HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1938-12-29, Page 1; .ty' witried path 'before -us, A, Way we •ctuThiot see, :That lead's us ever onward •To the days' that are to he. HURON a ort C OU N T Y'S' L E'A D I N G NEWS PAPER The road, though dark and dreary, And to the heart unknewn, MAy prove :.11 bright and cheery, ices God: ••elks with His onu. —"'rhe New Year" WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 60, No. 52 SEAFORTH, 'ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1938 Phone 84, $] a year. Wishing you all a Happy New ' Year, And all the fops that life extends, Health, contentment, lopalfriends, Map good fortune bring to you, Dap by dap the whole pear throggh. on the '6th concession, of Hallett. • On their wedding daythere was no snow, it hailing rained all clay and had been very mild. The groomsman was lir. Ira 'johns and the !bridesmaid Miss Mary Lawson,, AND STAFF both now deceased. Mr. and. _Mrs. Lawson have a fain- ily ;of four sons and two daughters: Roy, of McKillop,- Earl, of Hullett, Leslie, of Tuckersmith, and Larne, of Hallett; Mrs, John Busby of Cha- .tham, and firs. 'John Davidson of Benefield, On Sunday the itntnediate fancily of 119 sat down to dinner, the tables 'be ing decorated with gold .and white: Ice cretin wa.s supplied with the com- pliments Of 'Walkerside of Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. Lawson received gifts from the family and numerous cards of congratulations from friends and greetings by telephone and requests on the radia. ' Among those present, from a dist- ance were Mr. and Mrs. Busby- and 'daughter Shirley, of Chatham. Owing to the stormy weather on Tuesday, the day •when Mr. and Mrs. Lawson would be at home to their friends was postponed to a day later) in the week, if the weather clears, CELEBRATE FIFTIETH WE'D.DIN'G. ANNIVERSARY 'Sunday, Dec. 26, marked an import- ant day for Mr. and Mrs, Robert Lawson, it being their fiftieth wed- ding aro vers'ary. Mrs. Lawson, fortitenly. Alvitea ,Johns, was .born in Tuokeretnith, ilei the year 1181617' on the ,farnt''wavere her son, Leslie, now resides.. Mr. Law - set was ,Born in'Goderich Township in the 'year '118125on the farm now owned by Mr. Andrew Shepherd. 'When 'Mr. Lawson was 113 lie and family moved to the farm ,where he now 'resides. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson were married 'by the Rev Joseph Edge, then pastor 4fsTt s' i's' anld Ontario St. Chtircii; 1pti,ou,�a•{i file .home •of 'the bride's' mother wilts d- tvin Johns, Rand con. Tuekersnitth , Tltey started farm z n a', 2Iohiies- ville and'lived there tt,'ira nit Neve. resided 311 years where .t1i'ey teavy live' C. Routledge *'blue coal? I THE SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT E L. BOX PHONE 43 (Northside United Church Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister. ';'''''"Retrospect and Prospect." 'p.m "The Rainbow in the Cloud" 2.30 ,p.m, Sunday School. Remember the week of Prayer services. Egmondville United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A.,13.D, 110 a.m. Sunday School. 1111 a,nn. "N,ecessities for Emes:gen- cies in 1939," 7 pan, "Certain Things \'Ve Should Forget as We Enter 11939." St.' Thomas Church Rector:, Rev. Dr, Hurford. 1111 a.m. "Be of Good Cheer"-- (Courage!) heer"-(Couragel) T p.m. "'Redeet Jing the Opportun- ity," nday School at 11.10 a.m. 