder, who died Ap- ril 2I3.rd, 19111. He is survived by two sons, Robert •af McKillop, Melvin of Buffalo, N.Y., and one daughter, Mrs. Kelland• Mcyittie, Hallett. Also three brothers and one sister, Adam, of Seaforbh; Alex of the West; Thos. of McKillop, and Mrs. Smith of Brus- sels. Funeral services were held from the .home of this son-in-law, Kelland MdVittie, Tuesday, 'Jan. ,ll0th, to Maitland Bank cemetery, McIC'illop, Service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Menzies .af Lonclesbono, and 'M'rs. Menzies sang. The,•pall-..bearers were six nephews, Wm. Dodds, Hiram ansi Thos. Blansharcl, Stanley 'King, John Jordan and Gordon 'K'nigh't, The flower bearers were Norman and Harold Dodds; Harold Glazier and Alvin Dodds. McKillop Council— The township •council of McKillop held their statutory meeting on -Mon- day at the .Carnegie Library in Sea forth .and appointed the following of- ficials for 1939i Clerk, John iMclNay; treasurer, F. Bruce Medd; collector, George McKee; auditors, Jantes B. Hogg and Alex Dennis; sanitary in- spector, David Boyd; school attend- ance officer, 'George Eaton; drainage inspector, :Charles Regele; weed in- spector, Frantic Storey, The appoint - "I'll Give a Million Peter Larre Jean Hersholt A comedy riot about a millionaire tramp Coming—'`FOUR'S A CROWD" ment of road superintendent does not conte yup until next month, but no ,ohange is contemplated, and the 'pres- ent official, William 'J, Manley, will he re -appointed. The alppointment of an assessor was also laid over until 'next 'month. Patrolmen—Louis Mc- Grath, Henry Kle'ber, john Shea, George H. Leonhardt, Joseph .Mur- ray, Calvin Hiller, Thomas 'Scott, Roy Patrick, Wm. T. Dodds, Russell. .Barrows, John 'Powell, Vincent Lane, Thomas Hunt, Jahn L, 'Malone, Per- cy Smith, Finlay McKercher, Will- iam .Kerr, P. McLaughlin, R. C. Dodds, Ed Davidson, 'William Som- erville, IJ. R. Leeming, ijoseph Camp- bell. Pound keepers—john Walsh, Joseph Carlin, Henry F. Be•uermann, Wm. Anderson, Joseph Scott, Chas. IKleber, George McKee, Percy Tay- lor, Henry Bennewies. Pence view- ers—James Nolan, Wm. 'O'Reilly, 'J, R. Leeming, Peter Eckart, Wm. 5. Shannon, R. W. Cam pbell, Fred Scarlett, Thos. W. McMillan, Zack McSpadden. Sheep valuators, John McDowell, John Shea, R. C. Dodds, Henry \ 1ieterson. Building inspect- ors—William Beattie, Charles Case, William Somerville. M. O. H,—Or. Burrows. •vi i 1:4 HENSALL The first ,meeting of the Village Council was :held Monday at 1111 ann. as per statutes, in the ,Clerk's office. All members present except Geo. E. Brock, volto was Absent through ill- ness, All members took their declara- tion of office before the Clerk. Twit- chell -Shepherd, that we now adjourn to meet again at 8 p,m, this evening. Adjourned meeting. of Council was held ..Monday evening at 8 p.m. in the council chamber with all members present except G. E. Brock. Minutes of previous meeting read. Geo. Fee, constable, reported re the collection of poll taxes as $28. T. Sherritt and W. Soidan appeared as a delegation from the farm owners within the cor- poration, Special meeting to be held later re sante. R. J. Patterson, tax col- lector, reported re outstanding taxes lyij as being only *634.87. Twitchell - Shepherd, that applications he receiv- ed for the position of a Mull time gen- eral utility man, duties to oe specified by the council. Applications to be in the 'hands of the Clerk on or 'before January '20th at 8 p,nm. Carried. Twit- chell-Shelt'herd, that 'Mrs. E. Norm - beton be appointed a member of the Library •Board for the years 1939-40, also that Rev. \V. A. Young be ap- pointed for the years 1939-140-411, Car- ried. Jones -Twitchell, that by-laws be prepared for the several appointments by the next'meeting, Feb..61h. .Cao- Hied. The president, F. Beer, and treasurer, H. 'Horton, of the Band, appeared asking for the usual grant. Twitchell -'Jones, that we grant the Band the sum of $1100. Carried. Cor- respondence read as follows: C. N. R., Ontario Mstnfcipal Association, etc., same filed. Shepherd -Twitchell, that a resolution be prepared as suggest- ed by A. L. Case and 'forwarded to the federal member, Mr. W. H. Gold- ing, M.P. Jones -Shepherd, that no payments be made between counoil meetings. Carried. Bills ad accounts Passed: H, Horton, treas. 'band grant, $1100; school board, current exp., $1,- 000; Bonthron & Drysdale, supplies, $3213';47; Price Auto Electric, motor exchange, $18; J. Passmore, supplies, shed, 1513x; J. Sangster, labor, rink, *8.40; H. Redden, labor. rink and street, . $7740; E. Little, do, .'$113180; Herb Redden, do, 10.9.0; A. Prior, 6; T. Richardson, $3.40; W. Debits, $1.1810; Hensall Hydro, .hydro hall, $7.09; C. McLean, gravel, street, ty28.801; O 'Geiger, snow ploughing, $7.20. Total, $.1(5119.88. 'Jones-Shep herd, that we adjourn to meet Jan. 21Q' at 8 p.m.-IJames A. Patterson, Clerk.' Notice 'has been received from the Department of Health that an order - in -council was passed. on 116th day of D'ecentlber, 11938, and approsed, that after February` 1/319 n•a etaik shall be sold or distributed or related pr'odncts unless it itas first been pasteurized. The use of. fertilizers .has been a much discussed subject for years, but as knowledge of fertilizers in- creases through experimentation' more facts are obtained. One import- ant :point which deserves more emph- asis than in the past is that increased results from fertilizers are obtained when ,the 'humus content and the physical condition of the soil are kept op a h'i'gh' level; also when the ,crops; grown suit the. P: H. condition of the soil, which means the relative acidity or ,alkalinity.