'r McKillop Charge 'Winter schedule of services, com- mencing Sunday; 'Jan. '1, 8939: Bethel 50,3!0 a.m, Winthrop '1.3'0 p.m. Duff's 3.13 p;nty/R, W Craw, Minister. First Presbyterian Church Rev; 1''ugh Jack, Minister. S. S. at 10 a.m. • Bible Class 3 p.m. Morning service, 1111 a.m., subject, "The God of Hope." Evening service, 7' p. ni., subject, "A Meditation and its Result" DISTRICT HIT BY BLIZZARD Seaforth is crawling out of snow- drifts and getting back to normal af- ter a blizzard which 'began suddenly about si o'clock 1Monday evening r4d....;.tilfifinued with increasing viol- ence all day Teesday..Cars were ab- andoned on roadsides and streets an - til Wednesday when , plows opened highways. The mail drivers made their rounds with .'great difficulty. A break on the hydro trunk line front Stratford left Seaforth without power all.day . Tuesday .and it was off inter- mittently on Wednesday, A serious collision occurred, on the highway near Dublin during the stone and the damaged car was :brought bo Sea - forth on Wednesday, Trains main- tained 'their schedules fairly -, well, Owing to the storm and 'bloc'ked roads jt was necessary to postpone two funerals in .the 'vicinity of Sea - forth, THE WEEK OF PRAYER The followihlg meetings have 'been' arranged for the Week of Prayer: Tuesday, Jan. 3••— 5t. Thomas Church. Speaker, Rev. H. 'V. Work- man, Wednesday, Jan. 4 — Egmortiville United Church. 'Illustrated lecture on Missions - Rev. A. W. Gardiner, Young People specially invited to this, meeting,' Thursday, , Jan. 3—Northside Unit- ed Church'Slpeaker, Rev. Hugh Jack. Friday, 'fart. 6—First Presbyterian Church Speaker, Rev: Dr. 'Hut -lord, The meetings conuiience. at 8 o'- clock, and all ai'e invited to attend, MRS. ROBERT C. DOIG A highly .esteemed resident of Tuckersmith, :Margaret Laidlaw, .' be- loved wife of Mr. Robert C. Doig, passed away Monday morning, Dec. '216th following. a paralytic stroke which she suffered on Christmas Day. Mr's. Doig lead returned home after visiting her husband' at the hos- Pita! when rshe 'became ill, and pass- ed away during the night about (2.30 a.m. Mrs. Doig was in her 71st year and all 'her life had been a resident of Tuckersmith. Formerly Margaret Laidlaw she was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Laidlaw. She lived on the Laidlaw homestead, lot 5, con: 6, Tuckersmith, until' her marriage 42 years ago on Dec. 09th, and since then had made her home at lot 6 of the same concession. . Besides her husband, who has been confined to the hospital since under- going an operation several weeks ago, she is survived by a'daughter. and three' sons, airs. James Brown, Paul Doig, James Doig, all -•of Tucker - smith, ..and Robert John Doig at home. Mrs. Doig tvas one of a family of nine, of whom three ,brothers and two sisters survive: Robert Laidlaw- of Sacramento, Calif.; William Laid- law', of Grand :Centre, Alta,; Samuel Laidlaw of Climax, Sask.; 'Mrs, Neil Grant .of Cabri, Sask., and Mrs. John Smith of Thiilctt, Two brothers and a sister, David, James. and Bella, pre- deceased her. The funeral will take place on Thurst;ay from her late residence, lot '6, . .concession, 6 ,Tuckersmith Twp., at 111•.p. m., io'ilowed by service at Egnrondvil-le 'United Giturcit at 2 p. in. The pastor, Rev. A, W. Gard- iner, will •con'duct the services. Inter- nient will be in Egmondville Cem- •etery. The pallbearers are Mont- gomery Patrick, Percy Grummett, John \IclNaughbctn, Wm, Archibald, John McKay and John Hudson. Among those from a distance attend- ing the funeral were Mr, A. 'J. Curtis, of Buffalo, 'N. Y„ and a brother -in - jaw of the deceased, Mr. James Doig of Buffalo, who was visiting Here for a few 'days, also a .sister, Mrs, Neil Grant from'Gatti, Sask., who spent the past two months here, and -Mrs, H, S. Bassett Toledo, Miss Helen Doig, Toledo, Miss Ruth Bassett, To- ledo, Mr. Paul Bassett, staled*, and Mrs. John Schrode, of Tiffin, ',Ohio. Re -Elected Mayor Mayor John J. Cluff, who was re-elected 'Mayor of Seaforth - by acclamation at the nomination meeting orb Friday evening. MR. AND MRS. N. KEYS OBSERVE 45th ANNIVERS'ARY \1r. and Mrs, 'Nelson W. Keys, who celebrated their 4lStli wedding anniversary Dec, 119th, were married at the home of . the bride's .parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Kennedy in the year 1893. at Bayfielsl. The mar- riage was performed by Rev. W. Leech. After their marriage they resided for 412 years on the Babylon line; Stanley township, where they raised their fancily of five sons, -Sherlock H. of Varna, Ont., Ruskin ,G„ B.A., of Windsor, Ont., Elmore A., of 'Varna, Wilbur E. of Seaforth, and Stuart N., B.A.Sc.; .of Toronto. For the remainder of their .happy married life -they have resided in Eg- ntondvil'le. On the •date of the anni- versary they were presented with a mantel clook 'by the family. The presentation took place amidst a gathering of the sons, their wives and nine grandchildren. Their many friends wish them con- gratulations, also a long and happy future. JOSEPH HOGG A highly respected lifelong resid- ent of McK'ildop .Township passed away about 1.2;,30 o'clock Sunday morning, Dec. ,2213th, at his •home on the north road at Grieve's 'bridge, in the person of Mr. Joseph Hogg. He had not been well the past year, es- pecially this month, • Mr. Hogg was born 70 years ago on the farm now occupied by Mr, T. Govenlock VA miles north ,of Sea- forth. His father was the late Wm. Hagg. He was married 33 years ago on Dec. 'nth to Miss Matilda Story of McKillop, and for 25 years they farmed osi 'lot 25, con. 4, where :Mr. Harry Palin lives now. :Mr. Hogg also operated a threshing outfit. About 112 years ago 'he retired to the house at ,Grieve's bride 0/ miles north of Seaforth. Mr. Hogg was a former Master of Winthrop L. O. L. 313, of which he, had been a member for years. Besides his :bereft widow, four sons. survive, Adrian, Robert, 'James and Joseph, all of McKillop. Also surviving are a sister, Mrs. James Henderson of Mc'Kiliop, and a 'brother, Mr. William Hogg, 'of Strat- ford. Another brother, Robert B•. Hogg, of McKillop, passed away three weeks ago. 'Owing to the stormy weather , on DUNCAN'CUP SERIES' The league consists of eight teams divided into two groups, A and B, according to age and ,size. Group A r(Boys 414,,115 and •116)- Aces -F, Golding, E. ivlontgoinsry, S.:Habkirn; J. Flannery,, F. Casson, J. McLean, R. Coutts, R. Box, S. Kerr: Argos -D, W o'ds; Ffnv. gen, J. Banivon, C, Haney; F, Ohesney,: A. Venus, J. Smith, T. Wil - bee. Americans—K. Reid, F. Phillips, C. Case, S Hill,: G. Barry, T. Kale, D. Coutts, B. Wright, J. McSpadden. Athletics—H. Earle,' T. McIver, S. Wigg, J. Quinlan, G. O'Connor. 1✓. \:fcIver, K. Powell, J, Elliott, '-N. 'l'Ic- \Millan. Group B (Boys 1111, 12, .113'). Beavers''—W. Smith, D. McLean, J. Praiser, E. Doig, G. Hildebrand, H, Ainsborough, H. O'Connor, C. West Cott, R. Allen, A. Ryan, G. Dupes: 'Bruins—G. Messenger, 'J,. South- gate, J. Patrick, D. McDaid, H. Doig,, M. -McMillan, : B Hodgert, B. Boyce, R. Nicholson, K Barry, G, 'Wilson, Bears—S. Finnigan, S. Decano, H. Scott, h Doig, A. Baker, F. O'Con- nor, F. Ryan, W. \Vllbee, K, Clar- ence, G. Earle, Bisons—,J, Rice, K. Coombs, W. Coombs, . L. Dale, B. :McLean, L. Haney, J. Henderson, R. Eisler. J. Brown, F. O'Reilly, C. Ross. The schedule of games: Jan. 7th -8 amt. Beavers vs. Bruins, 9 a.m., Aces vs. Argos; 115 a,ni Bears vs. Bisons; 1118 a.m„ Amerks vs, Ath- letics. Jan, 14th—Americans vs, Argos, Bruins vs. Bisons, Athletic; tis. Aces, Bears vs; Beavers. Jan. ,311 --Bears vs, Bruins, ASnerks vs. Aces, B'eavers vs. Bisons, Athlet- ics vs. Argos. Jan, 218th—Amerks vs. Athletics, Bears vs. Bisons, Aces vs; Argas, Beavers vs. Bruins. Feb, 4th—Bears vs. Beavers, Ath- letics vs,. Aces, Bruins vs. Bisons, Anmricotis vs. Argos. Feb, l'1—Athletics s -s, Argos, Bea- vers ,ve Bdsons,- Arnerks. ws• A.ces Bears vs, Bruins. JOYFUL VOICES . The joyful voices of 'local citizens were heard in niany distant _darts at the continent on Christmas Day. The record .brea'k'ing pace starred immed- iately after 7 o'clock on Christmas Eve when a ,greatly augmented staff worked methodically to take care 01 the .traffic. The number of telephone greetingswhich were sent from Sea - forth to out-of-town points during. Yuletide topped previous. records. The longest voice path estOli,hed to carry Christuras greetings from Sea - forth was to Houston, Texas. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE A want ad in last week- i';ue of The Seaforth News, for .a ;dig, brought ,nine replies by Thursday evening. HOSPITAL AID The 'Women's Hospital Aid will meet in the library on Thursday, Jan. Seth at 3:'30 p.m. WINTHROP A Happy and Prosperous New Year to Alli The W. M. S. and W. .k. •societies of Caren Church, Winthrop, will hold their meeting on January 4, at the home of Mrs, C. Dolmage, at 2 p. m. Old Man Winter came along fait and furious. The roads were all block Tuesday the .funeral was postponed Present from Blyth, Grey until Wed'nes ay, His pastor Rev. R. ford. Interment was in W. ,Craw, officiated. Friends were Bank Cemetery. nut Strat-. \'Maitland 741leSal'G &210�.t 46, We greet our Friends in the Spirit ; of the New Year. May 1939 prove to be full of Bright and Prosperous months and may we hope For a continuance of the easant Associations of the past. CLUFF &.. SONS ,,,,,,,,,,, 1111,,,,,,,,,1,,,,1,,,1,,,,,,,11,,,,, Wishing You All a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR SHOP AT SAVAU6E IT PAYS t„,,d„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,1,,, ,,,,,,, .11111.11111111111111111111111,,,,,111111,11111111111111111111111,11111.,, 1 Acclamation No municipal election will be held in Seaforth this year, all "pos'itio'ns having been filled by acclamation a' the nomination meeting on Friday night. Last year's council were ,all re-elected, as follows; Mayor John J. Cluff; Reeve, John H. Scott; Coun- cillors, C. Holmes, J. E, Keating, R. G. Parke, M k Rs'id, F. Sills, I -I. E. Smith. Mr. E. L. Box w•as re-elected to the Public Utilities Commission. Messrs. \1. McKellar .and John Ho- tham were re-elected -school trustees and Dr. W. C. Sprott and James Henderson were two neve teas ees. Town Clerk D. H, Wilson was chosen as chairman ,for the meeting fodlowin;q' close of nomination's, Mayor Cluff .gate a review of the council's work during the year. in Seaforth Reeve Scott spoke of the excellent spirit of co-operation existing in the . . council, and outliner) matters of int. erest in the comity: ronneil. He referred to the sky harbor airport at Goderich, pointing out that the coun- ty council was associated with it hr an .advisory capacity only, ,and ea., not committed to any expenditures.. Hetold what had :been clone toward, a•, plan for reforestation in the .coun- ty. He told of the work on county - roads and said that surfacing would be continued. Mr. E. L. Box, chairman of the Public Utilities Commission, reviewed the Year's work, aft. Merton Reid, chairman of the finance committee, went over the town's :financial posi- tion, the council having a surplus for the year. ed -but the main road is now open. _\1r. and \I.rs. Archie Campbell of Toronto .spent a few days with Mr. anti \11.,.J Campbell. iohn bell. 'Mr. Jim Armstrong of Toronto and lir, .and Mrs. Thomas Pryce and fancily spent Christmas with 11 r. and Mrs, 1•jatthew Armstrong of Hallett. Mr. and Mrs. John Pryce :spent Christmas with bi'r. and Miss George Williamson of Walton,- Don't forget the euchre and dance here io-night. • Misses Annie and Nellie Pryce of Seaforth and Mr. Ed Pryte of Hal- lett ';spent Christmas with Mr. and bi'rs, Scott Bolton. Mr. Gillies is spending the holi- days with his family, •)1 r, Hill Campbell is spending the holidays at his horse, \•1r. and Mrs. Foster Bennett and Mona and Betty of Seaforth and Mr. John Bennett of \Vinghani and Mr. and Mrs. Peter McGowan.and. Bobby of Roxboro and Mr. Melvin Merriam and Mr, Sain Rennie of Seaforth 'w -ere Christmas visitors with \'1t. and \irs Georg! Eaton. 11 r. and Mlrs. Tim Eaton and' Lar- ry epent Christmas week with Mr. and Mrs, Sperling of \Vros,eter. \Vith deepest regret we learned bi the death of Mr. Joseph Hogg who passed away after a lingering illness. \Ve extend our heartfelt sympathy to `-those who are left to mourn) the loss of a loving ,husband, father and 3ran d.pa. •'